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Log-Analyse und Auswertung: BOO/Whistler.A, wie werde ich ihn wieder los?Windows 7 Wenn Du Dir einen Trojaner eingefangen hast oder ständig Viren Warnungen bekommst, kannst Du hier die Logs unserer Diagnose Tools zwecks Auswertung durch unsere Experten posten. Um Viren und Trojaner entfernen zu können, muss das infizierte System zuerst untersucht werden: Erste Schritte zur Hilfe. Beachte dass ein infiziertes System nicht vertrauenswürdig ist und bis zur vollständigen Entfernung der Malware nicht verwendet werden sollte.XML. |
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| ![]() BOO/Whistler.A, wie werde ich ihn wieder los? Hallo, also ich habe seit dem 13.07.2011 den oben genannten "Trojaner/Virus", laut Avira Meldung. Wirklich bewusst wurde es mir aber erst vor 2 Tagen. Vorher ist mir das piepen das schon kurz vorm WIndows Start zu hören ist nicht aufgefallen. Befallen sind alle meine Laufwerke/Festplatten, inklusive einer Externen welche ich fast immer wenn der PC an ist ebenfalls anschließe (H ![]() Eine weitere externe Platte war in diesem Zeitraum nicht angeschlossen und sichert einen Grossteil meiner anderen Daten. Gestern habe ich dann mit den hier im Forum geposteten Beiträgen zu BOO/Whistler befasst. Malwarebytes und SUPERAntiSpyware scans des C: Laufwerks ergaben keine Funde (habe komplette Scans abgebrochen nachdem nichts erschien, beide Programme sind up to date) AntiVir komplettsuchlauf von vorgestern ergab ebenfalls noch 3 andere Virenfunde. Die eigentliche Meldung zu BOO/Whistler verschwindet aber immer sobald ich auf entfernen klicke (popup unten rechts von avira, jetzt in den letzten 2 tagen ca. 3 mal Neugestartet und neufunde) Schlussendlich habe ich gestern abend mit aswmbr.exe von AVAST versucht den MBR zu überschreiben. Dies gelang auch für HD 0, bei einem quickscan, bzw. scan der entsprechenden Festplatte. Ich habe jedoch 3 interne Platten + die externe, und wenn ich diese Laufwerke scannte, wurde bei MBRFIX trotzdem immer nur der HD 0 MBR neugeschrieben. Allgemein lief der Scan nur einmal auf meiner F Platte durch. Trotzallem kamen heute morgen beim Start wieder die Fundmeldungen von Avira. Also habe ich nochmals einen komplett mit Malwarebytes gestartet. Da ich tagsüber arbeite, und aufgrund der Datenmenge auf meinen Festplatten dauert z.b der Avira Fullscan 150 min, und andere Scans ähnlich lange. Ich kann also allmorgentlich jeweils nur einen Scan starten, und evtl. Abends nochmals einen. Anbei poste ich nun alle weiteren Logs. defogger.exe, otl.exe, und gmer.exen sind bereits runtergeladen und werden von mir nun Schrittweise abgearbeitet und Logs gepostet. Ich würde mich über jegliche Ratschlage freuen wie ich den BOO/Whistler loswerde. XP CD steht mir zur verfügung, und ich will den PC auf jedenfall neu aufsetzen nachdem der Trojaner entfernt ist, da ich auf Online Banking angewiesen bin. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe. |
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| ![]() BOO/Whistler.A, wie werde ich ihn wieder los? Ok alle Logfiles hier nun im Anhang.
__________________Danke im Vorraus fürs durchgucken! Geändert von kuku (20.07.2011 um 18:35 Uhr) |
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| ![]() BOO/Whistler.A, wie werde ich ihn wieder los? Hier der otl scan
__________________commandos entnommen aus einem anderen BOO thread, und nicht den 3. punkt regeln. Code:
ATTFilter OTL logfile created on: 20.07.2011 20:29:32 - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 3 (Version = 5.1.2600) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.6001.18702) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 767,49 Mb Total Physical Memory | 360,73 Mb Available Physical Memory | 47,00% Memory free 1,88 Gb Paging File | 1,41 Gb Available in Paging File | 74,76% Paging File free Paging file location(s): C:\pagefile.sys 1200 1200 [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Programme Drive C: | 14,64 Gb Total Space | 1,90 Gb Free Space | 12,95% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 218,23 Gb Total Space | 1,62 Gb Free Space | 0,74% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive F: | 298,09 Gb Total Space | 2,91 Gb Free Space | 0,98% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive G: | 149,05 Gb Total Space | 2,61 Gb Free Space | 1,75% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive H: | 465,65 Gb Total Space | 1,70 Gb Free Space | 0,36% Space Free | Partition Type: FAT32 Drive I: | 591,06 Mb Total Space | 0,00 Mb Free Space | 0,00% Space Free | Partition Type: CDFS Computer Name: STECO | User Name: Administrator | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: Current user | Quick Scan Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Processes (SafeList) ========== PRC - [2011.07.19 19:22:06 | 000,579,584 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop\OTL.exe PRC - [2011.07.06 19:52:38 | 000,449,584 | ---- | M] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe PRC - [2011.07.06 19:52:38 | 000,366,640 | ---- | M] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe PRC - [2011.06.29 11:06:17 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe PRC - [2011.04.27 16:15:27 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe PRC - [2011.02.10 11:04:02 | 000,281,768 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe PRC - [2011.02.02 21:40:41 | 000,153,376 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Programme\Java\bin\jqs.exe PRC - [2010.10.29 14:49:28 | 000,505,064 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Java\Java Update\jucheck.exe PRC - [2010.10.29 14:49:28 | 000,249,064 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe PRC - [2010.01.14 21:10:53 | 000,076,968 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avshadow.exe PRC - [2008.11.26 10:25:36 | 000,221,184 | ---- | M] (Brother Industries, Ltd.) -- C:\Programme\Brother\Brmfcmon\BrMfcMon.exe PRC - [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 001,036,800 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe PRC - [2006.10.26 14:40:34 | 000,335,872 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\mdm.exe PRC - [2002.11.13 15:34:36 | 000,073,728 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\sstray.exe ========== Modules (SafeList) ========== MOD - [2011.07.19 19:22:06 | 000,579,584 | ---- | M] (OldTimer Tools) -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop\OTL.exe MOD - [2010.08.23 18:11:46 | 001,054,208 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\comctl32.dll ========== Win32 Services (SafeList) ========== SRV - File not found [Disabled | Stopped] -- -- (HidServ) SRV - [2011.07.06 19:52:38 | 000,366,640 | ---- | M] (Malwarebytes Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe -- (MBAMService) SRV - [2011.06.29 11:06:17 | 000,269,480 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avguard.exe -- (AntiVirService) SRV - [2011.04.27 16:15:27 | 000,136,360 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\sched.exe -- (AntiVirSchedulerService) SRV - [2011.03.24 15:27:21 | 000,655,624 | ---- | M] (Acresso Software Inc.) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Macrovision Shared\FLEXnet Publisher\FNPLicensingService.exe -- (FLEXnet Licensing Service) SRV - [2011.02.02 21:40:41 | 000,153,376 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\Java\bin\jqs.exe -- (JavaQuickStarterService) SRV - [2006.10.26 20:49:34 | 000,441,136 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\ODSERV.EXE -- (odserv) SRV - [2006.10.26 15:03:08 | 000,145,184 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\Source Engine\OSE.EXE -- (ose) SRV - [2006.10.26 14:40:34 | 000,335,872 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Auto | Running] -- C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\mdm.exe -- (MDM) ========== Driver Services (SafeList) ========== DRV - [2011.07.06 19:52:42 | 000,022,712 | ---- | M] (Malwarebytes Corporation) [File_System | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mbam.sys -- (MBAMProtector) DRV - [2011.06.29 11:06:18 | 000,138,192 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avipbb.sys -- (avipbb) DRV - [2011.06.29 11:06:18 | 000,066,616 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [File_System | Auto | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\avgntflt.sys -- (avgntflt) DRV - [2011.02.11 10:56:04 | 000,218,688 | ---- | M] (DT Soft Ltd) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\dtsoftbus01.sys -- (dtsoftbus01) DRV - [2010.05.10 20:41:30 | 000,067,656 | ---- | M] (SUPERAdBlocker.com and SUPERAntiSpyware.com) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Programme\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASKUTIL.SYS -- (SASKUTIL) DRV - [2010.02.17 20:25:48 | 000,012,872 | ---- | M] (SUPERAdBlocker.com and SUPERAntiSpyware.com) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Programme\SUPERAntiSpyware\sasdifsv.sys -- (SASDIFSV) DRV - [2010.02.11 14:02:15 | 000,226,880 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\tcpip6.sys -- (Tcpip6) DRV - [2009.05.11 11:49:19 | 000,011,608 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgio.sys -- (avgio) DRV - [2009.05.11 09:12:49 | 000,028,520 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) [Kernel | System | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ssmdrv.sys -- (ssmdrv) DRV - [2009.02.24 19:42:14 | 000,116,736 | ---- | M] (MagicISO, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\mcdbus.sys -- (mcdbus) DRV - [2006.05.03 18:50:42 | 001,540,608 | ---- | M] (ATI Technologies Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ati2mtag.sys -- (ati2mtag) DRV - [2005.12.21 10:16:34 | 000,470,048 | ---- | M] (Atheros Communications, Inc.) [Kernel | On_Demand | Stopped] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ar5211.sys -- (AR5211) DRV - [2002.12.05 12:01:00 | 000,241,664 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvapu.sys -- (nvnforce) Service for NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) DRV - [2002.12.05 12:01:00 | 000,013,056 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\nvax.sys -- (nvax) Service for NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) DRV - [2002.09.23 10:37:00 | 000,080,896 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | On_Demand | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\NVENET.sys -- (NVENET) DRV - [2002.09.06 11:24:00 | 000,013,568 | R--- | M] (NVIDIA Corporation) [Kernel | Boot | Running] -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nv_agp.sys -- (nv_agp) ========== Standard Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== Internet Explorer ========== IE - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyEnable" = 0 IE - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyOverride" = *.windowsupdate.com;windowsupdate.microsoft.com;*.windowsupdate.microsoft.com;wustat.microsoft.com;*.microsoft.nsatc.net;update.microsoft.com;*.update.microsoft.com;*.activex.microsoft.com;*.codecs.microsoft.com;*.c.microsoft.com;*.genuine.microsoft.com IE - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings: "ProxyServer" = ========== FireFox ========== FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll () FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@java.com/JavaPlugin: C:\Programme\Java\bin\new_plugin\npjp2.dll (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) FF - HKLM\Software\MozillaPlugins\@microsoft.com/WPF,version=3.5: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Windows Presentation Foundation\NPWPF.dll (Microsoft Corporation) FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Firefox\extensions\\jqs@sun.com: C:\Programme\Java\lib\deploy\jqs\ff [2010.09.01 16:58:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 5.0\extensions\\Components: C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\components [2011.07.01 23:43:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Firefox 5.0\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\plugins [2011.05.13 17:45:13 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.7\extensions\\Components: C:\Programme\Mozilla Thunderbird\components [2011.02.17 17:56:15 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] FF - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\mozilla\Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.7\extensions\\Plugins: C:\Programme\Mozilla Thunderbird\plugins [2011.02.17 17:56:16 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Mozilla\Extensions [2011.02.17 17:56:16 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Mozilla\Extensions\{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6} [2011.07.01 23:43:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (No name found) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions [2010.09.01 16:59:03 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0021-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [2011.02.10 11:01:55 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0023-ABCDEFFEDCBA} [2011.05.27 17:52:40 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Console) -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0024-ABCDEFFEDCBA} File not found (No name found) -- [2010.09.01 16:58:42 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Java Quick Starter) -- C:\PROGRAMME\JAVA\LIB\DEPLOY\JQS\FF [2011.05.28 13:58:43 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] (Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant) -- C:\WINDOWS\MICROSOFT.NET\FRAMEWORK\V3.5\WINDOWS PRESENTATION FOUNDATION\DOTNETASSISTANTEXTENSION [2011.06.16 06:32:37 | 000,142,296 | ---- | M] (Mozilla Foundation) -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\components\browsercomps.dll [2011.02.02 21:40:24 | 000,472,808 | ---- | M] (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\plugins\npdeployJava1.dll [2010.01.01 10:00:00 | 000,001,392 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\amazondotcom-de.xml [2010.01.01 10:00:00 | 000,002,252 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\bing.xml [2010.01.01 10:00:00 | 000,001,153 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\eBay-de.xml [2010.01.01 10:00:00 | 000,006,805 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\leo_ende_de.xml [2010.01.01 10:00:00 | 000,001,178 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\wikipedia-de.xml [2010.01.01 10:00:00 | 000,001,105 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Programme\mozilla firefox\searchplugins\yahoo-de.xml O1 HOSTS File: ([2011.02.24 02:30:28 | 000,430,074 | R--- | M]) - C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts O1 - Hosts: localhost O1 - Hosts: www.007guard.com O1 - Hosts: 007guard.com O1 - Hosts: 008i.com O1 - Hosts: www.008k.com O1 - Hosts: 008k.com O1 - Hosts: www.00hq.com O1 - Hosts: 00hq.com O1 - Hosts: 010402.com O1 - Hosts: www.032439.com O1 - Hosts: 032439.com O1 - Hosts: www.0scan.com O1 - Hosts: 0scan.com O1 - Hosts: 1000gratisproben.com O1 - Hosts: www.1000gratisproben.com O1 - Hosts: 1001namen.com O1 - Hosts: www.1001namen.com O1 - Hosts: 100888290cs.com O1 - Hosts: www.100888290cs.com O1 - Hosts: www.100sexlinks.com O1 - Hosts: 100sexlinks.com O1 - Hosts: 10sek.com O1 - Hosts: www.10sek.com O1 - Hosts: www.1-2005-search.com O1 - Hosts: 1-2005-search.com O1 - Hosts: 14803 more lines... O2 - BHO: (Skype add-on for Internet Explorer) - {AE805869-2E5C-4ED4-8F7B-F1F7851A4497} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O2 - BHO: (Java(tm) Plug-In 2 SSV Helper) - {DBC80044-A445-435b-BC74-9C25C1C588A9} - C:\Programme\Java\bin\jp2ssv.dll (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) O2 - BHO: (JQSIEStartDetectorImpl Class) - {E7E6F031-17CE-4C07-BC86-EABFE594F69C} - C:\Programme\Java\lib\deploy\jqs\ie\jqs_plugin.dll (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [avgnt] C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avgnt.exe (Avira GmbH) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [ControlCenter3] C:\Programme\Brother\ControlCenter3\brctrcen.exe (Brother Industries, Ltd.