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Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung: Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E BefallWindows 7 Wenn Du nicht sicher bist, ob Du dir Malware oder Trojaner eingefangen hast, erstelle hier ein Thema. Ein Experte wird sich mit weiteren Anweisungen melden und Dir helfen die Malware zu entfernen oder Unerwünschte Software zu deinstallieren bzw. zu löschen. Bitte schildere dein Problem so genau wie möglich. Sollte es ein Trojaner oder Viren Problem sein wird ein Experte Dir bei der Beseitigug der Infektion helfen. |
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![]() | #1 |
![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Hallo Leute, ich benötige Hilfe. Gerade ist mir mein Rechner abgestürzt und ich musste Windows 8 neu installieren. Alle Daten waren noch da, aber die Programme nicht mehr (AV, Open Office, Lesezeichen im Firefox ![]() Ich will alles machen, damit mein Rechner Trojanerfrei wird, meinetwegen auch platt machen, so weh es auch tut. Zusatzinfo: Ich habe vor einigen Monaten von Windows 7 auf Windows 8 upgegradet. Ich hoffe, ihr könnt mir helfen ![]() Viele Grüße, Lil |
![]() | #2 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall hi,
__________________Bitte lade dir die passende Version von Farbar's Recovery Scan Tool auf deinen Desktop: ![]() (Wenn du nicht sicher bist: Lade beide Versionen oder unter Start > Computer (Rechtsklick) > Eigenschaften nachschauen)
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![]() | #3 |
![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Entschuldige die späte Antort, habe gerade noch ein paar Dateien gesichert und mein PC hatte keine Lust auf WLan -.-*
__________________FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 03-09-2013 01 Ran by LilLady (administrator) on LILLADY-PC on 03-09-2013 12:27:06 Running from C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads Windows 8 Pro (X64) OS Language: German Standard Internet Explorer Version 10 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvsvc.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvxdsync.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvsvc.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\dashost.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe (Mozilla Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA Update Core\daemonu.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Policies\Explorer: [NoActiveDesktopChanges] 1 HKLM\...\Policies\Explorer: [NoActiveDesktop] 1 ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page Redirect Cache = hxxp://t.de.msn.com/ Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xek8zhhi.default FF Homepage: www.google.de FF Plugin-x32: @nvidia.com/3DVision - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\npnv3dv.dll (NVIDIA Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @nvidia.com/3DVisionStreaming - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\npnv3dvstreaming.dll (NVIDIA Corporation) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 WinDefend; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe [15440 2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R3 XUIF; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\x10ufx2.sys [33048 2006-11-30] (X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.) ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2013-09-03 12:25 - 2013-09-03 12:26 - 01950474 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FRST64.exe 2013-09-03 12:25 - 2013-09-03 12:25 - 00002067 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\3D Vision Photo Viewer.lnk 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2013-09-03 12:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-52057.txt 2013-09-03 12:23 - 2013-09-03 12:23 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-3890883.txt 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00262144 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\userdiff 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00000000 ___DC C:\Windows.old 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\UpdatusUser\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 12:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Panther 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 06390048 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcpl.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 03460896 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc64.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 02558240 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvcr.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 00884512 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvsvc.exe 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 00118560 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmctray.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 00063776 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvshext.dll 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 __HDC C:\$SysReset 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-09-03 11:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 00061216 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\WINDOWS\system32\OpenCL.dll 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 00053024 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\OpenCL.dll 2013-09-03 11:48 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:46 - 2013-09-03 11:46 - 00003198 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\{B18349A5-C633-4651-8AAA-2F98942E946D} 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 12:23 - 00000000 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\lvuvc.hs 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:42 - 00004869 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\lvcoinst.log 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:40 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenOffice 4.0.0 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00001188 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0.lnk 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\logishrd 2013-09-03 11:38 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4 2013-09-03 11:36 - 2013-09-03 11:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:34 - 2013-09-03 11:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2013-09-03 11:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0 (de) Installation Files 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-365011.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-363123.txt 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00001203 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-347570.txt 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00001153 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2013-09-03 11:21 - 2013-09-03 11:35 - 450907216 _____ (G Data Software AG) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\GER_R_FUL_2013_IS.exe 2013-09-03 11:20 - 2013-09-03 11:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2013-09-03 11:19 - 2013-09-03 11:19 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-51729.txt 2013-09-03 11:17 - 2013-09-03 11:17 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-819036.txt 2013-09-03 11:14 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00003596 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-261323904-3986566715-3217930549-1001 2013-09-03 11:09 - 2013-09-03 11:09 - 00024574 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Entfernte Anwendungen.html 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00001444 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\VirtualStore 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\PRICache 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 12:04 - 00380289 _____ C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128342.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128264.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128061.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\CSC 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-124878.txt 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagwrn.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagerr.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00001139 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-68765.txt 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Dokumente 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Program Files\Gemeinsame Dateien 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001134 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-97719.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001099 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-130869.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000185 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-108342.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000164 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101946.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000161 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104520.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-132117.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104052.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103069.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101541.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000159 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102648.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103584.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101182.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000150 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102274.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000000 ____H C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00.Wdf 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00286200 _____ C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\090313-71479-01.dmp 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Minidump 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 268649420 _____ C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 00000424 _____ C:\WINDOWS\PFRO.log 2013-08-30 14:40 - 2013-08-30 14:43 - 48494759 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(5-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:21 - 2013-08-30 14:21 - 00804552 _____ (Koyote-Lab Inc.) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FreeFLVConverter75Setup(1).exe 2013-08-30 14:11 - 2013-08-30 14:14 - 64915018 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(2-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:10 - 2013-08-30 14:13 - 66620799 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(1-5)ARD Der große Crash - Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.wmv.flv 2013-08-30 13:56 - 2013-08-30 14:01 - 00000000 ___DC C:\AdwCleaner 2013-08-30 13:53 - 2013-08-30 13:53 - 00994642 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe 2013-08-29 12:04 - 2013-08-29 12:05 - 05843488 _____ (Mischel Internet Security ) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\TrojanHunterSetup_5.5_Build_1003.exe 2013-08-27 11:52 - 2013-08-27 11:52 - 00004608 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Thumbs.db 2013-08-27 11:43 - 2013-08-27 11:43 - 11067384 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\YTD43Setup.exe 2013-08-25 22:42 - 2013-08-25 22:42 - 00011229 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Unbenannt 2.odt 2013-08-24 12:14 - 2013-08-24 12:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\Documents\BitRaider 2013-08-24 12:08 - 2013-08-24 12:12 - 00014632 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Install STAR WARS The Old Republic.log 2013-08-24 12:06 - 2013-08-24 12:06 - 39777624 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\SWTOR_setup.exe 2013-08-20 18:46 - 2013-08-20 18:46 - 01681573 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\tweets.zip 2013-08-20 17:53 - 2013-08-20 17:53 - 00012586 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Kündigung OZ.odt 2013-08-13 15:11 - 2013-08-13 15:11 - 00000000 ___DC C:\NvidiaLogging ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2013-09-03 12:26 - 2013-09-03 12:26 - 00000000 ___DC C:\FRST 2013-09-03 12:26 - 2013-09-03 12:25 - 01950474 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FRST64.exe 2013-09-03 12:25 - 2013-09-03 12:25 - 00002067 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\3D Vision Photo Viewer.lnk 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2013-09-03 12:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-52057.txt 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2012-07-26 09:22 - 00000006 ____H C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SA.DAT 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2012-07-26 09:19 - 00307760 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2013-09-03 12:23 - 2013-09-03 12:23 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-3890883.txt 2013-09-03 12:23 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\lvuvc.hs 2013-09-03 12:04 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00380289 _____ C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log 2013-09-03 12:00 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\sru 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00262144 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\userdiff 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00000000 ___DC C:\Windows.old 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00262144 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\BCD-Template 2013-09-03 11:58 - 2012-07-26 12:27 - 00714240 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfh007.dat 2013-09-03 11:58 - 2012-07-26 12:27 - 00147840 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfc007.dat 2013-09-03 11:58 - 2012-07-26 09:28 - 01654648 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\UpdatusUser\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:48 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 11:49 - 00000000 __HDC C:\$SysReset 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Help 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-09-03 11:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2011-06-26 14:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Recovery 2013-09-03 11:46 - 2013-09-03 11:46 - 00003198 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\{B18349A5-C633-4651-8AAA-2F98942E946D} 2013-09-03 11:46 - 2011-06-21 12:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Paint Shop Pro 7 2013-09-03 11:45 - 2013-09-03 11:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:42 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00004869 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\lvcoinst.log 2013-09-03 11:42 - 2012-07-26 09:21 - 00019707 _____ C:\WINDOWS\setupact.log 2013-09-03 11:40 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenOffice 4.0.0 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00001188 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0.lnk 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\logishrd 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4 2013-09-03 11:36 - 2013-09-03 11:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:35 - 2013-09-03 11:21 - 450907216 _____ (G Data Software AG) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\GER_R_FUL_2013_IS.exe 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2013-09-03 11:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0 (de) Installation Files 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-365011.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-363123.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00001203 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-347570.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:14 - 00003596 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-261323904-3986566715-3217930549-1001 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00001153 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2013-09-03 11:20 - 2013-09-03 11:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2013-09-03 11:19 - 2013-09-03 11:19 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-51729.txt 2013-09-03 11:17 - 2013-09-03 11:17 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-819036.txt 2013-09-03 11:17 - 2012-07-26 07:26 - 00262144 ___SH C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\BBI 2013-09-03 11:09 - 2013-09-03 11:09 - 00024574 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Entfernte Anwendungen.html 2013-09-03 11:09 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\AUInstallAgent 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00001444 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-06-08 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Packages 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\VirtualStore 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\PRICache 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ___RD C:\WINDOWS\ImmersiveControlPanel 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\WinStore 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Panther 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128342.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128264.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128061.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\CSC 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-124878.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-12-18 18:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Seminare 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Recovery 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\rescache 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-05-10 11:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Diverses 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagwrn.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagerr.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00001139 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-68765.txt 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Public\Libraries 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2009-07-14 20:18 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Dokumente 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Program Files\Gemeinsame Dateien 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows NT 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2012-07-26 07:37 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Default 2013-09-03 11:03 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00001720 _____ C:\WINDOWS\DtcInstall.log 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001134 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-97719.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001099 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-130869.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000185 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-108342.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000164 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101946.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000161 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104520.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-132117.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104052.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103069.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101541.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000159 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102648.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103584.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101182.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000150 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102274.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000000 ____H C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00.Wdf 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00286200 _____ C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\090313-71479-01.dmp 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Minidump 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 268649420 _____ C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 00000424 _____ C:\WINDOWS\PFRO.log 2013-08-30 14:49 - 2013-06-08 20:28 - 01918976 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Thumbs.db 2013-08-30 14:43 - 2013-08-30 14:40 - 48494759 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(5-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:21 - 2013-08-30 14:21 - 00804552 _____ (Koyote-Lab Inc.) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FreeFLVConverter75Setup(1).exe 2013-08-30 14:14 - 2013-08-30 14:11 - 64915018 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(2-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:13 - 2013-08-30 14:10 - 66620799 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(1-5)ARD Der große Crash - Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.wmv.flv 2013-08-30 14:01 - 2013-08-30 13:56 - 00000000 ___DC C:\AdwCleaner 2013-08-30 13:53 - 2013-08-30 13:53 - 00994642 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe 2013-08-29 12:05 - 2013-08-29 12:04 - 05843488 _____ (Mischel Internet Security ) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\TrojanHunterSetup_5.5_Build_1003.exe 2013-08-27 12:38 - 2012-12-18 18:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Schule 2013-08-27 11:52 - 2013-08-27 11:52 - 00004608 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Thumbs.db 2013-08-27 11:43 - 2013-08-27 11:43 - 11067384 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\YTD43Setup.exe 2013-08-25 22:42 - 2013-08-25 22:42 - 00011229 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Unbenannt 2.odt 2013-08-25 14:05 - 2013-07-22 21:27 - 00017478 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Politik Reihenplanung Klasse 9 Sj 2013.odt 2013-08-24 12:15 - 2013-08-24 12:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\Documents\BitRaider 2013-08-24 12:12 - 2013-08-24 12:08 - 00014632 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Install STAR WARS The Old Republic.log 2013-08-24 12:06 - 2013-08-24 12:06 - 39777624 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\SWTOR_setup.exe 2013-08-20 18:46 - 2013-08-20 18:46 - 01681573 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\tweets.zip 2013-08-20 17:53 - 2013-08-20 17:53 - 00012586 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Kündigung OZ.odt 2013-08-13 15:11 - 2013-08-13 15:11 - 00000000 ___DC C:\NvidiaLogging ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => MD5 is legit LastRegBack: 2013-09-03 11:00 ==================== End Of Log ============================ Addition: Code:
ATTFilter Additional scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 03-09-2013 01 Ran by LilLady at 2013-09-03 12:28:00 Running from C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads Boot Mode: Normal ========================================================== ==================== Installed Programs ======================= Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 (x32 Version: 9.0.30729.6161) Mozilla Firefox 23.0.1 (x86 de) (x32 Version: 23.0.1) Mozilla Maintenance Service (x32 Version: 23.0.1) NVIDIA 3D Vision Treiber 311.06 (Version: 311.06) NVIDIA Grafiktreiber 311.06 (Version: 311.06) NVIDIA Install Application (Version: 2.1002.108.688) NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver (x32 Version: NVIDIA Systemsteuerung 311.06 (Version: 311.06) NVIDIA Update 1.11.3 (Version: 1.11.3) NVIDIA Update Components (Version: 1.11.3) OpenOffice 4.0.0 (x32 Version: 4.00.9702) rosoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 (Version: 9.0.30729.6161) ==================== Restore Points ========================= 03-09-2013 09:31:16 Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 ==================== Hosts content: ========================== 2012-07-26 07:26 - 2012-07-26 07:26 - 00000824 ____A C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts ==================== Scheduled Tasks (whitelisted) ============= Task: {10D85952-E3F6-47A1-96CF-5E1C2D874EA6} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore\SR => C:\Windows\system32\srtasks.