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Plagegeister aller Art und deren Bekämpfung: Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen!Windows 7 Wenn Du nicht sicher bist, ob Du dir Malware oder Trojaner eingefangen hast, erstelle hier ein Thema. Ein Experte wird sich mit weiteren Anweisungen melden und Dir helfen die Malware zu entfernen oder Unerwünschte Software zu deinstallieren bzw. zu löschen. Bitte schildere dein Problem so genau wie möglich. Sollte es ein Trojaner oder Viren Problem sein wird ein Experte Dir bei der Beseitigug der Infektion helfen. |
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| ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Hallo! Ich habe seit heute vormittag Probleme mit der Nutzung von Mozilla Firefox. Immer wenn ich ein neues Tab öffne, werde ich auf die Seite von Delta-Search umgeleitet (bzw. bekomme eine Warnmeldung, in der steht: "Die Webseite auf www.delta-search.com wurde als attackierende Seite gemeldet und auf Grund Ihrer Sicherheitseinstellungen blockiert". Außerdem wird die Startseite immer wieder zu Delta-Search geändert, ganz egal wie oft ich die Einstellungen ändere oder auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetze. Ich habe bereits versucht, die Anleitungen im Internet zu befolgen (Programm aus der Liste löschen, etc.) aber leider ohne Erfolg. Mir wird in der Programm Liste garkein Delta Search angezeigt, also kann ich es auch nicht deinstallieren. Ich habe jetzt den defogger und OTL heruntergeladen und den Quickscan durchlaufen lassen. Hier der OTL.txt: Code:
ATTFilter OTL logfile created on: 10.04.2013 18:26:05 - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Users\Hannah\Downloads 64bit- Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Version = 6.1.7601) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 9.0.8112.16421) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 3,91 Gb Total Physical Memory | 1,49 Gb Available Physical Memory | 38,11% Memory free 7,82 Gb Paging File | 4,87 Gb Available in Paging File | 62,30% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files (x86) Drive C: | 657,54 Gb Total Space | 465,52 Gb Free Space | 70,80% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 38,00 Gb Total Space | 14,66 Gb Free Space | 38,60% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Computer Name: HANNAHBRAHM | User Name: Hannah | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: Current user | Quick Scan | Include 64bit Scans Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Processes (SafeList) ========== PRC - [2013.04.10 18:25:47 | 000,602,112 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Users\Hannah\Downloads\OTL.exe PRC - [2013.04.08 12:11:43 | 002,569,168 | ---- | M] () -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\BrowserProtect.exe PRC - [2013.03.27 04:16:32 | 000,920,472 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe PRC - [2013.03.13 12:36:17 | 001,822,424 | ---- | M] (Adobe Systems, Inc.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_11_6_602_180.exe PRC - [2013.03.12 09:05:50 | 029,106,336 | ---- | M] (Dropbox, Inc.) -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe PRC - [2012.12.06 13:14:42 | 000,056,416 | ---- | M] (Apple Inc.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\SyncServer.exe PRC - [2012.06.16 04:24:19 | 000,138,272 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe PRC - [2011.07.21 12:08:02 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe PRC - [2011.04.30 09:32:54 | 000,013,592 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe PRC - [2011.04.21 07:52:51 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe PRC - [2011.04.21 07:52:36 | 000,281,768 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe PRC - [2011.04.14 18:17:18 | 000,113,288 | ---- | M] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe PRC - [2011.02.22 22:20:21 | 002,656,280 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe PRC - [2011.02.22 22:20:17 | 000,326,168 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:40:00 | 000,997,712 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\obexsrv.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:39:58 | 001,304,912 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\mediasrv.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:39:54 | 000,985,424 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\BTPlayerCtrl.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:39:54 | 000,907,600 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\devmonsrv.exe PRC - [2010.12.16 00:23:02 | 000,207,400 | ---- | M] (Wistron) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\HotkeyApp.exe PRC - [2010.11.21 05:23:51 | 000,179,712 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\schtasks.exe PRC - [2010.08.04 00:39:38 | 000,107,816 | ---- | M] (CyberLink) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMLSvc.exe PRC - [2010.06.21 22:53:44 | 000,436,264 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\WButton.exe PRC - [2010.03.10 14:26:48 | 000,189,728 | ---- | M] (Protexis Inc.) -- c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Protexis\License Service\PsiService_2.exe PRC - [2009.12.12 00:18:16 | 000,348,960 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\OSD.exe PRC - [2009.10.23 02:05:40 | 000,118,560 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\WisLMSvc.exe PRC - [2009.09.18 18:48:34 | 002,412,032 | ---- | M] (Vodafone) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\MobileConnect.exe PRC - [2009.09.18 18:48:28 | 000,009,216 | ---- | M] (Vodafone) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\VMCService.exe ========== Modules (No Company Name) ========== MOD - [2013.04.08 12:11:43 | 002,569,168 | ---- | M] () -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\BrowserProtect.exe MOD - [2013.04.08 12:08:35 | 002,232,272 | ---- | M] () -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\BrowserProtect.dll MOD - [2013.03.27 04:16:46 | 003,143,576 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll MOD - [2013.03.13 12:36:17 | 014,717,144 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll MOD - [2013.02.15 12:29:54 | 000,212,992 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.ServiceProce#\7ff638de44686eab4afaa8b3c8a9cfca\System.ServiceProcess.ni.dll MOD - [2013.02.15 12:29:24 | 012,436,480 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Windows.Forms\cb562e2e4f74ae607f1186f6ec50cec7\System.Windows.Forms.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:53:12 | 001,051,136 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Management\302207b4fa3083899fd8ab4db98cecc5\System.Management.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:55 | 000,771,584 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Runtime.Remo#\90b89f6e8032310e9ac72a309fd49e83\System.Runtime.Remoting.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:54 | 000,627,200 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Transactions\536d704e93ffec9b54e4a0312fb5b996\System.Transactions.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:53 | 006,611,456 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Data\dd20416f723ee13ffb4173ec1afc4ec4\System.Data.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:08 | 001,592,832 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Drawing\eead6629e384a5b69f9ae35284b7eeed\System.Drawing.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:29 | 000,684,032 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Security\3abd733e8fa28fafbfc99458fdf691da\System.Security.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:16 | 005,453,312 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Xml\f687c43e9fdec031988b33ae722c4613\System.Xml.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:11 | 000,971,264 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Configuration\195a77fcc6206f8bb35d419ff2cf0d72\System.Configuration.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:04 | 007,989,760 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System\369f8bdca364e2b4936d18dea582912c\System.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:25:19 | 011,493,376 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\mscorlib\7150b9136fad5b79e88f6c7f9d3d2c39\mscorlib.ni.dll MOD - [2012.02.20 21:29:04 | 000,087,912 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\zlib1.dll MOD - [2012.02.20 21:28:42 | 001,242,472 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\libxml2.dll MOD - [2010.11.21 05:24:08 | 002,927,616 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.Data\\System.Data.dll MOD - [2010.11.13 01:26:08 | 000,315,392 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\mscorlib.resources\\mscorlib.resources.dll MOD - [2010.08.04 00:39:38 | 000,619,816 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMediaLibrary.dll MOD - [2010.08.04 00:39:32 | 000,013,096 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMLSvcPS.dll MOD - [2009.07.14 03:15:45 | 000,364,544 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjetoledb40.dll MOD - [2009.06.10 23:23:19 | 000,261,632 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.Transactions\\System.Transactions.dll ========== Services (SafeList) ========== SRV:64bit: - [2011.05.02 23:27:50 | 001,517,328 | ---- | M] (Intel(R) Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\EvtEng.exe -- (EvtEng) SRV:64bit: - [2011.05.02 23:13:54 | 000,340,240 | ---- | M] () [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\PanDhcpDns.exe -- (MyWiFiDHCPDNS) SRV:64bit: - [2011.05.02 23:10:26 | 000,844,560 | ---- | M] (Intel(R) Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\RegSrvc.exe -- (RegSrvc) SRV:64bit: - [2010.09.23 03:10:10 | 000,057,184 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Disabled | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Mesh\wlcrasvc.exe -- (wlcrasvc) SRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:41:27 | 001,011,712 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\mpsvc.dll -- (WinDefend) SRV - [2013.04.08 12:11:43 | 002,569,168 | ---- | M] () [Auto | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\BrowserProtect.exe -- (BrowserProtect) SRV - [2013.03.27 04:16:39 | 000,115,608 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Foundation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service\maintenanceservice.exe -- (MozillaMaintenance) SRV - [2013.03.13 12:36:20 | 000,253,656 | ---- | M] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe -- (AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc) SRV - [2012.07.13 13:28:36 | 000,160,944 | R--- | M] (Skype Technologies) [Auto | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe -- (SkypeUpdate) SRV - [2012.06.16 04:24:19 | 000,138,272 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe -- (N360) SRV - [2011.10.05 13:57:17 | 000,654,848 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe -- (FLEXnet Licensing Service) SRV - [2011.07.21 12:08:02 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService) SRV - [2011.04.30 09:32:54 | 000,013,592 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe -- (IAStorDataMgrSvc) SRV - [2011.04.21 07:52:51 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService) SRV - [2011.02.22 22:20:21 | 002,656,280 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe -- (UNS) SRV - [2011.02.22 22:20:17 | 000,326,168 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe -- (LMS) SRV - [2011.02.11 21:40:00 | 000,997,712 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\obexsrv.exe -- (Bluetooth OBEX Service) SRV - [2011.02.11 21:39:58 | 001,304,912 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\mediasrv.exe -- (Bluetooth Media Service) SRV - [2011.02.11 21:39:54 | 000,907,600 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\devmonsrv.exe -- (Bluetooth Device Monitor) SRV - [2010.03.18 22:16:28 | 000,130,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe -- (clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32) SRV - [2010.03.10 14:26:48 | 000,189,728 | ---- | M] (Protexis Inc.) [Auto | Running] -- c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Protexis\License Service\PsiService_2.exe -- (PSI_SVC_2) SRV - [2009.10.23 02:05:40 | 000,118,560 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) [On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\WisLMSvc.exe -- (WisLMSvc) SRV - [2009.10.21 19:15:34 | 000,376,832 | ---- | M] (T-Systems International GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\T-Home\Dialerschutz-Software\DFInject64.exe -- (DFSVC) SRV - [2009.09.18 18:48:28 | 000,009,216 | ---- | M] (Vodafone) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\VMCService.exe -- (VMCService) SRV - [2009.06.10 23:23:09 | 000,066,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Disabled | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe -- (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) ========== Driver Services (SafeList) ========== DRV:64bit: - [2013.02.22 20:30:56 | 000,175,736 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\SYMEVENT64x86.SYS -- (SymEvent) DRV:64bit: - [2012.12.13 14:50:36 | 000,054,784 | ---- | M] (Apple, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\usbaapl64.sys -- (USBAAPL64) DRV:64bit: - [2012.07.06 04:17:58 | 000,037,536 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\srtspx64.sys -- (SRTSPX) DRV:64bit: - [2012.07.06 04:17:57 | 000,737,952 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [File_System | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\srtsp64.sys -- (SRTSP) DRV:64bit: - [2012.06.07 06:43:38 | 000,167,072 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\ccsetx64.sys -- (ccSet_N360) DRV:64bit: - [2012.05.22 03:37:12 | 001,129,120 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [File_System | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\symefa64.sys -- (SymEFA) DRV:64bit: - [2012.03.01 08:46:16 | 000,023,408 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Recognizer | Boot | Unknown] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\fs_rec.sys -- (Fs_Rec) DRV:64bit: - [2011.11.16 21:38:00 | 000,405,624 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\symnets.sys -- (SymNetS) DRV:64bit: - [2011.11.16 21:17:50 | 000,190,072 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\ironx64.sys -- (SymIRON) DRV:64bit: - [2011.08.16 00:51:40 | 000,451,192 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\symds64.sys -- (SymDS) DRV:64bit: - [2011.07.21 12:11:10 | 000,123,784 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb) DRV:64bit: - [2011.07.21 12:11:09 | 000,088,288 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt) DRV:64bit: - [2011.05.17 18:27:52 | 000,025,496 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\iwdbus.sys -- (iwdbus) DRV:64bit: - [2011.05.17 18:27:50 | 000,034,200 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\intelaud.sys -- (intaud_WaveExtensible) DRV:64bit: - [2011.05.01 23:33:06 | 008,593,920 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\NETwNs64.sys -- (NETwNs64) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.26 20:07:36 | 000,557,848 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\iaStor.sys -- (iaStor) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.15 11:08:26 | 012,228,128 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\igdkmd64.sys -- (igfx) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.15 01:16:08 | 000,031,088 | ---- | M] (CyberLink Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\clwvd.sys -- (clwvd) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.13 18:30:54 | 000,207,872 | ---- | M] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\nusb3xhc.sys -- (nusb3xhc) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.13 18:30:50 | 000,087,552 | ---- | M] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\nusb3hub.sys -- (nusb3hub) DRV:64bit: - [2011.03.15 18:09:16 | 000,311,400 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\RtsUVStor.sys -- (RSUSBVSTOR) DRV:64bit: - [2011.03.11 08:41:12 | 000,107,904 | ---- | M] (Advanced Micro Devices) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\amdsata.sys -- (amdsata) DRV:64bit: - [2011.03.11 08:41:12 | 000,027,008 | ---- | M] (Advanced Micro Devices) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\amdxata.sys -- (amdxata) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.25 21:48:04 | 000,077,424 | ---- | M] (Atheros Communications, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\L1C62x64.sys -- (L1C) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 11:24:52 | 000,058,128 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\btmaux.sys -- (btmaux) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 11:24:50 | 000,053,008 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\btmaud.sys -- (btmaudio) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 11:22:48 | 000,059,904 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\iBtFltCoex.sys -- (iBtFltCoex) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 10:56:06 | 000,274,944 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\btmhsf.sys -- (btmhsf) DRV:64bit: - [2010.11.21 05:24:33 | 000,059,392 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\TsUsbFlt.sys -- (TsUsbFlt) DRV:64bit: - [2010.11.21 05:23:47 | 000,078,720 | ---- | M] (Hewlett-Packard Company) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\HpSAMD.sys -- (HpSAMD) DRV:64bit: - [2010.11.21 05:23:47 | 000,031,232 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\TsUsbGD.sys -- (TsUsbGD) DRV:64bit: - [2010.10.20 02:34:26 | 000,056,344 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\HECIx64.sys -- (MEIx64) DRV:64bit: - [2010.10.15 01:28:16 | 000,317,440 | ---- | M] (Intel(R) Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\IntcDAud.sys -- (IntcDAud) DRV:64bit: - [2010.09.03 14:46:48 | 001,392,688 | ---- | M] (Synaptics Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\SynTP.sys -- (SynTP) DRV:64bit: - [2009.10.15 19:14:38 | 000,028,192 | ---- | M] (T-Systems International GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\SipIMNDI64.sys -- (SipIMNDI) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,135,168 | ---- | M] (ZTE Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbnet.sys -- (ZTEusbnet) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\zteusbvoice.sys -- (ZTEusbvoice) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbser6k.sys -- (ZTEusbser6k) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbnmea.sys -- (ZTEusbnmea) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbmdm6k.sys -- (ZTEusbmdm6k) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:52:20 | 000,194,128 | ---- | M] (AMD Technologies Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\amdsbs.sys -- (amdsbs) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:48:04 | 000,065,600 | ---- | M] (LSI Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\lsi_sas2.sys -- (LSI_SAS2) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:45:55 | 000,024,656 | ---- | M] (Promise Technology) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\stexstor.sys -- (stexstor) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 02:39:20 | 000,023,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\WSDPrint.sys -- (WSDPrintDevice) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:34:33 | 003,286,016 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\evbda.sys -- (ebdrv) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:34:28 | 000,468,480 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\bxvbda.sys -- (b06bdrv) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:34:23 | 000,270,848 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\b57nd60a.sys -- (b57nd60a) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:31:59 | 000,031,232 | ---- | M] (Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\hcw85cir.sys -- (hcw85cir) DRV - [2013.03.22 03:52:21 | 001,387,608 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\BASHDefs\20130322.001\BHDrvx64.sys -- (BHDrvx64) DRV - [2013.02.27 16:17:31 | 002,087,664 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\VirusDefs\20130410.003\ex64.sys -- (NAVEX15) DRV - [2013.02.27 16:17:31 | 000,126,192 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\VirusDefs\20130410.003\eng64.sys -- (NAVENG) DRV - [2013.02.26 17:47:50 | 000,513,184 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\IPSDefs\20130406.002\IDSviA64.sys -- (IDSVia64) DRV - [2012.08.10 14:13:45 | 000,138,912 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\EraserUtilRebootDrv.sys -- (EraserUtilRebootDrv) DRV - [2012.08.10 14:13:44 | 000,484,512 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\eeCtrl64.sys -- (eeCtrl) DRV - [2009.10.15 19:14:38 | 000,017,952 | ---- | M] (T-Systems International GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\T-Home\Dialerschutz-Software\DFSYS64.SYS -- (DFSYS) DRV - [2009.07.14 03:19:10 | 000,019,008 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [File_System | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\wimmount.sys -- (WIMMount) ========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== Internet Explorer ========== IE:64bit: - HKLM\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = {6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990} IE:64bit: - HKLM\..\SearchScopes\{6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7 IE - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\blank.htm IE - HKLM\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = {6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990} IE - HKLM\..\SearchScopes\{6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7 IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = hxxp://www.aldi.com IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,SearchDefaultBranded = 1 IE - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://www.google.de/ IE - HKCU\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = {E05737A1-D677-437D-881A-F7BEA90C6F4D} IE - HKCU\..\SearchScopes\{6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7 IE - HKCU\..\SearchScopes\{E05737A1-D677-437D-881A-F7BEA90C6F4D}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7MDNC_enDE393 IE - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyOverride" = *.local ========== FireFox ========== FF - prefs.js..browser.search.selectedEngine: "Delta Search" FF - prefs.js..browser.startup.homepage: "hxxp://www.delta-search.com/?affID=121562&babsrc=HP_ss&mntrId=B0B0BC773706CB8C" FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: stealthyextension%40gmail.com:2.5 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7Be4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781%7D:1.8 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7B0F827075-B026-42F3-885D-98981EE7B1AE%7D:2.6.1125.80 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7B213c8ed6-1d78-4d8f-8729-25006aa86a76%7D: FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D:20.0 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.no_proxies_on: "localhost,, stealthy.co" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.share_proxy_settings: true FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.type: 0 FF - user.js - File not found FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer: C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_11_6_602_180.dll File not found FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/GENUINE: disabled File not found FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0: c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20125.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0: C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll () FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@google.com/npPicasa3,version=3.0.0: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Picasa3\npPicasa3.dll (Google, Inc.) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/GENUINE: disabled File not found FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20125.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0: C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0: C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3502.0922: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3508.1109: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3538.0513: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3555.0308: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF - HKCU\Software\MozillaPlugins\facebook.com/fbDesktopPlugin: C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Facebook\Messenger\2.1.4814.0\npFbDesktopPlugin.dll (Facebook, Inc.) FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\virtualKeyboard@kaspersky.ru: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\FFExt\virtualKeyboard@kaspersky.ru FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\KavAntiBanner@Kaspersky.ru: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\FFExt\KavAntiBanner@kaspersky.ru FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\linkfilter@kaspersky.ru: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\FFExt\linkfilter@kaspersky.ru FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{BBDA0591-3099-440a-AA10-41764D9DB4DB}: C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\IPSFFPlgn\ [2013.02.26 18:28:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{2D3F3651-74B9-4795-BDEC-6DA2F431CB62}: C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\coFFPlgn\ [2013.04.10 14:33:35 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{ACAA314B-EEBA-48e4-AD47-84E31C44796C}: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\ff\ [2013.04.10 14:49:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 20.0\extensions\\Components: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\components [2013.04.10 16:07:47 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 20.0\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins FF - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{0F827075-B026-42F3-885D-98981EE7B1AE}: C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension [2013.04.10 14:51:28 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] [2011.08.25 14:08:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Extensions [2013.04.10 16:07:47 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\extensions [2013.03.09 15:52:06 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Skype Click to Call) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\extensions\{82AF8DCA-6DE9-405D-BD5E-43525BDAD38A} [2013.03.27 04:17:36 | 000,263,064 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Foundation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\components\browsercomps.dll [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,392 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml [2013.04.10 14:50:39 | 000,006,468 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\babylon.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,002,465 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\bing.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,153 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,006,805 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,178 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\wikipedia-de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,105 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml ========== Chrome ========== CHR - default_search_provider: Google (Enabled) CHR - default_search_provider: search_url = {google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}{google:instantExtendedEnabledParameter}ie={inputEncoding} CHR - default_search_provider: suggest_url = {google:baseSuggestURL}search?{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}client=chrome&q={searchTerms}&{google:cursorPosition}sugkey={google:suggestAPIKeyParameter} CHR - homepage: hxxp://www.google.com/ig/redirectdomain?brand=MDNC&bmod=MDNC CHR - plugin: Shockwave Flash (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll CHR - plugin: Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer (Enabled) = internal-remoting-viewer CHR - plugin: Native Client (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll CHR - plugin: Chrome PDF Viewer (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\pdf.dll CHR - plugin: Adobe Acrobat (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Browser\nppdf32.dll CHR - plugin: Java Deployment Toolkit (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npdeployJava1.dll CHR - plugin: Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U25 (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npjp2.dll CHR - plugin: Microsoft Office 2010 (Enabled) = C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL CHR - plugin: Microsoft Office 2010 (Enabled) = C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL CHR - plugin: Picasa (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Picasa3\npPicasa3.dll CHR - plugin: Google Update (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll CHR - plugin: Windows Live\u0099 Photo Gallery (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll CHR - plugin: Facebook Desktop (Enabled) = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Facebook\Messenger\2.1.4814.0\npFbDesktopPlugin.dll CHR - plugin: Shockwave Flash (Enabled) = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll CHR - plugin: Silverlight Plug-In (Enabled) = c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20125.0\npctrl.dll CHR - Extension: Skype Click to Call = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl\\ CHR - Extension: Norton Identity Protection = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\mkfokfffehpeedafpekjeddnmnjhmcmk\2012.5.13.5_0\ CHR - Extension: DVDVideoSoft Browser Extension = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nikpibnbobmbdbheedjfogjlikpgpnhp\\ O1 HOSTS File: ([2009.06.10 23:00:26 | 000,000,824 | ---- | M]) - C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\etc\hosts O2:64bit: - BHO: (Office Document Cache Handler) - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O2:64bit: - BHO: (Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper) - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll File not found O2:64bit: - BHO: (DVDVideoSoft WebPageAdjuster Class) - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns64.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O2 - BHO: (Norton Identity Protection) - {602ADB0E-4AFF-4217-8AA1-95DAC4DFA408} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\coIEPlg.dll (Symantec Corporation) O2 - BHO: (Norton Vulnerability Protection) - {6D53EC84-6AAE-4787-AEEE-F4628F01010C} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\IPS\IPSBHO.DLL (Symantec Corporation) O2 - BHO: (Skype Browser Helper) - {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O2 - BHO: (Office Document Cache Handler) - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O2 - BHO: (Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper) - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll File not found O2 - BHO: (DVDVideoSoft WebPageAdjuster Class) - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (Norton Toolbar) - {7FEBEFE3-6B19-4349-98D2-FFB09D4B49CA} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\coIEPlg.dll (Symantec Corporation) O3 - HKCU\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (no name) - {2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - No CLSID value found. O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [BTMTrayAgent] C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\btmshell.dll (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\Windows\SysNative\hkcmd.exe (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\Windows\SysNative\igfxtray.exe (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [IntelPAN] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\iFrmewrk.exe (Intel(R) Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [Persistence] C:\Windows\SysNative\igfxpers.exe (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [RtHDVBg] C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [RtHDVCpl] C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [APSDaemon] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe (Apple Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [CLMLServer] C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMLSvc.exe (CyberLink) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Dolby Advanced Audio v2] C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolby Advanced Audio v2\pcee4.exe (Dolby Laboratories Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [HotkeyApp] C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\HotkeyApp.exe (Wistron) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [LMgrOSD] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\OSDCtrl.exe" File not found O4 - HKLM..\Run: [LMgrVolOSD] C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\OSD.exe (Wistron Corp.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [MobileConnect] C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\MobileConnect.exe (Vodafone) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [NUSB3MON] C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe (Renesas Electronics Corporation) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [T-Home Dialerschutz-Software] C:\Program Files (x86)\T-Home\Dialerschutz-Software\Defender64.exe (T-Systems International GmbH) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Wbutton] C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\Wbutton.exe (Wistron Corp.) O4 - HKCU..\Run: [Facebook Update] C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Facebook\Update\FacebookUpdate.exe (Facebook Inc.) O4 - HKCU..\Run: [RESTART_STICKY_NOTES] C:\Windows\System32\StikyNot.exe File not found O4 - Startup: C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoActiveDesktop = 1 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoActiveDesktopChanges = 1 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin = 5 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: ConsentPromptBehaviorUser = 3 O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Add to Google Photos Screensa&ver - res://C:\Windows\system32\GPhotos.scr/200 File not found O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: An OneNote s&enden - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\ONBttnIE.dll/105 File not found O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube Download - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytvdownloader.htm () O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube to MP3 Converter - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytmp3downloader.htm () O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Nach Microsoft E&xcel exportieren - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\EXCEL.EXE/3000 File not found O8 - Extra context menu item: Add to Google Photos Screensa&ver - C:\Windows\SysWow64\GPhotos.scr (Google Inc.) O8 - Extra context menu item: An OneNote s&enden - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\ONBttnIE.dll/105 File not found O8 - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube Download - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytvdownloader.htm () O8 - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube to MP3 Converter - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytmp3downloader.htm () O8 - Extra context menu item: Nach Microsoft E&xcel exportieren - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\EXCEL.EXE/3000 File not found O9:64bit: - Extra Button: eBay - Der weltweite Online-Marktplatz - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9:64bit: - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : eBay - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9:64bit: - Extra Button: Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns64.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O9:64bit: - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns64.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O9 - Extra Button: eBay - Der weltweite Online-Marktplatz - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : eBay - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9 - Extra Button: ICQ7.6 - {7644E42D-B096-457F-8B5B-901238FC81AE} - C:\Program Files (x86)\ICQ7.6\ICQ.exe (ICQ, LLC.