Log-Analyse und Auswertung: Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam..Windows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML. |
08.01.2014, 23:30 | #16 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Die meisten Funde waren schon in der Quarantäne vom Adwcleaner. Kannst du ein aktuelles Frst Logfile erstellen und posten. Ich schau es mir dann morgen früh an. Ich habe den verdacht dass eventuell deine Festplate sehr voll ist oder stark fragmentiert. Wieviel Platz ist auf C: noch frei? Geändert von Aneri (09.01.2014 um 00:11 Uhr) |
09.01.2014, 08:27 | #17 |
| Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam..FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 08-01-2014 01 Ran by sony (administrator) on SONY-VAIO on 09-01-2014 09:16:00 Running from C:\Users\sony\Desktop Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64) OS Language: 041F Internet Explorer Version 11 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkAudioService64.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe (Broadcom Corporation.) C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btwdins.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe (TeamViewer GmbH) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version7\TeamViewer_Service.exe (Sony Corporation) C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Power Management\SPMService.exe (Sony Corporation) C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Smart Network\VSNService.exe (Intel Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel Matrix Storage Manager\IAANTmon.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Sony Corporation) C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Smart Network\VSNClient.exe (Sony Corporation) C:\Program Files\Sony\VAIO Power Management\SPMgr.exe (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avshadow.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM-x32\...\Run: [avgnt] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe [684600 2013-12-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) MountPoints2: {5c65418d-e9f2-11e0-a374-60380e077edd} - G:\AutoRun.exe MountPoints2: {5c6541ae-e9f2-11e0-a374-60380e077edd} - G:\AutoRun.exe HKU\TANJA\...\Run: [msnmsgr] - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe" /background ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = MSN Türkiye: Outlook, Skype, Son Haberler, Spor, Oyun ve Video HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache_TIMESTAMP = 0xF127B4A235BBCB01 HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache AcceptLangs = tr-TR HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = about:blank StartMenuInternet: IEXPLORE.EXE - C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe SearchScopes: HKLM - DefaultScope {33BB0A4E-99AF-4226-BDF6-49120163DE86} URL = SearchScopes: HKLM - {0191A6B0-1154-4C22-9182-23A95BBE92D9} URL = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - yandex.com.tr-114347 URL = ${SEARCH_URL}{searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - {0191A6B0-1154-4C22-9182-23A95BBE92D9} URL = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - 80ABA7EF75B63D8C90B8097BAA65CAAE URL = hxxp://startsear.ch/?src=sp&aff=51&cf=5a0170df-4d30-11e2-9e23-60380e077edd&q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {0191A6B0-1154-4C22-9182-23A95BBE92D9} URL = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {1F4164F7-AC3F-4854-8AF9-2B666C1F493D} URL = hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-42480-16445-5/4?satitle={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {1F5A12A3-CB57-45A5-A577-ABD5DE40A85D} URL = hxxp://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?fr=chr-greentree_ie&fl=1&ei=utf-8&ilc=12&vl=lang_tr&type=994519&p={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {223008c0-37c1-43d5-80dd-20bc9aa66472} URL = hxxp://haber.yandex.com.tr/yandsearch?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms}&rpt=nnews2&grhow=clutop SearchScopes: HKCU - {351ACDF2-A02F-4542-9E42-D3F8E77599C1} URL = hxxp://services.zinio.com/search?s={selection}&rf=sonyslices SearchScopes: HKCU - {6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990} URL = hxxp://isearch.avg.com/search?cid={E858ED7C-1E1B-451A-9BEB-070F1049DF60}&mid=76b686d5b39a47d08e7ab17148e3972e-1dbd0ebdd77f5b295f3683d361b2664cb9119359&lang=tr&ds=gm011&pr=sa&d=2012-04-03 15:25:52&v={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {7C2AE4DF-3402-4FA9-B66E-9F8DDF983A87} URL = hxxp://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q={searchTerms}&meta= SearchScopes: HKCU - {a10bbb30-95b8-4e58-86d8-ea909b78f651} URL = hxxp://startsear.ch/?aff=1&src=sp&cf=79e2cbf6-18e8-11e1-a868-60380e077edd&q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {c88a64e6-a048-41de-844c-56123edc9a54} URL = hxxp://gorsel.yandex.com.tr/yandsearch?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {dc2672c5-2386-4f0d-aaef-a604398586cc} URL = hxxp://video.yandex.com.tr/#search?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {E88E0043-C9D4-4e33-8555-FEE4F5B63060} URL = hxxp://go.mail.ru/search?q={searchTerms}&utf8in=1&fr=ietb SearchScopes: HKCU - {F9869AD3-953B-41BC-BFAA-8AB37C331ECF} URL = hxxp://www.mysearchresults.com/search?c=8004&t=11&q={searchTerms} BHO: No Name - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} - No File BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll No File BHO-x32: No Name - {326E768D-4182-46FD-9C16-1449A49795F4} - No File BHO-x32: visualbee Helper Object - {66F57190-01EB-45A6-8260-7895267209F7} - No File BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO-x32: No Name - {D5FEC983-01DB-414a-9456-AF95AC9ED7B5} - No File BHO-x32: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO-x32: FlashFXP Helper for Internet Explorer - {E5A1691B-D188-4419-AD02-90002030B8EE} - C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashFXP\IEFlash.dll (IniCom Networks, Inc.) Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - visualbee Toolbar - {610AF794-9293-4129-9FAF-A81BBDFBFA14} - No File Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - No Name - {91397D20-1446-11D4-8AF4-0040CA1127B6} - No File Toolbar: HKCU - No Name - {2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - No File Toolbar: HKCU - No Name - {91397D20-1446-11D4-8AF4-0040CA1127B6} - No File Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{5B560386-2E43-47A3-B67A-2B4E8A67D42E}: [NameServer], FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default FF Homepage: hxxp://www.google.com/ FF NetworkProxy: "gopher", "" FF NetworkProxy: "gopher_port", 0 FF NetworkProxy: "http", "" FF NetworkProxy: "http_port", 8555 FF NetworkProxy: "socks", "localhost" FF NetworkProxy: "socks_port", 9050 FF NetworkProxy: "socks_remote_dns", true FF NetworkProxy: "ssl", "localhost" FF NetworkProxy: "ssl_port", 9666 FF Plugin: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_11_9_900_170.dll () FF Plugin: @divx.com/DivX VOD Helper,version=1.0.0 - C:\Program Files\DivX\DivX OVS Helper\npovshelper.dll (DivX, LLC.) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/GENUINE - disabled No File FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20913.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @adobe.com/FlashPlayer - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_9_900_170.dll () FF Plugin-x32: @divx.com/DivX VOD Helper,version=1.0.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX OVS Helper\npovshelper.dll (DivX, LLC.) FF Plugin-x32: @divx.com/DivX Web Player Plug-In,version=1.0.0 - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Web Player\npdivx32.dll (DivX, LLC) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.45.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.45.2 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/GENUINE - disabled No File FF Plugin-x32: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20913.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3502.0922 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll No File FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3508.1109 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll No File FF Plugin-x32: @microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3538.0513 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll No File FF Plugin-x32: @pages.tvunetworks.com/WebPlayer - C:\Program Files (x86)\TVUPlayer\npTVUAx.dll No File FF Plugin-x32: @real.com/nprjplug;version= - C:\Program Files (x86)\Real\RealPlayer\Netscape6\nprjplug.dll (RealNetworks, Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @real.com/nprpchromebrowserrecordext;version= - C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\MozillaPlugins\nprpchromebrowserrecordext.dll (RealNetworks, Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @real.com/nprphtml5videoshim;version= - C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\MozillaPlugins\nprphtml5videoshim.dll (RealNetworks, Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.0.1 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: @videolan.org/vlc,version=2.0.3 - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) FF Plugin-x32: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) FF Plugin HKCU: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3 - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF Plugin HKCU: @tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9 - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\fcmdSrchddr.