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {13A2AC02-B682-48CC-9155-2E2673580117} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64 Critical Task: {17644F17-DC4C-4AC8-9444-7AAA52EB5CDC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\NetCfg\BindingWorkItemQueueHandler Task: {1AAFF332-5C62-4558-9991-DAA649C4C9C5} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Sysmain\WsSwapAssessmentTask => C:\Windows\System32\sysmain.dll [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {1DB7C2F1-876C-4F24-AD17-8428211113F9} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\MemoryDiagnostic\ProcessMemoryDiagnosticEvents Task: {214B24F4-FEB4-4C59-AF1F-70136065199C} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\IndexerAutomaticMaintenance Task: {23700E5C-0E77-499D-908A-415D5C6252F4} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Device Install Group Policy Task: {23A5D8BE-9196-40EB-BD89-794398B2B073} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WS\WSRefreshBannedAppsListTask => C:\Windows\System32\WSClient.dll [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {26C02F2C-5D20-44DD-B03F-E87F8FF3EA9B} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUSessionConnect Task: {2B28902F-A99D-4568-8C8B-FEE05F3984CC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start => start wuauserv Task: {2C6B9EA8-7F5A-4ABA-BF96-8D352D02A743} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Device Setup\Metadata Refresh Task: {2E030FA7-3D7C-4E1D-8CFE-56ADB26FD402} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\PI\Sqm-Tasks Task: {3054485A-F517-4E95-9977-4DD827B1E9B3} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WS\Badge Update Task: {378401BA-A703-444A-A79C-3C47AD2DC5B6} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Maintenance Configurator Task: {3AE164E7-30CD-40BC-9422-3EC7A5618965} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WS\WSTask Task: {3C490ABD-D849-41AF-9AC4-87DD759B0996} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics\AnalyzeSystem Task: {4073C1B3-6E16-4AA8-B7F3-C6A6D35D5071} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\TPM\Tpm-Maintenance Task: {432494C3-1704-4B7B-AFCB-C2E3B7700880} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Verification => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {44B3F1B8-5943-4072-8D8C-A9484676AC44} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Live\Roaming\SynchronizeWithStorage Task: {483A8F5C-5D26-44B5-B49E-AF6741D1BBEB} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Mobile Broadband Accounts\MNO Metadata Parser => C:\Windows\System32\MbaeParserTask.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {4B952129-9AE9-41A3-BE2B-8AD2E06F66B6} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTaskLogon Task: {5755E746-D7ED-4C20-A472-66C11834CDE4} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Manual Maintenance Task: {5C4EFB77-EFA6-45DF-A373-D795C0725BFF} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Device Install Reboot Required Task: {627441F3-8526-4B62-BF9A-1A3EA414E71A} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SpacePort\SpaceAgentTask => C:\Windows\system32\SpaceAgent.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {675D6AFF-3542-4254-85AF-235ACF9C1910} - System32\Tasks\Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-261323904-3986566715-3217930549-1001 Task: {6E9DE125-5583-4031-B572-FEE48F25CFFF} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyMonitor => C:\Windows\System32\wpcmon.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {6FDDEA7C-6310-428D-AEB2-54FFC72811EF} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 Task: {74096F94-B654-4DB0-96F5-3C3408B92FE3} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\PI\Secure-Boot-Update Task: {785DC450-6E89-45B0-AD0A-2BCE58BF6C31} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SysResetDelayedCleanup => C:\Windows\System32\ResetEng.dll [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {7D9A9A1C-499C-40A6-8F8A-5BCC4CC9A87C} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Regular Maintenance Task: {845CB020-68B5-4C6B-9876-7BEC7B3E27AC} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Idle Maintenance Task: {87354DAA-66DF-4B41-9346-15958D96E1D2} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory\File History (maintenance mode) Task: {921A1D4E-32FB-46D7-B6C0-6F467884074D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WS\Sync Licenses Task: {9479EF8E-11D4-41B3-9783-CC65070D592D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Time Synchronization\ForceSynchronizeTime Task: {94DCF254-64FB-4C4E-8E12-5F4055C10C2A} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64 Task: {989A7C6D-BE82-4C3C-AF96-6116039E336B} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\MemoryDiagnostic\RunFullMemoryDiagnostic Task: {9BD83CCD-21AE-463F-BB61-B8EB3B40DFAF} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SetupSQMTask => C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\OOBE\SETUPSQM.EXE [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {A72208BF-7A49-4FB8-B684-252375F3443A} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WS\License Validation => C:\Windows\System32\WSClient.dll [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {A800277E-E202-4492-AD38-3312641CBC04} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Live\Roaming\MaintenanceTask Task: {A8CF5AA7-9A33-43D0-8D14-C0D2DA4AEF64} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Scheduled Scan => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {AB62FA47-2C99-44B1-A5D0-D4161423BE43} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyRefresh Task: {AB96B97B-39C2-46A2-876A-EEB6AE199033} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Servicing\StartComponentCleanup => C:\Windows\System32\dism.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {AC6259DE-AC59-459E-849E-6ADFFD1ADE63} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\CreateObjectTask Task: {AEB0B5BD-B9E5-458A-898A-E559BD9EB51B} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\BackgroundUploadTask Task: {AF549BD8-337C-4BF7-8681-36A182E30507} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Chkdsk\ProactiveScan Task: {BC76AEF7-2CF0-4EB6-B65B-A8803E0B5E12} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\SmartScreenSpecific Task: {C1ACCD1E-4385-4FB2-B5E4-7F2A57A626A2} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Data Integrity Scan\Data Integrity Scan Task: {C391A8D1-7229-4E06-A074-47DE6094FE89} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cache Maintenance => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {C3C22889-18E2-4138-92F7-A5CCCFDD60D7} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cleanup => C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {C463FD1E-31C7-4C20-AB65-08E514CA152D} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\IME\SQM data sender Task: {C6A88F2D-53D2-4805-9D69-443738A1847C} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\ApplicationData\CleanupTemporaryState => C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.dll [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {CD1054FF-8005-4904-8B9C-436EAB1E2021} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTaskNetwork Task: {DBCF6E1B-CE0A-441E-B7A5-219C8BE50C65} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 Critical Task: {DECE5921-598D-454B-9A04-B2DE95EFC1B3} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Data Integrity Scan\Data Integrity Scan for Crash Recovery Task: {E4DFE66F-E089-4CC3-A70F-957223D565F4} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTask Task: {E5918CB5-CB06-4D74-80C7-8DD0399361C4} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AUScheduledInstall Task: {E8DAA09B-DF2A-4951-9134-6FA9587793F9} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Sysprep Generalize Drivers => C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {EAD237E7-D276-4257-9F16-51DF41548733} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Time Synchronization\SynchronizeTime => start w32time task_started Task: {EBF06DEC-4228-4813-AC0C-62821AE4E330} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\StartupAppTask => C:\Windows\System32\Startupscan.dll [2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) Task: {ED0C1F69-C3A2-41EA-B8C3-3F0D83A1F6C0} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\BthSQM Task: {F8E9F306-F34A-402E-A5B7-FB560F72E779} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\AppxDeploymentClient\Pre-staged app cleanup Task: {FFE3FD50-646E-4A64-913B-23C4187E6025} - System32\Tasks\Microsoft\Windows\File Classification Infrastructure\Property Definition Sync ==================== Loaded Modules (whitelisted) ============= 2012-07-26 02:01 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 01743872 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\combase.dll 2012-07-26 01:55 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00180224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMMBASE.dll 2012-07-26 01:47 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00588288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHCORE.dll 2012-07-26 01:47 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00588288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.dll 2012-07-26 02:55 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 02884096 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\themeui.dll 2012-07-26 01:12 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 01357312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.Immersive.dll 2012-07-26 01:36 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00699392 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.dll 2012-07-26 02:05 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00384000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Bcp47Langs.dll 2012-07-26 02:51 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 10092032 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\twinui.dll 2012-07-26 01:33 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00069632 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\windows.immersiveshell.serviceprovider.dll 2012-07-26 01:54 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00171008 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\System32\IDStore.dll 2012-07-26 01:37 - 2012-07-26 05:08 - 00457216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\System32\wpncore.dll 2012-07-26 04:06 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00119296 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\sppc.dll 2012-07-25 22:22 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 15053264 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\nvwgf2umx.dll 2012-07-26 02:05 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00192000 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dcomp.dll 2012-07-26 01:31 - 