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : ICQ7.6 - {7644E42D-B096-457F-8B5B-901238FC81AE} - C:\Program Files (x86)\ICQ7.6\ICQ.exe (ICQ, LLC.) O9 - Extra Button: Skype Click to Call - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Skype Click to Call - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra Button: Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O10:64bit: - NameSpace_Catalog5\Catalog_Entries64\000000000010 [] - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll (Apple Inc.) O10 - NameSpace_Catalog5\Catalog_Entries\000000000010 [] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll (Apple Inc.) O1364bit: - gopher Prefix: missing O13 - gopher Prefix: missing O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer = O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{F5873831-81F9-4466-89E8-5B57523CC867}: DhcpNameServer = O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\livecall - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\ms-help - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\msnim - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\skype4com - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\wlmailhtml - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\wlpg - No CLSID value found O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\PROGRA~2\COMMON~1\Skype\SKYPE4~1.DLL (Skype Technologies) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O20 - AppInit_DLLs: (c:\progra~3\browse~1\261125~1.80\{c16c1~1\browse~1.dll) - c:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\BrowserProtect.dll () O20:64bit: - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20:64bit: - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe) - C:\Windows\SysNative\userinit.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\SysWow64\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (userinit.exe) - C:\Windows\SysWow64\userinit.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20:64bit: - Winlogon\Notify\igfxcui: DllName - (igfxdev.dll) - C:\Windows\SysNative\igfxdev.dll (Intel Corporation) O21:64bit: - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - No CLSID value found. O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - No CLSID value found. O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1 O33 - MountPoints2\{3da7da40-c27a-11e0-9a14-bc773706cb8c}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{3da7da40-c27a-11e0-9a14-bc773706cb8c}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = F:\setup_vmc_lite.exe /checkApplicationPresence O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) O35:64bit: - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35:64bit: - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O37:64bit: - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37:64bit: - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* O38 - SubSystems\\Windows: (ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3) O38 - SubSystems\\Windows: (ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2) O38 - SubSystems\\Windows: (ServerDll=sxssrv,4) ========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ========== [2013.04.10 17:31:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\Desktop\Alte Firefox-Daten [2013.04.10 16:48:21 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\N360_BACKUP [2013.04.10 16:22:16 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\Documents\Alte Firefox-Daten [2013.04.10 16:07:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service [2013.04.10 15:50:35 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\photoOptimizeHistoryDataBase [2013.04.10 15:50:34 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Ashampoo Photo Optimizer Medion [2013.04.10 14:51:34 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BrowserProtect [2013.04.10 14:51:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect [2013.04.10 14:50:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\Babylon [2013.04.10 14:50:12 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Babylon [2013.04.10 14:49:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft [2013.04.10 14:49:12 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDVideoSoft [2013.04.10 11:51:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{AD32E91B-285A-4C3A-B383-20BC296C91C9} [2013.04.04 17:54:44 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{87687DEB-5B2F-4E3B-A659-1FCAE6D3DEE0} [2013.03.30 19:01:39 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{732E0BE2-8D69-42DD-8E7A-115A508AE482} [2013.03.25 20:15:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{12E9E396-56A1-4EF2-A26B-7B2901C18F84} [2013.03.25 19:25:54 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Silverlight [2013.03.25 19:24:14 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight [2013.03.25 19:24:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight [2013.03.21 10:11:08 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{A7F71897-A2CA-4890-A13C-3044169221D5} [2013.03.20 13:16:19 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{40D3A7D3-0A1A-486C-82EB-F82BA7863379} [2013.03.13 11:53:57 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{39421F96-246C-431B-A464-D53512F0F9E7} [2 C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp files -> C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp -> ] [1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ========== [2013.04.10 18:25:11 | 000,000,000 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\defogger_reenable [2013.04.10 18:22:00 | 000,001,110 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job [2013.04.10 17:35:00 | 000,000,884 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job [2013.04.10 17:11:03 | 000,001,142 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000UA.job [2013.04.10 17:11:01 | 000,001,120 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000Core.job [2013.04.10 16:07:57 | 000,001,155 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:51:00 | 000,001,247 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\DVDVideoSoft Free Studio.lnk [2013.04.10 14:39:31 | 000,016,976 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 [2013.04.10 14:39:31 | 000,016,976 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 [2013.04.10 14:37:51 | 001,498,742 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\PerfStringBackup.INI [2013.04.10 14:37:51 | 000,654,400 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfh007.dat [2013.04.10 14:37:51 | 000,616,242 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfh009.dat [2013.04.10 14:37:51 | 000,130,240 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfc007.dat [2013.04.10 14:37:51 | 000,106,622 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfc009.dat [2013.04.10 14:35:46 | 000,001,057 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:35:38 | 000,001,027 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\Desktop\Dropbox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:30:27 | 000,001,106 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job [2013.04.10 14:29:45 | 000,067,584 | --S- | M] () -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [2013.04.10 14:29:41 | 3148,140,544 | -HS- | M] () -- C:\hiberfil.sys [2013.04.10 14:29:39 | 630,174,670 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP [2 C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp files -> C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp -> ] [1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files Created - No Company Name ========== [2013.04.10 18:25:11 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\defogger_reenable [2013.04.10 16:07:57 | 000,001,155 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2013.04.10 16:07:55 | 000,001,167 | ---- | C] () -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:51:00 | 000,001,247 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\DVDVideoSoft Free Studio.lnk [2013.03.09 20:45:55 | 000,052,048 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\triplets.JPG [2012.03.17 21:43:45 | 000,001,503 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\.recently-used.xbel [2012.02.29 15:26:24 | 000,120,200 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\DLLDEV32i.dll [2012.02.29 15:25:57 | 000,007,119 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\mgxoschk.ini [2012.01.09 16:15:29 | 000,011,264 | -H-- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\photothumb.db [2011.09.06 16:49:37 | 000,002,477 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\Norton 360.lnk [2011.08.20 23:02:52 | 000,001,074 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\VLC media player.lnk [2011.08.09 13:34:18 | 000,005,120 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini [2011.06.02 21:19:10 | 013,359,616 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\ig4icd32.dll [2011.06.02 21:19:10 | 000,056,832 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igdde32.dll [2011.05.28 12:39:22 | 000,963,116 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igkrng600.bin [2011.05.28 12:39:21 | 000,218,304 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igfcg600m.bin [2011.05.28 12:39:19 | 000,145,804 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igcompkrng600.bin [2009.10.15 19:17:10 | 000,130,520 | R--- | C] () -- C:\ProgramData\DeviceManager.xml.rc4 ========== ZeroAccess Check ========== [2009.07.14 06:55:00 | 000,000,227 | RHS- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\Desktop.ini [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] /64 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432node\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\clsid\{fbeb8a05-beee-4442-804e-409d6c4515e9}\InProcServer32] /64 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432node\clsid\{fbeb8a05-beee-4442-804e-409d6c4515e9}\InProcServer32] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] /64 "" = C:\Windows\SysNative\shell32.dll -- [2012.06.09 07:43:10 | 014,172,672 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Apartment [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] "" = %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll -- [2012.06.09 06:41:00 | 012,873,728 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Apartment [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{5839FCA9-774D-42A1-ACDA-D6A79037F57F}\InProcServer32] /64 "" = C:\Windows\SysNative\wbem\fastprox.dll -- [2009.07.14 03:40:51 | 000,909,312 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Free [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\clsid\{5839FCA9-774D-42A1-ACDA-D6A79037F57F}\InProcServer32] "" = %systemroot%\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll -- [2010.11.21 05:24:25 | 000,606,208 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Free [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{F3130CDB-AA52-4C3A-AB32-85FFC23AF9C1}\InProcServer32] /64 "" = C:\Windows\SysNative\wbem\wbemess.dll -- [2009.07.14 03:41:56 | 000,505,856 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Both [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\clsid\{F3130CDB-AA52-4C3A-AB32-85FFC23AF9C1}\InProcServer32] ========== LOP Check ========== [2013.04.10 14:50:12 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Babylon [2013.04.10 14:35:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox [2013.04.10 14:54:39 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\DVDVideoSoft [2013.02.07 19:18:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\DVDVideoSoftIEHelpers [2011.09.12 17:19:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\gtk-2.0 [2012.12.04 17:39:53 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\ICQ [2012.02.29 15:26:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX [2013.04.10 14:49:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\OpenCandy [2011.08.22 15:47:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\PhotoScape [2013.01.02 15:37:36 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Swiss Academic Software [2011.08.09 14:44:37 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Vodafone [2011.11.04 14:05:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Windows Live Writer [2012.11.22 18:05:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\XnView ========== Purity Check ========== < End of report > Code:
ATTFilter OTL Extras logfile created on: 10.04.2013 18:26:05 - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Users\Hannah\Downloads 64bit- Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Version = 6.1.7601) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 9.0.8112.16421) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 3,91 Gb Total Physical Memory | 1,49 Gb Available Physical Memory | 38,11% Memory free 7,82 Gb Paging File | 4,87 Gb Available in Paging File | 62,30% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files (x86) Drive C: | 657,54 Gb Total Space | 465,52 Gb Free Space | 70,80% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 38,00 Gb Total Space | 14,66 Gb Free Space | 38,60% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Computer Name: HANNAHBRAHM | User Name: Hannah | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: Current user | Quick Scan | Include 64bit Scans Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Extra Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== File Associations ========== 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .html[@ = ChromeHTML] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (Google Inc.) .url[@ = InternetShortcut] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\rundll32.exe (Microsoft Corporation) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .cpl [@ = cplfile] -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\control.exe (Microsoft Corporation) .html [@ = ChromeHTML] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe (Google Inc.) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .html [@ = FirefoxHTML] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (Mozilla Corporation) ========== Shell Spawning ========== 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<key>\shell\[command]\command] batfile [open] -- "%1" %* cmdfile [open] -- "%1" %* comfile [open] -- "%1" %* exefile [open] -- "%1" %* helpfile [open] -- Reg Error: Key error. htmlfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. htmlfile [print] -- rundll32.exe %windir%\system32\mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "%1" http [open] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -- "%1" (Google Inc.) https [open] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -- "%1" (Google Inc.) inffile [install] -- %SystemRoot%\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe "%1" (Microsoft Corporation) InternetShortcut [open] -- "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" "C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll",OpenURL %l (Microsoft Corporation) InternetShortcut [print] -- "C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe" "C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll",PrintHTML "%1" (Microsoft Corporation) piffile [open] -- "%1" %* regfile [merge] -- Reg Error: Key error. scrfile [config] -- "%1" scrfile [install] -- rundll32.exe desk.cpl,InstallScreenSaver %l scrfile [open] -- "%1" /S txtfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. Unknown [openas] -- %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1 Directory [AddToPlaylistVLC] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file --playlist-enqueue "%1" () Directory [cmd] -- cmd.exe /s /k pushd "%V" (Microsoft Corporation) Directory [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Directory [PlayWithVLC] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file --no-playlist-enqueue "%1" () Folder [open] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Folder [explore] -- Reg Error: Value error. Drive [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<key>\shell\[command]\command] batfile [open] -- "%1" %* cmdfile [open] -- "%1" %* comfile [open] -- "%1" %* cplfile [cplopen] -- %SystemRoot%\System32\control.exe "%1",%* (Microsoft Corporation) exefile [open] -- "%1" %* helpfile [open] -- Reg Error: Key error. htmlfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. htmlfile [print] -- rundll32.exe %windir%\system32\mshtml.dll,PrintHTML "%1" http [open] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -- "%1" (Google Inc.) https [open] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -- "%1" (Google Inc.) inffile [install] -- %SystemRoot%\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe "%1" (Microsoft Corporation) piffile [open] -- "%1" %* regfile [merge] -- Reg Error: Key error. scrfile [config] -- "%1" scrfile [install] -- rundll32.exe desk.cpl,InstallScreenSaver %l scrfile [open] -- "%1" /S txtfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. Unknown [openas] -- %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1 Directory [AddToPlaylistVLC] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file --playlist-enqueue "%1" () Directory [cmd] -- cmd.exe /s /k pushd "%V" (Microsoft Corporation) Directory [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Directory [PlayWithVLC] -- "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --started-from-file --no-playlist-enqueue "%1" () Folder [open] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Folder [explore] -- Reg Error: Value error. Drive [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) ========== Security Center Settings ========== 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] "cval" = 1 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring] 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] "VistaSp1" = 28 4D B2 76 41 04 CA 01 [binary data] "AntiVirusOverride" = 0 "AntiSpywareOverride" = 0 "FirewallOverride" = 0 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc\Vol] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] ========== Firewall Settings ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile] "EnableFirewall" = 1 "DisableNotifications" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile] "EnableFirewall" = 1 "DisableNotifications" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\PublicProfile] "EnableFirewall" = 1 "DisableNotifications" = 0 ========== Authorized Applications List ========== ========== Vista Active Open Ports Exception List ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules] "{050C06A3-5AA4-4E2C-92A9-3BB1CBD5FD66}" = rport=5355 | protocol=17 | dir=out | svc=dnscache | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{0D6035DD-8CF8-4782-9698-685210A45C88}" = lport=445 | protocol=6 | dir=in | app=system | "{10326E28-3254-4CBD-8698-77F81F6FD55A}" = lport=6004 | protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office14\outlook.exe | "{1729747F-545E-4057-B41A-878D354BBEA0}" = rport=137 | protocol=17 | dir=out | app=system | "{229C92B2-8DC8-41D5-BCE6-96F806BD09A7}" = lport=2869 | protocol=6 | dir=in | name=windows live communications platform (upnp) | "{230C7F78-4354-4B6C-9AE7-40F0BF1E5CC6}" = rport=2177 | protocol=17 | dir=out | svc=qwave | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{2CFB47DA-8779-463E-B357-B34763607F5E}" = lport=1900 | protocol=17 | dir=in | svc=ssdpsrv | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{332411AF-2062-4A7E-B6C3-F152C17098F8}" = lport=139 | protocol=6 | dir=in | app=system | "{388C0BD3-669E-42F3-AC40-8E34680DE079}" = rport=1900 | protocol=17 | dir=out | svc=ssdpsrv | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{584DC032-A045-4470-982C-F6124AE82644}" = rport=2177 | protocol=6 | dir=out | svc=qwave | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{74B2A284-E76C-43A9-A063-313F501F33A4}" = lport=10243 | protocol=6 | dir=in | app=system | "{80C8F7C9-9046-404C-B8C1-CCD877F5E09E}" = rport=139 | protocol=6 | dir=out | app=system | "{80E593DB-7046-4FE1-B718-E7855D0CB7C7}" = rport=445 | protocol=6 | dir=out | app=system | "{886F5BA6-7B55-452C-9A57-4D063D5005DC}" = lport=rpc-epmap | protocol=6 | dir=in | svc=rpcss | name=@firewallapi.dll,-28539 | "{90FA1118-FD65-4DF1-B76F-9DFB8B813424}" = rport=10243 | protocol=6 | dir=out | app=system | "{9C4FF5C5-D58F-4047-80EC-90E8B4213C6A}" = lport=2869 | protocol=6 | dir=in | app=system | "{A21CCFC6-C7AE-429F-9715-DEFE916F7C4C}" = lport=2177 | protocol=17 | dir=in | svc=qwave | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{AC6C30CE-3341-4D47-955D-D869B88D0804}" = lport=138 | protocol=17 | dir=in | app=system | "{B497938D-C2A9-4091-AF0D-AFE4E451E36F}" = lport=137 | protocol=17 | dir=in | app=system | "{BB6CBBB6-4D55-4CE0-81E5-D9E9AE800B41}" = rport=138 | protocol=17 | dir=out | app=system | "{C6F4E6D4-DCDA-47BD-864A-0036EB83EE19}" = lport=rpc | protocol=6 | dir=in | svc=spooler | app=%systemroot%\system32\spoolsv.exe | "{D6F3A4AE-50E6-490B-A940-07ED449B82C5}" = lport=1900 | protocol=17 | dir=in | name=windows live communications platform (ssdp) | "{D9543FD9-3F33-45C0-B334-E844D6C71C07}" = lport=2177 | protocol=6 | dir=in | svc=qwave | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{F452E9A5-B921-42EF-B779-4210D0060807}" = lport=5355 | protocol=17 | dir=in | svc=dnscache | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | ========== Vista Active Application Exception List ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules] "{0895175E-39F7-403A-9528-A23DA83BE36C}" = protocol=17 | dir=out | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmpnetwk.exe | "{1155E662-C1AD-4D01-A287-110A5D514EEC}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\program files\bonjour\mdnsresponder.exe | "{116FDADF-A818-4191-A378-F66652CD2347}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\cyberlink\powerdvd10\powerdvd10.exe | "{11B425BE-B3F7-41BF-B0F1-9FB42EF97DBA}" = protocol=6 | dir=out | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{11FA9341-9FAC-4D8D-BB31-3BB661780B39}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\icq7.6\icq.exe | "{12CAAA41-20AE-4058-B6C3-A3AB35CB56F5}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=%programfiles(x86)%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{1A15A500-3A09-49CE-8DB3-7A977D9B05CC}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\users\hannah\appdata\roaming\dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe | "{1F18215B-7D5C-42F2-A504-E71F5399100C}" = protocol=17 | dir=out | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{258B3D5B-18F7-4487-A686-E9185C8C885A}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\skype\phone\skype.exe | "{2C2B37D5-E7D2-4F9F-B67C-0020067C7E0B}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\users\hannah\appdata\roaming\dropbox\bin\dropbox.exe | "{2FD223A7-0E43-4BA3-BF34-3DB3B907FE38}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\icq7.6\icq.exe | "{3309BA76-2034-44FE-8A8F-89F96B5E44C9}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files\bonjour\mdnsresponder.exe | "{3A9FE5C5-EDB7-4F13-9703-4839078B07AD}" = protocol=58 | dir=in | name=@firewallapi.dll,-28545 | "{45F10DF4-CA29-4AF0-97EC-7CB71EC9D70C}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\icq7.6\icq.exe | "{59BE49AE-957C-408F-827A-B805ECFD4DB5}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\intel corporation\intel widi\widiapp.exe | "{5B74017A-9505-438B-A595-98885686580A}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{65B95AEE-EC0E-400F-B7E5-E29D127A1910}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\windows live\messenger\msnmsgr.exe | "{67DFEFFB-4191-4FCC-9CCD-73E20717ADBA}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmpnetwk.exe | "{79BDC8FE-98BC-4F2C-9BD6-1B4289A60D27}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\common files\apple\apple application support\webkit2webprocess.exe | "{7E7ED11A-BB4E-4768-9906-D85367BD1E68}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{8872720B-092A-403B-B547-DD04A58D5A8A}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\cyberlink\powerdvd10\powerdvd cinema\powerdvdcinema10.exe | "{898BD634-AB6F-4ECA-BB5E-689DE9263304}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files\intel\wifi\bin\pandhcpdns.exe | "{93EA5685-AAAB-49D5-B8C6-5FF6C161311E}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office14\onenote.exe | "{98FB4A00-0166-4029-BA7F-35874A71EB6C}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\bonjour\mdnsresponder.exe | "{9F5F2C3A-ACFF-4A67-B6F6-584DC939C447}" = protocol=6 | dir=out | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmpnetwk.exe | "{BB304D03-C600-4C6C-B53E-EBDF9C8B156D}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\cyberlink\powerdirector\pdr8.exe | "{BB896364-05E5-42D5-8E4D-6514544D38F6}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\bonjour\mdnsresponder.exe | "{C053E977-A6FD-4A90-A6A4-221F122CF495}" = protocol=6 | dir=out | app=system | "{C3DBBB63-A299-4908-BE2A-5B2606172857}" = protocol=1 | dir=out | name=@firewallapi.dll,-28544 | "{C671F2FF-FE36-4925-A430-A7E9E3D71DFF}" = protocol=17 | dir=out | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{CA53EAFE-5338-4FBF-B22A-65DA0F95F1C6}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\icq7.6\icq.exe | "{CD1CD179-769D-4078-81BB-EA51462B4CF2}" = protocol=6 | dir=out | app=%programfiles(x86)%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{D6907C74-3A20-44FF-A391-60ED0DDFB721}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office14\onenote.exe | "{DDA7DDEF-B619-450B-9285-30A016352290}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\windows live\contacts\wlcomm.exe | "{DEC2F289-A3E2-4F54-94D4-4067D2EDDBAD}" = protocol=1 | dir=in | name=@firewallapi.dll,-28543 | "{E2FF79A7-CA19-4D64-8FCB-3A801F297AFB}" = protocol=6 | dir=out | svc=upnphost | app=%systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe | "{EEE752B4-9D6A-4692-9E59-0B24121C222F}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\icq7.6\icq.exe | "{F4B17A31-9C57-4D7F-8880-275B35E5286E}" = protocol=17 | dir=out | app=%programfiles(x86)%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{FB306237-A579-48F2-A383-C4DC8AFDC5B2}" = dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\windows live\mesh\moe.exe | "{FB8144CD-84A2-456F-BE8C-02900951059D}" = protocol=6 | dir=in | app=c:\program files (x86)\icq7.6\icq.exe | "{FBAFA2A7-C1EF-4A0E-B209-4397CCD63B17}" = protocol=58 | dir=out | name=@firewallapi.dll,-28546 | "{FD20DA0D-6EB5-4C4C-9435-95D83746D154}" = protocol=6 | dir=out | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmplayer.exe | "{FE44F52F-02A4-4AEB-97BA-18339F552C0D}" = protocol=17 | dir=in | app=%programfiles%\windows media player\wmpnetwk.exe | ========== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Uninstall List ========== 64bit: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "{027E5FAB-1476-4C59-AAB4-32EF28520399}" = Windows Live Language Selector "{1ACC8FFB-9D84-4C05-A4DE-D28A9BC91698}" = Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant "{28EF7372-9087-4AC3-9B9F-D9751FCDF830}" = Intel(R) Wireless Display "{2F304EF4-0C31-47F4-8557-0641AAE4197C}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{2F72F540-1F60-4266-9506-952B21D6640D}" = Apple Mobile Device Support "{3C41721F-AF0F-4086-AA1C-4C7F29076228}" = Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software "{456FB9B5-AFBC-4761-BBDC-BA6BAFBB818F}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{46AE421C-BF1B-4B62-BE0E-62FE09C6D5B5}" = CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 - Windows Shell Extension 64 Bit "{5151E2DB-0748-4FD1-86A2-72E2F94F8BE7}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{5E2CD4FB-4538-4831-8176-05D653C3E6D4}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 "{5FEAD3E5-A158-4B66-B92B-0C959D7CF838}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{656DEEDE-F6AC-47CA-A568-A1B4E34B5760}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{6CBFDC3C-CF21-4C02-A6DC-A5A2707FAF55}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{6E3610B2-430D-4EB0-81E3-2B57E8B9DE8D}" = Bonjour "{8220EEFE-38CD-377E-8595-13398D740ACE}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.17 "{847B0532-55E3-4AAF-8D7B-E3A1A7CD17E5}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{850B8072-2EA7-4EDC-B930-7FE569495E76}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{8970AE69-40BE-4058-9916-0ACB1B974A3D}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}" = Microsoft Silverlight "{8EB588BD-D398-40D0-ADF7-BE1CEEF7C116}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{90140000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Office 64-bit Components 2010 "{90140000-002A-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Shared 64-bit MUI (German) 2010 "{95120000-00B9-0409-1000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Application Error Reporting "{A679FBE4-BA2D-4514-8834-030982C8B31A}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{B6E3757B-5E77-3915-866A-CCFC4B8D194C}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 ATL Update kb973923 - x64 8.0.50727.4053 "{B750FA38-7AB0-42CB-ACBB-E7DBE9FF603F}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{BCA9334F-B6C9-4F65-9A73-AC5A329A4D04}" = PlayReady PC Runtime amd64 "{C7B40C35-85AE-4303-9EEA-1A1EA779664D}" = Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Software for Bluetooth(R) Technology "{C9F05151-95A9-4B9B-B534-1760E2D014A5}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{D3836C5E-6824-4C9F-9B45-09C989B13EF6}" = VR-pulse Installer "{D3E4F422-7E0F-49C7-8B00-F42490D7A385}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{D5876F0A-B2E9-4376-B9F5-CD47B7B8D820}" = Windows Live Remote Client Resources "{D930AF5C-5193-4616-887D-B974CEFC4970}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "{DA54F80E-261C-41A2-A855-549A144F2F59}" = Windows Live MIME IFilter "{DF6D988A-EEA0-4277-AAB8-158E086E439B}" = Windows Live Remote Client "{E02A6548-6FDE-40E2-8ED9-119D7D7E641F}" = Windows Live Remote Service "{EC1369CF-15BD-4FAF-BA84-65E4788C682E}" = AMI VR-pulse OS Switcher "{F5B09CFD-F0B2-36AF-8DF4-1DF6B63FC7B4}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile "{F6CB2C5F-B2C1-4DF1-BF44-39D0DC06FE6F}" = Windows Live Remote Service Resources "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile "ProInst" = Intel PROSet Wireless "SynTPDeinstKey" = Synaptics Pointing Device Driver [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "_{5A10CFDA-FA2B-453C-B561-AE864E62EAC8}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Extra Content "_{72DB27D3-FE05-4227-AF5A-11CD101ECF09}" = Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension "_{EDBEBF07-F880-48FB-9AA5-0E8E71E02D83}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 "{00884F14-05BD-4D8E-90E5-1ABF78948CA4}" = Windows Live Mesh "{01FB4998-33C4-4431-85ED-079E3EEFE75D}" = CyberLink YouCam "{04668DF2-D32F-4555-9C7E-35523DCD6544}" = Control ActiveX de Windows Live Mesh para conexiones remotas "{04AF207D-9A77-465A-8B76-991F6AB66245}" = Adobe Help Viewer CS3 "{05E379CC-F626-4E7D-8354-463865B303BF}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{08B32819-6EEF-4057-AEDA-5AB681A36A23}" = Adobe Bridge Start Meeting "{09922FFE-D153-44AE-8B60-EA3CB8088F93}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{0B0F231F-CE6A-483D-AA23-77B364F75917}" = Windows Live Installer "{0D261C88-454B-46FE-B43B-640E621BDA11}" = Windows Live Mail "{0DD706AF-B542-438C-999E-B30C7F625C8D}" = Intel(R) WiDi "{10186F1A-6A14-43DF-A404-F0105D09BB07}" = Windows Live Mail "{14B441B7-774D-4170-98EA-A13667AE6218}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{15D2D75C-9CB2-4efd-BAD7-B9B4CB4BC693}" = BrowserProtect "{184CE391-7E0E-4C63-9935-D7A10EDFD3C6}" = Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin "{19BA08F7-C728-469C-8A35-BFBD3633BE08}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{1BA1DBDC-5431-46FD-A66F-A17EB1C439EE}" = Windows Live Messenger "{1D6C2068-807F-4B76-A0C2-62ED05656593}" = Windows Live Writer "{1DDB95A4-FD7B-4517-B3F1-2BCAA96879E6}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{1F6AB0E7-8CDD-4B93-8A23-AA9EB2FEFCE4}" = Junk Mail filter update "{1FBF6C24-C1FD-4101-A42B-0C564F9E8E79}" = Medion Home Cinema "{1FC83EAE-74C8-4C72-8400-2D8E40A017DE}" = Windows Live Writer "{200FEC62-3C34-4D60-9CE8-EC372E01C08F}" = Windows Live SOXE Definitions "{2902F983-B4C1-44BA-B85D-5C6D52E2C441}" = Windows Live Mesh ActiveX Control for Remote Connections "{29E5EA97-5F74-4A57-B8B2-D4F169117183}" = Adobe Stock Photos CS3 "{2A07C35B-8384-4DA4-9A95-442B6C89A073}" = Windows Live Essentials "{2A3FC24C-6EC0-4519-A52B-FDA4EA9B2D24}" = Windows Live Messenger "{2F14F550-0FFC-4285-B673-880744D428A3}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Custom Data "{2F54E453-8C93-4B3B-936A-233C909E6CAC}" = Windows Live Messenger "{3108C217-BE83-42E4-AE9E-A56A2A92E549}" = Atheros Communications Inc.(R) AR81Family Gigabit/Fast Ethernet Driver "{3336F667-9049-4D46-98B6-4C743EEBC5B1}" = Windows Live Photo Gallery "{34319F1F-7CF2-4CC9-B357-1AE7D2FF3AC5}" = Windows Live "{34809713-7886-4F6A-B9D5-CC74DBC1C77E}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Redist "{34F4D9A4-42C2-4348-BEF4-E553C84549E7}" = Windows Live Photo Gallery "{37B33B16-2535-49E7-8990-32668708A0A3}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{3B1EF0C5-8855-416F-A6F4-5CC5FCF267CA}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - WT "{3B9A92DA-6374-4872-B646-253F18624D5F}" = Windows Live Writer "{3D7E3EC9-46CF-4359-9289-39CE01DFB82F}" = Adobe Photoshop CS3 "{3E29EE6C-963A-4aae-86C1-DC237C4A49FC}" = Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology "{3F4143A1-9C21-4011-8679-3BC1014C6886}" = Windows Live Mesh "{40BF1E83-20EB-11D8-97C5-0009C5020658}" = CyberLink Power2Go "{40BFD84C-64CD-42CC-9909-8734C50429C6}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{410DF0AA-882D-450D-9E1B-F5397ACFFA80}" = Windows Live Essentials "{429DF1A0-3610-4E9E-8ACE-3C8AC1BA8FCA}" = Windows Live Photo Gallery "{4433CEC6-DA32-4D7B-BA95-B47C68498287}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Connect "{45C56AA7-ED1B-4800-A97F-EDDF3F3520B1}" = Apple Application Support "{46872828-6453-4138-BE1C-CE35FBF67978}" = Windows Live Mesh "{48294D95-EE9A-4377-8213-44FC4265FB27}" = Windows Live Messenger "{488F0347-C4A7-4374-91A7-30818BEDA710}" = Galerie de photos Windows Live "{48C0DC5E-820A-44F2-890E-29B68EDD3C78}" = Windows Live Writer "{4B744C85-DBB1-4038-B989-4721EB22C582}" = Windows Live Messenger "{4D141929-141B-4605-95D6-2B8650C1C6DA}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{51846830-E7B2-4218-8968-B77F0FF475B8}" = Adobe Color EU Extra Settings "{5275D81E-83AD-4DE4-BC2B-6E6BA3A33244}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{5442DAB8-7177-49E1-8B22-09A049EA5996}" = Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver "{54793AA1-5001-42F4-ABB6-C364617C6078}" = Adobe Linguistics CS3 "{55D003F4-9599-44BF-BA9E-95D060730DD3}" = Contrôle ActiveX Windows Live Mesh pour connexions à distance "{57220148-3B2B-412A-A2E0-82B9DF423696}" = Windows Live Mesh ActiveX-objekt til fjernforbindelser "{579684A4-DDD5-4CA3-9EA8-7BE7D9593DB4}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{5A10CFDA-FA2B-453C-B561-AE864E62EAC8}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Extra Content "{5CF5B1A5-CBC3-42F0-8533-5A5090665862}" = Windows Live Mesh "{5D273F60-0525-48BA-A5FB-D0CAA4A952AE}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{60C3C026-DB53-4DAB-8B97-7C1241F9A847}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{62687B11-58B5-4A18-9BC3-9DF4CE03F194}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{62BBB2F0-E220-4821-A564-730807D2C34D}" = Realtek USB 2.0 Reader Driver "{65153EA5-8B6E-43B6-857B-C6E4FC25798A}" = Intel(R) Management Engine Components "{666D7CED-12E0-4BA3-B594-5681961E7B02}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - IPM "{677AAD91-1790-4FC5-B285-0E6A9D65F7DC}" = Windows Live Mail "{682B3E4F-696A-42DE-A41C-4C07EA1678B4}" = Windows Live SOXE "{6ABE0BEE-D572-4FE8-B434-9E72A289431B}" = Adobe Fonts All "{6ABE832B-A5C7-44C1-B697-3E123B7B4D5B}" = Windows Live Mesh "{6B556C37-8919-4991-AC34-93D018B9EA49}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{6DE61FFB-8ADC-4A09-B3DC-5DA15CAE48A0}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - DE "{6DEC8BD5-7574-47FA-B080-492BBBE2FEA3}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{6E29C4F7-C2C2-4B18-A15C-E09B92065F15}" = Windows Live Mesh ActiveX-vezérlő távoli kapcsolatokhoz "{6E7DD182-9FC6-4651-0095-2E666CC6AF35}" = Die Sims 2 "{6E8AFC13-F7B8-41D8-88AB-F1D0CFC56305}" = Windows Live Messenger "{6FF5DD7A-FE28-4439-B8CF-1E9AF4EA0A61}" = Adobe Asset Services CS3 "{710f4c1c-cc18-4c49-8cbf-51240c89a1a2}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable "{7204BDEE-1A48-4D95-A964-44A9250B439E}" = Facebook Messenger 2.1.4814.0 "{7272F232-A7E0-4B2B-A5D2-71B7C5E2379C}" = Windows Live Fotótár "{72DB27D3-FE05-4227-AF5A-11CD101ECF09}" = Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension "{73FC3510-6421-40F7-9503-EDAE4D0CF70D}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{7644E42D-B096-457F-8B5B-901238FC81AE}" = ICQ7.6 "{77477AEA-5757-47D8-8B33-939F43D82218}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{789A5B64-9DD9-4BA5-915A-F0FC0A1B7BFE}" = Apple Software Update "{78DAE910-CA72-450E-AD22-772CB1A00678}" = Windows Live Mesh "{7BA19818-F717-4DFB-BC11-FAF17B2B8AEE}" = Pošta Windows Live "{7BDA08C6-D3A1-4E2A-83F6-BBE15060DF80}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - IT "{7D1C7B9F-2744-4388-B128-5C75B8BCCC84}" = Windows Live Essentials "{7E017923-16F8-4E32-94EF-0A150BD196FE}" = Windows Live Writer "{7E90B133-FF47-48BB-91B8-36FC5A548FE9}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{802771A9-A856-4A41-ACF7-1450E523C923}" = Adobe XMP Panels CS3 "{80E158EA-7181-40FE-A701-301CE6BE64AB}" = CyberLink MediaShow "{827D3E4A-0186-48B7-9801-7D1E9DD40C07}" = Windows Live Essentials "{834F4E2F-E9DF-4FA9-8499-FF6B91012898}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 "{83C292B7-38A5-440B-A731-07070E81A64F}" = Windows Live PIMT Platform "{841F1FB4-FDF8-461C-A496-3E1CFD84C0B5}" = Windows Live Mesh "{84267681-BF16-40B6-9564-27BC57D7D71C}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{859D4022-B76D-40DE-96EF-C90CDA263F44}" = Windows Live Writer "{85E8F38F-0303-401E-A518-0302DF88EB07}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Draw "{89BA6E81-B60A-49BC-B283-80560A9E60DF}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - PHOTO-PAINT "{8C6D6116-B724-4810-8F2D-D047E6B7D68E}" = Mesh Runtime "{8D2BA474-F406-4710-9AE4-D4F22D21F0DD}" = Adobe Device Central CS3 "{8DD46C6A-0056-4FEC-B70A-28BB16A1F11F}" = MSVCRT "{8E6808E2-613D-4FCD-81A2-6C8FA8E03312}" = Adobe Type Support "{8FF3891F-01B5-4A71-BFCD-20761890471C}" = Windows Live Messenger "{90120000-0020-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Compatibility Pack für 2007 Office System "{90140000-0015-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Access MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-0015-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-0016-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Excel MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-0016-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-0018-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-0018-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-0019-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-0019-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-001A-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-001A-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-001B-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Word MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-001B-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-001F-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (German) 2010 "{90140000-001F-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{65A2328E-FDFB-4CA3-8582-357EA6825FEA}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-001F-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2010 "{90140000-001F-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{99ACCA38-6DD3-48A8-96AE-A283C9759279}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-001F-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2010 "{90140000-001F-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{46298F6A-1E7E-4D4A-B5F5-106A4F0E48C6}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-001F-0410-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (Italian) 2010 "{90140000-001F-0410-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{C0743197-FFEE-4C19-BAEB-8F7437DC4C8A}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{967EF02C-5C7E-4718-8FCB-BDC050190CCF}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-002A-0407-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{594128C9-2CDF-43CE-8103-DC100CF013B6}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-002C-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proofing (German) 2010 "{90140000-002C-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{4275FB46-ABDF-4456-876C-17CF64294D9A}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-003D-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Single Image 2010 "{90140000-003D-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{047B0968-E622-4FAA-9B4B-121FA109EDDE}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-006E-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Shared MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-006E-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{98EDFD9F-EA76-40CC-BCE9-92C69413F65B}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90140000-00A1-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (German) 2010 "{90140000-00A1-0407-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office14.SingleImage_{69E54534-4569-4639-89E9-305B60A11601}" = Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) "{90176341-0A8B-4CCC-A78D-F862228A6B95}" = Adobe Anchor Service CS3 "{92EA4134-10D1-418A-91E1-5A0453131A38}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{93E464B3-D075-4989-87FD-A828B5C308B1}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{95140000-0070-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office 2010 "{95655ED4-7CA5-46DF-907F-7144877A32E5}" = Adobe Color NA Recommended Settings "{96B51C0B-D3BE-4DF3-959C-28B22C10CFBB}" = Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite "{9A25302D-30C0-39D9-BD6F-21E6EC160475}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17 "{9BD262D0-B788-4546-A0A5-F4F56EC3834B}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}" = Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 "{9C8A84AE-BCE5-E696-3DC2-D30BE2C7AA59}" = Versandhelfer "{9C9824D9-9000-4373-A6A5-D0E5D4831394}" = Adobe Bridge CS3 "{9D56775A-93F3-44A3-8092-840E3826DE30}" = Windows Live Mail "{9ECE13D2-C028-44CB-8A96-A65196E7BBE7}_is1" = Convert AVI to MP4 1.3 "{9FAE6E8D-E686-49F5-A574-0A58DFD9580C}" = Windows Live Mail "{A0C91188-C88F-4E86-93E6-CD7C9A266649}" = Windows Live Mesh "{A101F637-2E56-42C0-8E08-F1E9086BFAF3}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{A2B242BD-FF8D-4840-9DAA-9170EABEC59C}" = Adobe CMaps "{A2D81E70-2A98-4A08-A628-94388B063C5E}" = Adobe Color - Photoshop Specific "{A41A708E-3BE6-4561-855D-44027C1CF0F8}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{A60B3BF0-954B-42AF-B8D8-2C1D34B613AA}" = Windows Live Photo Gallery "{A7056D45-C63A-4FE4-A69D-FB54EF9B21BB}" = Windows Live Messenger "{A726AE06-AAA3-43D1-87E3-70F510314F04}" = Windows Live Writer "{A92DAB39-4E2C-4304-9AB6-BC44E68B55E2}" = Google Update Helper "{A9BDCA6B-3653-467B-AC83-94367DA3BFE3}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{AAAFC670-569B-4A2F-82B4-42945E0DE3EF}" = Windows Live Writer "{AAF454FC-82CA-4F29-AB31-6A109485E76E}" = Windows Live Writer "{AB61A2E9-37D3-485D-9085-19FBDF8CEF4A}" = Windows Live Messenger "{AC5B0C19-D851-42F4-BDA0-410ECF7F70A5}" = PDF Settings "{AC76BA86-7AD7-5464-3428-A00000000004}" = Spelling Dictionaries Support For Adobe Reader X "{AC76BA86-7AD7-FFFF-7B44-AA0000000001}" = Adobe Reader X (10.0.1) MUI "{ACFBE99B-6981-4513-B17E-A2683CEB9EE5}" = Windows Live Mesh "{AFF7E080-1974-45BF-9310-10DE1A1F5ED0}" = Adobe AIR "{B113D18C-67B0-4FB7-B329-E89B66194AE6}" = Windows Live Fotogalerie "{B1239994-A850-44E2-BED8-E70A21124E16}" = Windows Live Mail "{B3BF6689-A81D-40D8-9A86-4AC4ACD9FC1C}" = Adobe Camera Raw 4.0 "{B6CF2967-C81E-40C0-9815-C05774FEF120}" = Skype Click to Call "{B7A0CE06-068E-11D6-97FD-0050BACBF861}" = CyberLink PowerProducer "{B9B35331-B7E4-4E5C-BF4C-7BC87856124D}" = Adobe Default Language CS3 "{B9E70C7A-9F85-4A39-A4A3-BFA3C3BF7613}" = Dolby Advanced Audio v2 "{C2AB7DC4-489E-4BE9-887A-52262FBADBE0}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{C2D69781-F392-4118-A5A7-C7E9C38DBFC2}" = Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit 2 "{C32CE55C-12BA-4951-8797-0967FDEF556F}" = Windows Live Mesh - ActiveX-besturingselement voor externe verbindingen "{C5398A89-516C-4DAF-BA07-EE7949090E56}" = Windows Live Mesh ActiveX control for remote connections "{C59C179C-668D-49A9-B6EA-0121CCFC1243}" = CyberLink LabelPrint "{C63A1E60-B6A4-440B-89A5-1FC6E4AC1C94}" = Windows Live Mesh ActiveX Control for Remote Connections "{C66824E4-CBB3-4851-BB3F-E8CFD6350923}" = Windows Live Mail "{C8421D85-CA0E-4E93-A9A9-B826C4FB88EA}" = Windows Live Mail "{C893D8C0-1BA0-4517-B11C-E89B65E72F70}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{CA227A9D-09BE-4BFB-9764-48FED2DA5454}" = Kontrolnik Windows Live Mesh ActiveX za oddaljene povezave "{CB099890-1D5F-11D5-9EA9-0050BAE317E1}" = CyberLink PowerDirector "{CB7224D9-6DCA-43F1-8F83-6B1E39A00F92}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{CE95A79E-E4FC-4FFF-8A75-29F04B942FF2}" = Windows Live UX Platform "{CF671BFE-6BA3-44E7-98C1-500D9C51D947}" = Windows Live Photo Gallery "{D0846526-66DD-4DC9-A02C-98F9A2806812}" = Launch Manager "{D0B44725-3666-492D-BEF6-587A14BD9BD9}" = MSVCRT_amd64 "{D0BEB150-2046-4F94-AE7B-EA76772592F6}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Common "{D0DFF92A-492E-4C40-B862-A74A173C25C5}" = Adobe Version Cue CS3 Client "{D2559B88-CC9D-4B48-81BB-F492BAA9C48C}" = Adobe PDF Library Files "{D36DD326-7280-11D8-97C8-000129760CBE}" = CyberLink PhotoNow "{D436F577-1695-4D2F-8B44-AC76C99E0002}" = Windows Live Photo Common "{D45240D3-B6B3-4FF9-B243-54ECE3E10066}" = Windows Live Communications Platform "{D588365A-AE39-4F27-BDAE-B4E72C8E900C}" = Windows Live Mail "{D6F25CF9-4E87-43EB-B324-C12BE9CDD668}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{D7E60152-6C65-4982-8840-B6D28BF881BD}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - FR "{DADD7B8A-BCB0-44F5-967A-ECB6B4F2ECD9}" = Adobe Color Common Settings "{DB1208F4-B2FE-44E9-BFE6-8824DBD7891B}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{DD7DB3C5-6FA3-4FA3-8A71-C2F2940EB029}" = Adobe Color JA Extra Settings "{DDC8BDEE-DCAC-404D-8257-3E8D4B782467}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{DE7C13A6-E4EA-4296-B0D5-5D7E8AD69501}" = Windows Live Writer "{DEC235ED-58A4-4517-A278-C41E8DAEAB3B}" = CyberLink PowerDVD 10 "{DECDCB7C-58CC-4865-91AF-627F9798FE48}" = Windows Live Mesh "{DEF91E0F-D266-453D-B6F2-1BA002B40CB6}" = Windows Live Essentials "{E09C4DB7-630C-4F06-A631-8EA7239923AF}" = D3DX10 "{E12C6653-1FF0-4686-ADB8-589C13AE761F}" = Citavi "{E3739848-5329-48E3-8D28-5BBD6E8BE384}" = CyberLink MediaEspresso "{E38C00D0-A68B-4318-A8A6-F7D4B5B1DF0E}" = Windows Media Encoder 9 Series "{E3D04529-6EDB-11D8-A372-0050BAE317E1}" = CyberLink PowerDVD Copy "{E4BE9367-168B-4B30-B198-EE37C99FB147}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Filters "{E4E88B54-4777-4659-967A-2EED1E6AFD83}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "{E59969EA-3B5B-4B24-8B94-43842A7FBFE9}" = Fotogalerija Windows Live "{E5B21F11-6933-4E0B-A25C-7963E3C07D11}" = Windows Live Messenger "{E5DD4723-FE0B-436E-A815-DC23CF902A0B}" = Windows Live UX Platform Language Pack "{E69AE897-9E0B-485C-8552-7841F48D42D8}" = Adobe Update Manager CS3 "{E727A662-AF9F-4DEE-81C5-F4A1686F3DFC}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{E7BE4D1A-B529-448B-8407-889705B65185}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - ES "{E8524B28-3BBB-4763-AC83-0E83FE31C350}" = Windows Live Writer "{E85A4EFC-82F2-4CEE-8A8E-62FDAD353A66}" = Galería fotográfica de Windows Live "{E8C5BD56-F5D8-41D3-8A71-273468FE256A}" = T-Home Dialerschutz-Software "{E9D98402-21AB-4E9F-BF6B-47AF36EF7E97}" = Windows Live Writer Resources "{ED16B700-D91F-44B0-867C-7EB5253CA38D}" = Raccolta foto di Windows Live "{EDBEBF07-F880-48FB-9AA5-0E8E71E02D83}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - Setup Files "{EE7257A2-39A2-4D2F-9DAC-F9F25B8AE1D8}" = Skype™ 5.10 "{F0B430D1-B6AA-473D-9B06-AA3DD01FD0B8}" = Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition [ENU] "{F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA}" = Intel(R) Processor Graphics "{F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}" = Realtek High Definition Audio Driver "{F95E4EE0-0C6E-4273-B6B9-91FD6F071D76}" = Windows Live Essentials "{FA6AF809-9A80-423A-A57A-C7D726A04E4C}" = CorelDRAW Essentials X5 - EN "{FE044230-9CA5-43F7-9B58-5AC5A28A1F33}" = Windows Live Essentials "{FEEF7F78-5876-438B-B554-C4CC426A4302}" = Windows Live Essentials "{FF11004C-F42A-4A31-9BCF-7F5C8FDBE53C}" = Adobe Setup "{FF3DFA01-1E98-46B4-A065-DA8AD47C9598}" = Windows Live Movie Maker "Adobe AIR" = Adobe AIR "Adobe Flash Player ActiveX" = Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX "Adobe Flash Player Plugin" = Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin "Adobe_719d6f144d0c086a0dfa7ff76bb9ac1" = Adobe Photoshop CS3 "Ashampoo Snap_is1" = Ashampoo Snap "Avira AntiVir Desktop" = Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus "dpdhl.versandhelfer.medionlap.CDA82DC3FEDD13302C6424313D9A2999F162D21A.1" = Versandhelfer "Free Studio_is1" = Free Studio version 2013 "Free YouTube Download_is1" = Free YouTube Download version "Free YouTube to MP3 Converter_is1" = Free YouTube to MP3 Converter version "Google Chrome" = Google Chrome "InstallShield_{01FB4998-33C4-4431-85ED-079E3EEFE75D}" = CyberLink YouCam "InstallShield_{1FBF6C24-C1FD-4101-A42B-0C564F9E8E79}" = Medion Home Cinema "InstallShield_{40BF1E83-20EB-11D8-97C5-0009C5020658}" = CyberLink Power2Go "InstallShield_{5442DAB8-7177-49E1-8B22-09A049EA5996}" = Renesas Electronics USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver "InstallShield_{80E158EA-7181-40FE-A701-301CE6BE64AB}" = CyberLink MediaShow "InstallShield_{B7A0CE06-068E-11D6-97FD-0050BACBF861}" = CyberLink PowerProducer "InstallShield_{C59C179C-668D-49A9-B6EA-0121CCFC1243}" = CyberLink LabelPrint "InstallShield_{CB099890-1D5F-11D5-9EA9-0050BAE317E1}" = CyberLink PowerDirector "InstallShield_{D36DD326-7280-11D8-97C8-000129760CBE}" = CyberLink PhotoNow "InstallShield_{DEC235ED-58A4-4517-A278-C41E8DAEAB3B}" = CyberLink PowerDVD 10 "InstallShield_{E3739848-5329-48E3-8D28-5BBD6E8BE384}" = CyberLink MediaEspresso "InstallShield_{E3D04529-6EDB-11D8-A372-0050BAE317E1}" = CyberLink PowerDVD Copy "MAGIX FunPix Maker D" = MAGIX FunPix Maker (D) "Mozilla Firefox 20.0 (x86 de)" = Mozilla Firefox 20.0 (x86 de) "MozillaMaintenanceService" = Mozilla Maintenance Service "N360" = Norton 360 "Office14.SingleImage" = Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 "PhotoScape" = PhotoScape "Picasa 3" = Picasa 3 "ProInst" = Intel PROSet Wireless "VLC media player" = VLC media player 1.1.11 "Windows Media Encoder 9" = Windows Media Encoder 9 Series "WinGimp-2.0_is1" = GIMP 2.6.11 "WinLiveSuite" = Windows Live Essentials "XnView_is1" = XnView 1.99.1 ========== HKEY_CURRENT_USER Uninstall List ========== [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "Dropbox" = Dropbox ========== Last 20 Event Log Errors ========== [ Application Events ] Error - 30.09.2012 07:00:08 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Bonjour Service | ID = 100 Description = Client application bug: DNSServiceResolve(44:d8:84:b0:8e:a4@fe80::46d8:84ff:feb0:8ea4._apple-mobdev._tcp.local.) active for over two minutes. This places considerable burden on the network. Error - 30.09.2012 07:47:27 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Customer Experience Improvement Program | ID = 1008 Description = Error - 30.09.2012 07:49:57 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Avira AntiVir | ID = 4118 Description = AUSNAHMEFEHLER beim Aufruf der Funktion <Scan> für die Datei F:\IMG_6940 copy.jpg. [ACCESS_VIOLATION Exception!! EIP = 0x1bd6da2] Bitte Avira informieren und die obige Datei übersenden! Error - 30.09.2012 15:26:44 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Bonjour Service | ID = 100 Description = Client application bug: DNSServiceResolve(44:d8:84:b0:8e:a4@fe80::46d8:84ff:feb0:8ea4._apple-mobdev._tcp.local.) active for over two minutes. This places considerable burden on the network. Error - 01.10.2012 13:05:44 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = VMCService | ID = 0 Description = conflictManagerTypeValue Error - 01.10.2012 13:55:43 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Customer Experience Improvement Program | ID = 1008 Description = Error - 01.10.2012 17:25:52 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Customer Experience Improvement Program | ID = 1008 Description = Error - 01.10.2012 18:49:43 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Customer Experience Improvement Program | ID = 1008 Description = Error - 02.10.2012 06:38:36 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = VMCService | ID = 0 Description = conflictManagerTypeValue Error - 02.10.2012 10:11:31 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Microsoft-Windows-Defrag | ID = 257 Description = [ System Events ] Error - 02.04.2013 12:27:13 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = DCOM | ID = 10016 Description = Error - 06.04.2013 02:06:18 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = DCOM | ID = 10016 Description = Error - 06.04.2013 03:55:12 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = DCOM | ID = 10016 Description = Error - 09.04.2013 13:38:26 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = DCOM | ID = 10016 Description = Error - 09.04.2013 13:42:39 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = Service Control Manager | ID = 7022 Description = Der Dienst "Windows Update" wurde nicht richtig gestartet. Error - 10.04.2013 06:24:44 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = EventLog | ID = 6008 Description = Das System wurde zuvor am ?10.?04.?2013 um 11:58:05 unerwartet heruntergefahren. Error - 10.04.2013 06:26:17 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = DCOM | ID = 10016 Description = Error - 10.04.2013 08:29:45 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = EventLog | ID = 6008 Description = Das System wurde zuvor am ?10.?04.?2013 um 12:50:33 unerwartet heruntergefahren. Error - 10.04.2013 08:30:19 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = BugCheck | ID = 1001 Description = Error - 10.04.2013 08:33:26 | Computer Name = HannahBrahm | Source = DCOM | ID = 10016 Description = < End of report > |
![]() | #2 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Hi,
__________________der AdwCleaner sollte klar kommen mit diesem Deltadings. Schritt 1 Downloade dir bitte AdwCleaner und speichere es auf deinen Desktop.
Schritt 2 Starte bitte die OTL.exe.
