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Smartphone, Tablet & Handy Security: Android's New Google Play Protect System Miserably Fails First Security Test

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Alt 27.10.2017, 15:44   #1
Android's New Google Play Protect System Miserably Fails First Security Test - Standard

Android's New Google Play Protect System Miserably Fails First Security Test

So jetzt kann man sich seine gedanken machen.

Google's new Play Protect security system did not survive its first real-world tests, and the system was ranked dead last in an experiment carried out by German antivirus testing lab AV-Test.
According to results the laboratory posted on social media, Google Play Protect detected only 65.8% of new malware samples and only 79.2% of one-month-old malware.
Both results are last in their respective categories, as most mobile antivirus solutions scored results in the 99%-100% range, with a few exceptions.


Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/androids-new-google-play-protect-system-miserably-fails-first-security-test/

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Themen zu Android's New Google Play Protect System Miserably Fails First Security Test
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Zum Thema Android's New Google Play Protect System Miserably Fails First Security Test - So jetzt kann man sich seine gedanken machen. Google's new Play Protect security system did not survive its first real-world tests, and the system was ranked dead last in an - Android's New Google Play Protect System Miserably Fails First Security Test...
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