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Log-Analyse und Auswertung: Verschlüsselungstrojaner logfiles erstelltWindows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML. |
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| ![]() Verschlüsselungstrojaner logfiles erstellt Habe OTL auf meinem Laptop durchgeführt und bekam folgendes Ergebnis: Wie kann ich weiterhin fortfahren, um mein Problem zu beheben? Ist der Virus auch komplett beseitigt, wenn ich windows xp nochmal draufspiele und den PC neu formatiere? Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe OTL logfile created on: 5/2/2012 10:31:14 PM - Run OTLPE by OldTimer - Version Folder = X:\Programs\OTLPE Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Version = 5.1.2600) - Type = SYSTEM Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.6001.18702) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 2.00 Gb Total Physical Memory | 2.00 Gb Available Physical Memory | 88.00% Memory free 2.00 Gb Paging File | 2.00 Gb Available in Paging File | 97.00% Paging File free Paging file location(s): C:\pagefile.sys 2046 4092 [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Programme Drive C: | 149.04 Gb Total Space | 137.14 Gb Free Space | 92.01% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 3.61 Gb Total Space | 3.61 Gb Free Space | 99.98% Space Free | Partition Type: FAT32 Drive X: | 436.59 Mb Total Space | 0.00 Mb Free Space | 0.00% Space Free | Partition Type: CDFS Computer Name: REATOGO | User Name: SYSTEM Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: All users Company Name Whitelist: Off | Skip Microsoft Files: Off | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days Using ControlSet: ControlSet001 ========== Win32 Services (SafeList) ========== SRV - File not found [Disabled] -- -- (HidServ) SRV - File not found [On_Demand] -- -- (AppMgmt) SRV - [2012/04/12 04:31:34 | 000,784,792 | ---- | M] (Spigot, Inc.) [Auto] -- C:\Programme\Application Updater\ApplicationUpdater.exe -- (Application Updater) SRV - [2011/06/28 16:08:02 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService) SRV - [2011/05/01 11:52:18 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService) SRV - [2008/10/23 11:45:14 | 000,307,200 | ---- | M] (T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH) [On_Demand] -- C:\Programme\T-Online\DSL-Manager\DslMgrSvc.exe -- (TDslMgrService) SRV - [2008/08/26 13:02:24 | 000,014,336 | ---- | M] (Agere Systems) [Auto] -- C:\Programme\LSI SoftModem\agrsmsvc.exe -- (AgereModemAudio) SRV - [2007/01/04 13:48:52 | 000,112,152 | R--- | M] (InterVideo) [Auto] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\InterVideo\RegMgr\iviRegMgr.exe -- (IviRegMgr) SRV - [2005/11/13 20:06:04 | 000,069,632 | ---- | M] (Macrovision Corporation) [On_Demand] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\InstallShield\Driver\1150\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe -- (IDriverT) SRV - [2005/04/23 14:05:54 | 000,065,536 | ---- | M] (T-Online International AG, Marmiko IT-Solutions GmbH) [Auto] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Marmiko Shared\MZCCntrl.exe -- (MZCCntrl) ========== Driver Services (SafeList) ========== DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- -- (WDICA) DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- -- (PDRFRAME) DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- -- (PDRELI) DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- -- (PDFRAME) DRV - File not found [Kernel | On_Demand] -- -- (PDCOMP) DRV - File not found [Kernel | System] -- -- (PCIDump) DRV - [2011/06/28 16:08:04 | 000,138,192 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb) DRV - [2011/06/28 16:08:04 | 000,066,616 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt) DRV - [2010/04/15 13:16:18 | 000,101,376 | ---- | M] (Protect Software GmbH) [Kernel | Auto] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ACEDRV07.sys -- (ACEDRV07) DRV - [2009/06/12 09:31:26 | 001,287,552 | ---- | M] (Broadcom Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\BCMWL5.SYS -- (BCM43XX) DRV - [2009/05/11 05:12:49 | 000,028,520 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -- (ssmdrv) DRV - [2009/02/13 05:35:01 | 000,011,608 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System] -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgio.sys -- (avgio) DRV - [2008/11/21 15:53:40 | 001,204,128 | ---- | M] (Agere Systems) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\AGRSM.sys -- (AgereSoftModem) DRV - [2008/04/28 14:22:10 | 000,009,344 | ---- | M] (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\CPQBttn.sys -- (HBtnKey) DRV - [2008/04/13 18:23:10 | 000,040,320 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nmnt.sys -- (nm) DRV - [2008/04/13 18:11:00 | 000,008,192 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | System] -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\Changer.sys -- (Changer) DRV - [2008/04/13 18:10:28 | 000,034,688 | ---- | M] (Toshiba Corp.) [Kernel | System] -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\lbrtfdc.sys -- (lbrtfdc) DRV - [2007/10/25 13:31:08 | 000,616,064 | ---- | M] (PixArt Imaging Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\pfc027.sys -- (PAC207) DRV - [2007/09/12 11:24:00 | 000,026,816 | ---- | M] (Printing Communications Assoc., Inc. (PCAUSA)) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\dsltestsp5.sys -- (dsltestSp5) DRV - [2007/06/26 05:53:54 | 000,013,824 | ---- | M] (T-Systems) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\tsmpkt.sys -- (TSMPacket) DRV - [2006/05/22 00:40:30 | 000,017,152 | ---- | M] (T-Online International AG, Marmiko IT-Solutions GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Marmiko Shared\MInfraIS\miinpazx.sys -- (MIINPazX) DRV - [2004/03/01 12:03:34 | 000,016,896 | ---- | M] (Marmiko IT-Solutions GmbH) [Kernel | On_Demand] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Marmiko Shared\MAcNdis5.sys -- (MACNDIS5) ========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== Internet Explorer ========== IE - HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKU\Hans_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = hxxp://www.google.de/ IE - HKU\Hans_ON_C\..