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Log-Analyse und Auswertung: Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der AntivirenprogrammeWindows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML. |
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![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Hallo, wir haben uns auf dem einzigen Windows Rechner den BKA Trojaner eingefangen (Vermutlich über ein altes Acrobat Reader oder Java würde ich vermuten). Da sich der Rechner noch im abgesicherten Modus starten liess haben wir den Rechner wieder soweit bekommen das er wieder normal startet. Weder Hitman Pro, JRT, Avira, Avast oder Anti Malware finden noch irgendwas verdächtiges beim scannen. Hitman meckert wie zu erwarten über die anderen Virenprogramme aber ansonsten alles iO. Gescannt wurde sowohl im abgesicherten Modus als auch im normalen Windows Modus. RKILL ist der Meinung das alles iO ist. Zusätzlich hat Avast auch gescannt bevor Windows gestartet ist. Per Boot-CD liefen noch Avira, Clam-AV und Kasparsky. Alle ohne größere Befunde ("Defekte Archive" weil teilweise keine aktuellen RARs oder absichtlich passwortgesicherte Dateien geöffnet werden konnten, aber sonst alles gut). Soweit so schön. ABER: Stopzilla meckert bei jedem Scan DisableTaskMgr und DisableRegistryTools an. Nur sind diese Einträge nicht zu finden. Weder im normalen Windows, noch im abgesicherten Modus. Auch die Registry Editoren auf den Notfall-CDs der Anti-Virenhersteller finden diese Einträge nicht. Mach hier Stopzilla Mist, oder habe ich ein größere Problem? ... keine Ahnung ob dazu relevant und überhaupt in irgend einer Verbindung mit dem Virenbefall: Im abgesicherten Modus funktioniert ein Benutzerwechsel, im normalen Windows Modus wird der Bildschirm einfach nur schwarz. |
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/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Hallo und
__________________![]() Hast du noch weitere Logs (mit Funden)? Malwarebytes und/oder andere Virenscanner, sind die mal fündig geworden? Ich frage deswegen nach => http://www.trojaner-board.de/125889-...tml#post941520 Bitte keine neuen Virenscans machen sondern erst nur schon vorhandene Logs in CODE-Tags posten! Relevant sind nur Logs der letzten 7 Tage bzw. seitdem das Problem besteht! Zudem bitte auch ein Log mit Farbars Tool machen: Scan mit Farbar's Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) Bitte lade dir die passende Version von Farbar's Recovery Scan Tool auf deinen Desktop: ![]() (Wenn du nicht sicher bist: Lade beide Versionen oder unter Start > Computer (Rechtsklick) > Eigenschaften nachschauen)
![]() Posten in CODE-Tags Die Logfiles anzuhängen oder sogar vorher in ein ZIP, RAR, 7Z-Archive zu packen erschwert mir massiv die Arbeit, es sei denn natürlich die Datei wäre ansonsten zu gross für das Forum. Um die Logfiles in eine CODE-Box zu stellen gehe so vor:
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![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Hallo,
__________________danke für die Tips. Hatte ich mir auch durchgelesen nur war ich weit weg vom Rechner. ![]() frst.log FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x86) Version: 01-01-2014 01 Ran by ***** (administrator) on COMPAQ on 02-01-2014 10:28:56 Running from D:\AV Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X86) OS Language: German Standard Internet Explorer Version 10 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) =================== (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (IDT, Inc.) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\stacsv.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\wlanext.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe (Andrea Electronics Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\AEstSrv.exe (LSI Corporation) C:\Program Files\LSI SoftModem\agrsmsvc.exe (Broadcom Corporation.) C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btwdins.exe (COMODO.) C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\ClientService.exe (Hewlett-Packard Company) C:\Program Files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSSrvc.exe (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\NetFaxServer.exe (Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wireless Assistant\HPWAMain.exe (IDT, Inc.) C:\Program Files\IDT\WDM\sttray.exe () C:\Windows\Samsung\PanelMgr\SSMMgr.exe (Research In Motion Limited) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Common Desktop Agent\CDASrv.exe (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) C:\Program Files\SmarThru Office\BackUpSvr.exe (COMODO.) C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\CTMTRAY.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe (Hewlett-Packard Company) C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\hpqWmiEx.exe () C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\HpqToaster.exe (Hewlett-Packard Company) C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\HPSA_Service.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Run: [WirelessAssistant] - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wireless Assistant\HPWAMain.exe [498744 2009-07-23] (Hewlett-Packard) HKLM\...\Run: [SysTrayApp] - C:\Program Files\IDT\WDM\sttray.exe [458844 2009-07-14] (IDT, Inc.) HKLM\...\Run: [Samsung PanelMgr] - C:\Windows\Samsung\PanelMgr\SSMMgr.exe [699472 2012-05-04] () HKLM\...\Run: [RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe] - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe [90448 2011-11-02] (Research In Motion Limited) HKLM\...\Run: [CDAServer] - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Common Desktop Agent\CDASrv.exe [332288 2010-12-17] () HKLM\...\Run: [STO Backup Service] - C:\Program Files\SmarThru Office\BackUpSvr.exe [199760 2012-01-13] (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) HKLM\...\Run: [COMODO_TimeMachine] - C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\CTMTRAY.exe [4910904 2010-07-20] (COMODO.) HKLM\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [958576 2013-09-05] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe [3764024 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) HKLM\...\runonceex: [ContentMerger] - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\SharedCOM\ContentMerger10.exe [19952 2009-06-13] (Sonic Solutions) MountPoints2: D - D:\LaunchU3.exe -a MountPoints2: {0ec2c14c-decd-11de-a1c8-806e6f6e6963} - F:\AUTORUN\AUTORUN.EXE MountPoints2: {249ac206-4f40-11e2-b24d-0027133a0128} - D:\navi\ai12h32.exe MountPoints2: {6aecf39a-74aa-11e1-bc5f-0027133a0128} - D:\LaunchU3.exe -a HKU\Default\...\Run: [HPADVISOR] - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Advisor\HPAdvisor.exe [ 2009-07-16] (Hewlett-Packard) HKU\Default User\...\Run: [HPADVISOR] - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Advisor\HPAdvisor.exe [ 2009-07-16] (Hewlett-Packard) BootExecute: autocheck autochk * bootdeletesdnclean.exe ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://www.spiegel.de/ URLSearchHook: HKLM - Default Value = {855F3B16-6D32-4fe6-8A56-BBB695989046} URLSearchHook: HKCU - (No Name) - {90eee664-34b1-422a-a782-779af65cdf6d} - No File SearchScopes: HKLM - DefaultScope value is missing. SearchScopes: HKCU - DefaultScope {E53F6B79-27AF-4ABE-9875-AA35CEC83E09} URL = hxxp://www.google.de/search?q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {E53F6B79-27AF-4ABE-9875-AA35CEC83E09} URL = hxxp://www.google.de/search?q={searchTerms} BHO: No Name - {5C255C8A-E604-49b4-9D64-90988571CECB} - No File BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) BHO: Windows Live Anmelde-Hilfsprogramm - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll (Microsoft Corporation) BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO: HP Network Check Helper - {E76FD755-C1BA-4DCB-9F13-99BD91223ADE} - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\Resources\HPNetworkCheck\HPNetworkCheckPlugin.dll (Hewlett-Packard) Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {0BF43445-2F28-4351-9252-17FE6E806AA0} - No File Toolbar: HKLM - avast! Online Security - {CC1A175A-E45B-41ED-A30C-C9B1D7A0C02F} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) Toolbar: HKCU - No Name - {90EEE664-34B1-422A-A782-779AF65CDF6D} - No File Handler: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8050.1202.dll (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: ms-itss - {0A9007C0-4076-11D3-8789-0000F8105754} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Information Retrieval\msitss.dll (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8050.1202.dll (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) ShellExecuteHooks: - {5AE067D3-9AFB-48E0-853A-EBB7F4A000DA} - No File [ ] Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\f5funbj5.default FF DefaultSearchEngine: Ask.com FF SearchEngineOrder.1: Ask.com FF SelectedSearchEngine: Ask.com FF NetworkProxy: "type", 0 FF Plugin: @adobe.com/ShockwavePlayer - C:\windows\system32\Adobe\Director\np32dsw_1207148.dll (Adobe Systems, Inc.) FF Plugin: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.45.2 - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.45.2 - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20913.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/OfficeLive,version=1.5 - C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Office Live\npOLW.dll (Microsoft Corp.) FF Plugin: @rim.com/npappworld - C:\Program Files\Research In Motion Limited\Browser-Plug-In für BlackBerry App World\npappworld.dll () FF Plugin: @RIM.com/WebSLLauncher,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\BBWebSLLauncher\NPWebSLLauncher.dll () FF Plugin: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF HKLM\...\Firefox\Extensions: [wrc@avast.com] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF FF Extension: avast! Online Security - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF ========================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 AgereModemAudio; C:\Program Files\LSI SoftModem\agrsmsvc.exe [26112 2009-12-03] (LSI Corporation) R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [50344 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) S4 BingDesktopUpdate; C:\Program Files\Microsoft\BingDesktop\BingDesktopUpdater.exe [173192 2013-06-05] (Microsoft Corp.) R2 ClientService; C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\ClientService.exe [280888 2010-07-20] (COMODO.) S4 pdfcDispatcher; C:\Program Files\PDF Complete\pdfsvc.exe [635416 2009-06-18] (PDF Complete Inc) R2 Samsung Network Fax Server; C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\NetFaxServer.exe [176640 2012-03-23] (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) R2 STacSV; C:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\STacSV.exe [221266 2009-07-14] (IDT, Inc.) S2 StartServer; C:\Program Files\AdvoluxJava\StartServer.exe [154112 2011-04-08] () ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R2 aswMonFlt; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [67824 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [79720 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys [49944 2014-01-02] () R1 aswSnx; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [775952 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [410528 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R3 aswStm; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [64168 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R0 aswVmm; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys [180248 2014-01-02] () R0 CTMFLT; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\CTMFLT.sys [2097152 2010-07-19] () R0 CTMMOUNT; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\CTMMOUNT.sys [2097152 2010-07-19] () R0 CTMSHD; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\CTMSHD.sys [2097152 2010-07-19] () S3 FTDIBUS; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ftdibus.sys [53184 2008-04-15] (FTDI Ltd.) R0 gfibto; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\gfibto.sys [13560 2013-10-04] (GFI Software) S3 MfeAVFK; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MfeAVFK.sys [79816 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) S3 MfeBOPK; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MfeBOPK.sys [35272 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) R1 mfehidk; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mfehidk.sys [214024 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) S3 MfeRKDK; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MfeRKDK.sys [34248 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) R1 mfetdik; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mfetdik.sys [55336 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) R1 SbFw; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SbFw.sys [226080 2012-09-20] (GFI Software) S3 SBFWIMCL; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\sbfwim.sys [95488 2012-09-12] (GFI Software) R3 SBFWIMCLMP; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\SBFWIM.sys [95488 2012-09-12] (GFI Software) S3 sbhips; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sbhips.sys [94496 2012-09-20] (GFI Software) S3 sbwtis; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\sbwtis.sys [75552 2012-09-20] (GFI Software) R3 SNP2UVC; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\snp2uvc.sys [1765168 2009-07-02] () R3 yukonw7; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\yk62x86.sys [315392 2009-09-28] () S3 gfiark; system32\drivers\gfiark.sys [x] S2 sbapifs; system32\DRIVERS\sbapifs.sys [x] ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-01-02 10:14 - 2014-01-02 10:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2014-01-02 10:11 - 2014-01-02 10:12 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Save 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00064168 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswstm.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avastSS.scr 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00775952 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSnx.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00410528 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSP.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00270240 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\aswBoot.exe 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00180248 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00079720 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRdr2.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00067824 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswMonFlt.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00049944 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avaED8B.tmp 2014-01-02 00:45 - 2014-01-02 00:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:43 - 2014-01-02 00:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:04 - 2014-01-02 00:04 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup (1).exe 2014-01-01 23:47 - 2012-09-20 05:11 - 00094496 _____ (GFI Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\sbhips.sys 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2014-01-01 23:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Drivers\VDD 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2012-09-20 05:11 - 00226080 _____ (GFI Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\SbFw.sys 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2012-09-12 20:19 - 00095488 _____ (GFI Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\SbFwIm.sys 2014-01-01 23:43 - 2014-01-02 00:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\ParetoLogic 2014-01-01 23:15 - 2014-01-01 23:15 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-40373-01.dmp 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-01-01 21:36 - 2014-01-01 21:36 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-74272-01.dmp 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Startmenü 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Netzwerkumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Druckumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Musik 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-12-02 00:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ATI 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-12-02 00:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\ATI 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-07-27 08:37 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\Administrator\ntuser.ini 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-07-14 05:42 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-07-14 05:37 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance 2014-01-01 19:00 - 2014-01-01 19:00 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-61589-01.dmp 2014-01-01 18:54 - 2014-01-01 18:54 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-62384-01.dmp 2014-01-01 16:57 - 2014-01-01 16:58 - 00260576 _____ C:\windows\msxml4-KB2758694-enu.LOG 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 15:22 - 2014-01-01 15:22 - 02434048 _____ C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msxml.msi 2014-01-01 13:20 - 2014-01-01 13:20 - 00104664 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-01-01 12:51 - 2014-01-01 12:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSECache 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Program Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:39 - 2014-01-01 17:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-01-01 12:28 - 2014-01-01 12:29 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2014-01-01 12:18 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2014-01-01 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:56 - 2014-01-01 11:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00264616 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaws.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00175016 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaw.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00174504 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\java.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00094632 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\WindowsAccessBridge.dll 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Java 2014-01-01 00:39 - 2014-01-02 10:24 - 00065536 _____ C:\windows\system32\Ikeext.etl 2013-12-31 23:04 - 2013-12-31 23:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2014-01-01 17:26 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2 2013-12-31 22:30 - 2013-12-31 22:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\ERUNT 2013-12-31 22:29 - 2014-01-01 16:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\AdwCleaner 2013-12-31 19:07 - 2013-12-31 19:07 - 00003280 ____N C:\bootsqm.dat 2013-12-31 19:04 - 2013-12-31 19:04 - 00000000 __SHD C:\found.000 2013-12-31 14:00 - 2013-12-31 14:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:59 - 2014-01-01 15:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2013-12-31 13:59 - 2013-12-31 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:58 - 2013-12-31 13:58 - 00029892 _____ C:\windows\system32\.crusader 2013-12-31 13:44 - 2013-12-31 13:58 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Secunia PSI 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Secunia 2013-12-30 19:11 - 2013-12-31 13:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\MpEngineStore 2013-12-30 17:26 - 2013-12-30 17:28 - 92646672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msert.exe 2013-12-30 17:21 - 2013-12-30 17:23 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe 2013-12-12 10:43 - 2013-05-10 05:56 - 12625408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wmploc.DLL 2013-12-12 10:43 - 2013-05-10 05:56 - 11410432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wmp.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:45 - 01767936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wininet.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:45 - 00042496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:44 - 14356992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:44 - 01140736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 13761536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 02877952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 02049024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00690688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\jscript.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00493056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00391168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\ieui.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00109056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iesysprep.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00061440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00039424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00033280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 04:41 - 02706432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 03:49 - 00071680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\RegisterIEPKEYs.exe 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-11-23 19:26 - 00417792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\WMPhoto.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-11-12 03:07 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\tzres.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-30 03:19 - 00301568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\msieftp.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-30 02:27 - 02349056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\win32k.sys 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-19 02:36 - 00159232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\imagehlp.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 03:04 - 00121856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wshom.ocx 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 03:03 - 00163840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 02:15 - 00141824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 02:15 - 00126976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\cscript.exe 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-04 02:49 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\drmk.sys 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-04 02:17 - 00177152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\portcls.sys 2013-12-10 11:45 - 2014-01-01 23:38 - 00029374 _____ C:\windows\IE11_main.log ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-01-02 10:24 - 2014-01-01 00:39 - 00065536 _____ C:\windows\system32\Ikeext.etl 2014-01-02 10:24 - 2009-07-14 05:53 - 00000006 ____H C:\windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-01-02 10:24 - 2009-07-14 05:39 - 00171508 _____ C:\windows\setupact.log 2014-01-02 10:21 - 2009-12-02 00:01 - 01326722 _____ C:\windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-01-02 10:18 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\tracing 2014-01-02 10:14 - 2014-01-02 10:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2014-01-02 10:12 - 2014-01-02 10:11 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Save 2014-01-02 10:12 - 2009-07-14 05:34 - 00020720 ____H C:\windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-01-02 10:12 - 2009-07-14 05:34 - 00020720 ____H C:\windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-01-02 10:03 - 2009-12-01 18:36 - 00402504 _____ C:\windows\PFRO.log 2014-01-02 07:46 - 2013-04-07 08:10 - 00000884 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00064168 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswstm.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avastSS.scr 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00775952 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSnx.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00410528 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSP.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00270240 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\aswBoot.exe 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00180248 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00079720 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRdr2.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00067824 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswMonFlt.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00049944 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avaED8B.tmp 2014-01-02 00:45 - 2014-01-02 00:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:43 - 2014-01-02 00:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:10 - 2012-09-22 18:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Avira 2014-01-02 00:04 - 2014-01-02 00:04 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup (1).exe 2014-01-02 00:01 - 2014-01-01 23:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\ParetoLogic 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2014-01-01 23:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Drivers\VDD 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2009-09-09 09:51 - 01677752 _____ C:\windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2014-01-01 23:38 - 2013-12-10 11:45 - 00029374 _____ C:\windows\IE11_main.log 2014-01-01 23:15 - 2014-01-01 23:15 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-40373-01.dmp 2014-01-01 23:15 - 2010-01-11 08:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\Minidump 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-01-01 21:36 - 2014-01-01 21:36 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-74272-01.dmp 2014-01-01 19:21 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Startmenü 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Netzwerkumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Druckumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Musik 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator 2014-01-01 19:00 - 2014-01-01 19:00 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-61589-01.dmp 2014-01-01 18:54 - 2014-01-01 18:54 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-62384-01.dmp 2014-01-01 17:32 - 2014-01-01 12:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-01-01 17:26 - 2013-12-31 22:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2 2014-01-01 17:24 - 2013-10-04 01:19 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware 2014-01-01 17:11 - 2009-12-02 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2014-01-01 16:58 - 2014-01-01 16:57 - 00260576 _____ C:\windows\msxml4-KB2758694-enu.LOG 2014-01-01 16:39 - 2010-01-25 18:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:36 - 2013-10-09 06:05 - 00000079 _____ C:\windows\wininit.ini 2014-01-01 16:36 - 2010-08-21 21:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2014-01-01 16:36 - 2009-12-01 18:19 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:35 - 2013-12-31 22:29 - 00000000 ____D C:\AdwCleaner 2014-01-01 16:11 - 2010-01-25 18:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 15:53 - 2013-10-04 00:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Lavasoft 2014-01-01 15:40 - 2013-12-31 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2014-01-01 15:24 - 2009-12-01 19:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSXML 4.0 2014-01-01 15:22 - 2014-01-01 15:22 - 02434048 _____ C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msxml.msi 2014-01-01 14:51 - 2009-07-14 05:33 - 00507416 _____ C:\windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2014-01-01 14:45 - 2012-04-15 11:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Skype 2014-01-01 14:01 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\Microsoft.NET 2014-01-01 13:20 - 2014-01-01 13:20 - 00104664 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-01-01 12:51 - 2014-01-01 12:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSECache 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Program Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2012-04-15 11:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Skype 2014-01-01 12:40 - 2012-07-15 10:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\HP 2014-01-01 12:38 - 2009-09-09 10:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\Hewlett-Packard 2014-01-01 12:37 - 2009-12-01 17:40 - 00141104 _____ C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT 2014-01-01 12:29 - 2014-01-01 12:28 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4 2014-01-01 12:28 - 2011-07-04 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3 2014-01-01 12:18 - 2014-01-01 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-01-01 12:18 - 2010-08-21 21:52 - 00001033 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2014-01-01 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2010-08-21 21:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:56 - 2014-01-01 11:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00264616 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaws.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00175016 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaw.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00174504 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\java.