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Log-Analyse und Auswertung: winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

Windows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML.

Alt 21.09.2014, 18:07   #1
Mr. Scooter
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

vor 5 Jahren noch kompletter Computerlegasteniker und jetzt die Herausforderung:Was ist ein Log? Was macht die Funktion mit der Raute?
Ich hoffe einfach, dass ich Eure Anleitung verstanden habe und Ihr mit den Logs was anfangen könnt.
Beim Recherchiern auf der Seite einer Berliner Hochschule ist gestern das erste Mal das zweite Fenster von "winnerseveryweek" aufgegangen. Seitdem passiert das immer wieder, außerdem poppen Werbefenster auf und einige Wörter sind auf den jeweiligen Webseiten doppelt unterstrichen. Glaube da bin ich nicht der Einzige hier, dem das so geht.
Über Unterstützung bei der Problemlösung freue ich mich.
Viele Grüße,

Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 21-09-2014 01
Ran by Anwender at 2014-09-21 18:48:13
Running from C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads
Boot Mode: Normal

==================== Security Center ========================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, it will be removed.)

AV: Avira Desktop (Enabled - Up to date) {F67B4DE5-C0B4-6C3F-0EFF-6C83BD5D0C2C}
AS: Avira Desktop (Enabled - Up to date) {4D1AAC01-E68E-63B1-344F-57F1C6DA4691}
AS: Windows Defender (Disabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46}

==================== Installed Programs ======================

(Only the adware programs with "hidden" flag could be added to the fixlist to unhide them. The adware programs should be uninstalled manually.)

Acer Backup Manager (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{0B61BBD5-DA3C-409A-8730-0C3DC3B0F270}) (Version: - NTI Corporation)
Acer Crystal Eye Webcam (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{A0382E3C-7384-429A-9BFA-AF5888E5A193}) (Version: 1.5.2823.00 - CyberLink Corp.)
Acer Crystal Eye Webcam (x32 Version: 1.5.2823.00 - CyberLink Corp.) Hidden
Acer ePower Management (HKLM-x32\...\{3DB0448D-AD82-4923-B305-D001E521A964}) (Version: 6.00.3010 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer eRecovery Management (HKLM-x32\...\{7F811A54-5A09-4579-90E1-C93498E230D9}) (Version: 5.00.3508 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer Registration (HKLM-x32\...\Acer Registration) (Version: 1.04.3506 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer Updater (HKLM-x32\...\{EE171732-BEB4-4576-887D-CB62727F01CA}) (Version: 1.02.3501 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer VCM (HKLM-x32\...\{047F790A-7A2A-4B6A-AD02-38092BA63DAC}) (Version: 4.05.3501 - Acer Incorporated)
Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional - English, Français, Deutsch (x32 Version: 8.0.0 - Adobe Systems) Hidden
Adobe Anchor Service CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Asset Services CS3 (x32 Version: 3 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Bridge CS3 (x32 Version: 2 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Bridge Start Meeting (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe BridgeTalk Plugin CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Camera Raw 4.0 (x32 Version: 4.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe CMaps (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color - Photoshop Specific (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color Common Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color EU Recommended Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color JA Extra Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color NA Extra Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Connect 9 Add-in (HKCU\...\Adobe Connect 9 Add-in) (Version: 11,2,392,0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Connect Add-in (HKCU\...\Adobe Connect Add-in) (Version:  - )
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium hinzufügen oder entfernen (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe_061850775b1c6d22bf2a145678e05e0) (Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Default Language CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Device Central CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 (x32 Version: 9 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 (x32 Version: 2.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Extension Manager CS3 (x32 Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Flash CS3 (x32 Version: 9.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Flash Player 15 ActiveX (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player ActiveX) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Flash Player 15 Plugin (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player Plugin) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Flash Video Encoder (x32 Version: 2.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Fonts All (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Help Viewer CS3 (x32 Version: 1 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Illustrator CS3 (x32 Version: 13.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe InDesign CS3 (x32 Version: 5.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe InDesign CS3 Icon Handler (x32 Version: 5.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Linguistics CS3 (x32 Version: 3.0.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe MotionPicture Color Files (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe PDF Library Files (x32 Version: 8.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Photoshop CS3 (x32 Version: 10 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Reader XI (11.0.03) - Deutsch (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AB0000000001}) (Version: 11.0.03 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Setup (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe SING CS3 (x32 Version: 0.1 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Stock Photos CS3 (x32 Version: 1.5 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Type Support (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Update Manager CS3 (x32 Version: 5.1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client (x32 Version: 3 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Server (x32 Version: 3.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe WAS CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe XMP Panels CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
AHV content for Acrobat and Flash (x32 Version: 1 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Audacity 2.0.3 (HKLM-x32\...\Audacity_is1) (Version: 2.0.3 - Audacity Team)
AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch (HKLM\...\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch) (Version: - Autodesk)
AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
AutoCAD 2012 Language Pack - Deutsch (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
Autodesk Content Service (HKLM-x32\...\{086F9A69-CD39-4893-A9FB-D3A0634CE3F7}) (Version: 2.0.90 - Autodesk)
Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 (HKLM\...\Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012) (Version: - Autodesk, Inc.)
Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 (Version: - Autodesk, Inc.) Hidden
Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 Language Pack (Version: - Autodesk, Inc.) Hidden
Autodesk Inventor Fusion plug-in for AutoCAD 2012 (HKLM\...\Autodesk Inventor Fusion Plugin for AutoCAD 2012) (Version: - Autodesk)
Autodesk Inventor Fusion Plugin for AutoCAD 2012 (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
Autodesk Inventor Fusion Plugin Language Pack for AutoCAD 2012 (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
Autodesk Material Library 2012 (HKLM-x32\...\{8F0837C2-EE09-4903-88F3-1976FE7FFF4E}) (Version: - Autodesk)
Autodesk Material Library Base Resolution Image Library 2012 (HKLM-x32\...\{65420DC9-306E-4371-905F-F4DC3B418E52}) (Version: - Autodesk)
Avira (HKLM-x32\...\{70e83cd8-4bd5-4039-ab5a-6b94a8abb641}) (Version: - Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
Avira (x32 Version: - Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) Hidden
Avira Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\Avira AntiVir Desktop) (Version: - Avira)
Avira SearchFree Toolbar (HKLM-x32\...\{41564952-412D-5637-4300-A758B70C1001}) (Version: - APN, LLC)
Avira SearchFree Toolbar (HKLM-x32\...\{41564952-412D-5637-4300-A758B70C1002}) (Version: - APN, LLC)
Backup Manager V3 (x32 Version: - NTI Corporation) Hidden
Borland Database Engine (HKLM-x32\...\{CADE1721-0AE3-4FE9-B37F-CF98CA42A14F}) (Version: 5.1.1 - Hottgenroth Software GmbH & Co. KG)
Broadcom Card Reader Driver Installer (HKLM\...\{4710662C-8204-4334-A977-B1AC9E547819}) (Version: - Broadcom Corporation)
Broadcom NetLink Controller (HKLM\...\{486BEA43-6245-451C-9399-8600DB5E4D5A}) (Version: - Broadcom Corporation)
CoolPack (HKLM-x32\...\CoolPack_is1) (Version: 1.50 - IPU)
Corel WinDVD (HKLM-x32\...\{5C1F18D2-F6B7-4242-B803-B5A78648185D}) (Version: - Corel Inc.)
D3DX10 (x32 Version: 15.4.2368.0902 - Microsoft) Hidden
DefaultTab (HKLM-x32\...\DefaultTab) (Version: - Search Results, LLC) <==== ATTENTION
Delta Chrome Toolbar (HKLM-x32\...\Delta Chrome Toolbar) (Version:  - Visual Tools) <==== ATTENTION
Delta toolbar   (HKLM-x32\...\delta) (Version: - Delta) <==== ATTENTION
dradio-Recorder Version 3.02.6 (HKLM-x32\...\dradio-Recorder_is1) (Version:  - )
Dropbox (HKCU\...\Dropbox) (Version: 2.10.30 - Dropbox, Inc.)
eBay Worldwide (HKLM-x32\...\{D3E5A972-9A15-427D-AE78-8181A5FD943C}) (Version: 2.2.0409 - OEM)
EnerCalC 4.41.94 (HKLM-x32\...\{DA2EFB69-A2ED-4C94-A5ED-65660E13ED54}_is1) (Version: 4.41.94 - Markus Lichtmeß)
EnerCalC 4.43.105 (HKLM-x32\...\{DD8C2118-BB2C-4B5C-B6C8-2B7C94D87335}_is1) (Version: 4.43.105 - Markus Lichtmeß)
Evernote v. 4.5.2 (HKLM-x32\...\{F77EF646-19EB-11E1-9A9E-984BE15F174E}) (Version: - Evernote Corp.)
FARO LS 1.1.406.58 (HKLM-x32\...\{951B0F30-9F1A-4BF6-B3DA-99EB0E917B1C}) (Version: - FARO Scanner Production)
FileOpen Client B928 (HKLM\...\FileOpenClient_is1) (Version: B928 - FileOpen Systems, Inc.)
FLIR Device Drivers (HKLM\...\{C09068F5-8B42-46F4-8EAF-11FB1AFB988A}) (Version: - FLIR Systems)
FLIR QuickReport 1.2 SP2 (HKLM-x32\...\{C0EAC838-4ABD-4C89-BF07-D2292A83929C}) (Version: 3.03.1535 - FLIR Systems)
FLIR Tools (HKLM-x32\...\{27d9ef9c-0a34-43f8-b831-18a293f46b70}) (Version: 4.1.14066.1001 - FLIR Systems)
FLIR Tools (x32 Version: 4.1.14066.1001 - FLIR Systems) Hidden
FLIR Tools English Documentation (x32 Version: 4.1.14066.1001 - FLIR Systems) Hidden
Fotogalerija Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Foxit PDF Toolbar Printer (HKLM-x32\...\Foxit Creator Toolbar) (Version: 1,0,0,1202 - Foxit Corporation)
Galeria de Fotografias do Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galeria fotogràfica del Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galeria fotografii usługi Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galerie de photos Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galerie foto Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
HP Officejet Pro 8600 - Grundlegende Software für das Gerät (HKLM\...\{D2D05FDB-4EDA-462D-8DB6-E0B9AD4FA25F}) (Version: 28.0.1315.0 - Hewlett-Packard Co.)
HP Officejet Pro 8600 Hilfe (HKLM-x32\...\{FDE820DD-CC88-4395-AD5C-801365B8F316}) (Version: 28.0.0 - Hewlett Packard)
HP Update (HKLM-x32\...\{912D30CF-F39E-4B31-AD9A-123C6B794EE2}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard)
HS Energieberater 18599 Bildung (HKLM-x32\...\{2FAA070E-7C53-409D-B6E6-39C6477601C5}) (Version: - Hottgenroth Software GmbH & Co. KG)
I.R.I.S. OCR (HKLM-x32\...\{CA6BCA2F-EDEB-408F-850B-31404BE16A61}) (Version: - HP)
Identity Card (HKLM-x32\...\Identity Card) (Version: 1.00.3501 - Acer Incorporated)
Install Absolute Data Protect (HKLM-x32\...\{40F4FF7A-B214-4453-B973-080B09CED019}) (Version: - Absolute Software)
Intel MKL 10.2 ia32, IPP 6.1 ia32 (HKLM-x32\...\{A3153B07-1970-4D9C-833B-221FD658D322}) (Version: - Intel Packaged by FLIR Systems)
Intel PROSet Wireless (Version:  - ) Hidden
Intel(R) Control Center (HKLM-x32\...\{F8A9085D-4C7A-41a9-8A77-C8998A96C421}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives Run-Time Installer 5.1 for Windows* on IA-32 Intel(R) Architecture (HKLM-x32\...\{BAE06076-DB3F-4936-8864-249A7B2AA662}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Management Engine Components (HKLM-x32\...\{65153EA5-8B6E-43B6-857B-C6E4FC25798A}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) OpenCL CPU Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{FCB3772C-B7D0-4933-B1A9-3707EBACC573}) (Version:  - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Processor Graphics (HKLM-x32\...\{F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless for Bluetooth(R) + High Speed (HKLM\...\{705EE775-5776-48FD-B704-C3C9CF535420}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth(R) Technology (HKLM\...\{520C4DD4-2BC7-409B-BA48-E1A4F832662D}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology (HKLM-x32\...\{3E29EE6C-963A-4aae-86C1-DC237C4A49FC}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi-Software (HKLM\...\{BAA0BE9B-9E6D-4802-91CB-FB7ED5CD4BEF}) (Version: 15.01.1500.1034 - Intel Corporation)
Intel® Trusted Connect Service Client (HKLM\...\{09536BA1-E498-4CC3-B834-D884A67D7E34}) (Version: 1.23.605.1 - Intel Corporation)
Java 7 Update 10 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86417010FF}) (Version: 7.0.100 - Oracle)
Java 7 Update 10 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217010FF}) (Version: 7.0.100 - Oracle)
Java Auto Updater (x32 Version: - Sun Microsystems, Inc.) Hidden
Junk Mail filter update (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Junkers Solarsimulation DE (HKLM-x32\...\{3E344C71-5E80-4FB0-98C4-E2E409B2182C}) (Version: 2.1.8 - Bosch Thermotechnik)
Launch Manager (HKLM-x32\...\LManager) (Version: 6.0.15 - Acer Inc.)
LibreOffice 3.6 (HKLM-x32\...\{C2F438B6-7010-453B-93EC-B2FC053AA97B}) (Version: - The Document Foundation)
MatchWare MindView 5.0 (HKLM-x32\...\{C849BEF2-0216-45E5-841B-F0F2F4FDE319}) (Version: 5.0.168 - MatchWare A/S)
Mesh Runtime (x32 Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1031) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Application Error Reporting (Version: 12.0.6015.5000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{6E107EB7-8B55-48BF-ACCB-199F86A2CD93}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) (x32 Version:  - Microsoft) Hidden
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In (HKLM-x32\...\{90140000-2005-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}) (Version: 14.0.5130.5003 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 (HKLM-x32\...\HOMESTUDENTR) (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.5 (HKLM-x32\...\{F40BBEC7-C2A4-4A00-9B24-7A055A2C5262}) (Version: 2.0.4024.1 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Components 2007 (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.4518.1014 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) (x32 Version:  - Microsoft) Hidden
Microsoft Office Shared 64-bit MUI (German) 2007 (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Silverlight (HKLM\...\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}) (Version: 5.1.30514.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU] (HKLM-x32\...\{F0B430D1-B6AA-473D-9B06-AA3DD01FD0B8}) (Version: 3.1.0000 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM\...\{4B6C7001-C7D6-3710-913E-5BC23FCE91E6}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 (HKLM-x32\...\{9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable - 10.0.30319 (HKLM\...\{DA5E371C-6333-3D8A-93A4-6FD5B20BCC6E}) (Version: 10.0.30319 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 (HKLM-x32\...\{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}) (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.60610 (HKLM-x32\...\{95716cce-fc71-413f-8ad5-56c2892d4b3a}) (Version: 11.0.60610.1 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.60610 (x32 Version: 11.0.60610 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.60610 (x32 Version: 11.0.60610 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Mozilla Firefox 32.0.2 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Firefox 32.0.2 (x86 de)) (Version: 32.0.2 - Mozilla)
Mozilla Maintenance Service (HKLM-x32\...\MozillaMaintenanceService) (Version: 29.0.1 - Mozilla)
Mozilla Thunderbird 24.6.0 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Thunderbird 24.6.0 (x86 de)) (Version: 24.6.0 - Mozilla)
MSVCRT (x32 Version: 15.4.2862.0708 - Microsoft) Hidden
MSVCRT_amd64 (x32 Version: 15.4.2862.0708 - Microsoft) Hidden
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (HKLM-x32\...\{86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (HKLM-x32\...\{F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
MyFreeCodec (HKCU\...\MyFreeCodec) (Version:  - )
newsXpresso (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{613C0AC5-3A67-4B94-8B13-9176AD83F5BF}) (Version: - esobi Inc.)
newsXpresso (x32 Version: - esobi Inc.) Hidden
NewTabs Uninstall (HKLM-x32\...\NewTabs) (Version:  - ELEX Technology) <==== ATTENTION
Norton Online Backup (HKLM-x32\...\{40A66DF6-22D3-44B5-A7D3-83B118A2C0DC}) (Version: 2.1.17869 - Symantec Corporation)
PDF Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Planungstool Lüftungskonzept - Deinstallieren (HKLM-x32\...\Planungstool Lüftungskonzept_is1) (Version:  - )
Poczta usługi Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Podstawowe programy Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Pošta Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Raccolta foto di Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}) (Version: - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)
Samsung Printer Live Update (HKLM-x32\...\Samsung Printer Live Update) (Version: - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)
Skype Click to Call (HKLM-x32\...\{6D1221A9-17BF-4EC0-81F2-27D30EC30701}) (Version: 7.3.16540.9015 - Microsoft Corporation)
Skype™ 6.11 (HKLM-x32\...\{4E76FF7E-AEBA-4C87-B788-CD47E5425B9D}) (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.)
Sony PC Companion 2.10.226 (HKLM-x32\...\{F09EF8F2-0976-42C1-8D9D-8DF78337C6E3}) (Version: 2.10.226 - Sony)
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver (HKLM\...\SynTPDeinstKey) (Version: - Synaptics Incorporated)
TECLOG2 (HKLM-x32\...\ST6UNST #1) (Version:  - )
TECTITE Express Deutsch 3.6 (HKLM-x32\...\{2E4088A9-6EC1-4B70-B1E4-D13B2A658E09}) (Version: - Energy Conservatory)
The Energy Conservatory COM Port (Driver Removal) (HKLM-x32\...\TEC_COMM&10C4&83B1) (Version:  - )
THERM5 (HKLM-x32\...\{4C8ECD77-7CFD-4CD0-BA6F-B2ADDA48FD4C}) (Version: 5.2.14 - )
TIPP10 Version 2.1.0 (HKLM-x32\...\TIPP10_is1) (Version:  - (c) 2006-2011, Tom Thielicke IT Solutions)
Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB967642) (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{C444285D-5E4F-48A4-91DD-47AAAA68E92D}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2596620) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{A024FC7B-77DE-45DE-A058-1C049A17BFB3}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2767849) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{CB68A5B0-3508-4193-AEB9-AF636DAECE0F}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2767849) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{CB68A5B0-3508-4193-AEB9-AF636DAECE0F}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2767916) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{E9A82945-BA29-4EE8-8F2A-2F49545E9CF2}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update für Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Help (KB963678) (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-0016-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{BEC163EC-7A83-48A1-BFB6-3BF47CC2F8CF}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update für Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007 Help (KB963669) (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-0018-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{EA160DA3-E9B5-4D03-A518-21D306665B96}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update für Microsoft Office Word 2007 Help (KB963665) (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-001B-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{38472199-D7B6-4833-A949-10E4EE6365A1}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Visual C++ 9.0 CRT (x86) WinSXS MSM (x32 Version: 9.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Welcome Center (HKLM-x32\...\Acer Welcome Center) (Version: 1.02.3507 - Acer Incorporated)
Windows Live Communications Platform (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Essentials (HKLM-x32\...\WinLiveSuite) (Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Microsoft Corporation)
Windows Live Essentials (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotogaléria (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotogalerie (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotogalleri (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotoğraf Galerisi (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotótár (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Galeria de Fotos (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Galerija fotografija (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant (Version: 7.250.4232.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Installer (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Language Selector (Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Mail (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Mesh (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Messenger (x32 Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Messenger (x32 Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Корпорация Майкрософт) Hidden
Windows Live MIME IFilter (Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Movie Maker (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Photo Common (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Photo Gallery (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live PIMT Platform (x32 Version: 15.4.3508.1109 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Client (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Client Resources (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Service (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Service Resources (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live SOXE (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live SOXE Definitions (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Temel Parçalar (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live UX Platform (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack (x32 Version: 15.4.3508.1109 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Writer (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Writer Resources (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live 影像中心 (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live 程式集 (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Liven asennustyökalu (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Liven sähköposti (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Liven valokuvavalikoima (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Συλλογή φωτογραφιών του Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Основные компоненты Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Почта Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Корпорация Майкрософт) Hidden
Фотоальбом Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Фотогалерия на Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
גלריית התמונות של Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
بريد Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
معرض صور Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden

==================== Custom CLSID (selected items): ==========================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from registry. Any eventual file will not be moved.)

CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{005A3A96-BAC4-4B0A-94EA-C0CE100EA736}\localserver32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{6D7AE628-FF41-4CD3-91DD-34825BB1A251}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{B77E471C-FBF3-4CB5-880F-D7528AD4B349}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{C92FB640-AD4D-498A-9979-A51A2540C977}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{D70E31AD-2614-49F2-B0FC-ACA781D81F3E}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{E2C40589-DE61-11ce-BAE0-0020AF6D7005}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acadficn.dll (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDC-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDD-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDE-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDF-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EE0-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)

==================== Restore Points  =========================

23-08-2014 12:49:59 Windows Update
28-08-2014 09:33:22 Windows Update
09-09-2014 08:34:54 Geplanter Prüfpunkt
10-09-2014 09:12:34 Windows Update
11-09-2014 06:19:26 Windows Update
16-09-2014 09:18:46 Sony PC Companion
16-09-2014 09:20:49 Sony PC Companion

==================== Hosts content: ==========================

(If needed Hosts: directive could be included in the fixlist to reset Hosts.)

2009-07-14 04:34 - 2009-06-10 23:00 - 00000824 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts

==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) =============

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from registry. Any associated file could be listed separately to be moved.)

Task: {224E2235-03DD-4E3D-8DE4-E87E03FD9691} - System32\Tasks\AdobeFlashPlayerUpdate => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Task: {38974323-76F7-4D21-BBE5-CD9283854165} - System32\Tasks\AdobeFlashPlayerUpdate 2 => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Task: {6A39C01B-6ED7-4035-89EC-CB684BBA3B35} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2014-09-10] (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Task: {72F1B558-ECC1-414B-A11C-7E3347272F7E} - System32\Tasks\UALU notificatin => C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Updater\UALU.exe [2012-02-07] (Acer Incorporated)
Task: {7AD5A613-D4C9-467F-9FB1-DA324592C5D7} - System32\Tasks\BrowserProtect => Sc.exe start BrowserProtect <==== ATTENTION
Task: {92C76A75-2E8F-4A99-9B30-0FD730F8445B} - System32\Tasks\BitGuard => Sc.exe start BitGuard <==== ATTENTION
Task: {F3315461-8C6F-4586-985D-D44B1E4F9976} - System32\Tasks\EPUpdater => C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\BabSolution\Shared\BabMaint.exe [2013-06-06] () <==== ATTENTION
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\FaxApplications.exe_{77F30EDF-6FAF-4536-9600-EF3F4B594601}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\FaxApplications.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\HP Officejet Pro 8600.exe_{DF285BBB-C0AE-4222-A4C4-4C777AAEDA82}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\HP Officejet Pro 8600.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\HPCustPartic.exe_{2FEFE491-E79D-4440-86A7-39EADA7678B9}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\HPCustPartic.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\ScanToPCActivationApp.exe_{75BD19CA-EAD4-4AD2-8847-A828D171F046}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\ScanToPCActivationApp.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Toolbox.exe_{1666521B-1197-41DC-A3BB-AC3C7AE48E6A}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\Toolbox.exe

==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) =============

2011-05-02 04:40 - 2011-05-02 04:40 - 00034304 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\ssm1mlm.dll
2011-02-02 14:08 - 2011-02-02 14:08 - 00018656 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Content Service\Connect.Service.ContentService.exe
2012-07-17 02:45 - 2014-09-21 17:04 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\rpcnetp.exe
2012-10-08 12:02 - 2012-10-08 12:02 - 01212928 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\spool\DRIVERS\x64\3\ssm1mdu.dll
2012-05-08 10:38 - 2012-03-27 02:33 - 00094208 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\IccLibDll_x64.dll
2012-12-29 17:58 - 2012-10-13 17:05 - 00042496 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\phonostarTimer.exe
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2014-06-23 09:07 - 00113376 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\PCCompanionInfo.exe
2009-07-13 23:03 - 2009-07-14 03:15 - 00364544 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjetoledb40.dll
2012-01-05 23:22 - 2012-01-05 23:22 - 00465344 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\sqlite3.dll
2012-01-05 23:22 - 2012-01-05 23:22 - 01081368 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\ACE.dll
2012-01-05 23:22 - 2012-01-05 23:22 - 00125464 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\MailConverter32.dll
2014-08-27 15:00 - 2014-08-27 15:00 - 00139056 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.NativeCore.dll
2014-08-27 15:00 - 2014-08-27 15:00 - 00066864 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.AvConnectorNative.dll
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2012-04-30 11:57 - 00039936 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\TMonitorAPI.dll
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2013-09-13 11:02 - 00208896 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\MExplorer.dll
2013-06-11 09:31 - 2013-06-11 09:31 - 00090112 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\CalEngine.dll
2012-04-04 14:33 - 2012-04-04 14:33 - 00139776 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\CAgdLNotes.dll
2013-01-08 17:02 - 2013-01-08 17:02 - 00163840 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\CAgdOutlook.dll
2012-07-26 11:51 - 2012-07-26 11:51 - 00208896 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\VistaCalendar.dll
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2010-01-11 16:44 - 00053248 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\VObject.dll
2011-01-05 15:01 - 2011-01-05 15:01 - 00053248 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\PimNotes.dll
2011-07-07 14:54 - 2011-07-07 14:54 - 00233984 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\Report.dll
2013-02-18 15:45 - 2013-02-18 15:45 - 00452096 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\Calendar.dll
2014-08-15 14:24 - 2014-08-27 15:00 - 00052472 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\avgnt.exe\Avira.OE.ExtApi.dll
2014-06-20 13:10 - 2014-09-21 10:17 - 03734640 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2014-09-10 09:15 - 16825520 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_15_0_0_152.dll
2014-09-11 09:27 - 2014-09-11 09:27 - 00172032 _____ () C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\IsdiInterop\4361e26af57c86003751ac77cce1c827\IsdiInterop.ni.dll
2012-05-08 09:51 - 2011-11-30 05:00 - 00059392 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IsdiInterop.dll
2012-07-17 03:00 - 2012-02-08 03:39 - 01198872 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\ACE.dll

==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) =========

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, only the Alternate Data Streams will be removed.)

AlternateDataStreams: C:\Users\Anwender\BlowerDoor.mov:com.dropbox.attributes

==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) ===================

(If an item is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from the registry. The "AlternateShell" will be restored.)

==================== EXE Association (whitelisted) =============

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the default will be restored. None default entries will be removed.)

==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER disabled items =========

(Currently there is no automatic fix for this section.)

==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices =============

==================== Event log errors: =========================

Application errors:
Error: (09/21/2014 05:05:09 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/21/2014 10:01:18 AM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: )
Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: ipmGui.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x53bec647
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: ipmGui.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x53bec647
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x0000795b
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1630
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0xipmGui.exe0
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: ipmGui.exe1
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: ipmGui.exe2
Berichtskennung: ipmGui.exe3

Error: (09/21/2014 09:56:07 AM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/20/2014 09:51:59 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/18/2014 10:10:09 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/18/2014 09:21:10 AM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/17/2014 03:00:16 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/17/2014 09:07:23 AM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/16/2014 09:18:43 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/16/2014 07:57:04 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

System errors:
Error: (09/21/2014 05:05:30 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Error: (09/21/2014 09:56:22 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Error: (09/20/2014 10:14:06 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/20/2014 09:52:07 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Error: (09/18/2014 10:17:51 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/18/2014 10:10:17 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Error: (09/18/2014 04:05:58 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "ICH",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/18/2014 03:53:58 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "ICH",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/18/2014 00:05:26 PM) (Source: BROWSER) (EventID: 8032) (User: )
Description: Das Einlesen der Sicherungsliste durch den Suchdienst schlug auf Transport "\Device\NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}" zu oft fehl.
Der Sicherungssuchdienst wird beendet.

Error: (09/18/2014 09:21:26 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Microsoft Office Sessions:

CodeIntegrity Errors:
  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.887
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.817
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.657
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.470
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.325
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.195
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.095
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:58.775
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:58.475
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:58.265
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

==================== Memory info =========================== 

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 967 @ 1.30GHz
Percentage of memory in use: 53%
Total physical RAM: 3932.36 MB
Available physical RAM: 1846.22 MB
Total Pagefile: 7862.9 MB
Available Pagefile: 5111.78 MB
Total Virtual: 8192 MB
Available Virtual: 8191.83 MB

==================== Drives ================================

Drive c: (Acer) (Fixed) (Total:449.66 GB) (Free:350.23 GB) NTFS

==================== MBR & Partition Table ==================

Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 465.8 GB) (Disk ID: 289F3EF6)
Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=16 GB) - (Type=27)
Partition 2: (Active) - (Size=100 MB) - (Type=07 NTFS)
Partition 3: (Not Active) - (Size=449.7 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS)

==================== End Of Log ============================
FRST Logfile:

FRST Logfile:

FRST Logfile:

FRST Logfile:

FRST Logfile:
Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 21-09-2014 01
Ran by Anwender (administrator) on ANWENDER-PC on 21-09-2014 18:45:50
Running from C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads
Platform: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: Deutsch (Deutschland)
Internet Explorer Version 11
Boot Mode: Normal
Tutorial for Farbar Recovery Scan Tool: hxxp://www.geekstogo.com/forum/topic/335081-frst-tutorial-how-to-use-farbar-recovery-scan-tool/

==================== Processes (Whitelisted) =================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the process will be closed. The file will not be moved.)

(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\wlanext.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe
(APN LLC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\apnmcp.exe
() C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Content Service\Connect.Service.ContentService.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\devmonsrv.exe
(Apple Computer, Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\AutoUpdate\SkypeC2CAutoUpdateSvc.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\PNRSvc\SkypeC2CPNRSvc.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\dsiwmis.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerSvc.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LMutilps32.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\EvtEng.exe
(FileOpen Systems Inc.) C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenManager64.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Registration\GREGsvc.exe
(ETU Software GmbH) C:\Program Files (x86)\HSETU\ApplicationService\ApplicationService.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\HeciServer.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\Jhi_service.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Updater\UpdaterService.exe
(Symantec Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuAgent.exe
(NTI Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe
(Protexis Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Protexis\License Service\PsiService_2.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\RegSrvc.exe
() C:\Windows\System32\rpcnetp.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\RS_Service.exe
(FLIR) C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Srv.exe
(Intel® Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\ZeroConfigService.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.ServiceHost.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\obexsrv.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\PrintIsolationHost.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\hkcmd.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxpers.exe
(Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\BleServicesCtrl.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
(Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxsrvc.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerTray.exe
(FileOpen Systems Inc.) C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenBroker64.exe
(FLIR) C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Mon.exe
() C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\phonostarTimer.exe
(Sony) C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\PCCompanion.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\AcerVCM.exe
(NTI Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LManager.exe
(Adobe Systems Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\acrotray.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\MMDx64Fx.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LMworker.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxext.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerEvent.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe
(Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe
(APN) C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\Updater\TBNotifier.exe
(Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.Systray.exe
() C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\PCCompanionInfo.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avshadow.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\mediasrv.exe
(Macrovision Europe Ltd.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe
(Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPHelper.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\btplayerctrl.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Mozilla Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
(Adobe Systems, Inc.) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_15_0_0_152.exe
(Adobe Systems, Inc.) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_15_0_0_152.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\BluetoothHS\BTHSAmpPalService.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\BluetoothHS\BTHSSecurityMgr.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe
(InterVideo) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InterVideo\RegMgr\iviRegMgr.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ==================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the registry item will be restored to default or removed. The file will not be moved.)