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF Extension: WebSite Recommendation - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\Extensions\WebSiteRecommendation@weliketheweb.com FF Extension: DownloadHelper - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\Extensions\{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d} FF Extension: Adblock Plus - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\Extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi FF Extension: Hotspot Shield Extension - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\browser\extensions\afproxy@anchorfree.com Chrome: ======= CHR HomePage: hxxp://www.mysearchresults.com/?c=3523&t=01 CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\11.6.602.167\pepflashplayer.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer) - internal-remoting-viewer CHR Plugin: (Native Client) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\31.0.1650.63\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll () CHR Plugin: (Chrome PDF Viewer) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\31.0.1650.63\pdf.dll () CHR Plugin: (Adobe Acrobat) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Browser\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) CHR Plugin: (RealPlayer(tm) G2 LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In (32-bit) ) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\nppl3260.dll No File CHR Plugin: (RealJukebox NS Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\nprjplug.dll (RealNetworks, Inc.) CHR Plugin: (RealPlayer Download Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\nprpplugin.dll No File CHR Plugin: (McAfeeScanAndRepair) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\plugins\npMcAfeeSRPlgn.dll (McAfee, Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Octoshape Streaming Services) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\plugins\npoctoshape.dll No File CHR Plugin: (DivX VOD Helper Plug-in) - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX OVS Helper\npovshelper.dll (DivX, LLC.) CHR Plugin: (DivX Plus Web Player) - C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX\DivX Plus Web Player\npdivx32.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Google Update) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U9) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) CHR Plugin: (VLC Web Plugin) - C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll (VideoLAN) CHR Plugin: (Windows Live\u0099 Photo Gallery) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll No File CHR Plugin: (iTunes Application Detector) - C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\Mozilla Plugins\npitunes.dll No File CHR Plugin: (RealNetworks(tm) Chrome Background Extension Plug-In (32-bit) ) - C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\MozillaPlugins\nprpchromebrowserrecordext.dll (RealNetworks, Inc.) CHR Plugin: (RealPlayer(tm) HTML5VideoShim Plug-In (32-bit) ) - C:\ProgramData\Real\RealPlayer\BrowserRecordPlugin\MozillaPlugins\nprphtml5videoshim.dll (RealNetworks, Inc.) CHR Plugin: (Octoshape Streaming Services) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Octoshape\Octoshape Streaming Services\sua-1103234-0-npoctoshape.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Shockwave Flash) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_5_502_149.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Java Deployment Toolkit - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\npDeployJava1.dll No File CHR Plugin: (Silverlight Plug-In) - c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.10411.0\npctrl.dll No File CHR Extension: () - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\jopdpbolklklaiookikgmdinfbooiipj\4.0_0 CHR Extension: () - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nkcpopggjcjkiicpenikeogioednjeac\1.2.440_0 CHR Extension: (Google Wallet) - C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda\ CHR HKLM-x32\...\Chrome\Extension: [faklkmlkcleeoibffcbligohmkciloif] - C:\Program Files (x86)\PutLockerDownloader\PutLockerDownloader10.crx ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= S3 ACDaemon; C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ArcSoft\Connection Service\Bin\ACService.exe [113152 2010-03-18] (ArcSoft Inc.) R2 AntiVirSchedulerService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe [440376 2013-12-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) R2 AntiVirService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe [440376 2013-12-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) R2 MBAMScheduler; C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe [418376 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R2 MBAMService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe [701512 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R2 RtkAudioService; C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkAudioService64.exe [189984 2009-07-24] (Realtek Semiconductor) S2 uCamMonitor; C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcSoft\Magic-i Visual Effects 2\uCamMonitor.exe [104960 2008-09-18] (ArcSoft, Inc.) S3 VcmXmlIfHelper; "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Sony Shared\VcmXml\VcmXmlIfHelper64.exe" [x] ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R3 ArcSoftKsUFilter; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ArcSoftKsUFilter.sys [19968 2009-05-26] (ArcSoft, Inc.) R2 avgntflt; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avgntflt.sys [108440 2013-12-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) R1 avipbb; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys [131576 2013-12-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) R1 avkmgr; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys [28600 2013-12-09] (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) R1 HssDRV6; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\hssdrv6.sys [44744 2013-11-13] (AnchorFree Inc.) R3 MBAMProtector; C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys [25928 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) S3 RimUsb; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RimUsb_AMD64.sys [27520 2007-05-14] (Research In Motion Limited) R2 risdptsk; C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\risdsn64.sys [76288 2009-07-31] (REDC) R0 sptd; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys [503352 2013-03-28] () S3 StarOpen; No ImagePath R3 taphss6; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\taphss6.sys [42184 2013-04-24] (Anchorfree Inc.) U5 AppMgmt; C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe [27136 2009-07-14] (Microsoft Corporation) S3 massfilter; system32\drivers\massfilter.sys [x] U5 VWiFiFlt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\VWiFiFlt.sys [59904 2009-07-14] (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-01-09 09:16 - 2014-01-09 09:16 - 00017401 _____ C:\Users\sony\Desktop\FRST.txt 2014-01-09 09:15 - 2014-01-09 09:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\FRST-OlderVersion 2014-01-09 00:07 - 2014-01-09 01:01 - 00016955 _____ C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-01-09 00:02 - 2014-01-09 08:58 - 00000112 _____ C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-01-09 00:02 - 2014-01-09 00:02 - 00000000 _____ C:\Windows\setuperr.log 2014-01-08 20:27 - 2014-01-08 20:27 - 00001113 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware .lnk 2014-01-08 20:27 - 2013-04-04 14:50 - 00025928 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\mbam.sys 2014-01-08 16:40 - 2014-01-08 16:40 - 00448512 _____ (OldTimer Tools) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TFC.exe 2014-01-08 13:51 - 2014-01-08 20:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TrojanerBoard-dosyaları 2014-01-08 13:44 - 2014-01-09 09:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2014-01-08 13:43 - 2014-01-09 09:15 - 01931770 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\FRST64.exe 2014-01-08 11:55 - 2014-01-08 11:55 - 01233962 _____ C:\Users\sony\Desktop\adwcleaner(1).exe 2014-01-08 10:53 - 2014-01-08 10:54 - 00388608 _____ (Trend Micro Inc.) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\HijackThis.exe 2014-01-07 12:52 - 2014-01-07 12:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Roaming\Avira 2014-01-06 23:26 - 2014-01-06 23:26 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Avira 2014-01-06 23:25 - 2014-01-06 23:25 - 00002070 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Avira Control Center.lnk 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2014-01-06 23:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Avira 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2014-01-06 23:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2013-12-09 11:37 - 00131576 _____ (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\avipbb.sys 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2013-12-09 11:37 - 00108440 _____ (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\avgntflt.sys 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2013-12-09 11:37 - 00084720 _____ (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\avnetflt.sys 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2013-12-09 11:37 - 00028600 _____ (Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\avkmgr.sys 2014-01-06 22:33 - 2014-01-06 22:49 - 00000000 ___SD C:\ComboFix 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2014-01-06 22:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Qoobox 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2011-06-26 08:45 - 00256000 _____ C:\Windows\PEV.