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Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung: Yahoo Trojaner?Windows 7 Wenn Du nicht sicher bist, ob Du dir Malware oder Trojaner eingefangen hast, erstelle hier ein Thema. Ein Experte wird sich mit weiteren Anweisungen melden und Dir helfen die Malware zu entfernen oder Unerwünschte Software zu deinstallieren bzw. zu löschen. Bitte schildere dein Problem so genau wie möglich. Sollte es ein Trojaner oder Viren Problem sein wird ein Experte Dir bei der Beseitigug der Infektion helfen. |
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![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? Trotz Änderung meines Passwortes wurden von meiner Yahoo Mailadresse Spam Mails an einige Adressen meiner Adressliste geschickt. Ich habe Avast Virenskanner durchlaufen lassen, der hat aber nichts gefunden. Von meinem Posteingang sind mindestens zwei geöffnete Mails verschwunden. Nahezu zeitgleich wurde mein Amazon Zugang geperrt, obwohl ich keine Zahlungsaktivitäten ausgeführt habe. Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 22-06-2014 Ran by Holg Keller (administrator) on HOLGKELLER-PC on 23-06-2014 22:03:51 Running from D:\Download Platform: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: Deutsch (Deutschland) Internet Explorer Version 11 Boot Mode: Normal The only official download link for FRST: Download link for 32-Bit version: hxxp://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/farbar-recovery-scan-tool/dl/81/ Download link for 64-Bit Version: hxxp://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/farbar-recovery-scan-tool/dl/82/ Download link from any site other than Bleeping Computer is unpermitted or outdated. See tutorial for FRST: hxxp://www.geekstogo.com/forum/topic/335081-frst-tutorial-how-to-use-farbar-recovery-scan-tool/ ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe (CMedia) C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\AsusAudioCenter.exe (Adobe Systems, Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS5\Bridge.exe (TomTom) C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Cerulean Studios) C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Renesas Electronics Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.exe (Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe (Oracle Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\avastui.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPSVC.EXE (Mozilla Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Run: [AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [500208 2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788] => C:\Windows\Syswow64\cmicnfgp.dll [8151040 2009-09-07] (C-Media Corporation) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX] => C:\Windows\syswow64\HsMgr.exe [200704 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX64] => C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe [282112 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [BCSSync] => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\BCSSync.exe [108144 2012-11-05] (Microsoft Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [959904 2013-11-21] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [NUSB3MON] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe [113288 2010-11-17] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SwitchBoard] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.exe [517096 2010-02-19] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [AdobeCS5ServiceManager] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CS5ServiceManager\CS5ServiceManager.exe [402432 2010-07-22] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Nuance OmniPage 17-reminder] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\OmniPage17\Ereg\Ereg.exe [54560 2008-11-03] (Nuance Communications, Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [APSDaemon] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe [43848 2014-02-12] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [HP Software Update] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Hp\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe [49208 2011-10-28] (Hewlett-Packard) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [] => [X] HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe [254336 2013-07-02] (Oracle Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe [3890208 2014-06-05] (AVAST Software) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [QuickTime Task] => C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTTask.exe [421888 2014-01-17] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [iTunesHelper] => C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe [152392 2014-05-26] (Apple Inc.) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [AdobeBridge] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS5\Bridge.exe [12002664 2011-06-09] (Adobe Systems, Inc.) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [OpAgent] => "OpAgent.exe" /agent HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [MyDriveConnect.exe] => C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe [473464 2014-03-17] (TomTom) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b74-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - F:\SETUP.EXE HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b79-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - H:\start.exe HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {efaced41-a8cb-11e1-a4e5-806e6f6e6963} - E:\Setup.exe Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk ShortcutTarget: Dropbox.lnk -> C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Trillian.lnk ShortcutTarget: Trillian.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Cerulean Studios) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: 00avast -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashShA64.dll (AVAST Software) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt4 -> {FB314EDC-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = hxxp://de.msn.com/?ocid=iehp HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache_TIMESTAMP = 0x1CDE15ECD93CCD01 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache AcceptLangs = de HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - DefaultScope {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - DefaultScope {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - URL hxxp://search.conduit.com/Results.aspx?ctid=CT3323737&octid=EB_ORIGINAL_CTID&SearchSource=58&CUI=&UM=5&UP=SPE5ED0015-AB18-4ACC-8CBD-FB041F742934&q={searchTerms}&SSPV= SearchScopes: HKCU - SuggestionsURL_JSON hxxp://suggest.search.conduit.com/CSuggestJson.ashx?prefix={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {C85EE193-9710-4475-8E96-B3FFCC90C2A8} URL = hxxp://websearch.ask.com/redirect?client=ie&tb=ORJ&o=&src=kw&q={searchTerms}&locale=&apn_ptnrs=&apn_dtid=OSJ000&apn_uid=52CE48FE-8A4D-4D1A-A14F-01EAC0387B6E&apn_sauid=723C4E87-72D6-4C2F-B687-B9131696AC97 BHO: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE64.dll (AVAST Software) BHO: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO-x32: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) BHO-x32: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) Toolbar: HKLM - avast! Online Security - {318A227B-5E9F-45bd-8999-7F8F10CA4CF5} - No File Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {CC1A175A-E45B-41ED-A30C-C9B1D7A0C02F} - No File Handler-x32: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default FF SearchEngineOrder.1: Yahoo! (Avast) FF Homepage: https://www.google.de FF Keyword.URL: hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Apple.com/iTunes,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Google.com/GoogleEarthPlugin - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.0.8 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.1 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\searchplugins\yahoo-avast.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF Extension: YouTube Unblocker - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\youtubeunblocker@unblocker.yt [2014-03-23] FF Extension: Garmin Communicator - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{195A3098-0BD5-4e90-AE22-BA1C540AFD1E} [2013-11-19] FF Extension: Ghostery - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\firefox@ghostery.com.xpi [2014-05-03] FF Extension: Adblock Edge - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{fe272bd1-5f76-4ea4-8501-a05d35d823fc}.xpi [2014-03-23] FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [wrc@avast.com] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF FF Extension: avast! Online Security - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF [2012-05-28] Chrome: ======= CHR HomePage: hxxp://www.google.com CHR RestoreOnStartup: "hxxp://www.google.com/" CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer) - internal-remoting-viewer CHR Plugin: (Native Client) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome PDF Viewer) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\pdf.dll No File CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin2.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin3.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin4.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin5.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Google Earth Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) CHR Plugin: (Google Update) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U25) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Silverlight Plug-In) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20513.0\npctrl.dll No File CHR Plugin: (VLC Web Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_8_800_168.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java Deployment Toolkit - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll No File CHR Extension: (Google Docs) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Drive) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (YouTube) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google-Suche) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Chrome In-App Payments service) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Mail) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [2013-09-21] ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [50344 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) S3 SwitchBoard; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\SwitchBoard.exe [517096 2010-02-19] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) [File not signed] S2 70e6ca8c; "C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe" "c:\progra~2\optimi~1\OptProCrashSvc.dll",ServiceMain S2 CltMngSvc; C:\PROGRA~2\SearchProtect\Main\bin\CltMngSvc.exe [X] S2 Websteroids; "C:\ProgramData\Websteroids\WebsteroidsService.exe" "C:\ProgramData\Websteroids\Websteroids.exe" ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R2 aswHwid; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswHwid.sys [29208 2014-05-15] () R2 aswMonFlt; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [79184 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [93568 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys [65776 2014-05-15] () R1 aswSnx; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [1039096 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [423240 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R2 aswStm; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [85328 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswVmm; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys [208416 2014-05-15] () R3 cmudaxp; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cmudaxp.sys [1257472 2009-09-23] (C-Media Inc) R3 debutfilter; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\debutfilterx64.sys [33488 2013-04-27] () R1 dtsoftbus01; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\dtsoftbus01.sys [283200 2012-05-28] (DT Soft Ltd) R3 V0380Vid; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\V0380Vid.sys [331008 2009-06-15] (Creative Technology Ltd.) ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-06-23 21:54 - 2014-06-23 22:03 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-18 18:49 - 2014-03-27 21:34 - 06715624 _____ (TomTom International B.V.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\Downloads\InstallMyDriveConnect_3_3_0_1502.exe 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:00 - 2014-06-16 13:07 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:21 - 23414784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:45 - 02768384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:38 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:28 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:27 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:24 - 00574976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:20 - 00752640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:18 - 17271296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:11 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:08 - 05782528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:06 - 00452096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:55 - 00038400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:49 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:46 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:43 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:42 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:38 - 02179072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:35 - 00608768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:34 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:33 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:30 - 00440832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:29 - 00631808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:28 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:27 - 00592896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:24 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:23 - 02040832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:16 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:10 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:06 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:04 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:02 - 00242688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 04244992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 02266112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:54 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:50 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:49 - 01964544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:43 - 13522944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:40 - 11725312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:30 - 01398272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:21 - 01790976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:15 - 01143296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00704512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:34 - 00801280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:06 - 00626688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 01903552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpip.sys 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 00288192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 02002432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 01882112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01389056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01237504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:13 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:08 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-23 19:36 - 00000728 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Windows\setuperr.log ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-06-23 22:03 - 2014-06-23 21:54 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-06-23 22:01 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001120 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller 2014-06-23 21:15 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000884 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-06-23 20:12 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 02084959 _____ () C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-06-23 19:36 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000728 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-06-23 19:36 - 2012-07-20 14:45 - 00004182 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update 2014-06-23 16:49 - 2012-06-13 22:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Documents\Outlook-Dateien 2014-06-23 13:45 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001116 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2014-06-22 09:27 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-06-22 09:27 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-06-22 09:24 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00701326 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat 2014-06-22 09:24 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00150226 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat 2014-06-22 09:24 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01620684 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2014-06-22 09:19 - 2014-05-04 08:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\DropboxMaster 2014-06-22 09:19 - 2013-06-24 20:22 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Dropbox 2014-06-22 09:19 - 2013-06-24 20:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox 2014-06-22 09:19 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H () C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00004116 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00003864 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore 2014-06-19 22:02 - 2013-10-10 21:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\FRITZ! 2014-06-19 21:19 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\HP 2014-06-19 21:17 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-06-18 18:37 - 2013-04-27 13:08 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\NCH Software 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2014-06-13 14:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-06-13 15:28 - 2014-06-13 15:27 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:40 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\rescache 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00699056 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00071344 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00003822 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater 2014-06-12 00:05 - 2013-08-16 03:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 18:16 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Help 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 16:19 - 95414520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2014-06-12 00:03 - 2014-05-06 20:58 - 00000000 ___SD () C:\Windows\system32\CompatTel 2014-06-08 16:01 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\GARMIN_Corp 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Garmin 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:05 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin 2014-06-08 11:13 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-08 11:08 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Windows\setuperr.log 2014-06-01 12:45 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00001118 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2014-06-01 12:45 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00001118 _____ () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2014-05-30 12:21 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 23414784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2014-05-30 12:02 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2014-05-30 12:02 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll 2014-05-30 11:45 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 02768384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2014-05-30 11:39 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2014-05-30 11:39 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2014-05-30 11:38 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-05-30 11:28 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2014-05-30 11:27 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2014-05-30 11:24 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00574976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll 2014-05-30 11:21 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe 2014-05-30 11:21 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe 2014-05-30 11:20 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00752640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll 2014-05-30 11:18 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 17271296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2014-05-30 11:11 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2014-05-30 11:08 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 05782528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2014-05-30 11:06 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00452096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2014-05-30 11:02 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2014-05-30 10:55 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00038400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-05-30 10:49 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2014-05-30 10:46 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2014-05-30 10:44 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2014-05-30 10:44 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2014-05-30 10:43 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2014-05-30 10:42 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-05-30 10:38 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 02179072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2014-05-30 10:35 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00608768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2014-05-30 10:34 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll 2014-05-30 10:33 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2014-05-30 10:30 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00440832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll 2014-05-30 10:29 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00631808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2014-05-30 10:28 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2014-05-30 10:27 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00592896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2014-05-30 10:24 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-05-30 10:23 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 02040832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2014-05-30 10:16 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2014-05-30 10:10 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-05-30 10:06 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2014-05-30 10:04 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2014-05-30 10:02 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00242688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2014-05-30 09:56 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 04244992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2014-05-30 09:56 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 02266112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2014-05-30 09:54 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2014-05-30 09:50 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-05-30 09:49 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 01964544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2014-05-30 09:43 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 13522944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2014-05-30 09:40 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 11725312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2014-05-30 09:30 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 01398272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2014-05-30 09:21 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 01790976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2014-05-30 09:15 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 01143296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2014-05-30 09:13 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2014-05-30 09:13 - 2014-06-11 17:22 - 00704512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2014-05-28 17:18 - 2013-06-24 20:22 - 00001040 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Dropbox.lnk 2014-05-28 17:18 - 2013-06-24 20:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Dropbox Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmpj6zuvm.dll C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmpttdl_s.dll ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => File is digitally signed LastRegBack: 2014-06-18 19:07 ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
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/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? hi,