HKLM\...\Run: [RTHDVCPL] => C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe [12452456 2012-02-22] (Realtek Semiconductor)
HKLM\...\Run: [BLEServicesCtrl] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\BleServicesCtrl.exe [177936 2012-02-17] (Intel Corporation)
HKLM\...\Run: [BTMTrayAgent] => rundll32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\btmshell.dll",TrayApp
HKLM\...\Run: [SynTPEnh] => C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe [2909968 2012-03-29] (Synaptics Incorporated)
HKLM\...\Run: [Power Management] => C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerTray.exe [1829768 2012-02-07] (Acer Incorporated)
HKLM\...\Run: [FileOpenBroker] => C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenBroker64.exe [1589104 2013-03-26] (FileOpen Systems Inc.)
HKLM\...\Run: [FS Camera Monitor] => C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Mon.exe [334432 2010-03-18] (FLIR)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Norton Online Backup] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuClient.exe [1155928 2010-06-02] (Symantec Corporation)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [BackupManagerTray] => C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe [296984 2012-01-05] (NTI Corporation)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [LManager] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LManager.exe [1110608 2012-03-23] (Dritek System Inc.)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Acrobat Assistant 8.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Acrotray.exe [620152 2006-10-22] (Adobe Systems Inc.)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe_ID0EYTHM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Version Cue CS3\Server\bin\VersionCueCS3Tray.exe [1884160 2007-03-20] (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [avgnt] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe [751184 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [958576 2013-05-11] (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [ApnTBMon] => C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\Updater\TBNotifier.exe [1942424 2014-08-22] (APN)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Win7PDF] => C:\Program Files\PDF Printer for Windows 7\PDF.exe
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [HP Software Update] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Hp\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe [96056 2013-05-30] (Hewlett-Packard)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [] => [X]
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Avira Systray] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.Systray.exe [164656 2014-08-27] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
Winlogon\Notify\igfxcui: C:\Windows\system32\igfxdev.dll (Intel Corporation)
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\Run: [dradio-RecorderTimer] => C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\phonostarTimer.exe [42496 2012-10-13] ()
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\Run: [] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\FirmwareUpdate\KiesPDLR.exe
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\Run: [Sony PC Companion] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Sony PC Companion\PCCompanion.exe [467680 2014-07-30] (Sony)
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\MountPoints2: {86b8263e-3a4f-11e4-90fa-b888e3420233} - D:\Startme.exe
AppInit_DLLs: c:\progra~3\bitguard\271769~1.27\{c16c1~1\loader.dll => c:\progra~3\bitguard\271769~1.27\{c16c1~1\loader.dll File Not Found
Lsa: [Notification Packages] scecli EgisPwdFilter EgisDSPwdFilter
Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Acer VCM.lnk
ShortcutTarget: Acer VCM.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\AcerVCM.exe (Acer Incorporated)
Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Adobe Acrobat - Schnellstart.lnk
ShortcutTarget: Adobe Acrobat - Schnellstart.lnk -> C:\Windows\Installer\{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000003}\_SC_Acrobat.exe ()
Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk
ShortcutTarget: Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\AdobeCollabSync.exe ()
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Symbol-Overlay-Steuerprogramm für AutoCAD Digitale Signaturen -> {36A21736-36C2-4C11-8ACB-D4136F2B57BD} => C:\Windows\system32\AcSignIcon.dll (Autodesk, Inc.)

==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ====================

(If an item is included in the fixlist, if it is a registry item it will be removed or restored to default.)

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:Tabs
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = hxxp://www.v9.com/?utm_source=b&utm_medium=fox&from=fox&uid=132775_1050624_230351775_3219913727_EEFF6AB3&ts=1356009506
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,bProtector Start Page = hxxp://search.babylon.com/?affID=120518&babsrc=HP_ss_sps&mntrId=eeff6ab3000000000000c485087138fc
SearchScopes: HKCU - DefaultScope {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} URL = 
SearchScopes: HKCU - bProtectorDefaultScope {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A}
SearchScopes: HKCU - {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} URL = 
SearchScopes: HKCU - {0ECDF796-C2DC-4d79-A620-CCE0C0A66CC9} URL = hxxp://www.delta-search.com/?q={searchTerms}&affID=120518&babsrc=SP_ss&mntrId=eeff6ab3000000000000c485087138fc
SearchScopes: HKCU - {33BB0A4E-99AF-4226-BDF6-49120163DE86} URL = hxxp://search.v9.com/web/?q={searchTerms}
SearchScopes: HKCU - {B99DB277-0CD7-4D09-A09F-F28A34F96960} URL = hxxp://websearch.ask.com/redirect?client=ie&tb=FXTV5&o=101699&src=kw&q={searchTerms}&locale=de_DE&apn_ptnrs=F4&apn_dtid=YYYYYYYYDE&apn_uid=39af22fd-e74d-41e0-8d5d-64c780f96820&apn_sauid=71034F6D-09E1-467A-A00C-D78632497556
BHO: Avira SearchFree Toolbar -> {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport_x64.dll (APN LLC.)
BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper -> {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} -> C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO: Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper -> {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} -> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll (Microsoft Corp.)
BHO: Skype Click to Call for Internet Explorer -> {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer x64\skypeieplugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper -> {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} -> C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Avira SearchFree Toolbar -> {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport.dll (APN LLC.)
BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper -> {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper -> {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll (Microsoft Corp.)
BHO-x32: Adobe PDF Conversion Toolbar Helper -> {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BHO-x32: Skype Click to Call for Internet Explorer -> {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\SkypeIEPlugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
BHO-x32: delta Helper Object -> {C1AF5FA5-852C-4C90-812E-A7F75E011D87} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta\delta\\bh\delta.dll (Delta-search.com)
BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper -> {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Proxy Help -> {F386E548-C533-472E-8C61-C026FB14FEA9} -> C:\Windows\SysWow64\Newtabs_v9.dll (Newtabs. inc)
Toolbar: HKLM - Avira SearchFree Toolbar - {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport_x64.dll (APN LLC.)
Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - Adobe PDF - {47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - Delta Toolbar - {82E1477C-B154-48D3-9891-33D83C26BCD3} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Delta\delta\\deltaTlbr.dll (Delta-search.com)
Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - Avira SearchFree Toolbar - {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport.dll (APN LLC.)
Toolbar: HKCU - No Name - {D4027C7F-154A-4066-A1AD-4243D8127440} -  No File
Handler: skypec2c - {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer x64\skypeieplugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
Handler-x32: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies)
Handler-x32: skypec2c - {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\SkypeIEPlugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer]

FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419
FF NewTab: hxxp://www.mysearchresults.com/?c=3560&t=18&nt=nt1&uid=AA34B58F56AE541EC0B9724B476C9567
FF Homepage: about:blank
FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer -> C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_15_0_0_152.dll ()
FF Plugin: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Windows\system32\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 -> c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30514.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer -> C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_15_0_0_152.dll ()
FF Plugin-x32: @foxitsoftware.com/Foxit Reader Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.fdf -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\plugins\npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll No File
FF Plugin-x32: @intel-webapi.intel.com/Intel WebAPI ipt;version=2.0.59 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIIPT.dll (Intel Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @intel-webapi.intel.com/Intel WebAPI updater -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIUpdater.dll (Intel Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 -> c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30514.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/OfficeLive,version=1.5 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Office Live\npOLW.dll (Microsoft Corp.)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3502.0922 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3538.0513 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.)
FF Plugin HKCU: @phonostar.de/phonostar -> C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\npphonostarDetectNP.dll No File
FF user.js: detected! => C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\user.js
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\babylon.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\BrowserProtect.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\delta.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\search-here.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml
FF Extension: Delta Toolbar - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\ffxtlbr@delta.com [2013-02-27]
FF Extension: Default Tab - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\addon@defaulttab.com.xpi [2013-10-19]
FF Extension: Avira SearchFree Toolbar plus Web Protection - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\toolbar_AVIRA-V7C@apn.ask.com.xpi [2013-12-20]
FF Extension: Adblock Plus - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi [2014-09-21]
FF Extension: No Name - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions\{82AF8DCA-6DE9-405D-BD5E-43525BDAD38A}.xpi [2014-07-14]
FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [{d4da7309-b89a-45ec-8ebb-cfb2ae13618b}] - C:\Program Files\Acer ProShield\FFExt20

CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [eooncjejnppfjjklapaamhcdmjbilmde] - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\BabSolution\CR\Delta.crx [2013-02-27]
CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [ijblflkdjdopkpdgllkmlbgcffjbnfda] - \User Data\Default\Extensions\v9.crx [2012-12-20]

==================== Services (Whitelisted) =================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the service will be removed from the registry. The file will not be moved unless listed separately.)

R2 AntiVirSchedulerService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe [430160 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R2 AntiVirService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe [430160 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
S4 AntiVirWebService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avwebg7.exe [1021520 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R2 APNMCP; C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\apnmcp.exe [166296 2014-08-22] (APN LLC.)
R2 Autodesk Content Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Content Service\Connect.Service.ContentService.exe [18656 2011-02-02] ()
R2 Avira.OE.ServiceHost; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.ServiceHost.exe [160048 2014-08-27] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R2 Bonjour Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe [229376 2006-02-28] (Apple Computer, Inc.) [File not signed]
R2 c2cautoupdatesvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\AutoUpdate\SkypeC2CAutoUpdateSvc.exe [1390176 2014-07-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
R2 c2cpnrsvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\PNRSvc\SkypeC2CPNRSvc.exe [1767520 2014-07-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
R2 FileOpenManager; C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenManager64.exe [337264 2013-03-19] (FileOpen Systems Inc.)
R3 FLEXnet Licensing Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe [654848 2012-10-13] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [File not signed]
R2 HSETUApplicationService; C:\Program Files (x86)\HSETU\ApplicationService\ApplicationService.exe [3816000 2013-12-06] (ETU Software GmbH)
R2 jhi_service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe [161560 2012-02-08] (Intel Corporation)
S3 MyWiFiDHCPDNS; C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\PanDhcpDns.exe [273168 2012-04-17] ()
R2 NOBU; C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuAgent.exe [2804568 2010-06-02] (Symantec Corporation)
R2 NTI IScheduleSvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe [256536 2012-01-05] (NTI Corporation)
R2 RS_Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\RS_Service.exe [260640 2010-01-30] (Acer Incorporated)
R2 T3Srv; C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Srv.exe [781408 2010-03-18] (FLIR)
R2 ZeroConfigService; C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\ZeroConfigService.exe [2671376 2012-04-17] (Intel® Corporation)

==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ====================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the service will be removed from the registry. The file will not be moved unless listed separately.)

R2 avgntflt; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avgntflt.sys [117712 2014-07-03] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R1 avipbb; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys [130584 2014-06-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R1 avkmgr; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys [28600 2013-10-07] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)

==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) ===================

(If an item is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from the registry. Any associated file could be listed separately to be moved.)

==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ========

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the file\folder will be moved.)

2014-09-21 18:45 - 2014-09-21 18:47 - 00024059 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\FRST.txt
2014-09-21 18:45 - 2014-09-21 18:46 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST
2014-09-21 18:44 - 2014-09-21 18:44 - 00000478 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\defogger_disable.log
2014-09-21 18:44 - 2014-09-21 18:44 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\defogger_reenable
2014-09-21 18:41 - 2014-09-21 18:41 - 00050477 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Defogger.exe
2014-09-21 18:40 - 2014-09-21 18:40 - 02105856 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\FRST64.exe
2014-09-21 12:52 - 2014-09-21 12:52 - 00001013 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\BAHN_Fahrplan.ics
2014-09-20 21:53 - 2014-09-20 21:53 - 00002030 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Sony PC Companion 2.1.lnk
2014-09-17 10:46 - 2014-09-17 10:46 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\04 GetOn
2014-09-16 11:21 - 2014-09-16 11:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Sony
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2014-09-20 21:53 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sony
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2014-09-16 11:18 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Sony
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2014-09-16 11:18 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 20:05 - 00374968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iedkcs32.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 19:39 - 00327872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iedkcs32.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 01:01 - 23591424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:29 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:29 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:26 - 17455104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:20 - 02793984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:19 - 05833728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:15 - 00547328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:15 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:14 - 00083968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MshtmlDac.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:14 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:08 - 04232704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:08 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:08 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:05 - 00596480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:03 - 00758272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:03 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:03 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:57 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:56 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:51 - 00446464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:46 - 00454656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:45 - 00072704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:45 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:44 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MshtmlDac.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:44 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:42 - 02185728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:40 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:39 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:39 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:39 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:38 - 00289280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:37 - 00440320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:36 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:35 - 00597504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:27 - 00365056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:25 - 00727040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:25 - 00707072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:23 - 02104832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:23 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:22 - 00060416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:19 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:17 - 00243200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:17 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:16 - 13588480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:15 - 11769856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:15 - 02310656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:09 - 00603136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:08 - 02014208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:07 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:55 - 01447424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:46 - 01812992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:38 - 01190400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:38 - 00775168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:36 - 00678400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2014-09-10 11:14 - 00000000 ____D () C:\43ee17ab337f17cc4a1db4a9
2014-09-10 11:13 - 2014-06-27 04:08 - 02777088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msmpeg2vdec.dll
2014-09-10 11:13 - 2014-06-27 03:45 - 02285056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msmpeg2vdec.dll
2014-09-10 09:21 - 2014-09-10 09:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\onlysearch
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-09-05 04:10 - 00578048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-09-05 04:05 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-08-01 13:53 - 01031168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TSWorkspace.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-08-01 13:35 - 00793600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TSWorkspace.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 04:06 - 01460736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lsasrv.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 04:06 - 00728064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\kerberos.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 03:40 - 00550912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kerberos.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 03:40 - 00022016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\secur32.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 03:39 - 00096768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sspicli.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-06-24 05:29 - 02565120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d3d10warp.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-06-24 04:59 - 01987584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10warp.dll
2014-09-04 07:40 - 2014-09-04 07:40 - 00001731 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\Unterrichtsmaterial - Verknüpfung.lnk
2014-08-28 13:44 - 2014-09-06 09:14 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\DIN_18599_Projekt
2014-08-28 08:13 - 2014-08-23 04:07 - 00404480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gdi32.dll
2014-08-28 08:13 - 2014-08-23 03:45 - 00311808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll
2014-08-28 08:13 - 2014-08-23 02:59 - 03163648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys
2014-08-24 12:52 - 2014-08-24 12:52 - 15348021 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\TRY2011_Datensatz.zip
2014-08-23 17:22 - 2014-08-23 17:22 - 00635016 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Java_install.exe
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 02477536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 00700384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuapi.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 00581600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wuapi.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 00058336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuauclt.exe
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 00044512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wups2.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 00038880 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wups.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:23 - 00036320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wups.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:21 - 02620928 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:20 - 00097792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wudriver.dll
2014-08-23 14:51 - 2014-05-14 18:17 - 00092672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wudriver.dll
2014-08-23 14:50 - 2014-05-14 09:23 - 00198600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuwebv.dll
2014-08-23 14:50 - 2014-05-14 09:23 - 00179656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wuwebv.dll
2014-08-23 14:50 - 2014-05-14 09:20 - 00036864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wuapp.exe
2014-08-23 14:50 - 2014-05-14 09:17 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wuapp.exe

==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders =======

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the file\folder will be moved.)

