Log-Analyse und Auswertung: pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internetWindows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML. |
28.02.2011, 00:50 | #1 |
| pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet EDIT: die lags scheinen sich schon gebessert zu haben nachdem ich alles durchlaufen lassen habe, aber der pc scheint mir noch etwas langsam zu sein hallo gestern lief mein computer noch einwandfrei und heute hatte ich den ganzen tag über schon unerklärliche lags und hohe pings (bis zu 50ms höher ls mein mitbewohner, der das selbe internet nutzt), dazu war der rechner ungewöhnlich langsam. hier mal die logs: MBAM: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org Datenbank Version: 5898 Windows 6.1.7600 Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385 28.02.2011 00:29:27 mbam-log-2011-02-28 (00-29-27).txt Art des Suchlaufs: Quick-Scan Durchsuchte Objekte: 142742 Laufzeit: 3 Minute(n), 7 Sekunde(n) Infizierte Speicherprozesse: 0 Infizierte Speichermodule: 0 Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: 0 Infizierte Registrierungswerte: 0 Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: 0 Infizierte Verzeichnisse: 0 Infizierte Dateien: 2 Infizierte Speicherprozesse: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Speichermodule: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungswerte: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Verzeichnisse: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateien: c:\Users\skillclinton\downloads\ventrilo-2.1.4-windows-i386.exe (Trojan.Dropper) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. c:\Users\skillclinton\downloads\setuppoker_6ec802_de.exe (PUP.Casino) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. defogger: defogger_disable by jpshortstuff ( Log created at 00:31 on 28/02/2011 (skillclinton) Checking for autostart values... HKCU\~\Run values retrieved. HKLM\~\Run values retrieved. Checking for services/drivers... Unable to read sptd.sys SPTD -> Disabled (Service running -> reboot required) -=E.O.F=- gmer.txt: GMER Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter GMER - hxxp://www.gmer.net Rootkit scan 2011-02-28 00:42:00 Windows 6.1.7600 Harddisk0\DR0 -> \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP0T1L0-4 SAMSUNG_HD103SJ rev.1AJ10001 Running: g2m3e4r.exe; Driver: C:\Users\SKILLC~1\AppData\Local\Temp\kwkiapow.sys ---- Kernel code sections - GMER 1.0.15 ---- .text ntkrnlpa.exe!ZwSaveKeyEx + 13BD 83282589 1 Byte [06] .text ntkrnlpa.exe!KiDispatchInterrupt + 5A2 832A7092 19 Bytes [E0, 0F, BA, F0, 07, 73, 09, ...] {LOOPNZ 0x11; MOV EDX, 0x97307f0; MOV CR4, EAX; OR AL, 0x80; MOV CR4, EAX; RET ; MOV ECX, CR3} PAGE spsys.sys!?SPRevision@@3PADA + 4F90 A1A2C000 290 Bytes [8B, FF, 55, 8B, EC, 33, C0, ...] PAGE spsys.sys!?SPRevision@@3PADA + 50B3 A1A2C123 629 Bytes [75, A2, A1, FE, 05, 34, 75, ...] PAGE spsys.sys!?SPRevision@@3PADA + 5329 A1A2C399 101 Bytes [6A, 28, 59, A5, 5E, C6, 03, ...] PAGE spsys.sys!?SPRevision@@3PADA + 538F A1A2C3FF 148 Bytes [18, 5D, C2, 14, 00, 8B, FF, ...] PAGE spsys.sys!?SPRevision@@3PADA + 543B A1A2C4AB 2228 Bytes [8B, FF, 55, 8B, EC, FF, 75, ...] PAGE ... .text autochk.exe 002511D1 2 Bytes [30, 25] .text autochk.exe 002511D4 3 Bytes [A0, 30, 25] .text autochk.exe 00251204 4 Bytes [00, 00, 00, 00] {ADD [EAX], AL; ADD [EAX], AL} .text autochk.exe 0025120C 1 Byte [00] .text autochk.exe 00251210 1 Byte [00] .text ... ---- Devices - GMER 1.0.15 ---- AttachedDevice \Driver\volmgr \Device\HarddiskVolume1 fvevol.sys (BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver/Microsoft Corporation) AttachedDevice \Driver\volmgr \Device\HarddiskVolume1 rdyboost.sys (ReadyBoost Driver/Microsoft Corporation) AttachedDevice \Driver\volmgr \Device\HarddiskVolume2 fvevol.sys (BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver/Microsoft Corporation) AttachedDevice \Driver\volmgr \Device\HarddiskVolume2 rdyboost.sys (ReadyBoost Driver/Microsoft Corporation) AttachedDevice \Driver\volmgr \Device\HarddiskVolume3 fvevol.sys (BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver/Microsoft Corporation) AttachedDevice \Driver\volmgr \Device\HarddiskVolume3 rdyboost.sys (ReadyBoost Driver/Microsoft Corporation) Device \Driver\ACPI_HAL \Device\0000004b halmacpi.dll (Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL/Microsoft Corporation) ---- Registry - GMER 1.0.15 ---- Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@p0 C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\ Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@u0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@h0 0 Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@hdf12 0x03 0xE2 0x14 0x5E ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001 Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001@a0 0x20 0x01 0x00 0x00 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001@hdf12 0xF7 0xC7 0x50 0x11 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq0 Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq0@hdf12 0x6C 0xF9 0x87 0x27 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq1 Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq1@hdf12 0x13 0x48 0x99 0x11 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq2 Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq2@hdf12 0xEE 0x6E 0xE5 0x9E ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC (not active ControlSet) Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@p0 C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\ Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@u0 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@h0 0 Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC@hdf12 0x03 0xE2 0x14 0x5E ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001 (not active ControlSet) Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001@a0 0x20 0x01 0x00 0x00 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001@hdf12 0xF7 0xC7 0x50 0x11 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq0 (not active ControlSet) Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq0@hdf12 0x6C 0xF9 0x87 0x27 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq1 (not active ControlSet) Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq1@hdf12 0x13 0x48 0x99 0x11 ... Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq2 (not active ControlSet) Reg HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\sptd\Cfg\14919EA49A8F3B4AA3CF1058D9A64CEC\00000001\gdq2@hdf12 0xEE 0x6E 0xE5 0x9E ... ---- Files - GMER 1.0.15 ---- File C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\Scm\ff831b6f-2d33-4c1a-93b5-5f3d86efc32b 20 bytes ---- EOF - GMER 1.0.15 ---- OTL.txt:OTL Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter OTL logfile created on: 28.02.2011 00:43:45 - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\MFTools Ultimate Edition (Version = 6.1.7600) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.7600.16385) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 3,00 Gb Total Physical Memory | 2,00 Gb Available Physical Memory | 72,00% Memory free 6,00 Gb Paging File | 6,00 Gb Available in Paging File | 85,00% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files Drive C: | 99,90 Gb Total Space | 51,63 Gb Free Space | 51,68% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 831,51 Gb Total Space | 143,66 Gb Free Space | 17,28% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Computer Name: SKILLCLINTON-PC | User Name: skillclinton | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: Current user | Quick Scan Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Processes (SafeList) ========== PRC - [2011.02.28 00:19:18 | 000,296,448 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\g2m3e4r.exe PRC - [2011.02.28 00:19:06 | 000,581,120 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\MFTools\OTL.exe PRC - [2010.12.09 15:23:54 | 000,267,944 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe PRC - [2010.11.03 15:42:47 | 000,281,768 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe PRC - [2010.11.03 15:42:47 | 000,135,336 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe PRC - [2010.09.16 14:06:22 | 000,080,896 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\HTC\Internet Pass-Through\PassThruSvr.exe PRC - [2010.06.07 16:05:06 | 000,240,232 