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Log-Analyse und Auswertung: Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-DeistallationWindows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML. |
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![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-DeistallationCode:
ATTFilter 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:18 - 00165376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mdmregistration.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:15 - 00092672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InputLocaleManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:15 - 00068096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\EditBufferTestHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00107520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VPNv2CSP.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:41 - 00157536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CloudStorageWizard.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:27 - 00065024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NetCfgNotifyObjectHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:26 - 00030720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ReAgentc.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:22 - 00122880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sendmail.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:21 - 00091648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:18 - 00108544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wscinterop.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:15 - 00348672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\zipfldr.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:08 - 00053248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\xolehlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:04 - 00912896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\comdlg32.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 02482280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msmpeg2vdec.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 02186896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hevcdecoder.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:15 - 01000280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SecConfig.efi 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01723560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WpcMon.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01473048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfplat.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01454512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfnetsrc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01062480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfsvr.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00811416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MFCaptureEngine.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00596040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mf.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00443232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MMDevAPI.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00126976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssitlb.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00087040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Gaming.UI.GameBar.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00206336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SearchFilterHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00730112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\nshwfp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00082944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\moshost.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 01507840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00462848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlansec.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 06574592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wwanmm.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00778752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssvp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00719872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\WdiWiFi.sys 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00446976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapConfiguration.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00468992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wwanconn.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00409600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlanui.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00579584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.UX.EapRequestHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00168448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssph.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00057344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WPDShServiceObj.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 01293312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wcnwiz.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00330752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NgcCtnrSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00254464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssphtb.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 01937920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mmc.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00410112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\srv.sys 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 07812096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BingMaps.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 13441536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wmp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00626688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SpaceControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 01366016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wpncore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00858112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mprddm.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 03441664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapRouter.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 02953216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapGeocoder.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 02852864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettingsThresholdAdminFlowUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01555456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WMPDMC.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01536000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SpeechPal.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01282048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wwansvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01033216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapsStore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00579072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LockAppBroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 01359360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usercpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 12349952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 02800128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netshell.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00834048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32spl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00792576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\spoolsv.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02370048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlansvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01792512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Wpc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02820096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\InputService.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 01013760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ContactApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 00842240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ntshrui.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 01826816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01493504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Wpc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-02-22 04:17 - 00448285 _____ C:\Windows\system32\ApnDatabase.xml 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-12-14 06:23 - 03134976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rdpcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-12-09 11:36 - 03059200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msi.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:56 - 00126568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfaudiocnv.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:51 - 00454592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\services.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00151040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapsBtSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00089600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MosStorage.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00158720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VEStoreEventHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:23 - 00409088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NgcCtnr.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:21 - 00313856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\moshostcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00641024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ngccredprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00388096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\zipfldr.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 00184832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 00615424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wpnprv.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 01060864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JpMapControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:04 - 00691712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lsm.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:03 - 00905216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapControlCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:02 - 00936448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NMAA.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:26 - 00794416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Internal.Shell.Broker.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00108384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\pdc.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:23 - 02512304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WMVDECOD.DLL 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:18 - 00118624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:17 - 00409952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:15 - 00063328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dam.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:10 - 02828384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00658784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dxgmms2.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00396168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlanapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00432992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rdbss.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:04 - 01063472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfds.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00382272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LockAppHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:01 - 00137936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AuthHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:37 - 01631232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.Resources.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00101888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DuCsps.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00073728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usoapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00047104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wfdprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00030208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netiougc.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00263680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ExSMime.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00179712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MCCSEngineShared.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00322048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\accountaccessor.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00187904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VCardParser.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00535552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\nwifi.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00127488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifier.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00120320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DafPrintProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00052224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpipreg.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 01291264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MSVPXENC.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00249856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cemapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00235008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tapi32.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00203264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PimIndexMaintenance.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00741888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\internetmail.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00556544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iprtrmgr.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00200192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\puiapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00631296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WlanMediaManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00383488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DavSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00366080 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SearchFolder.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00307200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PrintDialogs3D.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00748544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ChatApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00320000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.TestingFramework.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 01184256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Unistore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00945152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rasgcw.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00820224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PrintRenderAPIHost.DLL 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00583680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PrintDialogs.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winspool.drv 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00809984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Storage.Search.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 17198592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01762816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MSPhotography.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01189376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sdengin2.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00198656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\indexeddbserver.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00156672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RelPost.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00870400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfmkvsrcsnk.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sdshext.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 00805888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\FrameServer.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01891328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\pnidui.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01917440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ActiveSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01399296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Pimstore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 00771072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppointmentApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02691072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Logon.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01512448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserDataService.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 00707584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LogonController.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 04746752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02287104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dwmcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00531456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00433152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TextInputFramework.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00340992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RADCUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 03666432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:13 - 00119808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\KnobsCsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:12 - 00083968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ProvPluginEng.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:10 - 00234496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\KnobsCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:08 - 00349184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\provengine.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-14 06:40 - 00324096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\domgmt.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 12:27 - 00172528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sspicli.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:45 - 00040448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WordBreakers.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:42 - 00227328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdd.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:19 - 00261120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Core.TextInput.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:19 - 00119296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\InputLocaleManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:19 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EditBufferTestHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00042496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\modem.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00381952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cryptngc.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:18 - 00278016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netplwiz.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:17 - 00068096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ProvSysprep.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:15 - 00282624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mrxsmb10.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:15 - 00159232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscinterop.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 00713216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\srv2.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:13 - 00396800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\StorSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00646688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dnsapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:18 - 00219040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00681312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SHCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00635864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00450400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mrxsmb.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00223584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mrxsmb20.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01694712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winmde.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00755648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\evr.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00523712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DMRServer.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00424616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MFPlay.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00027136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mskssrv.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:35 - 00047616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ddrawex.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00035840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tbauth.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00280064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_WorkAccess.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00266240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcore6.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00247808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icm32.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00231424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\shutdownux.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00180224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Cortana.OneCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00145408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dfsc.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00058880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Shell.Search.UriHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00025600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TokenBrokerCookies.exe 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00156672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BrowserSettingSync.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00587776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vpnike.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00394752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ks.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00223744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.HostName.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00460288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CredProvDataModel.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudBackupSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00658432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rasmans.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00579072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ddraw.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00476160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00431616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Cortana.Desktop.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00264704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dnsrslvr.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 01025536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XboxNetApiSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00945664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iphlpsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00634368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\StructuredQuery.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00541696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ipnathlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00320512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\thumbcache.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00822784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Chakradiag.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00591360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 01280512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\werconcpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 01639424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\comsvcs.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00635904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00166912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Tabbtn.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 00440320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fhcfg.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00187904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dialclient.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 01837056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\workfolderssvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00588288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlidprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00982528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcomm.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00222720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkFoldersShell.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00112640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CameraCaptureUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkFoldersGPExt.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00821248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\uDWM.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00774656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkfoldersControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00572416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PhotoScreensaver.scr 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00971264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\twinui.appcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00104960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkFolders.exe 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00540160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingSync.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01840640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\FntCache.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01348608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wifinetworkmanager.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 03202048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msftedit.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02475008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DWrite.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 00510464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PhotoScreensaver.scr 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-21 09:09 - 00363520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.BioFeedback.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-21 08:57 - 00462336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fhsettingsprovider.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 07:23 - 00404832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msv1_0.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00352768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cloudAP.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00208896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Internal.UI.Logon.ProxyStub.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:40 - 00266752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ConsoleLogon.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:39 - 00257024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.CredDialogController.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:24 - 01005568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\D3D12.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-09 12:30 - 00377184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\clfs.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-09 12:20 - 02677544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d3d10warp.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 12:13 - 00352096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\fastfat.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 12:03 - 01069720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MrmCoreR.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:56 - 00187520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudStorageWizard.exe 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:28 - 00040960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CbtBackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00110080 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00098304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\browserbroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:21 - 00690688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieproxy.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:18 - 02084352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 02104320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlidsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:13 - 00306176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msdtcuiu.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:12 - 00870912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msdtcprx.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:09 - 00164352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dialserver.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:03 - 00632320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rasapi32.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:57 - 00192352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\aepic.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00655200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\generaltel.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00590952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AudioSes.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00315232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dcntel.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00242528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepic.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00086368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CompatTelRunner.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00038240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceCensus.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:25 - 01117024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ReAgent.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 01051112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winresume.efi 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00894096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winresume.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:22 - 01354312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winload.efi 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:22 - 01172984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winload.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:21 - 02255712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ntfs.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:20 - 00128352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\partmgr.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:15 - 00404320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WinSetupUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:13 - 00635456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ci.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00578392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingSyncHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00509280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\storport.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00342456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wintrust.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 02913144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\combase.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00947552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hvloader.efi 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00811872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hvloader.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 04674360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\explorer.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:58 - 01416224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msctf.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00113152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\netvsc.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00073216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.StateRepositoryBroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00567296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DevicePairing.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00463872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\daxexec.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00252928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ubpm.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 01016320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XblAuthManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00560128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppReadiness.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00495104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DataSenseHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 03753984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bootux.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00715776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wcmsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00347648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rascustom.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 01913856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsp_fs.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00203776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppXApplicabilityBlob.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 01584128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsp_health.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 01082368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\reseteng.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 00730624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\clusapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 03289088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mispace.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 02860032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\storagewmi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00374784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\resutils.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00961024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\imapi2fs.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00628736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\uReFS.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 00828416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\appwiz.cpl 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 02611200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gameux.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01656832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\GdiPlus.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 06664192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00960000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\modernexecserver.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00770560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bisrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02512384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\themecpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01490944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lsasrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 00389632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\stobject.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 05384192 _____ (Microsoft) C:\Windows\system32\dbgeng.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 04708864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ExplorerFrame.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 04060672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UIRibbon.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 00881664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\authui.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 00483328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\twinapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 01726976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Immersive.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 01817088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ResetEngine.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 03478528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UIRibbon.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 07:33 - 01356864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ClipUp.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 07:14 - 00418952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AUDIOKSE.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 06:46 - 00206848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 06:25 - 02009600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SRHInproc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 06:24 - 00673792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 12:19 - 00168424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 12:10 - 01461200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:41 - 00380928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wincorlib.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:37 - 00411136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\facecredentialprovider.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:20 - 00730624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fveapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:20 - 00172544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceEnroller.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 12:13 - 01886344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:55 - 00882680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EditionUpgradeManagerObj.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:55 - 00743224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sppwinob.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00198656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BcastDVRHelper.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00170496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppCapture.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00159744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ACPBackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:22 - 00489472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetSetupShim.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00620544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bcastdvr.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00411648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdpsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 02716672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WsmSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 01477632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsecedit.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 02510848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetworkMobileSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 01691136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aitstatic.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:06 - 03400192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SyncCenter.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:05 - 04136448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.StateRepository.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:04 - 01709056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UIAutomationCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:04 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dmenrollengine.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-07-16 04:29 - 00017408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CspCellularSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-07-16 04:28 - 00125440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EnterpriseAPNCsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-07-16 04:26 - 00128512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CfgSPCellular.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00354264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\systemreset.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:20 - 00379744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Classpnp.