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Antiviren-, Firewall- und andere Schutzprogramme: Bonzi Internet.Alert

Windows 7 Sämtliche Fragen zur Bedienung von Firewalls, Anti-Viren Programmen, Anti Malware und Anti Trojaner Software sind hier richtig. Dies ist ein Diskussionsforum für Sicherheitslösungen für Windows Rechner. Benötigst du Hilfe beim Trojaner entfernen oder weil du dir einen Virus eingefangen hast, erstelle ein Thema in den oberen Bereinigungsforen.

Alt 22.01.2003, 17:13   #1
Bonzi Internet.Alert - Frage

Bonzi Internet.Alert

bin über dieses Programm gestolpert:

</font><blockquote>Zitat:</font><hr />
Info: InternetALERT is an absolute "MUST" for anyone connecting to
the Internet! It will notify you if someone is breaking into
your computer, stop them dead in their tracks, and even build
a visual map showing you the Attacker's ISP (Internet Service
Provider) location! Even if you use a Firewall or Proxy
server, you are still at risk! No system is 100% safe! You can
now connect to the Internet with the comfort and security of
knowing that no one from the Internet can access your computer
without your knowledge or permission!

InternetALERT is easy-to-use! Once installed, you can go about
your work without a worry. It runs silently in the background
protecting you. Every time you turn on your computer,
InternetALERT starts working automatically, only leaping into
action when suspicious connection attempts are made to your

Locate Attackers Even When You're Gone...

InternetALERT is more than just protection against Internet
Intruders; it allows you to track down your Intruder's ISP
(Internet Service Provider) contact information and report the
attack. This allows you to contact the Intruder's ISP and make
them aware that someone on their network has tried to attack
your computer. In most cases, they have the power to find out
who the Intruder is and prevent any future attacks. With the
InternetALERT built-in 'Attack Log', you can know the date,
time, IP Address, and Port Number used by the Intruder in the

Map Attacker's ISP Location:

InternetALERT can actually track down and give you a visual
map of your Intruder's ISP location, allowing you to see where
your attacker came from! This allows you to see where in the
world your attacker is located. NOTE: This is a map of the
ISP (Internet Service Provider) that the attacker is using to
get their Internet access.
</font>[/QUOTE]Website: http://www.bonzi.com/internetalert/ia99.asp

Frage: Kennt es irgendwer, gibt es Erfahrungen ?

Alt 22.01.2003, 17:32   #2
Bonzi Internet.Alert - Icon22

Bonzi Internet.Alert

Muss man nicht kennen. Nach Lesen der ersten Zeilen war ich bedient.
Schlangenöliger gehts nimmer....

Alt 22.01.2003, 17:55   #3
Missing Neighbour
Bonzi Internet.Alert - Daumen runter

Bonzi Internet.Alert

ich kenne bonzi-buddy als spy-ware von limewire (filesharing).
allein bei dem namen bonzi stellen sich mir die nackenhaare hoch

missing neighbour


Themen zu Bonzi Internet.Alert
100%, about, access, alert, aware, computer, connection, down, erfahrungen, firewall, information, internetalert, location, log, network, power, programm, proxy, report, security, server, service, system, temp, this, world

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Zum Thema Bonzi Internet.Alert - bin über dieses Programm gestolpert: </font><blockquote>Zitat:</font><hr /> Info: InternetALERT is an absolute "MUST" for anyone connecting to the Internet! It will notify you if someone is breaking into your computer, - Bonzi Internet.Alert...
Du betrachtest: Bonzi Internet.Alert auf Trojaner-Board

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