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [KernelFaultCheck] File not found O4 - HKLM..\Run: [Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware] C:\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe (Malwarebytes Corporation) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [nForce Tray Options] C:\WINDOWS\System32\sstray.exe (NVIDIA Corporation) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [SSBkgdUpdate] C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Scansoft Shared\SSBkgdUpdate\SSBkgdupdate.exe (Nuance Communications, Inc.) O4 - HKLM..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe (Sun Microsystems, Inc.) O4 - HKCU..\Run: [uTorrent] C:\Programme\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe (BitTorrent, Inc.) O4 - Startup: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Startmenü\Programme\Autostart\MagicDisc.lnk = C:\Programme\MagicDisc\MagicDisc.exe (MagicISO, Inc.) O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: HonorAutoRunSetting = 1 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveAutoRun = 67108863 O6 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 255 O7 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer: NoDriveTypeAutoRun = 145 O9 - Extra Button: Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem : Skype add-on for Internet Explorer - {898EA8C8-E7FF-479B-8935-AEC46303B9E5} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O16 - DPF: {8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_24-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_24) O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0024-ABCDEFFEDCBA} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_24-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_24) O16 - DPF: {CAFEEFAC-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA} hxxp://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-1_6_0_24-windows-i586.cab (Java Plug-in 1.6.0_24) O18 - Protocol\Handler\http\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\http\oledb {E1D2BF40-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\https\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\https\oledb {E1D2BF40-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\ipp\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\msdaipp\0x00000001 {E1D2BF42-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\msdaipp\oledb {E1D2BF40-A96B-11d1-9C6B-0000F875AC61} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\System\Ole DB\MSDAIPP.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\ms-help {314111c7-a502-11d2-bbca-00c04f8ec294} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\Help\hxds.dll (Microsoft Corporation) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype4com {FFC8B962-9B40-4DFF-9458-1830C7DD7F5D} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Skype\Skype4COM.dll (Skype Technologies) O18 - Protocol\Handler\skype-ie-addon-data {91774881-D725-4E58-B298-07617B9B86A8} - C:\Programme\Skype\Toolbars\Internet Explorer\skypeieplugin.dll (Skype Technologies S.A.) O18 - Protocol\Filter\text/xml {807563E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} - C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\MSOXMLMF.DLL (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - HKLM Winlogon: Shell - (Explorer.exe) - C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) O20 - Winlogon\Notify\!SASWinLogon: DllName - C:\Programme\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASWINLO.DLL - C:\Programme\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASWINLO.DLL (SUPERAntiSpyware.com) O20 - Winlogon\Notify\AtiExtEvent: DllName - Ati2evxx.dll - C:\WINDOWS\System32\ati2evxx.dll (ATI Technologies Inc.) O28 - HKLM ShellExecuteHooks: {5AE067D3-9AFB-48E0-853A-EBB7F4A000DA} - C:\Programme\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASSEH.DLL (SuperAdBlocker.com) O32 - HKLM CDRom: AutoRun - 1 O32 - AutoRun File - [2010.07.24 15:41:49 | 000,000,000 | ---- | M] () - C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT -- [ NTFS ] O32 - AutoRun File - [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,000,112 | R--- | M] () - I:\AUTORUN.INF -- [ CDFS ] O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found O35 - HKLM\..comfile [open] -- "%1" %* O35 - HKLM\..exefile [open] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...com [@ = comfile] -- "%1" %* O37 - HKLM\...exe [@ = exefile] -- "%1" %* NetSvcs: HidServ - File not found NetSvcs: Ias - File not found NetSvcs: Iprip - File not found NetSvcs: Irmon - File not found NetSvcs: NWCWorkstation - File not found NetSvcs: Nwsapagent - File not found NetSvcs: WmdmPmSp - File not found SafeBootMin: Base - Driver Group SafeBootMin: Boot Bus Extender - Driver Group SafeBootMin: Boot file system - Driver Group SafeBootMin: File system - Driver Group SafeBootMin: Filter - Driver Group SafeBootMin: PCI Configuration - Driver Group SafeBootMin: PNP Filter - Driver Group SafeBootMin: Primary disk - Driver Group SafeBootMin: SCSI Class - Driver Group SafeBootMin: sermouse.sys - Driver SafeBootMin: System Bus Extender - Driver Group SafeBootMin: vga.sys - Driver SafeBootMin: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} - Universal Serial Bus controllers SafeBootMin: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - CD-ROM Drive SafeBootMin: {4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - DiskDrive SafeBootMin: {4D36E969-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Standard floppy disk controller SafeBootMin: {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Hdc SafeBootMin: {4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Keyboard SafeBootMin: {4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Mouse SafeBootMin: {4D36E977-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - PCMCIA Adapters SafeBootMin: {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - SCSIAdapter SafeBootMin: {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - System SafeBootMin: {4D36E980-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Floppy disk drive SafeBootMin: {71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} - Volume SafeBootMin: {745A17A0-74D3-11D0-B6FE-00A0C90F57DA} - Human Interface Devices SafeBootNet: Base - Driver Group SafeBootNet: Boot Bus Extender - Driver Group SafeBootNet: Boot file system - Driver Group SafeBootNet: File system - Driver Group SafeBootNet: Filter - Driver Group SafeBootNet: NDIS Wrapper - Driver