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Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung: Massen Emails (Trojaner?)Windows 7 Wenn Du nicht sicher bist, ob Du dir Malware oder Trojaner eingefangen hast, erstelle hier ein Thema. Ein Experte wird sich mit weiteren Anweisungen melden und Dir helfen die Malware zu entfernen oder Unerwünschte Software zu deinstallieren bzw. zu löschen. Bitte schildere dein Problem so genau wie möglich. Sollte es ein Trojaner oder Viren Problem sein wird ein Experte Dir bei der Beseitigug der Infektion helfen. |
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| ![]() Massen Emails (Trojaner?) Hallo seit 2 Wochen erhalte ich auf 2 Domains desöfteren "Failed to deliver" Mails als Rückantwort. Diese Mails habe ich abern ie geschrieben. Ich habe einige Mails von RTL und ähnlichen prominenten Firmen erhalten bei den einfach der Empfänger (meist der Name) ausgetauscht wurde. Kann es sein dass ich einen Trojaner auf meinen Rechner habe der diese Mails veschickt? Ich habe Zonealarm und Norton laufen, beide haben nichts gefunden und auch escan findet nichts. Wichtig! Das eine Postfach ist bei Strato. Kann es vielleicht sein, dass Hacker offene Strato Mail Accounts ausnutzen und Ihren Spam darüber verschicken? ailed to deliver to 'kalbererr@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <kalbererr@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'Lmlehmannebers@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <Lmlehmannebers@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'm.haueter@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <m.haueter@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'markus.klaey@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <markus.klaey@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'mmknipser@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <mmknipser@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'moonwalker1968@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <moonwalker1968@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'newsletterbox@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <newsletterbox@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'os.knoepfli@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <os.knoepfli@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'p.margowski@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <p.margowski@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'pablito321@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <pablito321@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'pendragon@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <pendragon@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'pptoal@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <pptoal@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'rene2000@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <rene2000@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'simm@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <simm@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'sonjaruckstuhl@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <sonjaruckstuhl@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'stephanw@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <stephanw@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'tauran@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <tauran@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'urs.m@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <urs.m@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'urs.wildberger@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <urs.wildberger@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'walter.huber@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <walter.huber@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'andreas.ehrat@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <andreas.ehrat@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'andri.stadler@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <andri.stadler@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'b.schnack@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <b.schnack@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'bagattini@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <bagattini@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'davidgubelmann@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <davidgubelmann@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'eric.labhard@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <eric.labhard@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'fabio_zh@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <fabio_zh@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'fipofrei@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <fipofrei@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'jo.werder@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <jo.werder@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'lamperta@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <lamperta@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'leo.schneider@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <leo.schneider@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'm.paoluzzo@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <m.paoluzzo@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'manarch@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <manarch@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'marco@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <marco@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'foto_graf@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <foto_graf@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'zyss118@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <zyss118@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'markus.stocker@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <markus.stocker@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'matthias.isler@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <matthias.isler@tele2.ch> Failed to deliver to 'maycamfr@tele2.ch' SMTP module(domain old.swip.net) reports: host old.swip.net says: 550 Invalid recipient: <maycamfr@tele2.ch> |
Themen zu Massen Emails (Trojaner?) |
accounts, ausnutzen, domains, einfach, erhalte, erhalten, escan, failed, foto, hacker, laufen, mails, module, nichts, norton, offene, postfach, rechner, spam, troja, trojaner, verschicken, woche, wochen, zonealarm |