__________________Addition.txt fehlt noch.
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![]() | #3 |
![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner?Code:
ATTFilter aAdditional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 22-06-2014 Ran by Holg Keller at 2014-06-27 19:42:52 Running from D:\Download Boot Mode: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Security Center ======================== AV: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {17AD7D40-BA12-9C46-7131-94903A54AD8B} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {ACCC9CA4-9C28-93C8-4B81-AFE241D3E736} ==================== Installed Programs ====================== Adobe AIR (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe AIR) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe AIR (x32 Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Community Help (HKLM-x32\...\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Community Help (x32 Version: 3.0.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Flash Player 14 Plugin (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player Plugin) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (HKLM-x32\...\com.adobe.amp.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (x32 Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Photoshop CS5 (HKLM-x32\...\{15FEDA5F-141C-4127-8D7E-B962D1742728}) (Version: 12.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 64-bit (HKLM\...\{11A955CD-4398-405A-886D-E464C3618FBF}) (Version: 4.4.1 - Adobe) Adobe Reader X (10.1.10) - Deutsch (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AA1000000001}) (Version: 10.1.10 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Apple Application Support (HKLM-x32\...\{D9DAD0FF-495A-472B-9F10-BAE430A26682}) (Version: 3.0.3 - Apple Inc.) Apple Mobile Device Support (HKLM\...\{787136D2-F0F8-4625-AA3F-72D7795AC842}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Apple Software Update (HKLM-x32\...\{789A5B64-9DD9-4BA5-915A-F0FC0A1B7BFE}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) ASUS Xonar DS Audio Driver (HKLM\...\C-Media Oxygen HD Audio Driver) (Version: - ) avast! Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\avast) (Version: 9.0.2018 - Avast Software) AVM FRITZ!fax für FRITZ!Box (HKLM-x32\...\FRITZ! 2.0) (Version: - AVM Berlin) Bonjour (HKLM\...\{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Canon iP4700 series Printer Driver (HKLM\...\{1199FAD5-9546-44f3-81CF-FFDB8040B7BF}_Canon_iP4700_series) (Version: - ) CCleaner (HKLM\...\CCleaner) (Version: 4.13 - Piriform) cGPSmapper Free 0100d (HKLM-x32\...\cGPSmapper Free_is1) (Version: - cGPSmapper) Creative Live! Cam Optia Pro (VF0380) Driver ( (HKLM\...\Creative VF0380) (Version: - ) DAEMON Tools Lite (HKLM-x32\...\DAEMON Tools Lite) (Version: - DT Soft Ltd) Debut Videorekorder (HKLM-x32\...\Debut) (Version: - NCH Software) Definition Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB982726) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{2A16B95F-7377-410A-B961-EFD9394E1AF3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Dropbox (HKCU\...\Dropbox) (Version: 2.8.2 - Dropbox, Inc.) FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced (HKLM-x32\...\{FF81EC2D-BD14-4865-BA3B-D037220AB017}) (Version: - FileMaker, Inc.) FileParade bundle uninstaller (HKLM-x32\...\FileParade bundle uninstaller) (Version: - FileParade) <==== ATTENTION Garmin BaseCamp (HKLM-x32\...\{81EF7DBD-909A-455B-8B32-24B8CDC75039}) (Version: 4.3.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin MapInstall (HKLM-x32\...\{5ED7CD44-1A33-4B36-BA09-0B55FE82AF95}) (Version: 4.0.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin USB Drivers (HKLM-x32\...\{3D5D6CFC-3097-425A-8D8F-7EAF5D57641D}) (Version: - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) GMapTool 0.8.159 (HKLM-x32\...\{1873789F-59D5-4002-8A2F-60A827B78F98}_is1) (Version: - AP) Google Earth Plug-in (HKLM-x32\...\{4AB54F11-2F8C-11E3-B09F-B8AC6F97B88E}) (Version: - Google) Google Update Helper (x32 Version: - Google Inc.) Hidden HP FWUpdateEDO2 (HKLM-x32\...\{415FA9AD-DA10-4ABE-97B6-5051D4795C90}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Officejet Pro 8100 - Grundlegende Software für das Gerät (HKLM\...\{312A65D1-64B1-4E81-85C0-85BE743A6550}) (Version: 25.0.617.0 - Hewlett-Packard Co.) HP Officejet Pro 8100 Hilfe (HKLM-x32\...\{65038824-6DC7-4A44-828A-D7A7F04CD61B}) (Version: - Hewlett Packard) HP Update (HKLM-x32\...\{97486FBE-A3FC-4783-8D55-EA37E9D171CC}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HPDiagnosticAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft) Hidden iCloud (HKLM\...\{81E20D41-C277-4526-934D-F2380AF91B78}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) IrfanView (remove only) (HKLM-x32\...\IrfanView) (Version: 4.37 - Irfan Skiljan) iTunes (HKLM\...\{5A68A656-979F-4168-8795-E2E368AA4DC2}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Java 7 Update 55 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217025FF}) (Version: 7.0.550 - Oracle) Java Auto Updater (x32 Version: - Sun Microsystems, Inc.) Hidden JDownloader 2 (HKLM\...\jdownloader2) (Version: 2.0 - AppWork GmbH) LyX (HKLM-x32\...\LyX2051) (Version: - LyX Team) Maroc-Topo Map 1.21 (HKLM-x32\...\Maroc-Topo Map_is1) (Version: - ) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1031) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Mathematics (64-Bit) (HKLM\...\{E57B7E0A-8BE5-42E2-BE60-C07ED680A063}) (Version: 4.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Access MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Groove MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Office 32-bit Components 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (HKLM\...\Office14.PROPLUS) (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared 32-bit MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Silverlight (HKLM\...\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}) (Version: 5.1.30214.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{071c9b48-7c32-4621-a0ac-3f809523288f}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{6E8E85E8-CE4B-4FF5-91F7-04999C9FAE6A}) (Version: 8.0.50727.42 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}) (Version: 8.0.61000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.17 (HKLM\...\{8220EEFE-38CD-377E-8595-13398D740ACE}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86_x64 (Version: 80.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de)) (Version: 30.0 - Mozilla) Mozilla Maintenance Service (HKLM-x32\...\MozillaMaintenanceService) (Version: 29.0.1 - Mozilla) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (HKLM-x32\...\{86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (HKLM-x32\...\{F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MyDriveConnect (HKLM-x32\...\MyDriveConnect) (Version: - TomTom) Notepad++ (HKLM-x32\...\Notepad++) (Version: 6.1.3 - ) Nuance OmniPage 17 (HKLM-x32\...\{34AFE453-F544-4269-89C9-CAB7F0744963}) (Version: 17.0.0000 - Nuance Communications, Inc.) OJPro8100FWUpdateAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - HP) Hidden OpenAL (HKLM-x32\...\OpenAL) (Version: - ) Openfietsmap Lite (HKLM-x32\...\Openfietsmap Lite) (Version: - ) OSM generic routable (HKLM-x32\...\OSM generic routable) (Version: - ) PDF Settings CS5 (x32 Version: 10.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden QuickTime 7 (HKLM-x32\...\{111EE7DF-FC45-40C7-98A7-753AC46B12FB}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 7.49.927.2011 - Realtek) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{5442DAB8-7177-49E1-8B22-09A049EA5996}) (Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (x32 Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Hidden Saiph 1800 Gaming Mouse (HKLM-x32\...\{D8741D40-3315-49E2-8F46-8817B94D9BD8}) (Version: 1.02 - Mionix AB) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A3364707-2F53-4C83-8F68-C9877A9080C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (Version: - Microsoft) Hidden Skype™ 6.11 (HKLM-x32\...\{4E76FF7E-AEBA-4C87-B788-CD47E5425B9D}) (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.) Trillian (HKLM-x32\...\Trillian) (Version: - Cerulean Studios, LLC) Update for Microsoft Access 2010 (KB2553446) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FEF4C57D-0975-4D3C-ACC7-DCD038C3788F}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0 (KB2878281) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{84B191B5-5319-463A-A305-8C4D53B1D20A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817369) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DB0B0CDF-77EC-47B0-94E2-4738573A1E58}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817396) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{1AA82E2E-7DB7-4C70-910C-BBB657A6B3A5}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589298) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{79C725A1-3964-421C-A528-78C1C083C7C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589375) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{EBD18DE5-BC84-4B57-9A30-097044871F9A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760631) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{B6AD7E27-012A-4B63-82BA-AF62893E5435}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2794737) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{07DC9C6C-E916-4F42-8677-716930ED0393}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825635) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6E760BBA-B83F-4C2D-918F-5F91EF6C9861}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0044-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{64D96F30-CF4C-4CCE-AAF2-F8909348BF35}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{9F6507AC-7D8F-46C1-B90F-59C7828E0E0D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DDDC32A5-9528-4771-B91A-97A8E1D7957B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001A-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6164E0E5-C903-488C-93AF-1B7AF7EBC331}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A20A650C-F820-4CE4-AEA5-EC140192FAFB}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0018-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FD360122-6829-4497-97C1-1BF578EF695B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio 2010 (KB2880526) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F6F342A1-530B-4D48-A468-1E3F70928984}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010 (KB2837587) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{C950A55F-82E3-4CC8-8FA2-E8A2A0F651F3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Word 2010 (KB2880529) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{89FDC8D9-FB84-4EFE-950D-AF4EECC3B64C}) (Version: - Microsoft) Visual Studio C++ 10.0 Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{4412F224-3849-4461-A3E9-DEEF8D252790}) (Version: 10.0.0 - TomTom International B.V.) VLC media player 2.1.3 (HKLM-x32\...\VLC media player) (Version: 2.1.3 - VideoLAN) Websteroids (x32 Version: 2.6.63 - Creative Island Media, LLC) Hidden <==== ATTENTION Windows Driver Package - Garmin (grmnusb) GARMIN Devices (04/19/2012 (HKLM\...\98157A226B40B173301B0F53C8E98C47805D5152) (Version: 04/19/2012 - Garmin) Windows XP Mode (HKLM\...\{1374CC63-B520-4f3f-98E8-E9020BF01CFF}) (Version: 1.3.7600.16422 - Microsoft Corporation) WinGDB3 3.70 (HKLM-x32\...\WinGDB3) (Version: 3.70 - Asyver) WinRAR 5.01 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.01.0 - win.rar GmbH) XnView 2.04 (HKLM-x32\...\XnView_is1) (Version: 2.04 - Gougelet Pierre-e) ==================== Restore Points ========================= 30-05-2014 14:01:47 Windows Update 01-06-2014 19:22:16 Windows-Sicherung 04-06-2014 16:24:08 Windows Update 09-06-2014 07:45:29 Windows-Sicherung 10-06-2014 05:43:13 Windows Update 11-06-2014 22:02:39 Windows Update 15-06-2014 17:41:41 Windows-Sicherung 17-06-2014 17:02:48 Windows Update 22-06-2014 17:00:10 Windows-Sicherung 25-06-2014 19:55:45 Windows Update ==================== Hosts content: ========================== 2012-05-28 18:36 - 2012-05-28 18:37 - 00000853 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts activate.adobe.com ==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) ============= Task: {3CCBE241-BCFB-4115-874A-8B30D74E221D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsBackup\AutomaticBackup => Rundll32.exe /d sdengin2.dll,ExecuteScheduledBackup Task: {4006E88B-E562-47AE-8BC4-2D8C211275C5} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: {66586220-1061-4111-BC43-BE9921CCE60F} - System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [2014-04-17] (Piriform Ltd) Task: {7D1C428A-F6FC-4991-82E0-E13A325632D5} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2014-06-13] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {7E79B483-7C4F-450F-A01C-E4A32C463B81} - System32\Tasks\AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-HolgKeller-PC-Holg Keller => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {A0FBF086-31FC-4F3F-BC04-4BA1AA9ACB04} - System32\Tasks\Apple\AppleSoftwareUpdate => C:\Program Files (x86)\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe [2011-06-01] (Apple Inc.) Task: {D536052E-E074-4D32-9A4B-CED659D564A3} - System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe [2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) Task: {F22FCD0D-C26F-40A3-80CB-24C67FE4EA8F} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe ==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) ============= 2013-09-05 01:17 - 2013-09-05 01:17 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-23 11:35 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzColorPort64.dll 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-22 10:39 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzPort64.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:04 - 00200704 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:03 - 00282112 _____ () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe 2014-06-26 20:04 - 2014-06-26 20:04 - 02787840 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\14062601\algo.dll 2014-06-27 14:02 - 2014-06-27 14:02 - 02787840 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\14062700\algo.dll 2010-03-09 04:28 - 2011-06-09 23:52 - 00073728 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS5\Symlib.dll 2010-03-09 04:28 - 2011-06-09 23:52 - 02748416 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS5\LIBMYSQLD.dll 2013-09-05 01:14 - 2013-09-05 01:14 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2009-05-11 19:01 - 00143360 _____ () C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\VmixP8.dll 2014-03-17 12:59 - 2014-03-17 12:59 - 00026488 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\DeviceDetection.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00082808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterBase.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00357752 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterProxy.dll 2014-06-27 14:02 - 2014-06-27 14:02 - 00043008 _____ () c:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmplh__qd.dll 2013-08-23 21:01 - 2013-08-23 21:01 - 25100288 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\libcef.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00059904 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\zlib1.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00187392 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libpng15.dll 2011-10-31 11:16 - 2011-10-31 11:16 - 00005120 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\trillian.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00065536 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libungif.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00002048 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\toolkit.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00007168 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\events.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00009728 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\buddy.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00006144 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\talk.dll 2013-12-03 22:03 - 2013-12-03 22:03 - 19336120 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\libcef.dll 2014-01-20 14:17 - 2014-01-20 14:17 - 00073544 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\zlib1.dll 2014-01-20 14:16 - 2014-01-20 14:16 - 01044808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\libxml2.dll 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 03852912 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll ==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) ========= AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:5F64C164 AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:9B013599 ==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) =================== ==================== EXE Association (whitelisted) ============= ==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER disabled items ========= MSCONFIG\Services: SkypeUpdate => 2 ==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices ============= ==================== Event log errors: ========================= Application errors: ================== Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 2496 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 2496 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 1248 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 1248 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 3776 Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 3776 Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 2528 System errors: ============= Error: (06/27/2014 07:12:15 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (06/27/2014 03:07:18 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (06/27/2014 02:03:00 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: AnwendungsspezifischLokalStart{C97FCC79-E628-407D-AE68-A06AD6D8B4D1}{344ED43D-D086-4961-86A6-1106F4ACAD9B}NT-AUTORITÄTSYSTEMS-1-5-18LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC) Error: (06/27/2014 02:01:59 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Search Protect by Conduit Service" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: %%2 Error: (06/27/2014 02:01:59 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Websteroids" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: %%2 Error: (06/27/2014 02:01:59 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7009) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Verbindungsversuch mit dem Dienst Optimizer Pro Crash Monitor erreicht. Error: (06/27/2014 02:01:27 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (06/27/2014 02:01:27 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 19468) (User: ) Description: CPLIB :: General - Invalid Parameter Error: (06/26/2014 08:02:57 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (06/26/2014 11:35:57 AM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Microsoft Office Sessions: ========================= Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 2496 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 2496 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 1248 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 1248 Error: (06/27/2014 05:26:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 3776 Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 3776 Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:42 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (06/27/2014 02:39:41 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 2528 ==================== Memory info =========================== Percentage of memory in use: 29% Total physical RAM: 4093.09 MB Available physical RAM: 2867.2 MB Total Pagefile: 8184.37 MB Available Pagefile: 6229.07 MB Total Virtual: 8192 MB Available Virtual: 8191.84 MB ==================== Drives ================================ Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:119.14 GB) (Free:58.52 GB) NTFS Drive d: (Datengrab) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:414.81 GB) NTFS Drive e: (HP OJ8100) (CDROM) (Total:0.19 GB) (Free:0 GB) CDFS Drive g: (Externe) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:93.51 GB) NTFS ==================== MBR & Partition Table ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 119 GB) (Disk ID: 5C38AF8E) Partition 1: (Active) - (Size=100 MB) - (Type=07 NTFS) Partition 2: (Not Active) - (Size=119 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 1 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 609928AA) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 2 (MBR Code: Windows XP) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 3FF62FD5) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
![]() | #4 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? erstmal deinstallieren wir das gecrackte Adobe Photoshop....
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
![]() | #5 |
![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? Tut mir leid, ich hab nicht an das Programm gedacht ![]() |
![]() | #6 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? Einfach alles an Adobe in der Taskleiste beenden, oder deinstalliere es mit Revo Uninstaller.