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:11 - 00266544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\policymanager.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00116064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icfupgd.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00110944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\hvsocket.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00080224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\vmbkmcl.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:01 - 00201568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\basecsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:01 - 00128648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gpapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:58 - 00322912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\input.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:37 - 00025088 _____ C:\Windows\system32\GamePanelExternalHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00217600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msctfp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wups.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LaunchWinApp.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00116224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msctfui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00080896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\vmbkmclr.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00095232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tzautoupdate.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00057344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BluetoothDesktopHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00046592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XInputUap.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00249856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\scksp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00133632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MediaFoundation.DefaultPerceptionProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00300544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mscandui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00236544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_Flights.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00205824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netiohlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\appinfo.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00947712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettings.Handlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00623104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PCPTpm12.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00349696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icsvcext.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00193536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\certprop.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00643072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\main.cpl 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00464896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msutb.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00450048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\werui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00049152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Shell.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00526848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\OneDriveSettingSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 01092096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ApplicationFrame.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00655872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sud.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00478208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DXP.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00496128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettings.UserAccountsHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00776192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TabletPC.cpl 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00893952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MPSSVC.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00282112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WsmWmiPl.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00083456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tabcal.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01227264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gpsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00320512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\regedit.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00649216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vds.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00583168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BootMenuUX.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 01443328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VSSVC.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 01562112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vssapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 01547264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wbengine.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00130560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SpaceAgent.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00947200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsp_sr.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00054272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MultiDigiMon.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01312768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SensorDataService.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00818176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winhttp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 00653824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserLanguagesCpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 01714688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dui70.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00629248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hgcpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00035328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\spaceman.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 10:08 - 00245600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\offlinesam.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 10:08 - 00136032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ImplatSetup.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 09:37 - 00455520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\securekernel.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 08:59 - 00883712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\samsrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 08:54 - 05511680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aclui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 07:17 - 00319288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wow64.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 07:14 - 00089416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\remoteaudioendpoint.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:43 - 00201728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ScDeviceEnum.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00236544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WinSCard.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:36 - 01002496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SRH.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:35 - 00600576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cryptui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-09 11:20 - 00187392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mdmregistration.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 12:15 - 00101216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceReactivation.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 12:08 - 00142176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\migisol.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:56 - 00163752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RTWorkQ.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:27 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetCfgNotifyObjectHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:27 - 00068096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lpremove.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00163840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EnterpriseModernAppMgmtCSP.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00109056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ReportingCSP.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00034816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ReAgentc.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\HttpsDataSource.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00136192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sendmail.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:23 - 00041472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EAMProgressHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:22 - 00143360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EDPCleanup.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00574464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_StorageSense.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00339456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdpusersvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\setupugc.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00115200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IdCtrls.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00389632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ActivationManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00285696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EnterpriseAppMgmtSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00198144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dpapisrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 00161792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EditionUpgradeHelper.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 00105984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RjvMDMConfig.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:15 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WSManHTTPConfig.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 00178176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sppnp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:11 - 00096256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\umpoext.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 00991232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\comdlg32.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:03 - 00283648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:50 - 2016-05-29 20:38 - 08886976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe 2017-03-25 21:27 - 2016-12-21 09:08 - 00142848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\poqexec.exe 2017-03-25 21:27 - 2016-12-21 06:44 - 00120320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\poqexec.exe 2017-03-24 18:21 - 2017-03-30 08:41 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Adobe 2017-03-24 18:15 - 2017-03-24 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet 2017-03-24 18:14 - 2017-03-24 18:14 - 00001194 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0.lnk 2017-03-24 18:14 - 2017-03-24 18:14 - 00001182 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0.lnk 2017-03-24 18:13 - 2017-03-24 18:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2017-03-24 18:13 - 2017-03-24 18:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 01628920 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxsfs.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00547576 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\px.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00510712 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxdrv.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00379640 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxwave.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00187128 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxmas.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00129784 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxafs.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00118520 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxinsi64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00116472 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxcpyi64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00072440 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxhpinst.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00064760 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxinsa64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00064760 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxcpya64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00052856 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\PxHlpa64.sys 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00039672 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vxblock.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00010488 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\cdralw2k.sys 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00010488 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\cdr4_xp.sys 2017-03-24 18:09 - 2017-03-24 18:09 - 00000209 _____ C:\Windows\ODBCINST.INI 2017-03-24 18:04 - 2017-03-26 08:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\ConnectedDevicesPlatform 2017-03-24 18:04 - 2017-03-24 18:04 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\knightkrawler\ntuser.ini 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Vorlagen 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Startmenü 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Netzwerkumgebung 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Lokale Einstellungen 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Eigene Dateien 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Druckumgebung 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Videos 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Musik 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Videos 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Musik 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 06:59 - 2017-03-24 07:00 - 00007623 _____ C:\Windows\diagwrn.xml 2017-03-24 06:59 - 2017-03-24 07:00 - 00007623 _____ C:\Windows\diagerr.xml 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-04-19 16:33 - 00003550 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update1 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-04-19 16:33 - 00003540 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update2 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-26 12:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUSTek Computer Inc 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003768 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003672 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Opera scheduled Autoupdate 1490096968 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003544 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003328 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\User_Feed_Synchronization-{70B0ACBD-C40E-40ED-8DD9-116E0B6D38C4} 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002968 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Update Checker 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002924 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ATK Package 36D18D69AFC3 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002770 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\OneDrive Standalone Update Task v2 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002346 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RtHDVBg_ListenToDevice 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002340 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS USB Charger Plus 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002280 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RTKCPL 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002262 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\DropboxOEM 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002214 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ATK Package A22126881260 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002214 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS Splendid ACMON 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS 2017-03-24 06:41 - 2017-03-24 06:41 - 00000000 _____ C:\Windows\system32\GfxValDisplayLog.bin 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2017-03-24 06:40 - 00001576 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Media Player.lnk 2017-03-24 06:31 - 2017-03-24 06:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\config\bbimigrate 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-28 11:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Vorlagen 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Startmenü 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Netzwerkumgebung 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Lokale Einstellungen 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Eigene Dateien 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Druckumgebung 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\Eigene Videos 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\Eigene Musik 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00319042 _____ C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\RTWAVES40.dat 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00000000 ____H C:\ProgramData\DP45977C.lfl 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sda 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\DAX2 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-04-19 16:45 - 00000180 _____ C:\Windows\system32\{A6D608F0-0BDE-491A-97AE-5C4B05D86E01}.bat 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Intel 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:22 - 00000200 _____ C:\Windows\system32\{EC94D02F-D200-4428-9531-05AF7F9799CB}.bat 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RTCOM 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Realtek 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2016-11-02 00:05 - 00103952 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OpenCL.DLL 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2016-11-02 00:05 - 00099848 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\Windows\system32\OpenCL.DLL 2017-03-24 06:21 - 2017-03-24 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS 2017-03-24 06:21 - 2017-03-24 06:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel 2017-03-24 06:21 - 2017-03-24 06:21 - 00000000 ____H C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_esif_umdf2_02_00_00.Wdf 2017-03-24 06:16 - 2017-03-24 06:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\SetupTPDriver 2017-03-24 06:08 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 ___DC C:\Windows\Panther 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-04-19 16:52 - 00888024 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh013.dat 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-04-19 16:52 - 00221346 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc013.dat 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-03-24 05:53 - 00347466 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfi013.dat 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-03-24 05:53 - 00045376 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfd013.dat 2017-03-24 05:54 - 2017-03-24 05:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nl 2017-03-24 05:54 - 2017-03-24 05:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\nl 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-04-19 16:52 - 00892288 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-04-19 16:52 - 00216944 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-03-24 05:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fr 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-03-24 05:16 - 00350774 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfi00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-03-24 05:16 - 00040528 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfd00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:16 - 2017-03-24 05:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\fr 2017-03-24 05:04 - 2017-03-24 05:04 - 00008192 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\userdiff 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-29 21:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\XPSViewer 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSBuild 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 15:31 - 01166520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PresentationNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 15:31 - 00124624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PresentationCFFRasterizerNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 15:31 - 00035480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TsWpfWrp.exe 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 12:03 - 00778936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PresentationNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 12:03 - 00103120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PresentationCFFRasterizerNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 12:03 - 00035480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TsWpfWrp.exe 2017-03-23 02:41 - 2017-03-24 06:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BestPractices 2017-03-23 02:41 - 2017-03-24 06:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\BestPractices 2017-03-22 22:00 - 2017-04-12 09:28 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2017-03-22 21:59 - 2017-04-12 09:24 - 148601744 ____C (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2017-03-22 19:29 - 2017-03-22 19:29 - 00002138 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dropbox 25 GB.lnk 2017-03-21 21:10 - 2017-03-21 21:10 - 00000015 _____ C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Connecting 2017-03-21 21:06 - 2016-07-01 05:40 - 00034304 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Speech.Pal.dll 2017-03-21 21:03 - 2015-10-30 04:40 - 00014848 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mqcertui.dll 2017-03-21 21:03 - 2015-10-30 04:30 - 00635904 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mqsnap.dll 2017-03-21 20:59 - 2017-03-04 07:57 - 00059392 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdpreference.exe 2017-03-21 18:46 - 2017-03-21 18:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Crashpad 2017-03-21 18:42 - 2017-03-21 18:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Wallpapers 2017-03-21 18:37 - 2017-03-21 18:37 - 00001291 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Eye Care Switcher.lnk 2017-03-21 18:33 - 2017-03-21 18:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\APRP 2017-03-21 14:01 - 2017-03-21 14:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Comms 2017-03-21 13:59 - 2017-04-11 19:57 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2017-03-21 13:59 - 2017-03-21 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\CEF 2017-03-21 13:54 - 2017-03-21 13:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\wps 2017-03-21 13:54 - 2017-03-21 13:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\office6 2017-03-21 13:51 - 2017-03-28 10:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\LocalLow\Mozilla 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-21 13:49 - 00001464 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Opera.lnk 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-21 13:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-21 13:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Opera Software 2017-03-21 13:48 - 2017-03-21 14:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Mozilla 2017-03-21 13:48 - 2017-03-21 13:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla 2017-03-21 13:47 - 2017-04-18 17:29 - 00000008 __RSH C:\ProgramData\ntuser.pol 2017-03-21 13:47 - 2017-03-21 13:47 - 45251144 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Downloads\firefox_deutsch.exe 2017-03-21 13:46 - 2017-03-21 13:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2017-03-21 13:46 - 2017-03-21 13:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\NetworkTiles 2017-03-21 13:44 - 2017-03-21 13:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\awsRun 2017-03-21 13:43 - 2017-03-21 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\MicrosoftEdge 2017-03-21 13:42 - 2017-04-17 18:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software 2017-03-21 13:42 - 2017-04-14 18:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\kingsoft 2017-03-21 13:41 - 2017-03-21 13:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Kingsoft 2017-03-21 13:40 - 2017-03-21 13:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Skype 2017-03-21 13:39 - 2017-04-12 18:24 - 00002409 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk 2017-03-21 13:39 - 2017-04-12 18:24 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\knightkrawler\OneDrive 2017-03-21 13:39 - 2017-03-21 13:39 - 00000000 ___HD C:\$GetCurrent 2017-03-21 13:38 - 2017-03-21 13:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows10Upgrade 2017-03-21 13:38 - 2017-03-21 13:38 - 00000813 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows 10-Upgrade-Assistent.lnk 2017-03-21 13:36 - 2017-03-21 13:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Publishers 2017-03-21 13:36 - 2017-03-21 13:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\ActiveSync 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-04-08 11:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-24 06:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2016-Tools 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\DropboxOEM 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\WebStorage 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\VirtualStore 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\DropboxOEM 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-19 18:11 - 00000184 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\sp_data.sys 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-19 16:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\ASUS GIFTBOX 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-19 16:45 - 00000000 __SHD C:\Users\knightkrawler\IntelGraphicsProfiles 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-03-25 21:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Packages 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-03-21 13:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer 2017-03-21 13:32 - 2017-03-21 13:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\USBChargerPlus 2017-03-21 13:28 - 2017-03-21 13:28 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\UpdateAssistantV2 ==================== Ein Monat: Geänderte Dateien und Ordner ======== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird die Datei/der Ordner verschoben.) 2017-04-19 18:11 - 2016-11-20 14:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\SleepStudy 2017-04-19 17:28 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\AppReadiness 2017-04-19 16:52 - 2016-11-20 23:42 - 04086484 _____ C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2017-04-19 16:52 - 2016-11-20 23:00 - 00704474 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat 2017-04-19 16:52 - 2016-11-20 23:00 - 00146890 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat 2017-04-19 16:44 - 2016-11-20 23:32 - 00000006 ____H C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2017-04-19 16:44 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00524288 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\BBI 2017-04-19 16:40 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___HD C:\Program Files\WindowsApps 2017-04-19 16:30 - 2016-11-09 09:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Ebay 2017-04-15 16:15 - 2016-07-16 13:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\CbsTemp 2017-04-14 19:17 - 2016-07-16 13:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\INF 2017-04-14 19:13 - 2016-11-20 14:32 - 00377784 _____ C:\Windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2017-04-14 15:57 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\rescache 2017-04-13 07:50 - 2016-11-20 23:46 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Public\AccountPictures 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\SysWOW64\F12 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\system32\F12 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Program Files\Windows Defender 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\setup 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\setup 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\appraiser 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\ShellExperiences 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Provisioning 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Photo Viewer 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Dism 2017-04-11 19:57 - 2016-10-29 16:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\AV 2017-04-11 19:57 - 2016-10-29 16:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software 2017-04-11 19:09 - 2017-02-28 13:39 - 00000000 _____ C:\Recovery.txt 2017-04-11 18:12 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00032768 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\ELAM 2017-04-10 14:08 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\NDF 2017-04-04 08:47 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\regid.1991-06.com.microsoft 2017-04-04 08:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2017-04-04 08:44 - 2016-10-29 16:42 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2017-04-03 18:24 - 2016-10-29 16:15 - 00000000 ___HD C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information 2017-04-01 20:52 - 2016-07-16 13:49 - 00835576 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2017-04-01 20:52 - 2016-07-16 13:49 - 00177656 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winrm 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WCN 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\slmgr 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Printing_Admin_Scripts 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\winrm 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\WCN 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\slmgr 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Printing_Admin_Scripts 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DiagSvcs 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oobe 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MUI 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Com 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\SystemResetPlatform 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\oobe 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\MUI 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\migwiz 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dism 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Sysprep 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\system32\dsc 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\system32\DiagSvcs 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Windows\MiracastView 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Com 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\IME 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Help 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\System 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\servicing 2017-03-28 09:14 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 __RSD C:\Windows\Media 2017-03-28 08:20 - 2016-11-20 23:38 - 02717184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PrintConfig.dll 2017-03-26 13:01 - 2016-03-24 14:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache 2017-03-26 02:37 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\WinBioPlugIns 2017-03-26 02:36 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Windows\PrintDialog 2017-03-26 02:36 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\bcastdvr 2017-03-26 02:05 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-GB 2017-03-26 02:05 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\en-GB 2017-03-25 20:24 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\appcompat 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows NT 2017-03-24 06:58 - 2017-02-28 13:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Tasks_Migrated 2017-03-24 06:58 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\WinBioDatabase 2017-03-24 06:58 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Registration 2017-03-24 06:47 - 2017-02-28 14:23 - 00023056 _____ C:\Windows\system32\emptyregdb.dat 2017-03-24 06:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Public\Libraries 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2017-02-28 12:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default.migrated 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-10-29 16:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Realtek 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-03-24 14:05 - 00000000 ___RD C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-03-24 14:05 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit PhantomPDF 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-03-24 14:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ASUS 2017-03-24 06:33 - 2016-11-20 23:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\OCR 2017-03-24 06:33 - 2016-10-29 16:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ICEpower 2017-03-24 06:33 - 2016-03-24 14:05 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Evernote 2017-03-24 06:08 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00028672 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\BCD-Template 2017-03-24 00:29 - 2016-03-24 14:06 - 00001254 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2017-03-23 19:19 - 2016-03-24 14:06 - 00001250 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2017-03-22 19:29 - 2016-03-24 14:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox 2017-03-21 21:19 - 2016-10-29 16:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\McAfee 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002543 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Word 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002539 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Excel 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002518 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerPoint 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002493 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Publisher 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002460 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Access 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002457 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneNote 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002429 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Outlook 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2016-03-24 20:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Log ==================== Dateien im Wurzelverzeichnis einiger Verzeichnisse ======= 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-19 18:11 - 0000184 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\sp_data.sys 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 0000000 ____H () C:\ProgramData\DP45977C.lfl ==================== Bamital & volsnap ====================== (Es ist kein automatischer Fix für Dateien vorhanden, die an der Verifikation gescheitert sind.) C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\wininit.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\explorer.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\services.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\User32.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\rpcss.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\dnsapi.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dnsapi.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => Datei ist digital signiert LastRegBack: 2017-04-11 10:10 ==================== Ende von FRST.txt ============================ Code:
ATTFilter Zusätzliches Untersuchungsergebnis von Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 17-04-2017 01 durchgeführt von knightkrawler (19-04-2017 18:17:33) Gestartet von C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop Windows 10 Home Version 1607 (X64) (2017-03-24 05:01:34) Start-Modus: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Konten: ============================= Administrator (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-500 - Administrator - Disabled) DefaultAccount (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-503 - Limited - Disabled) Gast (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-501 - Limited - Disabled) knightkrawler (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001 - Administrator - Enabled) => C:\Users\knightkrawler ==================== Sicherheits-Center ======================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er entfernt.) AV: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} ==================== Installierte Programme ====================== (Nur Adware-Programme mit dem Zusatz "Hidden" können in die Fixlist aufgenommen werden, um sie sichtbar zu machen. Die Adware-Programme sollten manuell deinstalliert werden.) 7-Zip 16.04 (x64) (HKLM\...\7-Zip) (Version: 16.04 - Igor Pavlov) Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Photoshop Elements 6) (Version: 6.0 - Adobe Systems, Inc.) ASUS GIFTBOX (HKLM-x32\...\ASUS GIFTBOX) (Version: 7.4.223 - ASUSTek Computer Inc) ASUS Live Update (HKLM-x32\...\{FA540E67-095C-4A1B-97BA-4D547DEC9AF4}) (Version: 3.4.3 - ASUS) ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement Technology (HKLM-x32\...\{0969AF05-4FF6-4C00-9406-43599238DE0D}) (Version: 3.14.0006 - ASUS) ASUS USB Charger Plus (HKLM-x32\...\{A859E3E5-C62F-4BFA-AF1D-2B95E03166AF}) (Version: 4.1.6 - ASUS) ATK Package (HKLM-x32\...\{AB5C933E-5C7D-4D30-B314-9C83A49B94BE}) (Version: 1.0.0043 - ASUS) AudioWizard (HKLM-x32\...\{57E770A2-2BAF-4CAA-BAA3-BD896E2254D3}) (Version: - ICEpower a/s) Bonjour (HKLM\...\{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Bulk Rename Utility (64-bit) (HKLM\...\Bulk Rename Utility Installation_is1) (Version: - TGRMN Software) Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector EX (HKLM-x32\...\Canon_IJ_Network_Scanner_Selector_EX) (Version: - Canon Inc.) Canon IJ Network Tool (HKLM-x32\...\Canon_IJ_Network_UTILITY) (Version: 3.7.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon IJ Scan Utility (HKLM-x32\...\Canon_IJ_Scan_Utility) (Version: - Canon Inc.) Canon Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program (HKLM-x32\...\CANONIJPLM100) (Version: 5.2.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon MG3600 series Benutzerregistrierung (HKLM-x32\...\Canon MG3600 series Benutzerregistrierung) (Version: - *Canon Inc.) Canon MG3600 series MP Drivers (HKLM\...\{1199FAD5-9546-44f3-81CF-FFDB8040B7BF}_Canon_MG3600_series) (Version: 1.00 - Canon Inc.) Canon MG3600 series On-screen Manual (HKLM-x32\...\Canon MG3600 series On-screen Manual) (Version: 7.8.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon My Image Garden (HKLM-x32\...\Canon My Image Garden) (Version: 3.5.2 - Canon Inc.) Canon My Image Garden Design Files (HKLM-x32\...\Canon My Image Garden Design Files) (Version: 3.5.2 - Canon Inc.) Canon My Printer (HKLM-x32\...\CanonMyPrinter) (Version: 3.3.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon Quick Menu (HKLM-x32\...\CanonQuickMenu) (Version: 2.7.1 - Canon Inc.) Device Setup (HKLM-x32\...\{8D6B05E0-F457-408C-9D13-549334D8FAE1}) (Version: 2.0.3 - ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Dropbox 25 GB (HKLM-x32\...\{0867A88D-764F-366E-9E21-130DA8B472C3}) (Version: - Dropbox, Inc.) Dropbox Update Helper (x32 Version: - Dropbox, Inc.) Hidden ESET Online Scanner v3 (HKLM-x32\...\ESET Online Scanner) (Version: - ) Evernote v. 5.9.1 (HKLM-x32\...\{5EA1DED0-5285-11E5-8AA1-0050569584E9}) (Version: - Evernote Corp.) Foxit PhantomPDF (HKLM-x32\...\{39263796-F296-43AF-909C-FCF99592BAC4}) (Version: - Foxit Software Inc.) GPL Ghostscript (HKLM\...\GPL Ghostscript 9.21) (Version: 9.21 - Artifex Software Inc.) Intel(R) Chipset Device Software (x32 Version: - Intel(R) Corporation) Hidden Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework (HKLM-x32\...\{654EE65D-FAA4-4EA6-8C07-DC94E6A304D4}) (Version: 8.1.10605.221 - Intel Corporation) Intel(R) Processor Graphics (HKLM-x32\...\{F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA}) (Version: - Intel Corporation) Intel(R) Trusted Execution Engine (HKLM\...\{176E2755-0A17-42C6-88E2-192AB2131278}) (Version: - Intel Corporation) Intel® Security Assist (HKLM-x32\...\{4B230374-6475-4A73-BA6E-41015E9C5013}) (Version: - Intel Corporation) Malwarebytes Version (HKLM\...\{35065F43-4BB2-439A-BFF7-0F1014F2E0CD}_is1) (Version: - Malwarebytes) Microsoft Office 365 - de-de (HKLM\...\O365HomePremRetail - de-de) (Version: 16.0.7870.2031 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft OneDrive (HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\OneDriveSetup.exe) (Version: 17.3.6799.0327 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030 (HKLM-x32\...\{33d1fd90-4274-48a1-9bc1-97e33d9c2d6f}) (Version: 11.0.61030.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component (Version: 16.0.7870.2024 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Office 16 Click-to-Run Licensing Component (Version: 16.0.7870.2024 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Office 16 Click-to-Run Localization Component (Version: 16.0.7668.2066 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden OpenOffice 4.1.3 (HKLM-x32\...\{8D5FCC56-BB9F-4122-923C-71753F50F6F5}) (Version: 4.13.9783 - Apache Software Foundation) Opera Stable 43.0.2442.1192 (HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\Opera 43.0.2442.1192) (Version: 43.0.2442.1192 - Opera Software) Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Suite (64) (HKLM\...\{A84A4FB1-D703-48DB-89E0-68B6499D2801}) (Version: - Qualcomm Atheros) Qualcomm Atheros Client Installation Program (HKLM-x32\...\{28006915-2739-4EBE-B5E8-49B25D32EB33}) (Version: 10.0 - Qualcomm Atheros) Realtek Card Reader (HKLM-x32\...\{5BC2B5AB-80DE-4E83-B8CF-426902051D0A}) (Version: 10.0.10143.21278 - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 10.2.703.2015 - Realtek) Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}) (Version: - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) Scribus 1.4.6 (HKLM-x32\...\Scribus 1.4.6) (Version: 1.4.6 - The Scribus Team) TeamViewer 10 (HKLM-x32\...\TeamViewer) (Version: 10.0.43835 - TeamViewer) Update Installer for WildTangent Games App (x32 Version: - WildTangent) Hidden Vimeo (HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\Vimeo) (Version: - Vimeo, Inc.) VLC media player (HKLM-x32\...\VLC media player) (Version: 2.2.4 - VideoLAN) WebStorage (HKLM-x32\...\WebStorage) (Version: - ASUS Cloud Corporation) WildTangent Games App (HKLM-x32\...\{70B446D1-E03B-4ab0-9B3C-0832142C9AA8}.WildTangent Games App-asus) (Version: - WildTangent) Windows 10-Upgrade-Assistent (HKLM-x32\...\{D5C69738-B486-402E-85AC-2456D98A64E4}) (Version: 1.4.9200.17376 - Microsoft Corporation) Windows Driver Package - ASUS (ATP) Mouse (11/11/2015 (HKLM\...\A044C5901003C24E6891688653ABA1068D04A1A0) (Version: 11/11/2015 - ASUS) WinFlash (HKLM-x32\...\{8F21291E-0444-4B1D-B9F9-4370A73E346D}) (Version: 3.1.0 - ASUS) WinRAR 5.31 (64-Bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.31.0 - win.rar GmbH) XnView 2.39 (HKLM-x32\...\XnView_is1) (Version: 2.39 - Gougelet Pierre-e) XnViewMP 0.85 (HKLM\...\XnViewMP_is1) (Version: 0.85 - Gougelet Pierre-e) ==================== Benutzerdefinierte CLSID (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste): ========================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) ==================== Geplante Aufgaben (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ============= (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) Task: {00B1E280-861F-4008-96A3-9865E22A1FDB} - System32\Tasks\ATK Package 36D18D69AFC3 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\SimAppExec.exe [2015-09-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {39CD21EB-35CB-4512-AA79-269F27FC6E2F} - System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [2017-03-21] (Dropbox, Inc.) Task: {40C16C89-5B22-4B8C-9C81-473B802B8152} - System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [2017-03-21] (Dropbox, Inc.) Task: {5823844F-4953-47E2-A101-C5C51AF47991} - System32\Tasks\ASUS USB Charger Plus => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\USBChargerPlus\USBChargerPlus.exe [2015-05-25] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {6430CC72-EBF8-4F8C-AF87-2CCE1878ED23} - System32\Tasks\ASUS\ASUS Product Register Service => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\APRP\aprp.exe [2016-01-19] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {6653FB32-870D-4402-882B-97B3C911114D} - System32\Tasks\ASUS Splendid ACMON => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\ACMON.exe [2015-12-02] (ASUS) Task: {78159D7D-EF1F-4606-8AC2-4AAE562C335D} - System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update1 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [2016-08-01] () Task: {814689A2-179A-4C46-813F-9B231A268997} - System32\Tasks\ATK Package A22126881260 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\SimAppExec.exe [2015-09-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {82EBBCBD-0719-47D6-AE4C-8811D9CB30FC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cache Maintenance => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {9262D8C3-C1D4-48F0-8087-0990E1A22551} - System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update2 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [2016-08-01] () Task: {9B8EE1B8-15D4-416E-8F73-BF9AA91E20E9} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Scheduled Scan => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {A2AB61D5-D872-47C1-967A-EAD1E3C91A7B} - System32\Tasks\ASUS\ASUS GIFTBOX => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\asusgiftbox.exe [2017-03-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc) Task: {ACAA29EC-7E42-4CBD-9E5F-68BE4B2E9E4F} - System32\Tasks\RTKCPL => C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe [2015-11-23] (Realtek Semiconductor) Task: {B0B6DCDC-7CCD-4D95-85F2-B87017D2090E} - System32\Tasks\DropboxOEM => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\DropboxOEM\DropboxOEM.exe [2016-09-21] () Task: {B3DEFBA4-7F5C-41C5-829E-CF3E1D423692} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office ClickToRun Service Monitor => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [2017-03-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {CCD7458B-773B-44B1-89A5-02DEBF3F965B} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cleanup => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {E09CCE40-22EE-446E-83E6-FCED13BD5B9D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Verification => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {E1A66B2D-CC6A-4CC0-B5F6-70DF31F63C4A} - System32\Tasks\Opera scheduled Autoupdate 1490096968 => C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\launcher.exe [2017-03-10] (Opera Software) Task: {F15BCF56-B261-421B-A773-6C328A80A3DC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [2017-03-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {F1E2ACB1-E842-4F9E-94FE-D840CD09264A} - System32\Tasks\Update Checker => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [2016-08-01] () Task: {FA885958-E761-4677-9027-B4E1172BBAC9} - System32\Tasks\RtHDVBg_ListenToDevice => C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe [2015-11-23] (Realtek Semiconductor) (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird die Aufgabe verschoben. Die Datei, die durch die Aufgabe gestartet wird, wird nicht verschoben.) Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe ==================== Verknüpfungen ============================= (Die Einträge können gelistet werden, um sie zurückzusetzen oder zu entfernen.) ==================== Geladene Module (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ============== 2016-07-16 13:42 - 2016-07-16 13:42 - 00231424 _____ () C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ism32k.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:22 - 02681200 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\CoreUIComponents.dll 2007-09-11 01:45 - 2007-09-11 01:45 - 00124832 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-03-22 10:24 - 02271520 _____ () C:\PROGRAM FILES\MALWAREBYTES\ANTI-MALWARE\PoliciesControllerImpl.dll 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-03-23 19:40 - 02267600 _____ () C:\PROGRAM FILES\MALWAREBYTES\ANTI-MALWARE\MwacLib.dll 2017-03-28 09:08 - 2016-02-04 11:53 - 00387144 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJPLM\IJPLMSVC.EXE 2016-11-02 00:05 - 2016-11-02 00:05 - 00401896 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\igfxTray.exe 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 00077312 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeHost.exe 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 00189952 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeBackgroundTasks.dll 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 42507264 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkyWrap.dll 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 02334184 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\skypert.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:22 - 02681200 _____ () C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll 2016-11-20 23:06 - 2016-11-20 23:06 - 00134656 _____ () C:\Windows\ShellExperiences\Windows.UI.Shell.SharedUtilities.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00474112 _____ () C:\Windows\ShellExperiences\QuickActions.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 09760768 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\CortanaApi.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 01401856 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\Cortana.Core.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 00757248 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\CSGSuggestLib.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:07 - 01033216 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\Cortana.Actions.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 02424320 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\Cortana.BackgroundTask.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 04853760 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\RemindersUI.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 00019456 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.exe 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 22723584 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 00448512 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.AGM.Native.Windows.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 05427200 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\MediaEngine.dll 2017-03-22 20:54 - 2017-03-22 20:56 - 00680448 ____N () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.DesignCore.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 00435712 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.RichMedia.Ink.Controls.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 01062400 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Sharing.dll 2017-03-22 20:54 - 2017-03-22 20:56 - 00291328 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\StoreRatingPromotion.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 53908056 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera_browser.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 59879512 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera_child.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 02559576 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\libglesv2.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 00100952 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\libegl.dll 2015-12-02 19:01 - 2015-12-02 19:01 - 00027648 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\DetectDisplayDC.dll 2015-12-02 19:01 - 2015-12-02 19:01 - 00124928 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\CCTAdjust.dll 2015-12-02 19:01 - 2015-12-02 19:01 - 00029184 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\VideoEnhance.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 01937408 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\ffmpeg.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 02177536 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\libglesv2.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 00079360 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\libegl.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 03561984 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\node.dll 2017-03-22 20:03 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 00286144 _____ () \\?\C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\node_modules\appcloud-native-utils\anu.node 2017-03-22 20:03 - 2017-03-22 20:03 - 00236032 _____ () \\?\C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\node_modules\appcloud-engine\node_modules\appcloud-native-utils\anu.node ==================== Alternate Data Streams (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ========= (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird nur der ADS entfernt.) ==================== Abgesicherter Modus (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Der Wert "AlternateShell" wird wiederhergestellt.) HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MBAMService => ""="Service" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MBAMService => ""="Service" ==================== Verknüpfungen (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =============== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird der Registryeintrag auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt oder entfernt.) ==================== Internet Explorer Vertrauenswürdig/Eingeschränkt =============== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt.) ==================== Hosts Inhalt: =============================== (Wenn benötigt kann der Hosts: Schalter in die Fixlist aufgenommen werden um die Hosts Datei zurückzusetzen.) 2015-10-30 09:24 - 2017-04-18 17:29 - 00000832 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts ==================== Andere Bereiche ============================ (Aktuell gibt es keinen automatisierten Fix für diesen Bereich.) HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\Control Panel\Desktop\\Wallpaper -> C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Wallpapers\5676.jpg DNS Servers: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System => (ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 5) (ConsentPromptBehaviorUser: 3) (EnableLUA: 1) Windows Firewall ist aktiviert. ==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER Deaktivierte Einträge == ==================== Firewall Regeln (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =============== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) ==================== Wiederherstellungspunkte ========================= 10-04-2017 07:46:10 Geplanter Prüfpunkt ==================== Fehlerhafte Geräte im Gerätemanager ============= ==================== Fehlereinträge in der Ereignisanzeige: ========================= Applikationsfehler: ================== Error: (04/19/2017 06:10:57 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 1211578 Error: (04/19/2017 06:10:57 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 1211578 Error: (04/19/2017 06:10:57 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (04/19/2017 05:51:01 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 15609 Error: (04/19/2017 05:51:01 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 15609 Error: (04/19/2017 05:51:01 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (04/19/2017 04:50:47 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: ) Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: explorer.exe, Version: 10.0.14393.953, Zeitstempel: 0x58ba5aa4 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5668fed6 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000004532 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1e78 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d2b91bccf0f5eb Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Windows\explorer.exe Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll Berichtskennung: 860fd32d-e269-40be-accc-aedc83509cbe Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: Error: (04/19/2017 04:50:45 PM) (Source: .NET Runtime) (EventID: 1026) (User: ) Description: Anwendung: explorer.exe Frameworkversion: v4.0.30319 Beschreibung: Der Prozess wurde aufgrund einer unbehandelten Ausnahme beendet. Ausnahmeinformationen: Ausnahmecode c0000005, Ausnahmeadresse 00007FFC4A0A4532 Stapel: Error: (04/19/2017 04:46:49 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: ) Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Explorer.EXE, Version: 10.0.14393.953, Zeitstempel: 0x58ba5aa4 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5668fed6 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000004532 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1278 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d2b91b8e5f42cd Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll Berichtskennung: 6d84ca85-1919-46da-b3a7-3a6215987ae4 Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: Error: (04/19/2017 04:46:46 PM) (Source: .NET Runtime) (EventID: 1026) (User: ) Description: Anwendung: Explorer.EXE Frameworkversion: v4.0.30319 Beschreibung: Der Prozess wurde aufgrund einer unbehandelten Ausnahme beendet. Ausnahmeinformationen: Ausnahmecode c0000005, Ausnahmeadresse 00007FFC4A034532 Stapel: Systemfehler: ============= Error: (04/19/2017 06:11:27 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7011) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Warten auf eine Transaktionsrückmeldung von Dienst StorSvc erreicht. Error: (04/19/2017 05:51:15 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7011) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Warten auf eine Transaktionsrückmeldung von Dienst AudioEndpointBuilder erreicht. Error: (04/19/2017 05:50:45 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7011) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Warten auf eine Transaktionsrückmeldung von Dienst SysMain erreicht. Error: (04/19/2017 05:50:15 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7011) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Warten auf eine Transaktionsrückmeldung von Dienst fhsvc erreicht. Error: (04/19/2017 05:49:45 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Durch die Berechtigungseinstellungen für "Anwendungsspezifisch" wird dem Benutzer "NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM" (SID: S-1-5-18) unter der Adresse "LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC)" keine Berechtigung vom Typ "Lokal Aktivierung" für die COM-Serveranwendung mit der CLSID {D63B10C5-BB46-4990-A94F-E40B9D520160} und der APPID {9CA88EE3-ACB7-47C8-AFC4-AB702511C276} im Anwendungscontainer "Nicht verfügbar" (SID: Nicht verfügbar) gewährt. Die Sicherheitsberechtigung kann mit dem Verwaltungstool für Komponentendienste geändert werden. Error: (04/19/2017 04:47:24 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7009) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Verbindungsversuch mit dem Dienst jhi_service erreicht. Error: (04/19/2017 04:45:15 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Durch die Berechtigungseinstellungen für "Anwendungsspezifisch" wird dem Benutzer "NT-AUTORITÄT\Lokaler Dienst" (SID: S-1-5-19) unter der Adresse "LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC)" keine Berechtigung vom Typ "Lokal Aktivierung" für die COM-Serveranwendung mit der CLSID {6B3B8D23-FA8D-40B9-8DBD-B950333E2C52} und der APPID {4839DDB7-58C2-48F5-8283-E1D1807D0D7D} im Anwendungscontainer "Nicht verfügbar" (SID: Nicht verfügbar) gewährt. Die Sicherheitsberechtigung kann mit dem Verwaltungstool für Komponentendienste geändert werden. Error: (04/19/2017 04:45:15 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Durch die Berechtigungseinstellungen für "Anwendungsspezifisch" wird dem Benutzer "NT-AUTORITÄT\Lokaler Dienst" (SID: S-1-5-19) unter der Adresse "LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC)" keine Berechtigung vom Typ "Lokal Aktivierung" für die COM-Serveranwendung mit der CLSID {6B3B8D23-FA8D-40B9-8DBD-B950333E2C52} und der APPID {4839DDB7-58C2-48F5-8283-E1D1807D0D7D} im Anwendungscontainer "Nicht verfügbar" (SID: Nicht verfügbar) gewährt. Die Sicherheitsberechtigung kann mit dem Verwaltungstool für Komponentendienste geändert werden. Error: (04/19/2017 04:45:15 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Durch die Berechtigungseinstellungen für "Anwendungsspezifisch" wird dem Benutzer "NT-AUTORITÄT\Lokaler Dienst" (SID: S-1-5-19) unter der Adresse "LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC)" keine Berechtigung vom Typ "Lokal Aktivierung" für die COM-Serveranwendung mit der CLSID {6B3B8D23-FA8D-40B9-8DBD-B950333E2C52} und der APPID {4839DDB7-58C2-48F5-8283-E1D1807D0D7D} im Anwendungscontainer "Nicht verfügbar" (SID: Nicht verfügbar) gewährt. Die Sicherheitsberechtigung kann mit dem Verwaltungstool für Komponentendienste geändert werden. Error: (04/19/2017 04:45:14 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Durch die Berechtigungseinstellungen für "Anwendungsspezifisch" wird dem Benutzer "NT-AUTORITÄT\Lokaler Dienst" (SID: S-1-5-19) unter der Adresse "LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC)" keine Berechtigung vom Typ "Lokal Aktivierung" für die COM-Serveranwendung mit der CLSID {6B3B8D23-FA8D-40B9-8DBD-B950333E2C52} und der APPID {4839DDB7-58C2-48F5-8283-E1D1807D0D7D} im Anwendungscontainer "Nicht verfügbar" (SID: Nicht verfügbar) gewährt. Die Sicherheitsberechtigung kann mit dem Verwaltungstool für Komponentendienste geändert werden. CodeIntegrity: =================================== Date: 2017-04-19 16:48:20.399 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-19 16:48:20.391 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-17 14:29:10.927 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-17 14:29:10.919 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. ==================== Speicherinformationen =========================== Prozessor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU N3710 @ 1.60GHz Prozentuale Nutzung des RAM: 38% Installierter physikalischer RAM: 8098.15 MB Verfügbarer physikalischer RAM: 5004.54 MB Summe virtueller Speicher: 9378.15 MB Verfügbarer virtueller Speicher: 5985.21 MB ==================== Laufwerke ================================ Drive c: (OS) (Fixed) (Total:930.75 GB) (Free:879.87 GB) NTFS Drive d: (BUFFY_SEASON4_DISC3) (CDROM) (Total:6.86 GB) (Free:0 GB) UDF Drive e: () (Removable) (Total:3.69 GB) (Free:3.68 GB) FAT32 ==================== MBR & Partitionstabelle ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 931.5 GB) (Disk ID: B169CD6D) Partition: GPT. ======================================================== Disk: 1 (Size: 3.7 GB) (Disk ID: 00000000) Partition: GPT. ==================== Ende von Addition.txt ============================ |
![]() | #17 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation Servus,
__________________wir entfernen noch ein bisschen was und kontrollieren nochmal alles. Hinweis: Der Suchlauf mit ESET kann länger dauern. Schritt 1 Drücke bitte die Windowstaste + R Taste und schreibe notepad in das Ausführen Fenster. Kopiere nun folgenden Text aus der Code-Box in das leere Textdokument Code:
ATTFilter start CloseProcesses: C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated\ByteFence C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated\ByteFence Scan EmptyTemp: end Speichere diese bitte als Fixlist.txt auf deinem Desktop (oder dem Verzeichnis in dem sich FRST befindet).
Schritt 2 Downloade dir die passende Version von HitmanPro auf deinen Desktop: HitmanPro - 32 Bit | HitmanPro - 64 Bit.
Schritt 3 ESET Online Scanner
Schritt 4
![]() Bitte poste mit deiner nächsten Antwort
![]() | #18 |
![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-DeistallationCode:
ATTFilter Entferungsergebnis von Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 19-04-2017 durchgeführt von knightkrawler (20-04-2017 15:14:02) Run:2 Gestartet von C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop Geladene Profile: knightkrawler (Verfügbare Profile: knightkrawler) Start-Modus: Normal ============================================== fixlist Inhalt: ***************** start CloseProcesses: C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated\ByteFence C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated\ByteFence Scan EmptyTemp: end ***************** Prozesse erfolgreich geschlossen. C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated\ByteFence => erfolgreich verschoben C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated\ByteFence Scan => erfolgreich verschoben =========== EmptyTemp: ========== BITS transfer queue => 0 B DOMStore, IE Recovery, AppCache, Feeds Cache, Thumbcache, IconCache => 12550357 B Java, Flash, Steam htmlcache => 0 B Windows/system/drivers => 709108 B Edge => 0 B Chrome => 0 B Firefox => 0 B Opera => 193689901 B Temp, IE cache, history, cookies, recent: Default => 0 B Users => 0 B ProgramData => 0 B Public => 0 B systemprofile => 128 B systemprofile32 => 0 B LocalService => 0 B NetworkService => 2536 B knightkrawler => 2613163 B RecycleBin => 0 B EmptyTemp: => 199.9 MB temporäre Dateien entfernt. ================================ Das System musste neu gestartet werden. ==== Ende von Fixlog 15:14:14 ==== Code:
ATTFilter ESETSmartInstaller@High as downloader log: all ok # product=EOS # version=8 # OnlineScannerApp.exe= # EOSSerial=19bf53114594e84fb42f7d8d9a4200df # end=init # utc_time=2017-04-15 01:53:18 # local_time=2017-04-15 03:53:18 (+0100, Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) # country="Germany" # osver=6.2.9200 NT ESETSmartInstaller@High as downloader log: all ok # product=EOS # version=8 # OnlineScannerApp.exe= # EOSSerial=19bf53114594e84fb42f7d8d9a4200df # end=init # utc_time=2017-04-20 01:32:40 # local_time=2017-04-20 03:32:40 (+0100, Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) # country="Germany" # osver=6.2.9200 NT Update Init Update Download Update Finalize Updated modules version: 33119 # product=EOS # version=8 # OnlineScannerApp.exe= # EOSSerial=19bf53114594e84fb42f7d8d9a4200df # end=updated # utc_time=2017-04-20 01:37:50 # local_time=2017-04-20 03:37:50 (+0100, Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) # country="Germany" # osver=6.2.9200 NT # product=EOS # version=8 # OnlineScannerApp.exe= # OnlineScanner.ocx= # api_version=3.1.1 # EOSSerial=19bf53114594e84fb42f7d8d9a4200df # engine=33119 # end=finished # remove_checked=false # archives_checked=true # unwanted_checked=true # unsafe_checked=false # antistealth_checked=true # utc_time=2017-04-20 04:33:54 # local_time=2017-04-20 06:33:54 (+0100, Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit) # country="Germany" # lang=1031 # osver=6.2.9200 NT # compatibility_mode_1='' # compatibility_mode=5893 16776573 100 94 11419 24036648 0 0 # scanned=332662 # found=0 # cleaned=0 # scan_time=10563 Code:
ATTFilter Untersuchungsergebnis von Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x64) Version: 19-04-2017 durchgeführt von knightkrawler (Administrator) auf DESKTOP-DMK366D (20-04-2017 18:36:42) Gestartet von C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop Geladene Profile: knightkrawler (Verfügbare Profile: knightkrawler) Platform: Windows 10 Home Version 1607 (X64) Sprache: Deutsch (Deutschland) Internet Explorer Version 11 (Standard-Browser: Opera) Start-Modus: Normal Anleitung für Farbar Recovery Scan Tool: hxxp://www.geekstogo.com/forum/topic/335081-frst-tutorial-how-to-use-farbar-recovery-scan-tool/ ==================== Prozesse (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ================= (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird der Prozess geschlossen. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben.) (Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxCUIService.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\AsLdrSrv.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATKGFNEX\GFNEXSrv.exe (Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider) C:\Program Files (x86)\Bluetooth Suite\AdminService.exe (Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\esif_uf.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe (ASUS Cloud Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\AsusWSWinService.exe (Malwarebytes) C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\MBAMService.exe (TeamViewer GmbH) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe () C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJPLM\ijplmsvc.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\HControl.exe (Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\Temp\DPTF\esif_assist_64.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v3.0\WPF\PresentationFontCache.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\USBChargerPlus\USBChargerPlus.exe (ASUS) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\ACMON.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATKOSD2\ATKOSD2.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Media\DMedia.exe (Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxEM.exe (Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxHK.exe () C:\Windows\System32\igfxTray.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\NisSrv.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe (Malwarebytes) C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamtray.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\apdproxy.exe (CANON INC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJ Network Scanner Selector EX\CNMNSST.exe (CANON INC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\Quick Menu\CNQMMAIN.EXE (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\splwow64.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe (CANON INC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\Quick Menu\CNQMUPDT.EXE (WildTangent) C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppIntegrationService.exe (ASUSTek Computer Inc) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeHost.exe (ASUS Cloud Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\AsusWSPanel.exe (Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isa.exe () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\smartscreen.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera_crashreporter.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe (Opera Software) C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera.exe ==================== Registry (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ==================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird der Registryeintrag auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt oder entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben.) HKLM\...\Run: [WindowsDefender] => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe [631808 2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) HKLM\...\Run: [Malwarebytes TrayApp] => C:\PROGRAM FILES\MALWAREBYTES\ANTI-MALWARE\mbamtray.exe [2780112 2017-01-20] (Malwarebytes) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [WebStorage] => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\ASUSWSLoader.exe [63272 2015-12-24] () HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe Photo Downloader] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\apdproxy.exe [67488 2007-09-11] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [IJNetworkScannerSelectorEX] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJ Network Scanner Selector EX\CNMNSST.exe [235624 2015-01-09] (CANON INC.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [CanonQuickMenu] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\Quick Menu\CNQMMAIN.EXE [1314432 2016-06-09] (CANON INC.) HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\RunOnce: [Application Restart #0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe [1045960 2017-03-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ MEGA (Pending)] -> {056D528D-CE28-4194-9BA3-BA2E9197FF8C} => C:\ProgramData\MEGAsync\ShellExtX64.dll -> Keine Datei ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ MEGA (Synced)] -> {05B38830-F4E9-4329-978B-1DD28605D202} => C:\ProgramData\MEGAsync\ShellExtX64.dll -> Keine Datei ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [ MEGA (Syncing)] -> {0596C850-7BDD-4C9D-AFDF-873BE6890637} => C:\ProgramData\MEGAsync\ShellExtX64.dll -> Keine Datei ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [!AsusWSShellExt_B] -> {6D4133E5-0742-4ADC-8A8C-9303440F7191} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AWS\\ASUSWSShellExt64.dll [2015-04-22] (ASUS Cloud Corporation.) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [!AsusWSShellExt_O] -> {64174815-8D98-4CE6-8646-4C039977D809} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AWS\\ASUSWSShellExt64.dll [2015-04-22] (ASUS Cloud Corporation.) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: [!AsusWSShellExt_U] -> {1C5AB7B1-0B38-4EC4-9093-7FD277E2AF4E} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AWS\\ASUSWSShellExt64.dll [2015-04-22] (ASUS Cloud Corporation.) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ MEGA (Pending)] -> {056D528D-CE28-4194-9BA3-BA2E9197FF8C} => C:\ProgramData\MEGAsync\ShellExtX32.dll -> Keine Datei ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ MEGA (Synced)] -> {05B38830-F4E9-4329-978B-1DD28605D202} => C:\ProgramData\MEGAsync\ShellExtX32.dll -> Keine Datei ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: [ MEGA (Syncing)] -> {0596C850-7BDD-4C9D-AFDF-873BE6890637} => C:\ProgramData\MEGAsync\ShellExtX32.dll -> Keine Datei ==================== Internet (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ==================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird der Eintrag entfernt oder auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt, wenn es sich um einen Registryeintrag handelt.) Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{69548dd1-9409-4a44-b6a2-c2bed45d0f6d}: [DhcpNameServer] Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{9c0d7629-d176-4340-a807-7acb38b6c817}: [DhcpNameServer] Internet Explorer: ================== HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = www.google.com HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = hxxp://asus15.msn.com/?pc=ASTE SearchScopes: HKLM -> DefaultScope {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} URL = SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 -> DefaultScope {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} URL = SearchScopes: HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001 -> DefaultScope {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} URL = BHO-x32: Lync Browser Helper -> {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\OCHelper.dll [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Evernote extension -> {92EF2EAD-A7CE-4424-B0DB-499CF856608E} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteIE.dll [2015-09-03] (Evernote Corp., 305 Walnut Street, Redwood City, CA 94063) BHO-x32: Microsoft OneDrive for Business Browser Helper -> {D0498E0A-45B7-42AE-A9AA-ABA463DBD3BF} -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\GROOVEEX.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: mso-minsb-roaming.16 - {83C25742-A9F7-49FB-9138-434302C88D07} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler-x32: mso-minsb-roaming.16 - {83C25742-A9F7-49FB-9138-434302C88D07} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: mso-minsb.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler-x32: mso-minsb.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: osf-roaming.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler-x32: osf-roaming.16 - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: osf.16 - {5504BE45-A83B-4808-900A-3A5C36E7F77A} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) Handler-x32: osf.16 - {5504BE45-A83B-4808-900A-3A5C36E7F77A} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) FireFox: ======== FF DefaultProfile: p0ub6iyb.default FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default [2017-04-19] FF Homepage: Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default -> en.wikipedia.org FF Extension: (Roomy Bookmarks Toolbar) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default\Extensions\ALone-live@ya.ru.xpi [2017-03-21] FF Extension: (ColorfulTabs) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default\Extensions\{0545b830-f0aa-4d7e-8820-50a4629a56fe} [2017-03-21] FF Extension: (Adblock Plus) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default\Extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi [2017-03-21] FF Extension: (DownThemAll!) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default\Extensions\{DDC359D1-844A-42a7-9AA1-88A850A938A8}.xpi [2017-03-21] FF Extension: (Kein Name) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default\Extensions\{E0B8C461-F8FB-49b4-8373-FE32E9252800}.xpi [2017-03-21] FF Extension: (Site Deployment Checker) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\p0ub6iyb.default\features\{a32a11b3-f1fa-40cb-897e-f63c24fb6671}\deployment-checker@mozilla.org.xpi [2017-03-25] FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\NPSPWRAP.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @canon.com/EPPEX -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\My Image Garden\AddOn\CIG\npmigfpi.dll [2015-10-29] (CANON INC.) FF Plugin-x32: @foxitsoftware.com/Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/pdf -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll [2015-07-10] (Foxit Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @foxitsoftware.com/Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.fdf -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll [2015-07-10] (Foxit Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @foxitsoftware.com/Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.xdp -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll [2015-07-10] (Foxit Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @foxitsoftware.com/Foxit PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.xfdf -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll [2015-07-10] (Foxit Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @intel-webapi.intel.com/Intel WebAPI ipt;version=4.0.56 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\TXE Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIIPT.dll [2014-07-01] (Intel Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @intel-webapi.intel.com/Intel WebAPI updater -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\TXE Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIUpdater.dll [2014-07-01] (Intel Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 -> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\NPSPWRAP.DLL [2017-04-04] (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.2.4 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll [2016-06-01] (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @WildTangent.com/GamesAppPresenceDetector,Version=1.0 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\BrowserIntegration\Registered\0\NP_wtapp.dll [2015-12-22] () Opera: ======= OPR StartupUrls: "hxxp://en.wikipedia.org/" OPR Extension: (Opera Welcome Page) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\clblbeknmgobkgonndomehcjpckopfeh [2017-04-11] OPR Extension: (StumbleUpon) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\dcgfeeneehecjobkopmnpaiffolcnhli [2017-03-28] OPR Extension: (uBlock Origin) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\kccohkcpppjjkkjppopfnflnebibpida [2017-04-11] OPR Extension: (Download YouTube Videos as MP4) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\maeombkgfpjdnjkhohbjachnnmpbipol [2017-03-28] OPR Extension: (Adblock Plus) - C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\oidhhegpmlfpoeialbgcdocjalghfpkp [2017-03-28] ==================== Dienste (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ==================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) R2 AdobeActiveFileMonitor6.0; C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe [124832 2007-09-11] () R2 Asus WebStorage Windows Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\AsusWSWinService.exe [75264 2015-12-24] (ASUS Cloud Corporation) [Datei ist nicht signiert] R2 AtherosSvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\Bluetooth Suite\adminservice.exe [323152 2015-07-29] (Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider) R2 ClickToRunSvc; C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeClickToRun.exe [3737792 2017-03-26] (Microsoft Corporation) S2 dbupdate; C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [143144 2017-03-21] (Dropbox, Inc.) S3 dbupdatem; C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [143144 2017-03-21] (Dropbox, Inc.) R2 esifsvc; C:\Windows\SysWoW64\esif_uf.exe [1392792 2015-11-09] (Intel Corporation) S3 FLEXnet Licensing Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe [654848 2017-03-24] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [Datei ist nicht signiert] R2 GamesAppIntegrationService; C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppIntegrationService.exe [349728 2015-12-22] (WildTangent) R2 igfxCUIService2.0.0.0; C:\Windows\system32\igfxCUIService.exe [373744 2016-11-02] (Intel Corporation) R2 IJPLMSVC; C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJPLM\IJPLMSVC.EXE [387144 2016-02-04] () S3 Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service TCP IP Interface; C:\Program Files\Intel\TXE Components\TCS\SocketHeciServer.exe [881152 2015-05-22] (Intel(R) Corporation) R3 Intel(R) Security Assist; C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isa.exe [335872 2015-05-19] (Intel Corporation) [Datei ist nicht signiert] S2 isaHelperSvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isaHelperService.exe [7680 2015-05-19] () [Datei ist nicht signiert] S2 jhi_service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\TXE Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe [174368 2015-04-21] (Intel Corporation) R2 MBAMService; C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe [4355024 2017-01-20] (Malwarebytes) R2 TeamViewer; C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe [5495056 2015-06-17] (TeamViewer GmbH) R3 WdNisSvc; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\NisSrv.exe [347328 2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) R2 WinDefend; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe [103720 2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) ===================== Treiber (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ====================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) R3 dptf_cpu; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dptf_cpu.sys [52200 2015-11-09] (Intel Corporation) R3 esif_lf; C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\esif_lf.sys [260072 2015-11-09] (Intel Corporation) R1 ESProtectionDriver; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbae64.sys [77440 2017-03-22] () R3 igfxLP; C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\igdkmd64lp.sys [7402992 2016-11-02] (Intel Corporation) R2 MBAMChameleon; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\MBAMChameleon.sys [186304 2017-04-14] (Malwarebytes) R3 MBAMFarflt; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\farflt.sys [111544 2017-04-20] (Malwarebytes) R3 MBAMProtection; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys [43968 2017-04-20] (Malwarebytes) R0 MBAMSwissArmy; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [251832 2017-04-20] (Malwarebytes) R3 MBAMWebProtection; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mwac.sys [92096 2017-04-20] (Malwarebytes) S3 NetAdapterCx; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\NetAdapterCx.sys [90624 2016-07-16] () R3 rt640x64; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rt640x64.sys [887552 2015-07-15] (Realtek ) R3 RTSPER; C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\RtsPer.sys [753368 2015-06-15] (Realsil Semiconductor Corporation) R3 TXEIx64; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\TXEIx64.sys [146232 2015-06-26] (Intel Corporation) S0 WdBoot; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WdBoot.sys [44056 2016-07-16] (Microsoft Corporation) R0 WdFilter; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\WdFilter.sys [290144 2016-07-16] (Microsoft Corporation) R3 WdNisDrv; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\WdNisDrv.sys [123232 2016-07-16] (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== NetSvcs (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) ==================== Ein Monat: Erstellte Dateien und Ordner ======== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird die Datei/der Ordner verschoben.) 