2014-09-21 18:47 - 2014-09-21 18:45 - 00024059 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\FRST.txt
2014-09-21 18:46 - 2014-09-21 18:45 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST
2014-09-21 18:46 - 2012-07-17 02:48 - 01938746 _____ () C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log
2014-09-21 18:44 - 2014-09-21 18:44 - 00000478 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\defogger_disable.log
2014-09-21 18:44 - 2014-09-21 18:44 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\defogger_reenable
2014-09-21 18:44 - 2012-09-20 18:15 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender
2014-09-21 18:42 - 2013-08-12 15:06 - 00046592 ___SH () C:\Users\Anwender\Documents\Thumbs.db
2014-09-21 18:41 - 2014-09-21 18:41 - 00050477 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Defogger.exe
2014-09-21 18:40 - 2014-09-21 18:40 - 02105856 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\FRST64.exe
2014-09-21 18:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00000830 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job
2014-09-21 18:09 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00024400 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
2014-09-21 18:09 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00024400 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
2014-09-21 17:05 - 2014-08-06 06:03 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcnetp.dll
2014-09-21 17:04 - 2014-08-06 06:03 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcnetp.exe
2014-09-21 17:04 - 2012-09-26 17:04 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service
2014-09-21 17:04 - 2012-07-17 02:45 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\rpcnetp.exe
2014-09-21 17:04 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H () C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT
2014-09-21 17:04 - 2009-07-14 06:51 - 00107905 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log
2014-09-21 13:17 - 2013-06-27 10:21 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Anwender\Dropbox
2014-09-21 12:52 - 2014-09-21 12:52 - 00001013 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\BAHN_Fahrplan.ics
2014-09-21 10:27 - 2013-06-14 17:14 - 00002106 _____ () C:\Windows\wininit.ini
2014-09-21 10:27 - 2013-06-14 17:13 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dropbox
2014-09-21 10:27 - 2013-06-14 17:13 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox
2014-09-21 10:18 - 2014-06-20 13:10 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
2014-09-20 21:53 - 2014-09-20 21:53 - 00002030 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Sony PC Companion 2.1.lnk
2014-09-20 21:53 - 2014-09-16 11:18 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sony
2014-09-20 21:53 - 2012-07-17 03:02 - 00246064 _____ () C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG
2014-09-20 21:53 - 2012-05-08 09:51 - 00000000 ___HD () C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information
2014-09-17 15:04 - 2012-07-17 12:39 - 00699666 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat
2014-09-17 15:04 - 2012-07-17 12:39 - 00149774 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat
2014-09-17 15:04 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01620612 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI
2014-09-17 10:46 - 2014-09-17 10:46 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\04 GetOn
2014-09-16 19:56 - 2010-11-21 05:47 - 00533486 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log
2014-09-16 13:49 - 2014-08-19 13:14 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\ProgrammVerknüpfungen
2014-09-16 12:01 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\rescache
2014-09-16 11:21 - 2014-09-16 11:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Sony
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2014-09-16 11:18 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Sony
2014-09-16 11:18 - 2014-09-16 11:18 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony
2014-09-15 15:17 - 2012-09-21 15:25 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\HSETU
2014-09-11 08:24 - 2012-09-26 18:14 - 01594892 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PerfStringBackup.INI
2014-09-11 08:22 - 2014-04-11 08:48 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
2014-09-11 08:22 - 2014-01-19 11:09 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Avira
2014-09-11 08:22 - 2012-12-12 09:17 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2014-09-10 11:14 - 00000000 ____D () C:\43ee17ab337f17cc4a1db4a9
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2013-08-01 22:36 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\system32\MRT
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2012-09-25 09:33 - 101694776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe
2014-09-10 11:13 - 2014-05-09 08:46 - 00000000 ___SD () C:\Windows\system32\CompatTel
2014-09-10 09:21 - 2014-09-10 09:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\onlysearch
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00701104 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00071344 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00003768 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater
2014-09-06 09:14 - 2014-08-28 13:44 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\DIN_18599_Projekt
2014-09-05 04:10 - 2014-09-10 08:16 - 00578048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll
2014-09-05 04:05 - 2014-09-10 08:16 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll
2014-09-04 07:40 - 2014-09-04 07:40 - 00001731 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\Unterrichtsmaterial - Verknüpfung.lnk
2014-09-04 07:06 - 2014-08-20 08:17 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\02 Privat
2014-09-01 10:42 - 2014-08-20 08:16 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\03 Studium
2014-08-28 13:56 - 2013-03-06 10:42 - 01347072 ___SH () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\Thumbs.db
2014-08-28 12:48 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 02351552 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT
2014-08-24 12:52 - 2014-08-24 12:52 - 15348021 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\TRY2011_Datensatz.zip
2014-08-23 17:22 - 2014-08-23 17:22 - 00635016 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Java_install.exe
2014-08-23 04:07 - 2014-08-28 08:13 - 00404480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gdi32.dll
2014-08-23 03:45 - 2014-08-28 08:13 - 00311808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll
2014-08-23 02:59 - 2014-08-28 08:13 - 03163648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys
2014-08-22 14:52 - 2013-11-10 10:04 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate
2014-08-22 14:09 - 2012-10-27 12:56 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype
2014-08-22 11:46 - 2014-08-11 19:37 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Windows Live

Some content of TEMP:
C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\Foxit Reader Updater.exe
C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\Foxit Updater.exe

==================== Bamital & volsnap Check =================

(There is no automatic fix for files that do not pass verification.)

C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => File is digitally signed

LastRegBack: 2014-09-16 11:52

==================== End Of Log ============================
--- --- ---

--- --- ---

GMER 2.1.19357 - hxxp://www.gmer.net
Rootkit scan 2014-09-21 19:34:56
Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 x64 \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 -> \Device\Ide\IAAStorageDevice-0 WDC_WD50 rev.01.0 465,76GB
Running: Gmer-19357.exe; Driver: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\pwddqkow.sys

---- Kernel code sections - GMER 2.1 ----

INITKDBG  C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe!ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList + 528                                                                           fffff800033bc000 45 bytes [43, 4D, 33, 31, 05, 00, 00, ...]
INITKDBG  C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe!ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList + 575                                                                           fffff800033bc02f 16 bytes [00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, ...]

---- User code sections - GMER 2.1 ----

.text     C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe[2320] C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL!GetModuleInformation + 69                00000000756c1465 2 bytes [6C, 75]
.text     C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe[2320] C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL!GetModuleInformation + 155               00000000756c14bb 2 bytes [6C, 75]
.text     ...                                                                                                                                          * 2
.text     C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe[512] C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL!GetModuleInformation + 69            00000000756c1465 2 bytes [6C, 75]
.text     C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe[512] C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.DLL!GetModuleInformation + 155           00000000756c14bb 2 bytes [6C, 75]
.text     ...                                                                                                                                          * 2

---- Registry - GMER 2.1 ----

Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\{B91B7A2F-51E0-4488-BCD9-D14ADBF6A577}\Connection@Name  isatap.{343D6D75-E57A-4A3A-9570-88959FE458DE}
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\{2B07FAA1-8217-4E30-B5EC-FD4501E773BB}\Linkage@Bind     \Device\{B91B7A2F-51E0-4488-BCD9-D14ADBF6A577}?\Device\{240EFD9D-A566-4336-A99F-A712FD771539}?\Device\{74229F6C-B732-46DE-8B6D-61AF3155D26E}?
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\{2B07FAA1-8217-4E30-B5EC-FD4501E773BB}\Linkage@Route    "{B91B7A2F-51E0-4488-BCD9-D14ADBF6A577}"?"{240EFD9D-A566-4336-A99F-A712FD771539}"?"{74229F6C-B732-46DE-8B6D-61AF3155D26E}"?
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4d36e975-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\{2B07FAA1-8217-4E30-B5EC-FD4501E773BB}\Linkage@Export   \Device\TCPIP6TUNNEL_{B91B7A2F-51E0-4488-BCD9-D14ADBF6A577}?\Device\TCPIP6TUNNEL_{240EFD9D-A566-4336-A99F-A712FD771539}?\Device\TCPIP6TUNNEL_{74229F6C-B732-46DE-8B6D-61AF3155D26E}?
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\c485087138ff                                                                  
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iphlpsvc\Parameters\Isatap\{B91B7A2F-51E0-4488-BCD9-D14ADBF6A577}@InterfaceName                       isatap.{343D6D75-E57A-4A3A-9570-88959FE458DE}
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iphlpsvc\Parameters\Isatap\{B91B7A2F-51E0-4488-BCD9-D14ADBF6A577}@ReusableType                        0
Reg       HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\c485087138ff (not active ControlSet)                                              

---- EOF - GMER 2.1 ----
--- --- ---

--- --- ---

--- --- ---

Geändert von Mr. Scooter (21.09.2014 um 18:38 Uhr)

Alt 21.09.2014, 19:39   #2
/// TB-Ausbilder
/// Anleitungs-Guru
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

Mein Name ist Jürgen und ich werde Dir bei Deinem Problem behilflich sein. Zusammen schaffen wir das...
  • Bitte arbeite alle Schritte der Reihe nach ab.
  • Lese die Anleitungen sorgfältig durch bevor Du beginnst. Wenn es Probleme gibt oder Du etwas nicht verstehst, dann stoppe mit Deiner Ausführung und beschreibe mir das Problem.
  • Führe bitte nur Scans durch, zu denen Du von mir aufgefordert wurdest.
  • Bitte kein Crossposting (posten in mehreren Foren).
  • Installiere oder deinstalliere während der Bereinigung keine Software, außer Du wurdest dazu aufgefordert.
  • Speichere alle unsere Tools auf dem Desktop ab. Link: So ladet Ihr unsere Tools richtig
  • Poste die Logfiles direkt in Deinen Thread in Code-Tags.
  • Bedenke, dass wir hier alle während unserer Freizeit tätig sind, wenn du innerhalb von 24 Stunden nichts von mir liest, dann schreibe mir bitte eine PM.

Ich kann Dir niemals eine Garantie geben, dass wir alle schädlichen Dateien finden werden.
Eine Formatierung ist meist der schnellere und immer der sicherste Weg, aber auch nur bei wirklicher Malware empfehlenswert.
Adware & Co. können wir sehr gut entfernen.
Solltest Du Dich für eine Bereinigung entscheiden, arbeite solange mit, bis Du mein clean bekommst.

Los geht's:

Schritt 1

Lade Dir bitte Revo Uninstallerhier herunter.
Entpacke die zip-Datei auf den Desktop.
  • Starte die Revouninstaller.exe
  • Klicke auf Optionen und wähle als Sprache Deutsch.
  • Suche im Uninstallerfeld nach den Programmen, die in der Addition.txt unter:

    diesen Zusatz haben:
  • Wähle die Programme nacheinander aus und klicke jedes Mal auf Uninstall.
  • Wähle anschließend den Modus "Moderat" aus.
  • Reste löschen:
    Klicke auf dann auf und dann auf .
Wenn Du ein Programm nicht deinstallieren kannst, mach mit dem nächsten weiter.
Auch wenn am Ende noch Programme übrig geblieben sind, die den ATTENTION-Zusatz haben, führe den nächsten Schritt aus:

Schritt 2
Downloade Dir bitte AdwCleaner Logo Icon AdwCleaner auf deinen Desktop.
  • Schließe alle offenen Programme und Browser. Bebilderte Anleitung zu AdwCleaner.
  • Starte die AdwCleaner.exe mit einem Doppelklick.
  • Stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen zu.
  • Klicke auf Optionen und vergewissere dich, dass die folgenden Punkte ausgewählt sind:
    • "Tracing" Schlüssel löschen
    • Winsock Einstellungen zurücksetzen
    • Proxy Einstellungen zurücksetzen
    • Internet Explorer Richtlinien zurücksetzen
    • Chrome Richtlinien zurücksetzen
    • Stelle sicher, dass alle 5 Optionen wie hier dargestellt, ausgewählt sind
  • Klicke auf Suchlauf und warte bis dieser abgeschlossen ist.
  • Klicke nun auf Löschen und bestätige auftretende Hinweise mit Ok.
  • Dein Rechner wird automatisch neu gestartet. Nach dem Neustart öffnet sich eine Textdatei. Poste mir deren Inhalt mit deiner nächsten Antwort.
  • Die Logdatei findest du auch unter C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cx].txt. (x = fortlaufende Nummer).

Schritt 3

Bitte starte FRST erneut, markiere auch die checkbox und drücke auf Scan.
Bitte poste mir den Inhalt der beiden Logs die erstellt werden.


Alt 23.09.2014, 21:38   #3
Mr. Scooter
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

Hallo Jürgen,
vielen Dank für Deine Antwort und Anweisungen. Mit ein bisschen hin und her habe ich s dann doch geschafft und freue mich wie ein Schnitzel.
Hier die Logs und viele Grüße, Mr. Scooter
# AdwCleaner v3.310 - Bericht erstellt am 23/09/2014 um 22:15:19
# Aktualisiert 12/09/2014 von Xplode
# Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (64 bits)
# Benutzername : Anwender - ANWENDER-PC
# Gestartet von : C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\AdwCleaner_3.310.exe
# Option : Löschen

***** [ Dienste ] *****

***** [ Dateien / Ordner ] *****

Ordner Gelöscht : C:\ProgramData\Babylon
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\ProgramData\Tarma Installer
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\onlysearch
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\AskSearch
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\mt_ffx
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\LocalLow\Delta
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Babylon
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\DefaultTab
Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BitGuard
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\addon@defaulttab.com.xpi
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\bprotector_extensions.sqlite
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\bprotector_prefs.js
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\defaulttab.config
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\Babylon.xml
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\BrowserProtect.xml
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\delta.xml
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\searchplugins\search-here.xml
Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\user.js

***** [ Tasks ] *****

Task Gelöscht : BitGuard
Task Gelöscht : BrowserProtect

***** [ Verknüpfungen ] *****

***** [ Registrierungsdatenbank ] *****

Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\ijblflkdjdopkpdgllkmlbgcffjbnfda
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\babylon.com
Wert Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main [bprotector start page]
Wert Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes [bProtectorDefaultScope]
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\bProtectSettings
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{C26644C4-2A12-4CA6-8F2E-0EDE6CF018F3}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Prod.cap
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\apnstub_RASAPI32
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\apnstub_RASMANCS
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\askpartnercobrandingtool_rasapi32
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\askpartnercobrandingtool_rasmancs
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\AskPIP_FF__RASAPI32
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\AskPIP_FF__RASMANCS
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\AskSLib_RASAPI32
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\AskSLib_RASMANCS
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\MyBabylontb_RASAPI32
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\MyBabylontb_RASMANCS
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\TaskScheduler_RASAPI32
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\TaskScheduler_RASMANCS
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\e53888fb26dbe42
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\e53888fb26dbe42
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{82E1477C-B154-48D3-9891-33D83C26BCD3}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{C1AF5FA5-852C-4C90-812E-A7F75E011D87}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{F386E548-C533-472E-8C61-C026FB14FEA9}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{82E1477C-B154-48D3-9891-33D83C26BCD3}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{C1AF5FA5-852C-4C90-812E-A7F75E011D87}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{D4027C7F-154A-4066-A1AD-4243D8127440}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{F386E548-C533-472E-8C61-C026FB14FEA9}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{0ECDF796-C2DC-4D79-A620-CCE0C0A66CC9}
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{33BB0A4E-99AF-4226-BDF6-49120163DE86}
Wert Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser [{D4027C7F-154A-4066-A1AD-4243D8127440}]
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\APN PIP
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\AskToolbar
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\BABSOLUTION
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\BabylonToolbar
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\DataMngr
[#] Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\DataMngr_Toolbar
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Default Tab
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\filescout
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Myfree Codec
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\PIP
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\AskToolbar
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Babylon
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\DataMngr
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Default Tab
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Myfree Codec
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\PIP
Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\V9Software
Schlüssel Gelöscht : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\DomaIQ
Schlüssel Gelöscht : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tarma Installer
Daten Gelöscht : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows [AppInit_DLLs] - c:\progra~3\bitguard\271769~1.27\{c16c1~1\loader.dll