__________________ --> Yahoo Trojaner? |
![]() | #7 |
![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? Im abgesicherten Modus hat es endlich funktioniert FRST Logfile: FRST Logfile: FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 29-06-2014 Ran by Holg Keller (administrator) on HOLGKELLER-PC on 01-07-2014 15:04:18 Running from D:\Download Platform: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: Deutsch (Deutschland) Internet Explorer Version 11 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe (CMedia) C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\AsusAudioCenter.exe (TomTom) C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Cerulean Studios) C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Renesas Electronics Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe (Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe (Oracle Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\avastui.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Run: [AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [500208 2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788] => C:\Windows\Syswow64\cmicnfgp.dll [8151040 2009-09-07] (C-Media Corporation) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX] => C:\Windows\syswow64\HsMgr.exe [200704 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX64] => C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe [282112 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [BCSSync] => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\BCSSync.exe [108144 2012-11-05] (Microsoft Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [959904 2013-11-21] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [NUSB3MON] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe [113288 2010-11-17] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Nuance OmniPage 17-reminder] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\OmniPage17\Ereg\Ereg.exe [54560 2008-11-03] (Nuance Communications, Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [APSDaemon] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe [43848 2014-02-12] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [HP Software Update] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Hp\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe [49208 2011-10-28] (Hewlett-Packard) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [] => [X] HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe [254336 2013-07-02] (Oracle Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe [3890208 2014-06-05] (AVAST Software) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [QuickTime Task] => C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTTask.exe [421888 2014-01-17] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [iTunesHelper] => C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe [152392 2014-05-26] (Apple Inc.) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [OpAgent] => "OpAgent.exe" /agent HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [MyDriveConnect.exe] => C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe [473464 2014-03-17] (TomTom) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b74-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - F:\SETUP.EXE HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b79-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - H:\start.exe HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {efaced41-a8cb-11e1-a4e5-806e6f6e6963} - E:\Setup.exe Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk ShortcutTarget: Dropbox.lnk -> C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Trillian.lnk ShortcutTarget: Trillian.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Cerulean Studios) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: 00avast -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashShA64.dll (AVAST Software) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt4 -> {FB314EDC-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = hxxp://de.msn.com/?ocid=iehp HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache_TIMESTAMP = 0x1CDE15ECD93CCD01 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache AcceptLangs = de HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - DefaultScope {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - DefaultScope {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - URL hxxp://search.conduit.com/Results.aspx?ctid=CT3323737&octid=EB_ORIGINAL_CTID&SearchSource=58&CUI=&UM=5&UP=SPE5ED0015-AB18-4ACC-8CBD-FB041F742934&q={searchTerms}&SSPV= SearchScopes: HKCU - SuggestionsURL_JSON hxxp://suggest.search.conduit.com/CSuggestJson.ashx?prefix={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {C85EE193-9710-4475-8E96-B3FFCC90C2A8} URL = hxxp://websearch.ask.com/redirect?client=ie&tb=ORJ&o=&src=kw&q={searchTerms}&locale=&apn_ptnrs=&apn_dtid=OSJ000&apn_uid=52CE48FE-8A4D-4D1A-A14F-01EAC0387B6E&apn_sauid=723C4E87-72D6-4C2F-B687-B9131696AC97 BHO: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE64.dll (AVAST Software) BHO: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO-x32: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) BHO-x32: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) Toolbar: HKLM - avast! Online Security - {318A227B-5E9F-45bd-8999-7F8F10CA4CF5} - No File Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {CC1A175A-E45B-41ED-A30C-C9B1D7A0C02F} - No File Handler-x32: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default FF SearchEngineOrder.1: Yahoo! (Avast) FF Homepage: https://www.google.de FF Keyword.URL: hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Apple.com/iTunes,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Google.com/GoogleEarthPlugin - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.0.8 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.1 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll No File FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\searchplugins\yahoo-avast.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF Extension: YouTube Unblocker - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\youtubeunblocker@unblocker.yt [2014-03-23] FF Extension: Garmin Communicator - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{195A3098-0BD5-4e90-AE22-BA1C540AFD1E} [2013-11-19] FF Extension: Ghostery - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\firefox@ghostery.com.xpi [2014-05-03] FF Extension: Adblock Edge - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{fe272bd1-5f76-4ea4-8501-a05d35d823fc}.xpi [2014-03-23] FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [wrc@avast.com] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF FF Extension: avast! Online Security - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF [2012-05-28] Chrome: ======= CHR HomePage: hxxp://www.google.com CHR RestoreOnStartup: "hxxp://www.google.com/" CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer) - internal-remoting-viewer CHR Plugin: (Native Client) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome PDF Viewer) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\pdf.dll No File CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin2.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin3.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin4.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin5.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Google Earth Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) CHR Plugin: (Google Update) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U25) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Silverlight Plug-In) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20513.0\npctrl.dll No File CHR Plugin: (VLC Web Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_8_800_168.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java Deployment Toolkit - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll No File CHR Extension: (Google Docs) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Drive) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (YouTube) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google-Suche) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Chrome In-App Payments service) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Mail) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [2013-09-21] ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [50344 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) S2 70e6ca8c; "C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe" "c:\progra~2\optimi~1\OptProCrashSvc.dll",ServiceMain S2 CltMngSvc; C:\PROGRA~2\SearchProtect\Main\bin\CltMngSvc.exe [X] S2 Websteroids; "C:\ProgramData\Websteroids\WebsteroidsService.exe" "C:\ProgramData\Websteroids\Websteroids.exe" ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R2 aswHwid; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswHwid.sys [29208 2014-05-15] () R2 aswMonFlt; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [79184 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [93568 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys [65776 2014-05-15] () R1 aswSnx; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [1039096 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [423240 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R2 aswStm; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [85328 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswVmm; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys [208416 2014-05-15] () R3 cmudaxp; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cmudaxp.sys [1257472 2009-09-23] (C-Media Inc) R3 debutfilter; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\debutfilterx64.sys [33488 2013-04-27] () R1 dtsoftbus01; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\dtsoftbus01.sys [283200 2012-05-28] (DT Soft Ltd) R3 V0380Vid; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\V0380Vid.sys [331008 2009-06-15] (Creative Technology Ltd.) ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-07-01 14:37 - 2014-07-01 14:37 - 00001734 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00001264 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Revo Uninstaller.lnk 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group 2014-06-23 21:54 - 2014-07-01 15:04 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-18 18:49 - 2014-03-27 21:34 - 06715624 _____ (TomTom International B.V.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\Downloads\InstallMyDriveConnect_3_3_0_1502.exe 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:00 - 2014-06-16 13:07 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:21 - 23414784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:45 - 02768384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:38 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:28 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:27 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:24 - 00574976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:20 - 00752640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:18 - 17271296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:11 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:08 - 05782528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:06 - 00452096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:55 - 00038400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:49 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:46 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:43 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:42 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:38 - 02179072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:35 - 00608768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:34 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:33 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:30 - 00440832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:29 - 00631808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:28 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:27 - 00592896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:24 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:23 - 02040832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:16 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:10 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:06 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:04 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:02 - 00242688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 04244992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 02266112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:54 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:50 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:49 - 01964544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:43 - 13522944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:40 - 11725312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:30 - 01398272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:21 - 01790976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:15 - 01143296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00704512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:34 - 00801280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:06 - 00626688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 01903552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpip.sys 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 00288192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 02002432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 01882112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01389056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01237504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:13 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:08 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-07-01 14:52 - 00001064 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Windows\setuperr.log ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-07-01 15:04 - 2014-06-23 21:54 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-07-01 15:01 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001120 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2014-07-01 14:59 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00701326 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat 2014-07-01 14:59 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00150226 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat 2014-07-01 14:59 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01620684 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2014-07-01 14:59 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-07-01 14:59 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-07-01 14:55 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 01233018 _____ () C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00001064 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2014-05-04 08:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\DropboxMaster 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2013-06-24 20:22 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Dropbox 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2013-06-24 20:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001116 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H () C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-07-01 14:43 - 2012-05-28 18:03 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:34 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:33 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:03 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:37 - 2014-07-01 14:37 - 00001734 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log 2014-07-01 14:15 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000884 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-07-01 07:51 - 2012-07-20 14:45 - 00004182 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update 2014-06-30 21:27 - 2012-05-28 18:32 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00001264 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Revo Uninstaller.lnk 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group 2014-06-29 10:07 - 2013-04-09 21:25 - 00000132 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Adobe BMP Format CS5 Prefs 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\WinRAR 2014-06-26 20:12 - 2013-10-10 21:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\FRITZ! 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller 2014-06-23 16:49 - 2012-06-13 22:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Documents\Outlook-Dateien 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00004116 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00003864 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore 2014-06-19 21:19 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\HP 2014-06-19 21:17 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-06-18 18:37 - 2013-04-27 13:08 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\NCH Software 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2014-06-13 14:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-06-13 15:28 - 2014-06-13 15:27 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:40 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\rescache 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00699056 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00071344 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00003822 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater 2014-06-12 00:05 - 2013-08-16 03:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 18:16 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Help 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 16:19 - 95414520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2014-06-12 00:03 - 2014-05-06 20:58 - 00000000 ___SD () C:\Windows\system32\CompatTel 2014-06-08 16:01 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\GARMIN_Corp 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Garmin 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:05 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin 2014-06-08 11:13 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-08 11:08 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Windows\setuperr.log 2014-06-01 12:45 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00001118 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2014-06-01 12:45 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00001118 _____ () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox.lnk Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmptknp_g.dll C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmpxgengu.dll ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => File is digitally signed LastRegBack: 2014-06-29 01:56 ==================== End Of Log ============================ --- --- --- --- --- --- Code:
ATTFilter Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 29-06-2014 Ran by Holg Keller at 2014-07-01 15:04:42 Running from D:\Download Boot Mode: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Security Center ======================== AV: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {17AD7D40-BA12-9C46-7131-94903A54AD8B} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {ACCC9CA4-9C28-93C8-4B81-AFE241D3E736} ==================== Installed Programs ====================== Adobe AIR (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe AIR) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe AIR (x32 Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Community Help (HKLM-x32\...\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Community Help (x32 Version: 3.0.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Flash Player 14 Plugin (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player Plugin) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (HKLM-x32\...\com.adobe.amp.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (x32 Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 64-bit (HKLM\...\{11A955CD-4398-405A-886D-E464C3618FBF}) (Version: 4.4.1 - Adobe) Adobe Reader X (10.1.10) - Deutsch (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AA1000000001}) (Version: 10.1.10 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Apple Application Support (HKLM-x32\...\{D9DAD0FF-495A-472B-9F10-BAE430A26682}) (Version: 3.0.3 - Apple Inc.) Apple Mobile Device Support (HKLM\...\{787136D2-F0F8-4625-AA3F-72D7795AC842}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Apple Software Update (HKLM-x32\...\{789A5B64-9DD9-4BA5-915A-F0FC0A1B7BFE}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) ASUS Xonar DS Audio Driver (HKLM\...\C-Media Oxygen HD Audio Driver) (Version: - ) avast! Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\avast) (Version: 9.0.2018 - Avast Software) AVM FRITZ!fax für FRITZ!Box (HKLM-x32\...\FRITZ! 2.0) (Version: - AVM Berlin) Bonjour (HKLM\...\{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Canon iP4700 series Printer Driver (HKLM\...\{1199FAD5-9546-44f3-81CF-FFDB8040B7BF}_Canon_iP4700_series) (Version: - ) CCleaner (HKLM\...\CCleaner) (Version: 4.13 - Piriform) cGPSmapper Free 0100d (HKLM-x32\...\cGPSmapper Free_is1) (Version: - cGPSmapper) Creative Live! Cam Optia Pro (VF0380) Driver ( (HKLM\...\Creative VF0380) (Version: - ) DAEMON Tools Lite (HKLM-x32\...\DAEMON Tools Lite) (Version: - DT Soft Ltd) Debut Videorekorder (HKLM-x32\...\Debut) (Version: - NCH Software) Definition Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB982726) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{2A16B95F-7377-410A-B961-EFD9394E1AF3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Dropbox (HKCU\...\Dropbox) (Version: 2.8.2 - Dropbox, Inc.) FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced (HKLM-x32\...\{FF81EC2D-BD14-4865-BA3B-D037220AB017}) (Version: - FileMaker, Inc.) FileParade bundle uninstaller (HKLM-x32\...\FileParade bundle uninstaller) (Version: - FileParade) <==== ATTENTION Garmin BaseCamp (HKLM-x32\...\{81EF7DBD-909A-455B-8B32-24B8CDC75039}) (Version: 4.3.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin MapInstall (HKLM-x32\...\{5ED7CD44-1A33-4B36-BA09-0B55FE82AF95}) (Version: 4.0.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin USB Drivers (HKLM-x32\...\{3D5D6CFC-3097-425A-8D8F-7EAF5D57641D}) (Version: - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) GMapTool 0.8.159 (HKLM-x32\...\{1873789F-59D5-4002-8A2F-60A827B78F98}_is1) (Version: - AP) Google Earth Plug-in (HKLM-x32\...\{4AB54F11-2F8C-11E3-B09F-B8AC6F97B88E}) (Version: - Google) Google Update Helper (x32 Version: - Google Inc.) Hidden HP FWUpdateEDO2 (HKLM-x32\...\{415FA9AD-DA10-4ABE-97B6-5051D4795C90}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Officejet Pro 8100 - Grundlegende Software für das Gerät (HKLM\...\{312A65D1-64B1-4E81-85C0-85BE743A6550}) (Version: 25.0.617.0 - Hewlett-Packard Co.) HP Officejet Pro 8100 Hilfe (HKLM-x32\...\{65038824-6DC7-4A44-828A-D7A7F04CD61B}) (Version: - Hewlett Packard) HP Update (HKLM-x32\...\{97486FBE-A3FC-4783-8D55-EA37E9D171CC}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HPDiagnosticAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft) Hidden iCloud (HKLM\...\{81E20D41-C277-4526-934D-F2380AF91B78}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) IrfanView (remove only) (HKLM-x32\...\IrfanView) (Version: 4.37 - Irfan Skiljan) iTunes (HKLM\...\{5A68A656-979F-4168-8795-E2E368AA4DC2}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Java 7 Update 55 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217025FF}) (Version: 7.0.550 - Oracle) Java Auto Updater (x32 Version: - Sun Microsystems, Inc.) Hidden JDownloader 2 (HKLM\...