2017-04-20 15:32 - 2017-04-20 15:32 - 02870984 _____ (ESET) C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\esetsmartinstaller_deu.exe 2017-04-20 15:19 - 2017-04-20 15:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro 2017-04-20 15:19 - 2017-04-20 15:19 - 11583584 _____ (SurfRight B.V.) C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\HitmanPro_x64.exe 2017-04-19 16:48 - 2017-04-19 17:02 - 00003230 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\SystemLook.txt 2017-04-19 16:48 - 2017-04-19 16:48 - 00165376 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\SystemLook_x64.exe 2017-04-19 16:34 - 2017-04-20 15:14 - 00001416 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Fixlog.txt 2017-04-18 17:46 - 2017-04-19 18:19 - 00031132 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Addition.txt 2017-04-18 17:44 - 2017-04-20 18:37 - 00020006 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\FRST.txt 2017-04-18 17:33 - 2017-04-18 17:33 - 00001505 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\AdwCleaner[C2].txt 2017-04-17 18:17 - 2017-04-17 18:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Caminova 2017-04-17 16:19 - 2017-04-17 16:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Filme 2017-04-17 14:28 - 2017-04-17 14:34 - 00261338 _____ C:\TDSSKiller. 2017-04-17 14:25 - 2017-04-17 14:28 - 04747704 _____ (AO Kaspersky Lab) C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\tdsskiller.exe 2017-04-17 14:24 - 2017-04-20 15:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\FRST-OlderVersion 2017-04-16 16:11 - 2017-04-18 17:29 - 00000000 ____D C:\AdwCleaner 2017-04-16 16:10 - 2017-04-16 16:11 - 04089296 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\AdwCleaner_6.045.exe 2017-04-15 18:20 - 2017-04-20 17:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\vlc 2017-04-15 16:13 - 2017-04-15 16:13 - 00001141 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\VLC media player.lnk 2017-04-15 16:13 - 2017-04-15 16:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\VideoLAN 2017-04-15 16:11 - 2017-04-15 16:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN 2017-04-15 15:52 - 2017-04-15 15:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\ESET 2017-04-14 19:36 - 2017-04-20 16:23 - 00092096 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mwac.sys 2017-04-14 19:36 - 2017-04-20 15:15 - 00251832 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2017-04-14 19:36 - 2017-04-20 15:15 - 00111544 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\farflt.sys 2017-04-14 19:36 - 2017-04-20 15:15 - 00043968 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbam.sys 2017-04-14 19:36 - 2017-04-14 19:36 - 00186304 _____ (Malwarebytes) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMChameleon.sys 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-04-14 19:35 - 00001914 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Malwarebytes.lnk 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-04-14 19:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Malwarebytes 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-04-14 19:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-04-14 19:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-03-22 11:02 - 00077440 _____ C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbae64.sys 2017-04-14 19:24 - 2017-04-20 18:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2017-04-14 19:24 - 2017-04-20 15:13 - 02424832 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\FRST64.exe 2017-04-14 16:30 - 2017-04-17 19:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\dvdcss 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 09:10 - 00315744 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\atmfd.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 08:19 - 00601712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oleaut32.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 01504056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsCodecs.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 05721808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\windows.storage.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 02262776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 01431232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00861024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LicenseManager.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:59 - 06667520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 20967840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shell32.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 01851688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfmp4srcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 01344448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfsrcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 01277856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfasfsrcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 01202936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 00981888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfnetcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 00961192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ole32.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:53 - 01414728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32full.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:53 - 00545944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fontdrvhost.exe 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00284672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\apprepsync.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00498688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mbsmsapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00755712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kerberos.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 04614656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:20 - 03307008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MFMediaEngine.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 06109696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mos.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:16 - 03198464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cdp.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 07468544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mstscax.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00641024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MCRecvSrc.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00542208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.Connectivity.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 02994176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\win32kfull.sys 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 01600000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 02483200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 01564160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\quartz.dll 2017-04-12 08:17 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 00783360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TSWorkspace.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 09:10 - 00484584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AudioSes.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:29 - 02213248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\KernelBase.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:21 - 00167848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wscapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:15 - 02048496 _____ C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CoreUIComponents.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:10 - 07220184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\windows.storage.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:07 - 00263472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 22221368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 08168512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 01988048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfmp4srcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 01848584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfsrcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 01702392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfasfsrcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 01302136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 01072248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfnetcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00975744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\twinapi.appcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00277344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\msiscsi.sys 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00136032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CloudExperienceHostUser.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00116568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CloudExperienceHostCommon.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:02 - 01980768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:02 - 00846560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WinTypes.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 08:02 - 00576408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wer.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:59 - 04023008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:59 - 02533728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpip.sys 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 01360464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfnetsrc.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:52 - 00306800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.MediaControl.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:48 - 05685760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Data.Pdf.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:42 - 00095232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UserDataTimeUtil.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:42 - 00051712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usoapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:41 - 00026112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcconf.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:40 - 00224256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ExSMime.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:40 - 00049664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\XblAuthManagerProxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:40 - 00037376 _____ (Adobe Systems) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\atmlib.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:39 - 00141824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Radios.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:39 - 00040960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TokenBrokerUI.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:38 - 00156672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UserDeviceRegistration.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:38 - 00070656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00255488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\unimdm.tsp 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00215552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\apds.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00177664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Web.Diagnostics.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00138240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DisplayManager.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00123904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.HostName.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00097792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.System.SystemManagement.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00041472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\BasicRender.sys 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00769024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ipsecsnp.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00237568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Web.Diagnostics.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00136192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WinRtTracing.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00129024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00123904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssprxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00094208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.StateRepositoryClient.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00087040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.ServiceDiscovery.Dnssd.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00059904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.System.UserDeviceAssociation.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00056320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\BasicDisplay.sys 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00505856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcastdvr.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00392192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Gaming.Input.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00374784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.LowLevel.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00315904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Gaming.XboxLive.Storage.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00231936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.LockScreen.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00184320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UserMgrProxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00180224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InstallAgent.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00142336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.WiFi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00118272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AppointmentActivation.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00113152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Lights.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00092672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemEventsBroker.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00299520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UserDataAccountApis.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00237568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SyncSettings.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00117760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AuthBroker.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00115712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00670208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.PointOfService.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00609280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Import.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00557568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\StoreAgent.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00483840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.AllJoyn.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00467968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Gaming.XboxLive.Storage.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00436736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ipsmsnap.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00265728 _____ C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Perception.Stub.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00193536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WinRtTracing.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00149504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 01243136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00562176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.SmartCards.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00426496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00386048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00332288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Internal.Bluetooth.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00325120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oleacc.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00298496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Internal.Management.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00271360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\deviceaccess.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00223232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InstallAgentUserBroker.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00218624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WwaApi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00206336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vaultcli.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00202752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00185856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Provider.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00175616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Scanners.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\apprepapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00711680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wuapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00431616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\efswrt.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00390656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CredProvDataModel.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WebcamUi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00819200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AppContracts.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00816640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NaturalLanguage6.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00787968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sbe.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00262144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Picker.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00075264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\updatepolicy.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00747520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Ocr.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00529920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\StructuredQuery.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00314368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Usb.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00284672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00238080 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AboveLockAppHost.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00584192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00561664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00551936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MusUpdateHandlers.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00500224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Graphics.Printing.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00358912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 01388544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Cred.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00288256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CryptoWinRT.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00245760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WwaApi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 01534464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Graphics.Printing.3D.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00642048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.InkControls.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00468992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Xaml.InkControls.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00313856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AppXDeploymentClient.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 02333184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WsmSvc.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 01196544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wscui.cpl 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 00963584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WebcamUi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 00653312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.AccountsControl.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 06474752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mspaint.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 06288384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 00901120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 00675840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 03733504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\D3DCompiler_47.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 00886272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\aadtb.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 00589312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Sensors.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 00395264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dmenrollengine.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:22 - 00516096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wlidcli.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:22 - 00355328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RTMediaFrame.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:22 - 00157696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\enrollmentapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 03778048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MFMediaEngine.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 01077760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Editing.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:20 - 00795648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MiracastReceiver.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:20 - 00078336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfmjpegdec.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 07655424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mos.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00746496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msdtcprx.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00713216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wpnapps.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00343040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PlayToDevice.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00248832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dlnashext.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00141312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dialclient.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:18 - 01255936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AzureSettingSyncProvider.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 00895488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Streaming.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 00220672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PlayToReceiver.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 00090624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\olepro32.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:16 - 01221120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Audio.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:16 - 00134144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ErrorDetails.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 01247232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Globalization.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 03520512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\xpsrchvw.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 01080320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Ocr.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00400384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PlayToManager.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00357376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Geolocation.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00103936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Devices.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 04596224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\xpsrchvw.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 02138112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InputService.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 01656320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Perception.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 01232384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Xaml.Maps.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 01170944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.Speech.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 00816640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 00079360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\asycfilt.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 02682880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\netshell.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 01013248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Web.Http.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 01004544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Input.Inking.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00862208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SettingSyncCore.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00827904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\twinui.appcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00691200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TokenBroker.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00654336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MbaeApiPublic.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00620544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00598528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Web.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00566784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ShareHost.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00348160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Devices.Midi.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 02646528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CertEnroll.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 01981440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\diagtrack.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 01576448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\actxprxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 01170944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Xaml.Phone.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 00751104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 08076288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mstscax.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 02424320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Perception.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 01424896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.Maps.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 01266176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Input.Inking.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 00391168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuuhext.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 04149248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rdpcorets.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 03106304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mstsc.exe 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 01369088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.Phone.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 00299008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RADCUI.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-28 06:48 - 00483840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CoreMessaging.dll 2017-04-12 08:16 - 2017-03-16 06:38 - 00034088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CompPkgSup.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:32 - 00198856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:28 - 00773720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\oleaut32.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:26 - 00603488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ContentDeliveryManager.Utilities.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:26 - 00218520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LsaIso.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:20 - 01181024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ndis.sys 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:18 - 01705976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\KernelBase.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:12 - 00328008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:11 - 02187616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dxgkrnl.sys 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:11 - 01860288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:11 - 01738560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WindowsCodecs.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:11 - 00402784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dxgmms1.sys 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:11 - 00360040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettingsAdminFlows.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:10 - 02758648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:10 - 01293152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LicenseManager.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:10 - 01157008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\twinapi.appcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:09 - 00097128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.CredentialPicker.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:06 - 00092512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rdpudd.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:05 - 04260576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfcore.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 01276760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 00387872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wmpps.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:41 - 00372736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RDXTaskFactory.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:38 - 00119808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserDataTimeUtil.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 22568960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\edgehtml.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00053248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\musdialoghandlers.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00216576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RdpRelayTransport.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00233472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MusNotification.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00093696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MusNotificationUx.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\unimdm.tsp 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00113664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.ServiceDiscovery.Dnssd.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00635904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\FlightSettings.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00418304 _____ C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Perception.Stub.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00360448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rdpencom.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00337408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetworkBindingEngineMigPlugin.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00211968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\InstallAgent.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00748544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\StoreAgent.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00692224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CellularAPI.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00568320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.LowLevel.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00912384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.SmartCards.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00590336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\efswrt.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00293888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\updatehandlers.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00260608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\InstallAgentUserBroker.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00216576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Scanners.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00456192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\puiobj.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00337408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Picker.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00252416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Provider.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00949248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.PointOfService.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00671744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mbsmsapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00472064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Internal.Bluetooth.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00441856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AccountsRt.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 01145344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EmailApis.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00549376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usocore.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00437248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Usb.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00284160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AboveLockAppHost.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 18364928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\edgehtml.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 19416576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 01220096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscui.cpl 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 00932864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\kerberos.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 00691712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:22 - 00175616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettings.DeviceEncryptionHandlers.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 23681536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 01589760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msdtctm.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 01403392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Editing.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 00458752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RTMediaFrame.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:20 - 01105408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MiracastReceiver.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00864256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wpnapps.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:18 - 12181504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:18 - 01908224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AzureSettingSyncProvider.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:18 - 01078784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Streaming.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:18 - 00100864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wpninprc.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 13087232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:16 - 01217024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Audio.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 02390016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\smartscreen.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00937984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MCRecvSrc.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00411648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SensorsApi.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 08126976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Chakra.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00975872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\HelpPane.exe 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00947712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MSVP9DEC.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00913920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 06045184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Chakra.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 02095616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 00759296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 00650752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RDXService.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 00611328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Graphics.Printing.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MbaeApiPublic.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 01275392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 00765440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Sensors.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 01783296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 01637888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 00774656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Web.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 01513472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32kbase.sys 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 01131008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\localspl.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 02895872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:06 - 00999424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TSWorkspace.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:05 - 01633792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\quartz.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:36 - 01617760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\appraiser.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:36 - 01294688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:36 - 00565088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\devinv.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:36 - 00343904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\invagent.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:36 - 00142176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\acmigration.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:35 - 00379232 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\system32\atmfd.