\URLSearchHook: {575bddf5-790a-4d01-a37d-2863dec1c085} - C:\Programme\Produtools_Maps\prxtbProd.dll (Conduit Ltd.) IE - HKU\Hans_ON_C\..\URLSearchHook: {B922D405-6D13-4A2B-AE89-08A030DA4402} - C:\Programme\pdfforge Toolbar\IE\5.4\pdfforgeToolbarIE.dll (Spigot, Inc.) IE - HKU\Hans_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKU\Hans_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyOverride" = <local> IE - HKU\Hans_ON_C\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyServer" = http= FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@java.com/JavaPlugin: C:\Programme\Java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npjp2.dll (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) O1 HOSTS File: ([2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,000,820 | ---- | M]) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts O1 - Hosts: localhost O2 - BHO: (Adobe PDF Link Helper) - {18DF081C-E8AD-4283-A596-FA578C2EBDC3} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelperShim.dll (Adobe Systems Incorporated) O2 - BHO: (Produtools Maps Toolbar) - {575bddf5-790a-4d01-a37d-2863dec1c085} - C:\Programme\Produtools_Maps\prxtbProd.dll (Conduit Ltd.) O2 - BHO: (Skype add-on for Internet Explorer) - {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O2 - BHO: (pdfforge Toolbar) - {B922D405-6D13-4A2B-AE89-08A030DA4402} - C:\Programme\pdfforge Toolbar\IE\5.4\pdfforgeToolbarIE.dll (Spigot, Inc.) O2 - BHO: (Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper) - {F22C37FD-2BCB-40b6-A12E-77DDA1FBDD88} - File not found O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (Produtools Maps Toolbar) - {575bddf5-790a-4d01-a37d-2863dec1c085} - C:\Programme\Produtools_Maps\prxtbProd.dll (Conduit Ltd.) O3 - HKLM\..\Toolbar: (pdfforge Toolbar) - {B922D405-6D13-4A2B-AE89-08A030DA4402} - C:\Programme\pdfforge Toolbar\IE\5.4\pdfforgeToolbarIE.dll (Spigot, Inc.) O3 - HKU\Hans_ON_C\..\Toolbar\WebBrowser: (Produtools Maps Toolbar) - {575BDDF5-790A-4D01-A37D-2863DEC1C085} - C:\Programme\Produtools_Maps\prxtbProd.dll (Conduit Ltd.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [] File not found O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Adobe ARM] C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe (Adobe Systems Incorporated) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [KernelFaultCheck] File not found O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Monitor] C:\WINDOWS\PixArt\PAC207\Monitor.exe (PixArt Imaging Incorporation) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [NeroFilterCheck] C:\WINDOWS\system32\NeroCheck.exe (Ahead Software Gmbh) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [PAC207_Monitor] C:\WINDOWS\PixArt\PAC207\Monitor.exe (PixArt Imaging Incorporation) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [SearchSettings] C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Spigot\Search Settings\SearchSettings.exe (Spigot, Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [T-Online DSL-Manager] File not found O4 - HKU\.DEFAULT..\Run: [T-Online_Software_6\WLAN-Access Finder] C:\Programme\T-Online\WLAN-Access Finder\ToWLaAcF.exe (T-Online International AG, Marmiko IT-Solutions GmbH) O4 - HKU\Hans_ON_C..\Run: [D0D3EF42] C:\WINDOWS\system32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe () O4 - HKU\Hans_ON_C..\Run: [T-Online_Software_6\WLAN-Access Finder] C:\Programme\T-Online\WLAN-Access Finder\ToWLaAcF.exe (T-Online International AG, Marmiko IT-Solutions GmbH) O4 - Startup: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmenü\Programme\Autostart\DVD Check.lnk = C:\Programme\InterVideo\DVD Check\DVDCheck.exe (InterVideo Inc.) O4 - Startup: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Default User\Startmenü\Programme\Autostart\DSL-Manager.lnk = C:\Programme\T-Online\DSL-Manager\DslMgr.exe (T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH) O4 - Startup: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Startmenü\Programme\Autostart\DSL-Manager.lnk = C:\Programme\T-Online\DSL-Manager\DslMgr.exe (T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH) O4 - Startup: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Startmenü\Programme\Autostart\OpenOffice.org 3.1.lnk = C:\Programme\OpenOffice.org 3\program\quickstart.exe () O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: HonorAutoRunSetting = 1 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableRegedit = 1 O7 - HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 145 O7 - HKU\Hans_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 145 O7 - HKU\Hans_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableRegistryTools = 1 O7 - HKU\Hans_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableRegedit = 1 O7 - HKU\LocalService_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 145 O7 - HKU\NetworkService_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 145 O9 - Extra Button: Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O16 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} hxxp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=39204 (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) O16 - DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_23-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_23) O16 - DPF: {8FFBE65D-2C9C-4669-84BD-5829DC0B603C} hxxp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/polarbear/ultrashim.cab (Reg Error: Key error.) O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0023-ABCDEFFEDCBA} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_23-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_23) O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_23-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_23) O16 - DPF: {E2883E8F-472F-4FB0-9522-AC9BF37916A7} hxxp://platformdl.adobe.com/NOS/getPlusPlus/1.6/gp.cab (Reg Error: Key error.) O18 - Protocol\Handler\http\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\http\oledb {E1D2BF40-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\https\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\https\oledb {E1D2BF40-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\ipp\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\msdaipp\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\msdaipp\oledb {E1D2BF40-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\msdaipp.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (Explorer.exe) - C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\WINDOWS\system32\appconf32.exe) - File not found O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\WINDOWS\system32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe () O24 - Desktop Components:0 (Die derzeitige Homepage) - About:Home O24 - Desktop WallPaper: O24 - Desktop BackupWallPaper: O27 - HKLM IFEO\msconfig.exe: Debugger - P9KDMF.EXE File not found O27 - HKLM IFEO\regedit.exe: Debugger - P9KDMF.EXE File not found O27 - HKLM IFEO\taskmgr.exe: Debugger - P9KDMF.EXE File not found O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1 O32 - AutoRun File - [2009/06/12 08:42:10 | 000,000,000 | ---- | M] () - C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT -- [ NTFS ] O32 - AutoRun File - [2006/03/24 07:06:41 | 000,000,053 | R--- | M] () - X:\AUTORUN.INF -- [ CDFS ] O33 - MountPoints2\{8a0e751e-6798-11e1-89fe-0021009469e6}\Shell - "" = AutoRun O33 - MountPoints2\{8a0e751e-6798-11e1-89fe-0021009469e6}\Shell\AutoRun - "" = Auto&Play O33 - MountPoints2\{8a0e751e-6798-11e1-89fe-0021009469e6}\Shell\AutoRun\command - "" = E:\SecureDataUSBDrive.exe O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* ActiveX: {0213C6AF-5562-4D09-884C-2ADCFC8C2F35} - Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Security Update (KB2656353) ActiveX: {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500} - Java (Sun) ActiveX: {10072CEC-8CC1-11D1-986E-00A0C955B42F} - Vektorgrafik-Rendering (VML) ActiveX: {1897C549-AE52-4571-8996-44854F5612B2} - Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Security Update (KB2656370) ActiveX: {2179C5D3-EBFF-11CF-B6FD-00AA00B4E220} - NetShow ActiveX: {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} - Microsoft Windows Media Player 6.4 ActiveX: {283807B5-2C60-11D0-A31D-00AA00B92C03} - DirectAnimation ActiveX: {2A3320D6-C805-4280-B423-B665BDE33D8F} - Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Security Update (KB979906) ActiveX: {2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED} - %SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:/UserInstall %SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll ActiveX: {36f8ec70-c29a-11d1-b5c7-0000f8051515} - Dynamic HTML-Datenbindung für Java ActiveX: {3af36230-a269-11d1-b5bf-0000f8051515} - Offline Browsing Pack ActiveX: {3bf42070-b3b1-11d1-b5c5-0000f8051515} - Uniscribe ActiveX: {411EDCF7-755D-414E-A74B-3DCD6583F589} - Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB867460) ActiveX: {4278c270-a269-11d1-b5bf-0000f8051515} - Erweitertes Authoring ActiveX: {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} - "%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\setup50.exe" /APP:OE /CALLER:WINNT /user /install ActiveX: {44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B} - rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\WINDOWS\INF\msnetmtg.inf,NetMtg.Install.PerUser.NT ActiveX: {44BBA848-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} - DirectShow ActiveX: {44BBA855-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015F} - DirectDrawEx ActiveX: {45ea75a0-a269-11d1-b5bf-0000f8051515} - Internet Explorer Help ActiveX: {4f216970-c90c-11d1-b5c7-0000f8051515} - DirectAnimation Java Classes ActiveX: {4f645220-306d-11d2-995d-00c04f98bbc9} - Microsoft Windows Script 5.6 ActiveX: {5945c046-1e7d-11d1-bc44-00c04fd912be} - rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\WINDOWS\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.QuietInstall.PerUser ActiveX: {5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000} - ICW ActiveX: {5fd399c0-a70a-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} - Internet Explorer Setup Tools ActiveX: {630b1da0-b465-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} - Browsing Enhancements ActiveX: {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} - Microsoft Windows Media Player ActiveX: {6fab99d0-bab8-11d1-994a-00c04f98bbc9} - MSN Site Access ActiveX: {7790769C-0471-11d2-AF11-00C04FA35D02} - "%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\setup50.exe" /APP:WAB /CALLER:WINNT /user /install ActiveX: {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} - regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:U shell32.dll ActiveX: {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ie4uinit.exe -BaseSettings ActiveX: {89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Rundll32.