2012-07-26 05:08 - 00343552 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\System32\wlidprov.dll 2012-07-26 01:55 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 01161216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\UIAutomationCore.dll 2012-07-26 01:24 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00186368 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\InputSwitch.dll 2012-07-26 02:04 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00046592 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\windows.globalization.fontgroups.dll 2012-07-26 01:36 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00291328 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Networking.Connectivity.dll 2012-07-26 02:05 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00029184 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wcmapi.dll 2012-07-26 01:58 - 2012-07-26 05:08 - 00866304 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\WinTypes.dll 2012-07-26 01:22 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00601600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\MrmCoreR.dll 2012-07-26 03:37 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00024576 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\System32\NcaApi.dll 2012-07-26 01:33 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00083456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\NetworkStatus.dll 2012-07-26 01:54 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00101888 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\BluetoothApis.dll 2012-07-26 02:51 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00123904 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\apprepapi.dll 2012-07-26 04:19 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00023040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\pcacli.dll 2012-07-26 01:40 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00949760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Globalization.dll 2012-07-26 02:35 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 04243456 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\UIRibbon.dll 2012-07-26 04:33 - 2012-07-26 04:33 - 00629760 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\UIRibbonRes.dll 2012-07-26 02:59 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00465408 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\dlnashext.dll 2012-07-26 02:08 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 01303040 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Media.Streaming.dll 2012-07-26 01:55 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00180224 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll 2012-07-26 03:52 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00049152 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Windows\System32\DevDispItemProvider.dll 2012-07-26 02:12 - 2012-07-26 06:55 - 01326784 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\webservices.dll 2012-07-26 02:08 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00205312 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll 2012-07-26 02:09 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00086016 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\ncryptsslp.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 04155680 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\NvUI.dll 2012-07-26 01:47 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00588288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.DLL 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 00778528 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Common\easyDaemonAPIU64.DLL 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 03584288 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Common\NvUpdt.dll 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 00981280 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Common\NVUPDTR.DLL 2012-07-26 01:47 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 00588288 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\shcore.dll 2012-07-26 03:32 - 2012-07-26 05:05 - 00016896 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DXGWDI.DLL 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-08-14 19:55 - 03551640 _____ () C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll 2013-01-18 08:16 - 2013-01-18 08:16 - 00559480 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\Nv3DVStreaming.dll 2013-01-18 08:16 - 2013-01-18 08:16 - 00354528 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvStereoApiI.dll 2013-01-18 08:16 - 2013-01-18 08:16 - 01028648 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI.dll 2012-07-26 04:41 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 01521664 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MFCORE.dll 2012-07-26 01:18 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00674816 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mfnetcore.dll 2012-07-26 01:22 - 2012-07-26 05:06 - 00601600 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MrmCoreR.dll 2012-07-26 01:55 - 2012-07-26 05:07 - 01161216 _____ (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\UIAutomationCore.DLL ==================== Alternate Data Streams (whitelisted) ========== AlternateDataStreams: C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Thumbs.db:encryptable AlternateDataStreams: C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\Thumbs.db:encryptable AlternateDataStreams: C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Thumbs.db:encryptable ==================== Faulty Device Manager Devices ============= Name: Multimediacontroller Description: Multimediacontroller Class Guid: Manufacturer: Service: Problem: : The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) Resolution: To install the drivers for this device, click "Update Driver", which starts the Hardware Update wizard. ==================== Event log errors: ========================= Application errors: ================== System errors: ============= Error: (09/03/2013 00:24:26 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Das WLAN-Erweiterungsmodul konnte nicht gestartet werden. Modulpfad: C:\WINDOWS\system32\athExt.dll Fehlercode: 126 Error: (09/03/2013 00:11:33 PM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Das WLAN-Erweiterungsmodul konnte nicht gestartet werden. Modulpfad: C:\WINDOWS\system32\athExt.dll Fehlercode: 126 Error: (09/03/2013 11:24:08 AM) (Source: Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig) (User: NT-AUTORITÄT) Description: Das WLAN-Erweiterungsmodul konnte nicht gestartet werden. Modulpfad: C:\WINDOWS\system32\athExt.dll Fehlercode: 126 Error: (09/03/2013 11:02:01 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "Netzwerklistendienst" wurde mit folgendem Fehler beendet: %%21 Error: (09/03/2013 11:01:59 AM) (Source: Service Control Manager) (User: ) Description: Der Dienst "IP-Hilfsdienst" wurde mit folgendem Fehler beendet: %%1058 Error: (09/03/2013 11:01:54 AM) (Source: BugCheck) (User: ) Description: 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff960001aa55a, 0xfffff88004150f40, 0x0000000000000000)C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP090313-71479-01 Microsoft Office Sessions: ========================= ==================== Memory info =========================== Percentage of memory in use: 25% Total physical RAM: 4094.17 MB Available physical RAM: 3058.65 MB Total Pagefile: 8190.17 MB Available Pagefile: 7043.88 MB Total Virtual: 8192 MB Available Virtual: 8191.77 MB ==================== Drives ================================ Drive c: (System) (Fixed) (Total:591.64 GB) (Free:440.76 GB) NTFS ==>[Drive with boot components (obtained from BCD)] Drive s: (Volume) (Fixed) (Total:339.87 GB) (Free:158.03 GB) NTFS ==================== MBR & Partition Table ================== ======================================================== Disk: 0 (MBR Code: Windows 7 or 8) (Size: 932 GB) (Disk ID: 792134FC) Partition 1: (Active) - (Size=592 GB) - (Type=07 NTFS) Partition 2: (Not Active) - (Size=340 GB) - (Type=OF Extended) Partition 3: (Not Active) - (Size=2768 KB) - (Type=17) ATTENTION ===> Suspicious partition bootkit on partition 3 ==================== End Of Log ============================ |
![]() | #4 | |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E BefallCombofix sollte ausschließlich ausgeführt werden, wenn dies von einem Teammitglied angewiesen wurde!Downloade dir bitte Combofix vom folgenden Downloadspiegel Link 1 WICHTIG - Speichere Combofix auf deinem Desktop
Wenn Combofix fertig ist, wird es eine Logfile erstellen. Bitte poste die C:\Combofix.txt in deiner nächsten Antwort. Hinweis: Solltest du nach dem Neustart folgende Fehlermeldung erhalten Zitat:
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
![]() | #5 |
![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Fertig ![]() Code:
ATTFilter ComboFix 13-09-02.02 - LilLady 03.09.2013 13:13:14.1.4 - x64 Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 6.2.9200.0.1252.49.1031.18.4094.3290 [GMT 2:00] ausgeführt von:: c:\users\LilLady\Downloads\ComboFix.exe AV: Windows Defender *Enabled/Updated* {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} SP: Windows Defender *Enabled/Updated* {D68DDC3A-831F-4fae-9E44-DA132C1ACF46} . . (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Weitere Löschungen )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . S:\install.exe . . ((((((((((((((((((((((( Dateien erstellt von 2013-08-03 bis 2013-09-03 )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . 2013-09-03 11:17 . 2013-09-03 11:17 -------- d-----w- c:\users\Default\AppData\Local\temp 2013-09-03 10:26 . 2013-09-03 10:26 -------- dc----w- C:\FRST 2013-09-03 09:59 . 2013-09-03 10:45 -------- dc----w- C:\Windows.old 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-09-03 09:51 -------- d-----w- c:\program files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-09-03 10:24 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\NVIDIA 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-09-03 09:06 -------- d-----w- c:\windows\Panther 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-01-18 15:00 3460896 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvsvc64.dll 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-01-18 15:00 63776 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvshext.dll 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-01-18 15:00 6390048 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvcpl.dll 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-01-18 15:00 884512 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-01-18 15:00 2558240 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvsvcr.dll 2013-09-03 09:50 . 2013-01-18 15:00 118560 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\nvmctray.dll 2013-09-03 09:49 . 2013-09-03 10:42 -------- dc----w- C:\$SysReset 2013-09-03 09:49 . 2013-02-25 22:32 61216 ----a-w- c:\windows\system32\OpenCL.dll 2013-09-03 09:49 . 2013-02-25 22:32 53024 ----a-w- c:\windows\SysWow64\OpenCL.dll 2013-09-03 09:49 . 2013-09-03 09:49 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 09:48 . 2013-09-03 09:51 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 09:39 . 2013-09-03 09:39 -------- d-----w- c:\program files\Common Files\logishrd 2013-09-03 09:38 . 2013-09-03 09:39 -------- d-----w- c:\program files (x86)\OpenOffice 4 2013-09-03 09:23 . 2013-09-03 09:23 -------- d-----w- c:\program files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2013-09-03 09:07 . 2013-09-03 09:07 17536 ----a-w- c:\programdata\Microsoft\windowssampling\Sqm\Manifest\Sqm3.bin 2013-09-03 09:07 . 2013-09-03 09:07 -------- d-----w- c:\programdata\PRICache 2013-09-03 09:05 . 