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:28 - 07786336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:22 - 02681200 _____ C:\Windows\system32\CoreUIComponents.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:20 - 00764392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CoreMessaging.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:10 - 00178528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudExperienceHostUser.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:10 - 00146776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudExperienceHostCommon.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:09 - 02446704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:09 - 00682816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wer.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:09 - 00624048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\cng.sys 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:08 - 01267504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WinTypes.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:08 - 01100128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hvix64.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:08 - 00989024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hvax64.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 01600632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sppobjs.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00241504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudExperienceHost.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:04 - 00160088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudExperienceHostBroker.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:00 - 01569184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gdi32full.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:00 - 00628552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fontdrvhost.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:58 - 00372440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.MediaControl.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:44 - 07216640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Data.Pdf.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:38 - 00584192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UIRibbonRes.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:38 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00078848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XblAuthManagerProxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:37 - 00031232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DdcWnsListener.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00584192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UIRibbonRes.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00045056 _____ (Adobe Systems) C:\Windows\system32\atmlib.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:36 - 00030208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\odbcconf.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00185344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DisplayManager.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00156160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Family.Client.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00124416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.System.SystemManagement.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:35 - 00090624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Printers.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00259072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Family.SyncEngine.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00162304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dmcertinst.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00129536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_ClosedCaptioning.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:34 - 00088064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XblAuthTokenBrokerExt.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00270336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00196096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserDeviceRegistration.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00193536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.WiFi.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00182272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceDirectoryClient.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00122880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.StateRepositoryClient.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00101888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserDeviceRegistration.Ngc.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:33 - 00082432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.System.UserDeviceAssociation.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00368640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\OneBackupHandler.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00306176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieproxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:32 - 00186368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Radios.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00547840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Gaming.Input.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00418304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.BlockedShutdown.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00343552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.SmartCards.Phone.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00289792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeveloperOptionsSettingsHandlers.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00276992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00257024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudDomainJoinDataModelServer.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00236544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\webcheck.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00223744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00171520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:31 - 00144896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Lights.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00651264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.AllJoyn.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00505856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00340480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iedkcs32.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00268800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserMgrProxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00239104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dafpos.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:30 - 00049664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TokenBrokerUI.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00852480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Import.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00391168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\oleacc.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00387584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iedkcs32.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00379904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\apprepsync.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00324608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.LockScreen.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00311296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SyncSettings.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00279552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00267264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vaultcli.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00206336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\psmsrv.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00147456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winsrv.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00146432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AuthBroker.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:29 - 00088576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00661504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WpcWebFilter.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00431616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WpAXHolder.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00407552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Internal.Management.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00261632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\indexeddbserver.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:28 - 00176128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\apprepapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 01060352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppContracts.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00645120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\qedit.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00425984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aadcloudap.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:27 - 00091136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\updatepolicy.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:26 - 00329728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\deviceaccess.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 01010176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\enterprisecsps.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 00966144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sbe.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 00896512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.AccountsControl.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 00775168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\GamePanel.exe 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:25 - 00262144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\webcheck.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:24 - 00410112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppXDeploymentClient.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 09130496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\twinui.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:23 - 00073728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WSManMigrationPlugin.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:21 - 00104960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CastLaunch.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:20 - 00090112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfmjpegdec.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00442368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PlayToDevice.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dlnashext.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:19 - 00235520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\flvprophandler.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 05114368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdp.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 04749312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_nt.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:17 - 00279552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PlayToReceiver.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:16 - 00167936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ErrorDetails.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:16 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vss_ps.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00981504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00945664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WpcWebFilter.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00539136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PlayToManager.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00467968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Geolocation.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:15 - 00139776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Devices.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 01692160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppXDeploymentExtensions.onecore.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 01643008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.Speech.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00869888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00800768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:14 - 00089088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\asycfilt.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 04474368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\D3DCompiler_47.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 01359872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SharedStartModel.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 01040896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NaturalLanguage6.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:13 - 00460800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Devices.Midi.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 05611008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d2d1.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 02208768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Graphics.Printing.3D.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 02026496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 01509376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:12 - 00376832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CryptoWinRT.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 02914816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CertEnroll.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 02316288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 01586176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Globalization.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 01231872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dosvc.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:10 - 00875520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TokenBroker.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 01328640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Web.Http.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 01064448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingSyncCore.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:09 - 00716800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ShareHost.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 03612672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32kfull.sys 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 03542016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\actxprxy.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 00180224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\enrollmentapi.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:07 - 00908800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Search.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:07 - 00701952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.Connectivity.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:07 - 00122368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\FontProvider.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:06 - 01121280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aadtb.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:06 - 00924672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-18 18:50 - 00956416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppXDeploymentExtensions.desktop.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-18 18:35 - 02278400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppXDeploymentServer.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-16 06:47 - 00038768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CompPkgSup.dll 2017-04-11 12:09 - 2017-04-18 17:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Malware Logs 2017-04-11 11:53 - 2017-04-11 11:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Mega Limited 2017-04-11 10:44 - 2017-04-11 10:44 - 00001005 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Bulk Rename Utility.lnk 2017-04-11 10:25 - 2017-04-11 10:25 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Bulk Rename Utility 2017-04-11 10:25 - 2017-04-11 10:25 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Bulk Rename Utility 2017-04-10 17:21 - 2017-04-10 18:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\XnView 2017-04-10 17:21 - 2017-04-10 17:22 - 00000990 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\XnView.lnk 2017-04-10 17:21 - 2017-04-10 17:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\XnView 2017-04-10 17:21 - 2017-04-10 17:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\XnView 2017-04-10 17:17 - 2017-04-10 17:19 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\XnViewMP 2017-04-10 17:17 - 2017-04-10 17:17 - 00001721 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\XnViewMP.lnk 2017-04-10 17:17 - 2017-04-10 17:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\XnViewMP 2017-04-10 17:16 - 2017-04-10 17:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\XnViewMP 2017-04-09 09:16 - 2017-04-09 09:16 - 00082690 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Cards & Icon Guide Mk II.odt 2017-04-05 18:33 - 2017-04-05 18:36 - 00000000 ___HD C:\ProgramData\CanonIJMIG 2017-04-05 18:33 - 2017-04-05 18:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Scans 2017-04-05 18:33 - 2017-04-05 18:33 - 00614722 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\IMG_20170405_0001.pdf 2017-04-05 18:32 - 2017-04-05 18:33 - 00000000 ___HD C:\ProgramData\CanonIJScan 2017-04-04 18:38 - 2017-04-08 13:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Edit Cards 2017-04-04 08:46 - 2017-04-04 08:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\DESIGNER 2017-04-03 18:24 - 2017-04-03 18:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Temp 2017-04-02 12:08 - 2017-04-17 08:37 - 00016038 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\HQHV Mk II - Update.odt 2017-03-30 22:08 - 2017-03-30 22:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\CyberLink 2017-03-30 09:13 - 2017-03-30 09:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice 2017-03-30 08:51 - 2017-03-30 08:51 - 00001132 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.1.3.lnk 2017-03-30 08:51 - 2017-03-30 08:51 - 00000000 ___SD C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenOffice 4.1.3 2017-03-30 08:51 - 2017-03-30 08:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4 2017-03-29 22:20 - 2017-04-03 18:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\CyberLink 2017-03-29 22:20 - 2017-03-29 22:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\Documents\Cyberlink 2017-03-29 22:20 - 2017-03-29 22:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink 2017-03-29 21:20 - 2017-03-29 21:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle 2017-03-29 21:11 - 2017-03-29 21:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Oracle 2017-03-29 10:55 - 2017-03-29 10:58 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Scribus 2017-03-29 10:55 - 2017-03-29 10:55 - 00001132 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Scribus 1.4.6.lnk 2017-03-29 10:54 - 2017-03-29 10:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Scribus 1.4.6 2017-03-29 10:53 - 2017-03-29 10:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Scribus 1.4.6 2017-03-29 06:27 - 2017-03-29 06:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\WinRAR 2017-03-28 21:32 - 2017-04-08 21:14 - 00532136 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MpSigStub.exe 2017-03-28 09:55 - 2017-03-28 09:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ghostscript 2017-03-28 09:54 - 2017-03-28 09:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\gs 2017-03-28 09:48 - 2017-04-18 20:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\HeroQuest - Projects 2017-03-28 09:44 - 2017-04-12 13:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\HQ - HEROES & VILLAINS 2017-03-28 09:43 - 2017-04-12 14:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\_HQ 170411 2017-03-28 09:43 - 2017-04-11 10:43 - 00014573 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Order 3.odt 2017-03-28 09:28 - 2017-03-28 09:28 - 00000000 ___HD C:\ProgramData\CanonIJQuickMenu 2017-03-28 09:27 - 2017-04-05 18:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Canon 2017-03-28 09:27 - 2017-03-28 09:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Canon MG3600 series Benutzerregistrierung 2017-03-28 09:22 - 2017-03-28 09:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Canon MG3600 series Manual 2017-03-28 09:22 - 2017-03-28 09:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Canon 2017-03-28 09:15 - 2017-03-28 09:26 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Canon Utilities 2017-03-28 09:15 - 2017-03-28 09:26 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\CanonIJWSpt 2017-03-28 09:15 - 2017-03-28 09:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Canon IJ Network Tool 2017-03-28 09:14 - 2015-01-29 11:22 - 00353792 _____ (CANON INC.) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CNC_CTL.dll 2017-03-28 09:14 - 2014-12-02 16:01 - 00089088 _____ C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CNC178AD.TBL 2017-03-28 09:14 - 2008-08-25 18:02 - 00015872 _____ (CANON INC.) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CNHMCA.dll 2017-03-28 09:13 - 2017-03-28 09:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\STRING 2017-03-28 09:13 - 2017-03-28 09:13 - 00000000 ___HD C:\ProgramData\CanonBJ 2017-03-28 09:13 - 2015-03-17 08:51 - 00375296 _____ (CANON INC.) C:\Windows\system32\CNMN6PPM.DLL 2017-03-28 09:13 - 2015-03-17 08:51 - 00039424 _____ (CANON INC.) C:\Windows\system32\CNMN6UI.DLL 2017-03-28 09:13 - 2015-03-17 08:50 - 00380928 _____ (CANON INC.) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CNMNPPM.DLL 2017-03-28 09:12 - 2017-03-28 09:13 - 00000000 ___HD C:\Program Files\CanonBJ 2017-03-28 09:12 - 2015-03-12 05:00 - 00406528 _____ (CANON INC.) C:\Windows\system32\CNMLMCT.DLL 2017-03-28 09:08 - 2017-04-17 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\CanonIJPLM 2017-03-28 09:08 - 2017-03-28 09:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Canon 2017-03-28 09:04 - 2017-03-28 09:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon 2017-03-28 08:47 - 2017-03-28 08:47 - 00000000 ____H C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00.Wdf 2017-03-28 08:07 - 2017-03-28 08:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Soda PDF Desktop 2017-03-26 13:33 - 2017-03-26 13:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\7-Zip 2017-03-26 13:33 - 2017-03-26 13:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\7-Zip 2017-03-26 13:23 - 2017-03-26 13:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Apple 2017-03-26 13:23 - 2017-03-26 13:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Bonjour 2017-03-26 13:23 - 2017-03-26 13:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour 2017-03-26 13:22 - 2017-03-26 13:22 - 00001271 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Acronis True Image.lnk 2017-03-26 13:22 - 2017-03-26 13:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Acronis 2017-03-26 13:04 - 2017-04-12 13:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Soda PDF Desktop 2017-03-26 13:03 - 2017-04-03 18:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\CyberLink 2017-03-26 13:03 - 2017-03-26 13:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\PDVD 2017-03-26 13:03 - 2017-03-26 13:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS Uninstall Information 2017-03-26 12:59 - 2017-04-03 18:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\CyberLink 2017-03-26 12:58 - 2017-04-03 18:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\SUPPORTDIR 2017-03-26 12:58 - 2017-04-03 18:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\install_clap 2017-03-26 12:58 - 2017-03-26 12:58 - 00002457 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Vimeo.lnk 2017-03-26 12:49 - 2017-03-26 12:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2017-03-26 12:49 - 2017-03-26 12:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2017-03-26 12:49 - 2017-03-26 12:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\WinRAR 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:40 - 00965472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ReAgent.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00090976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\IPMIDrv.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 02206496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msmpeg2vdec.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 01969912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\hevcdecoder.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00497416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dnsapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00130912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\storahci.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00557400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\spaceport.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:56 - 00248992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\policymanager.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:54 - 02277288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d11.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:54 - 00524776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxgi.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:53 - 00781152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WWAHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:53 - 00493912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SettingSyncHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:52 - 00549088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SHCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:52 - 00272720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wintrust.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 01557808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winmde.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 01123912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfplat.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 00976184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfds.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 00952416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfsvr.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 00530480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mf.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 00352760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MMDevAPI.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:46 - 04312248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:46 - 00321792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LockAppHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:45 - 00173408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\basecsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:42 - 01260784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msctf.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00258560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\xboxgip.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 01631232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Xaml.Resources.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00034304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LaunchWinApp.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00156672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BcastDVRHelper.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00047104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Shell.Search.UriHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00328192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\daxexec.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00291840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Search.ProtocolHandler.MAPI2.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00332288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MapConfiguration.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00575488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nshwfp.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00389632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\schannel.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 13873664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Xaml.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00534528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PCPTpm12.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00506880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DevicePairing.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00426496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSettingSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00414208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winspool.drv 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00226816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dhcpcore6.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 01456640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\GdiPlus.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00858112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\EmailApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00762880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mprddm.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00636928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winhttp.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 01543680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mmc.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 00509440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 07626752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\twinui.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 01228288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usercpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00710144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AppointmentApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00497152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LogonController.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 00884224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcomm.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01323008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wsp_fs.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01320448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\comsvcs.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01137152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wsp_health.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 00570368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\clusapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02748928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mispace.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02643456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tquery.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 05380608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BingMaps.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02153984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\storagewmi.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 00545792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\uReFS.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 00298496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\resutils.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 02363904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MapRouter.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 02109952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MapGeocoder.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 04423680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ExplorerFrame.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 02740224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msftedit.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 02484736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gameux.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01993216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dwmcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01988096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mssrch.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01571840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01556992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Immersive.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 00773120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchIndexer.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 00422400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\twinapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 04557824 _____ (Microsoft) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dbgeng.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 02003968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DWrite.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 01883648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Logon.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 00798208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\authui.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 00711680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Search.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 07:59 - 00353280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TextInputFramework.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2017-03-04 07:57 - 00449024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-21 07:59 - 00218976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\offlinesam.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-21 06:30 - 05398016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\aclui.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-21 06:24 - 05061120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d2d1.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 07:18 - 00715104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\vhdmp.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 07:18 - 00335712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\pci.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 07:08 - 00341344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msv1_0.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 07:01 - 00382784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AUDIOKSE.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 07:01 - 00076984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\remoteaudioendpoint.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 06:45 - 00147968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\win32k.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00167424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WinSCard.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-14 06:22 - 02748416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rdpcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-09 12:01 - 02323728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10warp.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-09 12:00 - 00106896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcrypt.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-09 11:59 - 02166752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\combase.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-09 11:52 - 01435896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\user32.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-09 11:34 - 00288768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wincorlib.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-12-09 11:31 - 03689984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msi.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 12:00 - 00219488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tpm.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 11:18 - 00967168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\bthport.sys 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:59 - 01572768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:54 - 00122208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\migisol.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:49 - 00869848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MrmCoreR.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:42 - 00152416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RTWorkQ.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:42 - 00091936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfaudiocnv.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:25 - 00117248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MapsBtSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:25 - 00071168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MosStorage.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:24 - 00519168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ngccredprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:23 - 00140288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\AppCapture.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:19 - 01755136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:19 - 00364544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NetSetupShim.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:19 - 00114176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\setupugc.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:18 - 01336320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wsecedit.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:17 - 00333312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ActivationManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:17 - 00033280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WSManHTTPConfig.exe 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:15 - 01357824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UIAutomationCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:15 - 00838144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JpMapControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:15 - 00285696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cryptngc.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:05 - 03370496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.StateRepository.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:04 - 00715264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MapControlCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:04 - 00358912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stobject.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:03 - 00772608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntshrui.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:03 - 00760832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NMAA.dll 2017-03-25 21:57 - 2016-11-11 09:03 - 00565248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rasapi32.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 09:19 - 02049480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wmpmde.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00857440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WWAHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00527808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WWanAPI.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 09:04 - 01362512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmpmde.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 09:02 - 00184416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IPHLPAPI.DLL 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:53 - 00313568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wlanapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 00640976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\evr.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:47 - 00374448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MFPlay.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:45 - 00112120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gpapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:42 - 00276832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\input.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00126464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XblGameSaveExt.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00112640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mssitlb.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00091648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msctfp.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00039424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\XInputUap.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00019968 _____ C:\Windows\SysWOW64\GamePanelExternalHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00390144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Search.ProtocolHandler.MAPI2.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00349184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00275968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\accountaccessor.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00055296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\findnetprinters.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00045056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ddrawex.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00147456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\VCardParser.