Group SafeBootNet: NetBIOSGroup - Driver Group SafeBootNet: NetDDEGroup - Driver Group SafeBootNet: Network - Driver Group SafeBootNet: NetworkProvider - Driver Group SafeBootNet: PCI Configuration - Driver Group SafeBootNet: PNP Filter - Driver Group SafeBootNet: PNP_TDI - Driver Group SafeBootNet: Primary disk - Driver Group SafeBootNet: SCSI Class - Driver Group SafeBootNet: sermouse.sys - Driver SafeBootNet: Streams Drivers - Driver Group SafeBootNet: System Bus Extender - Driver Group SafeBootNet: TDI - Driver Group SafeBootNet: vga.sys - Driver SafeBootNet: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000} - Universal Serial Bus controllers SafeBootNet: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - CD-ROM Drive SafeBootNet: {4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - DiskDrive SafeBootNet: {4D36E969-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Standard floppy disk controller SafeBootNet: {4D36E96A-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Hdc SafeBootNet: {4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Keyboard SafeBootNet: {4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Mouse SafeBootNet: {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Net SafeBootNet: {4D36E973-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - NetClient SafeBootNet: {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - NetService SafeBootNet: {4D36E975-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - NetTrans SafeBootNet: {4D36E977-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - PCMCIA Adapters SafeBootNet: {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - SCSIAdapter SafeBootNet: {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - System SafeBootNet: {4D36E980-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - Floppy disk drive SafeBootNet: {71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} - Volume SafeBootNet: {745A17A0-74D3-11D0-B6FE-00A0C90F57DA} - Human Interface Devices ActiveX: {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500} - Java (Sun) ActiveX: {10072CEC-8CC1-11D1-986E-00A0C955B42F} - Vektorgrafik-Rendering (VML) ActiveX: {2179C5D3-EBFF-11CF-B6FD-00AA00B4E220} - NetShow ActiveX: {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} - Microsoft Windows Media Player 6.4 ActiveX: {283807B5-2C60-11D0-A31D-00AA00B92C03} - DirectAnimation ActiveX: {2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED} - %SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:/UserInstall %SystemRoot%\system32\themeui.dll ActiveX: {36f8ec70-c29a-11d1-b5c7-0000f8051515} - Dynamic HTML-Datenbindung für Java ActiveX: {3af36230-a269-11d1-b5bf-0000f8051515} - Offline Browsing Pack ActiveX: {3bf42070-b3b1-11d1-b5c5-0000f8051515} - Uniscribe ActiveX: {3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6} - .NET Framework ActiveX: {4278c270-a269-11d1-b5bf-0000f8051515} - Erweitertes Authoring ActiveX: {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} - "%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\setup50.exe" /APP:OE /CALLER:WINNT /user /install ActiveX: {44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B} - rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\WINDOWS\INF\msnetmtg.inf,NetMtg.Install.PerUser.NT ActiveX: {44BBA848-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} - DirectShow ActiveX: {44BBA855-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015F} - DirectDrawEx ActiveX: {45ea75a0-a269-11d1-b5bf-0000f8051515} - Internet Explorer Help ActiveX: {4f216970-c90c-11d1-b5c7-0000f8051515} - DirectAnimation Java Classes ActiveX: {4f645220-306d-11d2-995d-00c04f98bbc9} - Microsoft Windows Script 5.7 ActiveX: {5056b317-8d4c-43ee-8543-b9d1e234b8f4} - Sicherheitsupdate für Windows XP (KB923789) ActiveX: {5945c046-1e7d-11d1-bc44-00c04fd912be} - rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\WINDOWS\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.QuietInstall.PerUser ActiveX: {5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000} - ICW ActiveX: {5fd399c0-a70a-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} - Internet Explorer Setup Tools ActiveX: {630b1da0-b465-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} - Browsing Enhancements ActiveX: {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} - Microsoft Windows Media Player ActiveX: {6fab99d0-bab8-11d1-994a-00c04f98bbc9} - MSN Site Access ActiveX: {73fa19d0-2d75-11d2-995d-00c04f98bbc9} - Web Folders ActiveX: {7790769C-0471-11d2-AF11-00C04FA35D02} - "%ProgramFiles%\Outlook Express\setup50.exe" /APP:WAB /CALLER:WINNT /user /install ActiveX: {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} - regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:U shell32.dll ActiveX: {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ie4uinit.exe -BaseSettings ActiveX: {89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} - DOTNETFRAMEWORKS ActiveX: {9381D8F2-0288-11D0-9501-00AA00B911A5} - Dynamic HTML Data Binding ActiveX: {ACC563BC-4266-43f0-B6ED-9D38C4202C7E} - ActiveX: {C09FB3CD-3D0C-3F2D-899A-6A1D67F2073F} - .NET Framework ActiveX: {C314CE45-3392-3B73-B4E1-139CD41CA933} - .NET Framework ActiveX: {C9E9A340-D1F1-11D0-821E-444553540600} - Internet Explorer Core Fonts ActiveX: {CC2A9BA0-3BDD-11D0-821E-444553540000} - Taskplaner ActiveX: {CDD7975E-60F8-41d5-8149-19E51D6F71D0} - Windows Movie Maker v2.1 ActiveX: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000} - Shockwave Flash ActiveX: {de5aed00-a4bf-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} - HTML Help ActiveX: {E92B03AB-B707-11d2-9CBD-0000F87A369E} - Active Directory Service Interface ActiveX: <{12d0ed0d-0ee0-4f90-8827-78cefb8f4988} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ieudinit.exe ActiveX: >{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} - C:\WINDOWS\inf\unregmp2.exe /ShowWMP ActiveX: >{26923b43-4d38-484f-9b9e-de460746276c} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ie4uinit.exe -UserIconConfig ActiveX: >{60B49E34-C7CC-11D0-8953-00A0C90347FF} - "C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iedkcs32.dll",BrandIEActiveSetup SIGNUP ActiveX: >{60B49E34-C7CC-11D0-8953-00A0C90347FF}MICROS - RunDLL32 IEDKCS32.DLL,BrandIE4 SIGNUP ActiveX: >{881dd1c5-3dcf-431b-b061-f3f88e8be88a} - %systemroot%\system32\shmgrate.exe OCInstallUserConfigOE Drivers32: msacm.iac2 - C:\WINDOWS\system32\iac25_32.ax (Intel Corporation) Drivers32: msacm.l3acm - C:\WINDOWS\system32\l3codeca.acm (Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen IIS) Drivers32: msacm.sl_anet - C:\WINDOWS\System32\sl_anet.acm (Sipro Lab Telecom Inc.) Drivers32: msacm.trspch - C:\WINDOWS\System32\tssoft32.acm (DSP GROUP, INC.) Drivers32: vidc.cvid - C:\WINDOWS\System32\iccvid.dll (Radius Inc.) Drivers32: vidc.iv31 - C:\WINDOWS\System32\ir32_32.dll () Drivers32: vidc.iv32 - C:\WINDOWS\System32\ir32_32.dll () Drivers32: vidc.iv41 - C:\WINDOWS\System32\ir41_32.ax (Intel Corporation) Drivers32: vidc.iv50 - C:\WINDOWS\System32\ir50_32.dll (Intel Corporation) CREATERESTOREPOINT Restore point Set: OTL Restore Point ========== Files/Folders - Created Within 30 Days ========== [2011.07.20 01:35:18 | 000,000,000 | -H-D | C] -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\GroupPolicy [2011.07.19 21:40:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\SUPERAntiSpyware.com [2011.07.19 21:40:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\SUPERAntiSpyware.com [2011.07.19 21:40:15 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\SUPERAntiSpyware [2011.07.19 