Bitte poste in deiner nächsten Antwort:
__________________ |
![]() | #3 |
| ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Hey,
__________________hier die log von adwcleaner: Code:
ATTFilter # AdwCleaner v2.200 - Datei am 10/04/2013 um 20:19:54 erstellt # Aktualisiert am 02/04/2013 von Xplode # Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (64 bits) # Benutzer : Hannah - HANNAHBRAHM # Bootmodus : Normal # Ausgeführt unter : C:\Users\Hannah\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe # Option [Löschen] **** [Dienste] **** Gestoppt & Gelöscht : BrowserProtect ***** [Dateien / Ordner] ***** Datei Gelöscht : C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\babylon.xml Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\bprotectorpreferences Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\95p9u54v.default\bprotector_extensions.sqlite Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xvyao77d.default-1365607907019\bprotector_extensions.sqlite Datei Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xvyao77d.default-1365607907019\bprotector_prefs.js Gelöscht mit Neustart : C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect Ordner Gelöscht : C:\ProgramData\Babylon Ordner Gelöscht : C:\ProgramData\Partner Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Babylon Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\dvdvideosoftiehelpers Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\BrowserProtect Ordner Gelöscht : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\OpenCandy ***** [Registrierungsdatenbank] ***** Daten Gelöscht : HKLM\..\Windows [AppInit_DLLs] = c:\progra~3\browse~1\261125~1.80\{c16c1~1\browse~1.dll Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\AppDataLow\Software\SmartBar Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Conduit Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\DataMngr Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\DataMngr_Toolbar Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\bProtectSettings Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\968cd9e03ebe43 Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\Software\Babylon Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{C26644C4-2A12-4CA6-8F2E-0EDE6CF018F3} Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Prod.cap Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\Software\DataMngr Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\968cd9e03ebe43 Schlüssel Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{15D2D75C-9CB2-4EFD-BAD7-B9B4CB4BC693} Wert Gelöscht : HKCU\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Extensions [{0F827075-B026-42F3-885D-98981EE7B1AE}] Wert Gelöscht : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions [{acaa314b-eeba-48e4-ad47-84e31c44796c}] ***** [Internet Browser] ***** -\\ Internet Explorer v9.0.8112.16470 [OK] Die Registrierungsdatenbank ist sauber. -\\ Mozilla Firefox v20.0 (de) Datei : C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\95p9u54v.default\prefs.js Gelöscht : user_pref("avg.install.userHPSettings", "hxxp://www.delta-search.com/?affID=121562&babsrc=HP_ss&mntr[...] Gelöscht : user_pref("avg.install.userSPSettings", "Delta Search"); 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ATTFilter OTL logfile created on: 10.04.2013 20:28:31 - Run 2 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = c:\Users\Hannah\Downloads 64bit- Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Version = 6.1.7601) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 9.0.8112.16421) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 3,91 Gb Total Physical Memory | 1,51 Gb Available Physical Memory | 38,56% Memory free 7,82 Gb Paging File | 5,08 Gb Available in Paging File | 65,02% Paging File free Paging file location(s): ?:\pagefile.sys [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\Windows | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Program Files (x86) Drive C: | 657,54 Gb Total Space | 465,26 Gb Free Space | 70,76% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 38,00 Gb Total Space | 14,66 Gb Free Space | 38,60% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Computer Name: HANNAHBRAHM | User Name: Hannah | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: All users | Quick Scan | Include 64bit Scans Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Processes (SafeList) ========== PRC - File not found -- PRC - [2013.03.27 04:16:32 | 000,920,472 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe PRC - [2013.03.13 12:36:17 | 001,822,424 | ---- | M] (Adobe Systems, Inc.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_11_6_602_180.exe PRC - [2013.03.12 09:05:50 | 029,106,336 | ---- | M] (Dropbox, Inc.) -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe PRC - [2012.06.16 04:24:19 | 000,138,272 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe PRC - [2011.07.21 12:08:02 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe PRC - [2011.04.30 09:32:54 | 000,013,592 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe PRC - [2011.04.21 07:52:51 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe PRC - [2011.04.21 07:52:36 | 000,281,768 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe PRC - [2011.04.14 18:17:18 | 000,113,288 | ---- | M] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe PRC - [2011.02.22 22:20:21 | 002,656,280 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe PRC - [2011.02.22 22:20:17 | 000,326,168 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:40:00 | 000,997,712 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\obexsrv.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:39:58 | 001,304,912 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\mediasrv.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:39:54 | 000,985,424 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\BTPlayerCtrl.exe PRC - [2011.02.11 21:39:54 | 000,907,600 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\devmonsrv.exe PRC - [2010.12.16 00:23:02 | 000,207,400 | ---- | M] (Wistron) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\HotkeyApp.exe PRC - [2010.08.04 00:39:38 | 000,107,816 | ---- | M] (CyberLink) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMLSvc.exe PRC - [2010.06.21 22:53:44 | 000,436,264 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\WButton.exe PRC - [2010.03.10 14:26:48 | 000,189,728 | ---- | M] (Protexis Inc.) -- c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Protexis\License Service\PsiService_2.exe PRC - [2009.12.12 00:18:16 | 000,348,960 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\OSD.exe PRC - [2009.10.23 02:05:40 | 000,118,560 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\WisLMSvc.exe PRC - [2009.09.18 18:48:34 | 002,412,032 | ---- | M] (Vodafone) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\MobileConnect.exe PRC - [2009.09.18 18:48:28 | 000,009,216 | ---- | M] (Vodafone) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\VMCService.exe ========== Modules (No Company Name) ========== MOD - [2013.03.27 04:16:46 | 003,143,576 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll MOD - [2013.03.13 12:36:17 | 014,717,144 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll MOD - [2013.02.15 12:29:54 | 000,212,992 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.ServiceProce#\7ff638de44686eab4afaa8b3c8a9cfca\System.ServiceProcess.ni.dll MOD - [2013.02.15 12:29:24 | 012,436,480 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Windows.Forms\cb562e2e4f74ae607f1186f6ec50cec7\System.Windows.Forms.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:53:12 | 001,051,136 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Management\302207b4fa3083899fd8ab4db98cecc5\System.Management.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:55 | 000,771,584 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Runtime.Remo#\90b89f6e8032310e9ac72a309fd49e83\System.Runtime.Remoting.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:54 | 000,627,200 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Transactions\536d704e93ffec9b54e4a0312fb5b996\System.Transactions.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:53 | 006,611,456 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Data\dd20416f723ee13ffb4173ec1afc4ec4\System.Data.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:27:08 | 001,592,832 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Drawing\eead6629e384a5b69f9ae35284b7eeed\System.Drawing.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:29 | 000,684,032 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Security\3abd733e8fa28fafbfc99458fdf691da\System.Security.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:16 | 005,453,312 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Xml\f687c43e9fdec031988b33ae722c4613\System.Xml.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:11 | 000,971,264 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System.Configuration\195a77fcc6206f8bb35d419ff2cf0d72\System.Configuration.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:26:04 | 007,989,760 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\System\369f8bdca364e2b4936d18dea582912c\System.ni.dll MOD - [2013.01.11 13:25:19 | 011,493,376 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32\mscorlib\7150b9136fad5b79e88f6c7f9d3d2c39\mscorlib.ni.dll MOD - [2010.11.21 05:24:08 | 002,927,616 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.Data\\System.Data.dll MOD - [2010.11.13 01:26:08 | 000,315,392 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\mscorlib.resources\\mscorlib.resources.dll MOD - [2010.08.04 00:39:38 | 000,619,816 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMediaLibrary.dll MOD - [2010.08.04 00:39:32 | 000,013,096 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMLSvcPS.dll MOD - [2009.07.14 03:15:45 | 000,364,544 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjetoledb40.dll MOD - [2009.06.10 23:23:19 | 000,261,632 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.Transactions\\System.Transactions.dll ========== Services (SafeList) ========== SRV:64bit: - [2011.05.02 23:27:50 | 001,517,328 | ---- | M] (Intel(R) Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\EvtEng.exe -- (EvtEng) SRV:64bit: - [2011.05.02 23:13:54 | 000,340,240 | ---- | M] () [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\PanDhcpDns.exe -- (MyWiFiDHCPDNS) SRV:64bit: - [2011.05.02 23:10:26 | 000,844,560 | ---- | M] (Intel(R) Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\RegSrvc.exe -- (RegSrvc) SRV:64bit: - [2010.09.23 03:10:10 | 000,057,184 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Disabled | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Mesh\wlcrasvc.exe -- (wlcrasvc) SRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:41:27 | 001,011,712 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\mpsvc.dll -- (WinDefend) SRV - [2013.03.27 04:16:39 | 000,115,608 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Foundation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service\maintenanceservice.exe -- (MozillaMaintenance) SRV - [2013.03.13 12:36:20 | 000,253,656 | ---- | M] (Adobe Systems Incorporated) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe -- (AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc) SRV - [2012.07.13 13:28:36 | 000,160,944 | R--- | M] (Skype Technologies) [Auto | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe -- (SkypeUpdate) SRV - [2012.06.16 04:24:19 | 000,138,272 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\ccSvcHst.exe -- (N360) SRV - [2011.10.05 13:57:17 | 000,654,848 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Europe Ltd.) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe -- (FLEXnet Licensing Service) SRV - [2011.07.21 12:08:02 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService) SRV - [2011.04.30 09:32:54 | 000,013,592 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe -- (IAStorDataMgrSvc) SRV - [2011.04.21 07:52:51 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService) SRV - [2011.02.22 22:20:21 | 002,656,280 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\UNS\UNS.exe -- (UNS) SRV - [2011.02.22 22:20:17 | 000,326,168 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe -- (LMS) SRV - [2011.02.11 21:40:00 | 000,997,712 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\obexsrv.exe -- (Bluetooth OBEX Service) SRV - [2011.02.11 21:39:58 | 001,304,912 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\mediasrv.exe -- (Bluetooth Media Service) SRV - [2011.02.11 21:39:54 | 000,907,600 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\devmonsrv.exe -- (Bluetooth Device Monitor) SRV - [2010.03.18 22:16:28 | 000,130,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorsvw.exe -- (clr_optimization_v4.0.30319_32) SRV - [2010.03.10 14:26:48 | 000,189,728 | ---- | M] (Protexis Inc.) [Auto | Running] -- c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Protexis\License Service\PsiService_2.exe -- (PSI_SVC_2) SRV - [2009.10.23 02:05:40 | 000,118,560 | ---- | M] (Wistron Corp.) [On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\WisLMSvc.exe -- (WisLMSvc) SRV - [2009.10.21 19:15:34 | 000,376,832 | ---- | M] (T-Systems International GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\T-Home\Dialerschutz-Software\DFInject64.exe -- (DFSVC) SRV - [2009.09.18 18:48:28 | 000,009,216 | ---- | M] (Vodafone) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\VMCService.exe -- (VMCService) SRV - [2009.06.10 23:23:09 | 000,066,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Disabled | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorsvw.exe -- (clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32) ========== Driver Services (SafeList) ========== DRV:64bit: - [2013.02.22 20:30:56 | 000,175,736 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\SYMEVENT64x86.SYS -- (SymEvent) DRV:64bit: - [2012.12.13 14:50:36 | 000,054,784 | ---- | M] (Apple, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\usbaapl64.sys -- (USBAAPL64) DRV:64bit: - [2012.07.06 04:17:58 | 000,037,536 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\srtspx64.sys -- (SRTSPX) DRV:64bit: - [2012.07.06 04:17:57 | 000,737,952 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [File_System | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\srtsp64.sys -- (SRTSP) DRV:64bit: - [2012.06.07 06:43:38 | 000,167,072 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\ccsetx64.sys -- (ccSet_N360) DRV:64bit: - [2012.05.22 03:37:12 | 001,129,120 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [File_System | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\symefa64.sys -- (SymEFA) DRV:64bit: - [2012.03.01 08:46:16 | 000,023,408 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Recognizer | Boot | Unknown] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\fs_rec.sys -- (Fs_Rec) DRV:64bit: - [2011.11.16 21:38:00 | 000,405,624 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\symnets.sys -- (SymNetS) DRV:64bit: - [2011.11.16 21:17:50 | 000,190,072 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\ironx64.sys -- (SymIRON) DRV:64bit: - [2011.08.16 00:51:40 | 000,451,192 | R--- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\N360x64\0604010.00E\symds64.sys -- (SymDS) DRV:64bit: - [2011.07.21 12:11:10 | 000,123,784 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb) DRV:64bit: - [2011.07.21 12:11:09 | 000,088,288 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt) DRV:64bit: - [2011.05.17 18:27:52 | 000,025,496 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\iwdbus.sys -- (iwdbus) DRV:64bit: - [2011.05.17 18:27:50 | 000,034,200 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\intelaud.sys -- (intaud_WaveExtensible) DRV:64bit: - [2011.05.01 23:33:06 | 008,593,920 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\NETwNs64.sys -- (NETwNs64) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.26 20:07:36 | 000,557,848 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\iaStor.sys -- (iaStor) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.15 11:08:26 | 012,228,128 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\igdkmd64.sys -- (igfx) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.15 01:16:08 | 000,031,088 | ---- | M] (CyberLink Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\clwvd.sys -- (clwvd) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.13 18:30:54 | 000,207,872 | ---- | M] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\nusb3xhc.sys -- (nusb3xhc) DRV:64bit: - [2011.04.13 18:30:50 | 000,087,552 | ---- | M] (Renesas Electronics Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\nusb3hub.sys -- (nusb3hub) DRV:64bit: - [2011.03.15 18:09:16 | 000,311,400 | ---- | M] (Realtek Semiconductor Corp.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\RtsUVStor.sys -- (RSUSBVSTOR) DRV:64bit: - [2011.03.11 08:41:12 | 000,107,904 | ---- | M] (Advanced Micro Devices) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\amdsata.sys -- (amdsata) DRV:64bit: - [2011.03.11 08:41:12 | 000,027,008 | ---- | M] (Advanced Micro Devices) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\amdxata.sys -- (amdxata) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.25 21:48:04 | 000,077,424 | ---- | M] (Atheros Communications, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\L1C62x64.sys -- (L1C) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 11:24:52 | 000,058,128 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\btmaux.sys -- (btmaux) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 11:24:50 | 000,053,008 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\btmaud.sys -- (btmaudio) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 11:22:48 | 000,059,904 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\iBtFltCoex.sys -- (iBtFltCoex) DRV:64bit: - [2011.01.24 10:56:06 | 000,274,944 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\btmhsf.sys -- (btmhsf) DRV:64bit: - [2010.11.21 05:24:33 | 000,059,392 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\TsUsbFlt.sys -- (TsUsbFlt) DRV:64bit: - [2010.11.21 05:23:47 | 000,078,720 | ---- | M] (Hewlett-Packard Company) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\HpSAMD.sys -- (HpSAMD) DRV:64bit: - [2010.11.21 05:23:47 | 000,031,232 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\TsUsbGD.sys -- (TsUsbGD) DRV:64bit: - [2010.10.20 02:34:26 | 000,056,344 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\HECIx64.sys -- (MEIx64) DRV:64bit: - [2010.10.15 01:28:16 | 000,317,440 | ---- | M] (Intel(R) Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\IntcDAud.sys -- (IntcDAud) DRV:64bit: - [2010.09.03 14:46:48 | 001,392,688 | ---- | M] (Synaptics Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\SynTP.sys -- (SynTP) DRV:64bit: - [2009.10.15 19:14:38 | 000,028,192 | ---- | M] (T-Systems International GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\SipIMNDI64.sys -- (SipIMNDI) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,135,168 | ---- | M] (ZTE Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbnet.sys -- (ZTEusbnet) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\zteusbvoice.sys -- (ZTEusbvoice) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbser6k.sys -- (ZTEusbser6k) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbnmea.sys -- (ZTEusbnmea) DRV:64bit: - [2009.08.18 13:06:36 | 000,119,680 | ---- | M] (ZTE Incorporated) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\ZTEusbmdm6k.sys -- (ZTEusbmdm6k) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:52:20 | 000,194,128 | ---- | M] (AMD Technologies Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\amdsbs.sys -- (amdsbs) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:48:04 | 000,065,600 | ---- | M] (LSI Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\lsi_sas2.sys -- (LSI_SAS2) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 03:45:55 | 000,024,656 | ---- | M] (Promise Technology) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\stexstor.sys -- (stexstor) DRV:64bit: - [2009.07.14 02:39:20 | 000,023,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\WSDPrint.sys -- (WSDPrintDevice) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:34:33 | 003,286,016 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\evbda.sys -- (ebdrv) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:34:28 | 000,468,480 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\bxvbda.sys -- (b06bdrv) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:34:23 | 000,270,848 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\b57nd60a.sys -- (b57nd60a) DRV:64bit: - [2009.06.10 22:31:59 | 000,031,232 | ---- | M] (Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\hcw85cir.sys -- (hcw85cir) DRV - [2013.03.22 03:52:21 | 001,387,608 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\BASHDefs\20130322.001\BHDrvx64.sys -- (BHDrvx64) DRV - [2013.02.27 16:17:31 | 002,087,664 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\VirusDefs\20130410.003\ex64.sys -- (NAVEX15) DRV - [2013.02.27 16:17:31 | 000,126,192 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\VirusDefs\20130410.003\eng64.sys -- (NAVENG) DRV - [2013.02.26 17:47:50 | 000,513,184 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\Definitions\IPSDefs\20130406.002\IDSviA64.sys -- (IDSVia64) DRV - [2012.08.10 14:13:45 | 000,138,912 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\EraserUtilRebootDrv.sys -- (EraserUtilRebootDrv) DRV - [2012.08.10 14:13:44 | 000,484,512 | ---- | M] (Symantec Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Symantec Shared\EENGINE\eeCtrl64.sys -- (eeCtrl) DRV - [2009.10.15 19:14:38 | 000,017,952 | ---- | M] (T-Systems International GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\T-Home\Dialerschutz-Software\DFSYS64.SYS -- (DFSYS) DRV - [2009.07.14 03:19:10 | 000,019,008 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [File_System | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\wimmount.sys -- (WIMMount) ========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== Internet Explorer ========== IE:64bit: - HKLM\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE:64bit: - HKLM\..