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\mscories.dll,Install ActiveX: {9381D8F2-0288-11D0-9501-00AA00B911A5} - Dynamic HTML Data Binding ActiveX: {C9E9A340-D1F1-11D0-821E-444553540600} - Internet Explorer Core Fonts ActiveX: {CB2F7EDD-9D1F-43C1-90FC-4F52EAE172A1} - .NET Framework ActiveX: {CC2A9BA0-3BDD-11D0-821E-444553540000} - Taskplaner ActiveX: {CDD7975E-60F8-41d5-8149-19E51D6F71D0} - Windows Movie Maker v2.1 ActiveX: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000} - Adobe Flash Player ActiveX: {de5aed00-a4bf-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} - HTML Help ActiveX: {E78BFA60-5393-4C38-82AB-E8019E464EB4} - .NET Framework ActiveX: {E92B03AB-B707-11d2-9CBD-0000F87A369E} - Active Directory Service Interface ActiveX: <{12d0ed0d-0ee0-4f90-8827-78cefb8f4988} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieudinit.exe ActiveX: >{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} - C:\WINDOWS\inf\unregmp2.exe /ShowWMP ActiveX: >{26923b43-4d38-484f-9b9e-de460746276c} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ie4uinit.exe -UserIconConfig ActiveX: >{60B49E34-C7CC-11D0-8953-00A0C90347FF} - "C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iedkcs32.dll",BrandIEActiveSetup SIGNUP ActiveX: >{60B49E34-C7CC-11D0-8953-00A0C90347FF}MICROS - RunDLL32 IEDKCS32.DLL,BrandIE4 SIGNUP ActiveX: >{881dd1c5-3dcf-431b-b061-f3f88e8be88a} - %systemroot%\system32\shmgrate.exe OCInstallUserConfigOE NetSvcs: 6to4 - File not found NetSvcs: AppMgmt - File not found NetSvcs: HidServ - File not found NetSvcs: Ias - File not found NetSvcs: Iprip - File not found NetSvcs: Irmon - File not found NetSvcs: NWCWorkstation - File not found NetSvcs: Nwsapagent - File not found NetSvcs: WmdmPmSp - File not found ========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ========== [2012/05/02 13:42:40 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Vghinbhi [2012/04/15 06:30:45 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Search Settings [2012/04/15 06:30:38 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Application Updater [2012/04/15 06:30:37 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Spigot [2012/04/15 06:30:37 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\pdfforge Toolbar [2012/04/14 10:55:46 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Zyyn [2012/04/14 10:55:46 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Ezuf [4 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> ] [2 C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ========== [2012/05/02 15:00:35 | 000,002,048 | --S- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\bootstat.dat [2012/05/02 14:57:46 | 000,000,716 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Startmenü\Programme\Autostart\DSL-Manager.lnk [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 007,931,812 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-musik de imma geht.odt.ncyy [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 000,316,307 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-Ticket_8112_E1AXVSI.pdf.epkm [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 000,316,283 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-Ticket_8112_E1YLCPQ.pdf.tdxf [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 000,315,708 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-Ticket_8112_E1JHPWV.pdf.rwpk [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 000,315,470 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-Ticket_8112_E1EHVTK.pdf.wojn [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 000,315,465 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-Ticket_8112_E1WVPMS.pdf.kszl [2012/05/02 13:44:52 | 000,315,464 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-Ticket_8112_E1GEZOT.pdf.igvr [2012/05/02 13:44:34 | 001,779,976 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-6000002146_F_151_152_Bestaet_Antrag_EES.pdf.sepl [2012/05/02 13:44:34 | 000,040,960 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-bluetoothheadsetproxy.exe.njoq [2012/05/02 13:44:33 | 002,809,128 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-SoftwarePlus.exe.rkpw [2012/05/02 13:44:33 | 000,215,775 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-113517810.PDF.tsrl [2012/05/02 13:44:33 | 000,154,412 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-2012_02rechnung_4779760777.pdf.yycf [2012/05/02 13:44:33 | 000,154,412 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Eigene Dateien\locked-2012_01rechnung_4779760777.pdf.mqnj [2012/05/02 13:44:33 | 000,107,949 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-tele2.jpg.fxdt [2012/05/02 13:44:32 | 000,657,959 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-SBTZPS195BS12031708300.pdf.bwmk [2012/05/02 13:44:32 | 000,010,222 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-Rechnungsvorlage.odt.ydtf [2012/05/02 13:44:16 | 000,152,929 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-2012_01rechnung_4779760777.pdf.xgvr [2012/05/02 13:44:16 | 000,151,004 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-2012_04rechnung_4779760777.pdf.wpkm [2012/05/02 13:44:16 | 000,150,994 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-2012_03rechnung_4779760777.pdf.kugv [2012/05/02 13:44:16 | 000,097,689 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung.jpg.zojn [2012/05/02 13:44:16 | 000,000,065 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\locked-default.pls.nqom [2012/05/02 13:43:50 | 000,000,079 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\locked-Desktop anzeigen.scf.ycfy [2012/05/02 13:43:21 | 000,004,096 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Dokumente\locked-000003E7.LCS.htdx [2012/05/02 13:42:16 | 000,052,224 | -H-- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe [2012/05/02 04:59:12 | 000,391,574 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh007.dat [2012/05/02 04:59:12 | 000,380,684 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh009.dat [2012/05/02 04:59:12 | 000,063,976 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc007.dat [2012/05/02 04:59:12 | 000,053,098 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc009.dat [2012/05/02 04:05:42 | 000,002,422 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\wpa.dbl [2012/04/30 11:29:50 | 000,481,078 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh321 [2012/04/30 11:29:30 | 000,481,078 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh320 [2012/04/30 11:28:00 | 000,481,078 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh323 [2012/04/30 11:26:42 | 000,481,078 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh322 [2012/04/26 12:38:10 | 000,481,078 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh325 [2012/04/26 12:37:48 | 000,481,078 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh324 [2012/04/12 10:43:25 | 000,001,374 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\imsins.BAK [4 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> ] [2 C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files Created - No Company Name ========== [2012/05/02 13:42:46 | 000,481,078 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh325 [2012/05/02 13:42:46 | 000,481,078 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh324 [2012/05/02 13:42:46 | 000,481,078 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh323 [2012/05/02 13:42:46 | 000,481,078 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh322 [2012/05/02 13:42:46 | 000,481,078 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh321 [2012/05/02 13:42:46 | 000,481,078 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsh320 [2012/05/02 13:42:16 | 000,052,224 | -H-- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe [2012/04/11 08:37:31 | 000,151,004 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Desktop\locked-2012_04rechnung_4779760777.pdf.wpkm [2012/02/15 10:04:26 | 000,003,072 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\iacenc.dll [2010/09/17 11:52:25 | 000,000,118 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\MRT.INI [2010/08/30 04:55:00 | 000,000,016 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\NetworkService\Anwendungsdaten\hngmfc.dat [2010/08/29 19:56:18 | 000,000,016 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Anwendungsdaten\hngmfc.dat [2010/08/29 19:56:13 | 000,000,008 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\avdrn.dat [2009/11/21 05:35:06 | 000,000,472 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\Remover.ini [2009/11/21 05:23:25 | 000,000,056 | -H-- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\ezsidmv.dat [2009/07/19 13:51:45 | 000,000,065 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\locked-default.pls.nqom [2009/07/19 13:51:05 | 000,010,752 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\DCBC2A71-70D8-4DAN-EHR8-E0D61DEA3FDF.ini [2009/07/19 13:51:05 | 000,000,116 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\NeroDigital.ini [2009/06/28 11:25:56 | 000,000,151 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\PhotoSnapViewer.INI [2009/06/15 01:46:47 | 000,114,688 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\spacklsp.dll [2009/06/15 01:39:08 | 000,000,137 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\fusioncache.dat [2009/06/13 05:32:33 | 000,000,030 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\brss01a.ini [2009/06/13 05:32:32 | 000,000,468 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\BRWMARK.INI [2009/06/13 05:32:32 | 000,000,027 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\BRPP2KA.INI [2009/06/13 01:50:30 | 000,116,224 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\pdfcmnnt.dll [2009/06/12 12:15:20 | 000,000,032 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\CD_Start.INI [2009/06/12 09:35:21 | 002,215,364 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\igklg400.bin [2009/06/12 09:35:21 | 001,971,732 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\igklg450.bin [2009/06/12 09:35:21 | 000,147,456 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\igfxCoIn_v4935.dll [2009/06/12 09:35:21 | 000,029,932 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\igmedcompkrn.bin [2009/06/12 09:34:05 | 000,204,800 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\IVIresizeW7.dll [2009/06/12 09:34:05 | 000,192,512 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\IVIresizeP6.dll [2009/06/12 09:34:05 | 000,192,512 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\IVIresizeM6.dll [2009/06/12 09:34:05 | 000,188,416 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\IVIresizePX.dll [2009/06/12 09:34:04 | 000,200,704 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\IVIresizeA6.dll [2009/06/12 09:34:04 | 000,020,480 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\IVIresize.dll [2009/06/12 09:28:21 | 000,004,161 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\ODBCINST.INI [2009/06/12 09:27:05 | 000,109,400 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [2009/06/12 08:43:57 | 000,002,048 | --S- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\bootstat.dat [2009/06/12 08:39:20 | 000,021,740 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\emptyregdb.dat [2007/06/29 06:07:36 | 000,000,566 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\SP207.ini [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 013,107,200 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\oembios.bin [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,673,088 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\mlang.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,391,574 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh007.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,380,684 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh009.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,272,128 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfi009.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,269,480 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfi007.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,218,003 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\dssec.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,063,976 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc007.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,053,098 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc009.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,046,258 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\mib.bin [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,034,478 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfd007.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,028,626 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfd009.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,004,569 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\secupd.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,004,461 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\oembios.dat [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,001,804 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\dcache.bin [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,000,741 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\noise.dat ========== LOP Check ========== [2010/01/29 07:32:04 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Anwendungsdaten\Application Updater [2010/09/06 11:33:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Anwendungsdaten\Search Settings [2012/05/02 13:43:32 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Ezuf [2009/06/12 12:27:16 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\InterVideo [2009/06/12 12:22:25 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\OpenOffice.org [2012/05/02 13:43:56 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\pdfforge [2012/05/02 13:39:26 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\PriceGong [2012/04/15 06:30:45 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Search Settings [2010/01/02 11:15:20 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\T-Online [2012/05/02 13:42:40 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Vghinbhi [2012/05/02 13:44:48 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Hans\Anwendungsdaten\Zyyn [2009/06/15 01:36:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\T-Online [2012/05/02 13:43:21 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\T-Online DSL-Manager ========== Purity Check ========== ========== Custom Scans ========== < %SYSTEMDRIVE%\*. > [2012/04/15 06:30:43 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Config.Msi [2012/05/02 13:45:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen [2009/06/12 09:26:22 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Intel [2010/10/30 05:08:00 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Musik [2009/07/07 06:24:27 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Neuer Ordner [2012/04/15 06:30:38 | 000,000,000 | R--D | M] -- C:\Programme [2009/06/16 06:05:47 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\RECYCLER [2009/06/12 09:35:08 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\SWSetup [2012/05/02 13:46:50 | 000,000,000 | -HSD | M] -- C:\System Volume Information [2009/07/19 13:52:30 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Treiber Software [2011/09/05 08:31:41 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Vitus [2012/04/10 04:32:03 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Vroni [2012/05/02 06:34:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\WINDOWS < %PROGRAMFILES%\*.exe > Invalid