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00065024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Gaming.UI.GameBar.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00038912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wfdprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00025600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\netiougc.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00251904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscandui.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00175104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\puiapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00152064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MCCSEngineShared.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00128000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BrowserSettingSync.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00030208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tbauth.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00223232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\scksp.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00093184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msctfui.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00088576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UserDeviceRegistration.Ngc.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00022016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TokenBrokerCookies.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00531456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iprtrmgr.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00334848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DavSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00172032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\netiohlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 01299968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSVPXENC.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00231424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CloudBackupSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00230912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icm32.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00212992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cemapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00183296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchFilterHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00092160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DafPrintProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00631296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\main.cpl 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00196608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tapi32.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00632832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sud.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00424960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msutb.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wlanui.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00714752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mssvp.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00318464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchFolder.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00181760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tcpipcfg.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01231360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wcnwiz.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00896512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fontext.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00567808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ChatApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ddraw.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00525824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PrintDialogs.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00254464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mssphtb.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00253952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.TestingFramework.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00140800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mssph.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 00297472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SearchProtocolHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00968704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Unistore.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00850432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rasgcw.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00760832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\appwiz.cpl 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mscms.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00465920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\LockAppBroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\puiobj.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 00336384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\azroleui.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00236032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WsmWmiPl.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 02458112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\themecpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00256512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\thumbcache.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 00700416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Storage.Search.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01357312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSPhotography.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00471552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Media.BackgroundMediaPlayback.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00300544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regedit.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00259584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msdtcuiu.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 00123904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ProximityCommon.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 03405312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tquery.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 00903680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SearchIndexer.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 00545280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mfmkvsrcsnk.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02538496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssrch.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 01133568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vssapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 00458752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wlidprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 00089600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CameraCaptureUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00753152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imapi2fs.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00719872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wsp_sr.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 00409600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WMVSENCD.DLL 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 00359936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mtxclu.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 01709056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ActiveSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 01155072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSVP9DEC.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 00580608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\hgcpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01293312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WMPDMC.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01154560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Pimstore.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 00560640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UserLanguagesCpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 00850944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContactApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 08:00 - 00444416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SettingSync.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2017-03-04 07:59 - 00206848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Core.TextInput.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-21 06:43 - 00285184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.BlockedShutdown.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-21 06:41 - 00253952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.BioFeedback.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-21 06:40 - 00318976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rdpencom.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-21 06:38 - 00866816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.Cred.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-14 06:40 - 00104448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Internal.UI.Logon.ProxyStub.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-14 06:39 - 00837632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wbiosrvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-14 06:38 - 00213504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.UI.CredDialogController.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-14 06:35 - 00553984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cryptui.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-14 06:32 - 00806400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\D3D12.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:51 - 00117240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sspicli.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:41 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WordBreakers.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:18 - 00165376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mdmregistration.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:15 - 00092672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\InputLocaleManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-12-09 11:15 - 00068096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\EditBufferTestHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00107520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VPNv2CSP.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:41 - 00157536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CloudStorageWizard.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:27 - 00065024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NetCfgNotifyObjectHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:26 - 00030720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ReAgentc.exe 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:22 - 00122880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sendmail.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:21 - 00091648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:18 - 00108544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wscinterop.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:15 - 00348672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\zipfldr.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:08 - 00053248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\xolehlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:56 - 2016-11-11 09:04 - 00912896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\comdlg32.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 02482280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msmpeg2vdec.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 02186896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hevcdecoder.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:15 - 01000280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SecConfig.efi |
![]() | #19 |
![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-DeistallationCode:
ATTFilter 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01723560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WpcMon.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01473048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfplat.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01454512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfnetsrc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01062480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfsvr.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00811416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MFCaptureEngine.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00596040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mf.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00443232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MMDevAPI.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00126976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssitlb.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00087040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Gaming.UI.GameBar.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00206336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SearchFilterHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00730112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\nshwfp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00082944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\moshost.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 01507840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00462848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlansec.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 06574592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wwanmm.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00778752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssvp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00719872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\WdiWiFi.sys 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00446976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapConfiguration.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00468992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wwanconn.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00409600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlanui.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00579584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.UX.EapRequestHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00168448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssph.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00057344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WPDShServiceObj.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 01293312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wcnwiz.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00330752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NgcCtnrSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00254464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mssphtb.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 01937920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mmc.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00410112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\srv.sys 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 07812096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BingMaps.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 13441536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wmp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00626688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SpaceControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 01366016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wpncore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00858112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mprddm.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 03441664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapRouter.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 02953216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapGeocoder.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 02852864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettingsThresholdAdminFlowUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01555456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WMPDMC.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01536000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SpeechPal.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01282048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wwansvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01033216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapsStore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00579072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LockAppBroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 01359360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usercpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 12349952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmp.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 02800128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netshell.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00834048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32spl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00792576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\spoolsv.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02370048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlansvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01792512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Wpc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02820096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\InputService.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 01013760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ContactApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 00842240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ntshrui.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 01826816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 01493504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Wpc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2017-02-22 04:17 - 00448285 _____ C:\Windows\system32\ApnDatabase.xml 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-12-14 06:23 - 03134976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rdpcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-12-09 11:36 - 03059200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msi.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:56 - 00126568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfaudiocnv.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:51 - 00454592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\services.exe 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00151040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapsBtSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00089600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MosStorage.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00158720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VEStoreEventHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:23 - 00409088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NgcCtnr.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:21 - 00313856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\moshostcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00641024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ngccredprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00388096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\zipfldr.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 00184832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 00615424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wpnprv.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 01060864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JpMapControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:04 - 00691712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lsm.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:03 - 00905216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MapControlCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:55 - 2016-11-11 11:02 - 00936448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NMAA.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:26 - 00794416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Internal.Shell.Broker.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00108384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\pdc.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:23 - 02512304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WMVDECOD.DLL 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:18 - 00118624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:17 - 00409952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:15 - 00063328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dam.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:10 - 02828384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d3d11.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00658784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dxgmms2.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00396168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlanapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00432992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rdbss.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:04 - 01063472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfds.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00382272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LockAppHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 09:01 - 00137936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AuthHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:37 - 01631232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.Resources.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00101888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DuCsps.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00073728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usoapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00047104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wfdprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00030208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netiougc.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00263680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ExSMime.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00179712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MCCSEngineShared.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00322048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\accountaccessor.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00187904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VCardParser.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00535552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\nwifi.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00127488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifier.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00120320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DafPrintProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00052224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpipreg.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 01291264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MSVPXENC.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00249856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cemapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00235008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tapi32.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00203264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PimIndexMaintenance.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00741888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\internetmail.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00556544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iprtrmgr.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00200192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\puiapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00631296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WlanMediaManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00383488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DavSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00366080 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SearchFolder.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00307200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PrintDialogs3D.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00748544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ChatApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00320000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.TestingFramework.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 01184256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Unistore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00945152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rasgcw.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00820224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PrintRenderAPIHost.DLL 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00583680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PrintDialogs.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winspool.drv 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00809984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Storage.Search.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 17198592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Xaml.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01762816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MSPhotography.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01189376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sdengin2.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00198656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\indexeddbserver.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00156672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RelPost.exe 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00870400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mfmkvsrcsnk.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sdshext.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 00805888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\FrameServer.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01891328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\pnidui.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01917440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ActiveSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 01399296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Pimstore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 00771072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppointmentApis.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02691072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Logon.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01512448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserDataService.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 00707584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LogonController.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 04746752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02287104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dwmcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00531456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TpmCoreProvisioning.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00433152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TextInputFramework.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00340992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RADCUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 03666432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:13 - 00119808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\KnobsCsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:12 - 00083968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ProvPluginEng.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:10 - 00234496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\KnobsCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-21 09:08 - 00349184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\provengine.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-14 06:40 - 00324096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\domgmt.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 12:27 - 00172528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sspicli.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:45 - 00040448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WordBreakers.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:42 - 00227328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdd.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:19 - 00261120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Core.TextInput.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:19 - 00119296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\InputLocaleManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-12-09 11:19 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EditBufferTestHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00042496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\modem.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00381952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cryptngc.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:18 - 00278016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netplwiz.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:17 - 00068096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ProvSysprep.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:15 - 00282624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mrxsmb10.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:15 - 00159232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscinterop.dll 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 00713216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\srv2.sys 2017-03-25 21:54 - 2016-11-11 11:13 - 00396800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\StorSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00646688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dnsapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:18 - 00219040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00681312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SHCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00635864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00450400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mrxsmb.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00223584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mrxsmb20.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 01694712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winmde.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00755648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\evr.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00523712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DMRServer.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 00424616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MFPlay.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00027136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mskssrv.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:35 - 00047616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ddrawex.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00035840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tbauth.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00280064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_WorkAccess.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00266240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dhcpcore6.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00247808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icm32.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00231424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\shutdownux.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00180224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Cortana.OneCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00145408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\dfsc.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00058880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Shell.Search.UriHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00025600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TokenBrokerCookies.exe 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00156672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BrowserSettingSync.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00587776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vpnike.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00394752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ks.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00223744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.HostName.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00460288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CredProvDataModel.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudBackupSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00658432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rasmans.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00579072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ddraw.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00476160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\schannel.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00431616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Cortana.Desktop.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00264704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dnsrslvr.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 01025536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XboxNetApiSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00945664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iphlpsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00634368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\StructuredQuery.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00541696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ipnathlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00320512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\thumbcache.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:22 - 00822784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Chakradiag.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00591360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 01280512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\werconcpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 01639424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\comsvcs.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00635904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00166912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Tabbtn.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 00440320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fhcfg.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00187904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dialclient.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 01837056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\workfolderssvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00588288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlidprov.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00982528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcomm.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00222720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkFoldersShell.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00112640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CameraCaptureUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkFoldersGPExt.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00821248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\uDWM.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00774656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkfoldersControl.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00572416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PhotoScreensaver.scr 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00971264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\twinui.appcore.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00104960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WorkFolders.exe 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00540160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingSync.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01840640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\FntCache.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01348608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wifinetworkmanager.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 03202048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msftedit.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 02475008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DWrite.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:02 - 00510464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PhotoScreensaver.scr 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-21 09:09 - 00363520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.BioFeedback.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-21 08:57 - 00462336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fhsettingsprovider.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 07:23 - 00404832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msv1_0.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00352768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cloudAP.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00208896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Internal.UI.Logon.ProxyStub.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:40 - 00266752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ConsoleLogon.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:39 - 00257024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.CredDialogController.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-14 06:24 - 01005568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\D3D12.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-09 12:30 - 00377184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\clfs.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-12-09 12:20 - 02677544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d3d10warp.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 12:13 - 00352096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\fastfat.sys 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 12:03 - 01069720 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MrmCoreR.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:56 - 00187520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CloudStorageWizard.exe 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:28 - 00040960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CbtBackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00110080 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00098304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\browserbroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:21 - 00690688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieproxy.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:18 - 02084352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceFlows.DataModel.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 02104320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wlidsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:13 - 00306176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msdtcuiu.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:12 - 00870912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msdtcprx.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:09 - 00164352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dialserver.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2016-11-11 11:03 - 00632320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rasapi32.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:57 - 00192352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\aepic.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00655200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\generaltel.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00590952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AudioSes.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00315232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dcntel.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00242528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepic.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00086368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CompatTelRunner.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:35 - 00038240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceCensus.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:25 - 01117024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ReAgent.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 01051112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winresume.efi 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00894096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winresume.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:22 - 01354312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winload.efi 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:22 - 01172984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winload.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:21 - 02255712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ntfs.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:20 - 00128352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\partmgr.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:15 - 00404320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WinSetupUI.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:13 - 00635456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ci.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:09 - 00578392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingSyncHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00509280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\storport.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:08 - 00342456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wintrust.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 02913144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\combase.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00947552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hvloader.efi 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00811872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hvloader.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 09:03 - 04674360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\explorer.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:58 - 01416224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msctf.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00113152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\netvsc.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00073216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.StateRepositoryBroker.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00567296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DevicePairing.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00463872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\daxexec.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:27 - 00252928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ubpm.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 01016320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XblAuthManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00560128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppReadiness.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00495104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DataSenseHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 03753984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bootux.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00715776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wcmsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00347648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\rascustom.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 01913856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsp_fs.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00203776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppXApplicabilityBlob.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 01584128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsp_health.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 01082368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\reseteng.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:17 - 00730624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\clusapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 03289088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mispace.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 02860032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\storagewmi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00374784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\resutils.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00961024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\imapi2fs.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00628736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\uReFS.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 00828416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\appwiz.cpl 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 02611200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gameux.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01656832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\GdiPlus.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 06664192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00960000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\modernexecserver.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:10 - 00770560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bisrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 02512384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\themecpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 01490944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lsasrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:07 - 00389632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\stobject.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 05384192 _____ (Microsoft) C:\Windows\system32\dbgeng.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 04708864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ExplorerFrame.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 04060672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UIRibbon.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 00881664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\authui.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:06 - 00483328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\twinapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 01726976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Immersive.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:03 - 01817088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ResetEngine.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:01 - 03478528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\UIRibbon.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 07:33 - 01356864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ClipUp.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 07:14 - 00418952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AUDIOKSE.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 06:46 - 00206848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 06:25 - 02009600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SRHInproc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-14 06:24 - 00673792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 12:19 - 00168424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 12:10 - 01461200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\user32.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:41 - 00380928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wincorlib.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:37 - 00411136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\facecredentialprovider.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:20 - 00730624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\fveapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-12-09 11:20 - 00172544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceEnroller.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 12:13 - 01886344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:55 - 00882680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EditionUpgradeManagerObj.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:55 - 00743224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sppwinob.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00198656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BcastDVRHelper.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00170496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\AppCapture.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00159744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ACPBackgroundManagerPolicy.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:22 - 00489472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetSetupShim.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00620544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\bcastdvr.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00411648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdpsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 02716672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WsmSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 01477632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsecedit.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 02510848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetworkMobileSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 01691136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aitstatic.exe 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:06 - 03400192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SyncCenter.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:05 - 04136448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.StateRepository.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:04 - 01709056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UIAutomationCore.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-11-11 11:04 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dmenrollengine.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-07-16 04:29 - 00017408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CspCellularSettings.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-07-16 04:28 - 00125440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EnterpriseAPNCsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2016-07-16 04:26 - 00128512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\CfgSPCellular.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:24 - 00354264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\systemreset.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:20 - 00379744 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Classpnp.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:11 - 00266544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\policymanager.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00116064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icfupgd.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00110944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\hvsocket.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:07 - 00080224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\vmbkmcl.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:01 - 00201568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\basecsp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 09:01 - 00128648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gpapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:58 - 00322912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\input.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:37 - 00025088 _____ C:\Windows\system32\GamePanelExternalHook.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00217600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msctfp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wups.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:36 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\LaunchWinApp.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00116224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msctfui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:34 - 00080896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\vmbkmclr.sys 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00095232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tzautoupdate.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00057344 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BluetoothDesktopHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:33 - 00046592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\XInputUap.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00249856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\scksp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:32 - 00133632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MediaFoundation.DefaultPerceptionProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00300544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mscandui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00236544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_Flights.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:30 - 00205824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\netiohlp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:29 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\appinfo.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00947712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettings.Handlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00623104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PCPTpm12.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00349696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icsvcext.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:28 - 00193536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\certprop.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00643072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\main.cpl 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00464896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msutb.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00450048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\werui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:26 - 00049152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Windows.UI.Shell.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:25 - 00526848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\OneDriveSettingSyncProvider.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 01092096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ApplicationFrame.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00655872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sud.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:24 - 00478208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DXP.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:23 - 00496128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SystemSettings.UserAccountsHandlers.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:21 - 00776192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TabletPC.cpl 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00893952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MPSSVC.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:20 - 00282112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WsmWmiPl.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:19 - 00083456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tabcal.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 01227264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gpsvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:18 - 00320512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\regedit.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00649216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vds.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:16 - 00583168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\BootMenuUX.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:15 - 01443328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\VSSVC.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 01562112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vssapi.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 01547264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wbengine.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:14 - 00130560 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SpaceAgent.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00947200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wsp_sr.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:13 - 00054272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MultiDigiMon.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 01312768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SensorDataService.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:11 - 00818176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\winhttp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:09 - 00653824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\UserLanguagesCpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 01714688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dui70.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:08 - 00629248 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\hgcpl.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2017-03-04 08:04 - 00035328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\spaceman.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 10:08 - 00245600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\offlinesam.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 10:08 - 00136032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ImplatSetup.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 09:37 - 00455520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\securekernel.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 08:59 - 00883712 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\samsrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-21 08:54 - 05511680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aclui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 07:17 - 00319288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wow64.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 07:14 - 00089416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\remoteaudioendpoint.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:43 - 00201728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ScDeviceEnum.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:42 - 00236544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WinSCard.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:36 - 01002496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SRH.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-14 06:35 - 00600576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cryptui.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-12-09 11:20 - 00187392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mdmregistration.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 12:15 - 00101216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\DeviceReactivation.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 12:08 - 00142176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\migisol.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:56 - 00163752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RTWorkQ.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:27 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\NetCfgNotifyObjectHost.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:27 - 00068096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lpremove.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00163840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EnterpriseModernAppMgmtCSP.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00109056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ReportingCSP.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:26 - 00034816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ReAgentc.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:25 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\HttpsDataSource.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:24 - 00136192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sendmail.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:23 - 00041472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EAMProgressHandler.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:22 - 00143360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EDPCleanup.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00574464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SettingsHandlers_StorageSense.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00339456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdpusersvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00125952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\setupugc.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:20 - 00115200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IdCtrls.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00389632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ActivationManager.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00285696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EnterpriseAppMgmtSvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:19 - 00198144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dpapisrv.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 00161792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\EditionUpgradeHelper.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:16 - 00105984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RjvMDMConfig.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:15 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WSManHTTPConfig.exe 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:14 - 00178176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\sppnp.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:11 - 00096256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\umpoext.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:07 - 00991232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\comdlg32.dll 2017-03-25 21:51 - 2016-11-11 11:03 - 00283648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wkssvc.dll 2017-03-25 21:50 - 2016-05-29 20:38 - 08886976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe 2017-03-25 21:27 - 2016-12-21 09:08 - 00142848 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\poqexec.exe 2017-03-25 21:27 - 2016-12-21 06:44 - 00120320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\poqexec.exe 2017-03-24 18:21 - 2017-03-30 08:41 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Adobe 2017-03-24 18:15 - 2017-03-24 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet 2017-03-24 18:14 - 2017-03-24 18:14 - 00001194 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0.lnk 2017-03-24 18:14 - 2017-03-24 18:14 - 00001182 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0.lnk 2017-03-24 18:13 - 2017-03-24 18:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2017-03-24 18:13 - 2017-03-24 18:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 01628920 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxsfs.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00547576 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\px.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00510712 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxdrv.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00379640 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxwave.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00187128 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxmas.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00129784 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxafs.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00118520 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxinsi64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00116472 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxcpyi64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00072440 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxhpinst.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00064760 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxinsa64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00064760 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pxcpya64.exe 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00052856 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\PxHlpa64.sys 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00039672 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vxblock.dll 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00010488 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\cdralw2k.sys 2017-03-24 18:12 - 2017-03-24 18:10 - 00010488 ____N (Sonic Solutions) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\cdr4_xp.sys 2017-03-24 18:09 - 2017-03-24 18:09 - 00000209 _____ C:\Windows\ODBCINST.INI 2017-03-24 18:04 - 2017-03-26 08:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\ConnectedDevicesPlatform 2017-03-24 18:04 - 2017-03-24 18:04 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\knightkrawler\ntuser.ini 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Vorlagen 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Startmenü 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Netzwerkumgebung 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Lokale Einstellungen 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Eigene Dateien 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Druckumgebung 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Videos 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Musik 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Videos 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Musik 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 06:59 - 2017-03-24 07:00 - 00007623 _____ C:\Windows\diagwrn.xml 2017-03-24 06:59 - 2017-03-24 07:00 - 00007623 _____ C:\Windows\diagerr.xml 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-04-20 15:10 - 00003550 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update1 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-04-20 15:10 - 00003540 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update2 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-26 12:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUSTek Computer Inc 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003768 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003672 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Opera scheduled Autoupdate 1490096968 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003544 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00003328 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\User_Feed_Synchronization-{70B0ACBD-C40E-40ED-8DD9-116E0B6D38C4} 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002968 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Update Checker 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002924 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ATK Package 36D18D69AFC3 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002770 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\OneDrive Standalone Update Task v2 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002346 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RtHDVBg_ListenToDevice 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002340 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS USB Charger Plus 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002280 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RTKCPL 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002262 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\DropboxOEM 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002214 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ATK Package A22126881260 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00002214 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS Splendid ACMON 2017-03-24 06:57 - 2017-03-24 06:57 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\ASUS 2017-03-24 06:41 - 2017-03-24 06:41 - 00000000 _____ C:\Windows\system32\GfxValDisplayLog.bin 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2017-03-24 06:40 - 00001576 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows Media Player.lnk 2017-03-24 06:31 - 2017-03-24 06:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\config\bbimigrate 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-28 11:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Vorlagen 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Startmenü 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Netzwerkumgebung 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Lokale Einstellungen 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Eigene Dateien 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Druckumgebung 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\Eigene Videos 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\Eigene Musik 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 06:28 - 2017-03-24 06:28 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\knightkrawler\Anwendungsdaten 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00319042 _____ C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\RTWAVES40.dat 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00000000 ____H C:\ProgramData\DP45977C.lfl 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sda 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\DAX2 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-04-20 15:15 - 00000180 _____ C:\Windows\system32\{A6D608F0-0BDE-491A-97AE-5C4B05D86E01}.bat 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Intel 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:22 - 00000200 _____ C:\Windows\system32\{EC94D02F-D200-4428-9531-05AF7F9799CB}.bat 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RTCOM 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2017-03-24 06:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Realtek 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2016-11-02 00:05 - 00103952 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OpenCL.DLL 2017-03-24 06:22 - 2016-11-02 00:05 - 00099848 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\Windows\system32\OpenCL.DLL 2017-03-24 06:21 - 2017-03-24 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS 2017-03-24 06:21 - 2017-03-24 06:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel 2017-03-24 06:21 - 2017-03-24 06:21 - 00000000 ____H C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_esif_umdf2_02_00_00.Wdf 2017-03-24 06:16 - 2017-03-24 06:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\SetupTPDriver 2017-03-24 06:08 - 2017-03-24 07:01 - 00000000 ___DC C:\Windows\Panther 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-04-20 15:21 - 00893958 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh013.dat 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-04-20 15:21 - 00226072 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc013.dat 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-03-24 05:53 - 00347466 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfi013.dat 2017-03-24 05:55 - 2017-03-24 05:53 - 00045376 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfd013.dat 2017-03-24 05:54 - 2017-03-24 05:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\nl 2017-03-24 05:54 - 2017-03-24 05:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\nl 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-04-20 15:21 - 00898222 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-04-20 15:21 - 00221670 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-03-24 05:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\fr 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-03-24 05:16 - 00350774 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfi00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:17 - 2017-03-24 05:16 - 00040528 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfd00C.dat 2017-03-24 05:16 - 2017-03-24 05:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\fr 2017-03-24 05:04 - 2017-03-24 05:04 - 00008192 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\userdiff 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-29 21:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\XPSViewer 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSBuild 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies 2017-03-24 05:00 - 2017-03-24 05:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 15:31 - 01166520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PresentationNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 15:31 - 00124624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\PresentationCFFRasterizerNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 15:31 - 00035480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TsWpfWrp.exe 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 12:03 - 00778936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PresentationNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 12:03 - 00103120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PresentationCFFRasterizerNative_v0300.dll 2017-03-24 04:58 - 2016-05-25 12:03 - 00035480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TsWpfWrp.exe 2017-03-23 02:41 - 2017-03-24 06:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\BestPractices 2017-03-23 02:41 - 2017-03-24 06:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\BestPractices 2017-03-22 22:00 - 2017-04-12 09:28 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2017-03-22 21:59 - 2017-04-12 09:24 - 148601744 ____C (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2017-03-22 19:29 - 2017-03-22 19:29 - 00002138 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dropbox 25 GB.lnk 2017-03-21 21:10 - 2017-03-21 21:10 - 00000015 _____ C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Connecting 2017-03-21 21:06 - 2016-07-01 05:40 - 00034304 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Windows.Speech.Pal.dll 2017-03-21 21:03 - 2015-10-30 04:40 - 00014848 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mqcertui.dll 2017-03-21 21:03 - 2015-10-30 04:30 - 00635904 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mqsnap.dll 2017-03-21 20:59 - 2017-03-04 07:57 - 00059392 ____N (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cdpreference.exe 2017-03-21 18:46 - 2017-03-21 18:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Crashpad 2017-03-21 18:42 - 2017-03-21 18:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Wallpapers 2017-03-21 18:37 - 2017-03-21 18:37 - 00001291 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Eye Care Switcher.lnk 2017-03-21 18:33 - 2017-03-21 18:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\APRP 2017-03-21 14:01 - 2017-03-21 14:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Comms 2017-03-21 13:59 - 2017-04-11 19:57 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2017-03-21 13:59 - 2017-03-21 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\CEF 2017-03-21 13:54 - 2017-03-21 13:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\wps 2017-03-21 13:54 - 2017-03-21 13:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\office6 2017-03-21 13:51 - 2017-03-28 10:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\LocalLow\Mozilla 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-21 13:49 - 00001464 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Opera.lnk 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-21 13:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-21 13:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Opera Software 2017-03-21 13:48 - 2017-03-21 14:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Mozilla 2017-03-21 13:48 - 2017-03-21 13:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla 2017-03-21 13:47 - 2017-04-18 17:29 - 00000008 __RSH C:\ProgramData\ntuser.pol 2017-03-21 13:47 - 2017-03-21 13:47 - 45251144 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\Downloads\firefox_deutsch.exe 2017-03-21 13:46 - 2017-03-21 13:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2017-03-21 13:46 - 2017-03-21 13:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\NetworkTiles 2017-03-21 13:44 - 2017-03-21 13:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\awsRun 2017-03-21 13:43 - 2017-03-21 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\MicrosoftEdge 2017-03-21 13:42 - 2017-04-17 18:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software 2017-03-21 13:42 - 2017-04-14 18:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\kingsoft 2017-03-21 13:41 - 2017-03-21 13:54 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Kingsoft 2017-03-21 13:40 - 2017-03-21 13:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Skype 2017-03-21 13:39 - 2017-04-12 18:24 - 00002409 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneDrive.lnk 2017-03-21 13:39 - 2017-04-12 18:24 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\knightkrawler\OneDrive 2017-03-21 13:39 - 2017-03-21 13:39 - 00000000 ___HD C:\$GetCurrent 2017-03-21 13:38 - 2017-03-21 13:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows10Upgrade 2017-03-21 13:38 - 2017-03-21 13:38 - 00000813 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows 10-Upgrade-Assistent.lnk 2017-03-21 13:36 - 2017-03-21 13:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Publishers 2017-03-21 13:36 - 2017-03-21 13:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\ActiveSync 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-04-08 11:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-24 06:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2016-Tools 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\DropboxOEM 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\WebStorage 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\VirtualStore 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2017-03-21 13:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\DropboxOEM 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-20 15:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\ASUS GIFTBOX 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-20 15:17 - 00000184 _____ C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\sp_data.sys 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-20 15:15 - 00000000 __SHD C:\Users\knightkrawler\IntelGraphicsProfiles 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-03-25 21:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Packages 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-03-21 13:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer 2017-03-21 13:32 - 2017-03-21 13:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\USBChargerPlus 2017-03-21 13:28 - 2017-03-21 13:28 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\UpdateAssistantV2 ==================== Ein Monat: Geänderte Dateien und Ordner ======== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird die Datei/der Ordner verschoben.) 