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) -- C:\Programme\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe PRC - [2010.03.25 13:39:22 | 000,490,280 | ---- | M] (Nero AG) -- C:\Programme\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe PRC - [2010.01.14 21:10:53 | 000,076,968 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avshadow.exe PRC - [2009.10.31 06:45:39 | 002,614,272 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\explorer.exe PRC - [2009.07.14 02:14:47 | 001,121,280 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Programme\Windows Media Player\wmpnetwk.exe PRC - [2009.07.14 02:14:42 | 000,049,152 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe PRC - [2009.07.14 02:14:15 | 000,271,360 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe PRC - [2007.12.17 03:00:00 | 000,143,872 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION) -- C:\ProgramData\EPSON\EPW!3 SSRP\E_S40ST7.EXE PRC - [2007.01.11 03:02:00 | 000,113,664 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION) -- C:\ProgramData\EPSON\EPW!3 SSRP\E_S40RP7.EXE ========== Modules (SafeList) ========== MOD - [2011.02.28 00:19:06 | 000,581,120 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\MFTools\OTL.exe MOD - [2010.12.18 06:29:18 | 000,163,328 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Programme\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll MOD - [2010.08.21 06:21:32 | 001,680,896 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7600.16661_none_420fe3fa2b8113bd\comctl32.dll MOD - [2009.07.14 02:16:16 | 000,348,160 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Programme\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll ========== Win32 Services (SafeList) ========== SRV - [2010.12.09 15:23:54 | 000,267,944 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService) SRV - [2010.11.17 20:48:05 | 000,403,240 | ---- | M] (Valve Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steam\SteamService.exe -- (Steam Client Service) SRV - [2010.11.03 15:42:47 | 000,135,336 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService) SRV - [2010.09.16 14:06:22 | 000,080,896 | ---- | M] () [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\HTC\Internet Pass-Through\PassThruSvr.exe -- (PassThru Service) SRV - [2010.06.07 16:05:06 | 000,240,232 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe -- (Stereo Service) SRV - [2010.03.25 13:39:22 | 000,490,280 | ---- | M] (Nero AG) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe -- (NAUpdate) SRV - [2009.07.14 02:16:13 | 000,025,088 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\System32\sensrsvc.dll -- (SensrSvc) SRV - [2009.07.14 02:16:12 | 001,004,544 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\System32\PeerDistSvc.dll -- (PeerDistSvc) SRV - [2009.07.14 02:15:41 | 000,680,960 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\Windows Defender\MpSvc.dll -- (WinDefend) SRV - [2007.12.17 03:00:00 | 000,143,872 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION) [Auto | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\EPSON\EPW!3 SSRP\E_S40ST7.EXE -- (EPSON_EB_RPCV4_01) EPSON V5 Service4(01) SRV - [2007.01.11 03:02:00 | 000,113,664 | ---- | M] (SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION) [Auto | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\EPSON\EPW!3 SSRP\E_S40RP7.EXE -- (EPSON_PM_RPCV4_01) EPSON V3 Service4(01) ========== Driver Services (SafeList) ========== DRV - [2010.12.20 13:41:35 | 000,135,096 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb) DRV - [2010.12.08 11:53:18 | 000,841,912 | ---- | M] (<Turtle Entertainment>) [Kernel | Auto | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ESLWireACD.sys -- (ESLWireAC) DRV - [2010.12.08 11:53:18 | 000,024,504 | ---- | M] (Turtle Entertainment GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ESLvnic.sys -- (ESLvnic1) DRV - [2010.11.22 23:11:01 | 000,061,960 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt) DRV - [2010.07.01 08:23:09 | 000,691,696 | ---- | M] (Duplex Secure Ltd.) [Kernel | Disabled | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys -- (sptd) DRV - [2010.06.23 10:24:56 | 000,023,040 | ---- | M] (Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\htcnprot.sys -- (htcnprot) DRV - [2010.06.08 00:57:00 | 010,888,168 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys -- (nvlddmkm) DRV - [2010.01.28 15:25:03 | 000,068,200 | ---- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvhda32v.sys -- (NVHDA) DRV - [2009.12.22 01:26:36 | 000,030,392 | ---- | M] (Advanced Micro Devices) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\usbfilter.sys -- (usbfilter) DRV - [2009.10.26 08:54:24 | 000,025,088 | ---- | M] (HTC, Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ANDROIDUSB.sys -- (HTCAND32) DRV - [2009.07.14 02:19:10 | 000,175,824 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\vmbus.sys -- (vmbus) DRV - [2009.07.14 02:19:10 | 000,040,896 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\vmstorfl.sys -- (storflt) DRV - [2009.07.14 02:19:10 | 000,028,224 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\storvsc.sys -- (storvsc) DRV - [2009.07.14 00:28:47 | 000,005,632 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\vms3cap.sys -- (s3cap) DRV - [2009.07.14 00:28:45 | 000,017,920 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\VMBusHID.sys -- (VMBusHID) DRV - [2009.05.11 09:12:49 | 000,028,520 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -- (ssmdrv) DRV - [2009.05.05 03:00:28 | 000,014,392 | ---- | M] (Advanced Micro Devices Inc.) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\AtiPcie.sys -- (AtiPcie) AMD PCI Express (3GIO) DRV - [2008.12.10 10:34:42 | 000,018,432 | ---- | M] (Your Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Programme\MSI\Live Update 4\LU4\msibios.sys -- (MsibiosDevice) DRV - [2007.12.14 08:21:32 | 000,009,216 | ---- | M] () [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Programme\MSI\Live Update 4\LU4\FlashSys.sys -- (FLASHSYS) ========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== Internet Explorer ========== IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://www.msn.com/ IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = hxxp://de.msn.com/?ocid=iehp IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache AcceptLangs = de IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache_TIMESTAMP = 25 DC 1C 2B 85 18 CB 01 [binary data] IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = hxxp://search.qip.ru/ie IE - HKCU\..\URLSearchHook: - Reg Error: Key error. File not found IE - HKCU\..\URLSearchHook: {A55F9C95-2BB1-4EA2-BC77-DFAAB78832CE} - C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\qipsearchbar.dll (qip.ru) IE - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 ========== FireFox ========== FF - prefs.js..browser.search.defaultenginename: "QIP Search" FF - prefs.js..browser.search.selectedEngine: "Google" FF - prefs.js..browser.startup.homepage: "www.google.de" FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {76C80A11-FAD4-406c-8246-F5ED4F9367B5}:0.1.7 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}:1.2.1 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {e4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781}:0.8.20100408.6 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {AB2CE124-6272-4b12-94A9-7303C7397BD1}: FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledItems: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0020-ABCDEFFEDCBA}:6.0.20 FF - prefs.js..keyword.URL: "hxxp://search.qip.ru/search?from=FF&query=" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ftp: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ftp_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.gopher: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.gopher_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.socks: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.socks_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ssl: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ssl_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.gopher: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.gopher_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.share_proxy_settings: true FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.type: 0 FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13\extensions\\Components: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components [2010.12.19 23:52:18 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKLM\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins [2010.12.11 14:22:21 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] [2010.06.30 19:58:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Extensions [2011.02.27 02:48:27 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rjejn3kz.default\extensions [2010.07.11 00:58:46 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Copy Links) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rjejn3kz.default\extensions\{76C80A11-FAD4-406c-8246-F5ED4F9367B5} [2010.07.23 18:21:23 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Adblock Plus) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rjejn3kz.default\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d} [2010.08.02 04:06:10 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Greasemonkey) -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rjejn3kz.default\extensions\{e4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781} [2010.06.30 21:53:20 | 000,002,062 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rjejn3kz.default\searchplugins\qip-search.xml [2011.02.27 02:48:27 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions [2010.09.18 14:12:19 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Skype extension for Firefox) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{AB2CE124-6272-4b12-94A9-7303C7397BD1} [2010.10.27 16:57:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0020-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [2010.09.18 14:12:19 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Skype extension for Firefox) -- C:\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\EXTENSIONS\{AB2CE124-6272-4B12-94A9-7303C7397BD1} [2010.10.27 16:57:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\PROGRAM FILES\MOZILLA FIREFOX\EXTENSIONS\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0020-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [2010.10.27 16:57:36 | 000,411,368 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npdeployJava1.dll [2010.06.29 05:01:22 | 000,012,800 | ---- | M] (Nullsoft, Inc.) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\npwachk.dll [2010.06.26 09:03:55 | 000,001,392 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml [2010.06.26 09:03:55 | 000,002,344 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml [2010.06.26 09:03:55 | 000,006,805 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml [2010.06.26 09:03:55 | 000,001,178 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\wikipedia-de.xml [2010.06.26 09:03:55 | 000,001,105 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml O1 HOSTS File: ([2010.12.31 00:05:50 | 000,001,088 | ---- | M]) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts O1 - Hosts: activate.adobe.com O1 - Hosts: static3.cdn.ubi.com O1 - Hosts: ubisoft-orbit.s3.amazonaws.com O1 - Hosts: onlineconfigservice.ubi.com O1 - Hosts: orbitservice.ubi.com O1 - Hosts: ubisoft-orbit-savegames.s3.amazonaws.com O2 - BHO: (QIPBHO Class) - {A55F9C95-2BB1-4EA2-BC77-DFAAB78832CE} - C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\qipsearchbar.dll (qip.ru) O2 - BHO: (Skype add-on for Internet Explorer) - {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH) O4 - HKCU..\Run: [ESL Wire] C:\Program Files\EslWire\wire.exe (Turtle Entertainment GmbH) O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin = 0 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: ConsentPromptBehaviorUser = 3 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: EnableLUA = 0 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: PromptOnSecureDesktop = 0 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: EnableLinkedConnections = 1 O7 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 145 O9 - Extra Button: Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra Button: PartyCasino - {B4B52284-A248-4c51-9F7C-F0A0C67FCC9D} - C:\Programs\PartyGaming\PartyCasino\RunApp.exe () O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : PartyCasino - {B4B52284-A248-4c51-9F7C-F0A0C67FCC9D} - C:\Programs\PartyGaming\PartyCasino\RunApp.exe () O9 - Extra Button: PartyPoker.com - {B7FE5D70-9AA2-40F1-9C6B-12A255F085E1} - File not found O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : PartyPoker.com - {B7FE5D70-9AA2-40F1-9C6B-12A255F085E1} - File not found O13 - gopher Prefix: missing O16 - DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_20-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20) O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0020-ABCDEFFEDCBA} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_20-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20) O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_20-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20) O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} hxxp://fpdownload2.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab (Shockwave Flash Object) O16 - DPF: {E2883E8F-472F-4FB0-9522-AC9BF37916A7} hxxp://platformdl.adobe.com/NOS/getPlusPlus/1.6/gp.cab (Reg Error: Key error.) O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer = O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Programme\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: VMApplet - (SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe) - C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: VMApplet - (/pagefile) - File not found O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - CLSID or File not found. O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1 O32 - AutoRun File - [2009.06.10 22:42:20 | 000,000,024 | ---- | M] () - C:\autoexec.bat -- [ NTFS ] O32 - AutoRun File - [2011.01.02 21:20:36 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] - D:\automatikk -- [ NTFS ] O33 - MountPoints2\{204fdbfc-84e2-11df-8484-4061867c3e3c}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{204fdbfc-84e2-11df-8484-4061867c3e3c}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = F:\setup.exe O33 - MountPoints2\{828601f6-ff9e-11df-8839-4061867c3e3c}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{828601f6-ff9e-11df-8839-4061867c3e3c}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = H:\Razor1911_Installer.exe O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* NetSvcs: FastUserSwitchingCompatibility - File not found NetSvcs: Ias - File not found NetSvcs: Nla - File not found NetSvcs: Ntmssvc - File not found NetSvcs: NWCWorkstation - File not found NetSvcs: Nwsapagent - File not found NetSvcs: SRService - File not found NetSvcs: WmdmPmSp - File not found NetSvcs: LogonHours - File not found NetSvcs: PCAudit - File not found NetSvcs: helpsvc - File not found NetSvcs: uploadmgr - File not found MsConfig - StartUpFolder: C:^ProgramData^Microsoft^Windows^Start Menu^Programs^Startup^hp psc 1000 series.lnk - C:\Programme\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\bin\hpohmr08.exe - (Hewlett-Packard Co.) MsConfig - StartUpFolder: C:^ProgramData^Microsoft^Windows^Start Menu^Programs^Startup^hpoddt01.exe.lnk - C:\Programme\Hewlett-Packard\Digital Imaging\bin\hpotdd01.exe - (Hewlett-Packard) MsConfig - StartUpFolder: C:^Users^skillclinton^AppData^Roaming^Microsoft^Windows^Start Menu^Programs^Startup^OpenOffice.org 3.2.lnk - C:\Programme\OpenOffice.org 3\program\quickstart.exe - () MsConfig - StartUpReg: Adobe ARM - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated) MsConfig - StartUpReg: Adobe Reader Speed Launcher - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated) MsConfig - StartUpReg: Comrade.exe - hkey= - key= - C:\Programme\GameSpy\Comrade\Comrade.exe (IGN Entertainment Inc.) MsConfig - StartUpReg: DAEMON Tools Lite - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe (DT Soft Ltd) MsConfig - StartUpReg: ESL Wire - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\EslWire\wire.exe (Turtle Entertainment GmbH) MsConfig - StartUpReg: HTC Sync Loader - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\HTC\HTC Sync 3.0\htcUPCTLoader.exe () MsConfig - StartUpReg: NBAgent - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\Nero\Nero 10\Nero BackItUp\NBAgent.exe (Nero AG) MsConfig - StartUpReg: Skype - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe (Skype Technologies S.A.) MsConfig - StartUpReg: Steam - hkey= - key= - d:\program files\steam\steam.exe (Valve Corporation) MsConfig - StartUpReg: SunJavaUpdateSched - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) MsConfig - StartUpReg: uTorrent - hkey= - key= - D:\Program Files\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe (BitTorrent, Inc.) MsConfig - StartUpReg: WinampAgent - hkey= - key= - C:\Program Files\Winamp\winampa.exe (Nullsoft, Inc.) MsConfig - State: "startup" - 2 ========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ========== [2011.02.28 00:27:21 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\blasicherung [2011.02.28 00:26:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ERUNT [2011.02.28 00:26:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\ERUNT [2011.02.28 00:16:14 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes [2011.02.28 00:16:05 | 000,038,224 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys [2011.02.28 00:16:05 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware [2011.02.28 00:16:04 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes [2011.02.28 00:16:02 | 000,020,952 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbam.sys [2011.02.28 00:16:02 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware [2011.02.28 00:14:56 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\MFTools [2011.02.28 00:00:18 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\HiJackThis [2011.02.28 00:00:17 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Trend Micro [2011.02.27 23:35:48 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\esl_cs_fmlaml_mappack_161108 ========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ========== [2011.02.28 00:37:28 | 000,014,192 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 [2011.02.28 00:37:28 | 000,014,192 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 [2011.02.28 00:32:23 | 000,067,584 | --S- | M] () -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [2011.02.28 00:32:20 | 2616,598,528 | -HS- | M] () -- C:\hiberfil.sys [2011.02.28 00:31:42 | 000,000,020 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\defogger_reenable [2011.02.28 00:26:52 | 000,000,894 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\NTREGOPT.lnk [2011.02.28 00:26:52 | 000,000,875 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\ERUNT.lnk [2011.02.28 00:19:18 | 000,296,448 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\g2m3e4r.exe [2011.02.28 00:19:17 | 000,050,477 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\defogger.exe [2011.02.28 00:16:05 | 000,001,067 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk [2011.02.28 00:00:18 | 000,002,995 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\HiJackThis.lnk [2011.02.27 23:35:41 | 003,448,230 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\aml_mappack_161108.zip [2011.02.25 10:47:16 | 000,664,396 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh007.dat [2011.02.25 10:47:16 | 000,624,578 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh009.dat [2011.02.25 10:47:16 | 000,134,564 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc007.dat [2011.02.25 10:47:16 | 000,110,216 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc009.dat [2011.02.22 21:01:03 | 000,000,075 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\Gameaccount.URL [2011.02.14 22:29:54 | 000,128,540 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\hurp.jpg [2011.02.14 22:29:33 | 000,133,023 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\derp.jpg [2011.02.10 16:22:09 | 000,291,264 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [2011.02.01 20:07:47 | 000,000,932 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ESL Wire.lnk ========== Files Created - No Company Name ========== [2011.02.28 00:31:30 | 000,000,020 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\defogger_reenable [2011.02.28 00:26:52 | 000,000,894 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\NTREGOPT.lnk [2011.02.28 00:26:52 | 000,000,875 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\ERUNT.lnk [2011.02.28 00:16:05 | 000,001,067 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.lnk [2011.02.28 00:15:08 | 000,296,448 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\g2m3e4r.exe [2011.02.28 00:15:08 | 000,050,477 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\defogger.exe [2011.02.28 00:00:18 | 000,002,995 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\HiJackThis.lnk [2011.02.27 23:35:41 | 003,448,230 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\aml_mappack_161108.zip [2011.02.22 21:01:03 | 000,000,075 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\Gameaccount.URL [2011.02.14 22:29:54 | 000,128,540 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\hurp.jpg [2011.02.14 22:29:33 | 000,133,023 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\derp.jpg [2010.11.23 03:35:09 | 000,165,376 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\unrar.dll [2010.11.23 03:35:08 | 000,000,038 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\avisplitter.ini [2010.11.23 03:35:07 | 000,790,528 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\xvidcore.dll [2010.11.23 03:35:07 | 000,134,144 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\xvidvfw.dll [2010.11.23 03:35:07 | 000,108,032 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\ff_vfw.dll [2010.11.20 15:25:14 | 000,000,100 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Local\fusioncache.dat [2010.11.19 14:17:00 | 000,022,328 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\PnkBstrK.sys [2010.11.19 14:17:00 | 000,022,328 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\PnkBstrK.sys [2010.11.19 14:16:33 | 000,103,736 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\PnkBstrB.exe [2010.11.19 14:16:30 | 000,669,184 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\pbsvc.exe [2010.11.19 14:16:30 | 000,066,872 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\PnkBstrA.exe [2010.09.18 14:12:56 | 000,000,056 | -H-- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\ezsidmv.dat [2010.07.18 03:16:33 | 000,003,584 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Local\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini [2010.07.14 20:16:19 | 000,019,558 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\hpoins01.dat [2010.07.14 20:16:19 | 000,016,606 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\hpomdl01.dat [2010.06.30 19:45:24 | 000,073,728 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\RtNicProp32.dll [2010.06.30 19:45:17 | 000,508,560 | R--- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rtvienna.dat [2009.11.06 10:58:04 | 000,178,975 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\xlive.dll.cat [2009.07.14 09:47:43 | 000,664,396 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh007.dat [2009.07.14 09:47:43 | 000,295,922 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfi007.dat [2009.07.14 09:47:43 | 000,134,564 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc007.dat [2009.07.14 09:47:43 | 000,038,104 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfd007.dat [2009.07.14 05:57:37 | 000,067,584 | --S- | C] () -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [2009.07.14 05:33:53 | 000,291,264 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [2009.07.14 03:05:48 | 000,624,578 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh009.dat [2009.07.14 03:05:48 | 000,291,294 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfi009.dat [2009.07.14 03:05:48 | 000,110,216 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc009.dat [2009.07.14 03:05:48 | 000,031,548 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\perfd009.dat [2009.07.14 03:05:05 | 000,000,741 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\NOISE.DAT [2009.07.14 03:04:11 | 000,215,943 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\dssec.dat [2009.07.14 01:55:09 | 000,587,776 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\hpotscl1.dll [2009.07.14 01:19:49 | 000,066,048 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\PrintBrmUi.exe [2009.07.14 00:55:01 | 000,043,131 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\mib.bin [2009.07.14 00:51:43 | 000,073,728 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\BthpanContextHandler.dll [2009.07.14 