***** [ Browser ] *****

-\\ Internet Explorer v11.0.9600.17280

-\\ Mozilla Firefox v32.0.2 (x86 de)

[ Datei : C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\prefs.js ]

Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("avg.install.userHPSettings", "hxxp://www.delta-search.com/?affID=120518&babsrc=HP_ss&mntrId=eeff6ab3000000000000c485087138fc");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("avg.install.userSPSettings", "Delta Search");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.BabylonToolbar_i.newTab", true);
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.BabylonToolbar_i.newTabUrl", "hxxp://www.delta-search.com/?affID=120518&babsrc=NT_ss&mntrId=eeff6ab3000000000000c485087138fc");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.defaulttab.config", "{\"set_default_search\":\"Search Here|Search Here\",\"features\":[{\"engine\":\"\",\"ai\":0,\"location\":7,\"additional_config\":\"\",\"url\":\"hxxp://i.defa[...]
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.admin", false);
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.aflt", "babsst");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.appId", "{C26644C4-2A12-4CA6-8F2E-0EDE6CF018F3}");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.autoRvrt", "false");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.dfltLng", "en");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.excTlbr", false);
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.id", "eeff6ab3000000000000c485087138fc");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.instlDay", "15763");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.instlRef", "sst");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.newTab", false);
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.prdct", "delta");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.prtnrId", "delta");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.rvrt", "false");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.smplGrp", "none");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.tlbrId", "base");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.tlbrSrchUrl", "");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.vrsn", "");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.vrsnTs", "");
Zeile gelöscht : user_pref("extensions.delta.vrsni", "");


AdwCleaner[R0].txt - [9434 octets] - [23/09/2014 22:11:05]
AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [8483 octets] - [23/09/2014 22:15:19]

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [8543 octets] ##########
Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 23-09-2014
Ran by Anwender at 2014-09-23 22:25:24
Running from C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\winners
Boot Mode: Normal

==================== Security Center ========================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, it will be removed.)

AV: Avira Desktop (Enabled - Up to date) {F67B4DE5-C0B4-6C3F-0EFF-6C83BD5D0C2C}
AS: Avira Desktop (Enabled - Up to date) {4D1AAC01-E68E-63B1-344F-57F1C6DA4691}
AS: Windows Defender (Disabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46}

==================== Installed Programs ======================

(Only the adware programs with "hidden" flag could be added to the fixlist to unhide them. The adware programs should be uninstalled manually.)

Acer Backup Manager (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{0B61BBD5-DA3C-409A-8730-0C3DC3B0F270}) (Version: - NTI Corporation)
Acer Crystal Eye Webcam (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{A0382E3C-7384-429A-9BFA-AF5888E5A193}) (Version: 1.5.2823.00 - CyberLink Corp.)
Acer Crystal Eye Webcam (x32 Version: 1.5.2823.00 - CyberLink Corp.) Hidden
Acer ePower Management (HKLM-x32\...\{3DB0448D-AD82-4923-B305-D001E521A964}) (Version: 6.00.3010 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer eRecovery Management (HKLM-x32\...\{7F811A54-5A09-4579-90E1-C93498E230D9}) (Version: 5.00.3508 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer Registration (HKLM-x32\...\Acer Registration) (Version: 1.04.3506 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer Updater (HKLM-x32\...\{EE171732-BEB4-4576-887D-CB62727F01CA}) (Version: 1.02.3501 - Acer Incorporated)
Acer VCM (HKLM-x32\...\{047F790A-7A2A-4B6A-AD02-38092BA63DAC}) (Version: 4.05.3501 - Acer Incorporated)
Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional - English, Français, Deutsch (x32 Version: 8.0.0 - Adobe Systems) Hidden
Adobe Anchor Service CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Asset Services CS3 (x32 Version: 3 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Bridge CS3 (x32 Version: 2 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Bridge Start Meeting (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe BridgeTalk Plugin CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Camera Raw 4.0 (x32 Version: 4.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe CMaps (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color - Photoshop Specific (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color Common Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color EU Recommended Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color JA Extra Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Color NA Extra Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Connect 9 Add-in (HKCU\...\Adobe Connect 9 Add-in) (Version: 11,2,392,0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Connect Add-in (HKCU\...\Adobe Connect Add-in) (Version:  - )
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium hinzufügen oder entfernen (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe_061850775b1c6d22bf2a145678e05e0) (Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Default Language CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Device Central CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 (x32 Version: 9 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 (x32 Version: 2.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Extension Manager CS3 (x32 Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Flash CS3 (x32 Version: 9.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Flash Player 15 ActiveX (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player ActiveX) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Flash Player 15 Plugin (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player Plugin) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Flash Video Encoder (x32 Version: 2.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Fonts All (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Help Viewer CS3 (x32 Version: 1 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Illustrator CS3 (x32 Version: 13.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe InDesign CS3 (x32 Version: 5.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe InDesign CS3 Icon Handler (x32 Version: 5.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Linguistics CS3 (x32 Version: 3.0.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe MotionPicture Color Files (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe PDF Library Files (x32 Version: 8.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Photoshop CS3 (x32 Version: 10 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Reader XI (11.0.03) - Deutsch (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AB0000000001}) (Version: 11.0.03 - Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Adobe Setup (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe SING CS3 (x32 Version: 0.1 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Stock Photos CS3 (x32 Version: 1.5 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Type Support (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Update Manager CS3 (x32 Version: 5.1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client (x32 Version: 3 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe Version Cue CS3 Server (x32 Version: 3.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe WAS CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Adobe XMP Panels CS3 (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
AHV content for Acrobat and Flash (x32 Version: 1 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Audacity 2.0.3 (HKLM-x32\...\Audacity_is1) (Version: 2.0.3 - Audacity Team)
AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch (HKLM\...\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch) (Version: - Autodesk)
AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
AutoCAD 2012 Language Pack - Deutsch (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
Autodesk Content Service (HKLM-x32\...\{086F9A69-CD39-4893-A9FB-D3A0634CE3F7}) (Version: 2.0.90 - Autodesk)
Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 (HKLM\...\Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012) (Version: - Autodesk, Inc.)
Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 (Version: - Autodesk, Inc.) Hidden
Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2012 Language Pack (Version: - Autodesk, Inc.) Hidden
Autodesk Inventor Fusion plug-in for AutoCAD 2012 (HKLM\...\Autodesk Inventor Fusion Plugin for AutoCAD 2012) (Version: - Autodesk)
Autodesk Inventor Fusion Plugin for AutoCAD 2012 (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
Autodesk Inventor Fusion Plugin Language Pack for AutoCAD 2012 (Version: - Autodesk) Hidden
Autodesk Material Library 2012 (HKLM-x32\...\{8F0837C2-EE09-4903-88F3-1976FE7FFF4E}) (Version: - Autodesk)
Autodesk Material Library Base Resolution Image Library 2012 (HKLM-x32\...\{65420DC9-306E-4371-905F-F4DC3B418E52}) (Version: - Autodesk)
Avira (HKLM-x32\...\{70e83cd8-4bd5-4039-ab5a-6b94a8abb641}) (Version: - Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
Avira (x32 Version: - Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) Hidden
Avira Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\Avira AntiVir Desktop) (Version: - Avira)
Avira SearchFree Toolbar (HKLM-x32\...\{41564952-412D-5637-4300-A758B70C1001}) (Version: - APN, LLC)
Avira SearchFree Toolbar (HKLM-x32\...\{41564952-412D-5637-4300-A758B70C1002}) (Version: - APN, LLC)
Backup Manager V3 (x32 Version: - NTI Corporation) Hidden
Borland Database Engine (HKLM-x32\...\{CADE1721-0AE3-4FE9-B37F-CF98CA42A14F}) (Version: 5.1.1 - Hottgenroth Software GmbH & Co. KG)
Broadcom Card Reader Driver Installer (HKLM\...\{4710662C-8204-4334-A977-B1AC9E547819}) (Version: - Broadcom Corporation)
Broadcom NetLink Controller (HKLM\...\{486BEA43-6245-451C-9399-8600DB5E4D5A}) (Version: - Broadcom Corporation)
CoolPack (HKLM-x32\...\CoolPack_is1) (Version: 1.50 - IPU)
Corel WinDVD (HKLM-x32\...\{5C1F18D2-F6B7-4242-B803-B5A78648185D}) (Version: - Corel Inc.)
D3DX10 (x32 Version: 15.4.2368.0902 - Microsoft) Hidden
dradio-Recorder Version 3.02.6 (HKLM-x32\...\dradio-Recorder_is1) (Version:  - )
Dropbox (HKCU\...\Dropbox) (Version: 2.10.30 - Dropbox, Inc.)
eBay Worldwide (HKLM-x32\...\{D3E5A972-9A15-427D-AE78-8181A5FD943C}) (Version: 2.2.0409 - OEM)
EnerCalC 4.41.94 (HKLM-x32\...\{DA2EFB69-A2ED-4C94-A5ED-65660E13ED54}_is1) (Version: 4.41.94 - Markus Lichtmeß)
EnerCalC 4.43.105 (HKLM-x32\...\{DD8C2118-BB2C-4B5C-B6C8-2B7C94D87335}_is1) (Version: 4.43.105 - Markus Lichtmeß)
FARO LS 1.1.406.58 (HKLM-x32\...\{951B0F30-9F1A-4BF6-B3DA-99EB0E917B1C}) (Version: - FARO Scanner Production)
FileOpen Client B928 (HKLM\...\FileOpenClient_is1) (Version: B928 - FileOpen Systems, Inc.)
FLIR Device Drivers (HKLM\...\{C09068F5-8B42-46F4-8EAF-11FB1AFB988A}) (Version: - FLIR Systems)
FLIR QuickReport 1.2 SP2 (HKLM-x32\...\{C0EAC838-4ABD-4C89-BF07-D2292A83929C}) (Version: 3.03.1535 - FLIR Systems)
FLIR Tools (HKLM-x32\...\{27d9ef9c-0a34-43f8-b831-18a293f46b70}) (Version: 4.1.14066.1001 - FLIR Systems)
FLIR Tools (x32 Version: 4.1.14066.1001 - FLIR Systems) Hidden
FLIR Tools English Documentation (x32 Version: 4.1.14066.1001 - FLIR Systems) Hidden
Fotogalerija Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Foxit PDF Toolbar Printer (HKLM-x32\...\Foxit Creator Toolbar) (Version: 1,0,0,1202 - Foxit Corporation)
Galeria de Fotografias do Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galería fotográfica de Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galeria fotogràfica del Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galeria fotografii usługi Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galerie de photos Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Galerie foto Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
HP Officejet Pro 8600 - Grundlegende Software für das Gerät (HKLM\...\{D2D05FDB-4EDA-462D-8DB6-E0B9AD4FA25F}) (Version: 28.0.1315.0 - Hewlett-Packard Co.)
HP Officejet Pro 8600 Hilfe (HKLM-x32\...\{FDE820DD-CC88-4395-AD5C-801365B8F316}) (Version: 28.0.0 - Hewlett Packard)
HP Update (HKLM-x32\...\{912D30CF-F39E-4B31-AD9A-123C6B794EE2}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard)
HS Energieberater 18599 Bildung (HKLM-x32\...\{2FAA070E-7C53-409D-B6E6-39C6477601C5}) (Version: - Hottgenroth Software GmbH & Co. KG)
I.R.I.S. OCR (HKLM-x32\...\{CA6BCA2F-EDEB-408F-850B-31404BE16A61}) (Version: - HP)
Identity Card (HKLM-x32\...\Identity Card) (Version: 1.00.3501 - Acer Incorporated)
Install Absolute Data Protect (HKLM-x32\...\{40F4FF7A-B214-4453-B973-080B09CED019}) (Version: - Absolute Software)
Intel MKL 10.2 ia32, IPP 6.1 ia32 (HKLM-x32\...\{A3153B07-1970-4D9C-833B-221FD658D322}) (Version: - Intel Packaged by FLIR Systems)
Intel PROSet Wireless (Version:  - ) Hidden
Intel(R) Control Center (HKLM-x32\...\{F8A9085D-4C7A-41a9-8A77-C8998A96C421}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives Run-Time Installer 5.1 for Windows* on IA-32 Intel(R) Architecture (HKLM-x32\...\{BAE06076-DB3F-4936-8864-249A7B2AA662}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Management Engine Components (HKLM-x32\...\{65153EA5-8B6E-43B6-857B-C6E4FC25798A}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) OpenCL CPU Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{FCB3772C-B7D0-4933-B1A9-3707EBACC573}) (Version:  - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Processor Graphics (HKLM-x32\...\{F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless for Bluetooth(R) + High Speed (HKLM\...\{705EE775-5776-48FD-B704-C3C9CF535420}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth(R) Technology (HKLM\...\{520C4DD4-2BC7-409B-BA48-E1A4F832662D}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology (HKLM-x32\...\{3E29EE6C-963A-4aae-86C1-DC237C4A49FC}) (Version: - Intel Corporation)
Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi-Software (HKLM\...\{BAA0BE9B-9E6D-4802-91CB-FB7ED5CD4BEF}) (Version: 15.01.1500.1034 - Intel Corporation)
Intel® Trusted Connect Service Client (HKLM\...\{09536BA1-E498-4CC3-B834-D884A67D7E34}) (Version: 1.23.605.1 - Intel Corporation)
Java 7 Update 10 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F86417010FF}) (Version: 7.0.100 - Oracle)
Java 7 Update 10 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217010FF}) (Version: 7.0.100 - Oracle)
Java Auto Updater (x32 Version: - Sun Microsystems, Inc.) Hidden
Junk Mail filter update (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Junkers Solarsimulation DE (HKLM-x32\...\{3E344C71-5E80-4FB0-98C4-E2E409B2182C}) (Version: 2.1.8 - Bosch Thermotechnik)
Launch Manager (HKLM-x32\...\LManager) (Version: 6.0.15 - Acer Inc.)
LibreOffice 3.6 (HKLM-x32\...\{C2F438B6-7010-453B-93EC-B2FC053AA97B}) (Version: - The Document Foundation)
MatchWare MindView 5.0 (HKLM-x32\...\{C849BEF2-0216-45E5-841B-F0F2F4FDE319}) (Version: 5.0.168 - MatchWare A/S)
Mesh Runtime (x32 Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1031) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Application Error Reporting (Version: 12.0.6015.5000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{6E107EB7-8B55-48BF-ACCB-199F86A2CD93}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) (x32 Version:  - Microsoft) Hidden
Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In (HKLM-x32\...\{90140000-2005-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}) (Version: 14.0.5130.5003 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 (HKLM-x32\...\HOMESTUDENTR) (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.5 (HKLM-x32\...\{F40BBEC7-C2A4-4A00-9B24-7A055A2C5262}) (Version: 2.0.4024.1 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Components 2007 (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.4518.1014 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Proofing Tools 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3) (x32 Version:  - Microsoft) Hidden
Microsoft Office Shared 64-bit MUI (German) 2007 (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2007 (x32 Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Silverlight (HKLM\...\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}) (Version: 5.1.30514.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU] (HKLM-x32\...\{F0B430D1-B6AA-473D-9B06-AA3DD01FD0B8}) (Version: 3.1.0000 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM\...\{4B6C7001-C7D6-3710-913E-5BC23FCE91E6}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 (HKLM-x32\...\{9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable - 10.0.30319 (HKLM\...\{DA5E371C-6333-3D8A-93A4-6FD5B20BCC6E}) (Version: 10.0.30319 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 (HKLM-x32\...\{F0C3E5D1-1ADE-321E-8167-68EF0DE699A5}) (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86) - 11.0.60610 (HKLM-x32\...\{95716cce-fc71-413f-8ad5-56c2892d4b3a}) (Version: 11.0.60610.1 - Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Additional Runtime - 11.0.60610 (x32 Version: 11.0.60610 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 x86 Minimum Runtime - 11.0.60610 (x32 Version: 11.0.60610 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Mozilla Firefox 32.0.2 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Firefox 32.0.2 (x86 de)) (Version: 32.0.2 - Mozilla)
Mozilla Maintenance Service (HKLM-x32\...\MozillaMaintenanceService) (Version: 29.0.1 - Mozilla)
Mozilla Thunderbird 24.6.0 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Thunderbird 24.6.0 (x86 de)) (Version: 24.6.0 - Mozilla)
MSVCRT (x32 Version: 15.4.2862.0708 - Microsoft) Hidden
MSVCRT_amd64 (x32 Version: 15.4.2862.0708 - Microsoft) Hidden
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (HKLM-x32\...\{86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (HKLM-x32\...\{F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation)
MyFreeCodec (HKCU\...\MyFreeCodec) (Version:  - )
newsXpresso (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{613C0AC5-3A67-4B94-8B13-9176AD83F5BF}) (Version: - esobi Inc.)
newsXpresso (x32 Version: - esobi Inc.) Hidden
Norton Online Backup (HKLM-x32\...\{40A66DF6-22D3-44B5-A7D3-83B118A2C0DC}) (Version: 2.1.17869 - Symantec Corporation)
PDF Settings (x32 Version: 1.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden
Planungstool Lüftungskonzept - Deinstallieren (HKLM-x32\...\Planungstool Lüftungskonzept_is1) (Version:  - )
Poczta usługi Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Podstawowe programy Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Pošta Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Raccolta foto di Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}) (Version: - Realtek Semiconductor Corp.)
Samsung Printer Live Update (HKLM-x32\...\Samsung Printer Live Update) (Version: - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)
Skype Click to Call (HKLM-x32\...\{6D1221A9-17BF-4EC0-81F2-27D30EC30701}) (Version: 7.3.16540.9015 - Microsoft Corporation)
Skype™ 6.11 (HKLM-x32\...\{4E76FF7E-AEBA-4C87-B788-CD47E5425B9D}) (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.)
Synaptics Pointing Device Driver (HKLM\...\SynTPDeinstKey) (Version: - Synaptics Incorporated)
TECLOG2 (HKLM-x32\...\ST6UNST #1) (Version:  - )
TECTITE Express Deutsch 3.6 (HKLM-x32\...\{2E4088A9-6EC1-4B70-B1E4-D13B2A658E09}) (Version: - Energy Conservatory)
The Energy Conservatory COM Port (Driver Removal) (HKLM-x32\...\TEC_COMM&10C4&83B1) (Version:  - )
THERM5 (HKLM-x32\...\{4C8ECD77-7CFD-4CD0-BA6F-B2ADDA48FD4C}) (Version: 5.2.14 - )
TIPP10 Version 2.1.0 (HKLM-x32\...\TIPP10_is1) (Version:  - (c) 2006-2011, Tom Thielicke IT Solutions)
Update for 2007 Microsoft Office System (KB967642) (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{C444285D-5E4F-48A4-91DD-47AAAA68E92D}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2596620) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{A024FC7B-77DE-45DE-A058-1C049A17BFB3}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2767849) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{CB68A5B0-3508-4193-AEB9-AF636DAECE0F}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2767849) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{CB68A5B0-3508-4193-AEB9-AF636DAECE0F}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites (KB2767916) 32-Bit Edition (HKLM-x32\...\{91120000-002F-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{E9A82945-BA29-4EE8-8F2A-2F49545E9CF2}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update für Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Help (KB963678) (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-0016-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{BEC163EC-7A83-48A1-BFB6-3BF47CC2F8CF}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update für Microsoft Office Powerpoint 2007 Help (KB963669) (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-0018-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{EA160DA3-E9B5-4D03-A518-21D306665B96}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Update für Microsoft Office Word 2007 Help (KB963665) (HKLM-x32\...\{90120000-001B-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_HOMESTUDENTR_{38472199-D7B6-4833-A949-10E4EE6365A1}) (Version:  - Microsoft)
Visual C++ 9.0 CRT (x86) WinSXS MSM (x32 Version: 9.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Welcome Center (HKLM-x32\...\Acer Welcome Center) (Version: 1.02.3507 - Acer Incorporated)
Windows Live Communications Platform (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Essentials (HKLM-x32\...\WinLiveSuite) (Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Microsoft Corporation)
Windows Live Essentials (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotogaléria (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotogalerie (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotogalleri (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotoğraf Galerisi (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Fotótár (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Galeria de Fotos (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Galerija fotografija (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant (Version: 7.250.4232.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Installer (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Language Selector (Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Mail (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Mesh (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Messenger (x32 Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Messenger (x32 Version: 15.4.3538.0513 - Корпорация Майкрософт) Hidden
Windows Live MIME IFilter (Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Movie Maker (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Photo Common (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Photo Gallery (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live PIMT Platform (x32 Version: 15.4.3508.1109 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Client (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Client Resources (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Service (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Remote Service Resources (Version: 15.4.5722.2 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live SOXE (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live SOXE Definitions (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Temel Parçalar (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live UX Platform (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack (x32 Version: 15.4.3508.1109 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Writer (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live Writer Resources (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live 影像中心 (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Live 程式集 (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Liven asennustyökalu (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Liven sähköposti (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Windows Liven valokuvavalikoima (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Συλλογή φωτογραφιών του Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Основные компоненты Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Почта Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Корпорация Майкрософт) Hidden
Фотоальбом Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
Фотогалерия на Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
גלריית התמונות של Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
بريد Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden
معرض صور Windows Live (x32 Version: 15.4.3502.0922 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden

==================== Custom CLSID (selected items): ==========================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from registry. Any eventual file will not be moved.)

CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{005A3A96-BAC4-4B0A-94EA-C0CE100EA736}\localserver32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{6D7AE628-FF41-4CD3-91DD-34825BB1A251}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{B77E471C-FBF3-4CB5-880F-D7528AD4B349}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{C92FB640-AD4D-498A-9979-A51A2540C977}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{D70E31AD-2614-49F2-B0FC-ACA781D81F3E}\localserver32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acad.exe (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{E2C40589-DE61-11ce-BAE0-0020AF6D7005}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2012 - Deutsch\acadficn.dll (Autodesk, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDC-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDD-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDE-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EDF-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)
CustomCLSID: HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000_Classes\CLSID\{FB314EE0-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B}\InprocServer32 -> C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\DropboxExt64.24.dll (Dropbox, Inc.)

==================== Restore Points  =========================

09-09-2014 08:34:54 Geplanter Prüfpunkt
10-09-2014 09:12:34 Windows Update
11-09-2014 06:19:26 Windows Update
16-09-2014 09:18:46 Sony PC Companion
16-09-2014 09:20:49 Sony PC Companion
22-09-2014 20:25:31 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - DefaultTab
22-09-2014 20:29:45 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Delta Chrome Toolbar
22-09-2014 20:31:19 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Delta toolbar  
22-09-2014 20:34:55 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - NewTabs Uninstall
22-09-2014 20:38:29 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Sony PC Companion 2.10.226
22-09-2014 20:51:35 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Evernote v. 4.5.2
22-09-2014 20:51:50 Removed Evernote v. 4.5.2

==================== Hosts content: ==========================

(If needed Hosts: directive could be included in the fixlist to reset Hosts.)

2009-07-14 04:34 - 2009-06-10 23:00 - 00000824 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts

==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) =============

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from registry. Any associated file could be listed separately to be moved.)

Task: {224E2235-03DD-4E3D-8DE4-E87E03FD9691} - System32\Tasks\AdobeFlashPlayerUpdate => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Task: {38974323-76F7-4D21-BBE5-CD9283854165} - System32\Tasks\AdobeFlashPlayerUpdate 2 => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Task: {6A39C01B-6ED7-4035-89EC-CB684BBA3B35} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2014-09-10] (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Task: {72F1B558-ECC1-414B-A11C-7E3347272F7E} - System32\Tasks\UALU notificatin => C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Updater\UALU.exe [2012-02-07] (Acer Incorporated)
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\FaxApplications.exe_{77F30EDF-6FAF-4536-9600-EF3F4B594601}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\FaxApplications.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\HP Officejet Pro 8600.exe_{DF285BBB-C0AE-4222-A4C4-4C777AAEDA82}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\HP Officejet Pro 8600.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\HPCustPartic.exe_{2FEFE491-E79D-4440-86A7-39EADA7678B9}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\HPCustPartic.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\ScanToPCActivationApp.exe_{75BD19CA-EAD4-4AD2-8847-A828D171F046}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\ScanToPCActivationApp.exe
Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Toolbox.exe_{1666521B-1197-41DC-A3BB-AC3C7AE48E6A}.job => C:\Program Files\HP\HP Officejet Pro 8600\Bin\Toolbox.exe

==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) =============

2011-05-02 04:40 - 2011-05-02 04:40 - 00034304 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\ssm1mlm.dll
2011-02-02 14:08 - 2011-02-02 14:08 - 00018656 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Content Service\Connect.Service.ContentService.exe
2012-07-17 02:45 - 2014-09-23 22:16 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\rpcnetp.exe
2012-05-08 10:38 - 2012-03-27 02:33 - 00094208 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\IccLibDll_x64.dll
2012-12-29 17:58 - 2012-10-13 17:05 - 00042496 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\phonostarTimer.exe
2009-07-13 23:03 - 2009-07-14 03:15 - 00364544 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjetoledb40.dll
2012-01-05 23:22 - 2012-01-05 23:22 - 00465344 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\sqlite3.dll
2012-01-05 23:22 - 2012-01-05 23:22 - 01081368 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\ACE.dll
2012-01-05 23:22 - 2012-01-05 23:22 - 00125464 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\MailConverter32.dll
2014-08-27 15:00 - 2014-08-27 15:00 - 00139056 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.NativeCore.dll
2014-08-27 15:00 - 2014-08-27 15:00 - 00066864 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.AvConnectorNative.dll
2014-08-15 14:24 - 2014-08-27 15:00 - 00052472 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\avgnt.exe\Avira.OE.ExtApi.dll
2014-09-11 09:27 - 2014-09-11 09:27 - 00172032 _____ () C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\IsdiInterop\4361e26af57c86003751ac77cce1c827\IsdiInterop.ni.dll
2012-05-08 09:51 - 2011-11-30 05:00 - 00059392 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IsdiInterop.dll
2012-07-17 03:00 - 2012-02-08 03:39 - 01198872 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\ACE.dll
2014-06-20 13:10 - 2014-09-21 10:17 - 03734640 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll

==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) =========

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, only the Alternate Data Streams will be removed.)

AlternateDataStreams: C:\Users\Anwender\BlowerDoor.mov:com.dropbox.attributes

==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) ===================

(If an item is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from the registry. The "AlternateShell" will be restored.)

==================== EXE Association (whitelisted) =============

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the default will be restored. None default entries will be removed.)

==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER disabled items =========

(Currently there is no automatic fix for this section.)

==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices =============

==================== Event log errors: =========================

Application errors:
Error: (09/23/2014 10:17:08 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/23/2014 10:02:04 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: )
Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003

Error: (09/22/2014 10:52:00 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:51:36 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:39:36 PM) (Source: Application Error) (EventID: 1000) (User: )
Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: setup.exe_Sony PC Companion, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x4cab8cfa
Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: XmlLite.dll, Version: 1.3.1001.0, Zeitstempel: 0x4df985db
Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005
Fehleroffset: 0x000046f0
ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0xc64
Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0xsetup.exe_Sony PC Companion0
Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: setup.exe_Sony PC Companion1
Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: setup.exe_Sony PC Companion2
Berichtskennung: setup.exe_Sony PC Companion3

Error: (09/22/2014 10:38:29 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:34:55 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:31:20 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:29:46 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:25:45 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2) (EventID: 513) (User: )
Description: Fehler beim Kryptografiedienst während der Verarbeitung des "OnIdentity()"-Aufrufobjekts "System Writer".

AddWin32ServiceFiles: Unable to back up image of service rpcnetp since QueryServiceConfig API failed

System Error:
Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

System errors:
Error: (09/23/2014 10:21:34 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/23/2014 10:17:28 PM) (Source: NetBT) (EventID: 4321) (User: )
Description: Der Name "WORKGROUP      :1d" konnte nicht auf der Schnittstelle mit IP-Adresse
registriert werden. Der Computer mit IP-Adresse hat nicht
zugelassen, dass dieser Computer diesen Namen verwendet.

Error: (09/23/2014 10:17:18 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Error: (09/23/2014 10:02:39 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Error: (09/22/2014 11:13:44 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/22/2014 11:01:44 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:37:44 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:25:44 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/22/2014 10:13:45 PM) (Source: bowser) (EventID: 8003) (User: )
Description: Der Hauptsuchdienst erhielt eine Serverankündigung vom Computer "MACINTOSH-2",
der der Hauptsuchdienst der Domäne für den NetBT_Tcpip_{2F6ABB7B-BEE2-4710-ACE1-3A181889C43A}-Transport zu sein scheint.
Der Hauptsuchdienst wurde beendet oder es wird eine Auswahl erzwungen.

Error: (09/22/2014 09:57:52 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7026) (User: )
Description: Das Laden folgender Boot- oder Systemstarttreiber ist fehlgeschlagen: 

Microsoft Office Sessions:

CodeIntegrity Errors:
  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.887
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.817
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.657
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.470
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.325
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.195
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:59.095
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:58.775
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:58.475
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

  Date: 2012-12-28 19:54:58.265
  Description: Die Abbildintegrität der Datei "\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll" konnte nicht überprüft werden, da der Satz seitenbezogener Abbildhashes auf dem System nicht gefunden wurde.

==================== Memory info =========================== 

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 967 @ 1.30GHz
Percentage of memory in use: 57%
Total physical RAM: 3932.36 MB
Available physical RAM: 1682.5 MB
Total Pagefile: 7862.9 MB
Available Pagefile: 5303.61 MB
Total Virtual: 8192 MB
Available Virtual: 8191.85 MB

==================== Drives ================================

Drive c: (Acer) (Fixed) (Total:449.66 GB) (Free:352.75 GB) NTFS

==================== MBR & Partition Table ==================

Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 465.8 GB) (Disk ID: 289F3EF6)
Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=16 GB) - (Type=27)
Partition 2: (Active) - (Size=100 MB) - (Type=07 NTFS)
Partition 3: (Not Active) - (Size=449.7 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS)

==================== End Of Log ============================
FRST Logfile:
Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 23-09-2014
Ran by Anwender (administrator) on ANWENDER-PC on 23-09-2014 22:22:51
Running from C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\winners
Platform: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: Deutsch (Deutschland)
Internet Explorer Version 11
Boot Mode: Normal
Tutorial for Farbar Recovery Scan Tool: FRST Tutorial - How to use Farbar Recovery Scan Tool - Malware Removal Guides and Tutorials

==================== Processes (Whitelisted) =================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the process will be closed. The file will not be moved.)