2013-09-03 09:08 -------- d-----w- c:\users\LilLady 2013-09-03 09:05 . 2013-09-03 09:51 -------- d-----w- c:\users\UpdatusUser 2013-08-30 11:56 . 2013-08-30 12:01 -------- dc----w- C:\AdwCleaner 2013-08-13 13:11 . 2013-08-13 13:11 -------- dc----w- C:\NvidiaLogging . . . (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Find3M Bericht )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . . (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Autostartpunkte der Registrierung )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) . . *Hinweis* leere Einträge & legitime Standardeinträge werden nicht angezeigt. REGEDIT4 . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\policies\system] "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"= 5 (0x5) "EnableUIADesktopToggle"= 0 (0x0) "EnableCursorSuppression"= 1 (0x1) "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"= 3 (0x3) . S2 Stereo Service;NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service;c:\program files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe;c:\program files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe [x] S3 athur;Atheros AR9271 Wireless Network Adapter Service;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\athurx.sys;c:\windows\SYSNATIVE\DRIVERS\athurx.sys [x] S3 LVRS64;Logitech RightSound Filter Driver;c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\lvrs64.sys;c:\windows\SYSNATIVE\DRIVERS\lvrs64.sys [x] S3 LVUVC64;@oem4.inf,%PID_09A4_DD%(UVC);Logitech QuickCam E3500(UVC);c:\windows\system32\DRIVERS\lvuvc64.sys;c:\windows\SYSNATIVE\DRIVERS\lvuvc64.sys [x] . . . --------- X64 Entries ----------- . . ------- Zusätzlicher Suchlauf ------- . uLocal Page = c:\windows\system32\blank.htm mLocal Page = c:\windows\SysWOW64\blank.htm TCP: DhcpNameServer = FF - ProfilePath - c:\users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xek8zhhi.default\ FF - prefs.js: browser.startup.homepage - www.google.de . . --------------------- Gesperrte Registrierungsschluessel --------------------- . [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\PCW\Security] @Denied: (Full) (Everyone) @SACL=(02 0000) . Zeit der Fertigstellung: 2013-09-03 13:20:47 ComboFix-quarantined-files.txt 2013-09-03 11:19 ComboFix2.txt 2012-05-21 14:57 . Vor Suchlauf: 21 Verzeichnis(se), 534.316.466.176 Bytes frei Nach Suchlauf: 25 Verzeichnis(se), 533.942.263.808 Bytes frei . - - End Of File - - 8685F8EDFC5EE252766FD0DAAD0844D2 A36C5E4F47E84449FF07ED3517B43A31 |
![]() | #6 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Downloade Dir bitte ![]()
Downloade Dir bitte ![]()
Beende bitte Deine Schutzsoftware um eventuelle Konflikte zu vermeiden.
und ein frisches FRST log bitte.
__________________ --> Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall |
![]() | #7 |
![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Zunächst das Ergebnis vom Quickscan: Code:
ATTFilter Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Test) www.malwarebytes.org Datenbank Version: v2013.09.03.03 Windows 8 x64 NTFS Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16384 LilLady :: LILLADY-PC [Administrator] Schutz: Aktiviert 03.09.2013 13:27:06 mbam-log-2013-09-03 (13-27-06).txt Art des Suchlaufs: Quick-Scan Aktivierte Suchlaufeinstellungen: Speicher | Autostart | Registrierung | Dateisystem | Heuristiks/Extra | HeuristiKs/Shuriken | PUP | PUM Deaktivierte Suchlaufeinstellungen: P2P Durchsuchte Objekte: 241255 Laufzeit: 2 Minute(n), 5 Sekunde(n) Infizierte Speicherprozesse: 0 (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Speichermodule: 0 (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungsschlüssel: 0 (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Registrierungswerte: 0 (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateiobjekte der Registrierung: 0 (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Verzeichnisse: 0 (Keine bösartigen Objekte gefunden) Infizierte Dateien: 1 C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\SoftonicDownloader_fuer_dvd-shrink.exe (PUP.Optional.Softonic) -> Erfolgreich gelöscht und in Quarantäne gestellt. (Ende) |
![]() | #8 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall und weiter ![]()
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
![]() | #9 |
![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Junkware Code:
ATTFilter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) by Thisisu Version: 5.5.7 (09.01.2013:1) OS: Windows 8 Pro x64 Ran by LilLady on 03.09.2013 at 13:49:05,87 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Services ~~~ Registry Values ~~~ Registry Keys ~~~ Files ~~~ Folders ~~~ Event Viewer Logs were cleared ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scan was completed on 03.09.2013 at 13:53:49,18 End of JRT log ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ABER ich hatte den ADWCleaner am 30.8. mal gestartet und dabei entstand dieses File: Code:
ATTFilter # AdwCleaner v3.001 - Report created 30/08/2013 at 14:01:22 # Updated 24/08/2013 by Xplode # Operating System : Windows 8 Pro (64 bits) # Username : LilLady - LILLADY-PC # Running from : C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe # Option : Clean ***** [ Services ] ***** ***** [ Files / Folders ] ***** Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\apn Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\Babylon Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\boost_interprocess Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\Browser Manager Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\search protection Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\Tarma Installer Folder Deleted : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\optimizer pro Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\PutLockerDownloader Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\LocalLow\boost_interprocess Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Babylon Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Common\LuaRT Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\DataMgr Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\dvdvideosoftiehelpers Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Intermediate Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\OpenCandy Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\optimizer pro Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\SCheck Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\SSync Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Movie2KDownloader.com Folder Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\jetpack File Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\Extensions\om@offermosquito.com.xpi [x] Not Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Temp\Searchqu.ini File Deleted : C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\adawaretb.xml File Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\searchplugins\Babylon.xml File Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\searchplugins\delta.xml File Deleted : C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\Search_Results.xml File Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\\invalidprefs.js File Deleted : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\user.js ***** [ Shortcuts ] ***** ***** [ Registry ] ***** Value Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions [{ACAA314B-EEBA-48E4-AD47-84E31C44796C}] Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Extensions\blaofbhgbmeikidhlkmjhbkbfohpgekf [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [DataMgr] [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [Intermediate] [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [scheck] [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run [ssync] [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{C26644C4-2A12-4CA6-8F2E-0EDE6CF018F3} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\driverscanner Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Movie2KDownloader Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Prod.cap [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{608D3067-77E8-463D-9084-908966806826} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{C26644C4-2A12-4CA6-8F2E-0EDE6CF018F3} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{EA28B360-05E0-4F93-8150-02891F1D8D3C} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{3EC1A45C-8BC3-4BFE-B226-4051C5D3D068} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{80922EE0-8A76-46AE-95D5-BD3C3FE0708D} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{10DE7085-6A1E-4D41-A7BF-9AF93E351401} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{1AD27395-1659-4DFF-A319-2CFA243861A5} [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{3EC1A45C-8BC3-4BFE-B226-4051C5D3D068} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{9D717F81-9148-4F12-8568-69135F087DB0} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{F9E4A054-E9B1-4BC3-83A3-76A1AE736170} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{3EC1A45C-8BC3-4BFE-B226-4051C5D3D068} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{9D717F81-9148-4F12-8568-69135F087DB0} [x] Not Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Settings\{EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions\{EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{3EC1A45C-8BC3-4BFE-B226-4051C5D3D068} Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{0ECDF796-C2DC-4D79-A620-CCE0C0A66CC9} Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{3BD44F0E-0596-4008-AEE0-45D47E3A8F0E} Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{95B7759C-8C7F-4BF1-B163-73684A933233} Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{9BB47C17-9C68-4BB3-B188-DD9AF0FD2413} Key Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{9BB47C17-9C68-4BB3-B188-DD9AF0FD2413} [x] Not Deleted : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} [x] Not Deleted : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{F9E4A054-E9B1-4BC3-83A3-76A1AE736170} Key Deleted : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{9BB47C17-9C68-4BB3-B188-DD9AF0FD2413} Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\1ClickDownload Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\BabSolution Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\BI Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\DataMngr Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\DataMngr_Toolbar Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\delta LTD Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\httogroup Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\OCS Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Optimizer Pro Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\piccshare Key Deleted : HKCU\Software\Softonic Key Deleted : HKLM\Software\BabylonToolbar Key Deleted : HKLM\Software\Iminent Key Deleted : HKLM\Software\SearchquSRTB Key Deleted : HKLM\Software\Uniblue\DriverScanner [x] Not Deleted : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{889DF117-14D1-44EE-9F31-C5FB5D47F68B} Key Deleted : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\DataMngr Key Deleted : [x64] HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tarma Installer ***** [ Browsers ] ***** -\\ Internet Explorer v10.0.9200.16660 Setting Restored : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main [Start Page] -\\ Mozilla Firefox v23.0.1 (de) [ File : C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\d9zc4d6x.default\prefs.js ] Line Deleted : user_pref("browser.newtabpage.pinned", "[{\"url\":\"hxxps://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox\",\"title\":\"Posteingang - janine.salzwedel@googlemail.com - Gmail\"},{\"url\":\"hxxps://www.facebook.co[...] Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.admin", false); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.aflt", "babsst"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.appId", "{C26644C4-2A12-4CA6-8F2E-0EDE6CF018F3}"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.autoRvrt", "false"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.bbDpng", "18"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.cntry", "DE"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.dfltLng", "de"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.excTlbr", false); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.ffxUnstlRst", true); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.hdrMd5", "87D23D50BAD3513692D5F2CE56AC71B5"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.id", "9c1eecad00000000000000224311078e"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.instlDay", "15904"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.instlRef", "sst"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.lastVrsnTs", ""); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.newTab", false); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.prdct", "delta"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.prtnrId", "delta"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.rvrt", "false"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.sg", "azb"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.smplGrp", "none"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.tlbrId", "base"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.tlbrSrchUrl", ""); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.vrsn", ""); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.vrsnTs", ""); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta.vrsni", ""); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta_i.babExt", ""); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta_i.babTrack", "affID=119821&tsp=4947"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.delta_i.srcExt", "ss"); Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.enabledAddons", "DivXWebPlayer%40divx.com:,%7Ba0d7ccb3-214d-498b-b4aa-0e8fda9a7bf7%7D:20130515,om%40offermosquito.com:0.6.2,%7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D:23[...] Line Deleted : user_pref("extensions.installCache", "[{\"name\":\"winreg-app-global\",\"addons\":{\"web2pdfextension@web2pdf.adobedotcom\":{\"descriptor\":\"C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\Adobe\\\\Acrobat 10.0\\\\Acro[...] Line Deleted : user_pref("om.config", "{\"active\":true,\"name\":\"twde\",\"id\":25,\"dispId\":\"CH-25\",\"aboutLink\":\"\",\"trackingGeneral\":true,\"gaAccount\":\"UA-39484183-1\",\"gaDomain\":\"offermosquito.com\"[...] ************************* AdwCleaner[R0].txt - [10644 octets] - [30/08/2013 13:56:06] AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [9885 octets] - [30/08/2013 14:01:22] ########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [9945 octets] ########## FRST Logfile: FRST Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST.txt) (x64) Version: 03-09-2013 01 Ran by LilLady (administrator) on LILLADY-PC on 03-09-2013 13:57:38 Running from C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads Windows 8 Pro (X64) OS Language: German Standard Internet Explorer Version 10 Boot Mode: Normal ==================== Processes (Whitelisted) ================= (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvsvc.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvxdsync.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvsvc.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\dashost.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe (Microsoft Corporation) C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA Update Core\daemonu.exe (Mozilla Corporation) C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe ==================== Registry (Whitelisted) ================== HKLM\...\Policies\Explorer: [NoDrives] 0 HKCU\...\Policies\Explorer: [NoDrives] 0 ==================== Internet (Whitelisted) ==================== HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = hxxp://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&ar=iesearch StartMenuInternet: IEXPLORE.EXE - C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe Tcpip\Parameters: [DhcpNameServer] FireFox: ======== FF ProfilePath: C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xek8zhhi.default FF Homepage: www.google.de FF Plugin-x32: @nvidia.com/3DVision - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\npnv3dv.dll (NVIDIA Corporation) FF Plugin-x32: @nvidia.com/3DVisionStreaming - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\npnv3dvstreaming.dll (NVIDIA Corporation) FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml FF SearchPlugin: C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml ==================== Services (Whitelisted) ================= R2 MBAMScheduler; C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe [418376 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R2 MBAMService; C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe [701512 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R2 WinDefend; C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe [15440 2012-07-26] (Microsoft Corporation) ==================== Drivers (Whitelisted) ==================== R3 MBAMProtector; C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mbam.sys [25928 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 MBAMProtector; C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mbam.sys [25928 2013-04-04] (Malwarebytes Corporation) R3 XUIF; C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\x10ufx2.sys [33048 2006-11-30] (X10 Wireless Technology, Inc.) S3 catchme; \??\C:\ComboFix\catchme.sys [x] ==================== NetSvcs (Whitelisted) =================== ==================== One Month Created Files and Folders ======== 2013-09-03 13:49 - 2013-09-03 13:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\ERUNT 2013-09-03 13:48 - 2013-09-03 13:48 - 01028757 _____ (Thisisu) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\JRT.exe 2013-09-03 13:35 - 2013-09-03 13:35 - 01037134 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner(1).exe 2013-09-03 13:33 - 2013-09-03 13:33 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-37580.txt 2013-09-03 13:32 - 2013-09-03 13:32 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-4151171.txt 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 10285040 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation ) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\mbam-setup- 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00001115 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware .lnk 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-04-04 14:50 - 00025928 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\mbam.sys 2013-09-03 13:20 - 2013-09-03 13:20 - 00004887 ____C C:\ComboFix.txt 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2011-06-26 08:45 - 00256000 _____ C:\WINDOWS\PEV.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2010-11-07 19:20 - 00208896 _____ C:\WINDOWS\MBR.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2009-04-20 06:56 - 00060416 _____ (NirSoft) C:\WINDOWS\NIRCMD.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00518144 _____ (SteelWerX) C:\WINDOWS\SWREG.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00406528 _____ (SteelWerX) C:\WINDOWS\SWSC.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00212480 _____ (SteelWerX) C:\WINDOWS\SWXCACLS.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00098816 _____ C:\WINDOWS\sed.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00080412 _____ C:\WINDOWS\grep.exe 2013-09-03 13:12 - 2000-08-31 02:00 - 00068096 _____ C:\WINDOWS\zip.exe 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:17 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\erdnt 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 05119472 ____R (Swearware) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\ComboFix.exe 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-2846690.txt 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-2846628.txt 2013-09-03 12:29 - 2013-09-03 12:29 - 00019402 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Addition.txt 2013-09-03 12:28 - 2013-09-03 12:28 - 00033116 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\FRST.txt 2013-09-03 12:28 - 2013-09-03 12:28 - 00019402 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\Addition.txt 2013-09-03 12:26 - 2013-09-03 12:26 - 00000000 ___DC C:\FRST 2013-09-03 12:25 - 2013-09-03 12:26 - 01950474 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FRST64.exe 2013-09-03 12:25 - 2013-09-03 12:25 - 00002067 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\3D Vision Photo Viewer.lnk 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2013-09-03 12:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-52057.txt 2013-09-03 12:23 - 2013-09-03 12:23 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-3890883.txt 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 12:45 - 00000000 ___DC C:\Windows.old 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00262144 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\userdiff 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\UpdatusUser\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 13:33 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Panther 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 06390048 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcpl.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 03460896 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvc64.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 02558240 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvsvcr.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 00884512 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvvsvc.exe 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 00118560 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvmctray.dll 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2013-01-18 17:00 - 00063776 _____ (NVIDIA Corporation) C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvshext.dll 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-09-03 12:42 - 00000000 ___DC C:\$SysReset 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-09-03 11:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 00061216 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\WINDOWS\system32\OpenCL.dll 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-02-26 00:32 - 00053024 _____ (Khronos Group) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\OpenCL.dll 2013-09-03 11:48 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:46 - 2013-09-03 11:46 - 00003198 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\{B18349A5-C633-4651-8AAA-2F98942E946D} 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 13:33 - 00000000 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\lvuvc.hs 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:42 - 00004869 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\lvcoinst.log 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:40 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenOffice 4.0.0 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00001188 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0.lnk 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\logishrd 2013-09-03 11:38 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4 2013-09-03 11:36 - 2013-09-03 11:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:34 - 2013-09-03 11:45 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2013-09-03 11:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0 (de) Installation Files 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-365011.