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2010-11-07 19:20 - 00208896 _____ C:\Windows\MBR.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2009-04-20 06:56 - 00060416 _____ (NirSoft) C:\Windows\NIRCMD.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00518144 _____ (SteelWerX) C:\Windows\SWREG.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00406528 _____ (SteelWerX) C:\Windows\SWSC.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00098816 _____ C:\Windows\sed.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00080412 _____ C:\Windows\grep.exe 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00068096 _____ C:\Windows\zip.exe 2014-01-06 22:27 - 2014-01-06 22:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\erdnt 2014-01-06 22:25 - 2014-01-06 22:26 - 05160001 ____R (Swearware) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\ComboFix.exe 2014-01-06 22:12 - 2014-01-06 22:12 - 00003226 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RealDownloaderRealUpgradeLogonTaskS-1-5-21-2786323165-1350516088-1116812794-1000 2014-01-06 22:11 - 2014-01-06 22:11 - 00003362 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RealDownloaderRealUpgradeScheduledTaskS-1-5-21-2786323165-1350516088-1116812794-1000 2014-01-06 10:03 - 2014-01-06 10:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\TuneUp Software 2014-01-06 10:02 - 2014-01-06 10:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\TuneUp Software-BackupByTuneUpPortable 2014-01-06 10:02 - 2014-01-06 10:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\TuneUp Software-BackupByTuneUpPortable 2014-01-01 19:00 - 2014-01-03 18:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\Yeni klasör 2013-12-21 10:17 - 2013-12-30 00:41 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2013-12-15 19:33 - 2013-12-15 19:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\can yeni 2013-12-15 19:11 - 2013-12-15 19:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\can yeni 2013-12-12 03:03 - 2013-05-10 07:56 - 14631424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wmp.dll 2013-12-12 03:03 - 2013-05-10 07:56 - 12625920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wmploc.DLL 2013-12-12 03:03 - 2013-05-10 06:56 - 12625408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmploc.DLL 2013-12-12 03:03 - 2013-05-10 06:56 - 11410432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmp.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 13:54 - 23183360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 12:19 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 12:18 - 00004096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollectorres.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 12:11 - 17112576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:48 - 00066048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:46 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwproxystub.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:41 - 02764288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:29 - 00053760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:27 - 00033792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:23 - 02724864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtml.tlb 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:21 - 00574976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieui.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:18 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieUnatt.exe 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:18 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieetwcollector.exe 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 11:16 - 00708608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9diag.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:57 - 00218624 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:38 - 02166784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iertutil.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:38 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsproxy.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:35 - 05769216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:32 - 00440832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieui.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:28 - 00553472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9diag.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:16 - 04243968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript9.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 10:02 - 01995264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inetcpl.cpl 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 09:48 - 12996608 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 09:32 - 01928192 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetcpl.cpl 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 09:26 - 11221504 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 09:07 - 02334208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wininet.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 08:40 - 01395200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 08:34 - 00817664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 08:34 - 00703488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 08:33 - 01820160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininet.dll 2013-12-12 03:01 - 2013-11-26 08:27 - 01157632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\urlmon.dll 2013-12-12 02:46 - 2013-12-12 02:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\kanal listesi 2013-12-12 01:56 - 2013-12-12 02:19 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\PPÖúÊÖ 2013-12-12 01:56 - 2013-12-12 02:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\ihelper 2013-12-12 01:56 - 2013-12-12 01:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Documents\ihelper 2013-12-12 01:15 - 2013-12-12 01:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Documents\Tongbu 2013-12-11 17:13 - 2013-12-11 17:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Roaming\ArcSoft 2013-12-11 17:13 - 2013-12-11 17:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Local\ArcSoft 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-11-23 20:26 - 00417792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WMPhoto.dll 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-11-23 19:47 - 00465920 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\WMPhoto.dll 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-10-30 04:32 - 00335360 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msieftp.dll 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-10-30 04:19 - 00301568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msieftp.dll 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-10-30 03:24 - 03155968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\win32k.sys 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-10-19 04:18 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\imagehlp.dll 2013-12-11 14:35 - 2013-10-19 03:36 - 00159232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imagehlp.dll 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-11-12 04:23 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tzres.dll 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-11-12 04:07 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tzres.dll 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 04:32 - 00150016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wshom.ocx 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 04:31 - 00202752 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\scrrun.dll 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 04:04 - 00121856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wshom.ocx 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 04:03 - 00163840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\scrrun.dll 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 03:33 - 00168960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 03:33 - 00156160 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\cscript.exe 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 03:15 - 00141824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wscript.exe 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-12 03:15 - 00126976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-04 04:16 - 00116736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\drmk.sys 2013-12-11 14:34 - 2013-10-04 03:36 - 00230400 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\portcls.sys 2013-12-11 01:41 - 2013-10-14 18:00 - 00028368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IEUDINIT.EXE 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 01228800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 01051136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00942592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsIntl.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00774144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00645120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsIntl.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00626176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00616104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dat 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00616104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dat 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00610304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00523776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00454656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00453120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00413696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\html.iec 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00367104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00337408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\html.iec 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00296960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00263376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iedkcs32.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00247808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msls31.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00244736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00243200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\webcheck.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00238288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iedkcs32.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00235520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\url.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00235008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\elshyph.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00233472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\url.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00208384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\webcheck.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00194048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\elshyph.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00182272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msls31.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00167424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iexpress.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00151552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iexpress.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00147968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\occache.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00143872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wextract.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wextract.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00135680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iepeers.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00131072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IEAdvpack.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00127488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\occache.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00116736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iepeers.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IEAdvpack.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00105984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesysprep.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00101376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inseng.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00090112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SetIEInstalledDate.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesysprep.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RegisterIEPKEYs.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00084992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00083968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MshtmlDac.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00083456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inseng.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icardie.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00077312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tdc.ocx 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00074240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SetIEInstalledDate.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00071680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RegisterIEPKEYs.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00069120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icardie.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00062464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tdc.ocx 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00062464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\pngfilt.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MshtmlDac.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00056832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pngfilt.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00052224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeedsbs.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmler.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmler.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00048128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\imgutil.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeedsbs.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00040448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00036352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imgutil.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00034816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00030208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\licmgr10.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00024576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\licmgr10.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00013824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshta.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00013312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshta.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00013312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeedssync.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00012800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeedssync.exe 2013-12-10 00:16 - 2013-12-10 00:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\DDMSettings ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-01-09 09:16 - 2014-01-09 09:16 - 00017401 _____ C:\Users\sony\Desktop\FRST.txt 2014-01-09 09:15 - 2014-01-09 09:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\FRST-OlderVersion 2014-01-09 09:15 - 2014-01-08 13:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2014-01-09 09:15 - 2014-01-08 13:43 - 01931770 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\FRST64.exe 2014-01-09 09:10 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00009920 ____H C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-01-09 09:10 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00009920 ____H C:\Windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-01-09 09:07 - 2014-01-09 00:07 - 00016955 _____ C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-01-09 09:05 - 2011-10-24 23:17 - 00001026 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-2786323165-1350516088-1116812794-1000UA.job 2014-01-09 08:59 - 2012-04-24 12:56 - 00001012 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job 2014-01-09 08:58 - 2014-01-09 00:02 - 00000112 _____ C:\Windows\setupact.log 2014-01-09 08:58 - 2009-07-14 07:08 - 00000006 ____H C:\Windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-01-09 01:01 - 2010-01-31 10:21 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\vlc 2014-01-09 00:50 - 2012-04-24 12:56 - 00001016 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job 2014-01-09 00:22 - 2013-09-27 20:16 - 00000814 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-01-09 00:02 - 2014-01-09 00:02 - 00000000 _____ C:\Windows\setuperr.log 2014-01-08 23:18 - 2011-05-02 21:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\SoyleOp2 2014-01-08 21:18 - 2010-01-29 16:23 - 00003956 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\User_Feed_Synchronization-{4ABFD636-13DF-4984-982B-BF817D020D2F} 2014-01-08 20:27 - 2014-01-08 20:27 - 00001113 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware .lnk 2014-01-08 20:27 - 2013-11-10 11:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2014-01-08 20:07 - 2014-01-08 13:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TrojanerBoard-dosyaları 2014-01-08 19:03 - 2011-10-24 23:17 - 00000974 _____ C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-2786323165-1350516088-1116812794-1000Core.job 2014-01-08 16:40 - 2014-01-08 16:40 - 00448512 _____ (OldTimer Tools) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TFC.exe 2014-01-08 16:21 - 2013-02-24 13:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\SimpleTV V03 2014-01-08 15:48 - 2010-04-05 15:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\Kino 2014-01-08 14:58 - 2013-11-10 11:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\AdwCleaner 2014-01-08 14:54 - 2010-10-23 19:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent 2014-01-08 13:41 - 2010-06-09 15:58 - 00066995 _____ C:\Users\sony\Desktop\KiNoList..txt 2014-01-08 11:55 - 2014-01-08 11:55 - 01233962 _____ C:\Users\sony\Desktop\adwcleaner(1).exe 2014-01-08 10:54 - 2014-01-08 10:53 - 00388608 _____ (Trend Micro Inc.) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\HijackThis.exe 2014-01-08 09:11 - 2013-04-28 21:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\hochzeit 2014-01-07 12:52 - 2014-01-07 12:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Roaming\Avira 2014-01-07 12:42 - 2013-11-29 13:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Unlocker 2014-01-06 23:51 - 2009-09-09 22:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony 2014-01-06 23:51 - 2009-08-19 02:55 - 00000000 ___HD C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information 2014-01-06 23:44 - 2010-05-27 20:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Real 2014-01-06 23:26 - 2014-01-06 23:26 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Avira 2014-01-06 23:25 - 2014-01-06 23:25 - 00002070 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Avira Control Center.lnk 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2014-01-06 23:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Avira 2014-01-06 23:23 - 2014-01-06 23:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira 2014-01-06 22:49 - 2014-01-06 22:33 - 00000000 ___SD C:\ComboFix 2014-01-06 22:31 - 2014-01-06 22:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Qoobox 2014-01-06 22:27 - 2014-01-06 22:27 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\erdnt 2014-01-06 22:26 - 2014-01-06 22:25 - 05160001 ____R (Swearware) C:\Users\sony\Desktop\ComboFix.exe 2014-01-06 22:20 - 2013-01-18 21:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA 2014-01-06 22:12 - 2014-01-06 22:12 - 00003226 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RealDownloaderRealUpgradeLogonTaskS-1-5-21-2786323165-1350516088-1116812794-1000 2014-01-06 22:11 - 2014-01-06 22:11 - 00003362 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\RealDownloaderRealUpgradeScheduledTaskS-1-5-21-2786323165-1350516088-1116812794-1000 2014-01-06 22:08 - 2012-10-27 13:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\TuneUpPortable 2014-01-06 22:08 - 2010-05-13 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\TuneUp Software 2014-01-06 22:08 - 2010-01-29 16:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony 2014-01-06 22:08 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\AppCompat 2014-01-06 22:07 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\registration 2014-01-06 22:06 - 2010-05-27 20:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Real 2014-01-06 10:03 - 2014-01-06 10:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\TuneUp Software 2014-01-06 10:02 - 2014-01-06 10:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\TuneUp Software-BackupByTuneUpPortable 2014-01-06 10:02 - 2014-01-06 10:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\TuneUp Software-BackupByTuneUpPortable 2014-01-03 18:03 - 2014-01-01 19:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\Yeni klasör 2013-12-30 00:41 - 2013-12-21 10:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2013-12-24 15:57 - 2009-08-19 02:39 - 00654912 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfh01F.dat 2013-12-24 15:57 - 2009-08-19 02:39 - 00139136 _____ C:\Windows\system32\perfc01F.dat 2013-12-24 15:57 - 2009-07-14 07:13 - 01564522 _____ C:\Windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2013-12-22 21:11 - 2013-09-14 10:44 - 00074118 _____ C:\KiNO-CHARTS.txt 2013-12-22 17:36 - 2013-08-19 22:18 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\102MSDCF 2013-12-18 19:50 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\NDF 2013-12-17 17:06 - 2013-10-31 22:57 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\Konya-HalloWeen 2013-12-16 01:17 - 2013-08-14 22:47 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\MRT 2013-12-16 01:15 - 2010-01-31 10:39 - 90708896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MRT.exe 2013-12-15 19:40 - 2013-08-28 17:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\can fussball 2013-12-15 19:33 - 2013-12-15 19:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\can yeni 2013-12-15 19:11 - 2013-12-15 19:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\can yeni 2013-12-13 14:33 - 2013-10-15 08:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\filiz 2013-12-13 11:52 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\rescache 2013-12-12 19:06 - 2013-08-30 11:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\Desktop\konya 2013-12-12 08:26 - 2009-07-14 07:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\WPD 2013-12-12 03:45 - 2012-04-24 12:56 - 00004012 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA 2013-12-12 03:45 - 2012-04-24 12:56 - 00003760 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore 2013-12-12 03:19 - 2009-07-14 06:45 - 00379384 _____ C:\Windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2013-12-12 03:17 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tr-TR 2013-12-12 03:17 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\system32\tr-TR 2013-12-12 02:46 - 2013-12-12 02:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\kanal listesi 2013-12-12 02:19 - 2013-12-12 01:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\PPÖúÊÖ 2013-12-12 02:14 - 2013-12-12 01:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\ihelper 2013-12-12 01:56 - 2013-12-12 01:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Documents\ihelper 2013-12-12 01:30 - 2013-12-12 01:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Documents\Tongbu 2013-12-12 00:56 - 2013-02-23 02:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\iFunbox_UserCache 2013-12-12 00:34 - 2013-02-23 02:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\WindSolutions 2013-12-12 00:33 - 2012-06-29 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes 2013-12-12 00:28 - 2013-02-23 02:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\WindSolutions 2013-12-12 00:17 - 2013-10-15 17:48 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\34BE82C4-E596-4e99-A191-52C6199EBF69 2013-12-11 17:13 - 2013-12-11 17:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Roaming\ArcSoft 2013-12-11 17:13 - 2013-12-11 17:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Local\ArcSoft 2013-12-11 13:37 - 2012-07-27 11:58 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\Desktop\ATMACA-1 2013-12-11 09:23 - 2013-09-27 20:16 - 00692616 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2013-12-11 09:23 - 2013-09-27 20:16 - 00071048 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2013-12-11 09:23 - 2013-09-27 20:16 - 00003752 _____ C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater 2013-12-11 08:28 - 2010-01-29 16:23 - 00001279 _____ C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk 2013-12-11 07:09 - 2013-01-18 21:52 - 00001401 _____ C:\Users\TANJA\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk 2013-12-11 07:08 - 2009-07-14 05:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 01228800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmlmedia.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 01051136 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmlmedia.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00942592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jsIntl.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00940032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MsSpellCheckingFacility.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00774144 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\jscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00645120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jsIntl.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00626176 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00616104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieapfltr.dat 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00616104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\ieapfltr.dat 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00610304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00548352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\vbscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00523776 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeeds.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00454656 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00453120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtmsft.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00413696 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\html.iec 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00367104 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtmsft.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00337408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\html.iec 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00296960 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\dxtrans.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00263376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iedkcs32.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00247808 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msls31.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00244736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dxtrans.