Überwachung, Datenschutz und Spam: Massive Spam-AttackenWindows 7 Fragen zu Verschlüsselung, Spam, Datenschutz & co. sind hier erwünscht. Hier geht es um Abwehr von Keyloggern oder aderen Spionagesoftware wie Spyware und Adware. Themen zum "Trojaner entfernen" oder "Malware Probleme" dürfen hier nur diskutiert werden. Benötigst du Hilfe beim Trojaner entfernen oder weil du dir einen Virus eingefangen hast, erstelle ein Thema in den oberen Bereinigungsforen. |
16.09.2005, 07:51 | #1 |
| Massive Spam-Attacken Hallo zusammen, laaaaaaaaaaaaange nichts mehr gepostet... Momentan habe ich ein großes Problem: meine info ät meinehomepage.de-eMail-Adresse (so heisst meine Seite natürlich nicht, aber ich will keine Werbung machen ) wird momentan massivst mit Spam bombardiert - pro Nacht sind es etwa 40 bis 100 Mails. Die sehen alle gleich aus: PHP-Code: Grüße, Pana |
17.09.2005, 12:09 | #2 |
| Massive Spam-Attacken Der Quelltext der E-mail sieht überaus sonderbar aus. Es fehlt der komplette Header, und stattdessen gibt es Einträge, die noch nie gesehen habe. Rufst Du diese Adresse denn über Webmail ab? Falls ja, bietet der Provider denn keinen Spamfilter an? Falls nein, installiere Dir einen solchen lokal. Vom "Verbrennen" der Adresse halte ich wenig, da der Spuk dann bei einer so öffentlichen Adresse nur auf's neue anfängt.
__________________Cobra |
17.09.2005, 12:24 | #3 |
| Massive Spam-Attacken Hallo Panasonic,
__________________als mir der Spam zuviel wurde, habe ich die Klartext-Emailadresse verbrannt und stattdessen eine neue auf meine Seiten geschrieben, wobei ich diesmal das @ als @ maskierte. Das scheint den allergrößten Teil der Spambots tatsächlich abzuwehren. Statt 30 bekomme ich nur noch knapp eine Spam-Mail pro Tag. Als Email-Link scheint der Text weiterhin zu funktionieren. Martin |
20.09.2005, 18:58 | #4 |
| Massive Spam-Attacken Orlando, Florida, September 19th, 2005. Email Injection TRAP I am recording who these guys are, from where they are coming from, they can't hurt me no more, and if they show up, I put them to sleep for an hour. Sounds good, doesn't it. I am visited every 5 or 6 days, with the exception of August 31st and September 1rst. If someone is touched every day and can implement this script will be awesome. Post the results. Thank you. I am assuming.., As Barbara from UK posted: Barbara from UK #275 | Wed, Sep 14, 2005 08:37 AM http://www.anders.com/cms/75/Crack.Attempt/Spam.Relay That the spam-bot has the url address of my cgi script form handlers and is injecting whatever he/she want exploiting the poor cgi programming made. (For other will be PHP, or ASP, who knows) THESE IS NOT A DEFINITIVE SOLUTIONS, IT IS JUST A WAY TO FIGHT BACK WHEN THEY SHOWS UP. BETTER FORM HANDLERS IS WHAT WE NEED. Here is what I made. Hello, like many others on the internet I was hit by these guys that deserve being in jail big time. here are the records I have of total visits. bergkoch8@aol.com Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:06:24 -0400 Form processed at Wed Aug 31 21:06:24 EDT 2005 From IP: TOTAL 45 EMAIL SPAM RECEIVED jrubin3546@aol.com Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:16:03 -0400 Form processed at Thu Sep 1 19:16:03 EDT 2005 From IP: TOTAL 47 EMAIL SPAM RECEIVED jrubin3546@aol.com Tue, 6 Sep 2005 06:54:54 -0400 Form processed at Tue Sep 6 06:54:54 EDT 2005 From IP: TOTAL 48 EMAIL SPAM RECEIVED jrubin3456@aol.com Mon, 12 Sep 2005 04:28:11 -0400 Form processed at Mon Sep 12 04:28:11 EDT 2005 From IP: TOTAL 94 EMAIL SPAM RECEIVED Homeiragtime@aol.com Sat, 17 Sep 2005 19:27:05 -0400 Form processed at Sat Sep 17 19:27:04 EDT 2005 From IP: TOTAL 45 EMAIL SPAM RECEIVED I discovered that about 8 cgi script in my site are potentially evolved in the risk of been hijacked and used as source of spam. Really they are very poor in programming security. (Usually called on the "action" field in a form) Beside these I have more script that must be fixed ASAP. example: http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-1.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-2.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-3.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-4.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-5.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-6.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-7.cgi http://www.mywebsite.com/cgi-bin/script-8.cgi First thing I made was change script's names and, of Course, I changed also the call's name from my html forms. Then I Used the Mod_Rewrite Apache Directive to redirect whoever is looking for my scripts names (the old names) to a script that will log visitors http environment) information and put them to sleep for an hour or so. Please if you don't understand what it's going on here, call somebody who does. [File created] .htaccess (Write this file in Pure ascii, notepad is ok) RewriteEngine on Options +FollowSymlinks RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^\old-script-1.