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-363123.txt 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00001203 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-347570.txt 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00001153 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2013-09-03 11:21 - 2013-09-03 11:35 - 450907216 _____ (G Data Software AG) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\GER_R_FUL_2013_IS.exe 2013-09-03 11:20 - 2013-09-03 11:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2013-09-03 11:19 - 2013-09-03 11:19 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-51729.txt 2013-09-03 11:17 - 2013-09-03 11:17 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-819036.txt 2013-09-03 11:14 - 2013-09-03 12:42 - 00003598 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-261323904-3986566715-3217930549-1001 2013-09-03 11:09 - 2013-09-03 11:09 - 00024574 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Entfernte Anwendungen.html 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00001444 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\VirtualStore 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\PRICache 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 13:45 - 00453529 _____ C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128342.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128264.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128061.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\CSC 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-124878.txt 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagwrn.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagerr.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00001139 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-68765.txt 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Dokumente 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Program Files\Gemeinsame Dateien 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001134 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-97719.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001099 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-130869.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000185 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-108342.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000164 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101946.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000161 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104520.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-132117.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104052.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103069.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101541.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000159 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102648.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103584.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101182.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000150 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102274.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000000 ____H C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00.Wdf 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00286200 _____ C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\090313-71479-01.dmp 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Minidump 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 13:33 - 00001240 _____ C:\WINDOWS\PFRO.log 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 268649420 _____ C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP 2013-08-30 14:40 - 2013-08-30 14:43 - 48494759 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(5-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:21 - 2013-08-30 14:21 - 00804552 _____ (Koyote-Lab Inc.) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FreeFLVConverter75Setup(1).exe 2013-08-30 14:11 - 2013-08-30 14:14 - 64915018 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(2-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:10 - 2013-08-30 14:13 - 66620799 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(1-5)ARD Der große Crash - Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.wmv.flv 2013-08-30 13:56 - 2013-09-03 13:44 - 00000000 ___DC C:\AdwCleaner 2013-08-30 13:53 - 2013-08-30 13:53 - 00994642 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe 2013-08-29 12:04 - 2013-08-29 12:05 - 05843488 _____ (Mischel Internet Security ) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\TrojanHunterSetup_5.5_Build_1003.exe 2013-08-27 11:52 - 2013-08-27 11:52 - 00004608 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Thumbs.db 2013-08-27 11:43 - 2013-08-27 11:43 - 11067384 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\YTD43Setup.exe 2013-08-25 22:42 - 2013-08-25 22:42 - 00011229 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Unbenannt 2.odt 2013-08-24 12:14 - 2013-08-24 12:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\Documents\BitRaider 2013-08-24 12:08 - 2013-08-24 12:12 - 00014632 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Install STAR WARS The Old Republic.log 2013-08-24 12:06 - 2013-08-24 12:06 - 39777624 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\SWTOR_setup.exe 2013-08-20 18:46 - 2013-08-20 18:46 - 01681573 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\tweets.zip 2013-08-20 17:53 - 2013-08-20 17:53 - 00012586 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Kündigung OZ.odt 2013-08-13 15:11 - 2013-08-13 15:11 - 00000000 ___DC C:\NvidiaLogging ==================== One Month Modified Files and Folders ======= 2013-09-03 13:53 - 2013-09-03 13:53 - 00000618 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\JRT.txt 2013-09-03 13:49 - 2013-09-03 13:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\ERUNT 2013-09-03 13:48 - 2013-09-03 13:48 - 01028757 _____ (Thisisu) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\JRT.exe 2013-09-03 13:45 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00453529 _____ C:\WINDOWS\WindowsUpdate.log 2013-09-03 13:44 - 2013-08-30 13:56 - 00000000 ___DC C:\AdwCleaner 2013-09-03 13:37 - 2012-07-26 12:27 - 00714240 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfh007.dat 2013-09-03 13:37 - 2012-07-26 12:27 - 00147840 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\perfc007.dat 2013-09-03 13:37 - 2012-07-26 09:28 - 01654648 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\PerfStringBackup.INI 2013-09-03 13:35 - 2013-09-03 13:35 - 01037134 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner(1).exe 2013-09-03 13:33 - 2013-09-03 13:33 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-37580.txt 2013-09-03 13:33 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA 2013-09-03 13:33 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\lvuvc.hs 2013-09-03 13:33 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 00001240 _____ C:\WINDOWS\PFRO.log 2013-09-03 13:33 - 2012-07-26 09:22 - 00000006 ____H C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\SA.DAT 2013-09-03 13:32 - 2013-09-03 13:32 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-4151171.txt 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 10285040 _____ (Malwarebytes Corporation ) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\mbam-setup- 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00001115 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ Malwarebytes Anti-Malware .lnk 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Malwarebytes 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes 2013-09-03 13:24 - 2013-09-03 13:24 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 2013-09-03 13:20 - 2013-09-03 13:20 - 00004887 ____C C:\ComboFix.txt 2013-09-03 13:20 - 2012-07-26 07:37 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Default 2013-09-03 13:20 - 2012-05-21 16:02 - 00000000 ____D C:\Qoobox 2013-09-03 13:17 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\erdnt 2013-09-03 13:17 - 2012-07-26 07:26 - 00000215 ____C C:\WINDOWS\system.ini 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 05119472 ____R (Swearware) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\ComboFix.exe 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-2846690.txt 2013-09-03 13:11 - 2013-09-03 13:11 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-2846628.txt 2013-09-03 13:00 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\sru 2013-09-03 12:45 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00000000 ___DC C:\Windows.old 2013-09-03 12:42 - 2013-09-03 11:49 - 00000000 ___DC C:\$SysReset 2013-09-03 12:42 - 2013-09-03 11:14 - 00003598 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\Optimize Start Menu Cache Files-S-1-5-21-261323904-3986566715-3217930549-1001 2013-09-03 12:29 - 2013-09-03 12:29 - 00019402 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Addition.txt 2013-09-03 12:28 - 2013-09-03 12:28 - 00033116 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\FRST.txt 2013-09-03 12:28 - 2013-09-03 12:28 - 00019402 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\Addition.txt 2013-09-03 12:26 - 2013-09-03 12:26 - 00000000 ___DC C:\FRST 2013-09-03 12:26 - 2013-09-03 12:25 - 01950474 _____ (Farbar) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FRST64.exe 2013-09-03 12:25 - 2013-09-03 12:25 - 00002067 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\3D Vision Photo Viewer.lnk 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2013-09-03 12:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-52057.txt 2013-09-03 12:24 - 2012-07-26 09:19 - 00307760 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT 2013-09-03 12:23 - 2013-09-03 12:23 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-3890883.txt 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2013-09-03 11:59 - 00262144 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\userdiff 2013-09-03 11:59 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00262144 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\BCD-Template 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:51 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\UpdatusUser\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:51 - 2013-09-03 11:48 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:50 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Help 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2013-09-03 11:49 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation 2013-09-03 11:49 - 2011-06-26 14:59 - 00000000 ____D C:\Recovery 2013-09-03 11:46 - 2013-09-03 11:46 - 00003198 _____ C:\WINDOWS\System32\Tasks\{B18349A5-C633-4651-8AAA-2F98942E946D} 2013-09-03 11:46 - 2011-06-21 12:43 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Paint Shop Pro 7 2013-09-03 11:45 - 2013-09-03 11:34 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:42 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00004869 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\lvcoinst.log 2013-09-03 11:42 - 2012-07-26 09:21 - 00019707 _____ C:\WINDOWS\setupact.log 2013-09-03 11:40 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ___SD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\OpenOffice 4.0.0 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00001188 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0.lnk 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:39 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\logishrd 2013-09-03 11:39 - 2013-09-03 11:38 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4 2013-09-03 11:36 - 2013-09-03 11:36 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:35 - 2013-09-03 11:21 - 450907216 _____ (G Data Software AG) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\GER_R_FUL_2013_IS.exe 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2013-09-03 11:31 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\OpenOffice 4.0.0 (de) Installation Files 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore 2013-09-03 11:31 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-365011.