00:42:10 | 000,064,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\BWContextHandler.dll [2009.06.10 22:26:10 | 000,673,088 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\System32\mlang.dat ========== LOP Check ========== [2010.12.19 01:09:58 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\ApexDC++ [2010.07.01 08:46:02 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\DAEMON Tools Lite [2010.07.29 15:02:06 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\DeepBurner [2010.12.21 23:42:26 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\HTC [2010.12.21 23:42:43 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\HTC.388BC06ACDAB6261375BCE37FBA2E023C0D7EE34.1 [2010.08.08 20:17:20 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\ICQ [2010.07.11 21:25:19 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\IrfanView [2010.07.01 20:52:06 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\KeePass [2010.10.27 20:17:43 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice.org [2010.06.30 21:53:38 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\QIP [2010.07.26 22:13:40 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Trillian [2010.10.31 20:01:02 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\TS3Client [2010.07.03 16:06:01 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft [2011.01.17 13:52:45 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent [2010.12.17 18:07:34 | 000,032,640 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\Tasks\SCHEDLGU.TXT ========== Purity Check ========== ========== Custom Scans ========== < %SYSTEMDRIVE%\*. > [2010.06.30 19:36:20 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\$Recycle.Bin [2010.08.22 22:09:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\blabla [2011.02.28 00:28:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\blasicherung [2010.07.01 05:56:05 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\blur [2009.07.14 05:53:55 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\Documents and Settings [2010.06.30 19:31:18 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen [2011.01.20 17:40:58 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Downloads [2011.01.27 15:06:50 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\lol [2009.07.14 03:37:05 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\PerfLogs [2011.01.14 06:48:12 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Poker [2011.02.28 00:26:51 | 000,000,000 | R--D | M] -- C:\Programme [2011.02.28 00:16:04 | 000,000,000 | -H-D | M] -- C:\ProgramData [2010.06.30 19:31:18 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\Programme [2010.09.07 09:30:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Programs [2010.06.30 19:31:18 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\Recovery [2010.07.19 08:00:04 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\scrubs [2011.02.28 00:08:03 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\System Volume Information [2010.07.14 20:16:14 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\temp [2010.06.30 19:36:08 | 000,000,000 | R--D | M] -- C:\Users [2010.12.23 03:00:25 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Windows < %PROGRAMFILES%\*.exe > < %LOCALAPPDATA%\*.exe > < %systemroot%\*. /mp /s > < MD5 for: EXPLORER.EXE > [2009.07.14 02:14:20 | 002,613,248 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=15BC38A7492BEFE831966ADB477CF76F -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-explorer_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_518afd35db100430\explorer.exe [2009.10.31 06:45:39 | 002,614,272 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=2626FC9755BE22F805D3CFA0CE3EE727 -- C:\Windows\explorer.exe [2009.10.31 06:45:39 | 002,614,272 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=2626FC9755BE22F805D3CFA0CE3EE727 -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-explorer_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16450_none_51a66d6ddafc2ed1\explorer.exe [2009.08.03 06:49:47 | 002,613,248 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9FF6C4C91A3711C0A3B18F87B08B518D -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-explorer_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.20500_none_526619d4f3f142e6\explorer.exe [2009.08.03 06:35:50 | 002,613,248 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B95EEB0F4E5EFBF1038A35B3351CF047 -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-explorer_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16404_none_51e07e31dad00878\explorer.exe [2009.10.31 07:00:51 | 002,614,272 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=C76153C7ECA00FA852BB0C193378F917 -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-explorer_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.20563_none_52283b2af41f3691\explorer.exe < MD5 for: USERINIT.EXE > [2009.07.14 02:14:43 | 000,026,112 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=6DE80F60D7DE9CE6B8C2DDFDF79EF175 -- C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe [2009.07.14 02:14:43 | 000,026,112 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=6DE80F60D7DE9CE6B8C2DDFDF79EF175 -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-userinit_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_dbff103933038d7c\userinit.exe < MD5 for: WININIT.EXE > [2009.07.14 02:14:45 | 000,096,256 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B5C5DCAD3899512020D135600129D665 -- C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe [2009.07.14 02:14:45 | 000,096,256 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B5C5DCAD3899512020D135600129D665 -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-wininit_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_30c90ef265a43c13\wininit.exe < MD5 for: WINLOGON.EXE > [2009.10.28 07:17:59 | 000,285,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=37CDB7E72EB66BA85A87CBE37E7F03FD -- C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe [2009.10.28 07:17:59 | 000,285,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=37CDB7E72EB66BA85A87CBE37E7F03FD -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-winlogon_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16447_none_6fc699643622d177\winlogon.exe [2009.10.28 06:52:08 | 000,285,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=3BABE6767C78FBF5FB8435FEED187F30 -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-winlogon_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.20560_none_703394514f56f7c2\winlogon.exe [2009.07.14 02:14:45 | 000,285,696 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=8EC6A4AB12B8F3759E21F8E3A388F2CF -- C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-winlogon_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_6f99573a36451166\winlogon.exe < HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU > < HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install|LastSuccessTime /rs > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install\\LastSuccessTime: 2011-02-25 08:20:52 < End of report > Extras.txt:OTL Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter OTL Extras logfile created on: 28.02.2011 00:43:45 - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\MFTools Ultimate Edition (Version = 6.1.7600) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.7600.16385) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 3,00 Gb Total Physical Memory | 2,00 Gb Available Physical Memory | 72,00% Memory free 6,00 Gb Paging File | 6,00 Gb Available in Paging File | 85,00% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files Drive C: | 99,90 Gb Total Space | 51,63 Gb Free Space | 51,68% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 831,51 Gb Total Space | 143,66 Gb Free Space | 17,28% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Computer Name: SKILLCLINTON-PC | User Name: skillclinton | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: Current user | Quick Scan Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Extra Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== File Associations ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .cpl [@ = cplfile] -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe (Microsoft Corporation) .hlp [@ = hlpfile] -- C:\Windows\winhlp32.exe (Microsoft Corporation) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .html [@ = FirefoxHTML] -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (Mozilla Corporation) ========== Shell Spawning ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<key>\shell\[command]\command] batfile [open] -- "%1" %* cmdfile [open] -- "%1" %* comfile [open] -- "%1" %* cplfile [cplopen] -- %SystemRoot%\System32\control.exe "%1",%* (Microsoft Corporation) exefile [open] -- "%1" %* helpfile [open] -- Reg Error: Key error. hlpfile [open] -- %SystemRoot%\winhlp32.exe %1 (Microsoft Corporation) htmlfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. htmlfile [print] -- rundll32.exe %windir%\system32\mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "%1" inffile [install] -- %SystemRoot%\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe "%1" (Microsoft Corporation) piffile [open] -- "%1" %* regfile [merge] -- Reg Error: Key error. scrfile [config] -- "%1" scrfile [install] -- rundll32.exe desk.cpl,InstallScreenSaver %l scrfile [open] -- "%1" /S txtfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. Unknown [openas] -- %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1 Directory [AddToPlaylistVLC] -- "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file --playlist-enqueue "%1" () Directory [Browse with &IrfanView] -- "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" "%1 /thumbs" Directory [cmd] -- cmd.exe /s /k pushd "%V" (Microsoft Corporation) Directory [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Directory [PlayWithVLC] -- "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file --no-playlist-enqueue "%1" () Directory [Winamp.Bookmark] -- "C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe" /BOOKMARK "%1" (Nullsoft, Inc.) Directory [Winamp.Enqueue] -- "C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe" /ADD "%1" (Nullsoft, Inc.) Directory [Winamp.Play] -- "C:\Program Files\Winamp\winamp.exe" "%1" (Nullsoft, Inc.) Folder [open] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Folder [explore] -- Reg Error: Value error. Drive [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) ========== Security Center Settings ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] "cval" = 1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] "VistaSp1" = Reg Error: Unknown registry data type -- File not found "AntiVirusOverride" = 0 "AntiSpywareOverride" = 0 "FirewallOverride" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc\Vol] ========== Firewall Settings ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile] "DisableNotifications" = 0 "EnableFirewall" = 1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile] "DisableNotifications" = 0 "EnableFirewall" = 1 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\PublicProfile] "DisableNotifications" = 0 "EnableFirewall" = 1 ========== Authorized Applications List ========== ========== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Uninstall List ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "{00C5F4F4-62F9-40D7-8000-AD8A9CD0C669}" = Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Redistributable "{048298C9-A4D3-490B-9FF9-AB023A9238F3}" = Steam "{08C8666B-C502-4AB3-B4CB-D74AC42D14FE}" = Nero BackItUp 10 Help (CHM) "{16987E99-C95C-4513-9239-7B44A0A71DB5}" = Nero SoundTrax 10 Help (CHM) "{196467F1-C11F-4F76-858B-5812ADC83B94}" = MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser "{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 "{1F7FB68F-52F6-46A3-B42F-38CE46295AE5}" = Nero MediaHub 10 "{237CCB62-8454-43E3-B158-3ACD0134852E}" = High-Definition Video Playback 10 "{2436F2A8-4B7E-4B6C-AE4E-604C84AA6A4F}" = Nero Core Components 10 "{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216020FF}" = Java(TM) 6 Update 20 "{277C1559-4CF7-44FF-8D07-98AA9C13AABD}" = Nero Multimedia Suite 10 "{2C9EE786-1DDB-4C98-8FA4-B1B9B5A66B77}" = Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE "{31A559C1-9E4D-423B-9DD3-34A6C5398752}" = HTC BMP USB Driver "{329411A0-19F3-4740-874F-17400B126F27}" = Nero Vision 10 Help (CHM) "{33643918-7957-4839-92C7-EA96CB621A98}" = Nero Express 10 Help (CHM) "{34490F4E-48D0-492E-8249-B48BECF0537C}" = Nero DiscSpeed 10 "{3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile "{45A66726-69BC-466B-A7A4-12FCBA4883D7}" = HiJackThis "{46C045BF-2B3F-4BC4-8E4C-00E0CF8BD9DB}" = Adobe AIR "{4A03706F-666A-4037-7777-5F2748764D10}" = Java Auto Updater "{523B2B1B-D8DB-4B41-90FF-C4D799E2758A}" = Nero ControlCenter 10 Help (CHM) "{555868C6-49FB-484F-BB43-8980651A1B00}" = Nero BurnRights 10 Help (CHM) "{59ABBDF0-E1E5-48AF-85FB-F523A08C3490}" = STREET FIGHTER IV "{5F4C776F-8CBD-4C4F-892F-B568ABDD70C8}" = GameSpy Comrade "{5F548A02-80BC-404D-BAE6-F05F9BF6B449}" = Nero DiscCopyGadget 10 Help (CHM) "{63AA3EAB-23BB-48B2-9AD0-44F878075604}" = Nero 10 Menu TemplatePack Basic "{65BB0407-4CC8-4DC7-952E-3EEFDF05602A}" = Nero Update "{66049135-9659-4AAD-9169-9CCA269EBB3E}" = Nero InfoTool 10 Help (CHM) "{68AB6930-5BFF-4FF6-923B-516A91984FE6}" = Nero BackItUp 10 "{6D6664A9-3342-4948-9B7E-034EFE366F0F}" = HTC Driver Installer "{6DFB899F-17A2-48F0-A533-ED8D6866CF38}" = Nero Control Center 10 "{6ECB39BD-73C2-44DD-B1A0-898207C58D8B}" = HP Foto- und Bildbearbeitung 2.0 All-in-One Treiber "{70550193-1C22-445C-8FA4-564E155DB1A7}" = Nero Express 10 "{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable "{74656168-CF28-40BD-9D87-700B07BAF9B6}" = HTC Sync "{789289CA-F73A-4A16-A331-54D498CE069F}" = Ventrilo "{7A295D8F-484B-4FFB-89AB-C1FD497591FE}" = Nero WaveEditor 10 Help (CHM) "{837b34e3-7c30-493c-8f6a-2b0f04e2912c}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable "{83A606F5-BF6F-42ED-9F33-B9F74297CDED}" = Need for Speed(TM) Hot Pursuit "{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}" = Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver For Windows Vista and Later "{888F1505-C2B3-4FDE-835D-36353EBD4754}" = Ubisoft Game Launcher "{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}" = Microsoft Silverlight "{8ECEC853-5C3D-4B10-B5C7-FF11FF724807}" = Nero Recode 10 "{92E25238-61A3-4ACD-A407-3C480EEF47A7}" = Nero RescueAgent 10 Help (CHM) "{92EC1A84-7FFC-42DF-A8F6-79C21C4765A5}" = Nero DiscCopy Gadget 10 "{943CFD7D-5336-47AF-9418-E02473A5A517}" = Nero BurnRights 10 "{981029E0-7FC9-4CF3-AB39-6F133621921A}" = Skype Toolbars "{9867A917-5D17-40DE-83BA-BEA5293194B1}" = HP Foto- und Bildbearbeitung 2.0 - All-in-One "{987B04C4-B5AC-4AD6-A7E9-8D681085B850}" = AMD USB Filter Driver "{9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 "{9A4297F3-2A51-4ED9-92CA-4BCB8380947E}" = Nero Vision 10 "{9B6B24BE-80E7-46C4-9FA5-B167D5E0F345}" = Nero BurningROM 10 Help (CHM) "{A49F249F-0C91-497F-86DF-B2585E8E76B7}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable "{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-A93000000001}" = Adobe Reader 9.3.3 - Deutsch "{B4F3A360-E1E2-479D-ADE7-9BE3B07F4539}" = NVIDIA PhysX "{C18A0418-442A-4186-AF98-D08F5054A2FC}" = Nero DiscSpeed 10 Help (CHM) "{C3273C55-E1E4-41FF-8D69-0158090DB8D8}" = Nero CoverDesigner 10 Help (CHM) "{C3580AC4-C827-4332-B935-9A282ED5BB97}" = Nero Dolby Files 10 "{C900EF06-2E76-49C7-8DB0-41F629B21DC5}" = hp psc 1200 series "{CB2F7EDD-9D1F-43C1-90FC-4F52EAE172A1}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 "{D103C4BA-F905-437A-8049-DB24763BBE36}" = Skype™ 4.2 "{D24DB8B9-BB6C-4334-9619-BA1C650E13D3}" = Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005 "{D2FCA41E-AC01-4DCD-B3A7-DC9E32363065}}_is1" = Rapture3D 2.4.4 Game "{D4C9692E-4EFA-4DA0-8B7F-9439466D9E31}" = Full Tilt Poker "{DB7C1D4A-08BA-4C7E-A8AA-B7F9BB372DCF}" = Nero Recode 10 Help (CHM) "{DFFC0648-BC4B-47D1-93D2-6CA6B9457641}" = OpenOffice.org 3.2 "{E1EE5339-5D32-458F-BAAB-B19F6301BCE2}" = Nero SoundTrax 10 "{E337E787-CF61-4B7B-B84F-509202A54023}" = Nero RescueAgent 10 "{EDCDFAD5-DF80-4600-A493-E9DAD6810230}" = Nero WaveEditor 10 "{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}" = Realtek High Definition Audio Driver "{F412B4AF-388C-4FF5-9B2F-33DB1C536953}" = Nero InfoTool 10 "{F467862A-D9CA-47ED-8D81-B4B3C9399272}" = Nero MediaHub 10 Help (CHM) "{F5CB822F-B365-43D1-BCC0-4FDA1A2017A7}" = Nero 10 Movie ThemePack Basic "{F6117F9C-ADB5-4590-9BE4-12C7BEC28702}" = Nero StartSmart 10 Help (CHM) "{F61D489E-6C44-49AC-AD02-7DA8ACA73A65}" = Nero StartSmart 10 "{F750C986-5310-3A5A-95F8-4EC71C8AC01C}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile DEU Language Pack "{FCF00A6E-FB58-477A-ABE9-232907105521}" = Nero CoverDesigner 10 "{FD1F68EC-75DA-55F4-E2D2-94BE450C0368}" = ATI Catalyst Install Manager "{FF66E9F6-83E7-3A3E-AF14-8DE9A809A6A4}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.21022 "Adobe AIR" = Adobe AIR "Adobe Flash Player ActiveX" = Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX "Adobe Flash Player Plugin" = Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin "Adobe Shockwave Player" = Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5 "Avira AntiVir Desktop" = Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus "DVD Decrypter" = DVD Decrypter (Remove Only) "EPSON BX300F Series" = Druckerdeinstallation für EPSON BX300F Series "ERUNT_is1" = ERUNT 1.1j "ESL Wire_is1" = ESL Wire 1.9.4 "EVEREST Corporate Edition_is1" = EVEREST Corporate Edition v5.30 "Fraps" = Fraps "hon" = Heroes of Newerth "HP PSC 1200 Series" = HP Foto und Bildbearbeitung 2.0 - hp psc 1200 series "IrfanView" = IrfanView (remove only) "KeePass Password Safe_is1" = KeePass Password Safe 1.17 "KLiteCodecPack_is1" = K-Lite Codec Pack 6.5.0 (Full) "Liveupdate4_is1" = Liveupdate4 "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware_is1" = Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile DEU Language Pack" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile DEU Language Pack "mIRC" = mIRC "Mozilla Firefox (3.6.13)" = Mozilla Firefox (3.6.13) "NVIDIA Display Control Panel" = NVIDIA Display Control Panel "NVIDIA Drivers" = NVIDIA Drivers "NVIDIAStereo" = NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver "OpenAL" = OpenAL "PartyCasino" = PartyCasino "PunkBusterSvc" = PunkBuster Services "Steam App 10" = Counter-Strike "Steam App 218" = Source SDK Base 2007 "Teamspeak 2 RC2_is1" = TeamSpeak 2 RC2 "TeamSpeak 3 Client" = TeamSpeak 3 Client "Trillian" = Trillian "uTorrent" = µTorrent "VLC media player" = VLC media player 1.1.0 "Winamp" = Winamp "WinRAR archiver" = WinRAR "Zatacka_is1" = Zatacka 0.1.7 ========== HKEY_CURRENT_USER Uninstall List ========== [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "Winamp Detect" = Winamp Detector Plug-in ========== Last 10 Event Log Errors ========== Error reading Event Logs: The Event Service is not operating properly or the Event Logs are corrupt! < End of report > hallo gestern lief mein computer noch einwandfrei und heute hatte ich den ganzen tag über schon unerklärliche lags und hohe pings (bis zu 50ms höher ls mein mitbewohner, der das selbe internet nutzt), dazu war der rechner ungewöhnlich langsam. hier mal der log: HiJackthis Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4 Scan saved at 00:58:22, on 28.02.2011 Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504) MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16722) Boot mode: Normal Running processes: C:\Windows\system32\taskhost.exe C:\Windows\system32\Dwm.exe C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtHDVCpl.exe C:\Users\skillclinton\Desktop\g2m3e4r.exe C:\Windows\notepad.exe C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe D:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe d:\program files\steam\steamapps\jonathanblock\counter-strike\hl.exe D:\Program Files\Steam\GameOverlayUI.exe C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HiJackThis\HiJackThis.exe R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = hxxp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=69157 R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = hxxp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896 R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = hxxp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=54896 R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=69157 R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = hxxp://search.qip.ru/ie R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant = R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,CustomizeSearch = R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar,LinksFolderName = R3 - URLSearchHook: QIPBHO Class - {A55F9C95-2BB1-4EA2-BC77-DFAAB78832CE} - C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\qipsearchbar.dll R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - - (no file) O2 - BHO: AcroIEHelperStub - {18DF081C-E8AD-4283-A596-FA578C2EBDC3} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelperShim.dll O2 - BHO: QIPBHO - {A55F9C95-2BB1-4EA2-BC77-DFAAB78832CE} - C:\Users\skillclinton\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\qipsearchbar.dll O2 - BHO: SkypeIEPluginBHO - {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} - C:\Program Files\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll O2 - BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [avgnt] "C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe" /min O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RtHDVCpl] C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtHDVCpl.exe -s O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ESL Wire] "C:\Program Files\EslWire\wire.exe" --tray O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [Sidebar] %ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe /autoRun (User 'LOKALER DIENST') O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe (User 'LOKALER DIENST') O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [Sidebar] %ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe /autoRun (User 'NETZWERKDIENST') O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe (User 'NETZWERKDIENST') O9 - Extra button: Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Program Files\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Program Files\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll O9 - Extra button: PartyCasino - {B4B52284-A248-4c51-9F7C-F0A0C67FCC9D} - C:\Programs\PartyGaming\PartyCasino\RunApp.exe O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: PartyCasino - {B4B52284-A248-4c51-9F7C-F0A0C67FCC9D} - C:\Programs\PartyGaming\PartyCasino\RunApp.exe O9 - Extra button: PartyPoker.com - {B7FE5D70-9AA2-40F1-9C6B-12A255F085E1} - C:\Programs\PartyGaming\PartyPoker\RunApp.exe (file missing) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: PartyPoker.com - {B7FE5D70-9AA2-40F1-9C6B-12A255F085E1} - C:\Programs\PartyGaming\PartyPoker\RunApp.exe (file missing) O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Shockwave Flash Object) - hxxp://fpdownload2.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab O16 - DPF: {E2883E8F-472F-4FB0-9522-AC9BF37916A7} - hxxp://platformdl.adobe.com/NOS/getPlusPlus/1.6/gp.cab O18 - Protocol: skype-ie-addon-data - {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll O18 - Protocol: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\Skype\SKYPE4~1.DLL O23 - Service: Avira AntiVir Planer (AntiVirSchedulerService) - Avira GmbH - C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe O23 - Service: Avira AntiVir Guard (AntiVirService) - Avira GmbH - C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe O23 - Service: EPSON V5 Service4(01) (EPSON_EB_RPCV4_01) - SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION - C:\ProgramData\EPSON\EPW!3 SSRP\E_S40ST7.EXE O23 - Service: EPSON V3 Service4(01) (EPSON_PM_RPCV4_01) - SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION - C:\ProgramData\EPSON\EPW!3 SSRP\E_S40RP7.EXE O23 - Service: @C:\Program Files\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe,-200 (NAUpdate) - Nero AG - C:\Program Files\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (nvsvc) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe O23 - Service: Internet Pass-Through Service (PassThru Service) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\HTC\Internet Pass-Through\PassThruSvr.exe O23 - Service: PnkBstrA - Unknown owner - C:\Windows\system32\PnkBstrA.exe O23 - Service: Steam Client Service - Valve Corporation - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steam\SteamService.exe O23 - Service: NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service (Stereo Service) - NVIDIA Corporation - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe -- End of file - 5627 bytes |
28.02.2011, 14:34 | #2 |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ | pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet Gibt es noch weitere Logs von Malwarebytes? Wenn ja bitte alle posten, die in Malwarebytes im Reiter Logdateien sichtbar sind.