\SearchScopes\{6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7 IE - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\blank.htm IE - HKLM\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE - HKLM\..\SearchScopes\{6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7 IE - HKU\.DEFAULT\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE - HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKU\S-1-5-18\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE - HKU\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKU\S-1-5-19\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE - HKU\S-1-5-20\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = hxxp://www.aldi.com IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,SearchDefaultBranded = 1 IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://www.google.de/ IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\..\SearchScopes\{6A1806CD-94D4-4689-BA73-E35EA1EA9990}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7 IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\..\SearchScopes\{E05737A1-D677-437D-881A-F7BEA90C6F4D}: "URL" = hxxp://www.google.com/search?q={searchTerms}&rls=com.microsoft:{language}:{referrer:source?}&ie={inputEncoding}&oe={outputEncoding}&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7MDNC_enDE393 IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyOverride" = *.local ========== FireFox ========== FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: stealthyextension%40gmail.com:2.5 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7Be4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781%7D:1.8 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7B0F827075-B026-42F3-885D-98981EE7B1AE%7D:2.6.1125.80 FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7B213c8ed6-1d78-4d8f-8729-25006aa86a76%7D: FF - prefs.js..extensions.enabledAddons: %7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D:20.0 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ftp_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.http_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.no_proxies_on: "localhost,, stealthy.co" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.share_proxy_settings: true FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.socks_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl: "" FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.ssl_port: 3128 FF - prefs.js..network.proxy.type: 0 FF - user.js - File not found FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer: C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF64_11_6_602_180.dll File not found FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/GENUINE: disabled File not found FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0: c:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20125.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF:64bit: - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0: C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll () FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@google.com/npPicasa3,version=3.0.0: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Picasa3\npPicasa3.dll (Google, Inc.) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/GENUINE: disabled File not found FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@Microsoft.com/NpCtrl,version=1.0: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20125.0\npctrl.dll ( Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/OfficeAuthz,version=14.0: C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/SharePoint,version=14.0: C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3502.0922: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3508.1109: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3538.0513: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WLPG,version=15.4.3555.0308: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@tools.google.com/Google Update;version=3: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@tools.google.com/Google Update;version=9: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll (Google Inc.) FF - HKCU\Software\MozillaPlugins\facebook.com/fbDesktopPlugin: C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Facebook\Messenger\2.1.4814.0\npFbDesktopPlugin.dll (Facebook, Inc.) FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\virtualKeyboard@kaspersky.ru: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\FFExt\virtualKeyboard@kaspersky.ru FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\KavAntiBanner@Kaspersky.ru: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\FFExt\KavAntiBanner@kaspersky.ru FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\linkfilter@kaspersky.ru: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\FFExt\linkfilter@kaspersky.ru FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{BBDA0591-3099-440a-AA10-41764D9DB4DB}: C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\IPSFFPlgn\ [2013.02.26 18:28:51 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\Extensions\\{2D3F3651-74B9-4795-BDEC-6DA2F431CB62}: C:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\N360_6.0.0.145\coFFPlgn\ [2013.04.10 20:26:10 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 20.0\extensions\\Components: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\components [2013.04.10 16:07:47 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 20.0\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins [2011.08.25 14:08:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\mozilla\Extensions [2013.04.10 16:07:47 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\extensions [2013.03.09 15:52:06 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Skype Click to Call) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\extensions\{82AF8DCA-6DE9-405D-BD5E-43525BDAD38A} [2013.03.27 04:17:36 | 000,263,064 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Foundation) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\components\browsercomps.dll [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,392 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,002,465 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\bing.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,153 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,006,805 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,178 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\wikipedia-de.xml [2013.03.27 05:32:09 | 000,001,105 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Program Files (x86)\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml ========== Chrome ========== CHR - default_search_provider: Google (Enabled) CHR - default_search_provider: search_url = {google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}{google:instantExtendedEnabledParameter}ie={inputEncoding} CHR - default_search_provider: suggest_url = {google:baseSuggestURL}search?{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}client=chrome&q={searchTerms}&{google:cursorPosition}sugkey={google:suggestAPIKeyParameter} CHR - homepage: hxxp://www.google.com/ig/redirectdomain?brand=MDNC&bmod=MDNC CHR - plugin: Shockwave Flash (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll CHR - plugin: Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer (Enabled) = internal-remoting-viewer CHR - plugin: Native Client (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll CHR - plugin: Chrome PDF Viewer (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\pdf.dll CHR - plugin: Adobe Acrobat (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\Browser\nppdf32.dll CHR - plugin: Java Deployment Toolkit (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npdeployJava1.dll CHR - plugin: Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U25 (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npjp2.dll CHR - plugin: Microsoft Office 2010 (Enabled) = C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPAUTHZ.DLL CHR - plugin: Microsoft Office 2010 (Enabled) = C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\NPSPWRAP.DLL CHR - plugin: Picasa (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Picasa3\npPicasa3.dll CHR - plugin: Google Update (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\\npGoogleUpdate3.dll CHR - plugin: Windows Live\u0099 Photo Gallery (Enabled) = C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\NPWLPG.dll CHR - plugin: Facebook Desktop (Enabled) = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Facebook\Messenger\2.1.4814.0\npFbDesktopPlugin.dll CHR - plugin: Shockwave Flash (Enabled) = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_6_602_180.dll CHR - plugin: Silverlight Plug-In (Enabled) = c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.20125.0\npctrl.dll CHR - Extension: Skype Click to Call = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl\\ CHR - Extension: Norton Identity Protection = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\mkfokfffehpeedafpekjeddnmnjhmcmk\2012.5.13.5_0\ CHR - Extension: DVDVideoSoft Browser Extension = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nikpibnbobmbdbheedjfogjlikpgpnhp\\ O1 HOSTS File: ([2009.06.10 23:00:26 | 000,000,824 | ---- | M]) - C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\etc\hosts O2:64bit: - BHO: (Office Document Cache Handler) - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O2:64bit: - BHO: (Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper) - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll File not found O2:64bit: - BHO: (DVDVideoSoft WebPageAdjuster Class) - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns64.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O2 - BHO: (Norton Identity Protection) - {602ADB0E-4AFF-4217-8AA1-95DAC4DFA408} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\coIEPlg.dll (Symantec Corporation) O2 - BHO: (Norton Vulnerability Protection) - {6D53EC84-6AAE-4787-AEEE-F4628F01010C} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\IPS\IPSBHO.DLL (Symantec Corporation) O2 - BHO: (Skype Browser Helper) - {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O2 - BHO: (Office Document Cache Handler) - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} - C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\URLREDIR.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O2 - BHO: (Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper) - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\jp2ssv.dll File not found O2 - BHO: (DVDVideoSoft WebPageAdjuster Class) - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (Norton Toolbar) - {7FEBEFE3-6B19-4349-98D2-FFB09D4B49CA} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton 360\Engine\\coIEPlg.dll (Symantec Corporation) O3 - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (no name) - {2318C2B1-4965-11D4-9B18-009027A5CD4F} - No CLSID value found. O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [BTMTrayAgent] C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Bluetooth\btmshell.dll (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] C:\Windows\SysNative\hkcmd.exe (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [IgfxTray] C:\Windows\SysNative\igfxtray.exe (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [IntelPAN] C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\iFrmewrk.exe (Intel(R) Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [Persistence] C:\Windows\SysNative\igfxpers.exe (Intel Corporation) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [RtHDVBg] C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) O4:64bit: - HKLM..\Run: [RtHDVCpl] C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe (Realtek Semiconductor) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [APSDaemon] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\APSDaemon.exe (Apple Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Program Files (x86)\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [CLMLServer] C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go\CLMLSvc.exe (CyberLink) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Dolby Advanced Audio v2] C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolby Advanced Audio v2\pcee4.exe (Dolby Laboratories Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [HotkeyApp] C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\HotkeyApp.exe (Wistron) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [LMgrOSD] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\OSDCtrl.exe" File not found O4 - HKLM..\Run: [LMgrVolOSD] C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\OSD.exe (Wistron Corp.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [MobileConnect] C:\Program Files (x86)\Vodafone\Vodafone Mobile Connect\Bin\MobileConnect.exe (Vodafone) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [NUSB3MON] C:\Program Files (x86)\Renesas Electronics\USB 3.0 Host Controller Driver\Application\nusb3mon.exe (Renesas Electronics Corporation) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [T-Home Dialerschutz-Software] C:\Program Files (x86)\T-Home\Dialerschutz-Software\Defender64.exe (T-Systems International GmbH) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Wbutton] C:\Program Files (x86)\Launch Manager\Wbutton.exe (Wistron Corp.) O4 - HKU\S-1-5-19..\Run: [Sidebar] C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O4 - HKU\S-1-5-20..\Run: [Sidebar] C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O4 - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000..\Run: [Facebook Update] C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Facebook\Update\FacebookUpdate.exe (Facebook Inc.) O4 - HKU\S-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000..\Run: [RESTART_STICKY_NOTES] C:\Windows\System32\StikyNot.exe File not found O4 - HKU\S-1-5-19..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe File not found O4 - HKU\S-1-5-20..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe File not found O4 - Startup: C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk = C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe (Dropbox, Inc.) O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoActiveDesktop = 1 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoActiveDesktopChanges = 1 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin = 5 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: ConsentPromptBehaviorUser = 3 O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Add to Google Photos Screensa&ver - res://C:\Windows\system32\GPhotos.scr/200 File not found O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: An OneNote s&enden - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\ONBttnIE.dll/105 File not found O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube Download - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytvdownloader.htm () O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube to MP3 Converter - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytmp3downloader.htm () O8:64bit: - Extra context menu item: Nach Microsoft E&xcel exportieren - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\EXCEL.EXE/3000 File not found O8 - Extra context menu item: Add to Google Photos Screensa&ver - C:\Windows\SysWow64\GPhotos.scr (Google Inc.) O8 - Extra context menu item: An OneNote s&enden - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\ONBttnIE.dll/105 File not found O8 - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube Download - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytvdownloader.htm () O8 - Extra context menu item: Free YouTube to MP3 Converter - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\plugins\freeytmp3downloader.htm () O8 - Extra context menu item: Nach Microsoft E&xcel exportieren - res://C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2\Office14\EXCEL.EXE/3000 File not found O9:64bit: - Extra Button: eBay - Der weltweite Online-Marktplatz - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9:64bit: - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : eBay - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9:64bit: - Extra Button: Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns64.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O9:64bit: - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns64.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O9 - Extra Button: eBay - Der weltweite Online-Marktplatz - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : eBay - {0B65DCC9-1740-43dc-B19C-4F309FB6A6CA} - hxxp://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/707-37276-17534-31/4 File not found O9 - Extra Button: ICQ7.6 - {7644E42D-B096-457F-8B5B-901238FC81AE} - C:\Program Files (x86)\ICQ7.6\ICQ.exe (ICQ, LLC.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : ICQ7.6 - {7644E42D-B096-457F-8B5B-901238FC81AE} - C:\Program Files (x86)\ICQ7.6\ICQ.exe (ICQ, LLC.) O9 - Extra Button: Skype Click to Call - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Skype Click to Call - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra Button: Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Free YouTube Download - {EE932B49-D5C0-4D19-A3DA-CE0849258DE6} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft\bin\IEDownloadMenuAndBtns.dll (DVDVideoSoft Ltd.) O10:64bit: - NameSpace_Catalog5\Catalog_Entries64\000000000010 [] - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll (Apple Inc.) O10 - NameSpace_Catalog5\Catalog_Entries\000000000010 [] - C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll (Apple Inc.) O1364bit: - gopher Prefix: missing O13 - gopher Prefix: missing O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer = O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{F5873831-81F9-4466-89E8-5B57523CC867}: DhcpNameServer = O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\livecall - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\ms-help - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\msnim - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\skype4com - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\wlmailhtml - No CLSID value found O18:64bit: - Protocol\Handler\wlpg - No CLSID value found O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\PROGRA~2\COMMON~1\Skype\SKYPE4~1.DLL (Skype Technologies) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O20 - AppInit_DLLs: (c:\progra~3\browse~1\261125~1.80\{c16c1~1\browse~1.dll) - File not found O20:64bit: - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20:64bit: - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe) - C:\Windows\SysNative\userinit.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (explorer.exe) - C:\Windows\SysWow64\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (userinit.exe) - C:\Windows\SysWow64\userinit.