\jdownloader2) (Version: 2.0 - AppWork GmbH) LyX (HKLM-x32\...\LyX2051) (Version: - LyX Team) Maroc-Topo Map 1.21 (HKLM-x32\...\Maroc-Topo Map_is1) (Version: - ) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1031) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Mathematics (64-Bit) (HKLM\...\{E57B7E0A-8BE5-42E2-BE60-C07ED680A063}) (Version: 4.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Access MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Groove MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Office 32-bit Components 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (HKLM\...\Office14.PROPLUS) (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared 32-bit MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Silverlight (HKLM\...\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}) (Version: 5.1.30214.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{071c9b48-7c32-4621-a0ac-3f809523288f}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{6E8E85E8-CE4B-4FF5-91F7-04999C9FAE6A}) (Version: 8.0.50727.42 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}) (Version: 8.0.61000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.17 (HKLM\...\{8220EEFE-38CD-377E-8595-13398D740ACE}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86_x64 (Version: 80.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de)) (Version: 30.0 - Mozilla) Mozilla Maintenance Service (HKLM-x32\...\MozillaMaintenanceService) (Version: 29.0.1 - Mozilla) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (HKLM-x32\...\{86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (HKLM-x32\...\{F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MyDriveConnect (HKLM-x32\...\MyDriveConnect) (Version: - TomTom) Notepad++ (HKLM-x32\...\Notepad++) (Version: 6.1.3 - ) Nuance OmniPage 17 (HKLM-x32\...\{34AFE453-F544-4269-89C9-CAB7F0744963}) (Version: 17.0.0000 - Nuance Communications, Inc.) OJPro8100FWUpdateAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - HP) Hidden OpenAL (HKLM-x32\...\OpenAL) (Version: - ) Openfietsmap Lite (HKLM-x32\...\Openfietsmap Lite) (Version: - ) OSM generic routable (HKLM-x32\...\OSM generic routable) (Version: - ) PDF Settings CS5 (x32 Version: 10.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden QuickTime 7 (HKLM-x32\...\{111EE7DF-FC45-40C7-98A7-753AC46B12FB}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 7.49.927.2011 - Realtek) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{5442DAB8-7177-49E1-8B22-09A049EA5996}) (Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (x32 Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Hidden Revo Uninstaller 1.95 (HKLM-x32\...\Revo Uninstaller) (Version: 1.95 - VS Revo Group) Saiph 1800 Gaming Mouse (HKLM-x32\...\{D8741D40-3315-49E2-8F46-8817B94D9BD8}) (Version: 1.02 - Mionix AB) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A3364707-2F53-4C83-8F68-C9877A9080C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (Version: - Microsoft) Hidden Skype™ 6.11 (HKLM-x32\...\{4E76FF7E-AEBA-4C87-B788-CD47E5425B9D}) (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.) Trillian (HKLM-x32\...\Trillian) (Version: - Cerulean Studios, LLC) Update for Microsoft Access 2010 (KB2553446) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FEF4C57D-0975-4D3C-ACC7-DCD038C3788F}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0 (KB2878281) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{84B191B5-5319-463A-A305-8C4D53B1D20A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817369) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DB0B0CDF-77EC-47B0-94E2-4738573A1E58}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817396) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{1AA82E2E-7DB7-4C70-910C-BBB657A6B3A5}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589298) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{79C725A1-3964-421C-A528-78C1C083C7C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589375) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{EBD18DE5-BC84-4B57-9A30-097044871F9A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760631) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{B6AD7E27-012A-4B63-82BA-AF62893E5435}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2794737) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{07DC9C6C-E916-4F42-8677-716930ED0393}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825635) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6E760BBA-B83F-4C2D-918F-5F91EF6C9861}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0044-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{64D96F30-CF4C-4CCE-AAF2-F8909348BF35}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{9F6507AC-7D8F-46C1-B90F-59C7828E0E0D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DDDC32A5-9528-4771-B91A-97A8E1D7957B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001A-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6164E0E5-C903-488C-93AF-1B7AF7EBC331}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A20A650C-F820-4CE4-AEA5-EC140192FAFB}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0018-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FD360122-6829-4497-97C1-1BF578EF695B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio 2010 (KB2880526) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F6F342A1-530B-4D48-A468-1E3F70928984}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010 (KB2837587) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{C950A55F-82E3-4CC8-8FA2-E8A2A0F651F3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Word 2010 (KB2880529) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{89FDC8D9-FB84-4EFE-950D-AF4EECC3B64C}) (Version: - Microsoft) Visual Studio C++ 10.0 Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{4412F224-3849-4461-A3E9-DEEF8D252790}) (Version: 10.0.0 - TomTom International B.V.) VLC media player 2.1.3 (HKLM-x32\...\VLC media player) (Version: 2.1.3 - VideoLAN) Websteroids (x32 Version: 2.6.63 - Creative Island Media, LLC) Hidden <==== ATTENTION Windows Driver Package - Garmin (grmnusb) GARMIN Devices (04/19/2012 (HKLM\...\98157A226B40B173301B0F53C8E98C47805D5152) (Version: 04/19/2012 - Garmin) Windows XP Mode (HKLM\...\{1374CC63-B520-4f3f-98E8-E9020BF01CFF}) (Version: 1.3.7600.16422 - Microsoft Corporation) WinGDB3 3.70 (HKLM-x32\...\WinGDB3) (Version: 3.70 - Asyver) WinRAR 5.10 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.10.0 - win.rar GmbH) XnView 2.04 (HKLM-x32\...\XnView_is1) (Version: 2.04 - Gougelet Pierre-e) ==================== Restore Points ========================= 09-06-2014 07:45:29 Windows-Sicherung 10-06-2014 05:43:13 Windows Update 11-06-2014 22:02:39 Windows Update 15-06-2014 17:41:41 Windows-Sicherung 17-06-2014 17:02:48 Windows Update 22-06-2014 17:00:10 Windows-Sicherung 25-06-2014 19:55:45 Windows Update 29-06-2014 18:57:06 Windows-Sicherung 30-06-2014 18:55:17 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 30-06-2014 19:21:04 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 30-06-2014 19:24:13 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 01-07-2014 06:20:55 Windows Update ==================== Hosts content: ========================== 2012-05-28 18:36 - 2012-05-28 18:37 - 00000853 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts activate.adobe.com ==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) ============= Task: {3CCBE241-BCFB-4115-874A-8B30D74E221D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsBackup\AutomaticBackup => Rundll32.exe /d sdengin2.dll,ExecuteScheduledBackup Task: {4006E88B-E562-47AE-8BC4-2D8C211275C5} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: {66586220-1061-4111-BC43-BE9921CCE60F} - System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [2014-04-17] (Piriform Ltd) Task: {7D1C428A-F6FC-4991-82E0-E13A325632D5} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2014-06-13] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {7E79B483-7C4F-450F-A01C-E4A32C463B81} - System32\Tasks\AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-HolgKeller-PC-Holg Keller => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {A0FBF086-31FC-4F3F-BC04-4BA1AA9ACB04} - System32\Tasks\Apple\AppleSoftwareUpdate => C:\Program Files (x86)\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe [2011-06-01] (Apple Inc.) Task: {D536052E-E074-4D32-9A4B-CED659D564A3} - System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe [2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) Task: {F22FCD0D-C26F-40A3-80CB-24C67FE4EA8F} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe ==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) ============= 2013-09-05 01:17 - 2013-09-05 01:17 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-23 11:35 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzColorPort64.dll 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-22 10:39 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzPort64.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:04 - 00200704 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:03 - 00282112 _____ () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe 2014-07-01 07:51 - 2014-07-01 07:51 - 02789376 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\14063001\algo.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2009-05-11 19:01 - 00143360 _____ () C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\VmixP8.dll 2014-03-17 12:59 - 2014-03-17 12:59 - 00026488 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\DeviceDetection.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00082808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterBase.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00357752 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterProxy.dll 2014-07-01 14:52 - 2014-07-01 14:52 - 00043008 _____ () c:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmptknp_g.dll 2013-08-23 21:01 - 2013-08-23 21:01 - 25100288 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\libcef.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00059904 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\zlib1.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00187392 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libpng15.dll 2011-10-31 11:16 - 2011-10-31 11:16 - 00005120 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\trillian.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00065536 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libungif.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00002048 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\toolkit.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00007168 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\events.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00009728 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\buddy.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00006144 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\talk.dll 2013-12-03 22:03 - 2013-12-03 22:03 - 19336120 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\libcef.dll 2014-01-20 14:17 - 2014-01-20 14:17 - 00073544 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\zlib1.dll 2014-01-20 14:16 - 2014-01-20 14:16 - 01044808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\libxml2.dll ==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) ========= AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:5F64C164 AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:9B013599 ==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) =================== ==================== EXE Association (whitelisted) ============= ==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER disabled items ========= MSCONFIG\Services: SkypeUpdate => 2 ==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices ============= ==================== Event log errors: ========================= Application errors: ================== Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:46 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: ) Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003 Error: (07/01/2014 02:41:44 PM) (Source: System Restore) (EventID: 8193) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Erstellen des Wiederherstellungspunkts (Prozess = C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller\Revouninstaller.exe Files (x86)\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller\Revouninstaller.exe" ; Beschreibung = Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5; Fehler = 0x8007043c). Error: (07/01/2014 02:39:09 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: ) Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:53 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 6240 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:53 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 6240 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:53 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:51 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 4992 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:51 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 4992 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:51 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:50 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 3744 System errors: ============= Error: (07/01/2014 02:53:47 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: AnwendungsspezifischLokalStart{C97FCC79-E628-407D-AE68-A06AD6D8B4D1}{344ED43D-D086-4961-86A6-1106F4ACAD9B}NT-AUTORITÄTSYSTEMS-1-5-18LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC) Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:46 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Search Protect by Conduit Service" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: %%2 Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:46 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7000) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Websteroids" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: %%2 Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:46 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7009) (User: ) Description: Das Zeitlimit (30000 ms) wurde beim Verbindungsversuch mit dem Dienst Optimizer Pro Crash Monitor erreicht. Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:14 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:14 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 19468) (User: ) Description: CPLIB :: General - Invalid Parameter Error: (07/01/2014 02:42:49 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10005) (User: ) Description: 1084MSIServer{000C101C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Error: (07/01/2014 02:41:16 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7001) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Netzwerklistendienst" ist vom Dienst "NLA (Network Location Awareness)" abhängig, der aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet wurde: %%1068 Error: (07/01/2014 02:39:41 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7001) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "PnP-X-IP-Busenumerator" ist vom Dienst "Funktionssuchanbieter-Host" abhängig, der aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet wurde: %%1068 Error: (07/01/2014 02:37:51 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (EventID: 7001) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Netzwerklistendienst" ist vom Dienst "NLA (Network Location Awareness)" abhängig, der aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet wurde: %%1068 Microsoft Office Sessions: ========================= Error: (07/01/2014 02:52:46 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: ) Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003 Error: (07/01/2014 02:41:44 PM) (Source: System Restore) (EventID: 8193) (User: ) Description: C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller\Revouninstaller.exe Files (x86)\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller\Revouninstaller.exe" Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS50x8007043c Error: (07/01/2014 02:39:09 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: ) Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:53 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 6240 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:53 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 6240 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:53 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:51 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 4992 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:51 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 4992 Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:51 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/01/2014 09:09:50 AM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 3744 ==================== Memory info =========================== Percentage of memory in use: 34% Total physical RAM: 4093.09 MB Available physical RAM: 2695.42 MB Total Pagefile: 8184.37 MB Available Pagefile: 6626.34 MB Total Virtual: 8192 MB Available Virtual: 8191.84 MB ==================== Drives ================================ Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:119.14 GB) (Free:60.02 GB) NTFS Drive d: (Datengrab) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:415.16 GB) NTFS Drive e: (HP OJ8100) (CDROM) (Total:0.19 GB) (Free:0 GB) CDFS Drive g: (Externe) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:91.75 GB) NTFS ==================== MBR & Partition Table ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 119 GB) (Disk ID: 5C38AF8E) Partition 1: (Active) - (Size=100 MB) - (Type=07 NTFS) Partition 2: (Not Active) - (Size=119 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 1 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 609928AA) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 2 (MBR Code: Windows XP) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 3FF62FD5) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
![]() | #8 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? Downloade Dir bitte ![]()
Downloade Dir bitte ![]()
Beende bitte Deine Schutzsoftware um eventuelle Konflikte zu vermeiden.
und ein frisches FRST log bitte.
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
![]() | #9 |
![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner?Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org Suchlauf Datum: 02.07.2014 Suchlauf-Zeit: 21:26:47 Logdatei: mbam.txt Administrator: Ja Version: Malware Datenbank: v2014.07.02.06 Rootkit Datenbank: v2014.07.01.01 Lizenz: Testversion Malware Schutz: Aktiviert Bösartiger Webseiten Schutz: Aktiviert Self-protection: Deaktiviert Betriebssystem: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 CPU: x64 Dateisystem: NTFS Benutzer: Holg Keller Suchlauf-Art: Bedrohungs-Suchlauf Ergebnis: Abgeschlossen Durchsuchte Objekte: 282988 Verstrichene Zeit: 5 Min, 50 Sek Speicher: Aktiviert Autostart: Aktiviert Dateisystem: Aktiviert Archive: Aktiviert Rootkits: Deaktiviert Heuristics: Aktiviert PUP: Aktiviert PUM: Aktiviert Prozesse: 0 (No malicious items detected) Module: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registrierungsschlüssel: 7 PUP.Optional.WebSteroids.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{051E9166-B275-4683-907B-372FAE22BC7C}, In Quarantäne, [9925f8a26d0e31058922cd82818104fc], PUP.Optional.WebSteroids.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\CLASSES\CLSID\{051E9166-B275-4683-907B-372FAE22BC7C}, In Quarantäne, [9925f8a26d0e31058922cd82818104fc], PUP.Optional.DynConIE.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{E5A7A645-8318-4895-B85C-EDC606B80DB6}, In Quarantäne, [79452179a2d984b2f287440bdb27916f], PUP.Optional.DynConIE.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\CLASSES\CLSID\{E5A7A645-8318-4895-B85C-EDC606B80DB6}, In Quarantäne, [79452179a2d984b2f287440bdb27916f], PUP.Optional.SweetIM.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\SWEETIM, In Quarantäne, [d8e6eab082f936003a7b915b877cc937], PUP.Optional.ConduitSearchProtect, HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\CltMngSvc, In Quarantäne, [f5c90298661579bd309d40a841c25ba5], PUP.OPtional.Websteroids, HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\SERVICES\Websteroids, In Quarantäne, [a915a2f81665b581645f764fe51d24dc], Registrierungswerte: 1 PUP.Optional.SweetIM.A, HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\SWEETIM|simapp_id, 1523565476792101560, In Quarantäne, [d8e6eab082f936003a7b915b877cc937] Registrierungsdaten: 0 (No malicious items detected) Ordner: 0 (No malicious items detected) Dateien: 2 Adware.SaMon, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Websteroids.B324755F3F87.dll, In Quarantäne, [d6e82179a3d858dec52ae982e81957a9], PUP.Optional.Websteroids.A, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Websteroids.B324755F3F87.dll, In Quarantäne, [7549b8e20774b482c83de6e2679bd22e], Physische Sektoren: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) Code:
ATTFilter # AdwCleaner v3.214 - Bericht erstellt am 02/07/2014 um 22:16:19 # Aktualisiert 29/06/2014 von Xplode # Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (64 bits) # Benutzername : Holg Keller - HOLGKELLER-PC # Gestartet von : C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\OCS\Downloads\fc14996dfa99adfc7baae624196888c5\f8b34e3b5e6e337aa6491ee3f713f8f5\adwcleaner_3.214.exe # Option : Löschen ***** [ Dienste ] ***** [#] Dienst Gelöscht : 70e6ca8c ***** [ Dateien / Ordner ] ***** Ordner Gelöscht : C:\ProgramData\NCH Software Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Program Files (x86)\NCH Software Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\HOLGKE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OCS Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\foxydeal.sqlite ***** [ Verknüpfungen ] ***** ***** [ Registrierungsdatenbank ] ***** Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Websteroids_RASAPI32 Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\Websteroids_RASMANCS Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\WebsteroidsService_RASAPI32 Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing\WebsteroidsService_RASMANCS Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\OCS Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\FileParade bundle uninstaller Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Websteroids ***** [ Browser ] ***** -\\ Internet Explorer v11.0.9600.17126 -\\ Mozilla Firefox v30.0 (de) [ Datei : C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\prefs.js ] -\\ Google Chrome v [ Datei : C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\preferences ] Gelöscht [Search Provider] : hxxp://de.ask.com/web?q={searchTerms} Gelöscht [Extension] : dhdepfaagokllfmhfbcfmocaeigmoebo Gelöscht [Extension] : hphibigbodkkohoglgfkddblldpfohjl Gelöscht [Extension] : kdcnnmifdmlmjffdgeieikcokcogpbej Gelöscht [Extension] : kincjchfokkeneeofpeefomkikfkiedl Gelöscht [Extension] : kkkeikdkpjenmoiicggnnodbkebafgpc Gelöscht [Extension] : pgmfkblbflahhponhjmkcnpjinenhlnc ************************* AdwCleaner[R0].txt - [6058 octets] - [22/03/2014 19:06:18] AdwCleaner[R1].txt - [2546 octets] - [02/07/2014 22:10:57] AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [5418 octets] - [22/03/2014 19:07:27] AdwCleaner[S1].txt - [2425 octets] - [02/07/2014 22:16:19] ########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S1].txt - [2485 octets] ########## Code:
ATTFilter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) by Thisisu Version: 6.1.4 (04.06.2014:1) OS: Windows 7 Professional x64 Ran by Holg Keller on 02.07.2014 at 22:30:41,65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Services ~~~ Registry Values Successfully repaired: [Registry Value] HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\\Default_Page_URL ~~~ Registry Keys Successfully deleted: [Registry Key] HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{C85EE193-9710-4475-8E96-B3FFCC90C2A8} ~~~ Files ~~~ Folders ~~~ FireFox Emptied folder: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\firefox\profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\minidumps [66 files] ~~~ Event Viewer Logs were cleared ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scan was completed on 02.07.2014 at 22:38:33,25 End of JRT log ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRST Logfile: FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 01-07-2014 Ran by Holg Keller (administrator) on HOLGKELLER-PC on 02-07-2014 22:44:14 Running from D:\Download Platform: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: Deutsch (Deutschland) Internet Explorer Version 11 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamscheduler.exe () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamservice.exe () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe (CMedia) C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\AsusAudioCenter.exe (TomTom) C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Cerulean Studios) C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Renesas Electronics Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbam.exe (Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe (Oracle Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\avastui.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Run: [AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [500208 2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788] => C:\Windows\Syswow64\cmicnfgp.dll [8151040 2009-09-07] (C-Media Corporation) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX] => C:\Windows\syswow64\HsMgr.exe [200704 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX64] => C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe [282112 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [BCSSync] => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\BCSSync.exe [108144 2012-11-05] (Microsoft Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [959904 2013-11-21] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [NUSB3MON] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe [113288 2010-11-17] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Nuance OmniPage 17-reminder] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\OmniPage17\Ereg\Ereg.exe [54560 2008-11-03] (Nuance Communications, Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [APSDaemon] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe [43848 2014-02-12] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [HP Software Update] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Hp\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe [49208 2011-10-28] (Hewlett-Packard) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [] => [X] HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe [254336 2013-07-02] (Oracle Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe [3890208 2014-06-05] (AVAST Software) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [QuickTime Task] => C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTTask.exe [421888 2014-01-17] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [iTunesHelper] => C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe [152392 2014-05-26] (Apple Inc.) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [OpAgent] => "OpAgent.exe" /agent HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [MyDriveConnect.exe] => C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe [473464 2014-03-17] (TomTom) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b74-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - F:\SETUP.EXE HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b79-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - H:\start.exe HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {efaced41-a8cb-11e1-a4e5-806e6f6e6963} - E:\Setup.exe Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk ShortcutTarget: Dropbox.lnk -> C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Trillian.lnk ShortcutTarget: Trillian.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Cerulean Studios) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: 00avast -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashShA64.dll (AVAST Software) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt4 -> {FB314EDC-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = hxxp://de.msn.com/?ocid=iehp HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache_TIMESTAMP = 0x1CDE15ECD93CCD01 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache AcceptLangs = de HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - DefaultScope value is missing. SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - URL hxxp://search.conduit.com/Results.aspx?ctid=CT3323737&octid=EB_ORIGINAL_CTID&SearchSource=58&CUI=&UM=5&UP=SPE5ED0015-AB18-4ACC-8CBD-FB041F742934&q={searchTerms}&SSPV= SearchScopes: HKCU - SuggestionsURL_JSON hxxp://suggest.search.conduit.com/CSuggestJson.ashx?prefix={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} BHO: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE64.dll (AVAST Software) BHO: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO-x32: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) BHO-x32: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) Toolbar: HKLM - avast! Online Security - {318A227B-5E9F-45bd-8999-7F8F10CA4CF5} - No File Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {CC1A175A-E45B-41ED-A30C-C9B1D7A0C02F} - No File Handler-x32: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default FF SearchEngineOrder.1: Yahoo! (Avast) FF Homepage: https://www.google.de FF Keyword.URL: hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Apple.com/iTunes,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Google.com/GoogleEarthPlugin - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.0.8 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.1 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll No File FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\searchplugins\yahoo-avast.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF Extension: YouTube Unblocker - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\youtubeunblocker@unblocker.yt [2014-03-23] FF Extension: Garmin Communicator - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{195A3098-0BD5-4e90-AE22-BA1C540AFD1E} [2013-11-19] FF Extension: Ghostery - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\firefox@ghostery.com.xpi [2014-05-03] FF Extension: Adblock Edge - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{fe272bd1-5f76-4ea4-8501-a05d35d823fc}.xpi [2014-03-23] FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [wrc@avast.com] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF FF Extension: avast! Online Security - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF [2012-05-28] Chrome: ======= CHR HomePage: hxxp://www.google.com CHR RestoreOnStartup: "hxxp://www.google.com/" CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer) - internal-remoting-viewer CHR Plugin: (Native Client) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome PDF Viewer) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\pdf.dll No File CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin2.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin3.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin4.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin5.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Google Earth Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) CHR Plugin: (Google Update) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U25) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Silverlight Plug-In) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20513.0\npctrl.dll No File CHR Plugin: (VLC Web Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_8_800_168.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java Deployment Toolkit - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll No File CHR Extension: (Google Docs) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Drive) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (YouTube) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google-Suche) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Chrome In-App Payments service) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Mail) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [2013-09-21] ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [50344 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R2 MBAMScheduler; C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamscheduler.exe [1809720 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R2 MBAMService; C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamservice.exe [860472 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R2 aswHwid; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswHwid.sys [29208 2014-05-15] () R2 aswMonFlt; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [79184 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [93568 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys [65776 2014-05-15] () R1 aswSnx; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [1039096 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [423240 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) S2 aswStm; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [85328 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswVmm; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys [208416 2014-05-15] () R3 cmudaxp; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cmudaxp.sys [1257472 2009-09-23] (C-Media Inc) R3 debutfilter; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\debutfilterx64.sys [33488 2013-04-27] () R1 dtsoftbus01; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\dtsoftbus01.sys [283200 2012-05-28] (DT Soft Ltd) R3 MBAMProtector; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys [25816 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 MBAMSwissArmy; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [122584 2014-07-02] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 MBAMWebAccessControl; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mwac.sys [63704 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 V0380Vid; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\V0380Vid.sys [331008 2009-06-15] (Creative Technology Ltd.) ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-07-02 22:38 - 2014-07-02 22:38 - 00001050 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\JRT.txt 2014-07-02 22:30 - 2014-07-02 22:30 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\ERUNT 2014-07-02 22:11 - 2010-08-30 08:34 - 00536576 _____ (SQLite Development Team) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sqlite3.dll 2014-07-02 21:48 - 2014-07-02 21:48 - 00002453 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\mbam.txt 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 22:18 - 00122584 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-05-12 07:26 - 00091352 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbamchameleon.sys 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-05-12 07:26 - 00063704 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mwac.sys 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-05-12 07:25 - 00025816 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbam.sys 2014-07-01 14:37 - 2014-07-02 22:18 - 00002866 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00001264 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Revo Uninstaller.lnk 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group 2014-06-23 21:54 - 2014-07-02 22:44 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-18 18:49 - 2014-03-27 21:34 - 06715624 _____ (TomTom International B.V.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\Downloads\InstallMyDriveConnect_3_3_0_1502.exe 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:00 - 2014-06-16 13:07 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:21 - 23414784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:45 - 02768384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:38 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:28 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:27 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:24 - 00574976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:20 - 00752640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:18 - 17271296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:11 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:08 - 05782528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:06 - 00452096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:55 - 00038400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:49 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:46 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:43 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:42 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:38 - 02179072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:35 - 00608768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:34 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:33 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:30 - 00440832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:29 - 00631808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:28 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:27 - 00592896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:24 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:23 - 02040832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:16 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:10 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:06 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:04 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:02 - 00242688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 04244992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 02266112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:54 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:50 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:49 - 01964544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:43 - 13522944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:40 - 11725312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:30 - 01398272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:21 - 01790976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:15 - 01143296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00704512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:34 - 00801280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:06 - 00626688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 01903552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpip.sys 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 00288192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 02002432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 01882112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01389056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01237504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:13 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:08 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-07-02 22:18 - 00001288 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Windows\setuperr.log ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-07-02 22:44 - 2014-06-23 21:54 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-07-02 22:38 - 2014-07-02 22:38 - 00001050 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\JRT.txt 2014-07-02 22:30 - 2014-07-02 22:30 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\ERUNT 2014-07-02 22:25 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-07-02 22:25 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-07-02 22:22 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00701326 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat 2014-07-02 22:22 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00150226 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat 2014-07-02 22:22 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01620684 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2014-07-02 22:19 - 2014-05-04 08:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\DropboxMaster 2014-07-02 22:19 - 2013-06-24 20:22 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Dropbox 2014-07-02 22:19 - 2013-06-24 20:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox 2014-07-02 22:18 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00122584 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-07-02 22:18 - 2014-07-01 14:37 - 00002866 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log 2014-07-02 22:18 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00001288 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-07-02 22:18 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001116 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2014-07-02 22:18 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H () C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-07-02 22:17 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 01273528 _____ () C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-07-02 22:16 - 2014-03-22 19:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\AdwCleaner 2014-07-02 22:15 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000884 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-07-02 22:01 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001120 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2014-07-02 21:48 - 2014-07-02 21:48 - 00002453 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\mbam.txt 2014-07-02 21:33 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2014-07-01 19:20 - 2012-07-20 14:45 - 00004182 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update 2014-07-01 14:43 - 2012-05-28 18:03 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:34 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:33 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:03 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-06-30 21:27 - 2012-05-28 18:32 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00001264 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Revo Uninstaller.lnk 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group 2014-06-29 10:07 - 2013-04-09 21:25 - 00000132 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Adobe BMP Format CS5 Prefs 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\WinRAR 2014-06-26 20:12 - 2013-10-10 21:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\FRITZ! 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller 2014-06-23 16:49 - 2012-06-13 22:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Documents\Outlook-Dateien 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00004116 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00003864 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore 2014-06-19 21:19 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\HP 2014-06-19 21:17 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-06-18 18:37 - 2013-04-27 13:08 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\NCH Software 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2014-06-13 14:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-06-13 15:28 - 2014-06-13 15:27 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:40 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\rescache 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00699056 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00071344 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00003822 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater 2014-06-12 00:05 - 2013-08-16 03:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 18:16 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Help 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 16:19 - 95414520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2014-06-12 00:03 - 2014-05-06 20:58 - 00000000 ___SD () C:\Windows\system32\CompatTel 2014-06-08 16:01 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\GARMIN_Corp 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Garmin 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:05 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin 2014-06-08 11:13 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-08 11:08 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2014-06-04 18:19 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00000000 _____ () C:\Windows\setuperr.log Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmp2at1qz.dll C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmp3qksu5.dll C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\Quarantine.exe ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => File is digitally signed LastRegBack: 2014-06-29 01:56 ==================== End Of Log ============================ --- --- --- --- --- --- Code:
ATTFilter Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 01-07-2014 Ran by Holg Keller at 2014-07-02 22:45:35 Running from D:\Download Boot Mode: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Security Center ======================== AV: avast! Antivirus (Disabled - Up to date) {17AD7D40-BA12-9C46-7131-94903A54AD8B} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: avast! Antivirus (Disabled - Up to date) {ACCC9CA4-9C28-93C8-4B81-AFE241D3E736} ==================== Installed Programs ====================== Adobe AIR (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe AIR) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe AIR (x32 Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Community Help (HKLM-x32\...\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Community Help (x32 Version: 3.0.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Flash Player 14 Plugin (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player Plugin) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (HKLM-x32\...\com.adobe.amp.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (x32 Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 64-bit (HKLM\...\{11A955CD-4398-405A-886D-E464C3618FBF}) (Version: 4.4.1 - Adobe) Adobe Reader X (10.1.10) - Deutsch (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AA1000000001}) (Version: 10.1.10 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Apple Application Support (HKLM-x32\...\{D9DAD0FF-495A-472B-9F10-BAE430A26682}) (Version: 3.0.3 - Apple Inc.) Apple Mobile Device Support (HKLM\...\{787136D2-F0F8-4625-AA3F-72D7795AC842}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Apple Software Update (HKLM-x32\...\{789A5B64-9DD9-4BA5-915A-F0FC0A1B7BFE}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) ASUS Xonar DS Audio Driver (HKLM\...\C-Media Oxygen HD Audio Driver) (Version: - ) avast! Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\avast) (Version: 9.0.2018 - Avast Software) AVM FRITZ!fax für FRITZ!Box (HKLM-x32\...\FRITZ! 2.0) (Version: - AVM Berlin) Bonjour (HKLM\...\{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Canon iP4700 series Printer Driver (HKLM\...\{1199FAD5-9546-44f3-81CF-FFDB8040B7BF}_Canon_iP4700_series) (Version: - ) CCleaner (HKLM\...\CCleaner) (Version: 4.13 - Piriform) cGPSmapper Free 0100d (HKLM-x32\...\cGPSmapper Free_is1) (Version: - cGPSmapper) Creative Live! Cam Optia Pro (VF0380) Driver ( (HKLM\...\Creative VF0380) (Version: - ) DAEMON Tools Lite (HKLM-x32\...\DAEMON Tools Lite) (Version: - DT Soft Ltd) Debut Videorekorder (HKLM-x32\...\Debut) (Version: - NCH Software) Definition Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB982726) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{2A16B95F-7377-410A-B961-EFD9394E1AF3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Dropbox (HKCU\...\Dropbox) (Version: 2.8.2 - Dropbox, Inc.) FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced (HKLM-x32\...\{FF81EC2D-BD14-4865-BA3B-D037220AB017}) (Version: - FileMaker, Inc.) Garmin BaseCamp (HKLM-x32\...\{81EF7DBD-909A-455B-8B32-24B8CDC75039}) (Version: 4.3.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin MapInstall (HKLM-x32\...\{5ED7CD44-1A33-4B36-BA09-0B55FE82AF95}) (Version: 4.0.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin USB Drivers (HKLM-x32\...\{3D5D6CFC-3097-425A-8D8F-7EAF5D57641D}) (Version: - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) GMapTool 0.8.159 (HKLM-x32\...\{1873789F-59D5-4002-8A2F-60A827B78F98}_is1) (Version: - AP) Google Earth Plug-in (HKLM-x32\...\{4AB54F11-2F8C-11E3-B09F-B8AC6F97B88E}) (Version: - Google) Google Update Helper (x32 Version: - Google Inc.) Hidden HP FWUpdateEDO2 (HKLM-x32\...\{415FA9AD-DA10-4ABE-97B6-5051D4795C90}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Officejet Pro 8100 - Grundlegende Software für das Gerät (HKLM\...\{312A65D1-64B1-4E81-85C0-85BE743A6550}) (Version: 25.0.617.0 - Hewlett-Packard Co.) HP Officejet Pro 8100 Hilfe (HKLM-x32\...\{65038824-6DC7-4A44-828A-D7A7F04CD61B}) (Version: - Hewlett Packard) HP Update (HKLM-x32\...\{97486FBE-A3FC-4783-8D55-EA37E9D171CC}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HPDiagnosticAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft) Hidden iCloud (HKLM\...\{81E20D41-C277-4526-934D-F2380AF91B78}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) IrfanView (remove only) (HKLM-x32\...\IrfanView) (Version: 4.37 - Irfan Skiljan) iTunes (HKLM\...\{5A68A656-979F-4168-8795-E2E368AA4DC2}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Java 7 Update 55 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217025FF}) (Version: 7.0.550 - Oracle) Java Auto Updater (x32 Version: - Sun Microsystems, Inc.) Hidden JDownloader 2 (HKLM\...\jdownloader2) (Version: 2.0 - AppWork GmbH) LyX (HKLM-x32\...\LyX2051) (Version: - LyX Team) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version (HKLM-x32\...\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware_is1) (Version: - Malwarebytes Corporation) Maroc-Topo Map 1.21 (HKLM-x32\...\Maroc-Topo Map_is1) (Version: - ) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1031) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Mathematics (64-Bit) (HKLM\...\{E57B7E0A-8BE5-42E2-BE60-C07ED680A063}) (Version: 4.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Access MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Groove MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Office 32-bit Components 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (HKLM\...\Office14.PROPLUS) (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared 32-bit MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Silverlight (HKLM\...\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}) (Version: 5.1.30214.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{071c9b48-7c32-4621-a0ac-3f809523288f}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{6E8E85E8-CE4B-4FF5-91F7-04999C9FAE6A}) (Version: 8.0.50727.42 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}) (Version: 8.0.61000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.17 (HKLM\...\{8220EEFE-38CD-377E-8595-13398D740ACE}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86_x64 (Version: 80.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de)) (Version: 30.0 - Mozilla) Mozilla Maintenance Service (HKLM-x32\...\MozillaMaintenanceService) (Version: 29.0.1 - Mozilla) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (HKLM-x32\...\{86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (HKLM-x32\...\{F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MyDriveConnect (HKLM-x32\...\MyDriveConnect) (Version: - TomTom) Notepad++ (HKLM-x32\...\Notepad++) (Version: 6.1.3 - ) Nuance OmniPage 17 (HKLM-x32\...\{34AFE453-F544-4269-89C9-CAB7F0744963}) (Version: 17.0.0000 - Nuance Communications, Inc.) OJPro8100FWUpdateAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - HP) Hidden OpenAL (HKLM-x32\...\OpenAL) (Version: - ) Openfietsmap Lite (HKLM-x32\...\Openfietsmap Lite) (Version: - ) OSM generic routable (HKLM-x32\...\OSM generic routable) (Version: - ) PDF Settings CS5 (x32 Version: 10.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden QuickTime 7 (HKLM-x32\...\{111EE7DF-FC45-40C7-98A7-753AC46B12FB}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 7.49.927.2011 - Realtek) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{5442DAB8-7177-49E1-8B22-09A049EA5996}) (Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (x32 Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Hidden Revo Uninstaller 1.95 (HKLM-x32\...\Revo Uninstaller) (Version: 1.95 - VS Revo Group) Saiph 1800 Gaming Mouse (HKLM-x32\...\{D8741D40-3315-49E2-8F46-8817B94D9BD8}) (Version: 1.02 - Mionix AB) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A3364707-2F53-4C83-8F68-C9877A9080C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (Version: - Microsoft) Hidden Skype™ 6.11 (HKLM-x32\...\{4E76FF7E-AEBA-4C87-B788-CD47E5425B9D}) (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.) Trillian (HKLM-x32\...\Trillian) (Version: - Cerulean Studios, LLC) Update for Microsoft Access 2010 (KB2553446) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FEF4C57D-0975-4D3C-ACC7-DCD038C3788F}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0 (KB2878281) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{84B191B5-5319-463A-A305-8C4D53B1D20A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817369) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DB0B0CDF-77EC-47B0-94E2-4738573A1E58}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817396) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{1AA82E2E-7DB7-4C70-910C-BBB657A6B3A5}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589298) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{79C725A1-3964-421C-A528-78C1C083C7C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589375) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{EBD18DE5-BC84-4B57-9A30-097044871F9A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760631) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{B6AD7E27-012A-4B63-82BA-AF62893E5435}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2794737) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{07DC9C6C-E916-4F42-8677-716930ED0393}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825635) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6E760BBA-B83F-4C2D-918F-5F91EF6C9861}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0044-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{64D96F30-CF4C-4CCE-AAF2-F8909348BF35}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{9F6507AC-7D8F-46C1-B90F-59C7828E0E0D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DDDC32A5-9528-4771-B91A-97A8E1D7957B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001A-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6164E0E5-C903-488C-93AF-1B7AF7EBC331}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A20A650C-F820-4CE4-AEA5-EC140192FAFB}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0018-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FD360122-6829-4497-97C1-1BF578EF695B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio 2010 (KB2880526) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F6F342A1-530B-4D48-A468-1E3F70928984}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010 (KB2837587) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{C950A55F-82E3-4CC8-8FA2-E8A2A0F651F3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Word 2010 (KB2880529) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{89FDC8D9-FB84-4EFE-950D-AF4EECC3B64C}) (Version: - Microsoft) Visual Studio C++ 10.0 Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{4412F224-3849-4461-A3E9-DEEF8D252790}) (Version: 10.0.0 - TomTom International B.V.) VLC media player 2.1.3 (HKLM-x32\...\VLC media player) (Version: 2.1.3 - VideoLAN) Windows Driver Package - Garmin (grmnusb) GARMIN Devices (04/19/2012 (HKLM\...\98157A226B40B173301B0F53C8E98C47805D5152) (Version: 04/19/2012 - Garmin) Windows XP Mode (HKLM\...\{1374CC63-B520-4f3f-98E8-E9020BF01CFF}) (Version: 1.3.7600.16422 - Microsoft Corporation) WinGDB3 3.70 (HKLM-x32\...\WinGDB3) (Version: 3.70 - Asyver) WinRAR 5.10 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.10.0 - win.rar GmbH) XnView 2.04 (HKLM-x32\...\XnView_is1) (Version: 2.04 - Gougelet Pierre-e) ==================== Restore Points ========================= 09-06-2014 07:45:29 Windows-Sicherung 10-06-2014 05:43:13 Windows Update 11-06-2014 22:02:39 Windows Update 15-06-2014 17:41:41 Windows-Sicherung 17-06-2014 17:02:48 Windows Update 22-06-2014 17:00:10 Windows-Sicherung 25-06-2014 19:55:45 Windows Update 29-06-2014 18:57:06 Windows-Sicherung 30-06-2014 18:55:17 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 30-06-2014 19:21:04 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 30-06-2014 19:24:13 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 01-07-2014 06:20:55 Windows Update ==================== Hosts content: ========================== 2012-05-28 18:36 - 2012-05-28 18:37 - 00000853 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts activate.adobe.com ==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) ============= Task: {3CCBE241-BCFB-4115-874A-8B30D74E221D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsBackup\AutomaticBackup => Rundll32.exe /d sdengin2.dll,ExecuteScheduledBackup Task: {4006E88B-E562-47AE-8BC4-2D8C211275C5} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: {66586220-1061-4111-BC43-BE9921CCE60F} - System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [2014-04-17] (Piriform Ltd) Task: {7D1C428A-F6FC-4991-82E0-E13A325632D5} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2014-06-13] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {7E79B483-7C4F-450F-A01C-E4A32C463B81} - System32\Tasks\AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-HolgKeller-PC-Holg Keller => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {A0FBF086-31FC-4F3F-BC04-4BA1AA9ACB04} - System32\Tasks\Apple\AppleSoftwareUpdate => C:\Program Files (x86)\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe [2011-06-01] (Apple Inc.) Task: {D536052E-E074-4D32-9A4B-CED659D564A3} - System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe [2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) Task: {F22FCD0D-C26F-40A3-80CB-24C67FE4EA8F} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe ==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) ============= 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-23 11:35 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzColorPort64.dll 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-22 10:39 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzPort64.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:04 - 00200704 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:03 - 00282112 _____ () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe 2013-09-05 01:17 - 2013-09-05 01:17 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2014-07-02 20:05 - 2014-07-02 20:05 - 02789888 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\14070200\algo.dll 2014-01-20 14:17 - 2014-01-20 14:17 - 00073544 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\zlib1.dll 2014-01-20 14:16 - 2014-01-20 14:16 - 01044808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\libxml2.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2009-05-11 19:01 - 00143360 _____ () C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\VmixP8.dll 2014-03-17 12:59 - 2014-03-17 12:59 - 00026488 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\DeviceDetection.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00082808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterBase.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00357752 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterProxy.dll 2014-07-02 22:18 - 2014-07-02 22:18 - 00043008 _____ () c:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmp2at1qz.dll 2013-08-23 21:01 - 2013-08-23 21:01 - 25100288 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\libcef.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00059904 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\zlib1.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00187392 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libpng15.dll 2011-10-31 11:16 - 2011-10-31 11:16 - 00005120 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\trillian.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00065536 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libungif.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00002048 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\toolkit.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00007168 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\events.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00009728 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\buddy.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00006144 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\talk.dll 2013-09-05 01:14 - 2013-09-05 01:14 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2013-12-03 22:03 - 2013-12-03 22:03 - 19336120 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\libcef.dll 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 03852912 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll ==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) ========= AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:5F64C164 AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:9B013599 ==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) =================== ==================== EXE Association (whitelisted) ============= ==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER disabled items ========= MSCONFIG\Services: SkypeUpdate => 2 ==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices ============= ==================== Event log errors: ========================= Application errors: ================== System errors: ============= Microsoft Office Sessions: ========================= ==================== Memory info =========================== Percentage of memory in use: 42% Total physical RAM: 4093.09 MB Available physical RAM: 2356.31 MB Total Pagefile: 8184.37 MB Available Pagefile: 6179.31 MB Total Virtual: 8192 MB Available Virtual: 8191.84 MB ==================== Drives ================================ Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:119.14 GB) (Free:60.59 GB) NTFS Drive d: (Datengrab) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:415.75 GB) NTFS Drive e: (HP OJ8100) (CDROM) (Total:0.19 GB) (Free:0 GB) CDFS Drive g: (Externe) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:91.75 GB) NTFS ==================== MBR & Partition Table ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 119 GB) (Disk ID: 5C38AF8E) Partition 1: (Active) - (Size=100 MB) - (Type=07 NTFS) Partition 2: (Not Active) - (Size=119 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 1 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 609928AA) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 2 (MBR Code: Windows XP) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 3FF62FD5) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
![]() | #10 |
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Downloade Dir bitte ![]()
und ein frisches FRST log bitte. Noch Probleme? ![]()
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![]() | #11 |
![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner?Code:
ATTFilter C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\Optimizer Pro\OptimizerPro.exe.vir Win32/SpeedingUpMyPC.O Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\Optimizer Pro\OptProCrash.dll.vir Variante von Win32/SProtector.I evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\Optimizer Pro\OptProCrash_x64.dll.vir Variante von Win64/SProtector.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\Optimizer Pro\OptProLauncher.exe.vir Variante von Win32/AdWare.SpeedingUpMyPC.D Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\Optimizer Pro\OptProSmartScan.exe.vir Variante von Win32/Adware.SpeedingUpMyPC.C Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\Main\bin\CltMngSvc.exe.vir Variante von Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.H evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\Main\bin\SPTool.dll.vir Variante von Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.H evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\Main\bin\uninstall.exe.vir Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.Q evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\SearchProtect\bin\cltmng.exe.vir Variante von Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.I evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\SearchProtect\bin\SPTool64.exe.vir Variante von Win64/Conduit.SearchProtect.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\SearchProtect\bin\SPVC32.dll.vir Variante von Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.H evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\SearchProtect\bin\SPVC32Loader.dll.vir Variante von Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.H evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\SearchProtect\bin\SPVC64Loader.dll.vir Variante von Win64/Conduit.SearchProtect.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Program Files (x86)\SearchProtect\UI\bin\cltmngui.exe.vir Variante von Win32/Conduit.SearchProtect.I evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\ProgramData\Websteroids\Websteroids.exe.vir Variante von MSIL/Adware.PullUpdate.D Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\ProgramData\Websteroids\WebsteroidsService.exe.vir Variante von MSIL/Adware.PullUpdate.A Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\OCS\ocs_v71a.exe.vir Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\AdwCleaner\Quarantine\C\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\OCS\ocs_v71b.exe.vir Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\OCS\ocs_v71b.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\AdwCleaner - CHIP-Downloader.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\AdwCleaner - CHIP-Installer.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\Garmin_Basecamp_TSA25FWA.exe Win32/Toolbar.Conduit.AE evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\Garmin_Basecamp_TSA25FXF.exe Win32/Toolbar.Conduit.AE evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\Junkware Removal Tool - CHIP-Installer.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\Malwarebytes Anti Malware Malware Scanner - CHIP-Installer(1).exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\Malwarebytes Anti Malware Malware Scanner - CHIP-Installer.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\MediathekView - CHIP-Downloader.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung D:\Download\Revo Uninstaller - CHIP-Installer.exe Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung G:\HOLGKELLER-PC\Backup Set 2014-03-31 134447\Backup Files 2014-05-18 192000\Backup files 3.zip Variante von Win32/DownloadSponsor.A evtl. unerwünschte Anwendung Code:
ATTFilter as läuft ganz anders und läuft. Results of screen317's Security Check version 0.99.85 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 (UAC is enabled) Internet Explorer 11 ``````````````Antivirus/Firewall Check:`````````````` avast! Antivirus Antivirus out of date! `````````Anti-malware/Other Utilities Check:````````` Java 7 Update 55 Java version out of Date! Adobe Flash Player Adobe Reader XI Mozilla Firefox (30.0) ````````Process Check: objlist.exe by Laurent```````` Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamservice.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbam.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamscheduler.exe AVAST Software Avast AvastSvc.exe AVAST Software Avast avastui.exe `````````````````System Health check````````````````` Total Fragmentation on Drive C: ````````````````````End of Log`````````````````````` FRST Logfile: FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 05-07-2014 01 Ran by Holg Keller (administrator) on HOLGKELLER-PC on 05-07-2014 20:44:53 Running from D:\Download Platform: Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: Deutsch (Deutschland) Internet Explorer Version 11 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamscheduler.exe () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe (CMedia) C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\AsusAudioCenter.exe (TomTom) C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamservice.exe (Cerulean Studios) C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Renesas Electronics Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe (Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe (Oracle Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\avastui.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbam.exe (Apple Inc.) C:\Program Files\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe (Mozilla Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (Farbar) D:\Download\FRST64(1).exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Run: [AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [500208 2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788] => C:\Windows\Syswow64\cmicnfgp.dll [8151040 2009-09-07] (C-Media Corporation) HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX] => C:\Windows\syswow64\HsMgr.exe [200704 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [Cmaudio8788GX64] => C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe [282112 2008-07-11] () HKLM\...\Run: [BCSSync] => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\BCSSync.exe [108144 2012-11-05] (Microsoft Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [NUSB3MON] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe [113288 2010-11-17] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Nuance OmniPage 17-reminder] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\OmniPage17\Ereg\Ereg.exe [54560 2008-11-03] (Nuance Communications, Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [APSDaemon] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe [43848 2014-02-12] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [HP Software Update] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Hp\HP Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe [49208 2011-10-28] (Hewlett-Packard) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [] => [X] HKLM-x32\...