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-2.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-3.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-4.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-5.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-6.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-7.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} RewriteRule ^\old-script-8.cgi$ /cgi-bin/death-meat.cgi?%{REQUEST_URI} As you can see all the requests are re-directed (Internally, trough Apache system) to a script called death-meat.cgi (sample name, you can use anything you want) ############################################################################## # NOTE, DO THIS AT YOUR RISK: # Upload the file to your cgi-bin directory, Please be careful, don't # make any mistake, check with your web master or ISP before uploading # this file, if you are already using .htaccess file, just add the above lines. # do it wrong and your site will disappear from the web until your ISP delete # or replace the .htaccess file. (I know it for my own past experience). ############################################################################## The following script is not my creation, I just modified one I am using for other purposes. Those who have access to the features below will be able to help in the capture of these bastards or at least make their brilliant ideas more difficult to implement. My site is stored under Linux OS, Apache webserver. I have access to cgi scripts, I can write the .htaccess file and upload it. and obviously I can run CGI scripts. Upload the file below to your cgi-bin directory in ascii (text) only Use a simple text editor, notepad is fine, after uploaded change chdmod 755 Create a folder inside cgi-bin, stats >chdmod 777, and inside stats the file igotyou.log (I don’t know if it will be created automatically) [death-meat.cgi file name] #!/usr/bin/perl # If required, adjust line above to point to Perl 5. ###################################################### # THIS IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEND, # AFTER THIS SCRIPT COLLECT SOME VISITOR'S INFORMATION # WHICH IT MAY BE USEFULL OR NOT, DEPENDING IF THEY DO NOT # MAKE ANY MISTAKE AND ALLWAYS SEND THE BOT TROUGH A ANONIMUS PROXY # OTHERWISE WE GOT THE REAL PHISICAL ADDRESS. # THE SCRIPT WILL PUT THE VISITOR TO SLEEP FOR ABOUT AN HOUR # $stats_dir = "stats"; $log_file = "igotyou.log"; $sleeptime = 3600; $remote_host = "$ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}"; $remote_addr = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}"; $user_agent = "$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}"; $referer = "$ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}"; $document_name = "$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}"; &get_date; &log_hits ("$date $remote_host $remote_addr $user_agent $referer $document_name\n"); print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print @TEXT; ######## THE SPIDER-BOT OR THE BROWSER GET TRAPPED HERE FOR AN HOUR sleep ($sleeptime); ######## WAITING..., WAITING...,WAITING.... exit; sub get_date { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(); $mon++; $sec = sprintf ("%02d", $sec); $min = sprintf ("%02d", $min); $hour = sprintf ("%02d", $hour); $mday = sprintf ("%02d", $mday); $mon = sprintf ("%02d", $mon); $year = scalar localtime; $year =~ s/.*?(\d{4})/$1/; $date="$year-$mon-$mday, $hour:$min:$sec"; } sub log_hits { open (HITS, ">>$stats_dir/$log_file"); print HITS @_; close (HITS); } ############################################ I am testing the urls trying to reach the cgi script and it work perfectly. I hope somebody else can try it and post the results. Good Luck, Hector Gonzalo hector2561@yahoo.com |
23.10.2005, 07:33 | #5 |
| Massive Spam-Attacken Habe auch eine zeitlang pro Tag so um die 50 Spams bekommen die alle in meinem Spamfilter gelandet sind aber nervig ist es irgendwie doch. Seit einigen Wochen erhalte ich aber sehr wenig Spam. Entweder hat mein Webspace Anbieter was verändert oder ich werde einfach nur verschont jetzt Wo ich allerdings ein Riesen Problem habe ist bei dem Gästebuch auf meiner I-Net Seite. Das musste ich jetzt komplett abschalten weil ich täglich so um die 5 Einträge von irgendwelchem Online Casinos und Online Apotheken drin hatte. Weiß nicht wie ich dagegen vorgehen soll.....
__________________ Gruß Jens |
Themen zu Massive Spam-Attacken |
andere, austauschen, charset, e-mail, einfach, email, firma, freitag, gesendet, großes, hallo zusammen, message, natürlich, nichts, problem, seite, senden, spam, tan, thema, this, werbung, wirklich, zusammen |