__________________ |
28.02.2011, 17:57 | #3 |
| pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet hab nur noch eins wo ich den scan aber nach 1 minute abgebrochen hab, weil ich noch was vergessen hatte...
__________________der vollständigkeit halber: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org Datenbank Version: 5898 Windows 6.1.7600 Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385 28.02.2011 00:18:52 mbam-log-2011-02-28 (00-18-52).txt Art des Suchlaufs: Quick-Scan Durchsuchte Objekte: 39242 Laufzeit: 1 Minute(n), 2 Sekunde(n) Infizierte Speicherprozesse: 0 Infizierte Speichermodule: 0 Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: 0 Infizierte Registrierungswerte: 0 Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: 0 Infizierte Verzeichnisse: 0 Infizierte Dateien: 0 Infizierte Speicherprozesse: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Speichermodule: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungswerte: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Verzeichnisse: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateien: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) |
28.02.2011, 20:21 | #4 | |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ | pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internetZitat:
Denk daran, dass Malwarebytes vor jedem Scan manuell aktualisiert werden muss! Falls Logs aus älteren Scans mit Malwarebytes vorhanden sind, bitte auch davon alle posten!
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten |
28.02.2011, 21:59 | #5 |
| pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet EDIT: hatte vorhin noch highpings nach scan+neustart scheint es wieder besser zu sein hey hier das ergebnis des vollständigen scans: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Malwarebytes Datenbank Version: 5906 Windows 6.1.7600 Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385 28.02.2011 21:55:34 mbam-log-2011-02-28 (21-55-34).txt Art des Suchlaufs: Vollständiger Suchlauf (C:\|D:\|) Durchsuchte Objekte: 283472 Laufzeit: 33 Minute(n), 15 Sekunde(n) Infizierte Speicherprozesse: 0 Infizierte Speichermodule: 0 Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: 0 Infizierte Registrierungswerte: 0 Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: 0 Infizierte Verzeichnisse: 0 Infizierte Dateien: 4 Infizierte Speicherprozesse: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Speichermodule: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungswerte: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Verzeichnisse: (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateien: c:\Users\skillclinton\downloads\router\fritz!box\nc.exe (PUP.KeyLogger) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. c:\Users\skillclinton\downloads\ocr\netload.in\asmcaptcha\test.exe (Malware.Packer) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. c:\program files\cryptload_1.1.8\ocr\netload.in\asmcaptcha\test.exe (Malware.Packer) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. c:\program files\cryptload_1.1.8\router\fritz!box\nc.exe (PUP.KeyLogger) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully. Geändert von hanscool (28.02.2011 um 22:13 Uhr) |
01.03.2011, 14:36 | #6 | |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ | pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internetZitat:
__________________ --> pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet |
01.03.2011, 23:21 | #7 |
| pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet keine ahnung ehrlich gesagt hab von adobe nur reader und flashplayer und kein ubisoft game installiert zurzeit |
02.03.2011, 10:53 | #8 |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ | pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet Beende alle Programme, starte OTL und kopiere folgenden Text in die "Custom Scan/Fixes" Box (unten in OTL): (das ":OTL" muss mitkopiert werden!!!) Code:
ATTFilter :OTL O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1 O32 - AutoRun File - [2009.06.10 22:42:20 | 000,000,024 | ---- | M] () - C:\autoexec.bat -- [ NTFS ] O32 - AutoRun File - [2011.01.02 21:20:36 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] - D:\automatikk -- [ NTFS ] O33 - MountPoints2\{204fdbfc-84e2-11df-8484-4061867c3e3c}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{204fdbfc-84e2-11df-8484-4061867c3e3c}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = F:\setup.exe O33 - MountPoints2\{828601f6-ff9e-11df-8839-4061867c3e3c}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{828601f6-ff9e-11df-8839-4061867c3e3c}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = H:\Razor1911_Installer.exe FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ftp: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ftp_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.gopher: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.gopher_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.socks: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.socks_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ssl: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.backup.ssl_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.gopher: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.gopher_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.share_proxy_settings: true FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl_port: 4242 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.type: 0 :Commands [purity] [resethosts] [emptytemp] Das Logfile müsste geöffnet werden, wenn Du nach dem Fixen auf ok klickst, poste das bitte. Evtl. wird der Rechner neu gestartet. Die mit diesem Script gefixten Einträge, Dateien und Ordner werden zur Sicherheit nicht vollständig gelöscht, es wird eine Sicherheitskopie auf der Systempartition im Ordner "_OTL" erstellt.
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten |
Themen zu pc langsam, lags und hohe pings im internet |
adblock, adobe, antivir, antivir guard, avg, avgntflt.sys, avira, bho, computer, decrypter, defender, desktop, error, explorer, firefox, flash player, format, google, hijack, hijackthis, hohe pings, install.exe, internet, internet explorer, langsam, location, locker, log, micro, microsoft, mozilla, nvidia, nvlddmkm.sys, object, oldtimer, plug-in, port, programdata, realtek, registry, required, rundll, saver, searchplugins, security, shell32.dll, skype.exe, software, start menu, static, system, system32, teamspeak, temp, webcheck, windows |