19:08:44 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Malwarebytes [2011.07.19 19:08:24 | 000,041,272 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys [2011.07.19 19:08:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmenü\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware [2011.07.19 19:08:15 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Malwarebytes [2011.07.19 19:07:34 | 000,022,712 | ---- | C] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mbam.sys [2011.07.19 19:07:33 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware [2011.07.10 19:03:11 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\TS3Client [2011.07.10 18:57:49 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Startmenü\Programme\TeamSpeak 3 Client [2011.07.10 18:57:35 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Teamspeak 3 [2011.07.06 17:17:29 | 000,000,000 | R--D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Startmenü\Programme\Verwaltung [2011.06.24 15:38:44 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Locate [2011.06.24 15:24:33 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmenü\Programme\VideoLAN [2011.06.24 15:18:08 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Alldup Portable [2011.06.24 14:39:22 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Application Data [2011.06.24 14:38:55 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\MusicBrainz Picard [2011.06.23 13:55:00 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmenü\Programme\Mp3tag [2011.06.23 13:54:38 | 000,000,000 | ---D | C] -- C:\Programme\Mp3tag [4 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> ] [1 C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files - Modified Within 30 Days ========== [2011.07.20 19:33:57 | 000,013,646 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\wpa.dbl [2011.07.20 07:55:33 | 000,515,730 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh007.dat [2011.07.20 07:55:33 | 000,492,614 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh009.dat [2011.07.20 07:55:33 | 000,100,120 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc007.dat [2011.07.20 07:55:33 | 000,083,262 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc009.dat [2011.07.20 07:51:10 | 000,002,048 | --S- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\bootstat.dat [2011.07.20 01:36:31 | 000,006,144 | RHS- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\ntuser.pol [2011.07.19 21:40:18 | 000,001,649 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop\SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition.lnk [2011.07.19 20:36:22 | 000,000,512 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop\MBR.dat [2011.07.14 16:20:18 | 000,189,000 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [2011.07.13 22:23:57 | 000,001,374 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\imsins.BAK [2011.07.10 18:57:49 | 000,000,767 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop\TeamSpeak 3 Client.lnk [2011.07.06 19:52:42 | 000,041,272 | ---- | M] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys [2011.07.06 19:52:42 | 000,022,712 | ---- | M] (Malwarebytes Corporation) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\mbam.sys [2011.07.01 23:43:08 | 000,000,703 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk [2011.06.29 11:06:18 | 000,138,192 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\avipbb.sys [2011.06.29 11:06:18 | 000,066,616 | ---- | M] (Avira GmbH) -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\avgntflt.sys [2011.06.24 15:24:33 | 000,000,658 | ---- | M] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop\VLC media player.lnk [4 C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\*.tmp -> ] [1 C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\System32\*.tmp -> ] ========== Files Created - No Company Name ========== [2011.07.20 01:36:31 | 000,006,144 | RHS- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\ntuser.pol [2011.07.19 21:40:18 | 000,001,649 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop\SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition.lnk [2011.07.19 20:31:12 | 000,000,512 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop\MBR.dat [2011.07.10 18:57:49 | 000,000,767 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop\TeamSpeak 3 Client.lnk [2011.06.24 15:24:33 | 000,000,658 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop\VLC media player.lnk [2011.06.24 14:39:08 | 000,000,819 | ---- | C] () -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Startmenü\Programme\MusicBrainz Picard.lnk [2011.04.21 17:43:17 | 000,000,425 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\BRWMARK.INI [2011.04.21 17:41:40 | 000,000,050 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\bridf08b.dat [2011.04.21 17:34:56 | 000,031,864 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\maxlink.ini [2011.02.14 15:59:28 | 000,116,224 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\pdfcmnnt.dll [2010.09.24 21:06:57 | 000,000,056 | -H-- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\ezsidmv.dat [2010.07.24 16:29:53 | 000,004,161 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\ODBCINST.INI [2010.07.24 16:27:09 | 000,189,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [2010.07.24 16:14:50 | 000,000,000 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\nsreg.dat [2010.07.24 16:03:50 | 000,520,192 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\ati2sgag.exe [2010.07.24 15:56:10 | 000,001,024 | R--- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\jedih2rx.bin [2010.07.24 15:56:10 | 000,000,122 | R--- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\ramsed.bin [2010.07.24 15:56:08 | 000,018,253 | R--- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\ssnvfx.ini [2010.07.24 15:44:19 | 000,002,048 | --S- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\bootstat.dat [2010.07.24 15:38:56 | 000,021,740 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\emptyregdb.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 013,107,200 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\oembios.bin [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,673,088 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\mlang.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,515,730 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh007.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,492,614 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfh009.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,272,128 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfi009.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,269,480 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfi007.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,218,003 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\dssec.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,100,120 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc007.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,083,262 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfc009.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,046,258 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\mib.bin [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,034,478 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfd007.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,028,626 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\perfd009.