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Smartphone, Tablet & Handy Security: avast! Ransomware Removal

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Alt 19.09.2014, 16:28   #1
avast! Ransomware Removal - Standard

avast! Ransomware Removal

avast! Ransomware Removal
von AVAST Software

  • Hersteller: AVAST Software
  • Version: 1.0.32
  • Letztes Update: 16. Juni 2014
  • Gr??e: 1,2M
  • Downloads: 100.000–500.000
  • Android: 2.1 oder höher
Bewertung: 4,2 (aus 1.360)



avast! Ransomware Removal quickly and easily removes Cryptolocker/Simplocker malware from your device and decrypts all your files held hostage for free, so you don’t have to pay a ransom.This application is only for users whose device is infected by malware from Cryptolocker/Simplocker ransomware family or some other.If your device is not infected, please install avast! Free Mobile Security & Antivirus, which can detect and remove the malware before it is deployed: http://goo.gl/tQ4QV1What is Simplocker Malware?Simplocker is a malware from the Cryptolocker family. Once installed, for example via 3rd party application, it will lock your phone, making it unusable for you. The malware screen will ask you to send money to unlock it. Simplocker also encrypts all your personal files, such as photos and documents in the background, making them impossible to use.How to use avast! Ransomware Removal?Once installed, it removes the malware from your device and decrypts all files which the malware has encrypted.Necessary steps:1. Go to http://play.google.com from your computer.
2. Login to the Google Play with the same user information you use to login to your phone.
3. Search for the avast! Ransomware Removal application (it may be this app you are looking at).
4. Click on the “Install” button, and the app will be installed on your device in a minute.
5. After the app is installed on your phone, click the app name in the notification bar.
6. The app will start and provide you with further instructions.
7. Uninstall the app at the end so you can install it again in the future if necessary.What to do next?To be sure that similar threats are prevented in the future, please install avast! Free Mobile Security & Antivirus from the Google Play store: http://goo.gl/gZmGa3It detects all known malware, viruses and spyware, and can protect your phone against data loss or theft.tags: antimalware, simplelocker



Themen zu avast! Ransomware Removal
android simplelocker entfernen, avast! ransomware removal, google play store, play store, simplelocker, simplelocker entfernen

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Zum Thema avast! Ransomware Removal - avast! Ransomware Removal von AVAST Software Hersteller: AVAST Software Version: 1.0.32 Letztes Update: 16. Juni 2014 Gr??e: 1,2M Downloads: 100.000–500.000 Android: 2.1 oder höher Bewertung: 4,2 (aus 1.360) Screenshots: Beschreibung: - avast! Ransomware Removal...
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