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00243200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\webcheck.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00238288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iedkcs32.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00235520 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\url.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00235008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\elshyph.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00233472 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\url.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00208384 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\webcheck.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00195584 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msrating.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00194048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\elshyph.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00182272 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msls31.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00167424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iexpress.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00164864 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msrating.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00151552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iexpress.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00147968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\occache.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00143872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\wextract.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00139264 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wextract.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00135680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iepeers.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00131072 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\IEAdvpack.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00127488 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\occache.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00116736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iepeers.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00112128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieUnatt.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00111616 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IEAdvpack.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00105984 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\iesysprep.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00101376 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\inseng.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00090112 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\SetIEInstalledDate.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesysprep.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\RegisterIEPKEYs.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00084992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmled.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00083968 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\MshtmlDac.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00083456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inseng.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\icardie.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00077312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\tdc.ocx 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00074240 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SetIEInstalledDate.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00071680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\RegisterIEPKEYs.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmled.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00069120 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\icardie.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00062464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\tdc.ocx 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00062464 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\pngfilt.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MshtmlDac.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00061952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iesetup.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00056832 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\pngfilt.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00052224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeedsbs.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00051200 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieetwproxystub.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshtmler.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00048640 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshtmler.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00048128 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\imgutil.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00043008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeedsbs.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00040448 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00036352 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\imgutil.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00034816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00032768 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\iernonce.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00030208 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\licmgr10.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00024576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\licmgr10.dll 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00013824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\mshta.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00013312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mshta.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00013312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\system32\msfeedssync.exe 2013-12-11 01:37 - 2013-12-11 01:37 - 00012800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msfeedssync.exe 2013-12-10 00:16 - 2013-12-10 00:16 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\DDMSettings 2013-12-10 00:09 - 2010-04-19 12:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\DivX 2013-12-10 00:09 - 2010-04-19 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\DivX 2013-12-10 00:09 - 2010-04-19 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\DivX Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\avgnt.exe ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wininit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => MD5 is legit LastRegBack: 2013-12-30 08:21 ==================== End Of Log ============================ Festplatte c: von 451 GB ist 284 GB frei mitlerweile setz der nootebook ımmer mal aus,also egal auf welche seite ich bin oder was ich mache kommt auf einmal destop und der kleine blau rad dreht sich ca.10-15 sek. und dan kommt es wieder zurück wo ich war. gruss yossi |
09.01.2014, 12:25 | #18 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Hallo
__________________wann und wie hat die ganze geschichte Angefangen mit dnem Notebook. Wann wurde es langsamer? Treten die Probleme beim Surfen im Internet nur im Firefox auf oder in allen Browsern? Schritt 1: Drücke bitte die Windowstaste + R Taste und schreibe notepad in das Ausführen Fenster. Kopiere nun folgenden Text aus der Code-Box in das leere Textdokument Code:
ATTFilter SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - yandex.com.tr-114347 URL = ${SEARCH_URL}{searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - 80ABA7EF75B63D8C90B8097BAA65CAAE URL = hxxp://startsear.ch/?src=sp&aff=51&cf=5a0170df-4d30-11e2-9e23-60380e077edd&q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {223008c0-37c1-43d5-80dd-20bc9aa66472} URL = hxxp://haber.yandex.com.tr/yandsearch?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms}&rpt=nnews2&grhow=clutop SearchScopes: HKCU - {c88a64e6-a048-41de-844c-56123edc9a54} URL = hxxp://gorsel.yandex.com.tr/yandsearch?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {dc2672c5-2386-4f0d-aaef-a604398586cc} URL = hxxp://video.yandex.com.tr/#search?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms} BHO-x32: visualbee Helper Object - {66F57190-01EB-45A6-8260-7895267209F7} - No File Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - visualbee Toolbar - {610AF794-9293-4129-9FAF-A81BBDFBFA14} - No File Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - No Name - {91397D20-1446-11D4-8AF4-0040CA1127B6} - No File Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FF NetworkProxy: "gopher", "" FF NetworkProxy: "gopher_port", 0 FF NetworkProxy: "http", "" FF NetworkProxy: "http_port", 8555 FF NetworkProxy: "socks", "localhost" FF NetworkProxy: "socks_port", 9050 FF NetworkProxy: "socks_remote_dns", true FF NetworkProxy: "ssl", "localhost" FF NetworkProxy: "ssl_port", 9666 FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml Speichere diese bitte als Fixlist.txt auf deinem Desktop (oder dem Verzeichnis in dem sich FRST befindet).