\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe [254336 2013-07-02] (Oracle Corporation) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe [3890208 2014-07-04] (AVAST Software) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [QuickTime Task] => C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTTask.exe [421888 2014-01-17] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [iTunesHelper] => C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe [152392 2014-05-26] (Apple Inc.) HKLM-x32\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [959904 2014-05-08] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [OpAgent] => "OpAgent.exe" /agent HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\Run: [MyDriveConnect.exe] => C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\MyDriveConnect.exe [473464 2014-03-17] (TomTom) HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b74-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - F:\SETUP.EXE HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {bee98b79-a8dd-11e1-88d8-6cf04972e44b} - H:\start.exe HKU\S-1-5-21-521348041-3716200224-2615723084-1001\...\MountPoints2: {efaced41-a8cb-11e1-a4e5-806e6f6e6963} - E:\Setup.exe Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk ShortcutTarget: Dropbox.lnk -> C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) Startup: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Trillian.lnk ShortcutTarget: Trillian.lnk -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\trillian.exe (Cerulean Studios) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: 00avast -> {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24} => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashShA64.dll (AVAST Software) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: DropboxExt4 -> {FB314EDC-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt1 -> {FB314ED9-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt2 -> {FB314EDA-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: DropboxExt3 -> {FB314EDB-A251-47B7-93E1-CDD82E34AF8B} => No File ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub) -> {99FD978C-D287-4F50-827F-B2C658EDA8E7} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub) -> {AB5C5600-7E6E-4B06-9197-9ECEF74D31CC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder) -> {920E6DB1-9907-4370-B3A0-BAFC03D81399} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder) -> {16F3DD56-1AF5-4347-846D-7C10C4192619} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers-x32: Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark) -> {2916C86E-86A6-43FE-8112-43ABE6BF8DCC} => C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = hxxp://de.msn.com/?ocid=iehp HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache_TIMESTAMP = 0x1CDE15ECD93CCD01 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache AcceptLangs = de HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = https://de.yahoo.com?fr=hp-avast&type=prc265 SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - DefaultScope value is missing. SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - URL hxxp://search.conduit.com/Results.aspx?ctid=CT3323737&octid=EB_ORIGINAL_CTID&SearchSource=58&CUI=&UM=5&UP=SPE5ED0015-AB18-4ACC-8CBD-FB041F742934&q={searchTerms}&SSPV= SearchScopes: HKCU - SuggestionsURL_JSON hxxp://suggest.search.conduit.com/CSuggestJson.ashx?prefix={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {9CB96984-43C3-4D44-90EF-01466EFCF7BB} URL = hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?type=prc265&hspart=avast&hsimp=yhs-001&p={searchTerms} BHO: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE64.dll (AVAST Software) BHO: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Groove GFS Browser Helper - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO-x32: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) BHO-x32: Office Document Cache Handler - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) Toolbar: HKLM - avast! Online Security - {318A227B-5E9F-45bd-8999-7F8F10CA4CF5} - No File Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {CC1A175A-E45B-41ED-A30C-C9B1D7A0C02F} - No File Handler-x32: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default FF SearchEngineOrder.1: Yahoo! (Avast) FF Homepage: https://www.google.de FF Keyword.URL: hxxp://de.yhs4.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_14_0_0_125.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Apple.com/iTunes,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @Google.com/GoogleEarthPlugin - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.55.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.30214.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0 - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.0.8 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.1 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.1.3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\searchplugins\yahoo-avast.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF Extension: YouTube Unblocker - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\youtubeunblocker@unblocker.yt [2014-03-23] FF Extension: Garmin Communicator - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{195A3098-0BD5-4e90-AE22-BA1C540AFD1E} [2013-11-19] FF Extension: Ghostery - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\firefox@ghostery.com.xpi [2014-05-03] FF Extension: Adblock Edge - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\u0c6zv1j.default\Extensions\{fe272bd1-5f76-4ea4-8501-a05d35d823fc}.xpi [2014-03-23] FF HKLM-x32\...\Firefox\Extensions: [wrc@avast.com] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF FF Extension: avast! Online Security - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF [2012-05-28] Chrome: ======= CHR HomePage: hxxp://www.google.com CHR RestoreOnStartup: "hxxp://www.google.com/" CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer) - internal-remoting-viewer CHR Plugin: (Native Client) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome PDF Viewer) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\29.0.1547.76\pdf.dll No File CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin2.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin3.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin4.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (QuickTime Plug-in 7.7.4) - C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\plugins\npqtplugin5.dll (Apple Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Microsoft Office 2010) - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Google Earth Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Earth\plugin\npgeplugin.dll (Google) CHR Plugin: (Google Update) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U25) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) CHR Plugin: (Silverlight Plug-In) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20513.0\npctrl.dll No File CHR Plugin: (VLC Web Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_8_800_168.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java Deployment Toolkit - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll No File CHR Extension: (Google Docs) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Drive) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (YouTube) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google-Suche) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Chrome In-App Payments service) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [2013-09-21] CHR Extension: (Google Mail) - C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [2013-09-21] ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [50344 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R2 MBAMScheduler; C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamscheduler.exe [1809720 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R2 MBAMService; C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware \mbamservice.exe [860472 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R2 aswHwid; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswHwid.sys [29208 2014-05-15] () R2 aswMonFlt; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [79184 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [93568 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys [65776 2014-05-15] () R1 aswSnx; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [1039096 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [423240 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R2 aswStm; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [85328 2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) R0 aswVmm; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys [208416 2014-05-15] () R3 cmudaxp; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cmudaxp.sys [1257472 2009-09-23] (C-Media Inc) R3 debutfilter; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\debutfilterx64.sys [33488 2013-04-27] () R1 dtsoftbus01; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\dtsoftbus01.sys [283200 2012-05-28] (DT Soft Ltd) R3 MBAMProtector; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys [25816 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 MBAMSwissArmy; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [122584 2014-07-05] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 MBAMWebAccessControl; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mwac.sys [63704 2014-05-12] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 V0380Vid; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\V0380Vid.sys [331008 2009-06-15] (Creative Technology Ltd.) ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-07-04 22:20 - 2014-07-05 09:55 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2014-07-04 22:19 - 00002441 _____ () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Reader XI.lnk 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2014-07-04 22:19 - 00002019 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Adobe Reader XI.lnk 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2014-07-04 22:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe 2014-07-02 22:30 - 2014-07-02 22:30 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\ERUNT 2014-07-02 22:11 - 2010-08-30 08:34 - 00536576 _____ (SQLite Development Team) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sqlite3.dll 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-05 20:34 - 00122584 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-05-12 07:26 - 00091352 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbamchameleon.sys 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-05-12 07:26 - 00063704 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mwac.sys 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-05-12 07:25 - 00025816 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbam.sys 2014-07-01 14:37 - 2014-07-05 20:34 - 00003632 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00001264 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Revo Uninstaller.lnk 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group 2014-06-23 21:54 - 2014-07-05 20:44 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-18 18:49 - 2014-03-27 21:34 - 06715624 _____ (TomTom International B.V.) C:\Users\Holg Keller\Downloads\InstallMyDriveConnect_3_3_0_1502.exe 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:21 - 23414784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 12:02 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:45 - 02768384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:39 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:38 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:28 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:27 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:24 - 00574976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:21 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:20 - 00752640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:18 - 17271296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:11 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:08 - 05782528 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:06 - 00452096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 11:02 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:55 - 00038400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:49 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:46 - 00085504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00455168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:44 - 00295424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:43 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:42 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:38 - 02179072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:35 - 00608768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:34 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:33 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:30 - 00440832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:29 - 00631808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:28 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:27 - 00592896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:24 - 01249280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:23 - 02040832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:16 - 00368128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:10 - 00032256 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:06 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:04 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 10:02 - 00242688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 04244992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:56 - 02266112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:54 - 00526336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:50 - 01068032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:49 - 01964544 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:43 - 13522944 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:40 - 11725312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:30 - 01398272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:21 - 01790976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:15 - 01143296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00846336 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-05-30 09:13 - 00704512 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:34 - 00801280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-25 04:06 - 00626688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\usp10.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 01903552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tcpip.sys 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-04-05 04:47 - 00288192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 02002432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:44 - 01882112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:41 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01389056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:27 - 01237504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml6r.dll 2014-06-11 17:22 - 2014-03-26 16:25 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msxml3r.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:13 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-11 17:21 - 2014-06-08 11:08 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-07-05 20:44 - 2014-06-23 21:54 - 00000000 ____D () C:\FRST 2014-07-05 20:41 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-07-05 20:41 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00021808 ____H () C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-07-05 20:39 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00701326 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfh007.dat 2014-07-05 20:39 - 2011-04-12 09:43 - 00150226 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\perfc007.dat 2014-07-05 20:39 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01620684 _____ () C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2014-07-05 20:38 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 01345351 _____ () C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-07-05 20:35 - 2014-05-04 08:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\DropboxMaster 2014-07-05 20:35 - 2013-06-24 20:22 - 00000000 ___RD () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Dropbox 2014-07-05 20:35 - 2013-06-24 20:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox 2014-07-05 20:34 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00122584 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-07-05 20:34 - 2014-07-01 14:37 - 00003632 _____ () C:\Windows\PFRO.log 2014-07-05 20:34 - 2014-06-04 18:19 - 00001400 _____ () C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-07-05 20:34 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001116 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2014-07-05 20:34 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H () C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-07-05 20:33 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00001120 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2014-07-05 20:33 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000884 _____ () C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-07-05 09:55 - 2014-07-04 22:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-07-05 09:55 - 2012-07-20 14:45 - 00004182 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2014-07-04 22:19 - 00002441 _____ () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe Reader XI.lnk 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2014-07-04 22:19 - 00002019 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Adobe Reader XI.lnk 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2014-07-04 22:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe 2014-07-04 22:19 - 2012-05-28 18:03 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2014-07-03 21:12 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-07-02 22:30 - 2014-07-02 22:30 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\ERUNT 2014-07-02 22:16 - 2014-03-22 19:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\AdwCleaner 2014-07-02 21:35 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2014-07-02 21:19 - 2014-07-02 21:19 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:34 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:33 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-07-01 14:42 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-06-30 21:27 - 2012-05-28 18:32 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Adobe 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00001264 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Desktop\Revo Uninstaller.lnk 2014-06-30 20:50 - 2014-06-30 20:50 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\VS Revo Group 2014-06-29 10:07 - 2013-04-09 21:25 - 00000132 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Adobe BMP Format CS5 Prefs 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR 2014-06-29 01:56 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\WinRAR 2014-06-26 20:12 - 2013-10-10 21:21 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\FRITZ! 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2014-06-23 21:49 - 00000168 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\defogger_reenable 2014-06-23 21:49 - 2012-05-28 15:57 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller 2014-06-23 16:49 - 2012-06-13 22:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\Documents\Outlook-Dateien 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00004116 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA 2014-06-21 10:56 - 2013-01-02 21:56 - 00003864 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore 2014-06-19 21:19 - 2013-02-08 21:49 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\HP 2014-06-18 18:37 - 2013-04-27 13:08 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\NCH Software 2014-06-16 13:07 - 2012-05-28 15:59 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-06-13 15:28 - 2014-06-13 15:27 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2014-06-13 14:40 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\rescache 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00699056 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00071344 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2014-06-13 13:54 - 2012-05-28 18:02 - 00003822 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater 2014-06-12 00:05 - 2013-08-16 03:00 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 18:16 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Help 2014-06-12 00:04 - 2012-05-28 16:19 - 95414520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2014-06-12 00:03 - 2014-05-06 20:58 - 00000000 ___SD () C:\Windows\system32\CompatTel 2014-06-08 16:01 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\GARMIN_Corp 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:06 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Garmin 2014-06-08 16:00 - 2013-10-10 22:05 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin 2014-06-08 11:13 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00506368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aepdu.dll 2014-06-08 11:08 - 2014-06-11 17:21 - 00424448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\aeinv.dll 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00001783 _____ () C:\Users\Public\Desktop\iTunes.lnk 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iTunes 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files\iPod 2014-06-06 14:02 - 2014-06-06 14:02 - 00000000 ____D () C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmpatxks3.dll C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmpy_bhrm.dll C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\Quarantine.exe ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => File is digitally signed C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => File is digitally signed LastRegBack: 2014-06-29 01:56 ==================== End Of Log ============================ --- --- --- Code:
ATTFilter Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 05-07-2014 01 Ran by Holg Keller at 2014-07-05 20:45:25 Running from D:\Download Boot Mode: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Security Center ======================== AV: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {17AD7D40-BA12-9C46-7131-94903A54AD8B} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {ACCC9CA4-9C28-93C8-4B81-AFE241D3E736} ==================== Installed Programs ====================== Adobe AIR (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe AIR) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe AIR (x32 Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Community Help (HKLM-x32\...\chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Community Help (x32 Version: 3.0.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Flash Player 14 Plugin (HKLM-x32\...\Adobe Flash Player Plugin) (Version: - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (HKLM-x32\...\com.adobe.amp.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1) (Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Media Player (x32 Version: 1.8 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 64-bit (HKLM\...\{11A955CD-4398-405A-886D-E464C3618FBF}) (Version: 4.4.1 - Adobe) Adobe Reader XI (11.0.07) - Deutsch (HKLM-x32\...\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1031-7B44-AB0000000001}) (Version: 11.0.07 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Apple Application Support (HKLM-x32\...\{D9DAD0FF-495A-472B-9F10-BAE430A26682}) (Version: 3.0.3 - Apple Inc.) Apple Mobile Device Support (HKLM\...\{787136D2-F0F8-4625-AA3F-72D7795AC842}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Apple Software Update (HKLM-x32\...\{789A5B64-9DD9-4BA5-915A-F0FC0A1B7BFE}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) ASUS Xonar DS Audio Driver (HKLM\...\C-Media Oxygen HD Audio Driver) (Version: - ) avast! Free Antivirus (HKLM-x32\...\avast) (Version: 9.0.2018 - Avast Software) AVM FRITZ!fax für FRITZ!Box (HKLM-x32\...\FRITZ! 2.0) (Version: - AVM Berlin) Bonjour (HKLM\...\{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Canon iP4700 series Printer Driver (HKLM\...\{1199FAD5-9546-44f3-81CF-FFDB8040B7BF}_Canon_iP4700_series) (Version: - ) CCleaner (HKLM\...\CCleaner) (Version: 4.13 - Piriform) cGPSmapper Free 0100d (HKLM-x32\...\cGPSmapper Free_is1) (Version: - cGPSmapper) Creative Live! Cam Optia Pro (VF0380) Driver ( (HKLM\...\Creative VF0380) (Version: - ) DAEMON Tools Lite (HKLM-x32\...\DAEMON Tools Lite) (Version: - DT Soft Ltd) Debut Videorekorder (HKLM-x32\...\Debut) (Version: - NCH Software) Definition Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB982726) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{2A16B95F-7377-410A-B961-EFD9394E1AF3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Dropbox (HKCU\...\Dropbox) (Version: 2.8.2 - Dropbox, Inc.) FileMaker Pro 10 Advanced (HKLM-x32\...\{FF81EC2D-BD14-4865-BA3B-D037220AB017}) (Version: - FileMaker, Inc.) Garmin BaseCamp (HKLM-x32\...\{81EF7DBD-909A-455B-8B32-24B8CDC75039}) (Version: 4.3.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin MapInstall (HKLM-x32\...\{5ED7CD44-1A33-4B36-BA09-0B55FE82AF95}) (Version: 4.0.3 - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) Garmin USB Drivers (HKLM-x32\...\{3D5D6CFC-3097-425A-8D8F-7EAF5D57641D}) (Version: - Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries) GMapTool 0.8.159 (HKLM-x32\...\{1873789F-59D5-4002-8A2F-60A827B78F98}_is1) (Version: - AP) Google Earth Plug-in (HKLM-x32\...\{4AB54F11-2F8C-11E3-B09F-B8AC6F97B88E}) (Version: - Google) Google Update Helper (x32 Version: - Google Inc.) Hidden HP FWUpdateEDO2 (HKLM-x32\...\{415FA9AD-DA10-4ABE-97B6-5051D4795C90}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Officejet Pro 8100 - Grundlegende Software für das Gerät (HKLM\...\{312A65D1-64B1-4E81-85C0-85BE743A6550}) (Version: 25.0.617.0 - Hewlett-Packard Co.) HP Officejet Pro 8100 Hilfe (HKLM-x32\...\{65038824-6DC7-4A44-828A-D7A7F04CD61B}) (Version: - Hewlett Packard) HP Update (HKLM-x32\...\{97486FBE-A3FC-4783-8D55-EA37E9D171CC}) (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HPDiagnosticAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft) Hidden iCloud (HKLM\...\{81E20D41-C277-4526-934D-F2380AF91B78}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) IrfanView (remove only) (HKLM-x32\...\IrfanView) (Version: 4.37 - Irfan Skiljan) iTunes (HKLM\...\{5A68A656-979F-4168-8795-E2E368AA4DC2}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Java 7 Update 55 (HKLM-x32\...\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217025FF}) (Version: 7.0.550 - Oracle) Java Auto Updater (x32 Version: - Sun Microsystems, Inc.) Hidden JDownloader 2 (HKLM\...\jdownloader2) (Version: 2.0 - AppWork GmbH) LyX (HKLM-x32\...\LyX2051) (Version: - LyX Team) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version (HKLM-x32\...\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware_is1) (Version: - Malwarebytes Corporation) Maroc-Topo Map 1.21 (HKLM-x32\...\Maroc-Topo Map_is1) (Version: - ) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1031) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (HKLM\...\{92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1033) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Mathematics (64-Bit) (HKLM\...\{E57B7E0A-8BE5-42E2-BE60-C07ED680A063}) (Version: 4.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Access MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Groove MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Office 32-bit Components 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (HKLM\...\Office14.PROPLUS) (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared 32-bit MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2010 (Version: 14.0.7015.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Silverlight (HKLM\...\{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}) (Version: 5.1.30214.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}) (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (HKLM-x32\...\{7299052b-02a4-4627-81f2-1818da5d550d}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{071c9b48-7c32-4621-a0ac-3f809523288f}) (Version: 8.0.56336 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{6E8E85E8-CE4B-4FF5-91F7-04999C9FAE6A}) (Version: 8.0.50727.42 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64) (HKLM\...\{ad8a2fa1-06e7-4b0d-927d-6e54b3d31028}) (Version: 8.0.61000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.17 (HKLM\...\{8220EEFE-38CD-377E-8595-13398D740ACE}) (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM\...\{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (HKLM-x32\...\{1F1C2DFC-2D24-3E06-BCB8-725134ADF989}) (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (HKLM-x32\...\{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}) (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86 (x32 Version: 8.0.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC80_MFCLOC_x86_x64 (Version: 80.50727.4053 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_ATL_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86 (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Microsoft_VC90_MFC_x86_x64 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Adobe) Hidden Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de) (HKLM-x32\...\Mozilla Firefox 30.0 (x86 de)) (Version: 30.0 - Mozilla) Mozilla Maintenance Service (HKLM-x32\...\MozillaMaintenanceService) (Version: 29.0.1 - Mozilla) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (HKLM-x32\...\{86493ADD-824D-4B8E-BD72-8C5DCDC52A71}) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (HKLM-x32\...\{F662A8E6-F4DC-41A2-901E-8C11F044BDEC}) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MyDriveConnect (HKLM-x32\...\MyDriveConnect) (Version: - TomTom) Notepad++ (HKLM-x32\...\Notepad++) (Version: 6.1.3 - ) Nuance OmniPage 17 (HKLM-x32\...\{34AFE453-F544-4269-89C9-CAB7F0744963}) (Version: 17.0.0000 - Nuance Communications, Inc.) OJPro8100FWUpdateAlert (x32 Version: 1.00.0000 - HP) Hidden OpenAL (HKLM-x32\...\OpenAL) (Version: - ) Openfietsmap Lite (HKLM-x32\...\Openfietsmap Lite) (Version: - ) OSM generic routable (HKLM-x32\...\OSM generic routable) (Version: - ) PDF Settings CS5 (x32 Version: 10.0 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Hidden QuickTime 7 (HKLM-x32\...\{111EE7DF-FC45-40C7-98A7-753AC46B12FB}) (Version: - Apple Inc.) Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\{8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}) (Version: 7.49.927.2011 - Realtek) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\...\InstallShield_{5442DAB8-7177-49E1-8B22-09A049EA5996}) (Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver (x32 Version: - Renesas Electronics Corporation) Hidden Revo Uninstaller 1.95 (HKLM-x32\...\Revo Uninstaller) (Version: 1.95 - VS Revo Group) Saiph 1800 Gaming Mouse (HKLM-x32\...\{D8741D40-3315-49E2-8F46-8817B94D9BD8}) (Version: 1.02 - Mionix AB) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A3364707-2F53-4C83-8F68-C9877A9080C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 64-Bit Edition (Version: - Microsoft) Hidden Skype™ 6.11 (HKLM-x32\...\{4E76FF7E-AEBA-4C87-B788-CD47E5425B9D}) (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.) Trillian (HKLM-x32\...\Trillian) (Version: - Cerulean Studios, LLC) Update for Microsoft Access 2010 (KB2553446) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FEF4C57D-0975-4D3C-ACC7-DCD038C3788F}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0 (KB2878281) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{84B191B5-5319-463A-A305-8C4D53B1D20A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817369) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DB0B0CDF-77EC-47B0-94E2-4738573A1E58}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (KB2817396) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{1AA82E2E-7DB7-4C70-910C-BBB657A6B3A5}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589298) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{79C725A1-3964-421C-A528-78C1C083C7C7}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589352) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{95BE5D45-A3DD-4CB1-8C35-D75DD7B4D862}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2589375) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{EBD18DE5-BC84-4B57-9A30-097044871F9A}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2597087) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{4AD36582-256B-433D-8593-F31773A15CA4}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760598) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F216169C-2B40-429B-8370-B5BA06EC5423}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2760631) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{B6AD7E27-012A-4B63-82BA-AF62893E5435}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2794737) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{07DC9C6C-E916-4F42-8677-716930ED0393}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825635) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6E760BBA-B83F-4C2D-918F-5F91EF6C9861}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2825640) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0044-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{43F59F4D-7179-497E-BE99-BC6F7D1DDCBA}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{64D96F30-CF4C-4CCE-AAF2-F8909348BF35}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2850079) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001F-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{9F6507AC-7D8F-46C1-B90F-59C7828E0E0D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2878225) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{8A6BDA63-4D23-4485-A466-8979E10BCF49}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft OneNote 2010 (KB2837595) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{3029C408-1DD1-4273-8E58-87CB1B638FC8}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{DDDC32A5-9528-4771-B91A-97A8E1D7957B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Outlook 2010 (KB2687567) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-001A-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{6164E0E5-C903-488C-93AF-1B7AF7EBC331}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{A20A650C-F820-4CE4-AEA5-EC140192FAFB}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (KB2837579) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0018-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{FD360122-6829-4497-97C1-1BF578EF695B}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 (KB2760601) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0043-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{77374F16-2DC6-4EEF-AFAD-C59FDA2E010D}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio 2010 (KB2880526) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{F6F342A1-530B-4D48-A468-1E3F70928984}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Visio Viewer 2010 (KB2837587) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{C950A55F-82E3-4CC8-8FA2-E8A2A0F651F3}) (Version: - Microsoft) Update for Microsoft Word 2010 (KB2880529) 64-Bit Edition (HKLM\...\{90140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.PROPLUS_{89FDC8D9-FB84-4EFE-950D-AF4EECC3B64C}) (Version: - Microsoft) Visual Studio C++ 10.0 Runtime (HKLM-x32\...\{4412F224-3849-4461-A3E9-DEEF8D252790}) (Version: 10.0.0 - TomTom International B.V.) VLC media player 2.1.3 (HKLM-x32\...\VLC media player) (Version: 2.1.3 - VideoLAN) Windows Driver Package - Garmin (grmnusb) GARMIN Devices (04/19/2012 (HKLM\...\98157A226B40B173301B0F53C8E98C47805D5152) (Version: 04/19/2012 - Garmin) Windows XP Mode (HKLM\...\{1374CC63-B520-4f3f-98E8-E9020BF01CFF}) (Version: 1.3.7600.16422 - Microsoft Corporation) WinGDB3 3.70 (HKLM-x32\...\WinGDB3) (Version: 3.70 - Asyver) WinRAR 5.10 (64-bit) (HKLM\...\WinRAR archiver) (Version: 5.10.0 - win.rar GmbH) XnView 2.04 (HKLM-x32\...\XnView_is1) (Version: 2.04 - Gougelet Pierre-e) ==================== Restore Points ========================= 25-06-2014 19:55:45 Windows Update 29-06-2014 18:57:06 Windows-Sicherung 30-06-2014 18:55:17 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 30-06-2014 19:21:04 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 30-06-2014 19:24:13 Revo Uninstaller's restore point - Adobe Photoshop CS5 01-07-2014 06:20:55 Windows Update 04-07-2014 18:34:27 Windows Update ==================== Hosts content: ========================== 2012-05-28 18:36 - 2012-05-28 18:37 - 00000853 ____A C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts activate.adobe.com ==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) ============= Task: {3CCBE241-BCFB-4115-874A-8B30D74E221D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsBackup\AutomaticBackup => Rundll32.exe /d sdengin2.dll,ExecuteScheduledBackup Task: {4006E88B-E562-47AE-8BC4-2D8C211275C5} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: {66586220-1061-4111-BC43-BE9921CCE60F} - System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC => C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [2014-04-17] (Piriform Ltd) Task: {7D1C428A-F6FC-4991-82E0-E13A325632D5} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2014-06-13] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {7E79B483-7C4F-450F-A01C-E4A32C463B81} - System32\Tasks\AdobeAAMUpdater-1.0-HolgKeller-PC-Holg Keller => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\UWA\UpdaterStartupUtility.exe [2010-03-06] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {A0FBF086-31FC-4F3F-BC04-4BA1AA9ACB04} - System32\Tasks\Apple\AppleSoftwareUpdate => C:\Program Files (x86)\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.exe [2011-06-01] (Apple Inc.) Task: {D536052E-E074-4D32-9A4B-CED659D564A3} - System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe [2014-05-15] (AVAST Software) Task: {F22FCD0D-C26F-40A3-80CB-24C67FE4EA8F} - System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [2013-01-02] (Google Inc.) Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe Task: C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job => C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe ==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) ============= 2013-09-05 01:17 - 2013-09-05 01:17 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2011-07-18 23:04 - 2011-07-18 23:04 - 00301568 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\NppShell_04.dll 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-23 11:35 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzColorPort64.dll 2013-10-10 21:18 - 2006-02-22 10:39 - 00020480 _____ () C:\Windows\System32\FritzPort64.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:04 - 00200704 _____ () C:\Windows\SysWOW64\HsMgr.exe 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2008-07-11 16:03 - 00282112 _____ () C:\Windows\system\HsMgr64.exe 2014-07-05 09:55 - 2014-07-05 09:55 - 02789888 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\14070500\algo.dll 2014-07-05 20:35 - 2014-07-05 20:35 - 02789888 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs\14070501\algo.dll 2014-01-20 14:17 - 2014-01-20 14:17 - 00073544 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\zlib1.dll 2014-01-20 14:16 - 2014-01-20 14:16 - 01044808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\libxml2.dll 2012-05-28 18:49 - 2009-05-11 19:01 - 00143360 _____ () C:\Program Files\ASUS Xonar DS Audio\Customapp\VmixP8.dll 2014-03-17 12:59 - 2014-03-17 12:59 - 00026488 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\DeviceDetection.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00082808 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterBase.dll 2014-03-17 12:58 - 2014-03-17 12:58 - 00357752 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\TomTomSupporterProxy.dll 2014-07-05 20:34 - 2014-07-05 20:34 - 00043008 _____ () c:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Local\Temp\dropbox_sqlite_ext.{5f3e3153-5bce-5766-8f84-3e3e7ecf0d81}.tmpatxks3.dll 2013-08-23 21:01 - 2013-08-23 21:01 - 25100288 _____ () C:\Users\Holg Keller\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\libcef.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00059904 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\zlib1.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00187392 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libpng15.dll 2011-10-31 11:16 - 2011-10-31 11:16 - 00005120 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\trillian.dll 2014-04-08 00:00 - 2014-04-08 00:00 - 00065536 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Trillian\libungif.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00002048 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\toolkit.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00007168 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\events.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00009728 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\buddy.dll 2012-11-28 09:21 - 2012-11-28 09:21 - 00006144 _____ () c:\users\holg keller\appdata\roaming\trillian\languages\de\talk.dll 2013-12-03 22:03 - 2013-12-03 22:03 - 19336120 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\libcef.dll 2013-09-05 01:14 - 2013-09-05 01:14 - 04300456 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\Cultures\OFFICE.ODF 2014-06-13 15:27 - 2014-06-13 15:28 - 03852912 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll ==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) ========= AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:5F64C164 AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:9B013599 ==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) =================== ==================== EXE Association (whitelisted) ============= ==================== MSCONFIG/TASK MANAGER disabled items ========= MSCONFIG\Services: SkypeUpdate => 2 ==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices ============= ==================== Event log errors: ========================= Application errors: ================== Error: (07/05/2014 08:34:50 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: ) Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003 Error: (07/05/2014 06:59:00 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 2511 Error: (07/05/2014 06:59:00 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 2511 Error: (07/05/2014 06:59:00 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/05/2014 06:58:59 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 1248 Error: (07/05/2014 06:58:59 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 1248 Error: (07/05/2014 06:58:59 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/05/2014 03:49:33 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 6255 Error: (07/05/2014 03:49:33 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 6255 Error: (07/05/2014 03:49:33 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second System errors: ============= Error: (07/05/2014 08:35:49 PM) (Source: DCOM) (EventID: 10016) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: AnwendungsspezifischLokalStart{C97FCC79-E628-407D-AE68-A06AD6D8B4D1}{344ED43D-D086-4961-86A6-1106F4ACAD9B}NT-AUTORITÄTSYSTEMS-1-5-18LocalHost (unter Verwendung von LRPC) Error: (07/05/2014 08:34:43 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/05/2014 08:34:43 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 19468) (User: ) Description: CPLIB :: General - Invalid Parameter Error: (07/05/2014 08:33:05 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/05/2014 05:22:33 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/05/2014 03:18:06 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/05/2014 00:37:24 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/05/2014 11:10:06 AM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/05/2014 09:55:42 AM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (07/04/2014 11:03:36 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (EventID: 10261) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Microsoft Office Sessions: ========================= Error: (07/05/2014 08:34:50 PM) (Source: WinMgmt) (EventID: 10) (User: ) Description: //./root/CIMV2SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 990x80041003 Error: (07/05/2014 06:59:00 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 2511 Error: (07/05/2014 06:59:00 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 2511 Error: (07/05/2014 06:59:00 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/05/2014 06:58:59 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 1248 Error: (07/05/2014 06:58:59 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 1248 Error: (07/05/2014 06:58:59 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second Error: (07/05/2014 03:49:33 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 6255 Error: (07/05/2014 03:49:33 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 6255 Error: (07/05/2014 03:49:33 PM) (Source: Bonjour Service) (EventID: 100) (User: ) Description: Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second ==================== Memory info =========================== Percentage of memory in use: 43% Total physical RAM: 4093.09 MB Available physical RAM: 2329.98 MB Total Pagefile: 8184.37 MB Available Pagefile: 6157.43 MB Total Virtual: 8192 MB Available Virtual: 8191.83 MB ==================== Drives ================================ Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:119.14 GB) (Free:60.65 GB) NTFS Drive d: (Datengrab) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:415.74 GB) NTFS Drive e: (HP OJ8100) (CDROM) (Total:0.19 GB) (Free:0 GB) CDFS Drive g: (Externe) (Fixed) (Total:465.76 GB) (Free:91.75 GB) NTFS ==================== MBR & Partition Table ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 119 GB) (Disk ID: 5C38AF8E) Partition 1: (Active) - (Size=100 MB) - (Type=07 NTFS) Partition 2: (Not Active) - (Size=119 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 1 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 609928AA) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ======================================================== Disk: 2 (MBR Code: Windows XP) (Size: 466 GB) (Disk ID: 3FF62FD5) Partition 1: (Not Active) - (Size=466 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
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/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Yahoo Trojaner? Java updaten. Fertig ![]() Die Reihenfolge ist hier entscheidend.
Falls Du Lob oder Kritik abgeben möchtest kannst Du das hier tun ![]() Hier noch ein paar Tipps zur Absicherung deines Systems. Ich kann garnicht zu oft erwähnen, wie wichtig es ist, dass dein System Up to Date ist.
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Alternative Browser Andere Browser tendieren zu etwas mehr Sicherheit als der IE, da diese keine Active X Elemente verwenden. Diese können von Spyware zur Infektion deines Systems missbraucht werden.
Performance Bereinige regelmäßig deine Temp Files. Ich empfehle hierzu TFC Halte dich fern von jedlichen Registry Cleanern. Diese Schaden deinem System mehr als sie helfen. Hier ein paar ( englishe ) Links Miekemoes Blogspot ( MVP ) Bill Castner ( MVP ) Don'ts
Hinweis: Bitte gib mir eine kurze Rückmeldung wenn alles erledigt ist und keine Fragen mehr vorhanden sind, so das ich diesen Thread aus meinen Abos löschen kann.
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
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