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00094632 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\WindowsAccessBridge.dll 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Java 2014-01-01 11:54 - 2009-12-01 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\appmgmt 2013-12-31 23:04 - 2013-12-31 23:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2013-10-04 00:20 - 00000644 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Check for updates (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2013-10-04 00:20 - 00000616 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Refresh immunization (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2013-10-04 00:20 - 00000446 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Scan the system (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job 2013-12-31 22:32 - 2011-04-05 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\ICQ 2013-12-31 22:30 - 2013-12-31 22:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\ERUNT 2013-12-31 19:07 - 2013-12-31 19:07 - 00003280 ____N C:\bootsqm.dat 2013-12-31 19:04 - 2013-12-31 19:04 - 00000000 __SHD C:\found.000 2013-12-31 14:00 - 2013-12-31 14:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:59 - 2013-12-31 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:58 - 2013-12-31 13:58 - 00029892 _____ C:\windows\system32\.crusader 2013-12-31 13:58 - 2013-12-31 13:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Secunia PSI 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Secunia 2013-12-31 13:38 - 2013-12-30 19:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\MpEngineStore 2013-12-31 13:38 - 2010-06-16 10:55 - 00047104 ___SH C:\Users\*****\Thumbs.db 2013-12-30 17:28 - 2013-12-30 17:26 - 92646672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msert.exe 2013-12-30 17:23 - 2013-12-30 17:21 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe 2013-12-30 17:01 - 2013-10-04 07:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\CCleaner 2013-12-15 13:48 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\rescache 2013-12-15 10:51 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\de-DE 2013-12-12 10:52 - 2009-07-14 03:04 - 00000562 _____ C:\windows\win.ini 2013-12-12 10:49 - 2013-07-18 10:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\MRT 2013-12-12 10:44 - 2009-12-01 18:28 - 88123800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\MRT.exe 2013-12-11 09:46 - 2012-06-27 07:00 - 00692616 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\windows\system32\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2013-12-11 09:46 - 2012-06-27 07:00 - 00071048 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\windows\system32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\avgnt.exe C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\install_reader11_de_gtbd_chrd_dn_aaa_aih.exe ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => MD5 is legit LastRegBack: 2013-12-30 08:53 ==================== End Of Log ============================ gmer.log Code:
ATTFilter GMER 2.1.19163 - hxxp://www.gmer.net Rootkit quick scan 2014-01-02 10:36:43 Windows 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 -> \Device\Ide\IdeDeviceP0T0L0-0 rev. 0,00MB Running: gmer_2.1.19163.exe; Driver: C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\uxldqpoc.sys ---- Disk sectors - GMER 2.1 ---- Disk \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 unknown MBR code Disk \Device\Harddisk0\DR0 sector 0: rootkit-like behavior ---- System - GMER 2.1 ---- SSDT \SystemRoot\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe ZwEnumerateKey [0x830A4DE0] SSDT \SystemRoot\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe ZwEnumerateValueKey [0x830A7246] SSDT \SystemRoot\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe ZwQueryDirectoryFile [0x83071F82] SSDT \SystemRoot\system32\ntkrnlpa.exe ZwQuerySystemInformation [0x8306DF45] ---- Devices - GMER 2.1 ---- AttachedDevice \FileSystem\Ntfs \Ntfs CTMFLT.sys AttachedDevice \FileSystem\fastfat \Fat fltmgr.sys AttachedDevice \FileSystem\fastfat \Fat CTMFLT.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\tdx \Device\Ip SbFw.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\tdx \Device\Tcp mfetdik.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\tdx \Device\Tcp SbFw.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\tdx \Device\Udp mfetdik.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\tdx \Device\Udp SbFw.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\tdx \Device\RawIp SbFw.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\kbdclass \Device\KeyboardClass0 Wdf01000.sys AttachedDevice \Driver\kbdclass \Device\KeyboardClass1 Wdf01000.sys ---- Services - GMER 2.1 ---- Service C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASCORE.EXE (*** hidden *** ) [AUTO] !SASCORE <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\DRIVERS\avgntflt.sys (*** hidden *** ) [AUTO] avgntflt <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\DRIVERS\avipbb.sys (*** hidden *** ) [SYSTEM] avipbb <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\DRIVERS\avkmgr.sys (*** hidden *** ) [SYSTEM] avkmgr <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqcxs08.dll (*** hidden *** ) [MANUAL] hpqcxs08 <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service C:\Program Files\HP\Digital Imaging\bin\hpqddsvc.dll (*** hidden *** ) [AUTO] hpqddsvc <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\drivers\is3srv.sys (*** hidden *** ) [BOOT] is3srv <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\DRIVERS\ssmdrv.sys (*** hidden *** ) [SYSTEM] ssmdrv <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\DRIVERS\szkg.sys (*** hidden *** ) [BOOT] szkg5 <-- ROOTKIT !!! Service system32\drivers\szkgfs.sys (*** hidden *** ) [BOOT] szkgfs <-- ROOTKIT !!! ---- EOF - GMER 2.1 ---- Ein additional hat er nicht angezeigt (vielleicht war ich auch nur zu blöd ;( ). Alte Logs habe ich leider nicht mehr da die per Boot-CD ja nirgends gespeichert werden und ich eigentlich guter Hoffnung war das ganze so loszuwerden. |
![]() | #4 | |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der AntivirenprogrammeZitat:
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten ![]() |
![]() | #5 |
![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme ... so dann hier die beiden logs. FRST: Code:
ATTFilter can result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x86) Version: 02-01-2014 01 Ran by ***** (administrator) on COMPAQ on 03-01-2014 15:04:35 Running from D:\AV Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X86) OS Language: German Standard Internet Explorer Version 10 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) =================== (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe (IDT, Inc.) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\stacsv.exe (AMD) C:\Windows\System32\atieclxx.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\wlanext.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe (Andrea Electronics Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\AEstSrv.exe (LSI Corporation) C:\Program Files\LSI SoftModem\agrsmsvc.exe (Broadcom Corporation.) C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btwdins.exe (COMODO.) C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\ClientService.exe (Hewlett-Packard Company) C:\Program Files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSSrvc.exe (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\NetFaxServer.exe (Hewlett-Packard) C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wireless Assistant\HPWAMain.exe (IDT, Inc.) C:\Program Files\IDT\WDM\sttray.exe (Research In Motion Limited) C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Common Desktop Agent\CDASrv.exe (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) C:\Program Files\SmarThru Office\BackUpSvr.exe (COMODO.) C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\CTMTRAY.exe (AVAST Software) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe (Hewlett-Packard Company) C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\hpqWmiEx.exe () C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Shared\HpqToaster.exe (Hewlett-Packard Company) C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\HPSA_Service.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_11_9_900_170_ActiveX.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Run: [WirelessAssistant] - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wireless Assistant\HPWAMain.exe [498744 2009-07-23] (Hewlett-Packard) HKLM\...\Run: [SysTrayApp] - C:\Program Files\IDT\WDM\sttray.exe [458844 2009-07-14] (IDT, Inc.) HKLM\...\Run: [Samsung PanelMgr] - C:\Windows\Samsung\PanelMgr\SSMMgr.exe [699472 2012-05-04] () HKLM\...\Run: [RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe] - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe [90448 2011-11-02] (Research In Motion Limited) HKLM\...\Run: [CDAServer] - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Common Desktop Agent\CDASrv.exe [332288 2010-12-17] () HKLM\...\Run: [STO Backup Service] - C:\Program Files\SmarThru Office\BackUpSvr.exe [199760 2012-01-13] (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) HKLM\...\Run: [COMODO_TimeMachine] - C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\CTMTRAY.exe [4910904 2010-07-20] (COMODO.) HKLM\...\Run: [Adobe ARM] - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [958576 2013-09-05] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) HKLM\...\Run: [AvastUI.exe] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe [3764024 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) HKLM\...\runonceex: [ContentMerger] - c:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\SharedCOM\ContentMerger10.exe [19952 2009-06-13] (Sonic Solutions) MountPoints2: D - D:\LaunchU3.exe -a MountPoints2: {0ec2c14c-decd-11de-a1c8-806e6f6e6963} - F:\AUTORUN\AUTORUN.EXE MountPoints2: {249ac206-4f40-11e2-b24d-0027133a0128} - D:\navi\ai12h32.exe MountPoints2: {6aecf39a-74aa-11e1-bc5f-0027133a0128} - D:\LaunchU3.exe -a HKU\Default\...\Run: [HPADVISOR] - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Advisor\HPAdvisor.exe [ 2009-07-16] (Hewlett-Packard) HKU\Default User\...\Run: [HPADVISOR] - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Advisor\HPAdvisor.exe [ 2009-07-16] (Hewlett-Packard) BootExecute: autocheck autochk * bootdeletesdnclean.exe ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://www.spiegel.de/ URLSearchHook: HKLM - Default Value = {855F3B16-6D32-4fe6-8A56-BBB695989046} URLSearchHook: HKCU - (No Name) - {90eee664-34b1-422a-a782-779af65cdf6d} - No File SearchScopes: HKLM - DefaultScope value is missing. SearchScopes: HKCU - DefaultScope {E53F6B79-27AF-4ABE-9875-AA35CEC83E09} URL = hxxp://www.google.de/search?q={searchTerms} SearchScopes: HKCU - {E53F6B79-27AF-4ABE-9875-AA35CEC83E09} URL = hxxp://www.google.de/search?q={searchTerms} BHO: No Name - {5C255C8A-E604-49b4-9D64-90988571CECB} - No File BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In SSV Helper - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO: avast! Online Security - {8E5E2654-AD2D-48bf-AC2D-D17F00898D06} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) BHO: Windows Live Anmelde-Hilfsprogramm - {9030D464-4C02-4ABF-8ECC-5164760863C6} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Windows Live\WindowsLiveLogin.dll (Microsoft Corporation) BHO: Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Oracle Corporation) BHO: HP Network Check Helper - {E76FD755-C1BA-4DCB-9F13-99BD91223ADE} - C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\Resources\HPNetworkCheck\HPNetworkCheckPlugin.dll (Hewlett-Packard) Toolbar: HKLM - No Name - {0BF43445-2F28-4351-9252-17FE6E806AA0} - No File Toolbar: HKLM - avast! Online Security - {CC1A175A-E45B-41ED-A30C-C9B1D7A0C02F} - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswWebRepIE.dll (AVAST Software) Toolbar: HKCU - No Name - {90EEE664-34B1-422A-A782-779AF65CDF6D} - No File Handler: livecall - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8050.1202.dll (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: ms-itss - {0A9007C0-4076-11D3-8789-0000F8105754} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Information Retrieval\msitss.dll (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: msnim - {828030A1-22C1-4009-854F-8E305202313F} - C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msgrapp.14.0.8050.1202.dll (Microsoft Corporation) Handler: skype4com - {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) ShellExecuteHooks: - {5AE067D3-9AFB-48E0-853A-EBB7F4A000DA} - No File [ ] Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\f5funbj5.default FF DefaultSearchEngine: Ask.com FF SearchEngineOrder.1: Ask.com FF SelectedSearchEngine: Ask.com FF NetworkProxy: "type", 0 FF Plugin: @adobe.com/ShockwavePlayer - C:\windows\system32\Adobe\Director\np32dsw_1207148.dll (Adobe Systems, Inc.) FF Plugin: @java.com/DTPlugin,version=10.45.2 - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\dtplugin\npDeployJava1.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin: @java.com/JavaPlugin,version=10.45.2 - C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\plugin2\npjp2.dll (Oracle Corporation) FF Plugin: @Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0 - c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20913.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF Plugin: @microsoft.com/OfficeLive,version=1.5 - C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Office Live\npOLW.dll (Microsoft Corp.) FF Plugin: @rim.com/npappworld - C:\Program Files\Research In Motion Limited\Browser-Plug-In für BlackBerry App World\npappworld.dll () FF Plugin: @RIM.com/WebSLLauncher,version=1.0 - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\BBWebSLLauncher\NPWebSLLauncher.dll () FF Plugin: Adobe Reader - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AIR\nppdf32.dll (Adobe Systems Inc.) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml FF HKLM\...\Firefox\Extensions: [wrc@avast.com] - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF FF Extension: avast! Online Security - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF ========================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 AgereModemAudio; C:\Program Files\LSI SoftModem\agrsmsvc.exe [26112 2009-12-03] (LSI Corporation) R2 avast! Antivirus; C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe [50344 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) S4 BingDesktopUpdate; C:\Program Files\Microsoft\BingDesktop\BingDesktopUpdater.exe [173192 2013-06-05] (Microsoft Corp.) R2 ClientService; C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\ClientService.exe [280888 2010-07-20] (COMODO.) S4 pdfcDispatcher; C:\Program Files\PDF Complete\pdfsvc.exe [635416 2009-06-18] (PDF Complete Inc) R2 Samsung Network Fax Server; C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\NetFaxServer.exe [176640 2012-03-23] (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) R2 STacSV; C:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\STacSV.exe [221266 2009-07-14] (IDT, Inc.) S2 StartServer; C:\Program Files\AdvoluxJava\StartServer.exe [154112 2011-04-08] () ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R2 aswMonFlt; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [67824 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R1 aswRdr; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [79720 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R0 aswRvrt; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys [49944 2014-01-02] () R1 aswSnx; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [775952 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R1 aswSP; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [410528 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R3 aswStm; C:\windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [64168 2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) R0 aswVmm; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys [180248 2014-01-02] () R0 CTMFLT; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\CTMFLT.sys [2097152 2010-07-19] () R0 CTMMOUNT; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\CTMMOUNT.sys [2097152 2010-07-19] () R0 CTMSHD; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\CTMSHD.sys [2097152 2010-07-19] () S3 FTDIBUS; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ftdibus.sys [53184 2008-04-15] (FTDI Ltd.) R0 gfibto; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\gfibto.sys [13560 2013-10-04] (GFI Software) S3 MfeAVFK; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MfeAVFK.sys [79816 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) S3 MfeBOPK; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MfeBOPK.sys [35272 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) R1 mfehidk; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mfehidk.sys [214024 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) S3 MfeRKDK; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MfeRKDK.sys [34248 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) R1 mfetdik; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mfetdik.sys [55336 2009-05-16] (McAfee, Inc.) R1 SbFw; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SbFw.sys [226080 2012-09-20] (GFI Software) S3 SBFWIMCL; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\sbfwim.sys [95488 2012-09-12] (GFI Software) R3 SBFWIMCLMP; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\SBFWIM.sys [95488 2012-09-12] (GFI Software) S3 sbhips; C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sbhips.sys [94496 2012-09-20] (GFI Software) S3 sbwtis; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\sbwtis.sys [75552 2012-09-20] (GFI Software) R3 SNP2UVC; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\snp2uvc.sys [1765168 2009-07-02] () R3 yukonw7; C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\yk62x86.sys [315392 2009-09-28] () S3 gfiark; system32\drivers\gfiark.sys [x] S2 sbapifs; system32\DRIVERS\sbapifs.sys [x] ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2014-01-02 18:20 - 2014-01-02 18:20 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010214-44756-01.dmp 2014-01-02 10:14 - 2014-01-03 15:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2014-01-02 10:11 - 2014-01-02 10:12 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Save 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00064168 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswstm.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avastSS.scr 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00775952 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSnx.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00410528 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSP.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00270240 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\aswBoot.exe 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00180248 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00079720 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRdr2.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00067824 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswMonFlt.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00049944 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avaED8B.tmp 2014-01-02 00:45 - 2014-01-02 00:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:43 - 2014-01-02 00:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:04 - 2014-01-02 00:04 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup (1).exe 2014-01-01 23:47 - 2012-09-20 05:11 - 00094496 _____ (GFI Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\sbhips.sys 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2014-01-01 23:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Drivers\VDD 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2012-09-20 05:11 - 00226080 _____ (GFI Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\SbFw.sys 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2012-09-12 20:19 - 00095488 _____ (GFI Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\SbFwIm.sys 2014-01-01 23:43 - 2014-01-02 00:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\ParetoLogic 2014-01-01 23:15 - 2014-01-01 23:15 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-40373-01.dmp 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-01-01 21:36 - 2014-01-01 21:36 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-74272-01.dmp 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Startmenü 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Netzwerkumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Druckumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Musik 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-12-02 00:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ATI 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-12-02 00:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\ATI 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-07-27 08:37 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\Administrator\ntuser.ini 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-07-14 05:42 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2009-07-14 05:37 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance 2014-01-01 19:00 - 2014-01-01 19:00 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-61589-01.dmp 2014-01-01 18:54 - 2014-01-01 18:54 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-62384-01.dmp 2014-01-01 16:57 - 2014-01-01 16:58 - 00260576 _____ C:\windows\msxml4-KB2758694-enu.LOG 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 15:22 - 2014-01-01 15:22 - 02434048 _____ C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msxml.msi 2014-01-01 13:20 - 2014-01-01 13:20 - 00104664 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-01-01 12:51 - 2014-01-01 12:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSECache 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Program Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:39 - 2014-01-01 17:32 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-01-01 12:28 - 2014-01-01 12:29 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2014-01-01 12:18 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2014-01-01 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:56 - 2014-01-01 11:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00264616 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaws.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00175016 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaw.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00174504 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\java.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00094632 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\WindowsAccessBridge.dll 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Java 2014-01-01 00:39 - 2014-01-03 12:49 - 00065536 _____ C:\windows\system32\Ikeext.etl 2013-12-31 23:04 - 2013-12-31 23:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2014-01-01 17:26 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2 2013-12-31 22:30 - 2013-12-31 22:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\ERUNT 2013-12-31 22:29 - 2014-01-01 16:35 - 00000000 ____D C:\AdwCleaner 2013-12-31 19:04 - 2013-12-31 19:04 - 00000000 __SHD C:\found.000 2013-12-31 14:00 - 2013-12-31 14:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:59 - 2014-01-01 15:40 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2013-12-31 13:59 - 2013-12-31 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:58 - 2013-12-31 13:58 - 00029892 _____ C:\windows\system32\.crusader 2013-12-31 13:44 - 2013-12-31 13:58 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Secunia PSI 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Secunia 2013-12-30 19:11 - 2013-12-31 13:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\MpEngineStore 2013-12-30 17:26 - 2013-12-30 17:28 - 92646672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msert.exe 2013-12-30 17:21 - 2013-12-30 17:23 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe 2013-12-12 10:43 - 2013-05-10 05:56 - 12625408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wmploc.DLL 2013-12-12 10:43 - 2013-05-10 05:56 - 11410432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wmp.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:45 - 01767936 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wininet.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:45 - 00042496 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:44 - 14356992 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\mshtml.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:44 - 01140736 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\urlmon.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 13761536 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\ieframe.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 02877952 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\jscript9.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 02049024 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iertutil.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00690688 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\jscript.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00493056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\msfeeds.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00391168 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\ieui.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00109056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iesysprep.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00061440 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iesetup.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00039424 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\jsproxy.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 05:43 - 00033280 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\iernonce.dll 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 04:41 - 02706432 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\mshtml.tlb 2013-12-12 10:42 - 2013-10-25 03:49 - 00071680 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\RegisterIEPKEYs.exe 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-11-23 19:26 - 00417792 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\WMPhoto.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-11-12 03:07 - 00002048 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\tzres.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-30 03:19 - 00301568 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\msieftp.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-30 02:27 - 02349056 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\win32k.sys 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-19 02:36 - 00159232 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\imagehlp.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 03:04 - 00121856 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wshom.ocx 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 03:03 - 00163840 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 02:15 - 00141824 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-12 02:15 - 00126976 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\cscript.exe 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-04 02:49 - 00081408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\drmk.sys 2013-12-12 09:09 - 2013-10-04 02:17 - 00177152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\portcls.sys 2013-12-10 11:45 - 2014-01-02 10:43 - 00033527 _____ C:\windows\IE11_main.log ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2014-01-03 15:04 - 2014-01-02 10:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\FRST 2014-01-03 15:03 - 2009-12-02 00:01 - 01384765 _____ C:\windows\WindowsUpdate.log 2014-01-03 15:02 - 2013-04-07 08:10 - 00000884 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job 2014-01-03 13:55 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\tracing 2014-01-03 12:58 - 2009-07-14 05:34 - 00020720 ____H C:\windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-01-03 12:58 - 2009-07-14 05:34 - 00020720 ____H C:\windows\system32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 2014-01-03 12:49 - 2014-01-01 00:39 - 00065536 _____ C:\windows\system32\Ikeext.etl 2014-01-03 12:49 - 2009-07-14 05:53 - 00000006 ____H C:\windows\Tasks\SA.DAT 2014-01-03 12:49 - 2009-07-14 05:39 - 00171676 _____ C:\windows\setupact.log 2014-01-02 18:20 - 2014-01-02 18:20 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010214-44756-01.dmp 2014-01-02 18:20 - 2010-01-11 08:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\Minidump 2014-01-02 10:43 - 2013-12-10 11:45 - 00033527 _____ C:\windows\IE11_main.log 2014-01-02 10:12 - 2014-01-02 10:11 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Save 2014-01-02 10:03 - 2009-12-01 18:36 - 00402504 _____ C:\windows\PFRO.log 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00064168 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswstm.sys 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avastSS.scr 2014-01-02 01:04 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00775952 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSnx.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00410528 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswSP.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00270240 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\aswBoot.exe 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00180248 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswVmm.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00079720 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRdr2.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00067824 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswMonFlt.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 01:04 - 00049944 _____ C:\windows\system32\Drivers\aswRvrt.sys 2014-01-02 00:47 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 00043152 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\windows\avaED8B.tmp 2014-01-02 00:45 - 2014-01-02 00:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:43 - 2014-01-02 00:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:10 - 2012-09-22 18:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Avira 2014-01-02 00:04 - 2014-01-02 00:04 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup (1).exe 2014-01-02 00:01 - 2014-01-01 23:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\ParetoLogic 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2014-01-01 23:46 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Drivers\VDD 2014-01-01 23:46 - 2009-09-09 09:51 - 01677752 _____ C:\windows\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2014-01-01 23:15 - 2014-01-01 23:15 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-40373-01.dmp 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2014-01-01 21:39 - 2014-01-01 21:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-01-01 21:36 - 2014-01-01 21:36 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-74272-01.dmp 2014-01-01 19:21 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Startmenü 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Netzwerkumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Druckumgebung 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Musik 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2014-01-01 19:02 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator 2014-01-01 19:00 - 2014-01-01 19:00 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-61589-01.dmp 2014-01-01 18:54 - 2014-01-01 18:54 - 00131072 ____N C:\windows\Minidump\010114-62384-01.dmp 2014-01-01 17:32 - 2014-01-01 12:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-01-01 17:26 - 2013-12-31 22:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2 2014-01-01 17:24 - 2013-10-04 01:19 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\SUPERAntiSpyware 2014-01-01 17:11 - 2009-12-02 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2014-01-01 16:58 - 2014-01-01 16:57 - 00260576 _____ C:\windows\msxml4-KB2758694-enu.LOG 2014-01-01 16:39 - 2010-01-25 18:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:36 - 2013-10-09 06:05 - 00000079 _____ C:\windows\wininit.ini 2014-01-01 16:36 - 2010-08-21 21:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2014-01-01 16:36 - 2009-12-01 18:19 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:35 - 2013-12-31 22:29 - 00000000 ____D C:\AdwCleaner 2014-01-01 16:11 - 2010-01-25 18:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 16:10 - 2014-01-01 16:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 15:53 - 2013-10-04 00:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Lavasoft 2014-01-01 15:40 - 2013-12-31 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2014-01-01 15:24 - 2009-12-01 19:03 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSXML 4.0 2014-01-01 15:22 - 2014-01-01 15:22 - 02434048 _____ C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msxml.msi 2014-01-01 14:51 - 2009-07-14 05:33 - 00507416 _____ C:\windows\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2014-01-01 14:45 - 2012-04-15 11:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Skype 2014-01-01 14:01 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\Microsoft.NET 2014-01-01 13:20 - 2014-01-01 13:20 - 00104664 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\windows\system32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-01-01 12:51 - 2014-01-01 12:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\MSECache 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Program Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2014-01-01 12:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype 2014-01-01 12:44 - 2012-04-15 11:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Skype 2014-01-01 12:40 - 2012-07-15 10:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\HP 2014-01-01 12:38 - 2009-09-09 10:22 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\Hewlett-Packard 2014-01-01 12:37 - 2009-12-01 17:40 - 00141104 _____ C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\GDIPFONTCACHEV1.DAT 2014-01-01 12:29 - 2014-01-01 12:28 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4 2014-01-01 12:28 - 2011-07-04 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3 2014-01-01 12:18 - 2014-01-01 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2014-01-01 12:18 - 2010-08-21 21:52 - 00001033 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2014-01-01 12:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2014-01-01 12:17 - 2010-08-21 21:52 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 19:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:07 - 2014-01-01 12:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:56 - 2014-01-01 11:56 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\Adobe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00264616 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaws.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00175016 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\javaw.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00174504 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\java.exe 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00094632 _____ (Oracle Corporation) C:\windows\system32\WindowsAccessBridge.dll 2014-01-01 11:55 - 2014-01-01 11:55 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Java 2014-01-01 11:54 - 2009-12-01 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\appmgmt 2013-12-31 23:04 - 2013-12-31 23:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Lavasoft 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2013-10-04 00:20 - 00000644 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Check for updates (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2013-10-04 00:20 - 00000616 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Refresh immunization (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job 2013-12-31 22:49 - 2013-10-04 00:20 - 00000446 _____ C:\windows\Tasks\Scan the system (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job 2013-12-31 22:32 - 2011-04-05 18:09 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\ICQ 2013-12-31 22:30 - 2013-12-31 22:30 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\ERUNT 2013-12-31 19:04 - 2013-12-31 19:04 - 00000000 __SHD C:\found.000 2013-12-31 14:00 - 2013-12-31 14:00 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:59 - 2013-12-31 13:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 13:58 - 2013-12-31 13:58 - 00029892 _____ C:\windows\system32\.crusader 2013-12-31 13:58 - 2013-12-31 13:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Secunia PSI 2013-12-31 13:43 - 2013-12-31 13:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Secunia 2013-12-31 13:38 - 2013-12-30 19:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\MpEngineStore 2013-12-31 13:38 - 2010-06-16 10:55 - 00047104 ___SH C:\Users\*****\Thumbs.db 2013-12-30 17:28 - 2013-12-30 17:26 - 92646672 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\msert.exe 2013-12-30 17:23 - 2013-12-30 17:21 - 91412976 _____ (AVAST Software) C:\Users\*****\Downloads\avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe 2013-12-30 17:01 - 2013-10-04 07:04 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\CCleaner 2013-12-15 13:48 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\rescache 2013-12-15 10:51 - 2009-07-14 03:37 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\de-DE 2013-12-12 10:52 - 2009-07-14 03:04 - 00000562 _____ C:\windows\win.ini 2013-12-12 10:49 - 2013-07-18 10:10 - 00000000 ____D C:\windows\system32\MRT 2013-12-12 10:44 - 2009-12-01 18:28 - 88123800 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\windows\system32\MRT.exe 2013-12-11 09:46 - 2012-06-27 07:00 - 00692616 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\windows\system32\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2013-12-11 09:46 - 2012-06-27 07:00 - 00071048 _____ (Adobe Systems Incorporated) C:\windows\system32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl Some content of TEMP: ==================== C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\avgnt.exe C:\Users\*****\AppData\Local\Temp\install_reader11_de_gtbd_chrd_dn_aaa_aih.exe ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => MD5 is legit LastRegBack: 2013-12-30 08:53 ==================== End Of Log ============================ addition.txt: Code:
ATTFilter Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x86) Version: 02-01-2014 01 Ran by ***** at 2014-01-03 15:06:03 Running from D:\AV Boot Mode: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Security Center ======================== AV: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {17AD7D40-BA12-9C46-7131-94903A54AD8B} AS: Windows Defender (Enabled - Up to date) {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} AS: avast! Antivirus (Enabled - Up to date) {ACCC9CA4-9C28-93C8-4B81-AFE241D3E736} ==================== Installed Programs ====================== 32 Bit HP CIO Components Installer (Version: 7.1.8 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX (Version: 11.9.900.170 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Reader XI (11.0.05) - Deutsch (Version: 11.0.05 - Adobe Systems Incorporated) Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0 (Version: - Adobe Systems, Inc.) Amazon MP3-Downloader 1.0.9 (Version: - ) ATI Catalyst Install Manager (Version: 3.0.732.0 - ATI Technologies, Inc.) avast! Free Antivirus (Version: 9.0.2011 - Avast Software) Bing-Desktop (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.1 (Version: - Research in Motion Ltd.) BlackBerry Desktop Software 7.1 (Version: - Research in Motion Ltd.) Hidden BlackBerry Device Software Updater (Version: - Research In Motion Ltd) Broadcom 802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter (Version: - Broadcom Corporation) Browser-Plug-In für BlackBerry App World (Version: - Research In Motion Limited) BufferChm (Version: 130.0.331.000 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden C4500 (Version: 130.0.365.000 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden Catalyst Control Center - Branding (Version: 1.00.0000 - ATI) Hidden Catalyst Control Center Core Implementation (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden Catalyst Control Center Graphics Full Existing (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden Catalyst Control Center Graphics Full New (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden Catalyst Control Center Graphics Light (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden Catalyst Control Center InstallProxy (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI Technologies, Inc.) Hidden Catalyst Control Center Localization All (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Chinese Standard (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Chinese Traditional (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Czech (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Danish (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Dutch (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help English (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Finnish (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help French (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help German (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Greek (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Hungarian (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Italian (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Japanese (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Korean (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Norwegian (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Polish (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Portuguese (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Russian (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Spanish (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Swedish (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Thai (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCC Help Turkish (Version: 2009.0804.1117.18368 - ATI) Hidden ccc-core-static (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden ccc-utility (Version: 2009.0804.1118.18368 - ATI) Hidden CCleaner (Version: 4.09 - Piriform) Choice Guard (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Common Desktop Agent (Version: 1.53.0 - OEM) Hidden COMODO Time Machine (Version: 2.8.155286.178 - COMODO) Configo (Version: - Philips) CPQ Wallpaper (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) DirectX 9 Runtime (Version: 1.00.0000 - Sonic Solutions) Hidden dm-Fotowelt (Version: - ) DocProc (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden ElsterFormular (Version: - Landesfinanzdirektion Thüringen) Hewlett-Packard ACLM.NET v1.2.1.1 (Version: 1.00.0000 - Hewlett-Packard Company) Hidden HP Advisor (Version: 3.2.8946.3086 - Hewlett-Packard) HP Common Access Service Library (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Customer Experience Enhancements (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden HP ESU for Microsoft Windows 7 (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth wireless technology (Version: - Broadcom Corporation) HP Photosmart C4500 All-In-One Driver Software 13.0 Rel. 4 (Version: 13.0 - HP) HP Product Detection (Version: 11.14.0001 - HP) HP Quick Launch Buttons (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Setup (Version: 1.2.3215.3078 - Hewlett-Packard) HP Software Setup (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP Support Assistant (Version: - Hewlett-Packard Company) HP Update (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HP User Guides 0133 (Version: 1.02.0001 - Hewlett-Packard) HP Web Camera (Version: 1.0.0 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden HP Webcam (Version: - Roxio) HP Webcam Driver (Version: 5.8.50008.0 - Sonix) HP Wireless Assistant (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) HPDiagnosticAlert (Version: 1.00.0000 - Microsoft) Hidden HPPhotoGadget (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden ICQ7.4 (Version: 7.4 - ICQ) iDRS(tm) OCR Software by I.R.I.S (Version: - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) IDT Audio (Version: 1.0.6222.0 - IDT) InsOManager Version 2010 Einzelplatz Demoversion für Office 200 (Version: 2010 Einzelplatz Demoversion für Office 2007, 2010 - DVconnect) Java 7 Update 45 (Version: 7.0.450 - Oracle) LightScribe System Software (Version: - LightScribe) LSI HDA Modem (Version: 2.2.100 - LSI Corporation) Macromedia Shockwave Player (Version: - ) Marvell Miniport Driver (Version: - Marvell) Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (Version: 1.1.4322 - Microsoft) Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 German Language Pack (Version: 1.1.4322 - Microsoft) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (DEU) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Deutsch) (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Version: 4.5.50938 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Application Error Reporting (Version: 12.0.6012.5000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft AutoRoute 2006 (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Digital Image Library 9 - Blocker (Version: 9.00.0000 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Encarta 2006 Enzyklopädie Standard (Version: 2006 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Foto 2006 Standard Edition (Version: 11.0.0422 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Foto 2006 Standard Edition Bibliothek (Version: 11.0.0422 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Foto 2006 Standard Edition Editor (Version: 11.0.0422 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Microsoft Office File Validation Add-In (Version: 14.0.5130.5003 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Live Add-in 1.5 (Version: 2.0.4024.1 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (English) (Version: 12.0.6612.1000 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 (Version: 11.0.8173.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Silverlight (Version: 5.1.20913.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (Version: 8.0.61001 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - KB2467174 - x86 9.0.30729.5570 (Version: 9.0.30729.5570 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30411 (Version: 9.0.30411 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729 (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 (Version: 9.0.30729 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 (Version: 9.0.30729.4148 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (Version: 9.0.30729.6161 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.40219 (Version: 10.0.40219 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Word 2002 (Version: 10.0.6626.0 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Works (Version: 08.05.0822 - Microsoft Corporation) Microsoft Works Suite-Add-Ins für Microsoft Word (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Mozilla Firefox 26.0 (x86 de) (Version: 26.0 - Mozilla) Mozilla Maintenance Service (Version: 26.0 - Mozilla) MSVCRT (Version: 14.0.1468.721 - Microsoft) Hidden MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB954430) (Version: 4.20.9870.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP2 (KB973688) (Version: 4.20.9876.