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,004,569 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\secupd.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,004,461 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\oembios.dat [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,001,804 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\Dcache.bin [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,000,741 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\noise.dat [2006.04.28 22:05:14 | 000,127,614 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\atiicdxx.dat [2002.01.01 22:18:12 | 000,000,664 | ---- | C] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\d3d9caps.dat ========== LOP Check ========== [2011.05.27 20:44:04 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\foobar2000 [2011.02.17 18:08:54 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Foxit Software [2011.06.06 16:31:16 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Rovio [2011.02.17 17:56:15 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\Thunderbird [2011.07.10 19:08:24 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\TS3Client [2011.04.08 18:39:25 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Anwendungsdaten\uTorrent [2011.05.20 15:52:37 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\DAEMON Tools Lite [2011.03.24 16:48:07 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Rosetta Stone [2011.07.13 18:36:25 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\ScanSoft [2010.07.24 18:21:19 | 000,000,000 | ---D | M] -- C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\utorrent ========== Purity Check ========== ========== Custom Scans ========== < %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\*. > < %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\*.exe /s > Invalid Environment Variable: APPDATA Invalid Environment Variable: APPDATA < %SYSTEMDRIVE%\*.exe > < MD5 for: AGP440.SYS > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 020,108,202 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp3.cab:AGP440.sys < MD5 for: ATAPI.SYS > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 020,108,202 | ---- | M] () .cab file -- C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386\sp3.cab:atapi.sys [2008.04.14 00:10:32 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\atapi.sys [2008.04.14 00:10:32 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\atapi.sys [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,096,512 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=9F3A2F5AA6875C72BF062C712CFA2674 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\ReinstallBackups\0006\DriverFiles\i386\atapi.sys < MD5 for: EVENTLOG.DLL > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,056,320 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=04955AA695448C181B367D964AF158AA -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\eventlog.dll [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,056,320 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=04955AA695448C181B367D964AF158AA -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\eventlog.dll < MD5 for: NETLOGON.DLL > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,407,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=0098D35F91DEAB9C127360A877F2CF84 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\netlogon.dll [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,407,040 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=0098D35F91DEAB9C127360A877F2CF84 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\netlogon.dll < MD5 for: SCECLI.DLL > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,187,904 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=5132443DF6FC3771A17AB4AE55DCBC28 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\scecli.dll [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,187,904 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=5132443DF6FC3771A17AB4AE55DCBC28 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\scecli.dll < MD5 for: USER32.DLL > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,580,096 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B0050CC5340E3A0760DD8B417FF7AEBD -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\user32.dll [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,580,096 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=B0050CC5340E3A0760DD8B417FF7AEBD -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll < MD5 for: USERINIT.EXE > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,026,624 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=788F95312E26389D596C0FA55834E106 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\userinit.exe [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,026,624 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=788F95312E26389D596C0FA55834E106 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe < MD5 for: WINLOGON.EXE > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,513,024 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=F09A527B422E25C478E38CAA0E44417A -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\winlogon.exe [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,513,024 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=F09A527B422E25C478E38CAA0E44417A -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe < MD5 for: WS2IFSL.SYS > [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=6ABE6E225ADB5A751622A9CC3BC19CE8 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache\ws2ifsl.sys [2008.04.14 14:00:00 | 000,012,032 | ---- | M] (Microsoft Corporation) MD5=6ABE6E225ADB5A751622A9CC3BC19CE8 -- C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ws2ifsl.sys < %systemroot%\system32\drivers\*.sys /lockedfiles > < %systemroot%\System32\config\*.sav > [2010.07.24 17:26:31 | 000,094,208 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\default.sav [2010.07.24 17:26:31 | 001,089,536 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\software.sav [2010.07.24 17:26:31 | 000,458,752 | ---- | M] () -- C:\WINDOWS\System32\config\system.sav < %systemroot%\*. /mp /s > < %systemroot%\system32\*.dll /lockedfiles > [1 C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.tmp files -> C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.tmp -> ] < End of report > Code:
ATTFilter OTL Extras logfile created on: 20.07.2011 20:29:32 - Run 1 OTL by OldTimer - Version Folder = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 3 (Version = 5.1.2600) - Type = NTWorkstation Internet Explorer (Version = 8.0.6001.18702) Locale: 00000407 | Country: Deutschland | Language: DEU | Date Format: dd.MM.yyyy 767,49 Mb Total Physical Memory | 360,73 Mb Available Physical Memory | 47,00% Memory free 1,88 Gb Paging File | 1,41 Gb Available in Paging File | 74,76% Paging File free Paging file location(s): C:\pagefile.sys 1200 1200 [binary data] %SystemDrive% = C: | %SystemRoot% = C:\WINDOWS | %ProgramFiles% = C:\Programme Drive C: | 14,64 Gb Total Space | 1,90 Gb Free Space | 12,95% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive D: | 218,23 Gb Total Space | 1,62 Gb Free Space | 0,74% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive F: | 298,09 Gb Total Space | 2,91 Gb Free Space | 0,98% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive G: | 149,05 Gb Total Space | 2,61 Gb Free Space | 1,75% Space Free | Partition Type: NTFS Drive H: | 465,65 Gb Total Space | 1,70 Gb Free Space | 0,36% Space Free | Partition Type: FAT32 Drive I: | 591,06 