Environment Variable: %LOCALAPPDATA%\*.exe < %systemroot%\*. /mp /s > < MD5 for: AGP440.SYS > [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 018,782,319 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp2.cab:AGP440.sys [2008/04/14 02:03:54 | 020,108,202 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp3.cab:AGP440.sys [2008/04/14 02:03:54 | 020,108,202 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\sp3.cab:AGP440.sys [2008/04/13 18:06:40 | 000,042,368 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=08FD04AA961BDC77FB983F328334E3D7 -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\agp440.sys [2008/04/13 18:06:40 | 000,042,368 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=08FD04AA961BDC77FB983F328334E3D7 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\agp440.sys < MD5 for: ATAPI.SYS > [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 018,782,319 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp2.cab:atapi.sys [2008/04/14 02:03:54 | 020,108,202 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp3.cab:atapi.sys [2008/04/14 02:03:54 | 020,108,202 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\sp3.cab:atapi.sys [2008/04/13 18:10:32 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\atapi.sys [2008/04/13 18:10:32 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\atapi.sys [2008/04/13 18:10:32 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\atapi.sys [2008/04/13 18:10:32 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ReinstallBackups\0007\DriverFiles\i386\atapi.sys [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,095,360 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=CDFE4411A69C224BD1D11B2DA92DAC51 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\atapi.sys < MD5 for: EVENTLOG.DLL > [2008/04/14 01:52:12 | 000,056,320 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=04955AA695448C181B367D964AF158AA -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\eventlog.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:12 | 000,056,320 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=04955AA695448C181B367D964AF158AA -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\eventlog.dll [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,055,808 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B932C077D5A65B71B4512544AC404CB4 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\eventlog.dll < MD5 for: EXPLORER.EXE > [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 001,035,264 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=22FE1BE02EADDE1632E478E4125639E0 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\explorer.exe [2008/04/14 01:52:46 | 001,036,800 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=418045A93CD87A352098AB7DABE1B53E -- C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe [2008/04/14 01:52:46 | 001,036,800 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=418045A93CD87A352098AB7DABE1B53E -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\explorer.exe < MD5 for: IASTOR.SYS > [2008/04/15 11:54:16 | 000,388,120 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) MD5=8D58627FEF3F8767665D9F4DC91CBD97 -- C:\SWSetup\SP39156\Winall\Driver64\IaStor.sys [2008/04/15 11:53:44 | 000,312,344 | ---- | M] (Intel Corporation) MD5=DB0CC620B27A928D968C1A1E9CD9CB87 -- C:\SWSetup\SP39156\Winall\Driver\IaStor.sys < MD5 for: NETLOGON.DLL > [2008/04/14 01:52:20 | 000,407,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=0098D35F91DEAB9C127360A877F2CF84 -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\netlogon.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:20 | 000,407,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=0098D35F91DEAB9C127360A877F2CF84 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\netlogon.dll [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,407,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=D27395EDCD3416AFD125A9370DCB585C -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\netlogon.dll < MD5 for: SCECLI.DLL > [2008/04/14 01:52:24 | 000,187,904 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=5132443DF6FC3771A17AB4AE55DCBC28 -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\scecli.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:24 | 000,187,904 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=5132443DF6FC3771A17AB4AE55DCBC28 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\scecli.dll [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,186,880 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=64DC26B3CF7BCCAD431CE360A4C625D5 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\scecli.dll < MD5 for: USER32.DLL > [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,578,560 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=56785FD5236D7B22CF471A6DA9DB46D8 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\user32.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:32 | 000,580,096 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B0050CC5340E3A0760DD8B417FF7AEBD -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\user32.