Schritt 2: Bitte lade dir GMER herunter: (Dateiname zufällig)
Tauchen Probleme auf?
Schritt 3:
Ändert sich dadurch was?
__________________ Geändert von aharonov (09.01.2014 um 14:54 Uhr) Grund: Korrektur auf Wunsch Aneris |
09.01.2014, 13:31 | #19 |
| Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Hallo Heiko.. Waehrend der prodezur langsam laeuft versuche ich dir zuaerzhlen wie es dazu kam. Also das problem ist 07.01.14 aufgtreten,eigentlich haben wir nix ausgewöhliches gemacht was wir sonst mit dem notebook machen. Ausser mein 9j. Sohn den habe ich bisserl ausgefragt ob er was damit zutun hat. Er hat mir erzaehlt das er einige bilder über facebook von freunden angenommen hat,das dazu. Eigentlich traten die probleme anfangs beim surfen nicht auf,aber mitlerweile ist das auch für meines erachtens langsamer geworden. Ich werde sobald ich zuhause bin,die schritte weiter hin erlaedigen die du mir erteilt hast. Heiko wie ist es mit der festplatte ist der zu voll? Ich habe vieles gelöscht und es degframentiert gesternabend,aber leider ist ntebook immer noch lahm. Ich melde mich wieder sobald ich die schritte befolgt habe... MFG Yossi |
09.01.2014, 13:49 | #20 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Hallo nein die Platte ist nicht zu voll, mit der nachfrage wollte ich prüfen ob eventuell die Platte zu voll ist für die Auslagerungsdatei. Schritt 1 der Anweisungen sind Malwarereste und den Proxy resete ich um zu testen ob es daran liegt. Das bedeutet, du must den Proxyserver für Youtube neu einstellen. Schritt 2 ist ein Rootkitscanner, Schritt 3 überürüft die Systemdateien von Windows komplett auf Fehler. Sollten wir so auch nciht weiterkommen solltest du darüber nachdenken das Notebook zu Reseten. Das bedeutet Daten sichern, und dann auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen. Aber soweit ist es noch nicht. Ich werde das Problem mal intern bei uns besprechen ob jemand eine Idee hat. Aber dazu brauchen wir noch den GMER scan. Ich habe gesehen, dass am 6.1. Combofix auf dem System gelaufen ist. Gibt es da noch ein Logfile? Du nutzt Tuneup Utilities. Hast du den REgCleaner genutzt? Deinstalliere bitte einmal den Avira Antivirus und ersetze ihn mit avast! Antivirus. Link: http://filepony.de/download-avast_antivirus/ und registiere ihn mit der Email Adresse für den 360 Tage zeitraum. Du hast den avira am 7.1. installiert, das passt zum Start der Probleme. Geändert von Aneri (09.01.2014 um 14:40 Uhr) |
09.01.2014, 15:02 | #21 |
| Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Hallo Heiko Schritt 1: Fix result of Farbar Recovery Tool (FRST written by Farbar) (x64) Version: 08-01-2014 01 Ran by sony at 2014-01-09 16:01:06 Run:3 Running from C:\Users\sony\Desktop Boot Mode: Normal ============================================== Content of fixlist: ***************** SearchScopes: HKLM-x32 - yandex.com.tr-114347 URL = ${SEARCH_URL}{searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - 80ABA7EF75B63D8C90B8097BAA65CAAE URL = hxxp://startsear.ch/?src=sp&aff=51&cf=5a0170df-4d30-11e2-9e23-60380e077edd&q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {223008c0-37c1-43d5-80dd-20bc9aa66472} URL = hxxp://haber.yandex.com.tr/yandsearch?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms}&rpt=nnews2&grhow=clutop SearchScopes: HKCU - {c88a64e6-a048-41de-844c-56123edc9a54} URL = hxxp://gorsel.yandex.com.tr/yandsearch?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {dc2672c5-2386-4f0d-aaef-a604398586cc} URL = hxxp://video.yandex.com.tr/#search?clid=1806005&text={searchTerms} BHO-x32: visualbee Helper Object - {66F57190-01EB-45A6-8260-7895267209F7} - No File Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - visualbee Toolbar - {610AF794-9293-4129-9FAF-A81BBDFBFA14} - No File Toolbar: HKLM-x32 - No Name - {91397D20-1446-11D4-8AF4-0040CA1127B6} - No File Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] Tcpip\..\Interfaces\{5B560386-2E43-47A3-B67A-2B4E8A67D42E}: [NameServer], FF NetworkProxy: "gopher", "" FF NetworkProxy: "gopher_port", 0 FF NetworkProxy: "http", "" FF NetworkProxy: "http_port", 8555 FF NetworkProxy: "socks", "localhost" FF NetworkProxy: "socks_port", 9050 FF NetworkProxy: "socks_remote_dns", true FF NetworkProxy: "ssl", "localhost" FF NetworkProxy: "ssl_port", 9666 FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml ***************** HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\yandex.com.tr-114347 => Key deleted successfully. HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\yandex.com.tr-114347 => Key not found. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\80ABA7EF75B63D8C90B8097BAA65CAAE => Key deleted successfully. HKCR\CLSID\80ABA7EF75B63D8C90B8097BAA65CAAE => Key not found. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{223008c0-37c1-43d5-80dd-20bc9aa66472} => Key deleted successfully. HKCR\CLSID\{223008c0-37c1-43d5-80dd-20bc9aa66472} => Key not found. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{c88a64e6-a048-41de-844c-56123edc9a54} => Key deleted successfully. HKCR\CLSID\{c88a64e6-a048-41de-844c-56123edc9a54} => Key not found. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{dc2672c5-2386-4f0d-aaef-a604398586cc} => Key deleted successfully. HKCR\CLSID\{dc2672c5-2386-4f0d-aaef-a604398586cc} => Key not found. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{66F57190-01EB-45A6-8260-7895267209F7} => Key deleted successfully. HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{66F57190-01EB-45A6-8260-7895267209F7} => Key deleted successfully. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\\{610AF794-9293-4129-9FAF-A81BBDFBFA14} => Value deleted successfully. HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{610AF794-9293-4129-9FAF-A81BBDFBFA14} => Key deleted successfully. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\\{91397D20-1446-11D4-8AF4-0040CA1127B6} => Value deleted successfully. HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{91397D20-1446-11D4-8AF4-0040CA1127B6} => Key not found. HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\\DhcpNameServer => Value deleted successfully. HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{5B560386-2E43-47A3-B67A-2B4E8A67D42E}\\NameServer => Value deleted successfully. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. Firefox Proxy settings were reset. C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml => Moved successfully. C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml => Moved successfully. "C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yandex.xml" => File/Directory not found. "C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\uca5f2uu.default\searchplugins\yqs-barff-yavideo.xml" => File/Directory not found. ==== End of Fixlog ==== |
09.01.2014, 16:13 | #22 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. sobald ich den Rest habe geht es weiter |
09.01.2014, 18:00 | #24 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. nein das ist nicht normal das es so lange dauert. Was du posten must ist in der Anleitung beschrieben . Ich hab langsam das Gefühl das deine Hardware einen Fehler hat. |
09.01.2014, 18:12 | #25 |
| Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Hallo Heiko.. Ich habe GMER ausgemacht (das dauert über 2 std.und nix passiert ) und antivir runter vom notebook. Siehe da der start var recht flott,da hast du recht mit dem start problemen. Aber leider setz der notebook wieder aus in dem ich einfach auf destop geleitet werde und der kleine blaue rad dreht u. dreht sich,nach eine weile schiebt der mich wieder da wo ich vorher war. (hoffe du kannst dir vorstellen was ich dir schreibe ) wie wollen wir weiter machen? ich stehe dir zuverfügung Heiko.. habe das gefühl es ist etwas flotter geworden.. |
09.01.2014, 18:16 | #26 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Hallo ich versteh nicht was du mit dem kleinen blauen rad meinst... Hast du das System einmal in einem anderen Benutzerkonto gestartet oder im abgesicherten Modus? Versuche einmal das hier. Downloade dir bitte Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit und speichere es auf deinem Desktop.
Starte keine andere Datei in diesem Ordner ohne Anweisung eines Helfers |
09.01.2014, 18:23 | #27 |
| Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. ajaa vom combofix habe ich leider keine logfile.. tuneup habe ich lange lange nicht benutz avira ist schon deinstalliert den habe ich nur installiert damit ich überhaupt scannen konnte..ich benutze seit langen keine virenschutz..(der beste schutz ist man immer noch selber oder?) soll ich jetz noch den comboxfix laufen lassen? und avast installieren? mfg yossi der kleine blaue rad ist doch bei windows7 sobalt man befehle gibt und wenns bisserl dauert kommt der kleine hellblaue raedchen der sich dreht..(leider wie schon gesagt bin ein newbie in sachen pc kenne die ganzen fachbegriffe nicht hoffe du hast mich verstanden) habe das problem (langsam u aussetzer) auch beim abgesicherten und andere benutzerkonto auch leider) ich stürze mich jetz auf die neue aufgabe: ''Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit'' melde mich wenn ich soweit bin.. also nochmall der notebook ist etwas flotter geworden... gruss yossi |
09.01.2014, 19:49 | #28 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. installier mal den avast das zumindest ein virenscanner aktiv ist |
09.01.2014, 20:23 | #29 |
| Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. Nix gefunden und Endlich fertig... (anti rockit) Kann leider kein ''mbar-log-<Jahr-Monat-Tag>.txt'' sehen.. was jetz? gruss yossi ''avast'' habe ıch auch installiert... ''NET Framework-4.5.1 und die entsprechenden Language Packs sind über Windows Update verfügbar'' windows update soll ich das da updaten? |
09.01.2014, 20:24 | #30 |
/// Malwareteam | Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. ja mach die mal, wird das System schneller? |
Themen zu Laptop w7 seit paar tage Extrem Langsam.. |
acrobat update, adobe, antivir, avg, avira, bho, desktop, explorer, flash player, google, helper, hijack, hijackthis, hotspot, internet, internet explorer, lap top langsam, mozilla, object, opera, performance, plug-in, problem, programme, realtek, software, system, trojaner, windos7, windows |