Mb Total Space | 0,00 Mb Free Space | 0,00% Space Free | Partition Type: CDFS Computer Name: STECO | User Name: Administrator | Logged in as Administrator. Boot Mode: Normal | Scan Mode: Current user | Quick Scan Company Name Whitelist: On | Skip Microsoft Files: On | No Company Name Whitelist: On | File Age = 30 Days ========== Extra Registry (SafeList) ========== ========== File Associations ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .cpl [@ = cplfile] -- rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "%1",%* .html [@ = FirefoxHTML] -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (Mozilla Corporation) [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\<extension>] .html [@ = FirefoxHTML] -- C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (Mozilla Corporation) ========== Shell Spawning ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<key>\shell\[command]\command] batfile [open] -- "%1" %* cmdfile [open] -- "%1" %* comfile [open] -- "%1" %* cplfile [cplopen] -- rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL "%1",%* exefile [open] -- "%1" %* http [open] -- "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -requestPending -osint -url "%1" (Mozilla Corporation) https [open] -- "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -requestPending -osint -url "%1" (Mozilla Corporation) piffile [open] -- "%1" %* regfile [merge] -- Reg Error: Key error. scrfile [config] -- "%1" scrfile [install] -- rundll32.exe desk.cpl,InstallScreenSaver %l scrfile [open] -- "%1" /S txtfile [edit] -- Reg Error: Key error. Unknown [openas] -- %SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1 Directory [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) Folder [open] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /idlist,%I,%L (Microsoft Corporation) Folder [explore] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,/idlist,%I,%L (Microsoft Corporation) Drive [find] -- %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe (Microsoft Corporation) ========== Security Center Settings ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center] "FirstRunDisabled" = 1 "AntiVirusDisableNotify" = 0 "FirewallDisableNotify" = 0 "UpdatesDisableNotify" = 0 "AntiVirusOverride" = 0 "FirewallOverride" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\AhnlabAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\ComputerAssociatesAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\KasperskyAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\McAfeeAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\McAfeeFirewall] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\PandaAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\PandaFirewall] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\SophosAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\SymantecAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\SymantecFirewall] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\TinyFirewall] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\TrendAntiVirus] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\TrendFirewall] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Monitoring\ZoneLabsFirewall] ========== System Restore Settings ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore] "DisableSR" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Sr] "Start" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SrService] "Start" = 2 ========== Firewall Settings ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile] "DisableNotifications" = 0 "DoNotAllowExceptions" = 0 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile] "EnableFirewall" = 1 "DoNotAllowExceptions" = 0 "DisableNotifications" = 0 ========== Authorized Applications List ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List] "C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\support\bin\win\RosettaStoneLtdServices.exe" = C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\support\bin\win\RosettaStoneLtdServices.exe:*:Enabled:Rosetta Stone Ltd Services -- (Rosetta Stone Ltd. ) "C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" = C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\RosettaStoneVersion3.exe:*:Enabled:Rosetta Stone Version 3 Application -- (Multidmedia Limited ) [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List] "C:\Programme\Trillian\trillian.exe" = C:\Programme\Trillian\trillian.exe:*:Enabled:Trillian -- (Cerulean Studios) "C:\Programme\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe" = C:\Programme\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe:*:Enabled:µTorrent -- (BitTorrent, Inc.) "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop\utorrent.exe" = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop\utorrent.exe:*:Enabled:µTorrent -- (BitTorrent, Inc.) "C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avcenter.exe" = C:\Programme\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\avcenter.exe:*:Enabled:AntiVir starten -- (Avira GmbH) "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop\utorrent161.exe" = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Internet\Desktop\utorrent161.exe:*:Enabled:µTorrent "C:\Programme\SopCast\SopCast.exe" = C:\Programme\SopCast\SopCast.exe:*:Enabled:SopCast Main Application -- (www.sopcast.com) "C:\Programme\SopCast\adv\SopAdver.exe" = C:\Programme\SopCast\adv\SopAdver.exe:*:Disabled:SopCast Adver -- (www.sopcast.com) "C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\support\bin\win\RosettaStoneLtdServices.exe" = C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\support\bin\win\RosettaStoneLtdServices.exe:*:Disabled:Rosetta Stone Ltd Services -- (Rosetta Stone Ltd. ) "C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" = C:\Programme\Rosetta Stone Version 3\RosettaStoneVersion3.exe:*:Disabled:Rosetta Stone Version 3 Application -- (Multidmedia Limited ) "C:\Programme\MusicBrainz Picard\picard.exe" = C:\Programme\MusicBrainz Picard\picard.exe:*:Enabled:The next generation MusicBrainz tagger -- () ========== HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Uninstall List ========== [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "{0001B4FD-9EA3-4D90-A79E-FD14BA3AB01D}" = PDFCreator "{02570AE0-BEE0-4A6C-BE3F-D806E9F2EA17}" = ScanSoft PaperPort 11 "{052FDD78-A6EA-3187-8386-C82F4CA3A929}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - deu "{0A0CADCF-78DA-33C4-A350-CD51849B9702}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended "{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216021FF}" = Java(TM) 6 Update 24 "{2BC2781A-F7F6-452E-95EB-018A522F1B2C}" = PaperPort Image Printer "{350C97B3-3D7C-4EE8-BAA9-00BCB3D54227}" = WebFldrs XP "{37B3776C-6DE6-4DD4-9AC6-C14952083932}" = PDF-XChange Viewer "{3B321407-8558-4C72-86F6-C1E72AC9F8BA}" = Continuum "{3C3901C5-3455-3E0A-A214-0B093A5070A6}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile "{4A03706F-666A-4037-7777-5F2748764D10}" = Java Auto Updater "{6BF66AED-3EA4-4106-B240-5CE96C9B76B0}" = Brother MFL-Pro Suite DCP-195C "{90120000-0010-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Software Update for Web Folders (English) 12 "{90120000-0015-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Access MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-0016-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Excel MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-0018-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office PowerPoint MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-0019-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Publisher MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-001A-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Outlook MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-001B-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Word MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-001F-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (English) 2007 "{90120000-001F-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (French) 2007 "{90120000-001F-0C0A-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proof (Spanish) 2007 "{90120000-002C-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Proofing (English) 2007 "{90120000-0030-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 "{90120000-0044-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office InfoPath MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-006E-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Shared MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-00A1-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office OneNote MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-00BA-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Groove MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-0114-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Groove Setup Metadata MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-0115-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Shared Setup Metadata MUI (English) 2007 "{90120000-0117-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}" = Microsoft Office Access Setup Metadata MUI (English) 2007 "{981029E0-7FC9-4CF3-AB39-6F133621921A}" = Skype Toolbars "{99011A6E-5200-11DE-BDB8-7ACD56D89593}" = Rosetta Stone Version 3 "{A3051CD0-2F64-3813-A88D-B8DCCDE8F8C7}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2 "{B4092C6D-E886-4CB2-BA68-FE5A88D31DE6}_is1" = Spybot - Search & Destroy "{C09FB3CD-3D0C-3F2D-899A-6A1D67F2073F}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 "{C2C284D2-6BD7-3B34-B0C5-B2CAED168DF7}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2 Language Pack - DEU "{C314CE45-3392-3B73-B4E1-139CD41CA933}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 Language Pack - DEU "{C911A0C2-2236-3164-AA47-F2566C01AE5E}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended DEU Language Pack "{CDDCBBF1-2703-46BC-938B-BCC81A1EEAAA}" = SUPERAntiSpyware "{CE2CDD62-0124-36CA-84D3-9F4DCF5C5BD9}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 "{D103C4BA-F905-437A-8049-DB24763BBE36}" = Skype™ 4.2 "{F750C986-5310-3A5A-95F8-4EC71C8AC01C}" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile DEU Language Pack "Adobe Flash Player Plugin" = Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin "Album Art Downloader XUI" = Album Art Downloader XUI 0.37.1 "All ATI Software" = ATI - Software Uninstall Utility "ATI Display Driver" = ATI Display Driver "Avira AntiVir Desktop" = Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus "Clementine" = Clementine "DAEMON Tools Lite" = DAEMON Tools Lite "ENTERPRISE" = Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 "EVEREST Home Edition_is1" = EVEREST Home Edition v2.20 "FLAC" = FLAC 1.2.1b (remove only) "foobar2000" = foobar2000 v1.1.3 "Foxit Reader" = Foxit Reader "ie8" = Windows Internet Explorer 8 "Locate" = Locate32 "MagicDisc 2.7.106" = MagicDisc 2.7.106 "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware_is1" = Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Version "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - deu" = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Language Pack SP1 - DEU "Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1" = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile DEU Language Pack" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile DEU Language Pack "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended DEU Language Pack" = Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended DEU Language Pack "Mozilla Firefox 5.0 (x86 de)" = Mozilla Firefox 5.0 (x86 de) "Mozilla Thunderbird (3.1.7)" = Mozilla Thunderbird (3.1.7) "Mp3tag" = Mp3tag v2.48 "MusicBrainz Picard" = MusicBrainz Picard "NVIDIAnForce" = NVIDIA nForce Treiber für Windows 2000/XP "Plants vs. Zombies" = Plants vs. Zombies "SopCast" = SopCast 3.3.2 "Soulseek" = SoulSeek Client 156c "SSUtils" = NVIDIA nForce Utilities "Trillian" = Trillian "uTorrent" = µTorrent "VLC media player" = VLC media player 1.1.10 "WinRAR archiver" = WinRAR "XPSEPSCLP" = XML Paper Specification Shared Components Language Pack 1.0 "YTdetect" = Yahoo! Detect ========== HKEY_CURRENT_USER Uninstall List ========== [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall] "TeamSpeak 3 Client" = TeamSpeak 3 Client ========== Last 10 Event Log Errors ========== [ Application Events ] Error - 20.07.2011 14:20:24 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:12 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:23 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:33 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:44 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:54 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:22:05 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:22:58 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:23:13 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:24:21 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(00000240,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. [ Application Events ] Error - 20.07.2011 14:20:24 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:12 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:23 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:33 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:44 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:21:54 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:22:05 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:22:58 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001F0,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:23:13 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(000001BC,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. Error - 20.07.2011 14:24:21 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = VSS | ID = 12289 Description = Volumeschattenkopie-Dienstfehler: Unerwarteter Fehler "DeviceIoControl(00000240,0x0053c008,00039AD0,0,00038AC8,4096,[0])". hr = 0x800705aa. [ System Events ] Error - 19.07.2011 12:47:47 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = Disk | ID = 262151 Description = Fehlerhafter Block bei Gerät \Device\Harddisk0\D. Error - 19.07.2011 12:47:49 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = Disk | ID = 262151 Description = Fehlerhafter Block bei Gerät \Device\Harddisk0\D. Error - 19.07.2011 12:47:51 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = Disk | ID = 262151 Description = Fehlerhafter Block bei Gerät \Device\Harddisk0\D. Error - 19.07.2011 13:06:55 | Computer Name = STECO | Source = DCOM | ID = 10010 Description = Der Server "{D61A27C6-8F53-11D0-BFA0-00A024151983}" konnte innerhalb des angegebenen Zeitabschnitts mit DCOM nicht registriert werden. < End of report > avira findet immer noch den BOO/whistler und kann ihn nicht entfernen. werde jetzt GMER starten Geändert von kuku (20.07.2011 um 20:03 Uhr) |
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Themen zu BOO/Whistler.A, wie werde ich ihn wieder los? |
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