2017-04-20 18:18 - 2016-07-16 13:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\INF 2017-04-20 17:13 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\AppReadiness 2017-04-20 17:12 - 2016-11-20 14:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\SleepStudy 2017-04-20 15:21 - 2016-11-20 23:42 - 04143798 _____ C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2017-04-20 15:21 - 2016-11-20 23:00 - 00722888 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat 2017-04-20 15:21 - 2016-11-20 23:00 - 00152082 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat 2017-04-20 15:15 - 2016-11-20 23:32 - 00000006 ____H C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2017-04-20 15:14 - 2017-02-28 13:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Tasks_Migrated 2017-04-20 15:14 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00524288 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\BBI 2017-04-19 16:40 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___HD C:\Program Files\WindowsApps 2017-04-19 16:30 - 2016-11-09 09:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Ebay 2017-04-15 16:15 - 2016-07-16 13:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\CbsTemp 2017-04-14 19:13 - 2016-11-20 14:32 - 00377784 _____ C:\Windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2017-04-14 15:57 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\rescache 2017-04-13 07:50 - 2016-11-20 23:46 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Public\AccountPictures 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\SysWOW64\F12 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\system32\F12 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Program Files\Windows Defender 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\setup 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\setup 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\appraiser 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\ShellExperiences 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Provisioning 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Photo Viewer 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender 2017-04-12 22:50 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Dism 2017-04-11 19:57 - 2016-10-29 16:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\AV 2017-04-11 19:57 - 2016-10-29 16:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software 2017-04-11 19:09 - 2017-02-28 13:39 - 00000000 _____ C:\Recovery.txt 2017-04-11 18:12 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00032768 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\ELAM 2017-04-10 14:08 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\NDF 2017-04-04 08:47 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\regid.1991-06.com.microsoft 2017-04-04 08:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2017-04-04 08:44 - 2016-10-29 16:42 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2017-04-03 18:24 - 2016-10-29 16:15 - 00000000 ___HD C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information 2017-04-01 20:52 - 2016-07-16 13:49 - 00835576 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2017-04-01 20:52 - 2016-07-16 13:49 - 00177656 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winrm 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WCN 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\slmgr 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Printing_Admin_Scripts 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\winrm 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\WCN 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\slmgr 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-11-20 22:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Printing_Admin_Scripts 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\SysWOW64\DiagSvcs 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\oobe 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MUI 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Com 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\SystemResetPlatform 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\oobe 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\MUI 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\migwiz 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Dism 2017-03-29 21:46 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Sysprep 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\system32\dsc 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Windows\system32\DiagSvcs 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Windows\MiracastView 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\Com 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\IME 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Help 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\System 2017-03-29 21:45 - 2016-07-16 08:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\servicing 2017-03-28 09:14 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 __RSD C:\Windows\Media 2017-03-28 08:20 - 2016-11-20 23:38 - 02717184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PrintConfig.dll 2017-03-26 13:01 - 2016-03-24 14:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache 2017-03-26 02:37 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\WinBioPlugIns 2017-03-26 02:36 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Windows\PrintDialog 2017-03-26 02:36 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\bcastdvr 2017-03-26 02:05 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\en-GB 2017-03-26 02:05 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\en-GB 2017-03-25 20:24 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\appcompat 2017-03-24 07:01 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows NT 2017-03-24 06:58 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\WinBioDatabase 2017-03-24 06:58 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Registration 2017-03-24 06:47 - 2017-02-28 14:23 - 00023056 _____ C:\Windows\system32\emptyregdb.dat 2017-03-24 06:46 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Public\Libraries 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2017-02-28 12:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default.migrated 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-10-29 16:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Realtek 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-03-24 14:05 - 00000000 ___RD C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-03-24 14:05 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit PhantomPDF 2017-03-24 06:40 - 2016-03-24 14:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ASUS 2017-03-24 06:33 - 2016-11-20 23:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\OCR 2017-03-24 06:33 - 2016-10-29 16:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ICEpower 2017-03-24 06:33 - 2016-03-24 14:05 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Evernote 2017-03-24 06:08 - 2016-07-16 13:47 - 00028672 _____ C:\Windows\system32\config\BCD-Template 2017-03-24 00:29 - 2016-03-24 14:06 - 00001254 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2017-03-23 19:19 - 2016-03-24 14:06 - 00001250 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2017-03-22 19:29 - 2016-03-24 14:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox 2017-03-21 21:19 - 2016-10-29 16:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\McAfee 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002543 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Word 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002539 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Excel 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002518 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PowerPoint 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002493 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Publisher 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002460 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Access 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002457 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OneNote 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:35 - 2016-10-29 16:48 - 00002429 _____ C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Outlook 2016.lnk 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2016-03-24 20:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\Log ==================== Dateien im Wurzelverzeichnis einiger Verzeichnisse ======= 2017-03-21 13:34 - 2017-04-20 15:17 - 0000184 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Roaming\sp_data.sys 2017-03-24 06:23 - 2017-03-24 06:23 - 0000000 ____H () C:\ProgramData\DP45977C.lfl ==================== Bamital & volsnap ====================== (Es ist kein automatischer Fix für Dateien vorhanden, die an der Verifikation gescheitert sind.) C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\wininit.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\explorer.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\services.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\User32.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\rpcss.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\dnsapi.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dnsapi.dll => Datei ist digital signiert C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => Datei ist digital signiert LastRegBack: 2017-04-11 10:10 ==================== Ende von FRST.txt ============================ Code:
ATTFilter Zusätzliches Untersuchungsergebnis von Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 19-04-2017 durchgeführt von knightkrawler (20-04-2017 18:39:28) Gestartet von C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop Windows 10 Home Version 1607 (X64) (2017-03-24 05:01:34) Start-Modus: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Konten: ============================= Administrator (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-500 - Administrator - Disabled) DefaultAccount (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-503 - Limited - Disabled) Gast (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-501 - Limited - Disabled) knightkrawler (S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001 - Administrator - Enabled) => C:\Users\knightkrawler ==================== Sicherheits-Center ======================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er entfernt.) AV: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} ==================== Installierte Programme ====================== (Nur Adware-Programme mit dem Zusatz "Hidden" können in die Fixlist aufgenommen werden, um sie sichtbar zu machen. Die Adware-Programme sollten manuell deinstalliert werden.) 7-Zip 16.04 (x64) (HKLM\...\7-Zip) (Version: 16.04 - Igor Pavlov) Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Photoshop Elements 6) (Version: 6.0 - Adobe Systems, Inc.) ASUS GIFTBOX (HKLM-x32\...\ASUS GIFTBOX) (Version: 7.4.223 - ASUSTek Computer Inc) ASUS Live Update (HKLM-x32\...\{FA540E67-095C-4A1B-97BA-4D547DEC9AF4}) (Version: 3.4.3 - ASUS) ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement Technology (HKLM-x32\...\{0969AF05-4FF6-4C00-9406-43599238DE0D}) (Version: 3.14.0006 - ASUS) ASUS USB Charger Plus (HKLM-x32\...\{A859E3E5-C62F-4BFA-AF1D-2B95E03166AF}) (Version: 4.1.6 - ASUS) ATK Package (HKLM-x32\...\{AB5C933E-5C7D-4D30-B314-9C83A49B94BE}) (Version: 1.0.0043 - ASUS) AudioWizard (HKLM-x32\...\{57E770A2-2BAF-4CAA-BAA3-BD896E2254D3}) (Version: - ICEpower a/s) Bonjour (HKLM\...\{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Bulk Rename Utility (64-bit) (HKLM\...\Bulk Rename Utility Installation_is1) (Version: - TGRMN Software) Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector EX (HKLM-x32\...\Canon_IJ_Network_Scanner_Selector_EX) (Version: - Canon Inc.) Canon IJ Network Tool (HKLM-x32\...\Canon_IJ_Network_UTILITY) (Version: 3.7.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon IJ Scan Utility (HKLM-x32\...\Canon_IJ_Scan_Utility) (Version: - Canon Inc.) Canon Inkjet Printer/Scanner/Fax Extended Survey Program (HKLM-x32\...\CANONIJPLM100) (Version: 5.2.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon MG3600 series Benutzerregistrierung (HKLM-x32\...\Canon MG3600 series Benutzerregistrierung) (Version: - *Canon Inc.) Canon MG3600 series MP Drivers (HKLM\...\{1199FAD5-9546-44f3-81CF-FFDB8040B7BF}_Canon_MG3600_series) (Version: 1.00 - Canon Inc.) Canon MG3600 series On-screen Manual (HKLM-x32\...\Canon MG3600 series On-screen Manual) (Version: 7.8.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon My Image Garden (HKLM-x32\...\Canon My Image Garden) (Version: 3.5.2 - Canon Inc.) Canon My Image Garden Design Files (HKLM-x32\...\Canon My Image Garden Design Files) (Version: 3.5.2 - Canon Inc.) Canon My Printer (HKLM-x32\...\CanonMyPrinter) (Version: 3.3.0 - Canon Inc.) Canon Quick Menu (HKLM-x32\...\CanonQuickMenu) (Version: 2.7.1 - Canon Inc.) Device Setup (HKLM-x32\...\{8D6B05E0-F457-408C-9D13-549334D8FAE1}) (Version: 2.0.3 - ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Dropbox 25 GB (HKLM-x32\...\{0867A88D-764F-366E-9E21-130DA8B472C3}) (Version: - Dropbox, Inc.) Dropbox Update Helper (x32 Version: - Dropbox, Inc.) Hidden ESET Online Scanner v3 (HKLM-x32\...\ESET Online Scanner) (Version: - ) Evernote v. 5.9.1 (HKLM-x32\...\{5EA1DED0-5285-11E5-8AA1-0050569584E9}) (Version: - Evernote Corp.) Foxit PhantomPDF (HKLM-x32\...\{39263796-F296-43AF-909C-FCF99592BAC4}) (Version: - Foxit Software Inc.) GPL Ghostscript (HKLM\...\GPL Ghostscript 9.21) (Version: 9.21 - Artifex Software Inc.) Intel(R) Chipset Device Software (x32 Version: - Intel(R) Corporation) Hidden Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework (HKLM-x32\...\{654EE65D-FAA4-4EA6-8C07-DC94E6A304D4}) (Version: 8.1.10605.221 - Intel Corporation) Intel(R) Processor Graphics (HKLM-x32\...\{F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA}) (Version: - Intel Corporation) Intel(R) Trusted Execution Engine (HKLM\...\{176E2755-0A17-42C6-88E2-192AB2131278}) (Version: - Intel Corporation) Intel® Security Assist (HKLM-x32\...\{4B230374-6475-4A73-BA6E-41015E9C5013}) (Version: - Intel Corporation) Malwarebytes Version (HKLM\...\{35065F43-4BB2-439A-BFF7-0F1014F2E0CD}_is1) (Version: - Malwarebytes) Microsoft Office 365 - de-de (HKLM\...\O365HomePremRetail - de-de) (Version: 16.0.7870.2031 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft OneDrive (HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\OneDriveSetup.exe) (Version: 17.3.6799.0327 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.61030 (HKLM-x32\...\{33d1fd90-4274-48a1-9bc1-97e33d9c2d6f}) (Version: 11.0.61030.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component (Version: 16.0.7870.2024 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Office 16 Click-to-Run Licensing Component (Version: 16.0.7870.2024 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Office 16 Click-to-Run Localization Component (Version: 16.0.7668.2066 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden OpenOffice 4.1.3 (HKLM-x32\...\{8D5FCC56-BB9F-4122-923C-71753F50F6F5}) (Version: 4.13.9783 - Apache Software Foundation) Opera Stable 43.0.2442.1192 (HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\Opera 43.0.2442.1192) (Version: 43.0.2442.1192 - Opera Software) Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth Suite (64) (HKLM\...\{A84A4FB1-D703-48DB-89E0-68B6499D2801}) (Version: - Qualcomm Atheros) Qualcomm Atheros Client Installation Program (HKLM-x32\...\{28006915-2739-4EBE-B5E8-49B25D32EB33}) (Version: 10.0 - Qualcomm Atheros) Realtek Card Reader (HKLM-x32\...\{5BC2B5AB-80DE-4E83-B8CF-426902051D0A}) (Version: 10.0.10143.21278 - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 10.2.703.2015 - Realtek) Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}) (Version: - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) Scribus 1.4.6 (HKLM-x32\...\Scribus 1.4.6) (Version: 1.4.6 - The Scribus Team) TeamViewer 10 (HKLM-x32\...\TeamViewer) (Version: 10.0.43835 - TeamViewer) Update Installer for WildTangent Games App (x32 Version: - WildTangent) Hidden Vimeo (HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\...\Vimeo) (Version: - Vimeo, Inc.) VLC media player (HKLM-x32\...\VLC media player) (Version: 2.2.4 - VideoLAN) WebStorage (HKLM-x32\...\WebStorage) (Version: - ASUS Cloud Corporation) WildTangent Games App (HKLM-x32\...\{70B446D1-E03B-4ab0-9B3C-0832142C9AA8}.WildTangent Games App-asus) (Version: - WildTangent) Windows 10-Upgrade-Assistent (HKLM-x32\...\{D5C69738-B486-402E-85AC-2456D98A64E4}) (Version: 1.4.9200.17376 - Microsoft Corporation) Windows Driver Package - ASUS (ATP) Mouse (11/11/2015 (HKLM\...\A044C5901003C24E6891688653ABA1068D04A1A0) (Version: 11/11/2015 - ASUS) WinFlash (HKLM-x32\...\{8F21291E-0444-4B1D-B9F9-4370A73E346D}) (Version: 3.1.0 - ASUS) WinRAR 5.31 (64-Bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.31.0 - win.rar GmbH) XnView 2.39 (HKLM-x32\...\XnView_is1) (Version: 2.39 - Gougelet Pierre-e) XnViewMP 0.85 (HKLM\...\XnViewMP_is1) (Version: 0.85 - Gougelet Pierre-e) ==================== Benutzerdefinierte CLSID (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste): ========================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) ==================== Geplante Aufgaben (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ============= (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) Task: {00B1E280-861F-4008-96A3-9865E22A1FDB} - System32\Tasks\ATK Package 36D18D69AFC3 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\SimAppExec.exe [2015-09-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {39CD21EB-35CB-4512-AA79-269F27FC6E2F} - System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [2017-03-21] (Dropbox, Inc.) Task: {40C16C89-5B22-4B8C-9C81-473B802B8152} - System32\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [2017-03-21] (Dropbox, Inc.) Task: {5462EFAD-9FC1-402F-A614-DC940B11500F} - System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update2 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [2016-08-01] () Task: {5823844F-4953-47E2-A101-C5C51AF47991} - System32\Tasks\ASUS USB Charger Plus => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\USBChargerPlus\USBChargerPlus.exe [2015-05-25] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {6430CC72-EBF8-4F8C-AF87-2CCE1878ED23} - System32\Tasks\ASUS\ASUS Product Register Service => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\APRP\aprp.exe [2016-01-19] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {6653FB32-870D-4402-882B-97B3C911114D} - System32\Tasks\ASUS Splendid ACMON => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\ACMON.exe [2015-12-02] (ASUS) Task: {814689A2-179A-4C46-813F-9B231A268997} - System32\Tasks\ATK Package A22126881260 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\SimAppExec.exe [2015-09-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc.) Task: {82EBBCBD-0719-47D6-AE4C-8811D9CB30FC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cache Maintenance => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {9B8EE1B8-15D4-416E-8F73-BF9AA91E20E9} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Scheduled Scan => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {A2AB61D5-D872-47C1-967A-EAD1E3C91A7B} - System32\Tasks\ASUS\ASUS GIFTBOX => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\asusgiftbox.exe [2017-03-22] (ASUSTek Computer Inc) Task: {ACAA29EC-7E42-4CBD-9E5F-68BE4B2E9E4F} - System32\Tasks\RTKCPL => C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe [2015-11-23] (Realtek Semiconductor) Task: {AF8A6F58-DDBE-49B4-A5D5-B4385CE20A77} - System32\Tasks\ASUS Live Update1 => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [2016-08-01] () Task: {B0B6DCDC-7CCD-4D95-85F2-B87017D2090E} - System32\Tasks\DropboxOEM => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\DropboxOEM\DropboxOEM.exe [2016-09-21] () Task: {B3DEFBA4-7F5C-41C5-829E-CF3E1D423692} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office ClickToRun Service Monitor => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [2017-03-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {CCD7458B-773B-44B1-89A5-02DEBF3F965B} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cleanup => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {E09CCE40-22EE-446E-83E6-FCED13BD5B9D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Verification => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\\MpCmdRun.exe [2017-03-28] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {E1A66B2D-CC6A-4CC0-B5F6-70DF31F63C4A} - System32\Tasks\Opera scheduled Autoupdate 1490096968 => C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\launcher.exe [2017-03-10] (Opera Software) Task: {F15BCF56-B261-421B-A773-6C328A80A3DC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates => C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [2017-03-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {F1E2ACB1-E842-4F9E-94FE-D840CD09264A} - System32\Tasks\Update Checker => C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [2016-08-01] () Task: {FA885958-E761-4677-9027-B4E1172BBAC9} - System32\Tasks\RtHDVBg_ListenToDevice => C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe [2015-11-23] (Realtek Semiconductor) (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird die Aufgabe verschoben. Die Datei, die durch die Aufgabe gestartet wird, wird nicht verschoben.) Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe ==================== Verknüpfungen ============================= (Die Einträge können gelistet werden, um sie zurückzusetzen oder zu entfernen.) ==================== Geladene Module (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ============== 2016-07-16 13:42 - 2016-07-16 13:42 - 00231424 _____ () C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ism32k.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:22 - 02681200 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\CoreUIComponents.dll 2007-09-11 01:45 - 2007-09-11 01:45 - 00124832 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 6.0\PhotoshopElementsFileAgent.exe 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-03-22 10:24 - 02271520 _____ () C:\PROGRAM FILES\MALWAREBYTES\ANTI-MALWARE\PoliciesControllerImpl.dll 2017-04-14 19:35 - 2017-03-23 19:40 - 02267600 _____ () C:\PROGRAM FILES\MALWAREBYTES\ANTI-MALWARE\MwacLib.dll 2017-03-28 09:08 - 2016-02-04 11:53 - 00387144 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\IJPLM\IJPLMSVC.EXE 2016-11-02 00:05 - 2016-11-02 00:05 - 00401896 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\igfxTray.exe 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 00077312 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeHost.exe 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 00189952 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkypeBackgroundTasks.dll 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 42507264 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\SkyWrap.dll 2017-04-10 14:03 - 2017-04-10 14:03 - 02334184 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.SkypeApp_11.13.133.0_x64__kzf8qxf38zg5c\skypert.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 00019456 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.exe 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 22723584 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 00448512 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.AGM.Native.Windows.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 05427200 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\MediaEngine.dll 2017-03-22 20:54 - 2017-03-22 20:56 - 00680448 ____N () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.DesignCore.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 00435712 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.RichMedia.Ink.Controls.dll 2017-04-05 15:26 - 2017-04-05 15:27 - 01062400 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Sharing.dll 2017-03-22 20:54 - 2017-03-22 20:56 - 00291328 _____ () C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_17.313.10010.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\StoreRatingPromotion.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 08:22 - 02681200 _____ () C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll 2016-11-20 23:06 - 2016-11-20 23:06 - 00134656 _____ () C:\Windows\ShellExperiences\Windows.UI.Shell.SharedUtilities.dll 2017-03-25 21:52 - 2017-03-04 08:31 - 00474112 _____ () C:\Windows\ShellExperiences\QuickActions.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:12 - 09760768 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\CortanaApi.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 01401856 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\Cortana.Core.dll 2017-03-25 21:53 - 2017-03-04 08:05 - 00757248 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\CSGSuggestLib.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:07 - 01033216 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\Cortana.Actions.dll 2017-04-12 08:14 - 2017-03-28 07:08 - 02424320 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\Cortana.BackgroundTask.dll 2017-04-12 08:15 - 2017-03-28 07:11 - 04853760 _____ () C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\RemindersUI.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 53908056 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera_browser.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 59879512 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\opera_child.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 02559576 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\libglesv2.dll 2017-03-21 13:49 - 2017-03-10 12:05 - 00100952 _____ () C:\Users\knightkrawler\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera\43.0.2442.1192\libegl.dll 2015-12-02 19:01 - 2015-12-02 19:01 - 00027648 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\DetectDisplayDC.dll 2015-12-02 19:01 - 2015-12-02 19:01 - 00124928 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\CCTAdjust.dll 2015-12-02 19:01 - 2015-12-02 19:01 - 00029184 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\VideoEnhance.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 01937408 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\ffmpeg.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 02177536 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\libglesv2.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 00079360 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\libegl.dll 2017-03-22 20:04 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 03561984 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\node.dll 2017-03-22 20:03 - 2017-03-22 20:04 - 00286144 _____ () \\?\C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\node_modules\appcloud-native-utils\anu.node 2017-03-22 20:03 - 2017-03-22 20:03 - 00236032 _____ () \\?\C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\node_modules\appcloud-engine\node_modules\appcloud-native-utils\anu.node ==================== Alternate Data Streams (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) ========= (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird nur der ADS entfernt.) ==================== Abgesicherter Modus (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =================== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Der Wert "AlternateShell" wird wiederhergestellt.) HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MBAMService => ""="Service" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MBAMService => ""="Service" ==================== Verknüpfungen (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =============== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird der Registryeintrag auf den Standardwert zurückgesetzt oder entfernt.) ==================== Internet Explorer Vertrauenswürdig/Eingeschränkt =============== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt.) ==================== Hosts Inhalt: =============================== (Wenn benötigt kann der Hosts: Schalter in die Fixlist aufgenommen werden um die Hosts Datei zurückzusetzen.) 2015-10-30 09:24 - 2017-04-18 17:29 - 00000832 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts ==================== Andere Bereiche ============================ (Aktuell gibt es keinen automatisierten Fix für diesen Bereich.) HKU\S-1-5-21-1602365659-1191940936-548673675-1001\Control Panel\Desktop\\Wallpaper -> C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\Wallpapers\5676.jpg DNS Servers: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System => (ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 5) (ConsentPromptBehaviorUser: 3) (EnableLUA: 1) Windows Firewall ist aktiviert. ==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER Deaktivierte Einträge == ==================== Firewall Regeln (Nicht auf der Ausnahmeliste) =============== (Wenn ein Eintrag in die Fixlist aufgenommen wird, wird er aus der Registry entfernt. Die Datei wird nicht verschoben solange sie nicht separat aufgelistet wird.) ==================== Wiederherstellungspunkte ========================= 10-04-2017 07:46:10 Geplanter Prüfpunkt 19-04-2017 19:22:35 Geplanter Prüfpunkt ==================== Fehlerhafte Geräte im Gerätemanager ============= ==================== Fehlereinträge in der Ereignisanzeige: ========================= Applikationsfehler: ================== Error: (04/20/2017 06:30:19 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (EventID: 78) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontexts für "C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\esetsmartinstaller_deu.exe". Fehler in Manifest- oder Richtliniendatei "" in Zeile . Eine für die Anwendung erforderliche Komponentenversion steht in Konflikt mit einer anderen, bereits aktiven Komponentenversion. In Konflikt stehende Komponenten:. Komponente 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_42151e83c686086b.manifest. Komponente 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171.manifest. Error: (04/20/2017 06:30:09 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: ) Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: explorer.exe, Version: 10.0.14393.953, Zeitstempel: 0x58ba5aa4 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5668fed6 Ausnahmecode: 0xc000041d Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000004532 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x7f4 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d2b9d861ec09a0 Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Windows\explorer.exe Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll Berichtskennung: 1604ec8d-ce58-49d8-b5e5-0556af724367 Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: Error: (04/20/2017 06:30:06 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: ) Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: explorer.exe, Version: 10.0.14393.953, Zeitstempel: 0x58ba5aa4 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5668fed6 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000004532 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x7f4 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d2b9d861ec09a0 Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Windows\explorer.exe Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll Berichtskennung: 5c0f448b-1ead-4f65-8d72-af110b145564 Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: Error: (04/20/2017 06:30:05 PM) (Source: .NET Runtime) (EventID: 1026) (User: ) Description: Anwendung: explorer.exe Frameworkversion: v4.0.30319 Beschreibung: Der Prozess wurde aufgrund einer unbehandelten Ausnahme beendet. Ausnahmeinformationen: Ausnahmecode c0000005, Ausnahmeadresse 00007FFFD76B4532 Stapel: Error: (04/20/2017 03:34:47 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (EventID: 78) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontexts für "C:\Program Files (x86)\ESET\ESET Online Scanner\ESETSmartInstaller.exe". Fehler in Manifest- oder Richtliniendatei "" in Zeile . Eine für die Anwendung erforderliche Komponentenversion steht in Konflikt mit einer anderen, bereits aktiven Komponentenversion. In Konflikt stehende Komponenten:. Komponente 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_42151e83c686086b.manifest. Komponente 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171.manifest. Error: (04/20/2017 03:32:32 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (EventID: 78) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontexts für "c:\users\knightkrawler\desktop\esetsmartinstaller_deu.exe". Fehler in Manifest- oder Richtliniendatei "" in Zeile . Eine für die Anwendung erforderliche Komponentenversion steht in Konflikt mit einer anderen, bereits aktiven Komponentenversion. In Konflikt stehende Komponenten:. Komponente 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_42151e83c686086b.manifest. Komponente 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171.manifest. Error: (04/20/2017 03:32:28 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (EventID: 78) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontexts für "C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\esetsmartinstaller_deu.exe". Fehler in Manifest- oder Richtliniendatei "" in Zeile . Eine für die Anwendung erforderliche Komponentenversion steht in Konflikt mit einer anderen, bereits aktiven Komponentenversion. In Konflikt stehende Komponenten:. Komponente 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_42151e83c686086b.manifest. Komponente 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171.manifest. Error: (04/20/2017 03:32:24 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (EventID: 78) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontexts für "C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\esetsmartinstaller_deu.exe". Fehler in Manifest- oder Richtliniendatei "" in Zeile . Eine für die Anwendung erforderliche Komponentenversion steht in Konflikt mit einer anderen, bereits aktiven Komponentenversion. In Konflikt stehende Komponenten:. Komponente 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_42151e83c686086b.manifest. Komponente 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171.manifest. Error: (04/20/2017 03:32:15 PM) (Source: SideBySide) (EventID: 78) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontexts für "C:\Users\knightkrawler\Desktop\esetsmartinstaller_deu.exe". Fehler in Manifest- oder Richtliniendatei "" in Zeile . Eine für die Anwendung erforderliche Komponentenversion steht in Konflikt mit einer anderen, bereits aktiven Komponentenversion. In Konflikt stehende Komponenten:. Komponente 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_42151e83c686086b.manifest. Komponente 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.14393.953_none_89c2555adb023171.manifest. Error: (04/20/2017 03:16:49 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: ) Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: Explorer.EXE, Version: 10.0.14393.953, Zeitstempel: 0x58ba5aa4 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x5668fed6 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000004532 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1264 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01d2b9d82e75f792 Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\ConvertToPDFShellExtension_x64.dll Berichtskennung: d44a1c14-334b-488a-8aa2-eb5eff5895b9 Vollständiger Name des fehlerhaften Pakets: Anwendungs-ID, die relativ zum fehlerhaften Paket ist: Systemfehler: ============= Error: (04/20/2017 03:37:39 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "eapihdrv" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: Der Treiber konnte nicht geladen werden. Error: (04/20/2017 03:37:39 PM) (Source: Application Popup) (EventID: 1060) (User: ) Description: \??\C:\Users\KNIGHT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ehdrv.sys Error: (04/20/2017 03:37:38 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "eapihdrv" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: Der Treiber konnte nicht geladen werden. Error: (04/20/2017 03:37:38 PM) (Source: Application Popup) (EventID: 1060) (User: ) Description: \??\C:\Users\KNIGHT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ehdrv.sys Error: (04/20/2017 03:37:38 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "eapihdrv" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: Der Treiber konnte nicht geladen werden. Error: (04/20/2017 03:37:38 PM) (Source: Application Popup) (EventID: 1060) (User: ) Description: \??\C:\Users\KNIGHT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ehdrv.sys Error: (04/20/2017 03:34:03 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "eapihdrv" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: Der Treiber konnte nicht geladen werden. Error: (04/20/2017 03:34:03 PM) (Source: Application Popup) (EventID: 1060) (User: ) Description: \??\C:\Users\KNIGHT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ehdrv.sys Error: (04/20/2017 03:34:02 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "eapihdrv" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: Der Treiber konnte nicht geladen werden. Error: (04/20/2017 03:34:02 PM) (Source: Application Popup) (EventID: 1060) (User: ) Description: \??\C:\Users\KNIGHT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ehdrv.sys CodeIntegrity: =================================== Date: 2017-04-20 16:34:15.052 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-20 16:34:15.034 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-19 16:48:20.399 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-19 16:48:20.391 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-17 14:29:10.927 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. Date: 2017-04-17 14:29:10.919 Description: Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll that did not meet the Custom 3 / Antimalware signing level requirements. ==================== Speicherinformationen =========================== Prozessor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU N3710 @ 1.60GHz Prozentuale Nutzung des RAM: 27% Installierter physikalischer RAM: 8098.15 MB Verfügbarer physikalischer RAM: 5850.82 MB Summe virtueller Speicher: 9378.15 MB Verfügbarer virtueller Speicher: 6870.5 MB ==================== Laufwerke ================================ Drive c: (OS) (Fixed) (Total:930.75 GB) (Free:879.56 GB) NTFS ==================== MBR & Partitionstabelle ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 931.5 GB) (Disk ID: B169CD6D) Partition: GPT. ==================== Ende von Addition.txt ============================ Dateien lassen sich nicht rechtsklicken. Statt dass der Explorer das Rechtsklick-Menü anzeigt, startet er neu, was inzwischen auch länger dauert als zu Beginn. Das ist zum Beispiel bei .odt und .txt-Dateien der Fall. Bei Ordnern und Bilddateien funktioniert das Menü, aber es erscheint erst nach ein, zwei Sekunden (blaue Maus-"Uhr"). Ich hoffe, du weißt, was ich meine trotz ungeschickter Ausdrucksweise; ich kenne die richtigen Begriffe nicht. |
![]() | #20 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation Servus,
hast du dann immer noch das Problem mit dem Explorer? |
![]() | #21 |
![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation Ja, leider immer noch. |
![]() | #22 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation Servus, mit Malware hat das nichts mehr zu tun. Du könntest noch das hier versuchen:
Dann wären wir durch! Wenn du keine Probleme mehr mit Malware hast, dann sind wir hier fertig. Deine Logdateien sind sauber. ![]() Wenn Du möchtest, kannst Du hier sagen, ob Du mit mir und meiner Hilfe zufrieden warst... ![]() Vielleicht möchtest du das Forum mit einer kleinen Spende ![]() ![]() Hinweise: Bitte gib mir eine kurze Rückmeldung wenn alles erledigt ist und keine Fragen mehr vorhanden sind, so dass ich dieses Thema aus meinen Abos löschen kann. Zum Schluss müssen wir noch ein paar abschließende Schritte unternehmen, um deinen Pc aufzuräumen und abzusichern. Cleanup Alle Logs gepostet? Dann lade Dir bitte ![]()
DelFix entfernt u.a. alle verwendeten Programme, die Quarantäne unserer Scanner, den Java-Cache und löscht sich abschließend selbst. Starte deinen Rechner anschließend neu. Sollten jetzt noch Programme aus unserer Bereinigung übrig sein, kannst du diese bedenkenlos löschen. Virenscanner + Firewall Vorab sei erwähnt, dass man niemals die Schutzwirkung eines Virenscanners überbewerten darf! Kein Antivirusprogramm erkennt 100% der Schadsoftware. Sofern du noch unentschieden bist, verwende MAXIMAL EIN EINZIGES der folgenden Antivirusprogramme mit Echtzeitscanner und stets aktueller Signaturendatenbank:
Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) / Windows Defender (WD) ist ab Windows 8 fest eingebaut, wenn du also Windows 8, 8.1 oder 10 und dich für MSE/WD entschieden hast, brauchst du nicht extra MSE/WD zu installieren. Bei Windows 7 muss es aber manuell installiert oder über die Windows Updates als optionales Update bezogen werden. Selbstverständlich ist ein legales/aktiviertes Windows Voraussetzung dafür. Verwende immer nur reine Virenscanner (keine Produkte mit "Suite", "Internet Security", "Endpoint" oder "Total Security" in Namen, denn diese bringen kontraproduktive Firewalls mit - die Windows-Firewall ist alles was benötigt wird) Zusätzlich kannst Du Deinen PC regelmäßig mit Malwarebytes Anti-Malware , AdwCleaner und mit dem ESET Online Scanner scannen. Diese Programme sind alle kostenlos und stören nicht den Betrieb deines Antivirenprogramms. Absicherungen Beim Betriebsystem Windows ist es wichtig, die automatischen Updates zu aktivieren. Auch sicherheitsrelevante Software sollte immer in aktueller Version vorliegen. Das zeitnahe Einspielen von Updates ist erforderlich, damit Sicherheitslücken geschlossen werden. Sicherheitslücken werden beispielsweise dazu ausgenutzt, um beim einfachen Besuch einer manipulierten Website per "Drive-by" Malware zu installieren. Besonders aufpassen bzgl. der Aktualität musst du insbesondere bei folgender Software - sofern diese überhaupt benötigt wird:
Optionale Browsererweiterungen
![]() Backup-/Image-Tools Damit man sinnvolle Backups hat, muss man regelmäßig (z. B. wöchentlich) ein Image auf eine separate externe Festplatte erstellen. Diese externe Festplatte wird nur dann angeschlossen, wenn man das Backup erstellen will (oder etwas wiederherstellen muss), ansonsten bleibt sie aus Sicherheitsgründen sicher im Schrank verwahrt - allein schon aus dem Grund, die Backups vor "Verschlüsselungstrojanern" zu schützen. Du solltest dich für eines der folgenden Programmen entscheiden und damit regelmäßig deine Daten sichern. Optioin 1 - Drivesnapshot Drive Snapshot - Disk Image Backup for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/X64 Download (32-Bit) => http://www.drivesnapshot.de/download/snapshot.exe Download (64-Bit) => http://www.drivesnapshot.de/download/snapshot64.exe Screenshots: http://www.drivesnapshot.de/images/startup.png http://www.drivesnapshot.de/images/save3.png Option 2 - Seagate DiscWizard Seagate DiscWizard - Download - Filepony Screenshots: http://filepony.de/screenshot/seagate_discwizard5.jpg http://filepony.de/screenshot/seagate_discwizard4.png http://filepony.de/screenshot/seagate_discwizard3.jpg Option 3 - Acronis TrueImage WD Edition Acronis True Image WD Edition - Download - Filepony Screenshots: http://filepony.de/screenshot/acroni...d_edition1.jpg http://filepony.de/screenshot/acroni...d_edition2.jpg |
![]() | #23 |
![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation Windows Repair hat leider nicht geholfen. Im Gegenteil dauern diese Explorer-Wiederaufbauzeiten immer länger (ca. 1 Min.), und in der Zwischenzeit kann ich ja nichts machen mit dem Explorer. Soll ich ein neues Thema im Windows-Unterforum aufmachen? Für die Malwareprobleme: vielen Dank, wie immer Spitzenarbeit! |
![]() | #24 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation Servus, hhmmm, dann würde ich nacheinander folgendes versuchen (vorher private Daten sichern): 1) Windows zu einem früheren Punkt wiederherstellen (Systemsteuerung > Sicherheit und Wartung > Wiederherstellung > Systemwiederherstellung öffnen > Zu einem früheren Punkt wiederherstellen) 2) Inplace-Upgrade 3) Windows zurücksetzen (Einstellungen > Update und Sicherheit > Wiederherstellung) Ich bin froh, dass wir helfen konnten ![]() In diesem Forum kannst du eine kurze Rückmeldung zur Bereinigung abgeben, sofern du das möchtest: Lob, Kritik und Wünsche Klicke dazu auf den Button "NEUES THEMA" und poste ein kleines Feedback. Vielen Dank! ![]() Dieses Thema scheint erledigt und wird aus meinen Abos gelöscht. Solltest Du das Thema erneut brauchen, schicke mir bitte eine PM. Jeder andere bitte hier klicken und einen eigenen Thread erstellen. |
![]() |
Themen zu Windows 10: Malware nach Avast und ByteFence-Deistallation |
.dll, administrator, adobe, avast, bonjour, canon, computer, cpu, defender, downloader, ebay, explorer, home, homepage, malware, mozilla, msascuil.exe, photoshop, prozesse, realtek, registry, scan, security, software, system, temp, ublock, ublock origin, windows, windowsapps |