(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\wlanext.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe
(APN LLC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\apnmcp.exe
() C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Content Service\Connect.Service.ContentService.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\devmonsrv.exe
(Apple Computer, Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\AutoUpdate\SkypeC2CAutoUpdateSvc.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\PNRSvc\SkypeC2CPNRSvc.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\dsiwmis.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerSvc.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LMutilps32.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\EvtEng.exe
(FileOpen Systems Inc.) C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenManager64.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Registration\GREGsvc.exe
(ETU Software GmbH) C:\Program Files (x86)\HSETU\ApplicationService\ApplicationService.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\HeciServer.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\Jhi_service.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Updater\UpdaterService.exe
(Symantec Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuAgent.exe
(NTI Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe
(Protexis Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Protexis\License Service\PsiService_2.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\RegSrvc.exe
() C:\Windows\System32\rpcnetp.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\RS_Service.exe
(FLIR) C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Srv.exe
(Intel® Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\ZeroConfigService.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.ServiceHost.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\obexsrv.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avshadow.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\hkcmd.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxpers.exe
(Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\BleServicesCtrl.exe
(Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
(Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerTray.exe
(FileOpen Systems Inc.) C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenBroker64.exe
(FLIR) C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Mon.exe
() C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\phonostarTimer.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\AcerVCM.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxsrvc.exe
(Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\acrobat_sl.exe
(NTI Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LManager.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\MMDx64Fx.exe
(Adobe Systems Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\acrotray.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe
(Dritek System Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LMworker.exe
(Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe
(APN) C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\Updater\TBNotifier.exe
(Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe
(Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.Systray.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\igfxext.exe
(Synaptics Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPHelper.exe
(Acer Incorporated) C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerEvent.exe
(Macrovision Europe Ltd.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\mediasrv.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\btplayerctrl.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\BluetoothHS\BTHSAmpPalService.exe
(Intel(R) Corporation) C:\Program Files\Intel\BluetoothHS\BTHSSecurityMgr.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe
(InterVideo) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InterVideo\RegMgr\iviRegMgr.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe
(Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe
(Mozilla Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ==================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the registry item will be restored to default or removed. The file will not be moved.)

HKLM\...\Run: [RTHDVCPL] => C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe [12452456 2012-02-22] (Realtek Semiconductor)
HKLM\...\Run: [BLEServicesCtrl] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\BleServicesCtrl.exe [177936 2012-02-17] (Intel Corporation)
HKLM\...\Run: [BTMTrayAgent] => rundll32.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\btmshell.dll",TrayApp
HKLM\...\Run: [SynTPEnh] => C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe [2909968 2012-03-29] (Synaptics Incorporated)
HKLM\...\Run: [Power Management] => C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer ePower Management\ePowerTray.exe [1829768 2012-02-07] (Acer Incorporated)
HKLM\...\Run: [FileOpenBroker] => C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenBroker64.exe [1589104 2013-03-26] (FileOpen Systems Inc.)
HKLM\...\Run: [FS Camera Monitor] => C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Mon.exe [334432 2010-03-18] (FLIR)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Norton Online Backup] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuClient.exe [1155928 2010-06-02] (Symantec Corporation)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [BackupManagerTray] => C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\BackupManagerTray.exe [296984 2012-01-05] (NTI Corporation)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [LManager] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\LManager.exe [1110608 2012-03-23] (Dritek System Inc.)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Acrobat Assistant 8.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Acrotray.exe [620152 2006-10-22] (Adobe Systems Inc.)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe_ID0EYTHM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe Version Cue CS3\Server\bin\VersionCueCS3Tray.exe [1884160 2007-03-20] (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [avgnt] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe [751184 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [958576 2013-05-11] (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [ApnTBMon] => C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\Updater\TBNotifier.exe [1942424 2014-08-22] (APN)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Win7PDF] => C:\Program Files\PDF Printer for Windows 7\PDF.exe
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [HP Software Update] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Hp\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe [96056 2013-05-30] (Hewlett-Packard)
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [] => [X]
HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Avira Systray] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.Systray.exe [164656 2014-08-27] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
Winlogon\Notify\igfxcui: C:\Windows\system32\igfxdev.dll (Intel Corporation)
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\Run: [dradio-RecorderTimer] => C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\phonostarTimer.exe [42496 2012-10-13] ()
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\Run: [] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\Kies\External\FirmwareUpdate\KiesPDLR.exe
HKU\S-1-5-21-1661455973-3949884391-1042016417-1000\...\MountPoints2: {86b8263e-3a4f-11e4-90fa-b888e3420233} - D:\Startme.exe
Lsa: [Notification Packages] scecli EgisPwdFilter EgisDSPwdFilter
Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Acer VCM.lnk
ShortcutTarget: Acer VCM.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\AcerVCM.exe (Acer Incorporated)
Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Adobe Acrobat - Schnellstart.lnk
ShortcutTarget: Adobe Acrobat - Schnellstart.lnk -> C:\Windows\Installer\{AC76BA86-1033-F400-7760-000000000003}\_SC_Acrobat.exe ()
Startup: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk
ShortcutTarget: Adobe Reader Synchronizer.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\AdobeCollabSync.exe ()
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Symbol-Overlay-Steuerprogramm für AutoCAD Digitale Signaturen -> {36A21736-36C2-4C11-8ACB-D4136F2B57BD} => C:\Windows\system32\AcSignIcon.dll (Autodesk, Inc.)

==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ====================

(If an item is included in the fixlist, if it is a registry item it will be removed or restored to default.)

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank
SearchScopes: HKCU - {B99DB277-0CD7-4D09-A09F-F28A34F96960} URL = hxxp://websearch.ask.com/redirect?client=ie&tb=FXTV5&o=101699&src=kw&q={searchTerms}&locale=de_DE&apn_ptnrs=F4&apn_dtid=YYYYYYYYDE&apn_uid=39af22fd-e74d-41e0-8d5d-64c780f96820&apn_sauid=71034F6D-09E1-467A-A00C-D78632497556
BHO: Avira SearchFree Toolbar -> {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport_x64.dll (APN LLC.)
BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper -> {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} -> C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO: Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper -> {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} -> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll (Microsoft Corp.)
BHO: Skype Click to Call for Internet Explorer -> {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer x64\skypeieplugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper -> {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} -> C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Avira SearchFree Toolbar -> {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport.dll (APN LLC.)
BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper -> {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
BHO-x32: Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper -> {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll (Microsoft Corp.)
BHO-x32: Adobe PDF Conversion Toolbar Helper -> {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BHO-x32: Skype Click to Call for Internet Explorer -> {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\SkypeIEPlugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper -> {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation)
Toolbar: HKLM - Avira SearchFree Toolbar - {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport_x64.dll (APN LLC.)
Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - Adobe PDF - {47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - Avira SearchFree Toolbar - {41564952-412D-5637-4300-7A786E7484D7} - C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\AVIRA-V7C\Passport.dll (APN LLC.)
Handler: skypec2c - {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer x64\skypeieplugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
Handler-x32: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies)
Handler-x32: skypec2c - {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\SkypeIEPlugin.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer]

FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419
FF NewTab: about:blank
FF Homepage: about:blank
FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer -> C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_15_0_0_152.dll ()
FF Plugin: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Windows\system32\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 -> c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30514.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer -> C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_15_0_0_152.dll ()
FF Plugin-x32: @foxitsoftware.com/Foxit Reader Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.fdf -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\plugins\npFoxitReaderPlugin.dll No File
FF Plugin-x32: @intel-webapi.intel.com/Intel WebAPI ipt;version=2.0.59 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIIPT.dll (Intel Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @intel-webapi.intel.com/Intel WebAPI updater -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT\npIntelWebAPIUpdater.dll (Intel Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.10.2 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 -> c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30514.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/OfficeLive,version=1.5 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Office Live\npOLW.dll (Microsoft Corp.)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3502.0922 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3538.0513 -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation)
FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.)
FF Plugin HKCU: @phonostar.de/phonostar -> C:\Program Files (x86)\dradio-Recorder\npphonostarDetectNP.dll No File
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml
FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml
FF Extension: Avira SearchFree Toolbar plus Web Protection - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\toolbar_AVIRA-V7C@apn.ask.com.xpi [2013-12-20]
FF Extension: Adblock Plus - C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u3pmbgs8.default-1356165308419\Extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi [2014-09-21]
FF Extension: No Name - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions\{82AF8DCA-6DE9-405D-BD5E-43525BDAD38A}.xpi [2014-07-14]
FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [{d4da7309-b89a-45ec-8ebb-cfb2ae13618b}] - C:\Program Files\Acer ProShield\FFExt20


==================== Services (Whitelisted) =================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the service will be removed from the registry. The file will not be moved unless listed separately.)

R2 AntiVirSchedulerService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe [430160 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R2 AntiVirService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe [430160 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
S4 AntiVirWebService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avwebg7.exe [1021520 2014-08-15] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R2 APNMCP; C:\Program Files (x86)\AskPartnerNetwork\Toolbar\apnmcp.exe [166296 2014-08-22] (APN LLC.)
R2 Autodesk Content Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Content Service\Connect.Service.ContentService.exe [18656 2011-02-02] ()
R2 Avira.OE.ServiceHost; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\My Avira\Avira.OE.ServiceHost.exe [160048 2014-08-27] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R2 Bonjour Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe [229376 2006-02-28] (Apple Computer, Inc.) [File not signed]
R2 c2cautoupdatesvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\AutoUpdate\SkypeC2CAutoUpdateSvc.exe [1390176 2014-07-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
R2 c2cpnrsvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\PNRSvc\SkypeC2CPNRSvc.exe [1767520 2014-07-14] (Microsoft Corporation)
R2 FileOpenManager; C:\Program Files\FileOpen\Services\FileOpenManager64.exe [337264 2013-03-19] (FileOpen Systems Inc.)
R3 FLEXnet Licensing Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe [654848 2012-10-13] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [File not signed]
R2 HSETUApplicationService; C:\Program Files (x86)\HSETU\ApplicationService\ApplicationService.exe [3816000 2013-12-06] (ETU Software GmbH)
R2 jhi_service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe [161560 2012-02-08] (Intel Corporation)
S3 MyWiFiDHCPDNS; C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\PanDhcpDns.exe [273168 2012-04-17] ()
R2 NOBU; C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuAgent.exe [2804568 2010-06-02] (Symantec Corporation)
R2 NTI IScheduleSvc; C:\Program Files (x86)\NTI\Acer Backup Manager\IScheduleSvc.exe [256536 2012-01-05] (NTI Corporation)
R2 RS_Service; C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer VCM\RS_Service.exe [260640 2010-01-30] (Acer Incorporated)
R2 T3Srv; C:\Program Files\FLIR Systems\FLIR Device Drivers\FLIR T3Srv\sysx64\T3Srv.exe [781408 2010-03-18] (FLIR)
R2 ZeroConfigService; C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\ZeroConfigService.exe [2671376 2012-04-17] (Intel® Corporation)

==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ====================

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the service will be removed from the registry. The file will not be moved unless listed separately.)

R2 avgntflt; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avgntflt.sys [117712 2014-07-03] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R1 avipbb; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys [130584 2014-06-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)
R1 avkmgr; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys [28600 2013-10-07] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG)

==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) ===================

(If an item is included in the fixlist, it will be removed from the registry. Any associated file could be listed separately to be moved.)

==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ========

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the file\folder will be moved.)

2014-09-23 22:20 - 2014-09-23 22:20 - 00008635 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\20140923_AdwCleaner[S0].txt
2014-09-23 22:11 - 2014-09-23 22:15 - 00000000 ____D () C:\AdwCleaner
2014-09-23 22:10 - 2014-09-23 22:10 - 01373475 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\AdwCleaner_3.310.exe
2014-09-22 23:02 - 2014-09-22 23:02 - 00047283 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\20140922_Addition.txt
2014-09-22 23:02 - 2014-09-22 23:02 - 00042398 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\20140922_FRST.txt
2014-09-22 22:57 - 2014-09-22 23:01 - 00047283 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Addition.txt
2014-09-22 22:54 - 2014-09-22 23:01 - 00042398 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\FRST.txt
2014-09-22 22:16 - 2014-09-22 22:16 - 03007700 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\revouninstaller.zip
2014-09-21 19:39 - 2014-09-23 22:22 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\winners
2014-09-21 18:45 - 2014-09-23 22:23 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST
2014-09-21 12:52 - 2014-09-21 12:52 - 00001013 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\BAHN_Fahrplan.ics
2014-09-17 10:46 - 2014-09-17 10:46 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\04 GetOn
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 20:05 - 00374968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iedkcs32.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 19:39 - 00327872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iedkcs32.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 01:01 - 23591424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:29 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:29 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:26 - 17455104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:20 - 02793984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:19 - 05833728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:15 - 00547328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:15 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:14 - 00083968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MshtmlDac.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:14 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:08 - 04232704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:08 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:08 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:05 - 00596480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:03 - 00758272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:03 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-19 00:03 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:57 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:56 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:51 - 00446464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:46 - 00454656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:45 - 00072704 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:45 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:44 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MshtmlDac.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:44 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:42 - 02185728 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:40 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:39 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:39 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:39 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:38 - 00289280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:37 - 00440320 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:36 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:35 - 00597504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:27 - 00365056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:25 - 00727040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:25 - 00707072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:23 - 02104832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:23 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:22 - 00060416 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:19 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:17 - 00243200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:17 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:16 - 13588480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:15 - 11769856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:15 - 02310656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:09 - 00603136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:08 - 02014208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 23:07 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:55 - 01447424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:46 - 01812992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:38 - 01190400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:38 - 00775168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll
2014-09-11 08:26 - 2014-08-18 22:36 - 00678400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2014-09-10 11:14 - 00000000 ____D () C:\43ee17ab337f17cc4a1db4a9
2014-09-10 11:13 - 2014-06-27 04:08 - 02777088 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msmpeg2vdec.dll
2014-09-10 11:13 - 2014-06-27 03:45 - 02285056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msmpeg2vdec.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-09-05 04:10 - 00578048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-09-05 04:05 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-08-01 13:53 - 01031168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\TSWorkspace.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-08-01 13:35 - 00793600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\TSWorkspace.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 04:06 - 01460736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\lsasrv.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 04:06 - 00728064 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\kerberos.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 03:40 - 00550912 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kerberos.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 03:40 - 00022016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\secur32.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-07-07 03:39 - 00096768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sspicli.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-06-24 05:29 - 02565120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\d3d10warp.dll
2014-09-10 08:16 - 2014-06-24 04:59 - 01987584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10warp.dll
2014-09-04 07:40 - 2014-09-04 07:40 - 00001731 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\Unterrichtsmaterial - Verknüpfung.lnk
2014-08-28 13:44 - 2014-09-06 09:14 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\DIN_18599_Projekt
2014-08-28 08:13 - 2014-08-23 04:07 - 00404480 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\gdi32.dll
2014-08-28 08:13 - 2014-08-23 03:45 - 00311808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gdi32.dll
2014-08-28 08:13 - 2014-08-23 02:59 - 03163648 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys
2014-08-24 12:52 - 2014-08-24 12:52 - 15348021 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\TRY2011_Datensatz.zip

==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders =======

(If an entry is included in the fixlist, the file\folder will be moved.)