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20:64bit: - Winlogon\Notify\igfxcui: DllName - (igfxdev.dll) - C:\Windows\SysNative\igfxdev.dll (Intel Corporation) O21:64bit: - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - No CLSID value found. O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - No CLSID value found. O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1 O33 - MountPoints2\{3da7da40-c27a-11e0-9a14-bc773706cb8c}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{3da7da40-c27a-11e0-9a14-bc773706cb8c}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = F:\setup_vmc_lite.exe /checkApplicationPresence O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) O35:64bit: - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35:64bit: - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O37:64bit: - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37:64bit: - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* O38 - SubSystems\\Windows: (ServerDll=winsrv:UserServerDllInitialization,3) O38 - SubSystems\\Windows: (ServerDll=winsrv:ConServerDllInitialization,2) O38 - SubSystems\\Windows: (ServerDll=sxssrv,4) ========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ========== [2013.04.10 18:25:45 | 000,602,112 | ---- | C] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Users\Hannah\Desktop\OTL.exe [2013.04.10 17:31:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\Desktop\Alte Firefox-Daten [2013.04.10 16:48:21 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\N360_BACKUP [2013.04.10 16:22:16 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\Documents\Alte Firefox-Daten [2013.04.10 16:07:52 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service [2013.04.10 15:50:35 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\photoOptimizeHistoryDataBase [2013.04.10 15:50:34 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\Ashampoo Photo Optimizer Medion [2013.04.10 14:51:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect [2013.04.10 14:49:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DVDVideoSoft [2013.04.10 14:49:12 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDVideoSoft [2013.04.10 11:51:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{AD32E91B-285A-4C3A-B383-20BC296C91C9} [2013.04.04 17:54:44 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{87687DEB-5B2F-4E3B-A659-1FCAE6D3DEE0} [2013.03.30 19:01:39 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{732E0BE2-8D69-42DD-8E7A-115A508AE482} [2013.03.25 20:15:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{12E9E396-56A1-4EF2-A26B-7B2901C18F84} [2013.03.25 19:25:54 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Silverlight [2013.03.25 19:24:14 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight [2013.03.25 19:24:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight [2013.03.21 10:11:08 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{A7F71897-A2CA-4890-A13C-3044169221D5} [2013.03.20 13:16:19 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{40D3A7D3-0A1A-486C-82EB-F82BA7863379} [2013.03.13 11:53:57 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\{39421F96-246C-431B-A464-D53512F0F9E7} [2 C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp files -> C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp -> ] [1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ========== [2013.04.10 20:35:01 | 000,000,884 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job [2013.04.10 20:32:03 | 000,016,976 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 [2013.04.10 20:32:03 | 000,016,976 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0 [2013.04.10 20:27:20 | 001,498,742 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\PerfStringBackup.INI [2013.04.10 20:27:20 | 000,654,400 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfh007.dat [2013.04.10 20:27:20 | 000,616,242 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfh009.dat [2013.04.10 20:27:20 | 000,130,240 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfc007.dat [2013.04.10 20:27:20 | 000,106,622 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\SysNative\perfc009.dat [2013.04.10 20:23:06 | 000,001,106 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job [2013.04.10 20:22:21 | 000,067,584 | --S- | M] () -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [2013.04.10 20:22:17 | 3148,140,544 | -HS- | M] () -- C:\hiberfil.sys [2013.04.10 20:20:45 | 000,000,097 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\DeleteOnReboot.bat [2013.04.10 20:11:02 | 000,001,142 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000UA.job [2013.04.10 19:22:00 | 000,001,110 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job [2013.04.10 18:25:47 | 000,602,112 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Users\Hannah\Desktop\OTL.exe [2013.04.10 18:25:11 | 000,000,000 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\defogger_reenable [2013.04.10 17:11:01 | 000,001,120 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-3081795280-3771785702-2149688770-1000Core.job [2013.04.10 16:07:57 | 000,001,155 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:51:00 | 000,001,247 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\DVDVideoSoft Free Studio.lnk [2013.04.10 14:35:46 | 000,001,057 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Dropbox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:35:38 | 000,001,027 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\Desktop\Dropbox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:29:39 | 630,174,670 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP [2 C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp files -> C:\Program Files (x86)\*.tmp -> ] [1 C:\Windows\*.tmp files -> C:\Windows\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files Created - No Company Name ========== [2013.04.10 20:20:34 | 000,000,097 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\DeleteOnReboot.bat [2013.04.10 18:25:11 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\defogger_reenable [2013.04.10 16:07:57 | 000,001,155 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2013.04.10 16:07:55 | 000,001,167 | ---- | C] () -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2013.04.10 14:51:00 | 000,001,247 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Public\Desktop\DVDVideoSoft Free Studio.lnk [2013.03.09 20:45:55 | 000,052,048 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\triplets.JPG [2012.03.17 21:43:45 | 000,001,503 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\.recently-used.xbel [2012.02.29 15:26:24 | 000,120,200 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\DLLDEV32i.dll [2012.02.29 15:25:57 | 000,007,119 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\mgxoschk.ini [2012.01.09 16:15:29 | 000,011,264 | -H-- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\photothumb.db [2011.09.06 16:49:37 | 000,002,477 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\Norton 360.lnk [2011.08.20 23:02:52 | 000,001,074 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\VLC media player.lnk [2011.08.09 13:34:18 | 000,005,120 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Local\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini [2011.06.02 21:19:10 | 013,359,616 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\ig4icd32.dll [2011.06.02 21:19:10 | 000,056,832 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igdde32.dll [2011.05.28 12:39:22 | 000,963,116 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igkrng600.bin [2011.05.28 12:39:21 | 000,218,304 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igfcg600m.bin [2011.05.28 12:39:19 | 000,145,804 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Windows\SysWow64\igcompkrng600.bin [2009.10.15 19:17:10 | 000,130,520 | R--- | C] () -- C:\ProgramData\DeviceManager.xml.rc4 ========== ZeroAccess Check ========== [2009.07.14 06:55:00 | 000,000,227 | RHS- | M] () -- C:\Windows\assembly\Desktop.ini [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] /64 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432node\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\clsid\{fbeb8a05-beee-4442-804e-409d6c4515e9}\InProcServer32] /64 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432node\clsid\{fbeb8a05-beee-4442-804e-409d6c4515e9}\InProcServer32] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] /64 "" = C:\Windows\SysNative\shell32.dll -- [2012.06.09 07:43:10 | 014,172,672 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Apartment [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\clsid\{42aedc87-2188-41fd-b9a3-0c966feabec1}\InProcServer32] "" = %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll -- [2012.06.09 06:41:00 | 012,873,728 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Apartment [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{5839FCA9-774D-42A1-ACDA-D6A79037F57F}\InProcServer32] /64 "" = C:\Windows\SysNative\wbem\fastprox.dll -- [2009.07.14 03:40:51 | 000,909,312 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Free [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\clsid\{5839FCA9-774D-42A1-ACDA-D6A79037F57F}\InProcServer32] "" = %systemroot%\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll -- [2010.11.21 05:24:25 | 000,606,208 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Free [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\clsid\{F3130CDB-AA52-4C3A-AB32-85FFC23AF9C1}\InProcServer32] /64 "" = C:\Windows\SysNative\wbem\wbemess.dll -- [2009.07.14 03:41:56 | 000,505,856 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) "ThreadingModel" = Both [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\clsid\{F3130CDB-AA52-4C3A-AB32-85FFC23AF9C1}\InProcServer32] ========== LOP Check ========== [2013.04.10 20:25:36 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox [2013.04.10 14:54:39 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\DVDVideoSoft [2011.09.12 17:19:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\gtk-2.0 [2012.12.04 17:39:53 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\ICQ [2012.02.29 15:26:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\MAGIX [2011.08.22 15:47:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\PhotoScape [2013.01.02 15:37:36 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Swiss Academic Software [2011.08.09 14:44:37 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Vodafone [2011.11.04 14:05:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\Windows Live Writer [2012.11.22 18:05:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\Roaming\XnView ========== Purity Check ========== < End of report > |
![]() | #4 | |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Hallo, Zitat:
![]() Wie läuft der Rechner sonst so? Alles in Ordnung? Wir kontrollieren noch: Schritt 1
ATTFilter :OTL O20 - AppInit_DLLs: (c:\progra~3\browse~1\261125~1.80\{c16c1~1\browse~1.dll) - File not found [2013.04.10 14:51:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect :commands [emptytemp]
Schritt 2 Downloade dir bitte Malwarebytes Anti-Malware .
Schritt 3 Lade das Setup des ESET Online Scanners herunter und speichere es auf den Desktop.
Schritt 4 Downloade dir bitte SecurityCheck (Link 2).
Bitte poste in deiner nächsten Antwort:
__________________ cheers, Leo |
![]() | #5 |
| ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Sonst scheint der Rechner ganz normal zu laufen! Schritt 1: Das Word dokument konnte ich nicht öffnen, Word hat mir eine Meldung angezeigt die sagt, dass der Inhalt Probleme verursacht? Aber über den OTL Ordner hat es dann funktioniert: Code:
ATTFilter All processes killed ========== OTL ========== Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\AppInit_Dlls:c:\progra~3\browse~1\261125~1.80\{c16c1~1\browse~1.dll deleted successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\traking_settings folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension\content folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension\components folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8} folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80 folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect folder moved successfully. ========== COMMANDS ========== [EMPTYTEMP] User: All Users User: Default ->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Flash cache emptied: 56466 bytes User: Default User ->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Flash cache emptied: 0 bytes User: Hannah ->Temp folder emptied: 11564257 bytes ->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 14950797 bytes ->Java cache emptied: 63179 bytes ->FireFox cache emptied: 12422249 bytes ->Google Chrome cache emptied: 28771646 bytes ->Flash cache emptied: 57483 bytes User: Public %systemdrive% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot%\System32 .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot%\System32 (64bit) .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot%\System32\drivers .tmp files removed: 0 bytes Windows Temp folder emptied: 83475 bytes %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 1961203 bytes %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment folder emptied: 763 bytes %systemroot%\sysnative\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 67832 bytes %systemroot%\sysnative\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment folder emptied: 759 bytes RecycleBin emptied: 35942895007 bytes Total Files Cleaned = 34.345,00 mb OTL by OldTimer - Version log created on 04102013_233854 Code:
ATTFilter All processes killed ========== OTL ========== Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\\AppInit_Dlls:c:\progra~3\browse~1\261125~1.80\{c16c1~1\browse~1.dll deleted successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\traking_settings folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension\content folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension\components folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8}\FirefoxExtension folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80\{c16c1ccb-7046-4e5c-a2f3-533ad2fec8e8} folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect\2.6.1125.80 folder moved successfully. C:\ProgramData\BrowserProtect folder moved successfully. ========== COMMANDS ========== [EMPTYTEMP] User: All Users User: Default ->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Flash cache emptied: 56466 bytes User: Default User ->Temp folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 0 bytes ->Flash cache emptied: 0 bytes User: Hannah ->Temp folder emptied: 11564257 bytes ->Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 14950797 bytes ->Java cache emptied: 63179 bytes ->FireFox cache emptied: 12422249 bytes ->Google Chrome cache emptied: 28771646 bytes ->Flash cache emptied: 57483 bytes User: Public %systemdrive% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot% .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot%\System32 .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot%\System32 (64bit) .tmp files removed: 0 bytes %systemroot%\System32\drivers .tmp files removed: 0 bytes Windows Temp folder emptied: 83475 bytes %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 1961203 bytes %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment folder emptied: 763 bytes %systemroot%\sysnative\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files folder emptied: 67832 bytes %systemroot%\sysnative\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment folder emptied: 759 bytes RecycleBin emptied: 35942895007 bytes Total Files Cleaned = 34.345,00 mb OTL by OldTimer - Version log created on 04102013_233854 Schritt 3: Es hat keine Funde gegeben!! Schritt 4: Logfile: Code:
ATTFilter Results of screen317's Security Check version 0.99.62 Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 (UAC is enabled) Internet Explorer 9 ``````````````Antivirus/Firewall Check:`````````````` Norton 360 Online AntiVir Desktop WMI entry may not exist for antivirus; attempting automatic update. Avira successfully updated! `````````Anti-malware/Other Utilities Check:````````` Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Version Adobe Flash Player 11.6.602.180 Adobe Reader 10.0.1 Adobe Reader out of Date! Mozilla Firefox (20.0) Google Chrome 26.0.1410.43 Google Chrome 26.0.1410.64 ````````Process Check: objlist.exe by Laurent```````` Norton ccSvcHst.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamservice.exe Malwarebytes Anti-Malware mbamgui.exe Avira Antivir avgnt.exe Avira Antivir avguard.exe Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware mbamscheduler.exe `````````````````System Health check````````````````` Total Fragmentation on Drive C: ````````````````````End of Log`````````````````````` |
![]() | #6 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Prima, das sieht gut aus. Bleiben noch Aufräumarbeiten zu erledigen. ![]() Mir ist aufgefallen, dass du mehr als ein Antivirus-Programm mit Hintergrundwächter laufen hast:
Entscheide dich für eines dieser Programme und deinstalliere die anderen über Start -> Systemsteuerung -> Programme und Funktionen (Vista & Win 7) bzw. Start -> Systemsteuerung -> Software (Win XP). Schritt 1 Dein Flashplayer ist veraltet. Installiere folgendermassen die aktuelle Version:
Schritt 2 Die Version deines Adobe PDF Readers ist veraltet, wir müssen ihn updaten:
Überprüfe dann mit diesem Plugin-Check, ob nun alle deine verwendeten Versionen aktuell sind und update sie anderenfalls. Cleanup Zum Schluss werden wir jetzt noch unsere Tools (inklusive der Quarantäne-Ordner) wegräumen, die verseuchten Systemwiederherstellungspunkte löschen und alle Einstellungen wieder herrichten. Auch diese Schritte sind noch wichtig und sollten in der angegebenen Reihenfolge ausgeführt werden.
>> OK << Wir sind durch, deine Logs sehen für mich im Moment sauber aus. ![]() Ich habe dir nachfolgend ein paar Hinweise und Tipps zusammengestellt, die dazu beitragen sollen, dass du in Zukunft unsere Hilfe nicht mehr brauchen wirst. Bitte gib mir danach noch eine kurze Rückmeldung, wenn auch von deiner Seite keine Probleme oder Fragen mehr offen sind, damit ich dieses Thema als erledigt betrachten kann. Epilog: Tipps, Dos & Don'ts ![]() Das Betriebsystem Windows muss zwingend immer auf dem neusten Stand sein. Stelle sicher, dass die automatischen Updates aktiviert sind:
Auch die installierte Software sollte immer in der aktuellsten Version vorliegen. Speziell gilt das für den Browser, Java, Flash-Player und PDF-Reader, denn bekannte Sicherheitslücken in deren alten Versionen werden dazu ausgenutzt, um beim blossen Besuch einer präparierten Website per Drive-by Download Malware zu installieren. Das kann sogar auf normalerweise legitimen Websites geschehen, wenn es einem Angreifer gelungen ist, seinen Code in die Seite einzuschleusen, und ist deshalb relativ unberechenbar.
![]() Eine Bemerkung vorneweg: Jede Softwarelösung hat ihre Schwächen. Die gesamte Verantwortung für die Sicherheit auf Software zu übertragen und einen Rundum-Schutz zu erwarten, wäre eine gefährliche Illusion. Bei unbedachtem oder bewusst risikoreichem Verhalten wird auch das beste Programm früher oder später seinen Dienst versagen (z.B. ein Virenscanner, der eine verseuchte Datei nicht erkennt). Trotzdem ist entsprechende Software natürlich wichtig und hilft dir in Kombination mit einem gut gewarteten (up-to-date) System und durchdachtem Verhalten, deinen Rechner sauber zu halten.
Es liegt in der Natur der Sache, dass die am weitesten verbreitete Anwendungs-Software auch am häufigsten von Malware-Autoren attackiert wird. Es kann daher bereits einen kleinen Sicherheitsgewinn darstellen, wenn man alternative Software (z.B. einen alternativen PDF Reader) benutzt. Anstelle des Internet Explorers kann man beispielsweise den Mozilla Firefox einsetzen, für welchen es zwei nützliche Addons zur Empfehlung gibt:
![]() Nebst unbemerkten Drive-by Installationen wird Malware aber auch oft mehr oder weniger aktiv vom Benutzer selbst installiert. Der Besuch zwielichtiger Websites kann bereits Risiken bergen. Und Downloads aus dubiosen Quellen sind immer russisches Roulette. Auch wenn der Virenscanner im Moment darin keine Bedrohung erkennt, muss das nichts bedeuten.
Oft wird auch versucht, den Benutzer mit mehr oder weniger trickreichen Methoden dazu zu bringen, eine für ihn verhängnisvolle Handlung selbst auszuführen (Überbegriff Social Engineering).
Nervige Adware (Werbung) und unnötige Toolbars werden auch meist durch den Benutzer selbst mitinstalliert.
![]() Abschliessend noch ein paar grundsätzliche Bemerkungen:
Wenn du möchtest, kannst du das Forum mit einer kleinen Spende unterstützen. Es bleibt mir nur noch, dir unbeschwertes und sicheres Surfen zu wünschen und dass wir uns hier so bald nicht wiedersehen. ![]()
__________________ --> Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! |
![]() | #7 |
| ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Vielen vielen lieben Dank für deine großartige Hilfe!!! ![]() Kenne mich absolut nicht mit PCs aus und bin super erleichtert dass ich den Virus so schnell und einfach wieder loswerden konnte! Dickes Dankeschön! Ihr werdet dafür von mir ganz sicher eine kleine Spende erhalten! |
![]() | #8 |
/// TB-Ausbilder ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! Danke für die Rückmeldung. Und im Namen des Teams bedank ich mich vielmals für die Spende! Freut mich, dass wir helfen konnten. ![]() Falls du dem Forum noch Verbesserungsvorschläge, Kritik oder ein Lob mitgeben möchtest, kannst du das hier tun. Dieses Thema scheint erledigt und wird aus meinen Abos gelöscht. Ich bekomme somit keine Benachrichtigung mehr über neue Antworten. Solltest du das Thema erneut brauchen, schicke mir bitte eine PM und wir machen hier weiter. Jeder andere bitte diese Anleitung lesen und einen eigenen Thread erstellen.
__________________ cheers, Leo |
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Themen zu Delta-Search lässt sich nicht löschen! |
antivir, autorun, avira, bho, blockiert, bonjour, converter, delta, delta search, desktop, dvdvideosoft ltd., error, flash player, format, helper, home, install.exe, internet, launch, logfile, mozilla, mp3, plug-in, programm, realtek, registry, rundll, search, svchost.exe, symantec, usb, virus, werkseinstellungen, windows |