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Mülltonne: Control X10 devices + a/v equipment with Bluetooth mobile phone

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Alt 09.06.2005, 15:40   #1
Control X10 devices + a/v equipment with Bluetooth mobile phone - Standard

Control X10 devices + a/v equipment with Bluetooth mobile phone

Pluto is a free, open source smart home solution that seamlessly integrates: 1) media with a server for music, movies and tv shows, plus a PVR and DVD Player, 2) a home automation system with touch-screen tablet and Bluetooth mobile phone controllers, 3) a phone system with video conferencing, 4) a security system that feeds you live video on your mobile phone when there are interruptions, and lets you speak to visitors through your stereos, and 5) a home PC solution. Check it out at

It lets you control your X10 devices with the PC, webpads, pdas and mobile phones, using both scenario shortcuts and interactive floorplans.
No advertisement!

LG Cidre
S-Mod TB

Geändert von Cidre (09.06.2005 um 17:47 Uhr)


Themen zu Control X10 devices + a/v equipment with Bluetooth mobile phone
advertisement, blue, bluetooth, check, conferencing, control, devices, dvd, equipment, free, home, live, media, mobile, mobile phone, music, player, security, security system, server, shortcuts, smart, solution, source, system, tablet, video

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Zum Thema Control X10 devices + a/v equipment with Bluetooth mobile phone - Pluto is a free, open source smart home solution that seamlessly integrates: 1) media with a server for music, movies and tv shows, plus a PVR and DVD Player, 2) - Control X10 devices + a/v equipment with Bluetooth mobile phone...
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