2014-09-23 22:24 - 2012-07-17 02:48 - 02005678 _____ () C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log
2014-09-23 22:24 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00024400 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
2014-09-23 22:24 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00024400 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0
2014-09-23 22:23 - 2014-09-21 18:45 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST
2014-09-23 22:22 - 2014-09-21 19:39 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\winners
2014-09-23 22:20 - 2014-09-23 22:20 - 00008635 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\20140923_AdwCleaner[S0].txt
2014-09-23 22:17 - 2014-08-06 06:03 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcnetp.dll
2014-09-23 22:16 - 2014-08-06 06:03 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rpcnetp.exe
2014-09-23 22:16 - 2012-07-17 02:45 - 00017920 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\rpcnetp.exe
2014-09-23 22:16 - 2010-11-21 05:47 - 00533800 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log
2014-09-23 22:16 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H () C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT
2014-09-23 22:16 - 2009-07-14 06:51 - 00108073 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log
2014-09-23 22:15 - 2014-09-23 22:11 - 00000000 ____D () C:\AdwCleaner
2014-09-23 22:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00000830 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job
2014-09-23 22:10 - 2014-09-23 22:10 - 01373475 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\AdwCleaner_3.310.exe
2014-09-22 23:02 - 2014-09-22 23:02 - 00047283 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\20140922_Addition.txt
2014-09-22 23:02 - 2014-09-22 23:02 - 00042398 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\20140922_FRST.txt
2014-09-22 23:01 - 2014-09-22 22:57 - 00047283 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Addition.txt
2014-09-22 23:01 - 2014-09-22 22:54 - 00042398 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\FRST.txt
2014-09-22 22:39 - 2014-08-19 13:14 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\ProgrammVerknüpfungen
2014-09-22 22:39 - 2012-05-08 09:51 - 00000000 ___HD () C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information
2014-09-22 22:16 - 2014-09-22 22:16 - 03007700 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\revouninstaller.zip
2014-09-21 19:13 - 2012-09-20 18:15 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender
2014-09-21 18:42 - 2013-08-12 15:06 - 00046592 ___SH () C:\Users\Anwender\Documents\Thumbs.db
2014-09-21 17:04 - 2012-09-26 17:04 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service
2014-09-21 13:17 - 2013-06-27 10:21 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Anwender\Dropbox
2014-09-21 12:52 - 2014-09-21 12:52 - 00001013 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\BAHN_Fahrplan.ics
2014-09-21 10:27 - 2013-06-14 17:14 - 00002106 _____ () C:\Windows\wininit.ini
2014-09-21 10:27 - 2013-06-14 17:13 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dropbox
2014-09-21 10:27 - 2013-06-14 17:13 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox
2014-09-21 10:18 - 2014-06-20 13:10 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
2014-09-20 21:53 - 2012-07-17 03:02 - 00246064 _____ () C:\Windows\DPINST.LOG
2014-09-17 15:04 - 2012-07-17 12:39 - 00699666 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat
2014-09-17 15:04 - 2012-07-17 12:39 - 00149774 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat
2014-09-17 15:04 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01620612 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI
2014-09-17 10:46 - 2014-09-17 10:46 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\04 GetOn
2014-09-16 12:01 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\rescache
2014-09-15 15:17 - 2012-09-21 15:25 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\HSETU
2014-09-11 08:24 - 2012-09-26 18:14 - 01594892 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\PerfStringBackup.INI
2014-09-11 08:22 - 2014-04-11 08:48 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
2014-09-11 08:22 - 2014-01-19 11:09 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Avira
2014-09-11 08:22 - 2012-12-12 09:17 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2014-09-10 11:14 - 00000000 ____D () C:\43ee17ab337f17cc4a1db4a9
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2013-08-01 22:36 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\system32\MRT
2014-09-10 11:14 - 2012-09-25 09:33 - 101694776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe
2014-09-10 11:13 - 2014-05-09 08:46 - 00000000 ___SD () C:\Windows\system32\CompatTel
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00701104 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00071344 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
2014-09-10 09:15 - 2012-05-08 10:25 - 00003768 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater
2014-09-06 09:14 - 2014-08-28 13:44 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\DIN_18599_Projekt
2014-09-05 04:10 - 2014-09-10 08:16 - 00578048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll
2014-09-05 04:05 - 2014-09-10 08:16 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll
2014-09-04 07:40 - 2014-09-04 07:40 - 00001731 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\Unterrichtsmaterial - Verknüpfung.lnk
2014-09-04 07:06 - 2014-08-20 08:17 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\02 Privat
2014-09-01 10:42 - 2014-08-20 08:16 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\03 Studium
2014-08-28 13:56 - 2013-03-06 10:42 - 01347072 ___SH () C:\Users\Anwender\Desktop\Thumbs.db
2014-08-28 12:48 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 02351552 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT
2014-08-24 12:52 - 2014-08-24 12:52 - 15348021 _____ () C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\TRY2011_Datensatz.zip

Some content of TEMP:
C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\Foxit Reader Updater.exe
C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\Foxit Updater.exe

==================== Bamital & volsnap Check =================

(There is no automatic fix for files that do not pass verification.)

C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => File is digitally signed

LastRegBack: 2014-09-16 11:52

==================== End Of Log ============================
--- --- ---

Alt 23.09.2014, 21:44   #4
/// TB-Ausbilder
/// Anleitungs-Guru
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen


Schritt 1

Malwarebytes Antimalware
  • Download-Link
  • Installiere das Programm in den vorgegebenen Pfad.
  • Starte Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (MBAM).
  • Sollte die Benutzeroberfläche noch in Englisch sein, klicke auf Settings und wähle bei Language Deutsch aus.
  • Klicke im Anschluss auf "Suchlauf", wähle den Bedrohungssuchlauf aus, aktualisiere die Datenbanken und klicke auf "Suchlauf jetzt starten".
  • Lass am Ende des Suchlaufs alle Funde (falls vorhanden) in die Quarantäne verschieben. (geht so...)
  • Poste mir den Inhalt der Logdatei (geht so...). Klicke dazu auf Verlauf und dann auf Anwendungsprotokolle.
  • Wähle das neueste Suchlauf-Protokoll aus und klicke auf Ansicht. Klicke auf "In Zwischenablage kopieren" poste mir den Inhalt in Code-Tags als Antwort in den Thread.

Lob, Kritik, Wünsche?

Spende fürs trojaner-board?
„Neminem laede, immo omnes, quantum potes, iuva.“ Arthur Schopenhauer

Alt 24.09.2014, 10:08   #5
Mr. Scooter
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

bin gerade nicht sicher, ob ich alles richtig gemacht habe und nicht aus VErsehen zu schnell auf was geklickt habe. Trotzdem mal den Log File.
Schönen Tag Dir!

 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 

Scan Date: 24.09.2014
Scan Time: 10:43:03
Logfile: Export.txt
Administrator: Yes

Malware Database: v2014.03.04.09
Rootkit Database: v2014.02.20.01
License: Trial
Malware Protection: Enabled
Malicious Website Protection: Enabled
Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: Anwender

Scan Type: Threat Scan
Result: Completed
Objects Scanned: 268625
Time Elapsed: 19 min, 11 sec

Memory: Enabled
Startup: Enabled
Filesystem: Enabled
Archives: Enabled
Rootkits: Disabled
Heuristics: Enabled
PUP: Enabled
PUM: Enabled

Processes: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Modules: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Folders: 3
PUP.Optional.DefaultTab.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\installdt.tmp, Quarantined, [63e67f803b3fad890ecb3d74ba49d729], 
PUP.Optional.DefaultTab.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\installdt.tmp\XPI, Quarantined, [63e67f803b3fad890ecb3d74ba49d729], 
PUP.Optional.DefaultTab.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\installdt.tmp\XPI\defaulttab, Quarantined, [63e67f803b3fad890ecb3d74ba49d729], 

Files: 19
Trojan.Sefnit, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\setup_fsu_cid.exe, Quarantined, [82c7c43bb0ca86b07f15e843cf33cf31], 
PUP.Optional.FileScout.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\B6C3.tmp, Quarantined, [94b5f30c631772c48743b9900ff2f808], 
PUP.Optional.PerformerSoft.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\69D4.tmp, Quarantined, [e5647887dd9d71c59bfb78e0c73a6799], 
PUP.Optional.Conduit.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\502C.tmp, Quarantined, [f059ac534f2bb38315ca283a2bd647b9], 
PUP.Optional.Babylon.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\F0B7.tmp, Quarantined, [a8a1b54ae6940a2c9b6bc6a6f10f6d93], 
PUP.Optional.Conduit.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\9F1D.tmp, Quarantined, [8abff50a46341f176a75065cfd0414ec], 
PUP.Optional.PerformerSoft.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\A652.tmp, Quarantined, [e564b6497ffbc37306907fd93fc23ec2], 
PUP.Optional.PerformerSoft.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\E1A8.tmp, Quarantined, [a9a09a6528527bbb910572e6da27a759], 
PUP.Optional.CRX.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\bus46EF\CrxUpdater_d.exe, Quarantined, [61e829d6d3a7aa8cd3e9c84e46bef808], 
PUP.Optional.BabSolution.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\busBD95\BUSolution.dll, Quarantined, [74d51ce3fa8093a33c16024ca45d21df], 
PUP.Optional.Delta, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\C081A5C0-BAB0-7891-AE34-40622D6F4B90\Latest\MyBabylonTB.exe, Quarantined, [20291ee1b3c7ea4c48acf2583ac722de], 
Adware.DomaIQ, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\DM2\Format-Factory_027\DomaIQ.exe, Quarantined, [fc4dfa055525f4424d602529976dfc04], 
Adware.DomaIQ, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\DM2\Format-Factory_027\DomaIQ10.exe, Quarantined, [35146699e4965ed83c71fb5308fc01ff], 
PUP.Optional.InstallIQ, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\DM2\Format-Factory_027\OfferBrokerage_14003.exe, Quarantined, [ef5a708fd5a588ae859e542645bb58a8], 
PUP.Optional.Amonetize.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\DM2\Format-Factory_027\setup__120.exe, Quarantined, [a9a0847b5f1ba98d427ac6941ce5619f], 
PUP.Optional.DefaultTab.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\DM2\Format-Factory_027\software\DefaultTabSetup.exe, Quarantined, [a5a44ab57a0067cff4b6b4a8c1405ea2], 
PUP.Optional.Delta.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\DM2\Format-Factory_027\software\Delta Babylon.exe, Quarantined, [63e66b94265444f29bba53f6887958a8], 
Adware.DomaIQ, C:\Users\Anwender\Downloads\Format-Factory.exe, Quarantined, [2623bb44c1b9b185a70692bc36ce53ad], 
PUP.Optional.DefaultTab.A, C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\installdt.tmp\DefaultTab.xpi, Quarantined, [63e67f803b3fad890ecb3d74ba49d729], 

Physical Sectors: 0
(No malicious items detected)


Alt 24.09.2014, 10:13   #6
/// TB-Ausbilder
/// Anleitungs-Guru
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

Datenbank bitte updaten und nochmal laufen lassen.

Malware Database: v2014.03.04.09
Rootkit Database: v2014.02.20.01
--> winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

Alt 24.09.2014, 21:58   #7
Mr. Scooter
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

Malware Datenbank: v2014.09.24.10
Rootkit Datenbank: v2014.09.19.01
Lizenz: Testversion
Malware Schutz: Aktiviert
Bösartiger Webseiten Schutz: Aktiviert
Self-protection: Deaktiviert

Betriebssystem: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
CPU: x64
Dateisystem: NTFS
Benutzer: Anwender

Suchlauf-Art: Bedrohungs-Suchlauf
Ergebnis: Abgeschlossen
Durchsuchte Objekte: 341993
Verstrichene Zeit: 20 Min, 52 Sek

Speicher: Aktiviert
Autostart: Aktiviert
Dateisystem: Aktiviert
Archive: Aktiviert
Rootkits: Deaktiviert
Heuristics: Aktiviert
PUP: Aktiviert
PUM: Aktiviert

Prozesse: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Module: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registrierungsschlüssel: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registrierungswerte: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registrierungsdaten: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Ordner: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Dateien: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Physische Sektoren: 0
(No malicious items detected)


Alt 25.09.2014, 14:15   #8
/// TB-Ausbilder
/// Anleitungs-Guru
winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Standard

winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen


Schritt 1

ESET Online Scanner

  • Hier findest du eine bebilderte Anleitung zu ESET Online Scanner
  • Lade und starte Eset Online Scanner
  • Setze einen Haken bei Ja, ich bin mit den Nutzungsbedingungen einverstanden und klicke auf Starten.
  • Aktiviere die "Erkennung von eventuell unerwünschten Anwendungen" und wähle folgende Einstellungen.
  • Klicke auf Starten.
  • Die Signaturen werden heruntergeladen, der Scan beginnt automatisch.
  • Klicke am Ende des Suchlaufs auf Fertig stellen.
  • Schließe das Fenster von ESET.
  • Explorer öffnen.
  • C:\Programme\Eset\EsetOnlineScanner\log.txt (bei 64 Bit auch C:\Programme (x86)\Eset\EsetOnlineScanner\log.txt) suchen und mit Deinem Editor öffnen (bebildert).
  • Logfile hier posten.
  • Deinstallation: Systemsteuerung => Software / Programme deinstallieren => Eset Online Scanner V3 entfernen.
  • Manuell folgenden Ordner löschen und Papierkorb leeren => C:\Programme\Eset

Schritt 2

Bitte starte FRST erneut, markiere auch die checkbox und drücke auf Scan.
Bitte poste mir den Inhalt der beiden Logs die erstellt werden.

Gibt es jetzt noch Probleme mit dem PC? Wenn ja, welche?

Lob, Kritik, Wünsche?

Spende fürs trojaner-board?
„Neminem laede, immo omnes, quantum potes, iuva.“ Arthur Schopenhauer


Themen zu winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen
4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318, adware.domaiq, antivirus, aufpoppende werbefenster, defender, fehlercode 0xc0000005, fehlercode windows, firefox, flash player, icreinstall, officejet, photoshop, pup.optional.amonetize.a, pup.optional.babsolution.a, pup.optional.babylon.a, pup.optional.conduit.a, pup.optional.crx.a, pup.optional.defaulttab.a, pup.optional.delta, pup.optional.delta.a, pup.optional.filescout.a, pup.optional.installiq, pup.optional.performersoft.a, symantec, trojan.sefnit, tunnel, werbefenster, winnerseveryweek

Ähnliche Themen: winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen

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  2. Aufpoppende Werbung in Firefox und "bing"- Suche im IE
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  3. Giveaway Winnerseveryweek.com los werden!
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 30.09.2014 (11)
  4. Blau unterstrichene Schrift und Werbefenster lassen sich nicht entfernen
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 27.11.2013 (13)
  5. Zugriff auf Taskmanager u. Anwendungen wird blockiert, aufpoppende Alerts u. a.
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 05.02.2010 (17)
  6. Lästige Werbefenster
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 27.07.2009 (11)
  7. werbefenster
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 31.12.2008 (16)
  8. Werbefenster und Seitenumleitungen
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 28.12.2008 (3)
  9. Werbefenster
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 27.08.2008 (1)
  10. Werbefenster
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 05.07.2008 (0)
  11. Werbefenster von CiD und CPU 100%
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 07.02.2008 (6)
  12. Werbefenster
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 15.01.2008 (38)
  13. Ständig aufpoppende Werbung
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 22.12.2007 (5)
  14. Werbefenster
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 26.11.2007 (6)
  15. Werbefenster
    Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung - 08.06.2007 (4)
  16. IE Werbefenster
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 04.09.2006 (2)
  17. Werbefenster die x-te
    Log-Analyse und Auswertung - 18.11.2005 (10)

Zum Thema winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen - Hallo, vor 5 Jahren noch kompletter Computerlegasteniker und jetzt die Herausforderung:Was ist ein Log? Was macht die Funktion mit der Raute? Ich hoffe einfach, dass ich Eure Anleitung verstanden habe - winnerseveryweek und aufpoppende Werbefenster entfernen...
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