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:32 | 000,580,096 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B0050CC5340E3A0760DD8B417FF7AEBD -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll < MD5 for: USERINIT.EXE > [2008/04/14 01:53:04 | 000,026,624 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=788F95312E26389D596C0FA55834E106 -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\userinit.exe [2008/04/14 01:53:04 | 000,026,624 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=788F95312E26389D596C0FA55834E106 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,025,088 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=D1E53DC57143F2584B1DD53B036C0633 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\userinit.exe < MD5 for: WINLOGON.EXE > [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,507,392 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=2B6A0BAF33A9918F09442D873848FF72 -- C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$\winlogon.exe [2008/04/14 01:53:06 | 000,513,024 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=F09A527B422E25C478E38CAA0E44417A -- C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\winlogon.exe [2008/04/14 01:53:06 | 000,513,024 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=F09A527B422E25C478E38CAA0E44417A -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe < MD5 for: WS2IFSL.SYS > [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=6ABE6E225ADB5A751622A9CC3BC19CE8 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\ws2ifsl.sys [2004/08/04 08:00:00 | 000,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=6ABE6E225ADB5A751622A9CC3BC19CE8 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ws2ifsl.sys < %systemroot%\system32\drivers\*.sys /lockedfiles > < %systemroot%\System32\config\*.sav > [2009/06/12 10:26:13 | 000,094,208 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\default.sav [2009/06/12 10:26:13 | 000,638,976 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\software.sav [2009/06/12 10:26:13 | 000,430,080 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\system.sav < %systemroot%\system32\*.dll /lockedfiles > [2011/03/03 02:54:43 | 000,149,504 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) Unable to obtain MD5 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dnsapi.dll [2012/03/02 00:00:10 | 011,082,752 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) Unable to obtain MD5 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieframe.dll [2012/03/01 07:00:08 | 002,000,384 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) Unable to obtain MD5 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\iertutil.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:20 | 000,280,064 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) Unable to obtain MD5 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\mstask.dll [2008/04/14 01:52:22 | 000,067,072 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) Unable to obtain MD5 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdsapi.dll [2011/01/21 10:44:10 | 008,503,296 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) Unable to obtain MD5 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll [2 C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.tmp -> ] Invalid Environment Variable: %USERPROFILE%\*.* Invalid Environment Variable: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\*.exe Invalid Environment Variable: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\*.dll Invalid Environment Variable: %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\*.exe < End of report > |
![]() | #2 |
/// Malware-holic ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() Verschlüsselungstrojaner logfiles erstellt auf deinem zweiten pc gehe auf start, programme zubehör editor, kopiere dort
__________________rein: Code:
ATTFilter :OTL O4 - HKU\Hans_ON_C..\Run: [D0D3EF42] C:\WINDOWS\system32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe () O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableRegedit = 1 O7 - HKU\Hans_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableRegistryTools = 1 O7 - HKU\Hans_ON_C\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\System: DisableRegedit = 1 O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\WINDOWS\system32\appconf32.exe) - File not found O20 - HKLM Winlogon: UserInit - (C:\WINDOWS\system32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\EB21B379D0D3EF423D3A.exe () O27 - HKLM IFEO\msconfig.exe: Debugger - P9KDMF.EXE File not found O27 - HKLM IFEO\regedit.exe: Debugger - P9KDMF.EXE File not found O27 - HKLM IFEO\taskmgr.exe: Debugger - P9KDMF.EXE File not found :Files :Commands [purity] [EMPTYFLASH] [emptytemp] [Reboot] dieses speicherst du auf nem usb stick als fix.txt nutze nun wieder OTLPENet.exe (starte also von der erstellten cd) und hake alles an, wie es bereits im post zu OTLPENet.exe beschrieben ist. • Klicke nun bitte auf den Fix Button. es sollte nun eine meldung ähnlich dieser: "load fix from file" erscheinen, lade also die fix.txt von deinem stick. wenn dies nicht funktioniert, bitte den fix manuell eintragen. dann klicke erneut den fix buton. pc startet evtl. neu. wenn ja, nimm die cd aus dem laufwerk, windows sollte nun normal starten und die otl.txt öffnen, log posten bitte.
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Themen zu Verschlüsselungstrojaner logfiles erstellt |
0x00000001, adobe, antivir, avira, bho, conduit, desktop, dllcache, einstellungen, error, explorer, helper, homepage, logfile, monitor, monitor.exe, neu, pdfforge toolbar, plug-in, problem, registry, rundll, scan, security, security update, software, verschlüsselungstrojaner windows xp, virus, windows, windows xp, winlogon, winlogon.exe |