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (KB2758694) (Version: 4.30.2117.0 - Microsoft Corporation) MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (Version: 4.30.2100.0 - Microsoft Corporation) NAVIGON Fresh 3.4.1 (Version: 3.4.1 - NAVIGON) Network (Version: 130.0.572.000 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden NWB SteuerXpert (Version: 9.1.0 - Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe GmbH & Co. KG ) OCR Software by I.R.I.S. 13.0 (Version: 13.0 - HP) OpenOffice 4.0.0 (Version: 4.00.9702 - Apache Software Foundation) PDF Complete Special Edition (Version: 3.5.108 - PDF Complete, Inc) Photo Notifier and Animation Creator (Version: - Ihr Firmenname) Hidden Photo Notifier and Animation Creator (Version: - IncrediMail Ltd.) PS_AIO_04_C4500_Software_Min (Version: 130.0.365.000 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden QLBCASL (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden Roxio Activation Module (Version: 1.0 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio Creator Audio (Version: 3.8.0 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio Creator Business (Version: 10.3 - Roxio) Roxio Creator Business v10 (Version: 3.8.0 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio Creator Copy (Version: 3.8.0 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio Creator Data (Version: 3.8.0 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio Creator Tools (Version: 3.8.0 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio Express Labeler 3 (Version: 3.2.2 - Roxio) Hidden Roxio MyDVD (Version: 10.3.349 - Roxio) Hidden Samsung Easy Printer Manager (Version: - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) Samsung ML-1610 Series (Version: - ) Samsung ML-1610 Series SmartPanel (Version: - ) Samsung Network PC Fax (Version: - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) Samsung Printer Live Update (Version: 1.01.00:04(2013-04-22) - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) Samsung Scan Assistant (Version: - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) Samsung SCX-472x Series (Version: 1.15 (28.05.2012) - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) Scan (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden Setup-Start von Microsoft Works Suite 2006 (Version: - ) Skype™ 6.11 (Version: 6.11.102 - Skype Technologies S.A.) SmarThru Office (Version: 2.08.018 - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.) Sonic CinePlayer Decoder Pack (Version: 4.3.0 - Sonic Solutions) Hidden Stellarium 0.9.0 (Version: - ) StreamTransport version: (Version: - ) swMSM (Version: - Adobe Systems, Inc) Hidden Synaptics Pointing Device Driver (Version: - Synaptics Incorporated) Toolbox (Version: 130.0.648.000 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden Total Commander (Remove or Repair) (Version: 7.55a - Ghisler Software GmbH) UnloadSupport (Version: 11.0.0 - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden WebReg (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Hidden Windows 7 Default Setting (Version: - Hewlett-Packard) Windows Live Anmelde-Assistent (Version: 5.000.818.6 - Microsoft Corporation) Windows Live Call (Version: 14.0.8050.1202 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Windows Live Communications Platform (Version: 14.0.8050.1202 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Windows Live Essentials (Version: 14.0.8050.1202 - Microsoft Corporation) Windows Live Essentials (Version: 14.0.8050.1202 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Windows Live Messenger (Version: 14.0.8050.1202 - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden Windows Live-Uploadtool (Version: 14.0.8014.1029 - Microsoft Corporation) Works Update (Version: - Microsoft Corporation) Hidden ==================== Restore Points ========================= 10-12-2013 10:44:27 Windows Update 12-12-2013 09:40:38 Windows Update 16-12-2013 10:23:18 Windows Update 26-12-2013 18:22:01 Windows Update 30-12-2013 18:37:17 Windows Update 01-01-2014 11:39:08 Installed HP Update. 01-01-2014 11:41:35 Installed HP Product Detection 01-01-2014 11:46:51 AA11 01-01-2014 11:51:25 Installed Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer 2007 (English) 01-01-2014 14:19:50 Installed MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser 01-01-2014 14:50:16 AA11 01-01-2014 15:45:47 Windows Update 01-01-2014 16:04:32 Windows Update 01-01-2014 16:32:59 Windows Update 01-01-2014 18:12:25 STOPzilla Restore Point. 01-01-2014 18:15:30 Windows Update 01-01-2014 22:33:14 STOPzilla Restore Point. 01-01-2014 22:35:45 Windows Update 01-01-2014 23:44:42 avast! antivirus system restore point 01-01-2014 23:55:12 Removed STOPzilla 02-01-2014 00:02:31 avast! antivirus system restore point 02-01-2014 09:41:15 Windows Update ==================== Hosts content: ========================== 2009-07-14 03:04 - 2013-10-03 18:24 - 00000860 ____A C:\windows\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts localhost ::1 localhost ==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) ============= Task: {048DC40D-A99D-484C-9D7A-8240F017F868} - System32\Tasks\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Assistant\HPSAObjUtilTask => C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Health Check\ActiveCheck\product_line\UtilTask.exe [2013-03-05] (Microsoft) Task: {4EE40DB0-3056-4618-B421-67AD1967E463} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsBackup\AutomaticBackup => Rundll32.exe /d sdengin2.dll,ExecuteScheduledBackup Task: {6B35D262-C62A-45B6-8986-14AC6E40A9C5} - System32\Tasks\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Assistant\Update Check => C:\ProgramData\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\Resources\Updater7\HPSFUpdater.exe [2012-09-05] (Hewlett-Packard Company) Task: {7FDD18BA-3803-45AE-9340-9D64884D307B} - System32\Tasks\avast! Emergency Update => C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastEmUpdate.exe [2014-01-02] (AVAST Software) Task: {CCD95444-E5A0-40E0-A6A9-6A53069A1E5A} - System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater => C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2013-12-11] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) Task: {F7A22D00-782D-4583-9160-3B013BD6C77D} - System32\Tasks\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Assistant\PC Health Analysis => C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\HPSF.exe [2012-09-27] (Hewlett-Packard Company) Task: {FD95E9EB-882F-4564-98FB-6F0F16C95CF3} - System32\Tasks\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Assistant\HP Support Assistant Quick Start => C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\HPSF.exe [2012-09-27] (Hewlett-Packard Company) Task: C:\windows\Tasks\Ad-Aware Antivirus Scheduled Scan.job => C:\PROGRA~1\AD-AWA~1\AdAwareLauncher.exe Task: C:\windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job => C:\windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe Task: C:\windows\Tasks\Check for updates (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job => C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDUpdate.exe Task: C:\windows\Tasks\Refresh immunization (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job => C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDImmunize.exe Task: C:\windows\Tasks\Scan the system (Spybot - Search & Destroy).job => C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDScan.exe ==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) ============= 2003-07-11 02:09 - 2003-07-11 02:09 - 00048192 _____ () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Folders\1031\nsextint.dll 2010-12-17 18:13 - 2010-12-17 18:13 - 00049664 _____ () C:\Program Files\Common Files\Common Desktop Agent\CDASrvPS.dll 2010-07-16 04:18 - 2010-07-16 04:18 - 00476160 _____ () C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine\styles\comodo.theme 2014-01-02 00:46 - 2014-01-02 00:47 - 19336120 _____ () C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\libcef.dll ==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) ========= AlternateDataStreams: C:\ProgramData\TEMP:5A868D37 AlternateDataStreams: C:\Users\*****\Desktop\03 - Six Feet Under (Main Theme).mp3:Roxio EMC Stream ==================== Safe Mode (whitelisted) =================== HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer => ""="Service" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\Wdf01000.sys => ""="Driver" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\MSIServer => ""="Service" HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Network\Wdf01000.sys => ""="Driver" ==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices ============= Name: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Description: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Class Guid: Manufacturer: Service: Problem: : The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) Resolution: To install the drivers for this device, click "Update Driver", which starts the Hardware Update wizard. Name: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Description: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Class Guid: Manufacturer: Service: Problem: : The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) Resolution: To install the drivers for this device, click "Update Driver", which starts the Hardware Update wizard. Name: Microsoft-Adapter für Miniports virtueller WiFis Description: Microsoft-Adapter für Miniports virtueller WiFis Class Guid: {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Manufacturer: Microsoft Service: vwifimp Problem: : This device is disabled. (Code 22) Resolution: In Device Manager, click "Action", and then click "Enable Device". This starts the Enable Device wizard. Follow the instructions. Name: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Description: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Class Guid: Manufacturer: Service: Problem: : The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) Resolution: To install the drivers for this device, click "Update Driver", which starts the Hardware Update wizard. Name: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Description: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Class Guid: Manufacturer: Service: Problem: : The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) Resolution: To install the drivers for this device, click "Update Driver", which starts the Hardware Update wizard. Name: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Description: Bluetooth-Peripheriegerät Class Guid: Manufacturer: Service: Problem: : The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) Resolution: To install the drivers for this device, click "Update Driver", which starts the Hardware Update wizard. ==================== Event log errors: ========================= Application errors: ================== Error: (01/03/2014 00:45:29 PM) (Source: Application Hang) (User: ) Description: Programm iexplore.exe, Version 10.0.9200.16750 kann nicht mehr unter Windows ausgeführt werden und wurde beendet. Überprüfen Sie den Problemverlauf in der Wartungscenter-Systemsteuerung, um nach weiteren Informationen zum Problem zu suchen. Prozess-ID: 1a78 Startzeit: 01cf08793a94c700 Endzeit: 20 Anwendungspfad: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Berichts-ID: Error: (01/03/2014 11:08:36 AM) (Source: SideBySide) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontextes für "Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="*",processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""1". Die abhängige Assemblierung "Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="*",processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Verwenden Sie für eine detaillierte Diagnose das Programm "sxstrace.exe". Error: (01/03/2014 11:07:20 AM) (Source: SideBySide) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontextes für "Microsoft.VC90.ATL,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"1". Die abhängige Assemblierung "Microsoft.VC90.ATL,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Verwenden Sie für eine detaillierte Diagnose das Programm "sxstrace.exe". Error: (01/03/2014 11:03:27 AM) (Source: SideBySide) (User: ) Description: Fehler beim Generieren des Aktivierungskontextes für "Microsoft.VC90.ATL,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"1". Die abhängige Assemblierung "Microsoft.VC90.ATL,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Verwenden Sie für eine detaillierte Diagnose das Programm "sxstrace.exe". Error: (01/03/2014 11:00:03 AM) (Source: Windows Backup) (User: ) Description: Die Sicherung wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers beim Schreiben am Sicherungsspeicherort "Z:\" nicht abgeschlossen. Fehler: "Der Sicherungsort wurde nicht gefunden oder ist ungültig. Überprüfen Sie die Sicherungseinstellungen und den Sicherungsort. (0x81000006)" Error: (01/03/2014 10:43:39 AM) (Source: Application Error) (User: ) Description: Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: SearchProtocolHost.exe, Version: 7.0.7601.17610, Zeitstempel: 0x4dc0c63a Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: MSMAPI32.DLL, Version: 11.0.8323.0, Zeitstempel: 0x4b7ea430 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x00012955 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x1838 Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0xSearchProtocolHost.exe0 Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: SearchProtocolHost.exe1 Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: SearchProtocolHost.exe2 Berichtskennung: SearchProtocolHost.exe3 Error: (01/03/2014 10:41:00 AM) (Source: Application Hang) (User: ) Description: Programm iexplore.exe, Version 10.0.9200.16750 kann nicht mehr unter Windows ausgeführt werden und wurde beendet. Überprüfen Sie den Problemverlauf in der Wartungscenter-Systemsteuerung, um nach weiteren Informationen zum Problem zu suchen. Prozess-ID: 1d60 Startzeit: 01cf0867d79d0f4b Endzeit: 10 Anwendungspfad: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Berichts-ID: 24dbbf85-745b-11e3-aa1c-0027133a0128 Error: (01/03/2014 10:37:44 AM) (Source: Application Hang) (User: ) Description: Programm iexplore.exe, Version 10.0.9200.16750 kann nicht mehr unter Windows ausgeführt werden und wurde beendet. Überprüfen Sie den Problemverlauf in der Wartungscenter-Systemsteuerung, um nach weiteren Informationen zum Problem zu suchen. Prozess-ID: c9c Startzeit: 01cf08675639fb51 Endzeit: 10 Anwendungspfad: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Berichts-ID: Error: (01/02/2014 07:08:48 PM) (Source: Application Hang) (User: ) Description: Programm iexplore.exe, Version 10.0.9200.16750 kann nicht mehr unter Windows ausgeführt werden und wurde beendet. Überprüfen Sie den Problemverlauf in der Wartungscenter-Systemsteuerung, um nach weiteren Informationen zum Problem zu suchen. Prozess-ID: 134c Startzeit: 01cf07e553ae269a Endzeit: 27 Anwendungspfad: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Berichts-ID: Error: (01/02/2014 07:06:09 PM) (Source: Application Hang) (User: ) Description: Programm iexplore.exe, Version 10.0.9200.16750 kann nicht mehr unter Windows ausgeführt werden und wurde beendet. Überprüfen Sie den Problemverlauf in der Wartungscenter-Systemsteuerung, um nach weiteren Informationen zum Problem zu suchen. Prozess-ID: 21c Startzeit: 01cf07e52e54522a Endzeit: 20 Anwendungspfad: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Berichts-ID: System errors: ============= Error: (01/03/2014 03:02:07 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (01/03/2014 00:49:42 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Schwerwiegender Hardwarefehler. Gemeldet von Komponente: Prozessorkern Fehlerquelle: 3 Fehlertyp: 10 Prozessor-ID: 0 Die Detailansicht dieses Eintrags beinhaltet weitere Informationen. Error: (01/03/2014 00:49:26 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "DgiVecp" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: %%20 Error: (01/03/2014 00:48:58 PM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "sbapifs" wurde aufgrund folgenden Fehlers nicht gestartet: %%2 Error: (01/03/2014 00:48:56 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Error: (01/03/2014 00:48:56 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (User: ) Description: CPLIB :: General - Invalid Parameter Error: (01/03/2014 00:48:51 PM) (Source: volmgr) (User: ) Description: Die Initialisierung des Speicherabbildes ist fehlgeschlagen. Error: (01/03/2014 00:48:33 PM) (Source: volmgr) (User: ) Description: Die Initialisierung des Speicherabbildes ist fehlgeschlagen. Error: (01/03/2014 00:48:33 PM) (Source: volmgr) (User: ) Description: Die Initialisierung des Speicherabbildes ist fehlgeschlagen. Error: (01/03/2014 00:44:17 PM) (Source: atikmdag) (User: ) Description: Display is not active Microsoft Office Sessions: ========================= Error: (01/03/2014 00:45:29 PM) (Source: Application Hang)(User: ) Description: iexplore.exe10.0.9200.167501a7801cf08793a94c70020C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Error: (01/03/2014 11:08:36 AM) (Source: SideBySide)(User: ) Description: Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language="*",processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""c:\program files\SAMSUNG\samsung scx-472x series\Setup\Setup\bin\wiainst64.exe Error: (01/03/2014 11:07:20 AM) (Source: SideBySide)(User: ) Description: Microsoft.VC90.ATL,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Desktop\MailServerMAPIProxy64.exe Error: (01/03/2014 11:03:27 AM) (Source: SideBySide)(User: ) Description: Microsoft.VC90.ATL,processorArchitecture="amd64",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\AppLoader\MailServerMAPIProxy64.exe Error: (01/03/2014 11:00:03 AM) (Source: Windows Backup)(User: ) Description: Z:\Der Sicherungsort wurde nicht gefunden oder ist ungültig. Überprüfen Sie die Sicherungseinstellungen und den Sicherungsort. (0x81000006) Error: (01/03/2014 10:43:39 AM) (Source: Application Error)(User: ) Description: SearchProtocolHost.exe7.0.7601.176104dc0c63aMSMAPI32.DLL11.0.8323.04b7ea430c000000500012955183801cf07e6348e72faC:\windows\system32\SearchProtocolHost.exeC:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\MSMAPI\1031\MSMAPI32.DLL85b64942-745b-11e3-aa1c-0027133a0128 Error: (01/03/2014 10:41:00 AM) (Source: Application Hang)(User: ) Description: iexplore.exe10.0.9200.167501d6001cf0867d79d0f4b10C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe24dbbf85-745b-11e3-aa1c-0027133a0128 Error: (01/03/2014 10:37:44 AM) (Source: Application Hang)(User: ) Description: iexplore.exe10.0.9200.16750c9c01cf08675639fb5110C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Error: (01/02/2014 07:08:48 PM) (Source: Application Hang)(User: ) Description: iexplore.exe10.0.9200.16750134c01cf07e553ae269a27C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Error: (01/02/2014 07:06:09 PM) (Source: Application Hang)(User: ) Description: iexplore.exe10.0.9200.1675021c01cf07e52e54522a20C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe ==================== Memory info =========================== Percentage of memory in use: 80% Total physical RAM: 1788.82 MB Available physical RAM: 355.64 MB Total Pagefile: 3577.65 MB Available Pagefile: 1815.12 MB Total Virtual: 2047.88 MB Available Virtual: 1915.26 MB ==================== Drives ================================ Drive c: () (Fixed) (Total:280.8 GB) (Free:208.67 GB) NTFS ==>[System with boot components (obtained from reading drive)] Drive d: (USB DISK) (Removable) (Total:7.46 GB) (Free:5.28 GB) FAT32 Drive e: (HP_TOOLS) (Fixed) (Total:1.99 GB) (Free:1.98 GB) FAT32 ==================== MBR & Partition Table ================== ======================================================== Disk: 1 (Size: 7 GB) (Disk ID: 6F20736B) No partition Table on disk 1. Disk 1 is a removable device. ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
![]() | #6 |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Dann bitte jetzt Combofix ausführen: Scan mit Combofix
__________________ --> Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme |
![]() | #7 |
![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Dann hier die Datei: Code:
ATTFilter ComboFix 14-01-04.03 - ***** 04.01.2014 13:41:14.1.2 - x86 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 6.1.7601.1.1252.49.1031.18.1789.885 [GMT 1:00] ausgef¸hrt von:: c:\users\*****\Desktop\ComboFix.exe AV: avast! Antivirus *Disabled/Updated* {17AD7D40-BA12-9C46-7131-94903A54AD8B} SP: avast! Antivirus *Disabled/Updated* {ACCC9CA4-9C28-93C8-4B81-AFE241D3E736} SP: Windows Defender *Enabled/Updated* {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} . . (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Weitere Lˆschungen )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . C:\install.exe c:\windows\avaED8B.tmp . . ((((((((((((((((((((((( Dateien erstellt von 2013-12-04 bis 2014-01-04 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . 2014-01-04 12:53 . 2014-01-04 12:53 -------- d-----w- c:\users\*****\AppData\Local\temp 2014-01-04 12:53 . 2014-01-04 12:53 -------- d-----w- c:\users\Default\AppData\Local\temp 2014-01-03 22:51 . 2013-12-04 02:57 7760024 ----a-w- c:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\{C9903646-F896-4A69-89F9-EF7588057D24}\mpengine.dll 2014-01-02 09:14 . 2014-01-03 14:04 -------- d-----w- C:\FRST 2014-01-02 09:11 . 2014-01-02 09:12 -------- d-----r- C:\Save 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-02 00:04 -------- d-----w- c:\users\*****\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-02 00:04 64168 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswstm.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 180248 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswVmm.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 775952 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 410528 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 67824 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 49944 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswRvrt.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 79720 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-01 23:47 270240 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\aswBoot.exe 2014-01-02 00:04 . 2014-01-02 00:04 43152 ----a-w- c:\windows\avastSS.scr 2014-01-01 23:45 . 2014-01-01 23:45 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\AVAST Software 2014-01-01 23:43 . 2014-01-01 23:43 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\AVAST Software 2014-01-01 22:47 . 2012-09-20 04:11 94496 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\sbhips.sys 2014-01-01 22:46 . 2012-09-12 19:19 95488 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\SbFwIm.sys 2014-01-01 22:46 . 2012-09-20 04:11 226080 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\SbFw.sys 2014-01-01 22:46 . 2014-01-01 22:46 -------- d-----w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\VDD 2014-01-01 22:43 . 2014-01-01 23:01 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\ParetoLogic 2014-01-01 18:02 . 2014-01-01 18:02 -------- d-----w- c:\users\Administrator 2014-01-01 15:10 . 2014-01-01 15:10 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Common Files\Adobe 2014-01-01 12:20 . 2014-01-01 12:20 104664 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys 2014-01-01 11:51 . 2014-01-01 11:51 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\MSECache 2014-01-01 11:44 . 2014-01-01 11:44 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Common Files\Skype 2014-01-01 11:44 . 2014-01-01 11:44 -------- d-----r- c:\program files\Skype 2014-01-01 11:39 . 2014-01-01 16:32 -------- d-----w- c:\users\*****\AppData\Roaming\HpUpdate 2014-01-01 11:28 . 2014-01-01 11:29 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\OpenOffice 4 2014-01-01 11:07 . 2014-01-01 11:07 -------- d-----w- c:\users\Default\AppData\Local\Adobe 2014-01-01 10:56 . 2014-01-01 10:56 -------- d-----w- c:\windows\system32\Adobe 2014-01-01 10:55 . 2014-01-01 10:55 94632 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\WindowsAccessBridge.dll 2014-01-01 10:55 . 2014-01-01 10:55 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Java 2013-12-31 22:04 . 2013-12-31 22:04 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\Lavasoft 2013-12-31 21:49 . 2014-01-01 16:26 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2 2013-12-31 21:30 . 2013-12-31 21:30 -------- d-----w- c:\windows\ERUNT 2013-12-31 21:29 . 2014-01-01 15:35 -------- d-----w- C:\AdwCleaner 2013-12-31 18:04 . 2013-12-31 18:04 -------- d-----w- C:\found.000 2013-12-31 13:00 . 2013-12-31 13:00 -------- d-----w- c:\users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 12:59 . 2013-12-31 12:59 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\Malwarebytes 2013-12-31 12:59 . 2014-01-01 14:40 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2013-12-31 12:44 . 2013-12-31 12:58 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\HitmanPro 2013-12-31 12:43 . 2013-12-31 12:43 -------- d-----w- c:\users\*****\AppData\Local\Secunia PSI 2013-12-31 12:43 . 2013-12-31 12:43 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Secunia 2013-12-30 18:42 . 2013-12-30 18:42 -------- d-----w- c:\windows\Migration 2013-12-30 18:11 . 2013-12-31 12:38 -------- d-----w- c:\windows\system32\MpEngineStore 2013-12-12 09:43 . 2013-05-10 04:56 12625408 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\wmploc.DLL 2013-12-12 09:43 . 2013-05-10 03:48 164864 ----a-w- c:\program files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-30 02:19 301568 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\msieftp.dll 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-19 01:36 159232 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\imagehlp.dll 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-12 02:04 121856 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\wshom.ocx 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-12 02:03 163840 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\scrrun.dll 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-12 01:15 141824 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-12 01:15 126976 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-11-23 18:26 417792 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\WMPhoto.dll 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-04 01:17 177152 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\portcls.sys 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-04 01:49 81408 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\drivers\drmk.sys 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-10-30 01:27 2349056 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\win32k.sys 2013-12-12 08:09 . 2013-11-12 02:07 2048 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\tzres.dll . . . (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Find3M Bericht )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . 2013-12-11 08:46 . 2012-06-27 06:00 71048 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl 2013-12-11 08:46 . 2012-06-27 06:00 692616 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\FlashPlayerApp.exe 2013-11-26 11:25 . 2009-12-01 17:21 230048 ------w- c:\windows\system32\MpSigStub.exe 2013-10-12 02:03 . 2013-11-14 06:15 656896 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nshwfp.dll 2013-10-12 02:01 . 2013-11-14 06:15 679424 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\IKEEXT.DLL 2013-10-12 02:01 . 2013-11-14 06:15 216576 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\FWPUCLNT.DLL . . (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Autostartpunkte der Registrierung )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . *Hinweis* leere Eintr‰ge & legitime Standardeintr‰ge werden nicht angezeigt. REGEDIT4 . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\shelliconoverlayidentifiers\00avast] @="{472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24}] 2014-01-01 23:46 259464 ----a-w- c:\program files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashShell.dll . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "WirelessAssistant"="c:\program files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Wireless Assistant\HPWAMain.exe" [2009-07-23 498744] "SysTrayApp"="c:\program files\IDT\WDM\sttray.exe" [2009-07-13 458844] "Samsung PanelMgr"="c:\windows\samsung\panelmgr\SSMMgr.exe" [2012-05-04 699472] "RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe"="c:\program files\Common Files\Research In Motion\USB Drivers\RIMBBLaunchAgent.exe" [2011-11-02 90448] "CDAServer"="c:\program files\Common Files\Common Desktop Agent\CDASrv.exe" [2010-12-17 332288] "STO Backup Service"="c:\program files\SmarThru Office\BackUpSvr.exe" [2012-01-13 199760] "COMODO_TimeMachine"="c:\program files\COMODO\Time Machine\CTMTRAY.exe" [2010-07-20 4910904] "Adobe ARM"="c:\program files\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe" [2013-09-05 958576] "AvastUI.exe"="c:\program files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe" [2014-01-01 3764024] . c:\programdata\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Microsoft Office.lnk - c:\program files\Microsoft Office\Office10\OSA.EXE -b -l [2001-2-13 83360] . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system] "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"= 5 (0x5) "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"= 3 (0x3) "EnableUIADesktopToggle"= 0 (0x0) . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager] BootExecute REG_MULTI_SZ autocheck autochk *\0bootdelete\0sdnclean.exe . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\!SASCORE] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\hitmanpro37] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\hitmanpro37.sys] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\HitmanPro37Crusader] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\HitmanPro37CrusaderBoot] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\mbamchameleon] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MBAMSwissArmy] @="" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer] @="Service" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\Wdf01000.sys] @="Driver" . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\shared tools\msconfig\startupreg\Ad-Aware Antivirus] c:\program files\Ad-Aware Antivirus\AdAwareLauncher --windows-run [X] . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\shared tools\msconfig\startupreg\Adobe ARM] 2013-09-05 14:03 958576 ----a-w- c:\program files\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\shared tools\msconfig\startupreg\HP Software Update] 2011-10-28 11:18 49208 ----a-w- c:\program files\HP\HP Software Update\hpwuschd2.exe . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\shared tools\msconfig\startupreg\PDF Complete] 2009-06-18 16:07 563736 ----a-w- c:\program files\PDF Complete\pdfsty.exe . R2 sbapifs;sbapifs;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\sbapifs.sys [x] R2 SkypeUpdate;Skype Updater;c:\program files\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe [2013-10-23 172192] R2 StartServer;StartServer;c:\program files\AdvoluxJava\StartServer.exe [2011-04-08 154112] R3 aswStm;aswStm;c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswStm.sys [2014-01-02 64168] R3 btwl2cap;Bluetooth L2CAP Service;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\btwl2cap.sys [2009-04-07 29472] R3 Com4QLBEx;Com4QLBEx;c:\program files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Quick Launch Buttons\Com4QLBEx.exe [2009-05-05 228408] R3 gfiark;gfiark;c:\windows\system32\drivers\gfiark.sys [x] R3 RdpVideoMiniport;Remote Desktop Video Miniport Driver;c:\windows\system32\drivers\rdpvideominiport.sys [2012-08-23 14848] R3 RoxMediaDB10;RoxMediaDB10;c:\program files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\SharedCOM\RoxMediaDB10.exe [2009-06-13 1120752] R3 SBFWIMCL;GFI Software Firewall NDIS IM Filter Service;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\sbfwim.sys [2012-09-12 95488] R3 sbhips;sbhips;c:\windows\system32\drivers\sbhips.sys [2012-09-20 94496] R3 sbwtis;sbwtis;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\sbwtis.sys [2012-09-20 75552] R3 TsUsbFlt;TsUsbFlt;c:\windows\system32\drivers\tsusbflt.sys [2012-08-23 49664] R4 BingDesktopUpdate;Bing Desktop Update service;c:\program files\Microsoft\BingDesktop\BingDesktopUpdater.exe [2013-06-05 173192] R4 pdfcDispatcher;PDF Document Manager;c:\program files\PDF Complete\pdfsvc.exe [2009-06-18 635416] S0 aswRvrt;avast! Revert; [x] S0 aswVmm;avast! VM Monitor; [x] S0 gfibto;gfibto;c:\windows\system32\drivers\gfibto.sys [2013-10-03 13560] S1 aswSnx;aswSnx;c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [2014-01-01 775952] S1 aswSP;aswSP;c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswSP.sys [2014-01-01 410528] S1 SbFw;SbFw;c:\windows\system32\drivers\SbFw.sys [2012-09-20 226080] S2 AESTFilters;Andrea ST Filters Service;c:\windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\stwrt.inf_x86_neutral_b3d7bbbd6875f4bb\aestsrv.exe [2009-03-02 81920] S2 AMD External Events Utility;AMD External Events Utility;c:\windows\system32\atiesrxx.exe [2009-08-04 176128] S2 aswMonFlt;aswMonFlt;c:\windows\system32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [2014-01-01 67824] S2 HP Support Assistant Service;HP Support Assistant Service;c:\program files\Hewlett-Packard\HP Support Framework\hpsa_service.exe [2012-09-27 86528] S2 Samsung Network Fax Server;Samsung Network Fax Server;c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\NetFaxServer.exe [2012-03-23 176640] S2 SSPORT;SSPORT;c:\windows\system32\Drivers\SSPORT.sys [2011-03-14 5120] S3 SBFWIMCLMP;GFI Software Firewall NDIS IM Filter Miniport;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\SBFWIM.sys [2012-09-12 95488] S3 yukonw7;NDIS6.2 Miniport Driver for Marvell Yukon Ethernet Controller;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\yk62x86.sys [2009-09-28 315392] . . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\svchost] HPZ12 REG_MULTI_SZ Pml Driver HPZ12 Net Driver HPZ12 HPService REG_MULTI_SZ HPSLPSVC . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\active setup\installed components\{10880D85-AAD9-4558-ABDC-2AB1552D831F}] 2009-06-17 19:11 451872 ----a-w- c:\program files\Common Files\LightScribe\LSRunOnce.exe . Inhalt des "geplante Tasks" Ordners . 2014-01-04 c:\windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job - c:\windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [2012-06-27 08:46] . . ------- Zus‰tzlicher Suchlauf ------- . uStart Page = hxxp://www.spiegel.de/ IE: Bild an &Bluetooth-Ger‰t senden... - c:\program files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btsendto_ie_ctx.htm IE: E&xport to Microsoft Excel - c:\progra~1\MICROS~1\Office12\EXCEL.EXE/3000 IE: Seite an &Bluetooth-Ger‰t senden... - c:\program files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btsendto_ie.htm IE: {{73C6DCFB-B606-47F3-BDFA-9A4FBF931E37} - c:\program files\ICQ7.4\ICQ.exe Trusted Zone: //about.htm/ Trusted Zone: //Exclude.htm/ Trusted Zone: //LanguageSelection.htm/ Trusted Zone: //Message.htm/ Trusted Zone: //MyAgttryCmd.htm/ Trusted Zone: //MyAgttryNag.htm/ Trusted Zone: //MyNotification.htm/ Trusted Zone: //NOCLessUpdate.htm/ Trusted Zone: //quarantine.htm/ Trusted Zone: //ScanNow.htm/ Trusted Zone: //strings.vbs/ Trusted Zone: //Template.htm/ Trusted Zone: //Update.htm/ Trusted Zone: //VirFound.htm/ Trusted Zone: mcafee.com\* Trusted Zone: mcafeeasap.com\betavscan Trusted Zone: mcafeeasap.com\vs Trusted Zone: mcafeeasap.com\www TCP: DhcpNameServer = FF - ProfilePath - c:\users\*****\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\f5funbj5.default\ FF - prefs.js: browser.search.selectedEngine - Ask.com FF - prefs.js: network.proxy.type - 0 . - - - - Entfernte verwaiste Registrierungseintr‰ge - - - - . URLSearchHooks-{90eee664-34b1-422a-a782-779af65cdf6d} - (no file) WebBrowser-{90EEE664-34B1-422A-A782-779AF65CDF6D} - (no file) ShellExecuteHooks-{5AE067D3-9AFB-48E0-853A-EBB7F4A000DA} - (no file) MSConfigStartUp-Ad-Aware Browsing Protection - c:\programdata\Ad-Aware Browsing Protection\adawarebp.exe MSConfigStartUp-Adobe Reader Speed Launcher - c:\program files\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe MSConfigStartUp-SDTray - c:\program files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDTray.exe MSConfigStartUp-SUPERAntiSpyware - c:\program files\SUPERAntiSpyware\SUPERAntiSpyware.exe AddRemove-LSI Soft Modem - c:\windows\agrsmdel AddRemove-{EE202411-2C26-49E8-9784-1BC1DBF7DE96} - c:\program files\InstallShield Installation Information\{EE202411-2C26-49E8-9784-1BC1DBF7DE96}\setup.exe . . . ************************************************************************** . Stealth MBR rootkit/Mebroot/Sinowal/TDL4 detector 0.4.2 by Gmer, hxxp://www.gmer.net Windows 6.1.7601 . CreateFile("\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0"): Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird. device: opened successfully user: error reading MBR kernel: MBR read successfully user != kernel MBR !!! copy of MBR has been found in sector 22 ! copy of MBR has been found in sector 23 ! . ************************************************************************** . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\pdfcDispatcher] "ImagePath"="c:\program files\PDF Complete\pdfsvc.exe /startedbyscm:66B66708-40E2BE4D-pdfcService" . --------------------- Gesperrte Registrierungsschluessel --------------------- . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\AllUserSettings] @Denied: (A) (Users) @Denied: (A) (Everyone) @Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20) "BlindDial"=dword:00000000 "MSCurrentCountry"=dword:000000b5 . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0001\AllUserSettings] @Denied: (A) (Users) @Denied: (A) (Everyone) @Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20) "BlindDial"=dword:00000000 . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0002\AllUserSettings] @Denied: (A) (Users) @Denied: (A) (Everyone) @Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20) "BlindDial"=dword:00000000 . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E96D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0003\AllUserSettings] @Denied: (A) (Users) @Denied: (A) (Everyone) @Allowed: (B 1 2 3 4 5) (S-1-5-20) "BlindDial"=dword:00000000 . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\PCW\Security] @Denied: (Full) (Everyone) . Zeit der Fertigstellung: 2014-01-04 13:56:01 ComboFix-quarantined-files.txt 2014-01-04 12:56 . Vor Suchlauf: 15 Verzeichnis(se), Bytes frei Nach Suchlauf: 24 Verzeichnis(se), 225.055.961.088 Bytes frei . - - End Of File - - A4B87F54C93C8EE694DF36E04DB3F670 3C39E28DFC87C0C77116C91AC4B874B7 |
![]() | #8 |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit (MBAR) Downloade dir bitte ![]()
Starte keine andere Datei in diesem Ordner ohne Anweisung eines Helfers
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten ![]() |
![]() | #9 |
![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Hallo, habe das ganze nach der Anleitung durchgeführt (Denke ich jedenfalls). Es wurden auch Bedrohungen gefunden, allerdings wurde auch ohne Neustart "Behoben" angezeigt. Habe den Rechner trotzdem neu gestartet, beim zweiten Lauf wurden aber wieder die selben Files angemerkt. Hier die Logs dazu: Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA www.malwarebytes.org Database version: v2014.01.04.08 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86 NTFS Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16428 ***** :: COMPAQ [limited] 05.01.2014 09:44:09 mbar-log-2014-01-05 (09-44-09).txt Scan type: Quick scan Scan options enabled: Anti-Rootkit | Drivers | MBR | Physical Sectors | Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken Scan options disabled: Objects scanned: 253860 Time elapsed: 21 minute(s), 44 second(s) Memory Processes Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Memory Modules Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Keys Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Values Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Data Items Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Folders Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Files Detected: 7 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\afd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\cng.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\drmk.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidclass.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidparse.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\ksecdd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. Physical Sectors Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA www.malwarebytes.org Database version: v2014.01.04.08 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86 NTFS Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16428 ***** :: COMPAQ [limited] 05.01.2014 08:57:20 mbar-log-2014-01-05 (08-57-20).txt Scan type: Quick scan Scan options enabled: Anti-Rootkit | Drivers | MBR | Physical Sectors | Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken Scan options disabled: Objects scanned: 254720 Time elapsed: 24 minute(s), 47 second(s) Memory Processes Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Memory Modules Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Keys Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Values Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Data Items Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Folders Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Files Detected: 7 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\afd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\cng.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\drmk.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidclass.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidparse.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\ksecdd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. Physical Sectors Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) |
![]() | #10 | |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der AntivirenprogrammeZitat:
Wiederholen bitte. MBAR starten per Rechtsklick => als Admin ausführen
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten ![]() |
![]() | #11 |
![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Hallo, nein. Wurde mit Rechtsklick als Adminstrator ausgeführt und die Windows Abfrage ob man das wirklich wolle habe ich auch mit Ja beantwortet. |
![]() | #12 |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Bitte nochmal explizit mit Adminrechten starten über Rechtsklick => als Admin ausführen
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten ![]() |
![]() | #13 |
![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Wie geschrieben habe ich genau das gemacht. ![]() |
![]() | #14 |
/// Winkelfunktion /// TB-Süch-Tiger™ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Bitte mach es nochmal. Und den Scan wiederholen. Vorher MBAR updaten
__________________ Logfiles bitte immer in CODE-Tags posten ![]() |
![]() | #15 |
![]() | ![]() Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme Hallo, so nun nochmal gemacht. Allerdings mit dem selben Ergebnis. Scan im Windows Normalmodus, gestartet mit rechter Maus und Admin: Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA www.malwarebytes.org Database version: v2014.01.05.04 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86 NTFS Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16476 ***** :: COMPAQ [limited] 05.01.2014 23:24:34 mbar-log-2014-01-05 (23-24-34).txt Scan type: Quick scan Scan options enabled: Anti-Rootkit | Drivers | MBR | Physical Sectors | Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken Scan options disabled: Objects scanned: 253874 Time elapsed: 22 minute(s), 39 second(s) Memory Processes Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Memory Modules Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Keys Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Values Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Data Items Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Folders Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Files Detected: 7 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\afd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\cng.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\drmk.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidclass.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidparse.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\ksecdd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. Physical Sectors Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA www.malwarebytes.org Database version: v2014.01.05.04 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86 NTFS (Safe Mode/Networking) Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16476 ***** :: COMPAQ [administrator] 05.01.2014 23:59:38 mbar-log-2014-01-05 (23-59-38).txt Scan type: Quick scan Scan options enabled: Anti-Rootkit | Drivers | MBR | Physical Sectors | Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken Scan options disabled: Objects scanned: 46123 Time elapsed: 3 minute(s), 46 second(s) [aborted] Memory Processes Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Memory Modules Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Keys Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Values Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Data Items Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Folders Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Files Detected: 7 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\afd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\cng.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\drmk.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidclass.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidparse.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\ksecdd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> No action taken. Physical Sectors Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA www.malwarebytes.org Database version: v2014.01.06.01 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x86 NTFS Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.16476 ***** :: COMPAQ [limited] 06.01.2014 05:19:30 mbar-log-2014-01-06 (05-19-30).txt Scan type: Quick scan Scan options enabled: Anti-Rootkit | Drivers | MBR | Physical Sectors | Memory | Startup | Registry | File System | Heuristics/Extra | Heuristics/Shuriken Scan options disabled: Objects scanned: 253923 Time elapsed: 24 minute(s), 36 second(s) Memory Processes Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Memory Modules Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Keys Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Values Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Registry Data Items Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Folders Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) Files Detected: 7 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\afd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\cng.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\drmk.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidclass.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\hidparse.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\dxgkrnl.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\drivers\ksecdd.sys (Unknown.Rootkit.Driver) -> Replace on reboot. Physical Sectors Detected: 0 (No malicious items detected) (end) Zu keiner Zeit habe ich eine Meldung bekommen den Rechner neu zu starten. Trotzdem habe ich das nach jedem Scan gemacht. Neues Sympthom seit heute: google lässt sich nicht mehr im Browser aufrufen. |
![]() |
Themen zu Bundestrojaner eingefangen - Widersprüchliche Aussagen der Antivirenprogramme |
abgesicherten, acrobat, aktuelle, anti, antivirenprogramm, avast, avira, befall, bildschirm, bundestrojaner, dateien, einfach, funktioniert, gen, java, malware, problem, programm, programme, rechner, scan, starten, trojaner, verbindung, windows |