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:24 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-363123.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00001203 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-347570.txt 2013-09-03 11:24 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00001153 _____ C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service 2013-09-03 11:23 - 2013-09-03 11:23 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 2013-09-03 11:20 - 2013-09-03 11:20 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia 2013-09-03 11:19 - 2013-09-03 11:19 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-51729.txt 2013-09-03 11:17 - 2013-09-03 11:17 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-819036.txt 2013-09-03 11:17 - 2012-07-26 07:26 - 00262144 ___SH C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\BBI 2013-09-03 11:09 - 2013-09-03 11:09 - 00024574 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Entfernte Anwendungen.html 2013-09-03 11:09 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\AUInstallAgent 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00001444 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer.lnk 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:08 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Adobe 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady 2013-09-03 11:08 - 2013-06-08 18:15 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Packages 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000020 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\ntuser.ini 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\VirtualStore 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2013-09-03 11:07 - 00000000 ____D C:\ProgramData\PRICache 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ___RD C:\WINDOWS\ImmersiveControlPanel 2013-09-03 11:07 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\WinStore 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:50 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Panther 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128342.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128264.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-128061.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:06 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\CSC 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000117 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-124878.txt 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-12-18 18:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Seminare 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\system32\Recovery 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\rescache 2013-09-03 11:06 - 2012-05-10 11:44 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Diverses 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagwrn.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00017148 _____ C:\WINDOWS\diagerr.xml 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00001139 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-68765.txt 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\UpdatusUser\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programme 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2013-09-03 11:05 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\LilLady\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 __RHD C:\Users\Public\Libraries 2013-09-03 11:05 - 2009-07-14 20:18 - 00000000 ___RD C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Netzwerkumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Lokale Einstellungen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Eigene Dateien 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Druckumgebung 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Musik 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\Documents\Eigene Bilder 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Verlauf 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Vorlagen 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Startmenü 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Dokumente 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\ProgramData\Anwendungsdaten 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2013-09-03 11:04 - 00000000 _SHDL C:\Program Files\Gemeinsame Dateien 2013-09-03 11:04 - 2012-07-26 10:12 - 00000000 ____D C:\Program Files\Windows NT 2013-09-03 11:03 - 2012-07-26 10:13 - 00001720 _____ C:\WINDOWS\DtcInstall.log 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001134 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-97719.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00001099 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-130869.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000185 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-108342.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000164 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101946.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000161 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104520.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-132117.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-104052.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103069.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000160 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101541.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000159 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102648.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-103584.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000157 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-101182.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000150 _____ C:\WINDOWS\system32\netcfg-102274.txt 2013-09-03 11:02 - 2013-09-03 11:02 - 00000000 ____H C:\WINDOWS\system32\Drivers\Msft_User_WpdFs_01_11_00.Wdf 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00286200 _____ C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\090313-71479-01.dmp 2013-09-03 11:01 - 2013-09-03 11:01 - 00000000 ____D C:\WINDOWS\Minidump 2013-09-03 11:00 - 2013-09-03 11:00 - 268649420 _____ C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP 2013-08-30 14:49 - 2013-06-08 20:28 - 01918976 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Thumbs.db 2013-08-30 14:43 - 2013-08-30 14:40 - 48494759 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(5-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:21 - 2013-08-30 14:21 - 00804552 _____ (Koyote-Lab Inc.) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\FreeFLVConverter75Setup(1).exe 2013-08-30 14:14 - 2013-08-30 14:11 - 64915018 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(2-5)ARD Der große Crash Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.flv 2013-08-30 14:13 - 2013-08-30 14:10 - 66620799 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\(1-5)ARD Der große Crash - Die Wirtschaftskrise 1929 in Deutschland.wmv.flv 2013-08-30 13:53 - 2013-08-30 13:53 - 00994642 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe 2013-08-29 12:05 - 2013-08-29 12:04 - 05843488 _____ (Mischel Internet Security ) C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\TrojanHunterSetup_5.5_Build_1003.exe 2013-08-27 12:38 - 2012-12-18 18:53 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Schule 2013-08-27 11:52 - 2013-08-27 11:52 - 00004608 ___SH C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Thumbs.db 2013-08-27 11:43 - 2013-08-27 11:43 - 11067384 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\YTD43Setup.exe 2013-08-25 22:42 - 2013-08-25 22:42 - 00011229 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Unbenannt 2.odt 2013-08-25 14:05 - 2013-07-22 21:27 - 00017478 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Politik Reihenplanung Klasse 9 Sj 2013.odt 2013-08-24 12:15 - 2013-08-24 12:14 - 00000000 ____D C:\Users\Public\Documents\BitRaider 2013-08-24 12:12 - 2013-08-24 12:08 - 00014632 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Documents\Install STAR WARS The Old Republic.log 2013-08-24 12:06 - 2013-08-24 12:06 - 39777624 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\SWTOR_setup.exe 2013-08-20 18:46 - 2013-08-20 18:46 - 01681573 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Downloads\tweets.zip 2013-08-20 17:53 - 2013-08-20 17:53 - 00012586 _____ C:\Users\LilLady\Desktop\Kündigung OZ.odt 2013-08-13 15:11 - 2013-08-13 15:11 - 00000000 ___DC C:\NvidiaLogging Files to move or delete: ==================== C:\Users\LilLady\AppData\Local\Temp\jrt\erunt\ERUNT.EXE ==================== Bamital & volsnap Check ================= C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\wininit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\svchost.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\services.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\User32.dll => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\SysWOW64\userinit.exe => MD5 is legit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys => MD5 is legit LastRegBack: 2013-09-03 11:00 ==================== End Of Log ============================ --- --- --- |
![]() | #10 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E BefallESET Online Scanner
Downloade Dir bitte ![]()
und ein frisches FRST log bitte. Noch Probleme? ![]()
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
![]() | #11 |
![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Sorry, dass ich mich jetzt erst melde! Erstmal vielen Dank für deine Hilfe! Ich habe alle Schritte befolgt, nur der Eset Smartinstaller hat so gar nicht funktioniert. Hier das Log vom Security Check: Code:
ATTFilter Results of screen317's Security Check version 0.99.72 x64 (UAC is enabled) Internet Explorer 10 ``````````````Antivirus/Firewall Check:`````````````` G Data InternetSecurity 2014 Windows Defender Antivirus up to date! `````````Anti-malware/Other Utilities Check:````````` Spybot - Search & Destroy Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version Adobe Flash Player 11.8.800.94 Adobe Reader XI Mozilla Firefox (23.0.1) ````````Process Check: objlist.exe by Laurent```````` Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamservice.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamgui.exe Spybot Teatimer.exe is disabled! Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware mbamscheduler.exe G Data InternetSecurity Firewall GDFwSvcx64.exe G Data InternetSecurity Firewall GDFirewallTray.exe `````````````````System Health check````````````````` Total Fragmentation on Drive C: % ````````````````````End of Log`````````````````````` |
![]() | #12 |
/// the machine /// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall Mach bitte anstelle von ESET nen Vollscan mit deinem AV Programm. Poste bitte ein frisches FRST log. Noch Probleme?
__________________ gruß, schrauber Proud Member of UNITE and ASAP since 2009 Spenden Anleitungen und Hilfestellungen Trojaner-Board Facebook-Seite Keine Hilfestellung via PM! |
![]() |
Themen zu Trojan:DOS/Alureon.E Befall |
abgestürzt, befall, benötige, daten, defender, firefox, großes, hoffe, installiere, lesezeichen, leute, melde, monate, neu, nicht mehr, office, platt, problem, programme, rechner, troja, trojan, warnung, windows, windows 7 |